Content Marketing for Contractors Home Builders - Remodelers

Post on 07-May-2015

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Content marketing for contractors, remodelers and new home builders is the buzz phrase of the year. Whether you’re looking to improve your search engine visibility, inbound traffic, conversions, brand awareness or improved social media profiles, content marketing can help you achieve your goal. You will experience and increase in customers and be more in control of your online reputation. This presentation is perfect for keynote presentation at home builder association conferences remodeler associations or use in decision making to expand your marketing. Al Lautenslager is a best-selling marketing author, speaker and consultant and is passionate about growing your business.


The Contractor/Home-Builder- Customer Connection

Your opportunity to connect with potential homebuilders, contracting customers and remodeling targets with your digital footprint

Emerging Consumer Connection

Social Media Marketing

Content Marketing


Connection – Old vs. New

No more yellow pages

Finding contractors and home builders– a few clicks or a few friends

Today - A Few Clicks

Google Facebook Twitter Blogs Linked in Other communities

Research & Information

78 Percent of Consumers Do Online Product Research

57 Percent of Companies Have Gained a New Customer with Their Blog

86% of B2C Marketers Use Content Marketing

Research & Information

Have a large thirst for information and knowledge

First impression is very important; more so than before

Contractor Customers

Specifiers are looking for content which will help them specify the right product

Buyers are looking for content to help them source at the right price

Site managers are looking for content to better educate themselves with the product which is to be stored, installed and carried on-site

Contractor Customers

With Content Marketing you are demonstrating that you understand their needs, their concerns, and their goals.

Building or Remodeling

90% of all new home sales and remodeling projects start online!

Content Marketing will attract these target prospects

Building or Remodeling

Never before have small volume builders and contractors been equipped to compete against builders and contractors with bigger marketing budgets.

The Digital/Content Marketing Trend

Blogs can help home builders achieve a lower cost-per-lead, higher search engine rankings, and a higher conversion of website visitors to leads.

91 percent of marketers said that digital data and targeting technology could help them better reach their ideal audience.

Builder & Contractor Customers

Today consumers are informed consumers

Many choices today

Customers shop, compare, refer and share and research, research, research.

Ways to Create a Good First Impression

Creating and publishing high quality content on your digital properties: social media, websites and blogs.

Content Marketing Goal

Be visible to your target market in a positive, helpful, relevant, valuable way

Content Searched For Online

People who search online are looking for:

Relevant information that can solve their problems

Information to teach them something new

Valuable Information

Examples of Content Searched For

A guide to help people understand the impact of alternative materials on the cost of their home or remodeling project

Reports to help evaluate alternative rates of return for home improvement

E-book – What Every First Time Homeowner Needs to Know

A presentation on outdoor living spaces ideas

An article on finding a way to finance a new home or remodeling project

Providing Content

Is a competitive advantage, especially in a local setting

Allows for increased awareness and value with a higher number of customers

What’s this worthto you?

What is Content Marketing?

Information that is of interest that draws target market customers to you to get that information; usually online content

Distribution of the information – make it available

Engage with the audience – content = connection

What Content Marketing is Not

Bland, repetitive content written only for SEO

Sales pitches

All about me

Why Content Marketing

Caters to potential customers desire for information they want (when they want it and in a form they like).

Search engines love it – relevancy

Lets your target market know who you are and why you are the preferred choice

Why Content Marketing

People choose contractors and home builders based on: Google search Contractor or builder website Facebook/Twitter postings Blog postings Comments from previous or current customers

Benefit of Content Marketing

A steady, consistent, helpful, valuable stream of information linked to the contractor or builder can overcome any negative content by one unsatisfied past consumer

Benefit of Content Marketing

You can control your online reputation more

Establishes expertise and positioning

Cost per lead is 30-40% lower than paid search

Value is cumulative

Competitive Advantage

A builder or contractor who wants to dominate online search and become visible to more potential customers who are doing research online rather than reading print media, needs to have a different mindset, approach and strategy.

Content Marketing is the answer to that

How to Market with Content

Establish a hub – website or blog Subscribed and Shared You own it (not like Facebook, Twitter or


Establish social media accounts/pages Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest….yes I

said Pinterest

Plan It

Content Marketing Plan

Define target market

Define what questions they have

Define what problems need solved

Content Marketing Plan

Answer questions in an interesting, compelling, valuable and engaging way

How do they want content delivered

What content that you have can be repurposed?

Content Creation

Decide on the content

Research information from on and offline sources

Responses to polls and inquiries


Content Creation

Decide on the content

Research competitive information sharing

Outsource content development – quantity, quality, consistency

Concentrate on the target audience – interesting and of value

Developing the Content

Write it

Repurpose offline and other content

Outsource the development

The Content

Accurate & Complete

Informative & Useful

Valuable & Relevant

Trusted – you are the “go-to” source



Other Content Marketing Thoughts

It’s a long term commitment and process You cant do it all

Outsourcing Content Marketing

Al Lautenslager – Content Marketing Expert, Strategist and Enthusiast


Available to Speak at Your Conference or Consult with Your Business