Content for 2015 and Beyond by Matt Beswick, SEM Days 2015

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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Content for 2015 and Beyond


Let’s start at the end…


Most successful content comes down to three things


The story

The Data

The Production

An existing audience also helps


There’s all kinds of other stuff too. Like research,

validation, outreach and… luck.


What is success? Links? Shares?


Eyeballs and Engagement.


Creating content is hard.


Really, really, really hard.


It looks so easy


Choose an idea

Briefa designer

Publish it

Promote it

Live happily ever after

It doesn’t work like that.

Take this stuff seriously.

Your budget doesn’t matter.


Look at what you’re up against...


“Let’s throw a guy out of a spaceship”


But things go back a LOT further than that.


1857 – Polar Area Diagram by Florence Nightingale showing deaths in the Crimean War.


1896 – “The Furrow” by John Deer


1900 – First Michelin Guide

1906 – Jell-O Recipe Book


2007 – The first Blendtec video

2007 – The first Blendtec video


But then the SEOs came to destroy everything.


We are often the problem







Do you think a creative agency would do that?


Do I need to say it again?


We laugh, but there’s a problem…


Sh*t ideas sneak up on you and pretend that they’re



Often you don’t realise until it’s too late.


What should I be doing?

It depends.


Just because you have an idea doesn’t mean it’s a

good idea.


You NEED a framework.


Doing it consistently is the hardest part.


Our approach to these issues

We can build stuff

We worked on our processes from scratch

Recommended Reading

Remember - at heart, I’m a geek.

I like processes and reverse engineering stuff

Can I just reverse engineer what others have done and

do it a little bit better?


No one can guarantee results though

The whole process is actually really big

It changes all of the time, depending on the project / client / target audience /

day of the week / software we’ve just found / tool we

built / etc. etc.

I’m going to focus on a couple of key parts.

Feeding strong research into your brainstorming /

idea generation stage, and validating the ideas.

This is tough.It requires thought.It’s very rarely done


Why do it?

To reduce the chance of failure.

The process


Read this post for the basics

Look at (content) competitors

Scan the results

Look for the trends

Look for the trends

Run several competitors together

You can also use keywords

Export to CSV

Then run through URL Profiler

Some pivot table magic…

Find the most linked to domains

Do a deeper dive for more insights

Does long-form content work?

What post types work well?

Paste the titles into a word cloud

Order by linking domains

Can I do any of them better?

Can I make them more current?

Is there a different angle?

What else is out there?

Add all of this to your brainstorming brief


Think about the intent.

Awareness. Discovery. Promotion.

Consider your formats.

Short posts = long-tail search(don’t forget your keyword research – I cover this

in more detail tomorrow)

Long form content to prove expertise.

Interactive content for digital PR

There are always exceptions.

Once you have a set of ideas, look for similar content.

Don’t overthink this

Can I do it just a bit better?

(this could be a restraint or an opportunity)

Has it been linked to?


What data could we use to make it better?

Know what’s available

Can we get our own data?

Try a little bit

This could be a restraint (£££)

We now THINK we have a good idea. But do we?


Skip this and you’re destined for failure

Pre-outreach (misunderstood)

Google Surveys

Focus groups

Friends and family!



Don’t f*@# it up!


Don’t be scared of paid promotion.

This does not mean buying links.

Don’t be scared of outreach.

Don’t be scared of asking again.

Don’t. Be. Scared.

More on that tomorrow.


Do. Not. Skip. This. Step.

One final tip on setting expectations

“I want 10,000 Facebook Likes and 500 Links per

content piece”

Fairly unlikely…

A takeaway for you…

See you later!
