Content personalization - the buzzword explained

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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Content personalizationThe buzzword explained

Petr Anderle

What is personalization in a nutshell?

Personalization is about delivering the right content to the right person in

the right form via the right channel at the right time

Personalization is advanced optimization technique for conversions and

customer experience

Personalization is a continuous process with attributes which values change.

It's not a one-time setup that lasts forever.

Non-personalized vs. personalized communication


Non-personalized customer experience.

It‘s up to each customer to try to fulfill his needs

without any shopping assistance.

Personalized customer experience. A

customer is presented with suitable products

addressing his individual needs.

The meaning of personalization

The relevant content removes potential obstacles on a customer

journey and thus supports goal conversions such as sales.

I don‘t know which

product is for me!

The goal of personalization is, by relevant content, to improve a user

clickstream through a customer journey leading to a certain goal.

Stop wasting my

time with products I

already have!

I don‘t understand

the information you

are giving me…

Typical obstacles on Customer Journey to purchase

Too many articles to choose

from. I don‘t have time for it, I will

check some other websites.

Too much stuff to go through.

Maybe I will rather put the

purchase off for a bit.

? ?

The customer is annoyed

and goes to another seller.

The customer is confused

and leaves without buying.

Unrelevant communication

on customer journey leads to

drop-off from a sales funnel

Typical scenario: Customer wants to buy a new computer

Relevant content is about knowing the audience

Content format

- Visual content over textual

- Light reading articles


- Popular brands

- „How to“ type of content

- Cool stuff which can be done

- APPLE, game consoles, plug&play

Content format

- Technical, fact-based articles

- Specification tables


- News in IT

- Test results

- Benchmarking studies

- Android, PC accessories

Relevancy is a relation between what a user is interested in (the needs, wants,

motivation) and what the user is provided with (solution, topic, tonality). What

might be relevant to one customer may not be relevant to another.

Very often the same product can be relevant to different types of customers

just by emphasizing the different value it offers to different customers

How to correctly labelize a user

An anonymous user

comes to the website

The user seems to prefer

highly technical articles

Display content relevant to a user

based on his website behaviour or his

past explicit actions

Campaigns targetting IT

experts (onsite /offsite)

Product recommendations

for IT experts (website, emails)

Article selection for IT

experts (website, emails)

The user is labeled

as an IT expert

An anonymous user

comes to the website

The users logs into his

account with data history

Profiling engine analyzes

the user behaviour





Removing obstacles on Customer Journey to purchase

I want the computer to have a

great design so I want to know in

what colors I can have it.

I want to see hard facts -

technical specifications, test

results. I‘m a numbers guy.

I want to see videos and images

- technical articles are too boring

for me not being an IT expert

Technical configurator is the most

important thing I‘m interested in.

The design is secondary.

IT expert



Personalized CJ

Personalized CJ

How to measure and evaluate personalization

The percentage of users that will start the journey and finish the journey by achieving the goal.

Step 1 Step 3 Step 4Step 2

The main metric is a user clickstream through a customer journey

leading to a certain goal.


Sucessful personalization means:

personalized CJ clickstream > non-personalized CJ clickstream

How to approach personalization conceptually

Personalization is based on four main pillars

1. Knowing what content is relevant for the user or the group

- Which articles, products, tone of voice

2. Recognizing who a user is or to which group (segment,…) a user belongs to

- Based on behavioral data / explicit data, technology

3. Providing a user with content relevant to the user's current context

- Channels – web, email, social media

4. Measuring how a user proceeds on customer journey to its final goal

- Analytics – track, measure & evaluate CJ and its steps

Technology to enable personalization

User management system

To manage a single view of a customer

Web content management system

To manage non-personalized content and templates

Digital Asset Management system

As a single repository for content

User profiling & Personalization engine

To predict user intent & to recommend relevant content

Web analytics & reporting system

To track and evaluate web business performance

Stores user personal

data, actions and


Stores and provides

content assets across

digital channels

Assembles template

based webpages with

provided content

Clusters users based on

rules and recommends

content variants

Measures performance

of personalized



Petr Anderle

Personalisation Consultant


City Green Court / Hvězdova 1734/2c

14000 Praha 4

Czech Republic

+420 604 210 773 /