Construction Innovations Newsletter

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  • 8/8/2019 Construction Innovations Newsletter



  • 8/8/2019 Construction Innovations Newsletter


    Cover Story3 Introducing CM's newlyopenedConstruction InnovationsCenterD a r s6 Recognizing recent contributorswho helped to make the new

    CM facilities possible-Alumni8 Catchingup with four decadesofCMalumni from 1975 to 200216 Alumni news briefsS t l r dmh18 Newly graduatedstudentsheadup the CM career pathProgramNws21 The CCCE launchesaPartnershipProgram22 Achievements:CMgrants;student competitions23 CM's off-campusclasses

    Celebrating 'Innovation'New magazine heralds opening of new CM acilit iesWelcome to t h r C O ~ S I ~ U C ~ I O Hnnova l o r -a new format for news about the Ca l PolyConstructionManagement Department and itsstudents and alumnl. A t a transitional periodin th e life QIour department ,we ar c introduc-ing this publicar~on o keep all of you - ouralumni, supporters and Criei~ds up to datewithth e Inany changes on campus.

    In recent years, "Lnnovation" has kcomeacentral theme of uu r dcparrmcnl and our fac-ulty. Each of us h a s str~vrd o be a leaderin sclcclcd areas o l construction innovation bydeveloping a recogn~zed xperuse In ~ntegratedproject deliverymet hods,job site management.suslainability, specralty construcrion, housingissues or construction materials. Research,devetopment,and leaching in these and othercore disciplines will be enhanced by th e newConstrucuon Innovations Center.

    Before fall quatrcr began, the departmentmoved out of a 13,000-square-foot,50-year-olds p c e and into 30,000 square feet of offices.classrooms and labs deigned to support mod-erneducation in conslruc~ionmanagemem.In 2009. the Simpwn Strong-TieMate~ials

    Demons!ralbnLabwil l add an adrll1ional7,000quare feet tlo furthersupportCM and th e otherbur depanmcnts as an interdisriplinary facilityfor the entire College.None of thiswould have

    been possible without thc generous supporindustry and alumni donors.

    Our students continue to impress us wtheir talent, commitment and achieveme2007-2008saw thc largest CM graduating cever. an d all are cnjoyinggrcat opportunitiethey join the ranksof nearly 2,000 departmalumni who work ~mtionwidc. t was a yeaextraordinary success in student competitiAltogether, nearly 100students traveled oustate to codr ren ta and competi~ions.

    Our graduates have bigdw ms as heythe r anks oftheir alumni colIagu=, and threflected in th e stories of their collegia~e xrience. in his issue. you will read aboutgenerations of CM alumni: leaders in the cstruclion of this counrry's iconic buildinc ommun i ~ y ctivists, educators and yowomenwho arc breaking gndcr barriers.W e nvite you to attend th e October

    dedication of th e Construction InnovatCenter and meet with classmatesFrom ?our tatCal Poly.Thanks foryour ngoing intereCons~rucrionManagement at Cal Poly, andlook forward to seeinp,you soon.

    ALLIN J. H*LTK/~ .D . ,CPC

    Alumni, industry and state supportmakeCM projects possibleThe opening of the Construction InnovationsCenter is more than th e addition of space to theCM Vtpartmcnl, College andUniversity: 11 is atribute 10 a crtwive lunding prinership.

    This i s Cal Poly's first slrucIure lundedjointly by slate an d private donations, and thelist of thmc to thank is long.Californiavotcrss uppod the hond thaiprovided S25.4 millionfor the CM uilding, including renovations and

    This was a team effon. and we are gratlor the leadershipof CM Deparrment HeadHauck and JimRdger who were honoredasPoly'sCmt recipienlsol h e rouos~+seaderAward for Partnership i n Philanthropy.The cntircprojccr is the firstmajor addito the College in 25years, an d proridesusa dynamic facility for the next century. Cgra~ulat ionso all invoked as the College

    furnishing For three other College facilities. An univmity cclcbrare thiswonderful achimniOllfhrCQbm addIlional52.9 million was con~ributed y Col-The PdyConstruR'onManagement Iegealumni and industrypannt s, and CM IU-Department'sConsfrucflon lnnwatlonsCenteropened insummer 200B. dcnts rlcdica~cd$300,000 from College BasedFccsk r spccia l i id iw~ruct ionalurnishings. R. TnohliuJonrsI/ DUN


  • 8/8/2019 Construction Innovations Newsletter


    Fall grand opening slated forConstruction InnovationsCenterOctober4.2008 will mark the dedication ofConstructionManagemncnt's ncw home: TheC o n s ~ r u c ~ i o nnnovations Center. CAEDDean Tom ones is particularly proudor h ecohbmtionamongrhc state, thc Univcrsiqr,alumni andwrporau:donors,

    'We were able to create a wide partner-ship which has resulted tn thc very bestlacil i t y imaginable for Ih t departmen1andthe Coilege."

    Department Herd A1 Hauck now. "A isone of only a handful of buildings in ;beUnited States designed specifically tor aConstruction Management Depar lrnent."

    Th e Capital Campaign, which is stillunderway lo completely furnish tbc labs, ha sa l l w ed the collegeanddepartment torecon-nect with alumni and their broad base ofsupponers."It isnotable that therehavebetngenerous gifis from architecture alumni inadditionw the suppor~ I CM grads," says

    Tom Jones.Thii shows hevalue the entirecollegead tsgduales placeona strongCMdepartment and on greater coliaboratinnsamong Ibc built envirotlment professions."

    A1 Hauck adds, "We ar e gatelul to allthose who committed money, ittle andenc,rgy to make this project the very bestpossible."The privateZundingwasessen~iallor the creation ol space for unique edu-cational experirnccs.cohmrvuEDN AGE 4

    CM's new ConstructionInnovationsCenterwasdesigned by architectsA u s t ~ n eu m RobbinsPartners and built byStraubConstruction.Both firms are basedink n iego.AENDERW m WAUShNW M oeslNS PARWERS


  • 8/8/2019 Construction Innovations Newsletter


    Input from indusrv, alumni, faculty andth e Ch4 Industry Advisory C n m m i t t c tinfluenced the curriculum-ccntcrcd design.Inherent was the need Tor suf ic ie t~t lexibilityto accotntnotlete luiure industry and aduca-tiunal drv c l upmt n i s . The new conceptfocused un cohorts of 24 s~udcntswho willbe 'in rcsidcncc" in a scricsof hbs- shihfrom previouslecture-dominatedducation.

    The jabs are each dedicated toa differentsector of the construction industty and arctied 10 an integrated approach to teaching.These tulmina~en an nterdisciplinary lab

    that combinesCM. rchitccturc and Archi-tectural I!ngineering majors to preparc. allthree tor a tuture of professional collabora-tion. In addition ro rhc labs an d supporlingclassroums. private runding allowed t liedcpartmcnt to provide administra~ivr pacefor the Calilornin Ccutcr fu r Constructionducati inn (CCGE) s a c l l as in~erviewrootns, cot~fcrcnccmnms andfacultyofit-.

    N o one sppreclates the move more thanBill Brown, the progra~n'sirst director from1970-1978.Rtfleclingon38years orhistory,Bill says it would have h c n hard 10 imagine

    2006 groundbreaattendees includfrom left)CMDepHead A l Haurk, foDepartment HeadRodger an d Bill Brdonor Nick W~ t rPresidentWarrendonor Rob Rossi, CTam Jones and InProvost Robert DeA l recently movednew office (left].

    when the firstclassgrduatad in 1972 thpronram would have progreswd XI quHe aid the lvitndatiun. but is quick tothe hardworkand srnarl decisionsordlrlent hetldsjim Rodger (1986-2002)anauck (2002-present)."Theyhired thbc~ t l t yndmade the advances in thr cilum." hc.snys. "This Imilding is a t ribwhat has bccn arcompllslied."

    Th c ilctlication or th e ConstruInnovations Ccntcr wil l occur whilecommences on t h u Simpsun StronMaterials Dc~nonstration ab.


  • 8/8/2019 Construction Innovations Newsletter


    Ir ~ ~ r n o pean{above).Angu la r rieta~lsand s n openfloor willw ~ l c o r n e ~l;ltorsI

    o CM's lobby(leftl.

    ' noth- example of industry gcneros-ity," aysTom J o m f the lead@I. 'This labwill be cntirely funded through privategihs and, while located in the Constructioninnovations Center. i t will serve faculty ~ i ~ dstudents from the entire College."

    The subjecr of construction mnlcrials isregarded sr one of ihc fundamcnlal multi-discipliic educationalareas.The design ollhcMaterials Demonslmtion Lab illustrates ~bisthrough the use and display of a varltty dmaterials and componenb. Visitors to theConstruction Innovations Center will have

    The buildingframes viewsL W_L n.-l~

    th e opportunity to witness more nboutanother theme of the Simpson S~rong-TieLab: susta inab ili~y.

    Takingadvanlagc orrecentchanges to thebuildingcode &at allow heavy limber asmnopiion for a commercial or ins~i~utionalbuilding,donationsof timber m aterials lromCalifornia growers and manufaciurcrs willallow Cal Poly to demonstratethc usf of thisre tle.wablc resource in a large-scalebuilding.Through a unique partnershipwith CAI Poly'sCollege o f Agriculture, Food and Environ-mcntsl Science, the SimpsvnLbwill demon-

    W h o r Cgmrnercd8uildnGranite~ .on~ ruc t i onv yCivilLab 'Cuphitino ElertricSpeciatty~mkructimW'LE .Writ CbIIStr~ctionobManagerrlentLabOlsonCompany MegratedP r w tM i s s d

    SuQPMtlngteachiags pmma Wob R m l Founder'sHallDPR C4nstwaianClassroo

    strate the mutesupply chain rromgrowth ina cer~ifidorest, through iilanulacturing anddesign, to installation in a finished building-all part ola process designed to h s flcx-iblc as r is swtainable.

    Preparingfor a new ycnr in a new build-ing,A1 Hawk reflects:"A new facilily , agrearfaculty, nndbreakinggroundon theSimpsonStronrTie Lab; the future looks bright lorConstructionManagement.-= Please j o i n CM /or the Co~~s l ruc t i on

    Innovalions Cerltcr Dedlraiion CeremonyO c t o h 4-5. See Cvtnt details, back cmer.


  • 8/8/2019 Construction Innovations Newsletter
