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Consultancy Service Project

Development of a 3-year Strategic Framework and Action Plan For

Reduction of Violence Against Children (VAC) in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program

UNICEF Jordan Country Office Ministry of Education

August 2018

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program


Table of Contents

General Definitions ..............................................................................................................................4 Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................7 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................10

A. “Strategic Framework and Action Plan” Goals ..................................................................................................... 10

B. “Strategic Framework and Action Plan” Designing Methodolgy .......................................................................... 11

First Part: Situational Analysis ........................................................................................................14 1.1 Ma’An Program Timeline in Violence Reduction and the Accompanying Achievements ............... 14

1.2 Stakeholders and Implementing Partners Map .................................................................................. 18

1.3 Way Forward ..................................................................................................................................... 19

1.3.1 Proposed Opportunities in Light of the Current Situation ..................................................................... 19

1.3.2 Benchmarks with Other Local Programs ............................................................................................... 32

1.3.3 Main Facts and Principles for Sustaining VAC prevention efforts at Schools ....................................... 34

Part Two: Rationale and Overall Structure of Strategic Framework ..........................................36 2.1 Strategic Framework Vision .............................................................................................................. 36

2.2 Strategic Framework Basic Guiding Principles ................................................................................. 37

2.3 Strategic Pillars (Main and Subsidiary) ............................................................................................. 38

2.4 Strategic Goals and Objectives .......................................................................................................... 39

2.5 Logical Framework Matrix ................................................................................................................ 40

Part Three: Executive Plan for Implementation.............................................................................42 3.1 Description of Initiatives and Required Resources for Implementation During the Coming Years . 42

3.2 Proposed Targeting Mechanism ........................................................................................................ 57

3.3 Summary of the Institutionalization Process of Ma’An Program ..................................................... 61

3.4 Proposed Performance Indicators for M&E ...................................................................................... 67

3.4.1Third Level Indicators (Vision Level) ..................................................................................................... 68

3.4.2 Second Level Indicators (Strategic Objectives Level) ............................................................................ 68

3.4.3 Some of First Level indicators (Initiatives Level) ................................................................................. 70

3.5 Cross- Cutting National Plans with Strategic Framework ................................................................. 70

3.6 Assumptions and Success Factors for Strategic Framework Implementation ................................... 73

Annexes ........................................................................................................................................75 A. List of Reviewed Documents ................................................................................................................ 76

B. First Deliverable –Inception Report ...................................................................................................... 78

C. List of Meetings and Focus Groups ....................................................................................................... 79

D. Pictures from Focus Group Discussions ................................................................................................ 80

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 3

E. List of Attendees for Strategic Framework Workshops ........................................................................ 81

F. Workshops’ Exercises ........................................................................................................................... 86

G. Ma’An Campaign Initiatives Development Plan ............................................................................... 87

H. Meetings and Focus Groups Tools (Directed Questions) ...................................................................... 89

I. Reviewed Benchmarks .......................................................................................................................... 90

J. Summary of Current Committees and Councils .................................................................................... 92

K. Comparison between Strategic Framework Components and Theory of Change ................................. 98

Table of Figures

Figure 1 : Development Timeline in Violence Reduction Against Children in Schools .................................... 14 Figure 2 : Tarbiyeh Program Success Factors .................................................................................................. 16 Figure 3 : Current Stakeholders Map ............................................................................................................... 18 Figure 4 : Cross-Cutting Initiatives/Programs that can Servce Ma’An Program .............................................. 33 Figure 5 : Success Factors for a Number of Schools in Violence Reduction ..................................................... 35 Figure 6 : Strategic Pillars for the Strategic Framework and Action Plan ........................................................ 38 Figure 7 : Strategic Framework Logical Framework ........................................................................................ 40 Figure 8 : Proposed Targeting Mechanism for Ma’an Program in its new structure ....................................... 58 Figure 9 : Required Changes for Institutionalization at the Central Level ...................................................... 65 Figure 10 : Summary of Institutionalization Process Map at all Levels ............................................................. 66 Figure 11 Cross-Cutting National Plans with VAC Reduction Strategic Framework ....................................... 71 Figure 12 : Cross-Cutting Matrix Between Strategic Framework Objectives and National Plans Objectives ... 72

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 4

General Definitions The following terms in this document shall have the definitions assigned to them unless the context indicates


Ministry: Ministry of Education

Minister: Minister of Education

Directorate: Education Directorate/ Governorate/District/Region

Violence:1 The intentional use of force, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group, that results in injury, death, mal-development or deprivation.” Hence, violence is any attack against others that causes, or may cause physical or psychological harm or pain.

Violence against Children2: all forms of physical or mental violence, injury and abuse, neglect or Children negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse.While in the care of the parent (s), the legal guardian (s), or any other person who undertakes to care for the child.

Physical Violence :3 The use or threat of physical force which results in actual or potential physical harm. Such as beating, bruising, punching, biting or burning by throwing incendiary, caustic or deformed substances, and also any other acts that may cause physical harm to the body

Corporal Punishment :4 Is any punishment in which physical force is used, and it is intended to inflict a certain degree of pain or injury, no matter how severe.

Case Management :5 Is a work methodology based on the needs and requirements of the hurted/abused case. It includes planning, evaluating, coordinating, directing, supervising, monitoring and providing the required services in coordination with the relevant partners by using a series of procedures that define responsibilities and roles from the reception of the situation to closure.

Positive Behaviour :6 Is the expected behavior of the student, which is consistent with the goals, values, regulations, educational systems and norms prevailing in the educational community.

1 Based on the "National Framework for Family Protection Against Domestic Violence” 2 Based on Article 19 of Child Rights Convention 3 Based on the "National Framework for Family Protection Against Domestic Violence” 4 Based on the general comment No.8 on Child Rights Convention 5 Based on the "National Framework for Family Protection Against Domestic Violence” 6 Based on the definitions inserted within the Students’ Code of Conduct for Public Educational Institutions in United Arab Emirates

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 5

Behaviour Change or

Modification :7

A set of educational and therapeutic methods and programs aimed at positive change in student behavior, reducing the possibility of committing violations, and raising the level of positive and distinct behavior.

Bullying :8 Any form of deliberate, verbal, physical or verbal abuse or abuse, intimidation or threat by a student or group of students towards one or more students, or towards school workforces and repeatedly.

School Community : It includes students and everyone who works in the educational institution (school) and has a relationship with it and affects the behavior of the student, including the guardian/parent.

Strategic Planning Defintions :9

Benchmarking : Is a mechanism and method of learning aimed at learning from others by observing the models and methods of excellence of those with expertise in specific fields or from the same sector in order to reach new ideas that contribute to development.

Vision Statement : Is a long-term view of the desired future state, based on values and beliefs and usually in the form of a short phrase that answers four specific questions: where does the entity see itself after years, what it provides, for what, and in what area.

Basic Guiding Principles : Are the basic constants that govern the processes of (development and implementation of the strategic plan and its follow-up and evaluation) and represent the original real drivers on which to base policy development, processes and procedures, and the formulation of initiatives.

Strategic Pillars: Are general details of the strategic pillars under which the strategic goals are represented and which represent a package of long-term objectives to be sought and achieved.

Strategic Goals: Is a package of long-term goals that fall under the strategic pillar and serve as its general details/descriptions and usually ‘objectives' fall under the goals. The goals present the ends to be sought and achieved.

Strategic Objectives: Fall under the strategic goals and are usually short-term where achieving a set of objectives means achieving a goal and achieve a set of strategic goals contribute to the realization of vision.

7 Based on the definitions inserted within the Students’ Code of Conduct for Public Educational Institutions in United Arab Emirates 8Based on the definitions inserted within the Students’ Code of Conduct for Public Educational Institutions in United Arab Emirates 9Based on excellence criteria defintions of the European Foundation for Quality Management

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 6

Initiatives/Activities: A group of projects / ideas needed to achieve the listed objective.

Indicator: A unit of information that can be measured over a given period of time and helps to show the changes occurring in that case, and is an indication of a quantitative or qualitative variable factor that provides a basis for assessing achievement or change in performance.

Stakeholders: Any person, institution or group of individuals having a direct or indirect interest in reducing violence against children in schools and influencing and getting influenced by the decisions taken in this regard, and includes key stakeholders from the target groups, beneficiaries and implementers, and external stakeholders (governmental and non-governmental bodies, Donors / supporters, and partners in implementation).

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 7

Executive Summary

"Some people think that discipline and beating are the same, and some parents think that their children's lack of respect for the school rules, or attack on his teacher are acceptable! There is no place for violence between us. ... There are alternatives to teach discipline for a student, ensuring his dignity, as well as preserving the teacher image "

From the speech of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah during the launchOf the National Campaign

"Ma’An ... Towards a Safe School Environment" 18/11/2009

Violence is a behavioral pattern that has evolved over time in terms of concepts, motives, causes, forms or effects. Violence against children is defined according to the national framework for family protection against domestic violence:

“Violence, physical or mental abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, abuse or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while the child is in the care of the parent (s), guardian (s) or any other person who undertakes to care for the child.”

Recently, The violence at schools has been the focus of attention due to the noticeable spread of this phenomenon and the increase in its intensity and the diversity of forms, types and appearances, which called for the need for paying attention to this phenomenon and addressing it. Especially as the school is considered as the second social institution of importance after the family in terms of its position in influencing and caring for the child, refining his personality and behavior, and developing his skills, talents and abilities, and providing him with information and knowledge. The overall goal of education is to build upright and capable citizens in their society. Which requires from the schools’ principals, educational counselors and teachers to rely on the correct educational and guidance methods for achieving school discipline and creating a safe environment conducive to the process of positive learning and safety insurance for all segments of school community.

And for the commitment to international conventions ratified by the Kingdom, and in accordance with the directives of the wise Hashemite leadership, and for the implementation of the religious principles of tolerance, and the achievement of the goals and principles and values of higher education; The Ministry of Education has carried out along with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF),and in cooperation with a number of partners, the largest campaign of its kind at the national level, " Ma’An Campaign... Towards a Safe School Environment". That was with the aim of reducing levels of violence and promoting the use of positive educational methods to guide and modify behavior in Ministry schools. Where it was officially launched under the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah in November 2009. This campaign has been going on for over six years now and has been characterized by several initiatives that have radically enabled it to shift views from the "reluctant acceptance" of violence against children in schools and in society and the need to combat it to the state of "clear acceptance" of this fact, and sincere work towards reducing that type of violence.

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And in response to the need of the Ministry and the UNICEF to sustain their previous efforts in implementing Ma’An Campaign in reducing violence at schools and at both the institutional and operational levels; this mission has been undertaken to develop a "Strategic Framework and Action Plan to reduce violence against children at schools".

This strategic framework will serve as a road map covering the coming period between 2019 and 2021, and will demonstrate how to build on the success factors and existing opportunities to ensure sustainability and comprehensive institutionalization of efforts to reduce violence within the structure of Ministry of Education and at all levels; Ministry center, directorates and schools. And also to ensure the Ministry’s efficient and full independent administration of violence reduction activities in terms of: activities identification, funding, implementation and following up for the years beyond 2021. It is worth mentioning that the responsible consulting firm– has depended in the development of this "strategic framework and work plan"on a scientific approach, based on best practices in strategic planning presented by a participatory approach in the building up of all components of the framework and action plan with the working team of the Ministry and all relevant bodies. This was conducted through several focus group discussions, one-to-one meetings and participatory workshops. Which were coordinated after reviewing and analyzing all relevant documents and reports to violence reduction efforts against children. Additionally, the development process was based on a set of basic facts and inevitable issues as: the Ministry's absolute rejection of violence in all forms, the consensus on the necessity of Ma’An program continuity, and the need to expand the framework of violence reduction against children to include all types of violence, whether that between the members of school community (bulleying, student to teacher/administrator, teacher/administrator to student) or (student exposed to violence from the family) or even that violence towards the physical school environemnt from (builidings, classrooms, etc.). In addition to the need to focus and give priority to working with male schools and other addressed facts. As a result, the strategic framework came out with a vision to achieve the overall safety of students and all members of the school community and in a comprehensive matter of providing the appropriate physical environment free of risks and reducing the abuse and violence and stimulating interaction and positive behavior among all elements of the school community by sharing the guidance and counselling tasks between counsellors, counselling principles and teachers.

Furthermore, the set framework will be focusing on a group of basic guiding principles to govern implementation presented by: focus on student positive change and internal controls development to reflect a high sense of self-discipline on a permanent basis, as well as to the complementarity of roles between the family, school and society, and respect for children's rights and the promotion of justice principles among all groups of school society.

This report presents the components of the "Strategic Framework and Action Plan" in all its details, where:

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 9

The first section will provide an overview of the situational anaylsis of Ma’an Program path in

violence reduction at schools with all the achievements and opportunities that can be built upon to sustain the efforts and achieve the desired achievement. It will also present some benchmark resuls with other local programs that have managed to institutionalize and sustain their efforts within the Ministry’s structure.

The second section articulates on the rationale and overall structure of the strategic framework for reducing violence against children in schools. Including the vision, basic guiding principles, strategic pillars, strategic goals and objectives and a summary of the strategic framework within the logical framework matrix.

And in light of the general goals and strategic objectives of the framework, the third and final section is presented to illustrate the operational action plan stating the suggested initiatives/activities and expected required resources for implementation over the next three years (weather in terms of roles and responsibilities, financial or material resources or time period). In addition to some proposed indicators for following-up and evaluation of framework level of implementation.

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 10


A. “Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in

Schools” Goals

The "Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence against Children in Schools" for the coming three years 2019-2021, was initiated in response to the need of the Ministry of Education and UNICEF to sustain their previous efforts in implementing Ma’An program and reducing the violence against children in schools. And at both, the operational and institutional level, and in a manner that ensures sustainability in achieving the required goals to continue the reduction of violence levels at schools. Thus, this framework will set a road map for the coming three years to illustrate how:

1. To institutionalize the program and all efforts to reduce violence in schools within the framework / structure of the Ministry of Education and at all levels (center, directorates, schools) as well as achieving the institutional coordination required at various levels

2. To build on the success factors, objectives, strategic directions and possible opportunities to improve the program's working tools to ensure its continuity, success and achievement of the best results

3. To identify the roles and responsibilities of key partners and stakeholders during the next three years and beyond

4. To identify required resources for implementation (time and cost) as well as monitoring and evaluation indicators to ensure effective application

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 11

B. “Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in

Schools” Designing Methodolgy

The development of the "Strategic Framework and Action Plan" has been based on a scientific approach that is used to develop the strategic vision, directions and objectives towards reaching the operational work plan. This entailed the following:

√ Collection of all data and documents associated with Ma’An program and available at all parties

√ Review and analyzis of all obtained documents

√ Meetings, discussion groups and workshops with stakeholders foucsed upon the use of all available ideas and benefit of participants' experiences

√ Building on past experiences and best practices in strategic planning

While; the development phases for the “Strategic Framework and Action Plan” have included;

Part Two: Rationale and

Overall Structure of Strategic Framework

Setting Framework Vision, Basic Guiding Principles and Strategic Pillars

Formulating Strategic Goals and Objectives Forming the Logical Framework Matrix

Part One:

Situational Analysis

Studying of Program Development Timeline Specification of Stakeholders Map Presenting main research outputs about current

status and recommended opportunities towards institutionalization

Main Facts and priniciples for sustaining VAC reduction efforts

Part Three:

Executive Plan for Implementation

Preparing an exectuive plan describing needed initiatives for implementation during the coming three years and needed reseources

Proposed Targeting Mechanism Proposed Performance Indicators for M&E

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 12

The designing methodology for the strategic framework and work plan was based on multi- methods of desk and field research. Where, in the desk research, a number of different data sources10 and national related plans were revised after being obtained from Ministry and UNICEF. While, research outputs were presented in the first deliverable of the consulting mission-“Inception Report”11.

In the course of the working methodology, the consultative team has ensured that the strategic framework and action plan are the forefront of joint efforts between the consulting body, the working team of the Ministry and all concerned parties. In addition to focusing on enriching the process of situational analysis by additional findings from the field research12 to ensure accuracy of findings.

The adoped participatory approach was based on the following items:

1. Holding seven focus groups with:

- All heads of educational counselling departments in the North, Central and South Education Directorates

(Total: 3 focus groups)

- A number of advocacy groups from various schools13 from the North, Central and South Education Directorates

(Total: 4 focus groups, including at least 100 participants from the heads of counselling departments, schools principles, counsellors, teachers, students and representatives of educational development councils)

2. Holding not less than 10 one-to-one meetings with:

- Ma’An Program Implementers

(Ministry, UNICEF and UNRWA)

- Partners

(Sharek Academy, Association of Queen Rania Al Abdullah Award for Excellence in Education, Queen Rania Training Academy, Queen Rania Center for Information Technology, National Council for Family Affairs, Save the Children, Madrasati Initiative, Jordan River Foundation, Royal Health Awareness Society )

10 Annex A (List of Reviewed Documents) 11 Annex B (Consulting Mission First Deliverable-Inception Report) 12 Annex C (list of meetings, FGDs covered in Field Research) 13 The following was considered upon sample selection: Making sure to have (male and female schools, rural and urban schools, one shift and double shift schools)

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 13

3. Holding not less than 4 briefing meetings with:

- MOE Upper management - Ma’An Program Technical Team - UNICEF

4. Holding a two-day workshop between 13-14th May in the presence of Ma’An program technical team and

MOE representatives from (Queen Rania Center for Information Technology, Financial Affairs Management and Human Resources Management) and a selected14 group of focus group discussions’ participants. Where the workshop has aimed to present and approve the research findings then to formulate the logical framework components from vision, basic guiding principles, strategic goals and objectives.

5. Holding a one-day workshop on the 9th Aug in the presence of Ma’An program technical team and MOE representatives from (Financial Affairs Management, Human Resources Management, Training Management and Quality and Accountaibility Unit) and a selected group of ‘Counselling Departments Heads’ at MOE directorates. Where the workshop has aimed to involve the team in allocating the required resources for the action plan from (roles and responsibilities, required periods for implementation).

5. Receiving and discussing the feedback and comments of the working team from MOE and UNICEF over the preliminary and final deliverables and throughout all phases.

During the span of framework design, special attention was provided towards studying and analyzing the various reactions raised through the social communication platforms over a number of publications and messages sent by the Minister of Education regarding violent behavior in schools. This included videos, posters about bullying and letters of guidance to school students and others. The major aim behind that was to monitor the greatest number of stakeholder views and also find out some opportunities for improvement as suggested by stakeholders.

14 Annex D (list of Workshops Attendees)

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 14

First Part: Situational Analysis

1.1 Ma’An Program Timeline in Violence Reduction Against Children in Schools and the Accompanying Achievements and Opportunities to build upon to Sustain Efforts and Achieve Desired Outcomes

In 2009, UNICEF in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, have launched the largest initiative to reduce violence against children in schools at the national-level under the name of "Ma’An ... Towards a Safe School Environment". This was based on the results and recommendations of a needs assessment15 conducted back in 2007 which identified the rates of violence against children at home, district and school. And, the results of the survey conducted within that national study showed that:

More than two-thirds of children in Jordan are subjected to verbal abuse by their parents and teachers,

About a third of children are physically abused by their parents, more than half by school teachers and administrators…..

More than half of the parents believe that corporal punishment has a positive impact on the child's education, and is important to be used to control the child's behavior at home or at school.

Following the development timeline of the Ministry's efforts to reduce violence in general and in “Ma’An

Program” in specific, we find the following:

Figure 1 : Development Timeline in Violence Reduction Against Children in Schools

15 Violence Against Children Study, 2007, UNICEF and NCFA

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 15

The Ministry has officially began to ban corporal punishment in its schools based on the “Student Discipline Instructions” of 1981. The instructions provided that the school should not resort to corporal, psychological or emotional punishment in any way, and not to make fun or hurt the feelings of the student for any reason, and not to humiliate the student in any way, and not to resort to the method of collective punishment of an offense committed by a student or a certain group of them.

In order to monitor the extent and spread of violence in Jordan, the previously mentioned national study on this phenomenon was conducted in 2007 and was supported by the (UNICEF) in Jordan, and revealed at that time the need to place this phenomenon within the national priority issues.

Accordingly, Ma’an campaign was jointly launched in the first semester of 2009/2010 school year under the basic goal of "Making Schools Safe for Children". To achieve this, the campaign aimed at:

First: Changing social norms related to violence against children

Second: Educate teachers about their rights and responsibilities

Third: Enhancing accountability among those responsible for protecting children from violence

Activities were designed to reach all public schools, UNRWA schools and military schools in all governorates, covering males, females and mixed schools (and all those of single and double shifted schools, in host communities and camps). This was characterized by the implementation of three parallel tracks of strategic activities that focused on:

1) Schools To promote positive measures in achieving discipline and modifying students’ behavior by teachers 2) Community Involvement To advocate for the reduction of violence at schools 3) Media Participation To spread knowledge and awareness about the campaign

According to the data of Ma’An online survey system, the number of schools participating in the program by 2016 reached 3241 public schools, 115 double shift schools for Syrian children, 40 military schools and 168 UNRWA schools.

Media Participation

Community Involvement

Schools Activities


Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 16

The campaign implementation has included several initiatives conducted during the years 2009-2016, which varied between: (Guidance letters by the Minister for teachers and students, creation of advocacy groups to support implementation, launching of a special media campaign, development of an online survey system to measure violence at the school level, running “Tarbiyeh program” for behavior modification, advocacy groups capacity building and others) as outlined in Ma’An Program’s initiatives development map16.

“Tarbiyeh program” for behavior modification was implemented under the umbrella of Ma’An Campaign between 2013-2015 in nearly 50 schools through Sharek Academy. It has been distinguished through its enhancement of positive social behaviors among teachers and students through rewards and other factors that have led to the program overall success such as:

Figure 2 : Tarbiyeh Program Success Factors

This was followed by the final external evaluation of the campaign17 in 2016/2017 to assess the relevancy, efficiency and effectiveness of the campaign over six years of implementation. Where the results of the evaluation showed that the campaign has contributed to the reduction of verbal and physical violence in all target groups. Where there was a 43% decrease in verbal violence and 47% in physical violence. The impact has appeared in the clear shift of perspectives from the "reluctant acceptance" of the fact regarding the existence of violence against children in schools (and in society) to the "clear acceptance" of this fact and considering that as a problem requiring immediate and comprehensive solutions. Though the campaign was being criticized for being carried out without a special exit strategy or sustainability plan that would ensure continued efforts towards violence reduction in schools.

16 Annex E (Ma’An Program Initiatives Development Map) 17 Final Evaluation Report for Ma’An Campaign, 2017, aan associates, Pakistan

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 17

Recently, by the end of 2017, the Ministry has:

Implemented further steps supporting the efforts of violence reduction against children and conducive to the sustainability of the Program's work and even to the expansion of its


This was represented through:

- Launching the new Code of Coduct/Charter for educational institutions which aims at regulating the relationship within the school environment to reach a safe educational relationship, free of violence and stimulating Creativity

- Training on code of conduct development - Signing a special protocol with Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation and UNICEF for

the purpose of institutionalizing Ma’An campaign, its strengthening at the directorates and expanding its implementation to the Za’atari and Azraq camps

- Forming a technical committee to prepare the draft procedures for dealing with domestic violence cases

Recently, in March 2018, “ the plan for Changing Norms and Behavior to End Physical Violence against children in Jordan” was launched for the years 2019-2021. And in cooperation with the National Council for Family Affairs and the UNICEF and to serve as a comprehensive cross-sectoral plan to drive changes in attitudes and behaviors towards violence reduction against children - particularly of the physical type - at the institutional, individual and societal levels. This to be achieved through a collaborative approach based on partners’ points of strength and resources and especially: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Awqaf, Ministry of Social Development, Public Security Directorate, National Council for Family Affairs and the private sector.

At this time, these achievements need to be pursued in order to ensure their continuity and its strengthening, especially with that strong commitment within the Ministry of Education towards addressing the causes and manifestations of violence against children.

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1.2 Stakeholders and Implementing Partners Map During implementation, Ma’An Program has sought to reach around 1.2 million children by targeting school children as primary traget groups. Other beneficiaries associated with the implementation included: connected stakeholders (caregivers), governance agents (implementers) and stakeholders from governmental and non-governmental institutions (external). As detailed below:

Figure 3 : Current Stakeholders Map

VAC and Ma’An Program Stakeholders Map Main Stakeholders

)Target Groups (

Children at Schools

Connected Stakeholders








Media, private sector Donors, community Academics, education specialists

OsCommunity NG

Queen Rania Award, Queen Rania Training Academy, JRF

Transition in Ma’An Program running approach from the dependence on third parties to efficient

management by the Ministry and at full independence of the UNICEF. Where Ministry sets the needed activities, runs implementation, allocates resources and funds and monitors implementation. Though the

Ministry can approach UNICEF and other donors to fund some activities if needed.

Principles and Administrators Teachers

Counsellors and Heads of Counselling Departments


MOE UNRWA Military Education

Official Authorities MOPIC, MOH, MOE, MOL, MOI, MOJ,

MOSD, NCFA, Family Protection Department

Future Aimed Situation

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 19

1.3 Way Forward

1.3.1 Proposed Opportunities in Light of the Current Situation

The process of preparing the strategic framework and action work plan was based on the multi-methods of desk and field research. Where, during the desk research, some preliminary directions were proposed towards the process of institutionalizing Ma’An program and all corresponding efforts.

To enhance these directions, the field research was conducted to:

1. Determine the current situation of the reduction of violence at schools and the conducted

efforts in that regard at all levels (from the central level to the level of directorates and then


2. In addition to identifying the mechanisms that can contribute to the development and

sustainability of these efforts in general and Ma’An Program in particular as an initial stage

to build the strategic framework and work plan,

3. Use the output of that stage as input to the process of developing the frame and its components.

The field research has depended on a set of questions that were formulated within special tools18 and directed

to the different stakeholders by the consultative team in one-to-one meetings and focus group discussions, that

were held in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and the UNICEF. This was conducted under the

purpose of identifying the views of the stakeholders in regard to:

Level of interest in intensifying efforts towards violence reduction at schools in general and Ma’An

program continuity in specific

Main success factors and challenges in Ma’An Program governance, resources management and

performance monitoring

Recommendations towards development and improvement

Findings are summarized as hereunder:

18 Annex E (Meetings and FGDs Tools-Directed Questions)

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 20

Current Situation

• MOE has recently included the philosophy of Ma’An program to "provide a safe, stimulating and attractive learning environment" within its next strategic plan for the years 2018-2021 where:

• Acomponent was added in regard to "safe and stimulating school environment" under the field of "quality"

• A key performance indicator (KPI) was added: "Safe School Index" as a composite indicator of:

(Percentage of violence + number of bullying cases + number of control/investigation councils for violence cases)

Proposed Opportunities

• Integrate the overall strategic framework for violence reduction in schools, including Ma’An program within MOE framework / its current structure, to become part of the Ministry's daily operations instead of being an independent program. This to be conducted by reflecting violence reduction components and requirements upon the following items:

√ MOE programs for teachers accreditation and certification (new and current)

√ MOE programs for schools’ principles accreditation and certification

√ MOE programs to qualify counsellors √ Related job descriptions √ School principals' work plans and

development plans √ Schools’ accountability system manual √ Incentive / Accountability Systems (at

all levels: teachers, principles, counsellors, schools, directorates and students)

√ Regulating instructions • To have the mechanism of institutionalization

and following-up at the three levels (ministry, directorates, schools)

Current Situation At the Ministry level:

• The roles and responsibilities in the management of violence against children are now divided between two sections at MOE ("Educational Counselling" and "Protection and Safe Environment").

At the level of Committees and Councils: • The distinguished experience of the advocacy

groups by influencing its members personal

Proposed Opportunities • Review the job description of the various

departments under the ‘Counselling and Guidance Directorate’ and determine the roles and responsibilities within the (responsibilities matrix) for consolidation and integration of efforts

• Study existing councils to find a unified approach

1-Integration with MOE Main Structure and Internal Systems

2- Roles and Responsibilities Allocation

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behavior from self control, working in a team, taking more responsibilities, knowing their rights and duties

However: • There are multiple committees and

administrative councils;

- Many appear to be inactive,not required and overlapping in roles

- Many suffer from lack of time to carry out any activities

- A number suffer from the lack of clear definition of the roles of members or the lack of any follow-up actions

- The belief of a large number in the ineffective role of educational development councils and their involvement in the educational process

• An idea that worths being studied:

UNRWA has been using the Student Support team concept throughout the last years. The process usually begins by evaluating students and then dividing them into 3 groups (natural students, those who need little support, those who need lots of support) and then the support team is formed of (Principal, specialized teacher, counsellor, health tutor, parents). The support team addresses both (problems in academic achievements and behavioral problems). Team members are changed according to the nature of problem to be solved. And they usually develop an individual plan for each case and follow up (this reduces the idea of having multiple councils and committees)

Current Situation

• Consensus that the newly-designed Code of Conduct would drive the process of institutionalizing Ma’An program within MOE activities and functions- if implemented effectively and with clear commitment of all concerned parties and followed by appropriate training and monitoring processes-

• Poor adherence to school discipline regulations and a varied extent in its enforecement between schools and directorates. In addition to the reliance on favoritism and tribalism without finding radical solutions and to such problems

Proposed Opportunities • In order to accelerate the implementation of the

Code of Conduct, it is necessary to develop and implement strict accountability measures for implementation by MOE and at all levels

• The need for stern activation of the discipline regulations after being seriously revised to take into account: • Rights of children stipulated in the signed

international conventions • Gradual punishment • Following a case study approach in

behavior modification (a plan for each case regardless of its severity)

• Inclusion of types of penalties imposed on teacher in cases of violence directed from (teacher to student)

• Promote positive behaviors • Raising awareness of discipline instructions’

terms for all (students, teachers, principals, counsellors, guardians) and obtain commitment for adherence/implementation

3- Regulating Instructions

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Current Situation


• Throughout the program, the counsellor has played a leading role in implementation (perhaps the most prominent role). However, a large number of schools lack the esistence of a counsellor or lack the needed collaboration with the counsellor by the rest of the school community, in addition to counsellor’s exhaustion of administrative tasks and documentation

Safe School Environment Council / advocacy groups:

• The greatest load in implementation lies on the counsellor

• The absence of parents participation • Many groups are inactive • The additional burden of class quotas on

teachers, limits the effective participation of teachers in these councils as their schedules are so condensed (work pressure)

Proposed Opportunities: • Develop an alternative plan to mitigate the

current shortage of counsellors • Activate the application of the

"Counselling/Guidance Class" in the school schedule to enhance the role of the counsellor

• Qualify and certify counsellor upon recuritment through the ‘Counselling and Guidance Directorate’

• Conducting competency interview for the counsellor’s personality prior to recuritment

• Develop a counsellor curriculum (basics for counselling/guidance)

• Clarify counsellor’s job description and scope of work and embed case management within his/her roles

• Study counsellor’s career development stages

• Enhance counsellor’s performance evaluation mechanism (70% of score by the school principal and 30% by the head of the Educational Guidance department)

• Strengthen the powers of the heads of guidance and devote them just for student issues

• Extend the scope of the counselling plan of the counsellor to include all categories of the school community

School Principals: • Strengthen the role of principals in

supporting the counselling process to ensure implementation by counsellors as well as enhancing their efforts in marketing the counsellor

Safe School Environment Councils: • Keep the Safe School Environment Council

according to the Code of Conduct and develop criteria for its members selection to ensure their effectiveness and the periodic diversification of members

• The need to find specific tasks and specifications for each member, and aligning his provided tasks with his current load to avoid exhaustion

4- Human Resources

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School schedule overcrowding with academic classes and insufficient recreational/extracurricular classes (sports and art - one class per week)

In addition to the lack of such classes at a large number of schools (either as a result of cancellation or replacement with other classes)

• Benefiting from ‘Islamic education teachers’ in counselling

• Support with incentives and provision of sufficient time for teachers for implementation (link with classes reduction)

Students: • Building upon the Ministry's current

orientation towards allocating 20% of the school schedule for activities, sports, theater, art and music (directed activities) as it serves the violence reduction process at schools if properly applied and linked with good infrastructure (playgrounds for activities, chairs in the arena etc.)

• Involve student representatives in conflict resolution and problems solving among students themselves (Peer Mediation)

• Initiatives that enhance children’s life, social and communication skills to be included as part of the Guidance Directorate activities

Current Situation • Recently MOE, in cooperation with the

Queen Rania Academy, has conducted an induction training for a number of new teachers, including topics related to counselling and classroom management

• MOE has taken a positive step towards

institutionalizing training materials for the program. A new committee has recently been formed to review and develop the training materials and to add some other subjects such as classroom management and alternatives to punishment.

But during implementation, there was a weak management of the process represented in: • A complete disregard for knowledge transfer

processes among stakeholder whether internally (from SAGs to others in schools) or externally (between schools) which resulted in the loss of trained staff over time

• Not holding any refreshment sessions for trainees during the whole program period

Proposed Opportunities • Capacity building should be inclusive for all

categories of educational caliber on educational methods, positive disciplinary measures and alternatives to punishment, and should be supported by tools to equip them with the skills required for counselling to reach the level of a (Counselling Principal) or (Counselling Teacher) through:

New Teachers:

• Expanding the accreditation and certification of teachers to include all new teachers through the Queen Rania Training Academy, since the diploma offered includes topics in general classroom management skills, relationships and learning, student growth/development cycle, learning conditions

In-Service Teacher • Benefit of the Academy's (Integrated Program

for Teachers), which offers 30 hours of psycho-social skills (15 hours in psycho-social matters, 15 hours in learning policies) and focuses on managing classes with a large number of students to help teachers encourage dialogue and discover earlier the

5- Knowledge and Skills

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behavioral problems of students. And to ensure that students and parents are involved in the educational process

• Train TOT trainers from the Ministry staff so that they can hold continuous refreshment courses in different regions for teachers and principles

Principles: • Benefit of the Academy's advanced

leadership program, which aims to develop school principals to improve the school environment, including in one of its pillars (how to build a positive school environment and positive culture for the purpose of creating the (Counselling Principal)

• The training materials review process should include the behavioral management tools that were used in Tarbiyeh program due to its practicality, ease of application and coverage of all target groups

• Training Material Review Committee should include Sharek Academy and Queen Rania Training Academy to ensure unifying efforts and sharing experiences

Some of the suggested capacity building courses as per the field meetings:

√ Educational caliber: emotional intelligence √ Counsellors and students: Life skills:

principles of respect, brotherhood and dialogue, acceptance of others, justice, equality and non-discrimination, self control, communication skills, conflict resolution, negotiation skills

√ Counsellors: case management, documentation, time management

√ Safe Environment Council: Develop corrective/treatment plans for violence rates, develop positive disciplinary measures and initiatives (for students and community) / tools or programs

√ For the heads of directorates departments: the investigation process

√ For all: Awareness of duties and rights as per (Instructions + Code of Conduct)

• Use specific mechanisms for knowledge transfer to reduce cost and ensure broader coverage and to be identified through annual training plans

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Current Situation Planning Methodology:

• There is a clear problem in the approach of the ministry in the adoption of externally proposed programs and initiatives, (from donors) which weakens the process of planning, coordination and management of those programs, this is usually reflected on:

- Dispersion of schools in the application of several programs at the same time,

- Programs easy access to schools, - Pressure generated on teachers and

principles that reduce productivity and achieved impact

- Stoppage of many programs with external support suspension Targeting Methodology

• The program has targeted thousands of schools in Jordan since its inception, which has somehow weakened the spirit of competition among schools and may not have been the best approach for achieving the best results. The program also dealt with all schools using the same mechanisms despite the variances between schools (basic/secondary, male /Female)

• There was no participation of private schools • The bad situation of male schools presented

by: - Lower response / interaction rates of

male teachers with Tarbiyeh Program - Lower participation level of males in

the Queen Rania Awards for education excellence

- Less male winners than female winners in the Queen Rania awards

- Lack of interest of many parents in the educational achievement of children in male schools

Proposed Opportunity

• Need for an in-depth study before any program in addition to consultation with stakeholders to discuss the success factors of the program or initiative and determine Program’s terms and working methodology

• A requirement should be placed for any program proposed by donors (that there should be an exit plan and knowledge transfer plan) for staff of Ministry to ensure that programs/ initiatives are sustainable starting from the design stages

Targeting Methodology

• The importance of (gradual coverage in Ma’An program with its new components) along with (aligning implementation with schools requirements). In addition to setting clear conditions for the selection of participating schools and publicising that

• The need to cover early childhood stages within the program to facilitate the creation of positive change starting from that stage

• Think of a mechanism to incorporate private schools into Ma’An program

• Male schools are still in urgent need for working with them as a priority (the proposed share of any program is 70% male schools and 30% females) and a special award should be designed for that purpose (as a motivation)

6-Methodologies and Operations

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Methodology for identifying Scope of Work:

• Program only focus on this type of directed violence (from teacher to student) during all stages of Ma’An program

Case Management Methodology:

lack of clarity of MOE’s procedures in this regard, especially with regard to:

- Inability to detect cases of child domestic abuse within the classroom

- A problem in reporting the situation to Family Protection Directorate, which lowers the number of cases reported by MOE

- Absence of inclusion of the task of dealing with cases of violence and case study within the counsellor job description

Communication Methodology:

• Dissatisfaction about the word ‘campaign’, and the use of negative terms such as "no to violence"

• The program communication plan has not been reflected in the communication plan of the Ministry, although both were prepared at the same period of time

• Extend the umbrella of violence (treated types) as stipulated in the new protocol to include all types of violence, whether those among the school community members (bulleying, teacher to student, student to teacher) or (student exposed to domestic violence) , or even that violence towards the physical school environment of (buildings, classrooms, furniture, books, etc.). And embed some grading factors for violence as (severity, degree and frequency) within the assessment scale

• Build on the “plan for Changing Norms and Behavior to End Physical Violence against children in Jordan” and the protocol in terms of; directing work towards "case study and case management". So that cases are dealt with in a scientific manner based on the design of a behavioral modification program.

• Develop a detailed operational manual for case management (which is currently under process)

• Use of positive slogans and terms throughout

program implementation as (promoting respect, focusing on equality and acceptance of the other, professionalism etc.)

• A responsibilities matrix should be formulated to define roles and responsibilities at all levels

• There is a need to adopt a holistic approach. MOE must issue periodic reports through effective communication channels about its key strategic achievements and results in reducing violence. Importance of focusing upon social media due to its strong impact and outreach

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Current Situation: • The Online Survey System used during

Ma’An was the first electronic survey designed and prepared by the Ministry

But: - There is a problem in

misunderstanding the basic objective of the tool as required or even the importance of the process or the degree of required credibility

- Weakness in the credibility / accuracy of the output

- Problems in tool content (tool sections or targeted groups) and in calculation mechanism

- The hectic recurrence of survey (every month), which was reflected in difficulty in implementing corrective activities

- Absence of any review or modification based on feedback or follow-up by the Ministry on field implementation (which led some to influence the students when filling the survey in a number of schools, or caused the intervention of a number of teachers or counselors in the survey filling process by filling the survey personally outside working hours!)

- Small size of technical support team in the field

• There are several problems with the

complaints handling system as: - Misuse of the hotline by parents

(where many of them register malicious complaints), which just generates additional burden on the heads of Counselling Departments in verifying such complaints and wasting their time

- Failure to respond to the current hotline (MOE line is sometimes connected to the fax, is not managed properly, and does not match its name as it should be 24/24

- The existence of several mechanisms under MOE website to submit complaints (MOE website and the site of Ma'A

Proposed Opportunity: • The importance of revising the online survey

mechanism (the matter which was recently initiated by formaing a special committee to review the survey tool). This should entail reviewing and studying the following aspects:

- Content - Promoting awareness about filling

mechanism, its objective and reference points for any inquiries

- The appropriate frequency/periodicity in the application (survey and corresponding treatment plans)

- Data usage mechanism/approach by decision makers at different levels

- Diversification of target groups - Verification of answers - Wider and more comprehensive

outreach (expanding coverage, giving options to mobilize from anywhere and using other ways as mobile app) to ensure transparency and freedom of expression

- The required needs of schools to ensure implementation

• Implementation of the ‘Online system

development plan’ for the introduction of more additions to the system (New Plug ins), in particular: to improve and increase the types of issued reports, to improve the quality of produced charts and to give authorities to researchers to use data

• Speed up the process towards having a single reference for complaints (one source) and set a clear mechanism to properly handle complaints (systematic process) as stated in the strategy of the Ministry. And assign specific roles in the management of this system and define all the mechanisms/channels available to submit complaints

• Ma’An program should be an integral part of

MOE website

7-Information Systems

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Current Situation • The Ministry has given the new "Safe

Environment Councils" the freedom to design their own initiatives, but still there isn’t a satisfactory community support for schools due to the regulations, instructions and restrictions that prevent this (based on the meetings outputs)

• Threatening the sustainability of the program by bringing financial support to a close

• Lack of basic facilities in a large number of schools such as playgrounds or shaded areas

Proposed Opportunity • Discussing the financial allocation of the’Safe

Environment Pillar’ within MOE strategy with the Finance Department as a step towards planning for pillar expenditures’ inclusion within MOE budget

• MOE’s need to clarify the methodology for accepting donations from the community that has been (recently circulated) through simple tools as (a brochure describing the mechanisms for receiving and disbursing community support within directorates)

• Consider linking the efforts to achieve the safe environment with MOE's educational endowment fund in line with the new approach of the Ministry

• MOE should adopt a policy of allocating at least 10-15% of the budget of each new initiative or program to be adopted (including violence reduction programs) to cover the operational costs of that initiative in order to ensure its continuity and to take this cost into account when capital costs are set

• Find an alternative with municipalities or associations etc

Current Situation

• MOE is currently linking the cross-cutting programs at the directorate level. The ‘Counselling Directorate’ for example, has linked all programs aimed at providing a safe and stimulating environment under the relevant strategic objective within the new strategy such as "Student Mediation Program" "Bullying program", and others


Proposed Opportunity

• The need for in-depth study before any program and consultation with stakeholders to study the success factors of the program or initiative and determine its terms and working methodology

• The need to activate the feedback process between the Ministry and the field (participatory approach) in programs’ planning, management, following-up, needs monitoring, training coordination, etc.

8-Physical Resources

9- Partnerships

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- Linking is still weak among cross- programs at Ministry level

- There is a clear problem in the planning of programs and the absence of any coordination at the level of the Ministry and its departments, which is reflected on the diffusion of schools in application

- Linkage is still weak at the school level

• Community participation is still weak despite its importance, there is currently a great weakness in the involvement of the family in the educational process whether in following-up their children, participating in their activities, finding solutions with the school, etc. This creats a cycle of blame between the different parties and deprives parents of understanding their children and thus contributing positively to their development

• MOE has begun to take a new approach in selecting the programs / initiatives proposed by international agencies/donors. Alignment with the Ministry's priorities is ensured before accepting or rejecting any new program / initiative as an attempt to guarantee unifying efforts and achieving better results.

• Building on the "school networks" model in programs where networks of 15-20 schools are created in one geographical area to be worked upon simultaneously, and create opportunities for collaboration between schools and achieve greater access / coverage through which best practices are transferred and problems-solved (Building on those networks that were developed when forming educational development councils)

To achieve better results, violence against children in schools requires: parallel action at the community level, possibly through:

- Finding ways to educate parents (eg specisl courses in ‘Parenting Skills’

- Finding ways to involve parents systematically, for example:

√ The idea of discussions between parents and students,

√ Activation of the PTAs √ Integration of technology in the

integration of the family such as: smart phone applications in sound education, relying on the media and social media

- Integrating the principles of community service within the program (penalties based on community service)

- Some initiatives suggested by schools and communities themselves (to ensure a spirit of ownership and successful implementation) should be incorporated through collaboration with the Councils of Educational Development

Parallel work at the institutional level, possibly through:

- Collaboration with other program implementers / NGOs to unify and organize efforts (and set conditions for supporting bodies)

- Encourage business partnerships to finance the implementation of various initiatives

- Partnership with official bodies to link and exchange data and information as with (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social

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• The Ministry's need for impartial bodies as a third party or an executive arm for effective implementation in several aspects

Development, National Council for Family Affairs etc.)

- Cooperation with Awqaf, Public Security , Family Protection and Minsitry of Interior

• Introducing the principle of services procurement from the specialized agencies (after preparing a feasibility study for the required service to ascertain its usefulness, where many local and international experiences confirmed the feasibility of this approach economically and ensured its provision of the best service)

- Training process management through

Queen Rania Training Academy - Follow complaints and case management

through Save the Children-Help Desks - Spreading the culture of excellence and

success stories in modifying behavior through Queen Rania Award for Educational Excellence

- Tarbiyeh program (tools and activities) to target schools with high violence rates through Sharek Academy

Current Situation

• Ma’An program’s performance monitoring was limited to those measurements of the online survey system (as an activity), without any comprehensive M&E framework for the program and its various activities

• Although some data was issued from the online survey system (such as required data completion rate by schools, violence ratios at the level of the Kingdom/ districts/schools, percentages of positive measures), data was not utilized or even transfered into information through a purposeful analysis that could help in any decision-making. Thus it was considered as having no added value

(No Demand by Any Decision Maker)

Proposed Opportunity

• A balanced set of indicators should be prepared to measure program results a part of the M&E and to link those indicators with the overall M&E system of the Ministry

• The need to develop a mechanism to inform decision-makers of the most important results achieved periodically by the program and to enhance the demand on accurate data (as a step towards reaching an early warning system) used for the purposes of M&E and rapid interference when needed

• The importance of the Ministry's follow-up of the activities carried out by schools and counsellors in reducing violence. And the possibility of benefiting for this work (from the online survey system or social media) to

10-Monitoring and Evaluation for Decision Making

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• The weakness of following-up and monitoring tasks by the Ministry on the program implementation, or the results coming out of the system, or the achievements files that schools used to prepare

ensure the effective implementation of violence prevention activities

Current Situation

• The absence of any accountability by the Ministry over the online survey system results

• The lack of any incentive systems in the program based on achieved results, has killed the spirit of competition between schools / teachers / students

Proposed Opportunity

• Include ‘violence reduction processes’ among the accountability system criteria for schools’ evaluation

• The importance of re-using the score of good conduct to assess/evaluate student

• The importance of activating the system of acknowledgment within the ministry for the teacher, counsellor, principle and student in reducing violence through: √ Having a special indicator within the

professional development criteria for teachers (and thus being linked with promotion / incentives system)

√ Adding a criteria to reduce school violence within the ‘Safe Environment Criteria’ of the Health Accreditation Program

√ Special focus on violence or promoting safe environment and positive learning within the Queen Rania Award (or an indicator related to violence within the award or a as a requirement to apply for the award)

√ Simple incentives for students as additional sports classes for those who can reduce the rates of violence in his class or participate in the football league or sports tournaments, or certificates of appreciation and other moral incentives

• Building on success stories as the success story UNRWA schools in reducing violence rates and benefiting from the experiences of schools, principles and teachers who have succeeded in reducing the rates of violence

11-Accountability & Rewarding

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1.3.2 Benchmarks with Other Local Programs

From the additional aspects that the consulting team attempted to know in the context of the field research process; is the find out the extent of which other programs have been institutionalized within MOE’s structure over the past years. This was conducted as a benchmarking step and with the aim at identifying the mechanisms and trends that have been pursued towards continuity and institutionalization. Where it was found that this was achieved in the King Abdullah II Physical Fitness Award, which was launched since 2005/2006 and continued till today, under the goal of providing students with healthy life patterns through exercising and sports activities. Where the management of the award was transferred from the Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS) (as the developer of the award) to the Ministry. So that it can be supervised by both the administrative and technical staff of the Ministry. Some of the mechanisms that have been followed for institutionalization:

- Using the fradual coverage concept in (number of schools, nature of schools, age groups) - Clearly defining roles and responsibilities and granting various incentives to all participating

groups (school committees, committees at the directorate level, refereeing committees, students) - Be able to include a specific budget for the award within the annual plan of the Ministry

As for the other cross-cutting initiatives and programs that may serve the objectives of Ma’An Program if got interlinked; several initiatives and programs have been identified, as shown in the diagram below. The most prominent of these are the ‘National Accreditation of Healthy Schools Program’ implemented by the Royal Health Awareness Society in cooperation with MOE and MOH. Which aims at developing a healthy school environment that positively reflects upon the student's physical, social and educational development. The program is structured around an assessment process conducted by the Association - an impartial external party - to compare the health status of schools with national accreditation standards. These standards were set according to international regulations and in accordance with the local data, in order to ensure the reliability of participating schools within 3 categories (Bronze, Silver, Golden). The number of schools approved/accredited for being healthy schools until the end of the academic year 2016/2017 was about 270 schools. It is worth noting that there is a number of cross-cutting criteria within the accreditation program that can be developed to include violence-related measures such as the ‘Safe School Environment Criteria’ (which currently only covers the physical environment from infrastructure and maintenance) and there is as well a special standard (for educational guidance and mental health services) and another related to ‘Physical activity’; in terms of available facilities and sports practices).

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Figure 4 : Cross-Cutting Initiatives/Programs that can Servce Ma’An Program

Cross Cutting Programs/Initiatives

Educational Development Councils

Health Accreditation Program

Nashatati Program

Learn through Playing Program

Madrsati Initiative

A system for schools assessment and accreditation, It has a special criteria for the safe school environment covering

infrastructure and maintenance - and a standard for educational counseling services and mental health

A program of social cohesion and solving student violence problem through building their personality and the development of their life skills and promoting and

disseminating the values of tolerance, acceptance of the other, social cohesion and loyalty

Benefit of Madrasati initiative, which aims to support schools in forming student clubs to hold extra-curricular activities +benefit of maintenance support program

A program to teach children through educational games and sports, that is currently being implemented by the Canadian

Organization in most affected areas by the Syrian refugee crisisRight to Play

Which is established to prepare and implement development plans to improve school performance, identify priority areas -The need is to interlink with these

councils to incorporate ‘behavior and school violence’ into the development plans

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1.3.3 Main Facts and Principles for Sustaining VAC prevention efforts at Schools

MOE rejects violence in

all its forms and is committed to cooperate in

this matter with all governmental and non-

governmental institutions

Fact (1)

Reducing Violence at schools is Process Term-Long a

(Requiring patience, awareness, change in social norms, many interventions and

cooperation with several parties)

Fact (2)

Continuity of Ma’An and certaina Program is

agreed upon matter

Fact (3)

of VAC Prevention Framework expanding the umbrelaConsensus on the need for

To include all types of violence, whether that between members of school environment (as bullying /

student violence towards teacher or administrator / teacher violence towards student) or (student exposed to violence from the family) or even violence towards the physical school environment (from buildings,

class rooms, desks, books etc.)

Fact (4)

Focus and Priority Must

be given to Males’ Schools

Fact (5)

ific specConsidering the is highly characteristics of schools

needed through implementation

(Whether through gradual coverage or the alignment of implemented

activities/initiatives with schools’ needs and demand)

Fact (6)

unifying The importance ofat the numerous councils

schools under one frame

And The imporatnce of building

new Code of upon the Conduct

is very vital towards efforts between programs at MOE Cutting-Interconnection and Cross

harmonization and avoidance of overlaps and duplications

Fact (8)

Fact (7)

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To achieve success in reducing violence in schools; it has been revieled through the focus groups conducted with a number of safe school environment councils (former advocacy groups) the reasons which pushed a number of schools to succeed in reducing violence. These are represented as follows:

Figure 5 : Success Factors for a Number of Schools in Violence Reduction

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Part Two: Rationale and Overall Structure of Strategic Framework

2.1 Strategic Framework Vision

The formulated vision, by the strategic framework technical committee team, was derived from their long-term view of the Ministry’s future desired situation in combating this phenomenon at schools. Thus, based on the logic of this way of thinking, the following vision came out:

"A safe, attractive and stimulating school environment for learning and

positive interaction”

The vision do embed the following meanings:

Thus the vision aims at:

To achieve the general safety for students and all members of the school community through a holistic concept that combines; the provision of the appropriate physical environment free of risk and reduce the

abuse and violence and stimulate interaction and positive behavior among all elements of the school community

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2.2 Strategic Framework Basic Guiding Principles

The process of drafting the basic guiding principles has depended on those necessary original fundamentals and motivations for the success of the Strategic Framework and Action Plan. These principles will govern the overall related processes (strating from framework formulation and then implementation and reaching to the monitoring and evaluation processes) and upon which the following will be based: policy development processes, process design or formulation of initiatives. The principles articulated around the following:

1. Positive Change: by raising the level of positive behavior of the student to meet the objectives, values, regulations, educational systems and norms prevailing in the educational community through a set of educational and corrective/ remedial methods and measures

2. Internal Controls Development: by promoting the principle of integrated upbringing based on adherence to instructions and laws and respect for others and showing a high sense of responsibility and self-discipline in a permanent manner and in a spirit of understanding and tolerance

3. Roles Integration: by sharing the educational role between the family, school and community in a constructive and continuous manner, to create the appropriate environment for the child growth and development

4. Child Rights Respect: by concerted efforts for the best interests of the child and protection from all practices that may harm him and to provide all the necessary and appropriate support

5. Justice: by triggering the foundations of impartiality and control of any side or direction, and commitment towards the good treatment based on equity and respect among all segments of the school community

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2.3 Strategic Pillars (Main and Subsidiary)

Several strategic pillars have been adopted as a platform for the work and the strategic framework. These pillars have been considered and taken into account during the design and incorporation of all strategic goals and objectives. And to serve as a comprehensive umbrella for the successful implementation of the action plan in all its details, and for the opportunities and challenges of priority in reducing VAC at schools.

Pillars are as follows:

Figure 6 : Strategic Pillars for the Strategic Framework and Action Plan

Pillar (1):

Institutionalization and Governance

Strategic Pillars Main Pillars

Partnerships Development

Pillar (2):

Resources Management


Pillar (3):

Performance Monitoring and Development

Human Resources

Knowledge and Skills

Methodologies and Operations

Information Systems

Material Resources

Integration with Main Frame and Internal


Roles and Responsibilities


Monitoring and Evaluation

Accountability and Rewarding

Governing Regulations

مشروع تقد�م خدمات استشار�ة 2021-2019العنف ضد األطفال في المدارس والستمرار�ة برنامج "معًا" لألعوام للحد مناالطار االسترات�جي وخطة العمل

39 39 إعداد: شر�ة نحو التمیز لالستشارات

2.4 Strategic Goals and Objectives

The followings have been adopted as key inputs to the development of strategic goals and objectives; vision, guiding principles, main and subsidiary pillars of strategic framework, the situational analysis and the benchmarking processes19 with similar and cross-cutting plans. Accordingly:

Strategic Objectives Strategic Goals MOE’s (related regulations, procedures and instructions) are based on ‘safe school environment achievement policy’

Obj 1 First Goal: Existence of an integrated and sustainable system supporting the provision of a safe school environment at all MOE levels (central level, directorates and schools’ levels)

Pillar (1): Institutionalization

and Governance Identify roles and responsibilities in combating VAC at school environment Obj 2

Meet the schools’ needs of accredited counsellors Obj 1 Second Goal:

A school community that enhance building the students’ positive behaviour

Pillar (2): Resources


Strengthen the culture of counselling, protecting and caring of students and supporting them by the different categories of educational caliber

Obj 2

Provide students with the necessary personal and social skills to achieve self-discipline Obj 3 Allocating the necessary financial and material resources to implement the supporting systems in achieving the Safe Environment

Obj 4

Expanding the implementation scope of Ma’An program & gradual coverage to all schools Obj 1 Third Goal: Achieve integration in VAC’s programs management by MOE

Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of violence reduction programs depending on case management approach integration between programs

Obj 2

Empower parents with the needed parental knowledge and skills to participate in the educational process

Obj 1 Fourth Goal: Effective partnerships exist to support and promote positive change Reinforce linkages and community partnerships in service delivery and school support

Obj 2 Support decision-making process by providing accurate information in a timely manner at

various levels Obj 1 Fifth Goal:

An efficient and effective system for monitoring, evaluating and developing the framework of the safe school environment

Pillar (3): Performance

Monitoring and Development

Addopt a performance appraisal culture to enhance accountability and rewarding Obj 2 Continuous participatory improvement for the purpose of improving VAC programs/activities Obj 3

19 Annex I (Used Benchmarks)

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 40

2.5 Logical Framework Matrix

Figure 7 : Strategic Framework Logical Framework

“A safe, attractive, stimulating school environment for learning and positive interaction”

First Goal:

Existence of an integrated and sustainable system

supporting the provision of a safe school environment

at all MOE levels

Second Goal:

A school community that enhance building the

students’ positive behaviour

Third Goal:

Achieve integration in VAC’s programs

management by MOE

Fourth Goal:

Effective partnerships exist to support and

promote positive change

Fifth Goal:

An efficient and effective system for monitoring ,

evaluating and developing the framework of the safe

school environment

Incorporate the efforts : 1Obj required to provide the safe environment within MOE’s organizational framework

Identify roles and :2Obj responsibilities in combating

VAC in the school environment

Meet the schools needs : 1Obj of accredited counsellors

Obj 1Expand the Implementation scope of

Ma’An and gradual coverage

Enhance the efficiency :2Obj and effectiveness of violence

reduction programs

Empower parents with :1Obj the needed parental knowledge and skills

Reinforce linkages and : 2Obj community partnerships in service delivery and school


Support decision : 1Obj making process

Obj 2: Adopt a performance appraisal culture to enhance

accountability and rewarding


)1(Pillar Institutionalization

and Governance


Resources Management

)3(Pillar Performance

Monitoring and Development

Obj 3: Continuous participatory improvement

Strengthen the : 2Obj professional capacities of

school principles and teachers

Provide students with : 3Obj the necessary personal and social skills to achieve self-


Allocate the necessary : 4Obj financial and material


مشروع تقد�م خدمات استشار�ة 2021-2019العنف ضد األطفال في المدارس والستمرار�ة برنامج "معًا" لألعوام للحد مناالطار االسترات�جي وخطة العمل

41 41 إعداد: شر�ة نحو التمیز لالستشارات

Upon preparing the logical framework matrix for the strategic framework for VAC reductions in schools and identifying the strategic pillars; reference has been made to the theory of change that was previously prepared for Ma’An program. This was conducted for the purpose of ensuring that the content of the matrix was reflected within the strategic framework and the executive action plan and based on current needs.

The theory of change at that time included four main pillars:

Pillar 1: Changing Policies and Legislation

Pillar 2: Capacity building

Pillar 3: Enabling the school community

Pillar 4: Response Mechanisms

And, to achieve the current broad goal of developing a comprehensive strategic framework to reduce and institutionalize violence against children in schools within the framework / structure of the Ministry of Education and at all levels; the strategic pillars have been rebuilt according to best international practices and in line with the stated overall goal. The new pillars were adopted by the working team who participated in the workshop for framework setting.

A special annex20 has been included at the end of this document; for the purpose of comparing the content of the previous theory of change with the proposed current strategic framework, which includes further additional overlaps, as will be explained in section III below (Executive Ation Plan).

20 Annex (Comparison between suggested strategic framework and the previous theory of change for Ma’An program)

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 42

Part Three: Executive Plan for Implementation

3.1 Description of Initiatives and Required Resources for Implementation During the Coming Three Years

The Executive Plan for implementation for the next three years of the “Strategic Framework” has been developed to contain the following:

- Activities / initiatives (group of projects or ideas needed to achieve the listed objectives) - Estimated financial and non-financial resources required to implement those activities

The plan is as follows:

First Goal: Existence of and integrated and sustainable system supporting the provision of a safe school

environment at all MOE levels (central level, directorates and schools’ levels)

Obj 1: MOE’s (related regulations, procedures and instructions) are based on ‘safe school environment

achievement policy’

Suggested Activities Responsibility Implementation Period

Required Resources

(Financial, non-Financial)

At Central Level: 1.1.1 Define the implementation periods for the

activities of the Strategic Framework and Implementation Priorities for the years 2019, 2020, 2021

Counselling Directorate +

Planning Committee +

Training Department + Quality and

Accountability Unit + Queen Rania Center

for Information Technology

2 weeks ______

2.1.1 Get approval on the ‘Strategic Framework and Action Plan to Reduce Violence against Children in Schools and the continuation of Ma’An Program for the years 2019-2021’ with all its components and activities

Planning Committee at

MOE 3 months ______

3.1.1 Planning to link the results of the evaluation process by the accountability unit with the performance appraisal process at all levels

Accountability Unit

2 months after finalizing

accountability unit measures

As allocated per UNICEF

Protocol= 119,280 JOD

Of activity 3.1 of protection pillar

4.1.1 Reviewing the indicator related to healthy and safe environment within the “Accountability System Manual” (Indicator 8) to focus not only on the schools’ physical environment, but also on the rates of violence

Accountability Unit +

Counselling Directorate

2 months

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 43

and school plans in this regard and the extent to which this got reflected in school and directorate development plans

5.1.1 Reviewing school discipline regulations to take into consideration:

(Child rights, the gradual punishment, dealing in a case management approach, the corrective plan for each case regardless of the severity of the situation, the inclusion of penalties for violence from (teacher to student), linkage with Code of Conduct)

Special committee+

Legal Affairs Department 3 Months

As allocated per UNICEF

Protocol= 119,280 JOD

Of activity 3.1 of protection pillar

6.1.1 Adding clear criteria for the selection of safe school environment council members and a specific description of their responsibilities within the new Code of Conduct

2 Months

7.1.1 Set strict accountability measures to activate and implement the new Code of Conduct at all levels

Code of Conduct

committee+ Accountability

Unit + Counselling Directorate

4 Months

8.1.1 Embed the courses related to violence reduction within the accreditation system for training management), which helps to link the process of achieving the safe environment with the professional development standards for teachers (later to principles and counsellors when the expand occurs) and with the performance appraisal process

Counselling Directorate+

Training Department

8 Months After approving the professional

development path

9.1.1 Reviewing the job descriptions of the educational counsellor, the head of counselling department, the ‘counselling teacher’ and the ‘counselling principles’

HR Department+ Counselling Directorate+

Training Department

6 Months

10.1.1 Reviewing the career path of the educational counsellor

8 Months After approving the professional

development path

11.1.1 Reviewing the performance appraisal mechanism of the educational counsellor

At Directorates Level: 12.1.1 Inclusion of a section regarding achieving

safe environment within directorates development plans

Counselling Directorate+

Training Department

2 Months ______

At Schools Level: 13.1.1 Studying the possibility of adopting a

specific mark for students behavior as a mean for assessing student’s behavior (student’s accountability)

Exams Department

To be determined by

Exams Management

Same allocation above

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 44

14.1.1 Inclusion of educational disciplinary methods, positive measures and punishment alternatives within capacity building programs for (new, current) teachers, principles and educational counsellors

Counselling Directorate+

Training Department

8 Months After approving the professional

development path


15.1.1 Inclusion of a section regarding achieving safe environment within schools development plans

2 Months ______

16.1.1 Enlarge the scope of counsellor’s plan to include all school community members

Counselling Directorate 1 Month ______

Obj 2: Identify roles and responsibilities in combating VAC at school environment

Suggested Activities Responsibility Period Resources

1.2.1 Conduct a detailed study for the tasks and job descriptions of the 2 departments (education counselling, protection and safe environment) to harmonize & unify efforts

External expert+

Counselling Directorate+

HR Department

2 Months

As allocated per UNICEF Protocol=

119,280 JOD Of activity 3.1 of protection pillar

2.2.1 Conduct a study of the current councils and committees at the school and directorate levels to come up with a unified approach

Queen Rania Foundation

5 Months

3.2.1 Design a responsibility matrix to determine the roles in combatting VAC at schools from all levels (central, directorates, schools levels)

Counselling Directorate

3 Months

Second Goal: A school community that enhance building the students’ positive behavior

Obj 1: Meet the schools’ needs of accredited counsellors

Suggested Activities Responsibility Period Resources

1.1.2 To develop an alternative plan to alleviate the shortage of counsellors (by assigning that task to teachers who can counsel, to find a number of ‘counselling teachers’, to strengthen the ‘counselling principal’ idea, and to use school networks to help provide counselling and guidance)

Counselling Directorate+

Training Department 3 Months

To be linked with MOE budget item

4401 / 014

2.1.2 Addition of a personality test for counsellors upon appointment to ensure the selection of qualified candidates

Counselling Directorate+

HR 1 Months ______

3.1.2 Activating the "counselling classes" within school schedule (and for both basic and secondary grades)

Upper Management 2 Months


Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 45

4.1.2 Develop a special curriculm for counsellors Counselling Directorate 8 Months To be discussed with

Fiancial Affairs 5.1.2 Qualifying and licensing counsellors upon

appointment through educational supervisors (study potential of adding that as part of teachers accreditation system)

Counselling Directorate+ Queen Rania

Academy 6 Months To be linked with

MOE budget item 4430و 4425/ 011

6.1.2 Build councellors’ capacities as trainers in ‘professional development programs’

Counselling Directorate+

Training Department

6 Months

7.1.2 Provide specialized courses21 for counsellors in:

(Life Skills: respect principles, discussion, acceptance of others, non-descrimination, self control, communication skills, conflict resolution, negotiation skills) (Case Management) (Documentation) (Time Management)

Counselling Directorate through the

trainers team of MOE in

collaboration with UNICEF

Continuous To be linked with MOE budget item

4430و 4425/ 011

8.1.222 Provide specialized courses for head of departments at directorates in the detection and investigation processes of violence cases

1 Months

Obj 2: Strengthen the culture of counselling, protecting and caring of students and supporting them by

the different categories of educational caliber

Suggested Activities Responsibility Period Resources

1.2.2 Principles Awareness in regard to the importance of counselling

Counselling Directorate 2 Months

To be linked with MOE budget item

4425 & 4430 / 011

2.2.2 Expanding the “Advanced Leadership Program” that aims to develop schools’ principles in improving school environment and become the (Counselling Principles)

Approved trainers by

MOE under the supervision of Queen Rania

Academy and in collaboration



As allocated per UNICEF

protocol = 200,000 JOD Per activity 1.2 under education

pillar + To be linked with

MOE budget item 4425 & 4430 / 011

3.2.223 Expand in qualifying and licensing teachers to cover all the new teachers to reach the idea of (Counselling Teacher)

4.2.2 Build upon QRTA integrated training program for teachers in psycho-social skills and classes management and expand its coverage of teachers to reach the idea of (Counselling Teacher)

5.2.2 Activate knowledge transfer mechanisms and plan for it starting from setting the

Counselling Directorate+


To be linked with MOE budget item

4425 & 4430

21 Listed courses were suggested duing focus groups with heads of counselling departments 22 Cross-cutting activity with protocol 23 Cross-cutting activity with protocol

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 46

training plans whether (internally at school level or externally between schools)

(examples: exchange visits to transfer experiences to new teahers, TOT trainers at directorates, schools networking, rotation program for excellent principles etc.)

/ 011

6.2.2 Raise awareness about the provisions of school discipline regualtions (after amendments)

Counsellors+ Schools’ Principles

1 Month

To be linked with MOE budget item

4430و 4425/ 011

7.2.2 Conduct a number of refreshment courses continuously for teachers and principles

Counselling Directorate+

Training Department

2 Months

Obj 3: Provide students with the necessary personal and social skills to achieve self-discipline

Suggested Activities Responsibility Period Resources

1.3.2 Activate directed activities from (sports, theater, art and music) as per the new direction of MOE

Counselling Directorate+

Activities Management + in collaboration with Nashatati and Masahati



As allocated in UNICEF Protocol=

184,000 JOD Per 4.2 activity under protection

pillar To be linked with MOE budget item

4410 / 601 ،602 ،604

2.3.2 launch a number of initiatives that enhance social skills of children, communication and also learning through playing

Counselling Department+

Career Counselling Department+

Protection Department + in

collaboration with Nashatati Program and Right to Play Organization

As allocated in UNICEF Protocol=

500,000 JOD Per 6.2 activity under protection

pillar + To be linked

with MOE budget item4410

/ 601 ،602 ،604 3.3.2 Activating student volunteering within the

school for the purpose of resolving disputes and monitoring playgrounds at breaks (by the students themselves) after training a number of them on conflict resolution skills

Counselling Directorate+

Schools 2 Months

To be linked with MOE budget item

4430و 4425/ 011

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 47

4.3.2 Raise awareness about the provisions of school discipline regualtions (after amendments) –Rights and obligations

Counsellors 1 Month

Obj 4: Allocating the necessary financial and material resources to implement the supporting systems

in achieving the Safe Environment

Suggested Activities Responsibility Period Resources

1.4.2 Discuss the financial allocation for ‘Safe Environment Pillar’ under MOE strategic plan with the Financial Affairs Department as a step towards allocating its requirement within MOE budget and conduct a cost analysis study for Ma’An program as a step towards funding its activities

Financial Affairs+

Counselling Directorate+

Training Department+

Activities Management+

HR+ Maintenance

1 Month

Forming a task force to link the required costs

under the relevant items within MOE

budget linking the program with MOE upcoming endowment fund (under a pillar related to VAC reduction)

3 Months ______

2.4.2 Formulate a specific policy to allocate at least 10-15% of the budget of each initiative to its operational cost upon planning the total capital costs, to ensure its continuity

Financial Affairs

6 Months ______

3.4.2 Raise awareness of schools and directorates about Community support receipt and disbursement procedures that have been facilitated recently, and to clarify the methodology for accepting donations from community through brochures, awareness sessions etc.

Financial Affairs +

directorates 1 Month of each term

To be linked with MOE budget item

2211 / 209

4.4.224 Review the Violence Online Surveying mechanism in terms of:

- Content - Appropriate implementation frequency

(survey and corrective plan) - Target groups diversification - Answers verification - Coverage expand (in volume, locations

and tools) to ensure transparency and freedom of expression

Queen Rania Center for

Information Technology +Ma’An Program

team in collaboration with UNICEF

2 Months

As allocated

within UNICEF Protocol=

20,000 JOD Per activity 1.6 of

protection pillar 255.4.2 Train computer lab technicians on the

modified Online Survey Queen Rania

Center for Information Technology

1 Month at beginning of

first term

6.4.2 Awareness sessions on online survey filling procedure, its objectives, references for inquiries etc.

To be linked with MOE budget item

4430و 4425/ 011

24 Cross- Cutting Activity with Protocol 25Cross- Cutting Activity with Protocol

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 48

7.4.2 Implement the current development plan of the Online Survey system containing (the new plug-ins, improvement to reports issued and improvement to quality of charts, and giving authorities to researchers to use data )

Queen Rania Center for

Information Technology+

external source/body

12 Months

To be linked with MOE budget item

4401 / 007

8.4.2 Set a clear mechanism for complaints handling and managing the system 6 Months ______

9.4.2 Finding a group of solutions for schools lacking basic facilities as playgrounds, shaded areas through linkage with municipalities, CSOs etc.

Maintenance Directorate in collaboration

with Madrasati Initiative and Development Councils and



As allocated within UNICEF protocol= 11,000,000 JOD Per activity 3.2 of education pillar

To be linked with MOE budget item

4425 / 004

& item 4420 / 004

& item 4430 / 007

10.4.226 Improve the physical environment of schools through rehabilitation and maintenance

26 Cross- Cutting Activity with Protocol

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 49

Third Goal: Achieve integration in VAC’s programs management by MOE

Obj 1: Expanding the implementation scope of Ma’An Program and gradual coverage to all schools

Suggested Activities Responsibility Period Resources

1.1.3 Replacing the word campaign with program and re-branding the program’s to focus on the “ safe environment” and to go into the direction of positive terms/norms in the upcoming activities as (promoting respect, focusing on equality and accepting others etc.)

Ma’An Program team


An official letter to change the


2.1.3 Activate, develop and raise awareness about the new Code of Conduct to include;

- Signing commitment forms by all parties - Conducting extracurricular activities - Conducting COC competition

Code of Conduct

Committee+ Safe

Environment Council

-1 Months

-All year long -Monthly at schools and once a term

between schools

+Prizes, certificates of

appreciation(from development plan

budget) , + To be linked

with MOE budget item

4410 / 601 ،602 ،604

273.1.3 Review Ma’An training material according to the new scope to include:

- A review of Tarbyeh program tools in behavior management

- Adding new topics as per the new types of violence added to the scope

Training Material

Review and development committee+ UNICEF

9 Months

As allocated per UNICEF protocol= 476,800 JOD per

activity 2.2

4.1.3 Embed the modified training materials within the accreditation system for training management

Counselling directorate+

Training 1 Month ______

5.1.3 Finalize and adopt the list of schools participating in the program as per the gradual coverage approach and determine the school clusters/networks

Counselling directorate+

accountability unit+

directorates+ UNICEF

1 Month ______

6.1.3 Launch the progam under an official ceremony and announce the conditions for school’s selection under (Tier 1, 2, 3) 2 Weeks

Media campaign To be linked with MOE budget item

4410 / 601 ،602

7.1.328 Train a core TOT on the developed training material

Counselling directorate+ Training+ UNICEF

1 Month As allocated per

UNICEF Protocol=

27Cross- Cutting Activity with Protocol 28 Cross- Cutting Activity with Protocol

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 50

8.1.329 Train safe environment councils on: - Developed training material - How to develop a corrective plan - Initiatives design (schools and

community initiatives)- tools and programs

Trainers team in

collaboration with

directorates and UNICEF 1 Month

476,800 JOD Per activity 2.2 of

protection pillar + To be linked

with MOE budget item

4425 & 4430 / 011

9.1.3 Awareness campaign on school discipline, respect of others etc. through MOE’s awareness activities and social media tools

Ma’An Program team+ Media Directorate

1 Month from beginning of each term

Brochures and messages through

social media platforms

To be linked with MOE budget item

2211 /209 ،214

10.1.330 Extracurricular activities to combat VAC at schools

Safe Environment Councils in

collaboration with UNICEF

Continuous throughout


AS per school development plan+ counsellor plan+

as allocated within UNICEF protocol=

184,000 JOD As per activity 4.2 of protection pillar

+To be linked with MOE budget

item 4410 / 601 ،602 ،604

11.1.3 Embrace Ma’An website under MOE’s website and get it updated

Information Technology 1 Month ______

12.1.3 Conduct a study and a plan on how to enforce the prevention of VAC at private schools and monitor the process

Counselling directorate+

expert 2 Months

To be linked with MOE budget item

4401 / 014

13.1.3 Hold frequent refreshment courses for trainees (through a plan for master/core trainers team)

Trainers team Once at

beginning of each term

To be linked with MOE budget item

4430و 4425/ 011

29Cross- Cutting Activity with Protocol 30Cross- Cutting Activity with Protocol

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 51

Obj 2: Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of violence reduction programs depending on case

management approach integration between programs

Suggested Activities Responsibility Period Resources

1.2.3 Create and adopt a set of conditions for new programs/initiatives offered by donors for MOE (eg. To be in compliance with MOE priorities, having an exit plan and knowledge transfer plan, having a balanced results, having considered decentralization, having target sample specified by MOE, having a contribution in achieving safe school index etc. )

Education Management+

Planning Management

2 Months To be linked with MOE budget item

4401 / 014

2.2.3 Conduct a field study to find out all parties working on violence issue within schools and the extent of its coverage and activities in order to find cooperation opportunities between those cross cutting implementers

Expert+ counselling directorate+

programs implementers

6 Months

3.2.331 Focus on case management approach in dealing with cases. And finalize the development and approval of the detailed operational manual for case management

In collaboration with UNICEF

+National Council for

Family Affairs

2 Months

As allocated per UNICEF protocol= 394,700 JOD + 150000JOD

As per activities 4.1 + 1.5+

2.3 Under protection


324.2.3 Finalize the development and approval of the detection and response procedures and guidelines within MOE for Gender Based Violence including domestic violence

In collaboration


1 Month

5.2.3 Issuance of periodic reports through effective communication channels about MOE’s main strategic achievements and the results of its programs related to achieving a safe school environment. And issue periodic messages about safe environment and stimulating commitment by all school community (to embed this within MOE communication plan)

counselling directorate+

media directorate


To be linked with MOE budget item

2211 /209 ،214

31 Cross- Cutting Activity with Protocol 32 Cross- Cutting Activity with Protocol

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 52

Fourth Goal: Effective partnerships exist to support and promote positive change

Obj 1: Empower parents with the needed parental knowledge and skills to participate in the educational


Suggested Activities Responsibility Period Resources 1.1.433 Continuing and expanding in parents’

educating through courses in better parenting skills BP, and benefiting of the educational development councils

Childhood Directorate+ Counselling Directorate+

UNICEF Continuous

As allocate per protocol=

153,900 JOD Per activities 3.1

and 3.2 of protection pillar +To be linked

with MOE budget item

4410 / ،602 ،604

2.1.434 Activate communication programs with parents as holding a series of dialogues /discussions between parents and students in cooperation with the educational development councils

3.1.4 Activate PTAs General Education


During the first term of the year



354.1.4 Develop guidance messages for parents to be distributed through PTAs

General Education

Department with

UNICEF Continuous

As protocol= 10,000 JOD

As per activity 4.4 of protection

+To be linked with MOE budget

item 2211 /209

5.1.4 Integrate technology into engaging parents such as through specialized smart phones applications, or through social media channels

Communication Directorate+ Counselling directorate+

external implementer


To be linked with MOE budget item

2211 /209 ،214

6.1.4 Raise awareness about the provisions of school discipline regualtions (after amendments) –Rights and obligations

Counsellors At beginning of

each term

To be linked with MOE budget item

2211 /209 ،214

33Cross- Cutting Activity with Protocol 34 Cross- Cutting Activity with Protocol 35 Cross- Cutting Activity with Protocol

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 53

Obj 2: Reinforce linkages and community partnerships in service delivery and school support

Suggested Activities Responsibility Period Resources 1.2.4 Conduct feasibility studies for a number of

services that can be outsourced through other specialized bodies as:

- Training process management for teachers and administrators through QRTA

- Tacking and managing cases through Save the Children Help Desks

- Tarbyeh Program (Tools) in targeting schools suffering of high violence rates through Sharek Academy

Councelling Directorate+

Financial affairs+

Training 6 Months

To be linked with MOE budget item

4401 / 014

2.2.4 Implement some of the initiatives proposed by schools and communities to ensure ownership (through collaboration with educational development councils)

Safe Environment

Councils+ Development

Councils+ Councelling Directorate

During the coming 3 years

Development Plans + To be

linked with MOE budget item

4410 / 601 ،602 ،604

3.2.4 Set a list of MOE’s priortities for the purpose of attracting support and funding and contract a number of business parterships to finance the implementation of some priorities

Education Management+

Planning Management

At the beginning of the first term and

as per MOE strategic plan


4.2.4 Partnerships with official authorities to link and exchange data and information and cooperate in combatting VAC as per the multi-sectoral strategy

Education Management During the

coming 3 years ______

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 54

Fifth Goal: An efficient and effective system for monitoring, evaluating and developing the framework of

the safe school environment

Obj 1: Support decision-making process by providing accurate information in a timely manner at

various levels

Suggested Activities Responsibility Period Resources

1.1.5 Develop a balanced set of results/performance indicators for Ma’An program monitoring and evaluation and link with MOE comprehensive M&E system

Councelling Directorate+

UNICEF 3 Months ______

2.1.5 Counselling Directorate technical support in M&E so that they can design M&E tools and monitor its application 1 Month

To be linked with MOE

budget item 4430و 4425

/ 011 3.1.5 Set a mechanism to inform decision makers of

major results achieved by Ma’An Program and at periodic terms (to enhance demand on data and quick interventions when needed)

Queen Rania Center for

Information Technology+

UNICEF 6 Months To be

linked with MOE budget item

4401 / 007

4.1.5 Designing and issuing a geographical map based on survey data at the Kingdom level and at the Directorate level

5.1.5 Raise awareness in reports usage mechansims by decision makers at all levels 2 Months

6.1.5 Activate the following-up of school activities through the online system to ensure an effective implementation

To be developed during 2

months then to continue

Obj 2: Adopt a performance appraisal culture to enhance accountability and rewarding

Suggested Activities Responsibility Period Resources

1.2.5 Include the reduction of violence at schools within the assessment criteria of MOE accountability system of schools

Accountability Unit 2 Months ______

2.2.5 Studying the possibility of adopting a specific mark for students behavior as a mean for assessing student’s behavior (student’s accountability)

Education Management+

Exams Management

To be set by Exams


To be linked with MOE

budget item 4401 / 014

3.2.5 Incorporate the principles of community service (penalties based on community service within the regulations and COC)

Education Management+

Code of conduct committee+ Disciplinary Instructions

3 Months


4.2.5 Include items to promote student positive behavior within the regulations and COC


Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 55

Review Committee

365.2.5 Assign points as incentives to members of

the Environment Council as part of professional career achievements

Training Department+

HR 8 Months

+ To be linked with MOE

budget item 2111

/ 111 ،116 ،112 ،115

6.2.5 Embed a special indicator related to violence prevention within “Teachers’ Professional Development Standards”

Training Department+

Education Management

7.2.5 Celebrate positive behaviors at the COC completion ceremony

Code of Conduct

Committee+ Safe

Environment Councils

1 Month for inclusion+ continuous


As allocated per protocol=

20,000 JOD As per activity 1.2 of protection pillar

+ To be linked with MOE

budget item 4430 / 005

item 4410 / 601

8.2.537 Adding a violence related criterion within Healthy Schools Accreditation Program to get assessed through the program annually

(Healthy and Safe Schools)

Education Management and RHAS

To be set with RHAS after

meeting with them

9.2.5 Adding a violence related indicator or for promoting safe environment and positive learning within Queen Rania Award for Educational Excellence or as a condition for applying to the award

Education Management

and the Award To be set with the award after meeting with


Obj 3: Continuous participatory improvement for the purpose of improving VAC programs/activities

Suggested Activities Responsibility Period Resources

1.3.5 To assign a liaison officer responsible of the strategic framework to ensure that the action plan is carried out as planned and to supervise its updating and coordination with the various parties

Counselling Directorate Direct after

Framework endorsement


2.3.5 Build upon and transfer success stories and benefit of the experiences of schools, prinicples and teachers who succeed in reducing violence rates, and benefit of Queen Rania Award for Educational Excellence in spreading the culture of excellence

Ma’An Program Team in

collaboration with the Award

To be set with the award after meeting with


To be linked with MOE

budget item 4430 / 005

3.3.5 Get use of the field feedback in developing and improving the components of the strategic framework and executive plan

Counselling Directorate Continuous ______

36Cross- Cutting Activity with Protocol 37Cross- Cutting Activity with Protocol

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 56

4.3.5 Create a community of practices between schools to transfer best practices and help in problems solving

Counselling Deirectorate+

Training Department


5.3.5 Review and develop the training materials based on implementation and obtained feedback

To be linked with MOE

budget item 4430و 4425

/ 011

6.3.5 Update the strategic framework annually Counselling Directorate

A month at the end of each year


7.3.5 Conduct an impact evaluation at the end of year 3

External Body 3 Months ______

مشروع تقد�م خدمات استشار�ة 2021-2019العنف ضد األطفال في المدارس والستمرار�ة برنامج "معًا" لألعوام للحد مناالطار االسترات�جي وخطة العمل

57 57 إعداد: شر�ة نحو التمیز لالستشارات

3.2 Proposed Targeting Mechanism

The mechanism below presents a proposal for the suggested gradual implementation of Ma’An Program in its new structure and extended umbrella of new tackled types of violence over the coming three years of the ‘Strategic Framework’ implementation as well as for the consecutive two years.

In order to harmonize the necessary interventions and activities with the nature and conditions of the targeted schools:

1- Reference has been made to what is approved as a classification of schools within the Ministry's systems and specifying to schools’ nature; where it has been found that the classification adopted by the ‘Accountability Unit’ may be the widest and most appropriate one to build on it. Especially when considering the factors contributing to these classifications from (performance-related rates / student achievement scores at schools and complaints ratios). And with the possibility of adding the ‘safe school environment index’ to be taken into account later as previously presented in the executive plan.

The unit currently depends on three categories of schools (schools requiring special and serious care counting to 500 schools, medium-performing schools counting to 1000 schools, and good performing schools counting to 2,000 schools). A fourth classification is proposed, which is “accredited schools or ideal schools” with a total of 270 schools as per the ‘Healthy Schools Accreditation program’.

2- A preliminary conception of the number of targeted schools in each category was proposed for each of the next five years. 3- The mechanism of forming school networks was proposed for the purpose of facilitating the implementation, achieving better results

and expanding the reach. 4- The type of interventions required as per the executive plan for each identified schools’ category.

The proposed mechanism is as follows:

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 58

Figure 8 : Proposed Targeting Mechanism for Ma’an Program in its new structure

Following Years

Year 4+ 5 Year 3 Year 2 Year 12023 - 2021 2021/2020 2020/2019 2019/2018

Addition Addition Addition

150 + 200 + 150 500 schools

50 + 250 + 450 + 250 1000 schools

650 + 400 + 450 + 230 1730 schools

270 270 schools

700 800 1100 # of Schools

3500 2800 2000 Cumulative Coverage

5% UNRWA Schools

1% Military Schools



ng to






900 3,500

D) Accredited Schools

C) Good performing schools

B) Medium performing schools

Strategic Framework Implementation Period

A) Schools requiring special and serious care

Coverage Distribution

91% MOE Schools

3% Double Shifts Schools


ools A







Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 59

Following Years

Year 4+ 5 Year 3 Year 2 Year 12021 حتى 2023 2021/2020 2020/2019 2019/2018

Proposed Schools Networks During Strategic Framework Implementation Period

Accredited School

1 school

requiring special care

2 good performing


2 schools requiring

special care

Accredited School

1 medium performing


1 good performing


2 medium performing


1 good performing


1 medium performing


2 schools requiring

special care

Accredited School

2 medium performing


3 good performing


2 good performing


2 medium performing


Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 60

Priority in counsellors recruitment

Tarbyeh Program

Advanced Leadership Program (Counselling Principle) Advanced Leadership Program (Counselling Principle)

Psyco-Social Training for Teachers Psyco-Social Training for Teachers Psyco-Social Training for Teachers

Rehabilitation and Maintenance Rehabilitation and Maintenance

Educating parents through parenting skills courses Educating parents through parenting skills courses

Finding solutions for lack of main facilities Finding solutions for lack of main facilities

Train TOT core team on training material Train TOT core team on training material

Activate Communication Program with parents Activate Communication Program with parents

Exchange visits for knowledge transfer Exchange visits for knowledge transfer

Required Interventions/Activities for implementation at

D) Accredited Schools C) Good Performing SchoolsB) Medium Performing


A) Schools requiring special

and serious care

Joint Activities for all Schools' Categories

Principles Awareness about counselling process support Activate, develop and raise awareness of Code of Conduct

Awareness about school discipline regulations ( post amendment) Activate directed activities

Awareness about community support receipt and disbursement procedures Implement extracurricular activities to combat violence

Awareness about modified online survey, its goals and inquries references Train 'Safe Environment Councils"

Awareness Media Campaign Activate PTAs

Embed technology in family engagement Develop guiding messages for parents

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 61

3.3 Summary of the Institutionalization Process of Ma’An Program (Transition from Current to Future Situation)

Future Situation (Planned, To Be) Current Situation (Today, As-Is) Ma’An Program towards a Safe School Environment Ma’An Campaign Name:

All types of violence between school community members and

towards school environment Violence Type: Teacher to student Scope:

Expanding the scope of the program requires the gradual coverage

in schools targeting and the alignment of interventions with schools’ needs. A focus is a must on male schools and also there

should be planning for the inclusion of private schools at some stage (after the current period of the framework 2019-2021)

All Public schools, Military Education Schools, UNRWA Schools


- MOE strategic Plan 2018-2022 - Code of Conduct - Communication for Development Plan/Changing norms

and behaviors to end physical violence against children in Jordan 2019-2021

Collaboration MOU between MOE and UNICEF Reference;

- Include the expenditures contributed to the safe school environment pillar under the cross-cutting items of the Ministry's budget

- A special allocation for the activities needed to institutionalize Ma’An program within the protocol

- A special allocation from community support donations through educational development councils

- A special allocation to the safe environment in its holistic sense within the Endowment Fund

- MOE’s staff time and effort (in-kind contribution)

Activities are funded by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) without any specific

allocations in the Ministry's budget.

Ministry’s contribution is through the working hours of its staff (in-kind contribution)


Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 62

Future Situation (Planned, To Be) Current Situation (Today, As-Is) - A modified online survey in terms of content, target groups,

frequency of implementation, and offered options within tool - Informative reports at all levels - M&E Plan - Electronic monitoring of violence reduction activities and

treatment plans

A monthly online survey that is filled by a sample from schools in the field

Monitoring Tools:

- Safe school Index (within MOE Strategy) - A group of balanced indicators for Ma’An Program

An evaluation study was conducted for Ma’An program back in 2017


- An indicator within (Accountability System Evaluation Criteria) for schools

- Student behavior mark - An indicator within ‘Professional Development Criteria’ - Linkage with ‘Healthy Schools Accreditation’ Program to

have healthy and free of violence schools - A special indicator within Queen Rania Award for

Educational Excellence (Principle, teacher, counsellor) - Tarbiyeh Program tools in rewarding - Code of conduct competition - A set of rewards or points for member of safe school

environment councils (for those schools who improved )

A bunch of incentives were included in the implementation of Tarbiyeh program.

As for accountability, the Quality and

Accountability Unit has been established to begin its work in 2015

Accountability and


Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 63

Future Situation (Planned, To Be) Current Situation (Today, As-Is)

Roles & Responsibilities Counselling Directorate

With a Responsibility Matrix clarifying all roles

- Counselling Directorate: design the responsibility matrix, inform decision makers periodically about violence rates through a specific tool as the geographical map

- Protection Department: monitoring the survey, measure the indicator, monitor the implementation of activities and treatment/corrective plans, investigation committees, writing case referral reports

- Counselling Department: design activities, set treatment/corrective plans for cases

- Career Counselling Department: design activities related to life skills under career paths activities

- Queen Rania Center for Information Technology: design and launch the geographical map based on system results (and at all levels), and update the system continuously

Counselling Directorate

And roles are distributed without a clear reference between ‘Counselling Department’ and ‘Protection


Central Management


- Monitoring through geographical map at directorate level - Monitoring counsellors and treatment plans (electronically

and personally) - Distributing counsellors through schools’ networks to ensure

coverage - Education Development Council

No clear mechanism for monitoring implementation at directorate level

Field Level

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 64

Future Situation (Planned, To Be) Current Situation (Today, As-Is) - Safe School Environment Council - Counselling classes - Student behavior mark/score - Directed activities (participatory) - An evaluation score for the school principle - An accreditation evaluation score (Healthy school and free of

violence) - Filling online survey - Corrective/treatment plans, and follow up with parents - A preliminary report to directorate that states the violence rate - Case referral (including those of domestic violence)

- School Advocacy Group - Filling the online survey - Awareness activities at schools - Awareness activities with local community


School Level

- Selection is conducted by MOE only - MOE to contract with any external body - Train (master trainers) from MOE team

Selection is carried out by MOE and UNICEF. UNICEF contracts the external

suppliers/implementers for training and other activities

Activities Selection

A unified source for complaints submission and a hierarchical tracking mechanism

Submitted to MOE through various channels, weakness in tracking complaints


Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 65

Figure 9 : Required Changes for Institutionalization at the Central Level

At the Central Level of MOE-Required Changes for Institutionalization

Add violence pillar- and accountability on implementing schools’ plans, code of conduct

and treatment plans etc.

Embed case management approach, gradual punishments, behavior score, enhance positive


MOE Budget




Operating Procedures

Distribute safe environment pillar expenses under cross cutting

budget items

Endowment Fund Have a window/item for safe environment

A source for funding these expenditures

Embed counselling related courses and Ma’An program

courses within the accredited courses

Accreditation System-teacher, counsellor, principleProfessional Certificates System

Professional development


Change to

reflect on

System of Bonuses

% of bonusChange

to reflect


Accountability SystemAt schools and

directorates level

Performance Evaluation System



Students Disciplinary Instructions Educational Councils Instructions

Embed safe environment as a pillar within school plan+ directorate


Job descriptions Instructions

Review job descriptions for (counsellors, head of counselling department, counselling teacher,

counselling principle)

Set specific conditions

Donors Programs

Approve procedure and activate it

Case Management

Approve procedure and activate it

Detection and Response for (Gender Based Violence)

Add ‘Safe School Index’ and monitor the


M&E System

Online Survey System

Add all types of violence, and the treatment plans

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 66

Figure 10: Summary of Institutionalization Process Map at all Levels

Central LevelDirectorates LevelSchools Level

Strategic Plan, M&E System

Safe School Index at

Kingdome level

Directorate Development Plan

Safe School Index at directorate


School Development Plan

Safe School Index at school level

Online Survey System

Al l results at al l levels

Total % of Violence

Online Survey System

Monitor all rates of violence+

treatment plans and i ts progress

Online Survey System

Measure all types of violence in schools

Total % of ViolenceTotal % of Violence

Counsellor plan

Counselling Department


Plans of Safe school Council

Monthly reports

Accountability System

Embed a pillar about violence, monitor

school plan implementation, Code

of conduct etc.

School Evaluation

Get a final evaluation score for

school+ an act ion plan

Accountability Unit

Embed a pillar about


A score for health and vio lence aspects

Health Accreditation Program

Evaluation (teacher, counsellor, principle)

School evaluation score+ personal

performance appraisal

Student Evaluation

Student Behavior score

Capacity Building Programs

Embed safe environment within all related courses for new teachers, in service teachers,

counsellors, principles

Reward System

Professional Criteria

Disciplinary Instructions

Review and modify

Job Descriptions

Review required job descript ions

Operating Procedures

Design case management procedure+ complaints

management etc.

Financial System

Distribute expenses under cross-cutting


مشروع تقد�م خدمات استشار�ة 2021-2019العنف ضد األطفال في المدارس والستمرار�ة برنامج "معًا" لألعوام للحد مناالطار االسترات�جي وخطة العمل

67 67 إعداد: شر�ة نحو التمیز لالستشارات

3.4 Proposed Performance Indicators for M&E The impact indicators and strategic indicators below are merely proposed as a general structure for the strategic framework indicators and are not considered that detailed. Thus, it is necessary to work during the implementation early stages on:

1) Setting a comprehensive M&E system for the strategic framework To check the achievement of results and ensure following the right path, this to include:

- System of performance indicators (impact, outcome and outputs) - Targets - Data collection methods, measurement methods, measurement frequency (monthly,

quarterly, semi annually, annually) - Data analysis methods - Types of required reports

2) Develop a plan for measurement

And therefore,

Two special activities have been added for the purpose of monitoring and evaluating the strategic framework within the proposed executive plan:

- Activity 1.1.5: related to building an M&E system for the strategic framework related to violence with all the required: indicators cards, set targets, set measurement tools, frequency of measurement and responsibility, type of required reports, etc.

- Activity 2.1.5: related to raising the capacity of the ‘Counselling Directorate’ and in the M&E processes (to be able to design the data collection/measurement tools and supervise the measurement and follow-up processes)

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 68

3.4.1Third Level Indicators (Vision Level)

Strategic Framework Vision Impact Indicators

"A safe, attractive and

stimulating school

environment for learning and

positive interaction”

1. Student sense of safety at school environment 2. Dropout rate 3. Percentage of schools accredited to be free of violence 4. Rate of improvement in schools’ performance level

(jumping up classifications levels: from week to medium, medium to good, good to accredited)

3.4.2 Second Level Indicators (Strategic Objectives Level) Strategic Performance Indicators Strategic Objectives

1. Approval of VAC prevention Strategic Framework

2. Completion rate of required amendments in MOE’s relevant (regulations, procedures, instructions)

3. Readiness level of responsibility matrix

MOE’s (related regulations, procedures and instructions) are based on ‘safe school environment achievement policy’

Obj 1

Identify roles and responsibilities in combating VAC at school environment

Obj 2

1. Percentage of licensed counsellors (holding a profession license or obtaining accredited courses as per accreditation system)

2. Percentage of licensed teachers (holding a profession license)

3. Percentage of counselling principles 4. Improvement rate in students’ awareness level

of life skills 5. Amount of allocated budget for Ma’An program 6. Amount of community support received for

achieving safe environment at schools 7. Satisfaction rate about electronic systems used

( online survey system, complaints system)

Meet the schools’ needs of accredited counsellors Obj 1

Strengthen the culture of counselling, protecting and caring of students and supporting them by the different categories of educational caliber

Obj 2

Provide students with the necessary personal and social skills to achieve self-discipline

Obj 3

Allocating the necessary financial and material resources to implement the supporting systems in achieving the Safe Environment

Obj 4

1. Safe School Index 2. Compliance rate with COC 3. Ma’An Program Satisfaction Rate 4. Access Rate for Media Campaign

Expanding the implementation scope of Ma’An program & gradual coverage to all schools

Obj 1

Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of violence reduction programs depending on case management approach integration between programs

Obj 2

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 69

Strategic Performance Indicators Strategic Objectives

5. Level of adoption of the terms and conditions for new donors’ programs

6. Number of partnerships between cross-cutting programs

7. Detection Rate/Reponse rate to GBV 8. Achievement Rate of corrective actions based

on survey results

1. Parents awareness level of parenting skills 2. Number of outsourced services 3. Number of community partnerships signed

under the VAC prevention strategic framework

Empower parents with the needed parental knowledge and skills to participate in the educational process

Obj 1

Reinforce linkages and community partnerships in service delivery and school support

Obj 2

1. Number of interventions conducted based on

system’s data analysis 2. Readiness level of the violence pillar assessment

within Healthy Schools Accreditation Program 3. Number of counselling training courses

/violence reduction courses adopted within the accreditation system

4. Number of penalties for assault cases 5. Number of complaints over penalties taken 6. Total duration of solving a violence case 7. Total provided rewarding

Support decision-making process by providing accurate information in a timely manner at various levels

Obj 1

Addopt a performance appraisal culture to enhance accountability and rewarding

Obj 2

Continuous participatory improvement for the purpose of improving VAC programs/activities

Obj 3

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 70

.343. Some of First Level indicators (Initiatives Level)

Operational Performance Indicators

- Size of shortage coverage in counsellors’ number (number of councellors’ teachers+ number of counsellors’ principles+number of counselling services provided through schools’ networks)

- Readiness level of counsellor’s curriculum - Percentage of schools activating directed activities - Implementation level of ‘online survey system development plan’ - Number of renovated schools - Number of suggested solutions for lack of schools facilities as playgrounds etc.

- Number of TOT trained on new material - Number of ‘Safe School Envirnment Councils’ trained on new material - Number of knowledge transfer courses between schools’ networks and within

schools - Number of events and activities for violence prevention held at schools - Number of participants in violence prevention activities (students, teachers) - Readiness level of ‘detection and response procedures’ for GBV - Readiness level of ‘case management’ operational manual - Number of individual educational plans issued - Number of cases referred to specialists - Number of VAC prevention messages issued by Ministry

- Number of qualified core trainers for parenting courses - Number of parents participating in parenting skills courses and dialogue

programs - % of active parent councils

- Number of trained staff in M&E - Number of awareness sessions - Number of monitoring visits to field by Ministry team - Number of monitoring visits to field by Directorates team - Readiness of the study about ‘Student Accountability Mark’ - Number of community services provided (number of participants) - Number of published success stories - Number of updates to strategic framework

3.5 Cross- Cutting National Plans with Strategic Framework

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 71

The methodology for drafting the strategic framework has included the gathering of all presented national plans and strategies in agreement with safe school environment provision goals and presenting their results during the conducted workshop for strategic framework development in order to:

1. Know the most important national objectives and initiatives that are compatible with the framework, and which may contribute to the achievement of some aspects of this framework

2. Grasp ideas for similar initiatives that can be included in the executive plan 3. Give ideas on current initiatives in the field of VAC prevenetion at schools, which may be used

subsequently to support the implementation of initiatives under the plan and specially those cross-cutting with the field of work

Thus, the ‘Strategic Framework for prevention of VAC in Schools’ will be in harmorny with four major national plans as outlined below;

Figure 11 Cross-Cutting National Plans with VAC Reduction Strategic Framework

And as detailed in the cross-cutting matrix below:

مشروع تقد�م خدمات استشار�ة 2021-2019العنف ضد األطفال في المدارس والستمرار�ة برنامج "معًا" لألعوام للحد مناالطار االسترات�جي وخطة العمل

72 72 إعداد: شر�ة نحو التمیز لالستشارات

Figure 12 : Cross-Cutting Matrix Between Strategic Framework Objectives and National Plans Objectives

Obj 3 Obj 2 Obj 1 Obj 2 Obj 1 Obj 2 Obj 1 Obj 4 Obj 3 Obj 2 Obj 1 Obj 2 Obj 1

Continuous improvement

for performance improvement


Strengthen accountability and rewarding

based on performance


Activate decision

making process based on correct

information at different levels

Reinforce linkages and community

partnerships in service delivery

and school support

Empower parents with the needed

parental knowledge and


Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of programs'

design, planning and management


Gradual implementation

of Ma'An program during

the coming three years

Provision of material resources supporting in effective implementa


Provide students with

necessary personal and

social skills to achieve self-


Strengthen the professional capacities of

school principles and teachers

Strengthen and build the

capacity of those

working in guidance

and counselling

Identify roles and

responsibilities in combating


Incorporate the efforts required to provide the

safe environment within MOE's

organizational framework

Quality Scope 4••• ••• School leadership and community engagement comp. 3

••• ••• ••• ••• Safe and stimulating school environment comp. 5

System Support Scope 3••• ••• Organizational Performance Management comp. 1

Human Resources Scope 5••• Teachers Pre-Service qualification comp. 2

••• Teachers rewarding and incentives comp. 4

••• Monitoring and evaluation, quality assurance comp. 5

••• ••• ••• Ensure school provision of safe environment Obj 1••• Improve Working Caliber capacity Obj 2••• Enhance accountability, leadership and planning Obj 3

••• ••• Reduce physical violence Obj 1••• Reduce corporal punishment by parents Obj 2

••• ••• ••• Reduce bulleying cases Obj 3

Eduction Pillar

••• Enhance partnerships, capacities, accountability output 1

••• Increase equitable access to basic education output 2 Protection Pillar

••• ••• ••• ••• Strengthen regulatory framework and responsive systems output 1

••• ••• ••• Strengthen capacities of principles, teachers, counsellors output 2

••• Aquire parents and caregivers appropriate knowledge output 3

••• ••• Reduce physical violence against children output 4

Goal 5

Strategic Framework for VAC Prevention in Schools Goal 4

HRD Strategy

MOE StrategyNational Plans

C4D Strategy


Goal 1Goal 2Goal 3

مشروع تقد�م خدمات استشار�ة 2021-2019العنف ضد األطفال في المدارس والستمرار�ة برنامج "معًا" لألعوام للحد مناالطار االسترات�جي وخطة العمل

73 73 إعداد: شر�ة نحو التمیز لالستشارات

3.6 Assumptions and Success Factors for Strategic Framework Implementation

The following points must be achieved so that MOE can achieve advanced results in reducing violence against children in schools and facilitate the implementation of the strategic framework and its executive plan and ensure continuity in working towards reducing violence at all levels:

1) Activating Accountability System and Accountability Unit

The proposed executive action plan has referred to the importance of reviewing the pillar related achieving a safe and healthy environment within the accountability system manual. The review should focus on all the standards of the safe environment, not only on the physical environment of the schools but also on the rates of violence and school plans in this regard. This is to ensure effective implementation of violence reduction initiatives and activities by schools and directorates, achieving accountability over high rates of violence or failure to implement school plans to reduce violence, or non-implementing the Code of Conduct.

2) Continuing In Transfer Towards Decentralization Process

Referring to the executive plan that was presented previously under Section III, a focus was highlighted on achieving a safe environment in the development plans of directorates and school development plans as an important part of the institutionalization of violence reduction within the structure of MOE. And which match with the decentralization direction within MOE strategy for the years 2018-2022. Therefore, the real implementation of the educational development councils at the level of school networks, and at the level of education directorates - which has been set up since 2015 - will have the greatest impact on the implementation of developmental plans for improving the performance of schools in general and addressing specific issues as violence, ). As well as involving the local community in supporting and meeting the needs for implementing development plans and activities. This requires from the ministry to delegate more authorities to achieve fast completion of development plans and put it into effect so that schools can spend sufficient time in the implementation of those plans. It is also necessary to increase the awareness of schools and directorates on the mechanisms of receipt and disbursement of community support, which has been facilitated recently, and to clarify the methodology of accepting donations from the community through various means such as brochures, leaflets, awareness sessions. Due to its impact on facilitating the implementation of the development plans and its various pillars.

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 74

3) Partnership and Coordination with Training Management

It is necessary to strengthen the coordination between the Counselling Directorate and the Training Management in regard to the training courses that will be implemented through the framework, starting with the involvement of the training department in:

a. the process of reviewing the related training materials, b. the process of accrediting a number of training courses in counselling / violence reduction /

Ma’An program within the new accreditation system that is currently being prepared for teachers, and then apply that at the level of counsellors and school principals

c. the planning process for any training courses, d. the subsequent evaluations of the training process

4) Address the Shortage in Educational Counsellors

Field research has highlighted the fact that educational counselors are the most important element in achieving the effectiveness and success of violence reduction in schools. However, there is a large gap in the number of current available counsellors, which calls for the importance of developing an alternative plan to alleviate the shortage through: Assigning the task of counselling to qualified teachers - finding a number of counselling teachers - strengthening the idea of a counselling principal, making use of school networks to help provide guidance).

5) Review and Modify Student Disciplinary Instructions

The lack of compliance with school discipline regulations and the variant extent of their application between schools and directorates and for several reasons, has the greatest impact on the increase in violence and recurrence within schools. This necessitates working on the revision of these instructions to take into account several things that have been detailed in the proposed action plan including: the gradualization of the penalty and its types, dealing with the case management approach with the aim of modifying behavior, including the reinforcement of student positive behavior and the behavioral mark as a mean for assessing student behavior and accountability. This should be followed by awareness campaigns for school administrators, teachers, students and their parents about the details of the new disciplinary instructions and their role in maintaining the safety and security of the educational environment. And then monitor its implementation at schools.

6) Tailor the Schools’ Needs with the Type of Directed Activities

The diversity in the nature of the targeted schools requires adaptation with the proposed interventions / activities of the framework, both in terms of:

- Type of overlap / activity required, - Or specifications of that intervention and its content (Eg, the training materials to be revised and

modified for the purpose of reducing violence should include different subjects that are appropriate with the needs and nature of schools - such as topics for low performance schools, others for good and medium performing schools and others for male school, etc.)

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 75


Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 76

A. List of Reviewed Documents

The desk research phase included reviewing a number of data sources, most notably: The desk review phase included reviewing a number of data sources, most notably:

MOE Data and Reports

• MOE Strategic Plan • Schools Discipline Regulations, for 2017, 2007, 1998, 1981 • MOE new Code of Conduct, 2017 • Schools Accountability System Manual, 2015 • SOP for Educational Counselling Department, 2015 • SOP for Counselling and Guidance Directorate, 2015 • Steering Committee Roles & Responsibilities, 2012 • Coordination Committee Roles & Responsibilities, 2012 • Technical Committee Roles & Responsibilities, 2012 • M&E Committee Roles & Responsibilities, 2012 • Electronic Monthly Surveys Working Team Roles • MOE Committee for review of the procedures related to addressing

violence (based on gender, family violence and violence against children) • MOE Committee for review and development of Ma’an Training Material • SAG members’ selection criteria

UNICEF Data and Reports

Other Organizations


• Violence Against Children Study, 2007, UNICEF & NCFA • COMBI Plan (of 1st year Program) for reducing the incidence of teacher-

on-student violence as discipline in Jordan, 2008, UNICEF • COMBI Teachers Manual, 2009, MOE • Monthly Surveys Analysis Report, 2010, MOE • Post Survey Report, 2011, UNICEF • Qualitative Study to Assess Ma’An Campaign (Intermediate Study), 2011,

UNICEF • Disciplinary Study Report, 2012, Dr. Tuqa Alrazouq • Ma’an Programme TOC, UNICEF • Emergency Education Response for Displaced Syrian Children and Host

Communities Project in Jordan, 2014, UNICEF &EU • Tarbiyeh initiative Pre-Evaluation, Apr 2015, Sharek Academy • Tarbiyeh initiative Action Plan within 6 of Za’tari Camp Schools, 2016,

Sharek Academy • Tarbiyeh initiative Post-Evaluation, Aug 2015, Sharek Academy • Tarbiyeh initiative School Based Activities Manual, 2015, Sharek

Academy • MOPIC, MOE and UNICEF Protocol, 2014 • MOPIC, MOE and UNICEF Protocol, 2017 • Ma’an Programme 2009-2016 Final Evaluation Report, 2017, AAN

Associates, Islamabad, Pakistan • UNICEF Country Programme Action Plan 2013-2017 • UNICEF Country Programme Results Framework 2013-2017

• Civil Service Conduct, 2013 • UNRWA Technical Educational Regulations, 2008 • UNRWA Schools Code of Conduct Template • UNRWA Action Plan and M&E Plan towards a safe, violence free

environment in UNRWA schools, 2016-2017

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 77

Others • VAC Project in schools and Families in Albania Evaluation Report, 2012,Save the Children

• Evaluation Report for Safe and enabling school environment project inCroatia, 2012, UNICEF

• Raising Voices Strategy 2012-2016, Uganda• Generations for Peace’s Jordan Violence in Schools Programme Research,

2014, University of Oxford• Global Initiative “to End All Corporal Punishment of Children” Report,

2016, The Association for the Protection of All Children, London

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 78

B. First Deliverable –Inception Report

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 79

C. List of Meetings and Focus Groups

- 11 Personal Meetings with:

- UNRWA Date: 7th March - Sharek Academy Date: 7th March - UNICEF Date: 8th March - Queen Rania Award Association Date: 21th March - Queen Rania Center for Information Technology Date: 3rd April

Date: 16th April - Ma’an Program Technical Team Date: 11th April - Save the Children Date: 15th April - NCFA Date: 23th April - Madrasati Initiative Date: 26th April - JRF Date: 2nd May - RHAS Date: 22th May

- 7 Focus Group Discussions

- FGD with Head of Counsellors- Middle Education Directorates Date: 25th March 17 participants - FGD with SAGs- Amman Education Directorate Date: 26th March 16 participants - FGD with SAGs - Middle Education Directorates Date: 27th March 18 participants - FGD with Head of Counsellors- North Education Directorates Date: 28th March 11 participants - FGD with SAGs- North Education Directorates Date: 29th March 17 participants - FGD with Head of Counsellors- South Education Directorates Date: 1st April 9 participants - FGD with SAGs- South Education Directorates Date: 2nd April 12 participants - Total of 100


- 2Briefing Meeting

- UNICEF Date: 5th April - SC + Head of Education Directorate Date: 22nd April

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 80

D. Pictures from Focus Group Discussions

مشروع تقد�م خدمات استشار�ة 2021-2019العنف ضد األطفال في المدارس والستمرار�ة برنامج "معًا" لألعوام للحد مناالطار االسترات�جي وخطة العمل

81 81 إعداد: شر�ة نحو التمیز لالستشارات

E. List of Attendees for Strategic Framework Workshops

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 82

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 83

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 84

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 85

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 86

F. Workshops’ Exercises

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 87

G. Ma’An Campaign Initiatives Development Plan

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014-2016**


Administrative Mobilization &


Campaign Launch with

Royal Patronage

SAG SAG SAG Safe School Environment Councils

Forming of Committees and National


Technical committee directed towards

dealing with family violence cases

Guiding Letters by Minister to

teachers, students

Implemented by Ma’an Campaign MOE/ UNICEF

Tarbiyeh Program Sharek Academy

+ Ma’an Campaign MOE/ UNICEF


School Based Initiatives

Alternative Discipline Methods-

Yellow Card- Ehtidan

Monthly Surveying of Students (Eduwave online)

Ma’an Online Survey System


Tarbiyeh Online System Reports+ Ma’an Online Survey System MOSS

SAG Meetings Field visits to schools

Awards/ Certificates

National Ma’an Day

Training to students/teachers by working teams

Training for Teachers &

heads of counselling

Training for survey liaison officers, computer lab technicians, some

heads of counselling and counsellors

Training heads of counselling+ counsellors +principals

Training for SAG+ heads of


Implemented by MOE/ UNICEF Ma’an Campaign MOE/ UNICEF

Tarbiyeh Program Sharek Academy

+ Ma’an Campaign MOE/ UNICEF

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 88

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014-2016 2017

Community Based


Training of Preachers

Meetings at MOI level with

councils + Training of governors

Training to parents

Media Campaign

Ma’an Website

Implemented by

Ma’an Campaign MOE/ UNICEF

Tarbiyeh Program Sharek Academy

+ Ma’an Campaign MOE/ UNICEF

**Committees under Ma’an Campaign were not effectively active *** It is worth mentioning that JRF conducted 2 trainings in 2015 for a team of 45 persons on (case management, facilitation and motivation skills) and a manual for case management was designed as well (which is currently being worked upon and developed by the technical committee for dealing with domestic violence cases)

مشروع تقد�م خدمات استشار�ة 2021-2019العنف ضد األطفال في المدارس والستمرار�ة برنامج "معًا" لألعوام للحد مناالطار االسترات�جي وخطة العمل

89 89 إعداد: شر�ة نحو التمیز لالستشارات

H. Meetings and Focus Groups Tools (Directed Questions)

مشروع تقد�م خدمات استشار�ة 2021-2019العنف ضد األطفال في المدارس والستمرار�ة برنامج "معًا" لألعوام للحد مناالطار االسترات�جي وخطة العمل

90 90 إعداد: شر�ة نحو التمیز لالستشارات

I. Reviewed Benchmarks

1- Benchmarks of Similar Plans Visions

Visions "Towards a safe, interactive and non-violent school environment and a socially motivated psychosocial

environment" Code of Conduct

"Creating a protective and non-violent environment for children in schools, homes and public places" Communication for Development


"The development of a healthy environment in our schools is positively reflected on the student's physical, social and educational development"

Healthy Schools Program

2- Benchamrks of Similar Guiding Principles

Guiding Principles o Rights Respect o Confidentiality and privacy o Protection o Non-discrimination o Participatory approach among public institutions

National Framework for Family Protection


o Fair access and equal opportunity o World-class quality outputs/experiences o Accountability for results o Creating an education system that learns

from its results o A mentality that promotes values and

national unity

HRD Strategy


Gender Equality Sustainability and development Communication based on rights Capacity Building and


Communication for Development Plan


Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 91

3- Benchmarks of Similar Goals and Objectives


4- Benchmarks of Cross Cutting Goals and Objectives


Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 92

J. Summary of Current Committees and Councils

Committes and Councils at Schools as Per MOE Strategy

Current status

Role Page Name

بحاجة الى تفعیل

% 60حالیا مفعلة في

: 2022الھدف في

% 100النسبة المؤیة للمدارس المفعلة لھا =

حول القضایا العامة التي تھم المدرسة تقدم تقاریر والمجتمع المحلي وتحدد المشكالت والحلول

باالضافة الى تنفیذ مبادرات لتحسین العملیة التعلیمیة و البیئة المدرسیة والعالقة مع المجتمع

ویمثل الرئیس المجلس في جمیع االجتماعات

المتعلقة بالمدرسة

یتم حالیاً مراجعة تشریعاتھ

27 Student Parlimantary Councils

تم تطویر الخطط ولكن لم یتم تنفیذھا : 2022الھدف في

%100النسبة المؤیة للخطط التنفیذیة المعتمدة = %80والمنفذة=

النسبة المؤیة للمدارس التي تدعمھا المجالس % 100التربویة =

على مستوى شبكات المدارس وعلى مستوى شكلت مدیریات التربیة والتعلیم وذلك العداد الخطط

التطویریة وتنفیذھا من أجل تحسین أداء المدرسة لتحول نحو الالمركزیة في ادارة عملیة ولدعم ا

التعلم والتعلیم واشراك المجتمع في دعم أداء المدارس الحكومیة وتقییمھ. وتقوم أیضاً بدراسة

االحتیاجات المشتركة للمدارس في الشبكة، وتحدید المجاالت ذات األولویة (كنتائج تحصیل الطلبة و

تیة السلوك والعنف المدرسي ومشكالت البنیة التح والتنمیة المھنیة)

27 65


Development Councils

: 2022الھدف في

النسبة المؤیة للمدارس التي تضمن مجالس المعلمین وأولیاء األمور = %100

في االستراتیجیة وال یوجد أیة أنشطة غیر محدد مرتبطة ضمن الخطة

65 PTAs

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 93

تفعیل دور اللجان

النسبة المؤیة للمدارس ضمن برنامج الصیانة % 50الوقائیة =

تضم عضویة الطلبة في المدارس التي یتم فیھا تنفیذ برامج الصیانة الوقائیة

69 Maintenance Committees

Committes and Councils at Schools as Per Official Documents

Document Role Name محدد ضمن تعلیمات االنضباط الطالبي في

2017المدارس الحكومیة والخاصة لسنة

مكون من: - ً مدیر المدرسة رئیسا معلمین أعضاء 4 - مربي الصف الذي ینتمي الیھ الطالب - ممثل عن مجلس أولیاء األمور والمعلمین - (منتخب من قبل المجلس البرلماني الطالبي) ممثل عن الطلبة -

Investigation Councils

محدد ضمن میثاق السلوك المدني التربوي الجدید

مكون من: - ً مدیر المدرسة رئیسا معلمین أعضاء 4 - المرشد التربوي - ممثل عن مجلس اآلباء أو األمھات - ممثل عن مجلس التطویر التربوي - ممثلین عن الطلبة (منتخبان من قبل مجلس الطلبة) -

Safe School Environment Council

Code of Conduct /Council

محددة ضمن تعلیمات رقم 1 لسنة 2014

(تعلیمات المجالس التربویة لشبكات المدارس ومجالس التطویر التربوي في مدیریات

التربیة والتعلیم)

مكون من: مدارس منتخب من أفراد المجتمع المرشحین من مدراء : الرئیس -

الشبكة منسق االشراف واالسناد التربوي في الشبكة : نائب الرئیس - األعضاء: -

مدراء مدارس الشبكة - مرشد تربوي منتخب من مرشدي الشبكة -أفراد من المجتمع المحلي (منتخبین من أفراد مجتمع 3 -

محلي مرشحین من مدراء مدارس الشبكات) شبكة رؤساء المجالس البرلمانیة الطالبیة في ال - ممثلین من مجالس أولیاء األمور والمعلمین 5- 3من -

Educational Councils for Schools Networks

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 94

المھام الرئیسة: دراسة الخطط التطویریة لمدارس الشبكة - دراسة الحاجات المشتركة لشبكة المدارس (األولویات) - الحاجات لفریق تطویر المدیریة رفع - توفیر الدعم الالزم لتلبیة الحاجات (تواصل مع مؤسسات) -دعم األنشطة المدرسیة والمسابقات والمناسبات واألعیاد -

الوطنیة وتنظیمھا متخصصة من أعضاء المجلس لمتابعة لجانتشكیل -

قضایا معینة (تحصیلیةـ سلوكیة الخ)

تتألف الھیئة العامة للمجلس من: مدراء مدارس الشبكة - أولیاء أمور الطلبة في الشبكة - رؤساء المجالس البرلمانیة الطالبیة في الشبكة - المھتمون من أفراد المجتمع المحلي الذي توجد فیھ الشبكة -

ویمثل رئیس مجلس الشبكة المجلس في مجلس التطویر التربوي في المدیریة

المجلس موجود على مستوى المدیریة وھناك فریق تطویر المدیریة و فریق تطویر المدرسة

مجلس التطویر التربوي: : أحد رؤساء المجالس التربویة لشبكات المدارسالرئیس -: مدیر التربیة نائب الرئیس -:األعضاء -

رؤساء المجالس التربویة لشبكات المدارس، أعضاء فریق تطویر المدیریة، طالب وطالبة منتخبان من مجلس برلمانات الطلبة

المشكل على مستوى المدیریة

المھام الرئیسة: دراسة الخطط التطویریة للمدیریة وتقدیم الدعم لتنفیذھا - المشاركة في األنشطة والمسابقات واالحتفاالت -مناقشة االنجازات وتحدیات تنفیذ الخطة التطویریة لشبكات -

المدارس والمدیریة

Educational Development Councils

Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 95

فریق تطویر المدیریة: مدیر التربیة - مدیر الشؤون التعلیمیة والفنیة - مدیر الشؤون االداریة والمالیة -رؤساء أقسام كل من: التخطیط، االرشاد، التعلیم العام، االعالم -

ي، الرقابة والتفتیش، توكید الجودة التربوي، االتصال المجتمع رئیس قسم االشراف واالسناد التربوي -

المھام الرئیسة:وضع معاییر اختیار (المدرسة المركزیة، الرئیس، ممثلي -

المجتمع للمجالس التربویة) دراسة خطط المدارس وتحلیلھا وتحدید االحتیاجات المشتركة -

وارسالھا الى المجلس التربوي لشبكة المدارس تطویر اجراءات واستراتیجیات االستجابة لالحتیاجات -تیسیر تنفیذ المدارس لخططھا من خالل المتابعة وتقدیم الدعم - تحدید أولویات التطویر في ضوء الخطط التطویریة - الخطة التطویریة للمدیریة اعداد - تزوید الوزارة بالخطة التطویریة للمدیریة -اعداد تقاریر االنجاز للخطط التطویریة وعرضھا على -

المجالس وارسالھا للوزارة لمتابعة تنفیذ الخطط

منسق المجالس التربویة: ھو رئیس قسم من أعضاء فریق تطویر المدیریة -الس التربویة في المدیریة، مھامھ: اعداد قاعدة بیانات المج -

تزوید المدارس ورؤساء المجالس بالتشریعات الناظمة لعمل المجالس، اعداد خالصة انجازات المجالس

فریق تطویر المدرسة: مدیر المدرسة -معلمین منسقین لمجاالت: التعلم والتعلیم، المدرسة، 4 -

المجتمع، بیئة الطالب، القیادة، االدارة

المھام الرئیسة: اعداد الخطط التطویریة -ترجمة األنشطة الواردة في الخطة التطویریة الى خطة -


Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 96

تقدیم تقریر انجاز فصلي للمدیریة حول تنفیذ الخطة -

من األحكام العامة بخصوص مدة لعضویة:مدة عضویة ممثلي المجتمع في المجلس التربوي لشبكة -

المدارس سنتان مدة العضویة في المجلس التربوي ومجلس التطویر -

التربوي مرتبطة بمدة استمراریة تمثیل العضو للجھة التي یمثلھا

Councils at Schools Based on Focus Group Discussions

Current Status Role Name Student Parlimant


400موجودة في قرابة

مدرسة مشاركة في برنامج االعتماد الصحي

تعزیز الصحة ودعم األنشطة الصحیة

تضم: ( ممثلین عن االدارة، المعلمین، الطلبة، األھالي، المجتمع المحلي، طبیب المركز الصحي)

School Health Committee

مدرسة 2689موجودة في

مشاركة تابعة لبرنامج جائزة الملك عبدهللا الثاني للیاقة البدنیة

تتكون من مدیر المدرسة، معلم التربیة الریاضیة، معلم

الحاسوب، معلم الصحة العامة (ان وجد)

School Fitness Commm

Mothers and Fathers

Councils Safe Environment


Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 97

الرئیسمنتخب من المجتمع المحلي

المرشحین من مدراء مدارس الشبكة

المجلس التربوي للشبكة

نائب الرئیس منسق االشراف واالسناد التربوي

في الشبكة

المرشد التربوي المنتخب مدراء مدارس الشبكة

رؤساء المجالس البرلمانیة الطالبیة في الشبكة من المجتمع المحلي 3

ممثلي مجالس أولیاء 3-5األمور والمعلمین


الھیئة العامة للمجلس التربوي

أولیاء أمور الطلبة في مدراء مدارس الشبكة الشبكة

رؤساء المجالس البرلمانیة الطالبیة في الشبكة

المھتمون من المجتمع المحلي

فریق تطویر المدرسة

مدیر المدرسة

معلمین 4

في مجاالت التعلم والتعلیم، )المدرسة، المجتمع، بیئة الطالب،

( القیادة، االدارة

مجلس التطویر التربوي في المدیریة

الرئیس أحد رؤساء المجالس التربویة لشبكات المدارس

نائب الرئیس مدیر التربیة والتعلیم

األعضاءفریق تطویر المدیریة رؤساء المجالس التربویة

لشبكة المدارس

طالب وطالبة منتخبان من مجلس برلمانات الطلبة المشكل على مستوى المدیریة


مدیر التربیة

فریق تطویر المدیریة

مدیر الشؤون التعلیمیة والفنیة

مدیر الشؤون االداریة والمالیة

رئیس قسم االرشادرئیس قسم التخطیط

رئیس قسم االعالم التربويرئیس قسم التعلیم العام

رئیس قسماالتصال المجتمعي

رئیس قسمالرقابة والتفتیش

رئیس قسمتوكید الجودة

رئیس قسماالشراف واالسناد التربوي

منسق المجالس التربویة خطة التطویر

تحدید الحاجات المشتركة من للمدرسة الخطط التطویریة لمدارس الشبكة

خطة التطویرللمدیریة


Consultancy Service Project A 3-Year Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Reduction of Violence Against Children in Schools and Sustainability of Ma’An Program 98

K. Comparison between Strategic Framework Components and Theory of Change

End of Document