Constructivism and Propaganda “Not a minute Of idleness, Not a penny's worth Of defects.

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Constructivism and Propaganda

“Not a minute

Of idleness,

Not a penny's worth

Of defects

In film

Dzigi Vertov

“Cinema Eye”

In ArchitectureThe first Constructivist building. Leningrad (St

Petersburg) – the Palace of Culture (Dom Kultury)


Workers and peasants united

(Hammer and Sickle)

Live Action

Mass exercise in the morning

In neat rows

Sportswomen on parade


More neat rows


“Religion is a poison –

protect the children”

Everything is Perfect in the New State

“Soviet means first-rate”

The Leader

“Soviets and Electrification

are the foundation of

the new world”

May Day Poster

“Workers of the world unite”

“Long live the International Union of

the Proletariat”

Train Propaganda

Agit-Prop Trains
