Consumer relation (2)

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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BY- Rohit kumar sagar parmar

What is Consumer Relation?

Consumer publics

The female publics

The youth publics

The customer publics

The business manager publics

The farmer publics

Objectives of consumer relationTo determine what consumer think and say

about the policies, acts , products or services of the company

To see that all statements made to consumers concerning prices, value services and quality are truthful and unexaggerated.

To improve consumer service by more satisfactory handling of complaints ; by analysis of complaints to discover what cause them ; and by correcting deficiencies in operation , procedure or policy to prevents complaints.

To gain acceptance of the products and services of the corporation by consuming publics.

To educate employees to give prompt, accurate, courteous, personal, and friendly service to consumers.

To disseminate the consuming publics information about the products , service, policies, and practices of a corporation .

To answer consumers’ inquiries regarding the company, its product and services , and their uses.

To make a product or service more satisfactory to consumer through products research and understanding.

To label products in understandable terms so consumer can know the quality of characteristics of products ; to establish grades or standards of products quality to aid consumer in their choice and use of products.

To establish the lowest possible price consistent with quality through the elimination of waste in production and distribution , and to pass along the consumers the savings from the greater efficiency .

To cooperate with consumer groups to inform and educate consumer in recognizing quality and satisfying their needs .

To maintain and develop relation with home economics teachers , home demonstration agents and food stores

To prepare and distribute direction recipes, and literature on the uses of products so that the consumer will derive the maximum satisfaction from the using products


The public relation staff and counsel must first get a clear understanding of the attitude of the consuming public toward the company and its products ,policies, operations, and problems and the nature of any consumer prejudice.

Information concerning the attitude of consumer toward a company and its product is essential in establishing a consumer policy, determining objectives and planning a consumer-relations program.

In addition to opinion survey ,the views of consumer are reflected in complaints received by the company.

Survey also reveal what people know or do not know about a company and their understanding of corporate policies and acts.

After consumer opinion has been considered and company policies and practices have been evaluated, communications with consumers should be planned.


Oral Communication Oral communication with the consumer public is the most effective

means of presenting facts and creating understanding of an

organization’s policies and practices. Employee-consumer communication.• The public relation department, cooperating with line and staff

department , should develop an employee training program whose objective should be to establish a felling of participation in developing good public relation.

• To train employees in consumer communication, companies use group discussions with supervisory personnel, individual and group discussions with employees, pamphlets, motion pictures, visits to other departments.

Formal speeches by executives to community groups, Informal conservations of employees with their families, relatives, friends and neighbors.

Plant visits by consumers.Communication with consumer carried on through plant visits by consumer groups –church, civic, and fraternal organization –to see their operations and hear from executives.

Audiovisual communications with consumer Televisions and Radio broadcast are a basic

medium of consumer communications of many large companies.

Motion pictures arte major audiovisuals medium. They appeal to the eye as well as the ears, combined information and entertainment, speed up understanding, hold the attention, make a lasting impression, and by the combination of sound, action and color, capture the interest of and inform consumers audiences.

Exhibits with lecturers and taped recordings are also used to inform consumer.

Printed Communication with consumerPrinted communication are used in conjunction with oral

communication media. The principal forms include publicity ,program kits and study material for clubs, library, reference materials, publications, correspondence, and publication advertising.

Publicity. Consumer opinion is formed from information transmitted by the press, Television, radio. Public relation department prepare and distribute news releases, special articles, photographs, clip sheets, and background information to the mass media.

Program kits and study materials. Program kits and study materials prepared by public relation departments are distribute to club program committees.

Library Reference Materials. Libraries are used in preparing speeches and programs, and by students writings reports and papers. Public relation department send libraries their annual report, executives speeches, institutional booklets, and periodical.

External Periodicals. Large corporations publish external magazine, which, in addition to entertaining, inform readers about the company, its products, policies, and accomplishments.

Correspondence. Correspondence is a major medium of communication with consumers. Large corporation public relation department have established separate section responsible for handling correspondence with consumer.

• Institutional Advertising. Institutional Advertising is a public relation medium used by increasing no. of corporation to inform consumer about company progress, operations, research, and contribution to the public welfare.

• Direct Mail Advertising. Booklets, folder, bulletins and pamphlets are used to promote public understanding and appreciation of a company and its activities. Direct mail advertising, more selective than general advertising is used to reach particular special-interest groups.

