contact Technology - Workbench

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© 2005 ANSYS, Inc. 1 ANSYS, Inc. ProprietaryANSYS, Inc. Proprietary© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Workbench SimulationWorkbench Simulation

Contact Analysis

© 2005 ANSYS, Inc. 2 ANSYS, Inc. ProprietaryANSYS, Inc. Proprietary© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Objective and OutlineObjective and Outline

• Contact related features available in ANSYS Workbench– Contact objects– Initial contact status– Contact meshing– Solution information– Contact results– Wizards

© 2005 ANSYS, Inc. 3 ANSYS, Inc. ProprietaryANSYS, Inc. Proprietary© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Workbench Contact ModelingWorkbench Contact Modeling

• Automatic contact generation for a variety of CAD geometry

• Various options for specifying contact behavior• Associative with geometry changes

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Contact Folder: DetailsContact Folder: Details

Tolerance type: a) slider b) numeric value

Automatic generation based on pair options

Disable transparency

Rename based on geometry names

Search sphere size indicator appears in graphics window

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Contact Folder: DetailsContact Folder: Details

Auto detection types:Face/Face Face/Edge Edge/Edge

Priority for type during auto generation

Automates construction of connections between part, manual effort is sometimes necessary

Setting the appropriate priority improves the outcome of the automatic generation, review of generated objects is good practice

Joins solid and surface bodies together by defining contact relationship between corresponding faces and edges

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Examples of Contact TypesExamples of Contact Types

Surface body face to surface body edge

Solid body edge to surface body edge

Surface body edge to surface body edge

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Contact Folder: Worksheet ViewContact Folder: Worksheet View

• Lists details for each contact object

• Good for verifying intentions

• Rows can be sorted by clicking column header

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Contact Folder: Worksheet ViewContact Folder: Worksheet View

The RMB on the headerdisplays options to add, removed, and reset columns

Columns can be sized by sliding header divider

© 2005 ANSYS, Inc. 9 ANSYS, Inc. ProprietaryANSYS, Inc. Proprietary© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Contact Object DisplayContact Object Display

• Contact side is red• Target side is blue

© 2005 ANSYS, Inc. 10 ANSYS, Inc. ProprietaryANSYS, Inc. Proprietary© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Contact Object DisplayContact Object Display

• Click on detail and corresponding part highlights

• Makes it easy to understand definition

© 2005 ANSYS, Inc. 11 ANSYS, Inc. ProprietaryANSYS, Inc. Proprietary© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Contact Objects: TransparencyContact Objects: Transparency

Selected contact objects in tree will be shown in graphics window displayed with corresponding parts as more opaquethan other parts

Transparency can be disabled, level of opaqueness can be adjusted in options

© 2005 ANSYS, Inc. 12 ANSYS, Inc. ProprietaryANSYS, Inc. Proprietary© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Contact Objects: Object DetailsContact Objects: Object Details

Highlight of geometry entities by selection details

Symmetry behavior on individual basis, including auto asymmetry

Interface treatment

Contact stiffness specification and update options (very important for good solution convergence)

© 2005 ANSYS, Inc. 13 ANSYS, Inc. ProprietaryANSYS, Inc. Proprietary© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Contact Object: RMB OptionsContact Object: RMB Options

Disable transparency

Flip contact and target

Rename based on geometry

© 2005 ANSYS, Inc. 14 ANSYS, Inc. ProprietaryANSYS, Inc. Proprietary© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Initial Contact Status Initial Contact Status

Available by inserting a contact tool in the contact folder.

Initial information result object displays a table of information about the initial state of contact throughout the model

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Initial Contact Status Initial Contact Status

Lists useful information such as:

1) Status

2) Number elements contacting

3) Penetration and/or gap (gap is negative)

4) Size of gaps closed

Valuable information when setting up contact simulations

© 2005 ANSYS, Inc. 16 ANSYS, Inc. ProprietaryANSYS, Inc. Proprietary© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Contact MeshingContact Meshing

Based on the sphere of influence capability

Element size is synchronized across the contact interface

© 2005 ANSYS, Inc. 17 ANSYS, Inc. ProprietaryANSYS, Inc. Proprietary© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Contact MeshingContact Meshing

Contact objects can be drug and dropped

© 2005 ANSYS, Inc. 18 ANSYS, Inc. ProprietaryANSYS, Inc. Proprietary© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Solution InformationSolution Information

• Convergence History• Result Trackers• Newton Raphson Residuals

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Convergence HistoryConvergence History

Useful for understanding the solution progress

- Solution output text

- Force convergence

- Max DOF increment

- Line search parameter

- Time increment

© 2005 ANSYS, Inc. 20 ANSYS, Inc. ProprietaryANSYS, Inc. Proprietary© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Result TrackersResult Trackers

• Available for each contact pair

• Converged solution data

• Various types

Valuable for know how the model performs with increasing load

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Result Tracker TypesResult Tracker Types

• Directional Deformations (x, y, z)• Contact

– Number Contacting– Number Sticking– Pressure– Penetration– Gap– Frictional Stress– Sliding Distance– Chattering– Elastic Slip– Normal Stiffness– Max Tangential Stiffness– Min Tangential Stiffness– Resulting Pinball

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Newton Raphson ResidualsNewton Raphson Residuals

Shows regions where convergence is having difficulty, in this case the contact below the washer and the bracket

Objects appear in tree if activated and solution fails to converged


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Contact ToolContact Tool

• Collected by a parent object

• Automatic transparency

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Contact ResultsContact Results

• Includes:– Frictional stress– Pressure– Sliding distance– Penetration– Gap– Status– Reactions

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Contact Tool - ReactionsContact Tool - Reactions

© 2005 ANSYS, Inc. 26 ANSYS, Inc. ProprietaryANSYS, Inc. Proprietary© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Command ObjectsCommand Objects

• Multiple instances allowed

• Can be exported or inserted

• Parametric output back to WB

ANSYS macro

© 2005 ANSYS, Inc. 27 ANSYS, Inc. ProprietaryANSYS, Inc. Proprietary© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Contact in 2D Contact in 2D

2D surface bodies

Options for plane stress, plain strain, axisymmetry

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Contact in 2D Contact in 2D

Large Deflection 2D Sliding Contact

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Contact Custom WizardContact Custom Wizard

• Purpose– Helps ensure preferred and

proven options are used– Highlights recommends


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More Contact Features

• Contact reaction output can be requested in a local coordinate system

• Contact reactions can be parameters• Multiple selection support for “Flip Contact/Target”• Scoping by Named Selections for Contact Regions• Penalty based surface body edge contact that includes

stiffness for rotational DOF• Save/Load contact region settings• Reset to default options

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More Contact Features

• Options for collecting topologies for same body pairs

• Option to merge individual contacts for same body pair (using multi select)

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Contact Features ANSYS WorkbenchContact Features ANSYS Workbench

• Easy to use• Wide variety of features• Useful results• Sophisticated simulation