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  • ¨ 2 / EVANGELISTS' PERSPECTIVE / Summer 2012

    contentsEDITORIALExecutive Editor Gary BondManaging Editor Don GessnerCopy Editor Jeanne Millhuff

    ARTGraphic Designer Eric GessnerConsulting Art Firm Matrix 49 LLC

    PRODUCTIONDirector Don GessnerProduction Coordinator Eric Gessner

    CONTRIBUTING WRITERSDavid A. Gallimore, Dr. W.E. McCumber, Dr. Nelson Perdue


    All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.TMUsed by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.















    The Jesus of Revelation

    Duane Smith, Evangelist

    Family 2nd Ministries

    Pigs for Pastors

    Fires of Revival


    Military Update


    Perdue's Pen

    Evangelists' Web Sites

    Evangelists' Schedules

    Nazarene Camp Schedules

    Independent Camp Schedules

    Rev. Duane Smith Dr. Gary Haines Gary Bond

    Rev. Larry Leckrone Dr. Marc Royer Rev. Norman Moore

    FROM THE EDITORCOMMON SENSE For many years I have enjoyed the wit and wisdom of G.K. Chesterton. Chesterton lived in England from 1874 – 1936 and became a world- renowned journalist, novelist, and essayist. His philosophical insights have become seed thoughts for countless sermons, even among holiness preachers. George Bernard Shaw said, “He was a man of colossal genius.”1 Many books have been written about his life and influence upon the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. One of these books caught my attention recently, “G.K. Ches-terton: The Apostle of Common Sense” by Dale Ahlquist.2 Considering Shaw’s appraisal of Chester-ton as “a man of colossal genius,” I was encouraged to note that very smart people can have common sense. Perhaps a more contemporary “apostle of com-mon sense” is a man known as “the common sense guy.” Bud Bilanich is what is known today as a “Career Success Coach.” He is a motivational speaker and consultant to some of the most successful business-es and business people today. In a recent blog, Bud recalled a conversation he had with a gentleman by the name of Van Horsley, president of a very large and successful Colorado national bank. In that con-versation Horsley stated, “Your integrity is an asset. And once you spend that asset, it’s gone forever.”3


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    This was both a very profound and common sense statement from a very smart and successful person. Ravi Zacharias says, “Integrity is such an admirable quality, that even your enemies will trust you if they know you’re a man of integrity.”4 Integrity is a very precious and necessary asset for anyone and espe-cially for those chosen for leadership. This past year has been a devastating one for many standing in the spotlight of the world’s scrutiny. World famous coaches like Joe Paterno and Jim Tressel have risen to the highest levels of the world’s admiration and praise because of their integrity only to be brought low by one bad decision. My heart aches for these men and women and their families. A life-time of faithfulness, hard work, discipline and honesty can be blasted away by what many are too timid to la-bel as sin. Politicians, athletes, business people, law enforcement officials and yes, ministers have spent their integrity asset and have discovered that it is gone forever. The apostle Paul certainly realized the possibility of anyone spending this asset. In his first letter to the Corinthians, he is reminding the people to learn from the past and from what is still happen-ing all around them: “These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come. So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” (Corinthians 10: 11-13 NIV) Integrity may be lost forever in the eyes of the world. The grace of God, however, turns that state-ment completely upside down! King David fell with a horrendous thud, but grace restored him. Peter spent his asset of integrity to deflect the accusation of a teen age girl, but grace restored him to leader-ship status in the church. In the eyes of God, spent integrity is sin to be forgiven. In the eyes of the world a fallen soul may never regain respect. In the eyes of God when forgiveness is sought and mercy is applied, it is as though it never happened! To this point I have considered those about us who have reached the top but have fallen to the bottom. But then there are those who have fallen to the bottom and yet reached the top. This week Chuck Colson went home to be with our Lord. His story is a reminder to all of us how one can hit bot-tom and be held in contempt by the whole world

    and then become an effective evangelist, leading tens of thousands to Christ. Prison Ministry Fellow-ship, founded by Chuck Colson, has given hope to those who have spent their integrity on crime and sin. Colson’s passing was disrespected by those who will never forget his downfall. The millions of us who have received the same grace and forgiveness praise God for His promise to never remember our sins. A restored and forgiven Simon Peter was in-spired to write, “What kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives.” (II Peter 3:11b NIV) I don’t think he was just saying that in the context of the discussion of a fiery judgment day. I believe he was also reminding his readers to be men and women of integrity out of love and apprecia-tion for the amazing grace of a merciful God. Speak-ing as one who was raised in the church, saved at five, sanctified as a teen, called to preach, and trav-eled as an itinerant evangelist for forty-three years, that’s just common sense! I think most of us have heard it said that com-mon sense is not so common. I would add, if some-one hasn’t already done so, that common sense is not as common as it used to be, especially with regard to the issue under discussion. Holiness and godliness are not just admirable qualities largely marginalized in this Post Modern Age but admi-rable qualities to be embraced, emphasized, and “fleshed out” in our living and preaching. We still need living, breathing men and women of integrity to be examples to a lost world groping in the dark-ness and searching for a better way to live. There are more Chuck Colsons out there who have fallen to the bottom and need to see that the Jesus in you and me can pull them back up and out. Jesus told Peter that He was praying for him so that his faith would not fail. If ever we have needed to pray for each other to maintain our integrity as-set, it is today. It is just common sense to do so. ★

    G. Bond

    1. Armstrong, David. G.K. Chesterton: “The Colossal Genius.” Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, n.p. April 18, 2006 Web. April 25, 2012.

    2. Ahlquist, Dale. G.K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense. Ignatius Press, San Francisco 2003.

    3. Bilanich, Bud. Joe Paterno, Personal Integrity and Career Success, Bud Bilanich the Common Sense Guy, n.p. January 23, 2012 Web. April 25, 2012.

    4. Martin, Aaron. Ravi Zacharias on Integrity, I Am Aaron Mar-tin. n.p. July 30, 2008 Web. April 25, 2012.

  • 4b

    The closing book of the New Testament is Revelation, a dis-closure of truth from Jesus Christ and about Jesus Christ (Rev. 1:1-2). It is weird in parts, scary in parts, with a cast of an-gels, demons, martyrs, tyrants, vicious beasts, a gentle Lamb, antichrists, and Jesus Christ. In places you can almost see blood flowing and hear victims screaming. Taken as a whole, however, it has been rightly called “the most optimistic book of the Bible.” It begins in a penal colony and ends up in heaven. It is really and finally about the eternal triumph of Jesus Christ.

    Christ is introduced as “the faithful witness, the first born from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth” (Rev. 1:5). The first of seven beatitudes praises Jesus as, “him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood” and is, therefore, worthy of “glory and power for ever and ever” (Rev. 1:6). We know at once that we are moving beyond such categories as heroes and

    geniuses. The glorified Christ appears to John in such splendor that John “fell to his feet as though dead.” To John this glorious One spoke comfort-ingly, calling himself “the First and the last,” “the Living One who was dead,” but is now “alive for ever and ever” (Rev. 1: 17-18). At the command of this risen and reigning Jesus, John sends seven letters to seven church-es in Asia Minor (Rev. 2:1 – 3:22). Each of them contains a promise “to him who overcomes” and the promises imply a unique person speaking with unique power.

    • I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God (Rev. 2:7).

    • He who overcomes will not be hurt by the second death (Rev. 2:11).

    • I will give him some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it (Rev. 2:17).

    • I will give authority over the nations ... just as I have received authority from my Father (Rev. 2:27).

    • I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels (Rev. 3:5).

    • Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God ... and I will also write on him my new name (Rev. 3:12).

    • I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne (Rev. 3:12).

    by W.E. McCumber


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    These are not the words of just another prophet, priest, or king. These are promises that only the One and only Son of God can truthfully make and faithfully keep. John gets to see the throne room of God and there beholds “the Lion of the tribe of Judah” who is also “the Lamb.” The Lamb bears the marks of having been sacrificed and is now worshipped because He was slain, and with His blood He “purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.” God and the Lamb together receive ascriptions of “honor and glory and power, for ever and ever” from adoring worshipers (Rev. 4:1-5; 14). “The Lamb” is the designation of choice for Jesus in Revelation. He is called that some twenty-seven times, and the designation brings together the truth of His crucifixion, resurrec-tion and glorification. The Lamb is both the Shepherd and the Sovereign of His blood-washed followers (Rev. 7:8-17). The Lamb is destined for universal rule. Unidentified “voices in heaven” proclaim, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever.” Before the curtain drops on human history, a false Christ, a false lamb and a false messenger arise to oppose Him and His people. These antichrists will lead an awe-some army of unbelievers. “They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings — and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers” (Rev. 17:9-14). The beasts are mighty, but the Lamb is almighty. The Lamb who atoned for sin, the Lamb who was raised from the dead, the Lamb who shares the worship and glory given to God, dis-patches all His foes, demonic and human, and is last viewed enthroned in “the new Jerusalem.” He is “the light” and “the temple” of that “Holy City” whose gates will never be closed because access to the Lamb will never be denied and enemies of the Lamb will never invade (Rev. 19:1- 22:6).

    In the closing chapter of Revelation the triumphant Lamb three times promises, “I am coming soon” (Rev. 22:7, 12, 20). He whom his-tory could not end will bring history to its end. An indirect but powerful testimony to Jesus as divine occurs in Revelation. Twice John falls at the feet of a mighty angel to worship him. Each time he is rebuked. The angel identifies himself as a fellow servant of Jesus, and sternly com-mands, “Worship God!” (Rev. 19:10; 22:8-9). Yet, in Revelation (as in John’s gospel) Jesus receives worship without objection, the worship denied to men and angels. Appropriately, this book ends with a fervent prayer and heartening benediction: “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen” (Rev. 22:20, 21). The Jesus of Revelation is the same Jesus portrayed in the Gospels and Epistles, the Jesus who was killed and restored to life, the Jesus whose death atones for sin and whose resurrection pledges life, the Jesus who will return in glory to judge all mankind. A greater Jesus than Revelation proclaims has never been imagined or described. All deviations from this Jesus have lessened and falsified Him.

    Note from the Editor, “This article on the book of Revelation concludes a series of articles by Dr. Mc-Cumber on the Jesus of the New Testament. These articles have been published in book form, along with additional articles, in the book, “This Jesus” by Dr. McCumber. Copies can be obtained through the web-site ★

    W.E. McCumber served the Church of the Nazarene for over 69 years as preacher, college professor, revivalist, conference speaker, radio speaker, writer and magazine editor. On December 18, 2010 he suffered a massive stroke and never recovered. “Brother Bill” has been a friend and encourager of the Evangelists’ Perspective magazine. His articles have blessed and challenged all of us.

  • Reared with humble beginnings in a parsonage, Duane Smith asked God to forgive him of his sins at an early age. From his earliest recollections, he sensed God wanted to use him in full-time ministry. At that time he and his family lived on the outskirts of Nashville, Tennessee. One summer the Highway Depart-ment decided to build a road in front of their house using a chain gang from the Tennessee State Penitentia-ry. Every day Duane and his brother mingled with the guards and inmates. While talking with a black man serv-ing time for killing a person in a bar fight, Duane asked him if he would like for Jesus to be the light of his life? When the man replied he would, even though Duane was only six, he placed his hand on the prisoner and asked Jesus to forgive him and be the

    light of his life. Now, this man who had killed another man was born again and stood there with tears running down his ebo-ny face. Duane asked the inmate if he had a Bible. He answered no. Duane said he would loan him his Bible, and

    whenever he was able to get one, he could send it back. Duane did not tell him he had won the Bible selling flower seeds in the community a year earlier and his name was engraved on the front. Three months later, the in-mate mailed Duane’s Bible back. This

    experience was the earliest indica-tion of the calling that Duane would receive from God. Duane was called to be an evangelist. The headline, “Child Leads Gang Member to Christ” was announced in heaven as well as on the earth. As a teenager, Duane, like the prodigal son, sowed wild oats while running from the call of God. Disillusioned by the devil, hypoc-risy and poverty, Duane convinced himself he could do better on his own. For several years he took private vocal lessons preparing to sing in nightclubs. Meanwhile, sin had taken him farther than he wanted to go, cost him more than he wanted to pay, and kept him longer than he wanted to stay. How strange that Duane was now in his own chain gang. How sad! At 18, Duane repented and came back to God. God’s overwhelm-ing call to ministry came back as if it had never left. Totally consecrating his life to God, he prayed, “God you can do with me whatever you want, but let me know definitely.” Since he was raised in the church and aware of the different ministries and their hardships, Duane knew that if it was a definite call, God would go with him and nothing else would matter. Three months later, God spoke twice the words, “Evangelist, Song Evangelist.” The voice was as clear as any person, and Duane knew it was definitely the voice of God. In the summer of 1967 Duane enrolled in Olivet Nazarene

    College, now Olivet Nazarene Uni-versity. At the first Wednesday night prayer meeting, he met his bride- to-be. That beautiful young lady was Ruth A. Williams from Bradley, Illinois. They knew they were in love, but also knew God and his call had to come first, so they began to pray. Neither of them wanted anything except God’s will. A few weeks later Ruth told Duane, “I feel God has called me to be your wife.” They were united in Holy matrimony by Dr. Jack Lee, pastor of The First Church of the Nazarene in Kankakee, Illinois on November 8, 1967. In August of 1969 Duane received his first district preacher’s license while attending Trevecca Nazarene University in Nashville, TN. In 1971 Duane and Ruth moved to Colorado Springs, Colo. to continue his education at Nazarene Bible Col-lege where Duane graduated in 1974 with associate degrees in religion and church music. In 1974 Duane became a commissioned evangelist and song evangelist and in 1976 was ordained by Dr. V.H. Lewis. Later in 1977 Duane received BA degrees in religion and music from Mid America Nazarene University. While living in Olathe, Kan. and keeping busy with his revival

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    Duane Smith

  • schedule Duane continued working on his education at Nazarene Theo-logical Seminary. Today, after giving forty-five years of evangelistic ministry to the church, Ruth and Duane continue to travel the nation extensively as well as abroad conducting crusades, camp meetings and concerts. Several years ago they relocated their ministry from Ft. Recovery, Ohio to sunny Florida. Duane has recorded over sixteen music projects and has a brand new project available in the “Latest Prod-ucts” page in this issue. ★

    Contact Information:Duane Smith Ministries5262 Island View Circle SouthPolk City, FL 33868(863)

    Duane Smith Tributes When I became the second Revivalism Coordinator, I inherited a rare jewel: Evangelist Duane Smith, secretary of the revivalism commit-tee. He had been doing the job almost from the beginning of our team. For the eight years I was the coordinator, Duane was my right hand man, always responding to my suggestions and of-ten gently correcting my strange ideas. His kind spirit and excellent work let me sleep at night knowing all was well. He is a wonderful singer and preacher, and Ruth is a pleasant star at his side. They make a very successful team for any church or camp meeting. And oh yes, they comprise one of the most Christ-like couples I have ever known.

    Dr. Chuck MillhuffRevivalism Coordinator Emeritus 

    I’ve known Reverend Duane Smith and his precious wife Ruth for a long time. How long? Well, we went all through college together; we graduated in the same class; we were both called into the field of evangelism after we graduated; and we never looked back; and then for many years now have we served together on the Committee for the God-called Evangelists. In addi-tion to this, the Lord only knows how many General Assemblies, Evangelism Conferences, Evangelist’s Gatherings, Camp Meetings and countless other denominational events that we have attended where we have enjoyed each other’s friendship and fellowship. PTL! So, I think it’s safe to say that I’ve gotten to know this couple pretty well over the years, and believe me when I tell you that there is no one I have ever met, known, or respected more than Duane & Ruth Smith! Only Heaven will reveal all the thousands of lives that they have impacted and touched on behalf of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ because of their longtime and faithful ministry. If you look in the dic-tionary for definitions of the following words: loving, kind, caring, honesty, integrity, character, and Christian, their picture should be there!!! It has been a real privilege and honor to be their longtime friend and colleague in the faith. To say that my life has been blessed and enriched for knowing them would be a real understatement! Love you Duane and Ruth! You two are the absolute best, and I thank the Good Lord for you!  Dr. Gary W. HainesNational Alumni Public Relations & Recruiting RepresentativeAdmissions Advisor Nazarene Bible Col-lege

    Rev. Duane Smith has served faith-fully for many years with a passion to see souls saved from sin and believers sanctified to serve. Duane’s insight-ful preaching and heartfelt music has been used greatly throughout the church-world and camp meeting circuits. His burden is matched by his zeal, and his talent is totally conse-crated to God for servanthood. Ruth’s call has also been evident as she “stood by her man” but more importantly, followed her Lord’s example in service. I’ve shared many platforms, committee rooms, and dining tables with Duane, and always counted it a privilege to work together. The fruit of their minis-try lives on; and those who know them love them.

    Rev. Larry LeckroneTenured EvangelistMember of the Committee of the Inter-ests of the God Called Evangelist

    I am privileged to add my commenda-tion to Duane and Ruth Smith for their ministry in evangelism for nearly 40 years.  Duane is a great singer and a "solid rock Holiness preacher".  Ruth is a true partner in Duane's ministry (traveling with him to most revivals), is a pray-er, encourager, and a posi-tive inspiration to all.  Both Duane and Ruth have a sweet spirit, will talk and counsel with the people beyond the altar service, and carry a true prayer burden and love for the congregations where they are ministering.  They go wherever they are called — and God goes with them!  What a blessing they have been to thousands of our people across nearly four decades!

    Dr. James DiehlGeneral Superintendent EmeritusChurch of the Nazarene

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  • Creating a lasting impression of Christ in the mind of a child is the purpose of Family Second Ministry. In this busy world in which we live, our priorities must be clear: – God First, but Family Second. The physical, emo-tional, and especially, the spiritual needs of our families must come before career and entertainment. With Christ as our guide, the focus of every parent, grandparent, and chil-dren’s worker is to create memorable spiritual moments in the minds of our children. This must be done on purpose. It doesn’t just hap-

    pen. With the seed embedded, the Holy Spirit will be faithful to bring to their remembrance these spiritual truths as they grow and face the challenges of life. A typical service of our ministry begins with the black light band and puppets engag-ing the audience in fun, upbeat music. Audi-

    ence participation in the black light band has included young and old alike, even Nazarene district superintendents! Life-size puppet, Buzz, amuses all ages as he sings with guitar in hand. His sister puppet, Melody, shares stories of her crazy life adventures, especially her trip to the basketball game. Home-made slime, popping corks, soaring rockets and other science experiments illustrate spiritual truths. Greeno attempts, in his unique style, to motivate children in learning Bible verses - always, of course, for a treat. The plan of salvation as well as our need of sanctification is presented with child-like simplicity. The altar is opened at the close of each service for children, teens, and adults who desire a closer walk with Jesus. Many are the times when seekers kneel two and three rows deep around the altar asking Jesus to be their Lord and Savior. It all started about 20 years ago when I ac-companied my two children, Hardy Justin and Kara Lynne, to Boys and Girls Camp on the Louisiana District as a counselor. Keeping up with a group of children assigned to you 24/7 is not an easy task, but it was a fun week filled with games, crafts, and Spirit-filled services each evening. The evangelist was Ava Beaty Laidler and her ventriloquist friends. I was

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    entertained but also moved by how the Holy Spirit took a moment of silliness and made it a memorable spiritual moment for the chil-dren in attendance. Each evening the altars were lined with children committing their lives to the Lord. My heart was strangely moved. During one of those services, the Holy Spirit began to speak to my spirit. The thought was as clear as if someone had spo-ken the words. Indeed, His Spirit had spoken directly to mine! Thoughts pounded through my being that as an elementary school teacher, I had an entire summer I could give to the Lord each year. Those thoughts that just would not be quieted drove me to my knees in prayer. The following summer, the church my father, Rev. George Petry, pastored in He-ber Springs, Arkansas, invited me to launch my ministry by conducting their Children’s Crusade. They encouraged and loved us as we worked through those first years trying to improve the presentation. As result, Family Second Ministry was born. My daughter, Kara Lynne Ulmet LeBleu, was my right arm for ten years. We traveled together to churches and camps each sum-mer. What memories! She was only eight years old when we began, but was the origi-nation of my most-loved character, Greeno. Over the years, she developed Greeno’s personality, his quirky ways of fixing his hair, and his uncanny love for birdseed. Greeno’s job for each service was to memorize a Bible verse. He stumbled over words, got distract-ed thinking about what treat he was going to receive, but eventually made it through the Bible verse to get his reward – birdseed. Daughters grow up, so the day came when I needed other helpers. The Lord has

    always brought the right person at the right time to assist me. It has been my privilege over the years to mentor several young ladies who have gone on to develop their own min-istries. Every evangelist knows the demands of ministry that is required of their family. Traveling the roads for weeks at a time, a sup-porting spouse and family is crucial. Over the years, my husband, Hardy Ulmet, has been my support. His prayer commitment for the duration of each service has been a source of strength. His financial commitments to the demands of the ministry are never in question. He truly is the support behind the effort. Creating a lasting impression of Christ, planning for memorable spiritual moments, and promoting strong family values are the basis for all our endeavors. Only when our wills are completely surrendered to the con-trol of His Holy Spirit will we understand the power that is ours and be able to share this truth with the next generation. Family Sec-ond Ministry, under the direction of Patricia Ulmet, Ordained Children’s Evangelist, is available for family revivals, camps, Kid Fest, Vacation Bible Schools, etc. wherever the Lord opens the doors. We are His 4 Kids. ★

    Rev. Patricia UlmetOrdained Children’s EvangelistP.O. Box 225Estherwood, LA

  • v“If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?” (1 John 3:17 NIV)

    When God called me out of the pastorate seven years ago into full-time evangelistic ministry, I knew there was going to be an international component to our ministry. In addition to preaching an average of 45 revivals and camps annually here in America, I have been privileged to minister abroad as well. One of the most ex-citing projects I’ve been involved with is on the Africa South field (Botswana, Namibia, Zimba-

    bwe, Swaziland, and South Africa). I have made multiple trips to the region, training pastors as well as preaching crusades.

    On my most recent visit to South Africa, a pas-tor out in the bush country said, “Each morning I get a hoe and head out into the fields looking for mice so that our family will have meat on

    our table.” Needless to say, my heart was filled with compassion for this dear brother. I began to pray and ask God, “What could I do to help?” With the aid of Rev. Stanley Ushe, the Superin-tendent of the KwaZulu-Natal District, we have initiated “Pigs for Pastors.” Rev. Ushe has a little farm in Zim-babwe where we planted 35 acres of corn and have started raising pigs. We have determined that for only $180 U.S. dollars we can give an African pastor an impregnated pig. This pig will have a litter of as many as 15 piglets. This puts the pastor in a position where he can provide food, as well as future income, for his family.

    Thus far our ministry has raised over $10,000 for the “Pigs for Pastors” project. I shared this ministry opportunity in a church in West Vir-ginia where I was holding a revival meeting late last year and 13 people decided that they would “purchase a pig” for $180 each. Even the teen department pitched in and purchased a pig that week. Our initial goal was to give 100 African pastors a pig. We are well on our way to seeing this goal realized. And even better, fewer Nazarene pastors’ families will go hungry in Africa. ★

    If you would be interested in more information about the “Pigs for Pastors” project, or if you would like to purchase a pig…feel free to contact our ministry at:, or call our office at (478) 288-3049. We must never forget that God called us to literally “go into all the world.”

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    Fires of Revival

  • PIGS FORPASTORS Fires of Revival

    Dr. Mendell Taylor once said, “The amount of conviction on the hearts of those we are praying for will be equal to the amount of burden that we carry on our hearts for them.”For the past seven years God has given me the vision of the great need of our people to intercede for the souls of men. God has shown me a way to respond to this need in the form of “Waiting Schools” scheduled throughout the year to call people to prayer. To date there have been

    18 of these schools conducted with hun-dreds of people being saved, sanctified, healed and delivered. In our last school we added a woman’s name to the “Faith Prayer List,” trust-ing she would attend.

    Most of those praying did not know Manda Hines or anything about her needs. On March 23, 2012, Manda was gloriously saved and delivered from her heroin and alcohol ad-dictions. That day she still bore the “track marks” and blisters on her arms, but after meeting Jesus, she has not suffered a single withdrawal symptom! GLORY TO GOD! Recently she has married her boyfriend Nick, and she has sought and received entire sanctification. Raffaelo Rego while serving a 5-year prison sen-tence for trafficking in Hydrocodone was saved and sanctified and is now a member of the Deland, Fla. Church of the Nazarene. Raffaelo writes, “Due to the teachings of the Waiting Schools on prayer and holiness, I am closer to my Lord than ever before. The Waiting School has blessed my life in ways unexplainable. If you haven’t been to one, you are truly missing out.” If you can’t join us for

    the next Waiting School, please make prayer and the intercession for lost souls a personal priority today.Rev. Elaine PettitTenured Evangelist

    Two days ago from this writing, we closed out revival in Moravia, Iowa with Pastor Terry Chapman. It was a blessed week with many seekers at the altar. I’m glad God’s grace is suf-ficient for those who are in the King-dom of God and for those who have just decided to choose Jesus. Such was the case. We witnessed many Christians who dealt with issues in

    their lives and got victory. And we saw a man who had a drug problem, who had never attended this church, kneel at the altar and receive Christ. On the last night, a 10- year-old boy prayed and wept earnestly and told God He could have his life even if that meant preaching the Gospel. Revival is still possible regardless of the size of the church. This revival had been soaked in prayer and God answered. It happened in Moravia, and it can happen anywhere.Pat, Donna, and Jonathan BurkhalterTenured Evangelist and Commis-sioned Song Evangelists

    The zone Indoor camp in Tullahoma beat anything I've seen in years.  Ex-tra chairs down every isle, across the front and the back, people sitting in

    the choir loft and in the foyer — God all over the place!  The Spirit was sky high.  One to be remembered for years to come!!  Praise God! It was a two-zone crusade with tremendous cooperation from 17 pastors and congregations.  There were so many cars to park they had to go to a vacant lot two lots away from the church property, rent and install a portable light-ing system, and park the cars in a situation that looked like "cars at a football game.”  What fun!!  There were so many people in attendance that I had to get creative when giv-ing the altar call because it was hard even to get to the altar because of the crowd.  May God give us more problems like that!  The pastor of Tul-lahoma First, Elbert Smith, was the key person who pulled it all together and the District Superintendent and his wife, Ron and Karla McCormick, were present and involved in every service but one.  I haven't seen any-thing like it in years and I do rejoice!!Dr. James DiehlGeneral Superintendent EmeritusRevivalist and Evangelists’ Friend

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    Real revival is when people

    are eating at a restaurant

    or walking through the mall

    when they suddenly begin to

    weep and turn to their friends

    and say, ‘ I don't know what's

    wrong with me, but I know I 've

    got to get right with God.

    Tommy Tenney,

    God Chasers


  • 12 / EVANGELISTS' PERSPECTIVE / Summer 2012


    Get the latest releases from your evangelists today!

    THE FRUIT IS STILL FALLINGBy Rev. Lane LomanOrder From1915 Cottage Avenue, Columbus, IN 47201

    Lane Loman is a veteran holiness preacher and singer who has traveled the nation holding reviv-als and camp meetings. He began his ministry by traveling as a young teenager with his father, Dr. Harold Loman. You will enjoy the stories, anec-dotes, and pictures contained in this his second book.

    THEN CAME THE MORNINGBy Duane SmithOrder From5261 Island View Circle South, Polk City, FL 33868 863-984-8881

    1. Then Came The Morning 2. He Was Thinking Of You And Me 3. Isn't The Love Of Jesus Some-

    thing Wonderful4. What A Lovely Name5. Broken And Spilled Out6. Greatest Of All Miracles7. But For The Blood

    8. No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus

    9. Hi s Hand In Mine10. Without Him

    TIME TO RUN: THE URGENCY OF SPIRITUAL AWAKENINGBy Dr. John JunemanPurchase for $.99 in Kindle from Amazon.comTo order hard copies on a donation basis, go to

    Spiritual awakening is the greatest need in our nation, our churches, and our families.  This study in 1 Corinthians 10 explores essentials for revival that apply to all Christians of all times.  It is not a formula.  It is more than an emotional high.  It goes far beyond any conference or series of special services.  Spiritual awakening comes in an earnest, urgent, and ongoing response to the Person of Jesus Christ and what He desires to do in our lives.  The best news is that it does not need to be temporary or short lived.  It is an entire lifestyle into which He desires to bring us --- an ongoing and ever increasing knowledge of Him.  For all those who are desperate for revival, it is time to run!

    THE BEAUTY OF HOLINESS(and 3 other books)By Dr. Nelson PerdueOrder From1559 Grimes Ave.Urbana, OH

  • QSummer 2012 / EVANGELISTS' PERSPECTIVE / 13

    This July 4th, be sure to give thanks for all the men and wom-en who have given everything that we may have freedom to

    worship God the Father and preach full salvation through His only begotten Son, Jesus.

    Continue to pray for our military families and ask the Lord to provide opportunities for you to demonstrate the love of Jesus to them. Pray for the day when all military families can experi-

    ence the joys of a homecoming!

  • 14 / EVANGELISTS' PERSPECTIVE / Summer 2012

    NEWSRev. Michael Adams

    Rev. Susie Shellenberger

    Rev. Billy Huddleston

    Dr. Stephen AnthonyEastern Michigan District


    Dr. David M. RalphColorado District Superintendent

    Dr. James Van NestSouthwest OH District


    One of the blessings enjoyed by the Church of the Nazarene is the office of the God called evangelist and our lives have been enriched by the ministry of evangelist Mike Adams. The Holy Spirit has certainly anointed the preaching of Reverend Adams and untold numbers of people have grown through his meetings. Reverend Adams has the ability to have you laugh-ing one minute and on your knees seeking God the next. I would be remiss if I didn't mention his commitment to the preaching of heart holiness and his ability to proclaim it clearly and powerfully. I pray that he has many years left to minister in our churches.

    Occasionally the church has a communicator who comes along who casts a long shadow in articulating the Word of God and powerfully, poignantly and unabashedly proclaims our distinctive doctrine of the Spirit-Filled Life without being pedantic but with power and pun-gency.  It has been our deepest pleasure to have Susie residing on our district and reaping the benefit in some of our churches of her thrilling delivery of the preaching of the gospel.  I've always said that the cardinal sin of public preaching is being boring. This can never be said of Suzie, for without exception she is reported as stirring the crowd and filling the altars!  May her tribe increase!!!

    The Southwestern Ohio District congratulates Reverend Billy Huddleston on his recogni-tion as a tenured evangelist in the Church of the Nazarene. We are grateful for his faithful proclamation of the Word, his earnest desire to bring renewal to the church, and his steadfast obedience in fulfilling God’s call. The churches and people of our district have been blessed by Rev. Huddleston’s ministry, and we are honored to have him as a part of the Southwestern Ohio family.

    The Holiness Legacy Initiative is a strategic partner-ship bringing together denominations that share a historic commitment to spread the message of scriptural holiness. Realizing the serious need to teach and preach Christian holiness, leaders of several denominations launched the Holiness Legacy Initiative. The Holiness Legacy movement is taking definite steps to help the church reclaim the message of Christian holiness:1. Shared resources—archived audio and video

    sermons of holiness greats preaching and teaching the Word of God.  The goal is to help Christians understand, experience, live, and communicate the message of the deeper life

    in Christ.  We will provide tools to help pastors and key leaders teach the Biblical message of Christ-likeness.

    2. Reclaim the out-of-print holiness books and restore them to usefulness via the internet (e-books), as well as utilizing modern print options.  Holiness Legacy Collection books will be made available in many languages, thus multiplying the impact of the holiness message worldwide.

    3. Provide these resources, making them available in areas of the world where access is restricted or where leaders cannot afford to purchase books.

    4. Introduce these holiness resources to key lead-ers at Holiness Summits conducted in strategic locations around the globe.

    “I want to focus on the 501c3 that we have developed to lead the ministry of Holiness Legacy Ministries. We’re trying to digitally republish some 300 classic holiness books and put them in multiple languages for pastors and lay people around the world. We’re hoping to raise funds for each of these books, and we invite everybody who is interested in the message of holiness to join in this great adven-ture, through prayer, donations, hosting summits or getting people to host summits, and suggesting new books that we might want to look at.” For more information and to sign up for our newsletter, go to our web-site:

    Dr. Louis BustlePresident of Holiness Legacy

    Revivalism Ministries is pleased to announce that three commissioned evangelists have been granted a “tenured evangelist credential” by their respective district credentials boards and approved by the General Superintendents of the Church of the Nazarene. They join a group of evangelists that have dedicated a lifetime of service to the field of full-time itiner-ant evangelism. We congratulate them for their response to the call of God on their lives.

  • Summer 2012 / EVANGELISTS' PERSPECTIVE / 15

    PIt has been a concern of mine that we have lost the meaning of worldliness and its effect on our lives. Perhaps it is because we have failed to properly and scripturally emphasize the necessity and relevance of a pure heart. Worldliness thrives on a diet pecu-liar to its nature and is disposed to the things of the flesh (carnality). The carnal mind is utterly hostile to holiness and God’s law and is a fertile seed-bed for all heresy. The world and the flesh are orchestrated by Satan to try to pervert the truth as it is in Christ. Worldliness can be cured through the efficacy of the cross. It is the only antidote for the preservation of orthodox holiness. I. Satan’s Passing World: “The world passeth away, and the lust thereof,” (I John 17:A KJV)In this passage, the writer is contrasting ephemeral worldliness with God’s eternal will. He teaches that those who love the world will ultimately perish with the world, but those who do the will of God will abide forever. He gives us a word of warning when he said, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” Let us examine what the writer means when he speaks concerning the world or its derivative, worldliness, so that we may heed his warning.

    The following are a few thoughts that I gleaned from a study on worldliness give by the late Dr. Eldon Fuhrman:

    “There are four invisible influences in life: the world, the flesh, the devil, and the Holy Spirit. The first three are an unholy trinity, and the latter is part of the Holy Trinity: the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. The forces of the unholy trinity are constantly engaging us to do evil, but the person of the Holy Spirit is greater and more powerful than all the other forces put together. If we will yield to His mas-tery, He will enable us to overcome the world.

    The word ‘world’ is not speaking of the terrestrial

    Nelson Perdue

    "With Whomare we Allied?"

    I John 2: 15-17

    Perdue's Pen

    (continued on page 23

  • Adams, David & Charlene

    Adams, Michael

    Armstrong, Leon

    Arner, Brian

    Baker, Judith

    Birt, Alvin

    Bolich, Jeremiah

    Bond, Gary

    Burkhalter, Pat & Donna

    Cervantes, Rudy

    Chapman, Jim

    Covington, Nathan

    Davis, Scott & Sheila

    Dell, Jimmy

    Diehl, Robbie & Deb

    Dodds, Larry

    Downing, Ann

    Dubbeld, Mark

    Ferguson, Anthony S.

    Flint, Bob

    Fox, Jay David

    Fox, Jeremy

    Freed, Dale

    Fruehling, Robert

    Gallimore, David

    Gee, C. Eugene

    Gessner, Don & Shirl

    Goss, M. Mikki

    Gray, Bob & Becky

    Greene, Carolyn

    Greenway, Kenneth

    Haines, Gary

    Hancock, Tim (click on Hancock link)

    Hicks, John David

    Huddleston, Billy

    Hughes, James R.

    Hutchison, Rick

    Jackson, Trish

    Jones, Nicholas

    Juneman, John

    Kearce, Doug and Darla

    Kittel, Grayling

    Kumm, Murray

    Leckrone, Larry

    Leidy, Arnold

    Liddell, PL

    Liversage, Jerry

    Manley, Stephen

    McLean, Kim

    Meo, Rockey

    Millhuff, Chuck

    Mitchell, Royce

    Moore, Benjamin

    Moore, Norman

    Murphy, Mark

    Pearson, Rick

    Perdue, Nelson

    Pettit, Ben & Amanda

    Pettit, Elaine

    Pettit, Jeremy

    Phelps, Phillip

    Phipps, Paul

    Pickering, Dean

    Raeburn, Steve & Janet

    Reed, Sherman

    Rittgers, Del

    Rushing, Tracy and Terri

    Scrivner, Vickie

    Sharpe, Vance and Jeannie

    Shaver, Chic

    Shelburne, Jeffrey

    Shellenberger, Susie

    Showalter, Keith

    Smith, Duane

    Stiverson, Cynthia

    Tharp, James W.

    Thompson, L. Alan

    Ulmet, Bill

    Vineyard, JoAnn

    Ward, Dale

    Whitworth, Marcus

    Wetnight, Rick

    wwwhttp:// E V A N G E L I S T S ' W E B S I T E D I R E C T O R YTo have your information listed here, contact Don Gessner at 740-877-4801.

    16 / EVANGELISTS' PERSPECTIVE / Summer 2012

  • Summer 2012 / EVANGELISTS' PERSPECTIVE / 17

    ADAMS, MICHAEL • Jun 6-10 Bethany, OK• Jun 12-17 Clinton, MS • Jun 30-Jul 4 Liverpool, NY (Central New York

    District Wesleyan Camp Meeting)• Jul 7-11 Carthage, TN • Jul 13-15 Beattyville, KY • Jul 20-29 Vancleve, KY (Kentucky Mountain

    Holiness Association)• Aug 5-12 Laporte, MN (Fellowship Baptist


    BAKER, JUDITH • Jun 24 Battle Creek, MI (Trinity Bible Church)• Jun 30 Battle Creek, MI (Aroma Coffee House)• Jul 1 Marcelles, MI (Newburg Norton Drive-In

    Bible Church)• Jul 1 Marcellus, MI (United Methodist Church)• Jul 1 Marcellus, MI (Waklee United Methodist

    Church)• Jul 7-12 Nashville, TN (Camp Electric)• Aug 5 Grand Rapids, MI (Uptown Church)• Sep 11 Louisville, KY (National Quartet


    BELZER, DAVID • Jul 15-22 Murphys, CA (Wesleyan-Holiness

    Camp Meeting)

    BENSON, MICHAEL • Jun 8-10 Warwick, NY • Jun 10-12 Rock Hill, NY• Jun 17 Shipshewana, IN • Jul 8-10 Gaithersburg, MD• Jul 13-15 Del City, OK• Jul 20-22 New Castle, IN (First)• Aug 3-5 Indianapolis, IN (The Priesthood MM)

    BOLICH, JEREMIAH • Jun 3-6 Des Moines, IA (Southside)• Jun 11-15 Lebanon, TN (Cross Style)• Jun 15-17 Lebanon, TN (Cross Style)• Jun 18-23 Montello, WI (Free Methodist)• Jun 24-29 Grand Ledge, MI• Jul 1-7 Valley Stream, NY • Jul 8-11 Alton, IL

    CERVANTES, RUDY • Jun 1 San Diego, CA (Westfield Horton Plaza)• Jun 6 Sparks, NV (Legends Mall)

    • Jun 8 San Diego, CA (Westfield Horton Plaza)• Jun 13 Sparks, NV (Legends Mall)• Jun 15 San Diego, CA (Westfield Horton Plaza)• Jun 20 Sparks, NV (Legends Mall)• Jun 27 Sparks, NV (Legends Mall)• Jun 29 San Diego, CA (Westfield Horton Plaza)• Jul 4 Sparks, NV (Legends Mall)• Jul 6 San Diego, CA (Westfield Horton Plaza)• Jul 11 Sparks, NV (Legends Mall)• Jul 13 San Diego, CA (Westfield Horton Plaza)• Jul 18 Sparks, NV (Legends Mall)• Jul 20 San Diego, CA (Westfield Horton Plaza)• Jul 25 Sparks, NV (Legends Mall)• Jul 27 San Diego, CA (Westfield Horton Plaza)• Aug 1 Sparks, NV (Legends Mall)• Aug 3 San Diego, CA (Westfield Horton Plaza)• Aug 8 Sparks, NV (Legends Mall)• Aug 10 San Diego, CA (Westfield Horton

    Plaza)• Aug 15 Sparks, NV (Legends Mall)• Aug 17 San Diego, CA (Westfield Horton

    Plaza)• Aug 22 Sparks, NV (Legends Mall)• Aug 24 San Diego, CA (Westfield Horton

    Plaza)• Aug 29 Sparks, NV (Legends Mall)• Aug 31 San Diego, CA (Westfield Horton


    CLARK, CORY • Jun 11-17 Lebanon, TN (Cross Style

    Conference)• Jun 22-Jul 1 Wadsworth, OH (Sharon Holiness

    Camp)• Jul 12-22 Sebring, OH (Sebring Holiness

    Camp)• Jul 30-Aug 3 Manton, MI (Kids Camp)• Aug 6-11 Manton, MI (Family Camp)

    COVINGTON, NATHAN  (T)• Jun 3-6 Palestine, TX • Sep 9-12 Saint Louis, MO (South County)• Sep 16-19 Rogersville, MO (Harvest


    DOWNING, ANN • Jun 16 Flint, MI (Lincoln Park Baptist Church)

    FERGUSON, SCOTT • Jun 3-6 Clover, SC

    • Jun 23 Butler, PA (The Gathering)• Jun 25-30 Butler, PA • Jul 8-11 Cleveland, MS (Church of Faith)• Jul 15-18 Merigold, MS (Sunflower)• Jul 22 Summerville, SC (Living by Faith

    Church)• Jul 22-27 Branchville, SC (Camp Edisto)• Aug 5-8 Philadelphia, MS (First)• Aug 12-15 Grenada, MS (First)• Aug 19-22 Warner Robins, GA (First)• Aug 26-29 Sandersville, GA

    FLINT, ROBERT • Jun 3-17 Shelby, OH • Jun 19-20 Saint Marys, OH• Jun 24-27 Lakeville, MA • Jul 1-8 Shelby, OH • Jul 9-13 Findlay, OH (Winebrenner Seminary)• Jul 14-20 Sebring, OH• Jul 22 Columbus, OH • Aug 5-12 Shelby, OH• Aug 13-16 Urbana, OH (Ministry Development

    Center)• Aug 19 New Hampshire, OH

    FREED, DALE • Jul 1-7 Vassar, MI (Eastern Michigan Wesleyan

    Camp Meeting)• Aug 6-12 Traverse City, MI

    GALLIMORE, DAVID • May 30-Jun 3 Lewisburg, WV (Greenbrier


    GESSNER, DON AND SHIRL• Jun 1-10 Newark, OH (Evangelism Outreach)• Jun 12-17 Alexandria, LA• Jun 19-30 Newark, OH (Evangelism Outreach)• Jul 1-31 Newark, OH (Evangelism Outreach)• Aug 1-31 Newark, OH (Evangelism Outreach)

    GREENWAY, KENNETH  (T)• Jun 1-3 Randleman, NC (Worthville Baptist)• Jul 15-18 Licking County, OH (Church of God

    Camp Meeting)• Aug 5-8 Liberty, MS (Enterprise Baptist)• Aug 12-15 Cascilla, MS (Rosebloom)• Aug 19-22 Kannapolis, NC (Bible Way

    Community Church)• Aug 26-29 Thomasville, NC (First)

    S C H E D U L E S O F T H E E V A N G E L I S T S ✈

  • 18 / EVANGELISTS' PERSPECTIVE / Summer 2012

    HAINES, GARY  (T)• Jun 1-20 Colorado Springs, CO (Nazarene Bible

    College)• Jun 3 Colorado Springs, CO (Grace)• Jun 10 Colorado Springs, CO (Grace)• Jun 17 Colorado Springs, CO (Grace)• Jun 21-23 Thornton, CO• Jun 24 Colorado Springs, CO (Grace)• Jun 25-29 Colorado Springs, CO (Nazarene Bible

    College)• Jul 2-31 Colorado Springs, CO (Nazarene Bible

    College)• Aug 1-15 Colorado Springs, CO (Nazarene Bible

    College)• Aug 17-23 Divide, CO (Colorado Prime Time

    Retreat)• Aug 27 Colorado Springs, CO (NBC Golf

    Tournament)• Aug 29-31 Colorado Springs, CO (Nazarene

    Bible College)

    HARRINGTON, FRANK • Jun 11 Greenville, SC (First)

    JOE, STEPHEN • Jun 14-17 Kayenta, AZ (Chilchinbeto)• Jul 30-Aug 5 Wheatfield Lake, AZ

    JUNEMAN, JOHN • Jun 1-3 Memphis, TN (Grace)• Jul 26-30 Mt. Vernon, OH (Camp Sychar

    Interdenominational Holiness Camp Meet)

    LECKRONE, LARRY  (T)• Jun 2-6 Reading, MI• Jul 12-22 Sebring, OH• Jul 23-29 Rushville, IL (Free Methodist Camp

    Meeting)• Aug 2-12 Portage, OH (Portage Holiness Camp

    Meeting)• Aug 24-Sep 3 Tamaqua, PA (Lewistown Valley

    Tabernacle Camp Meeting)

    LIVERSAGE, JERRY • Jun 7 Garden Grove, CA (Friends Church)• Jun 14 Garden Grove, CA (Friends Church)• Jun 21 Garden Grove, CA (Friends Church)• Jun 22 Anaheim, CA (Valencia Inn Motel)• Jun 28 Garden Grove, CA (Friends Church)• Jun 28 Costa Mesa, CA (Responding Recovery


    • Jul 5 Garden Grove, CA (Friends Church)• Jul 8 La Mirada, CA (First)• Jul 12 Garden Grove, CA (Friends Church)• Jul 19 Garden Grove, CA (Friends Church)• Jul 26 Garden Grove, CA (Friends Church)• Jul 26 Costa Mesa, CA (Responding Recovery

    Television)• Aug 2 Garden Grove, CA (Friends Church)• Aug 5 Pomona, CA (Christian Fellowship)• Aug 9 Garden Grove, CA (Friends Church)• Aug 10 Anaheim, CA (Evergreen Royalle Motel)• Aug 16 Garden Grove, CA (Friends Church)• Aug 23 Garden Grove, CA (Friends Church)• Aug 23 Costa Mesa, CA (Responding Recovery

    Television)• Aug 30 Garden Grove, CA (Friends Church)

    LOMAN, LANE• Jun 3-6 High Point, NC (Charity Baptist Church)• Jun 9-17 Douglas GA (Gaskin Springs Camp

    Meeting)• Jun 22-Jul 1 Sharon Center, OH (Sharon Holiness

    Camp Meeting)• Jul 12-21 Bridgeport, WV (Black Hills Free

    Methodist Camp Meeting)• Jul 22-29 Howell, MI• Jul 30-Aug 5 Mt Vernon, OH (Camp Sychar

    Holiness Camp)• Aug 7-12 Mooers, NY (Mooers Holiness Camp

    Meeting)• Aug 19-22 Columbus, IN (The Rock Free

    Methodist Church)• Aug 26-29 Carrier Mills, IL (Faith Chapel)

    MANLEY, STEPHEN • Jun 3-8 Fort Worth, TX • Jun 11-17 Lebanon, TN (Cross Style Training

    Camp)• Jun 19-24 Canton, OH• Jul 4-7 Lebanon, TN (Sanctified Church Camp)• Jul 11-15 Mount Vernon, OH• Jul 19-26 Conneautville, PA (Peniel Holiness

    Camp)• Aug 2-12 Brown City, MI (Brown City

    Missionary Camp)

    MCDUFF, RONALD • Jun 2 Longmont, CO (Applewood Living Center)• Jun 3 Beulah, CO (United Methodist Church)• Jun 9 Longmont, CO (Regent Living Center)• Jun 10 Eastlake, CO (E Congegational Church)

    • Jul 15 Rocky Ford, CO (First United Methodist Church)

    • Aug 5 Colorado Springs, CO (Southeast Neuva Vida Baptist Church)

    • Sep 23 Crawford, CO (United Methodist Church)• Sep 27-30 Wheatland, WY

    MITCHELL, ROYCE • Jun 1 Lynden, WA (Faith Community Church)• Jun 2 Langley, BC (Christian Life Assembly)• Jun 3 Abbotsford, BC (Central Heights Church)• Jun 8 Colorado Springs, CO (Friendship

    Assembly of God)• Jun 10 Longmont, CO • Jun 10 Thornton, CO (Crossroads Church)• Jun 11 Moab, UT (Baptist Church)• Jun 16-17 Warman, SK (Valley Gospel

    Celebration)• Jun 18 Olds, AB (First Baptist Church)• Jun 29 Wenatchee, WA (First Assembly of God)• Jun 30 Hermiston, OR (First)• Jul 1 Baker City, OR (Geiser Pollman City Park)• Jul 1 Nampa, ID (Grace Bible Church)• Jul 13 Redmond, OR (Assembly of God)• Jul 14 La Pine, OR (Grace Fellowship)• Jul 28 Mount Hermon, CA (Christian Conference

    Center)• Aug 3 Red Bluff, CA (First Church of God)• Aug 4 Lake Almanor, CA (Community Church)• Aug 5 Susanville, CA • Aug 5 Carson City, NV (Good Shepherd

    Wesleyan Church)• Aug 10 Kalispell, MT (Christian Center)• Aug 11 Millett, AB (Concert in the Country)• Aug 24 Pinedale, WY (Pinedale Library,

    Labyrinth Room)• Aug 25 Riverton, WY (First)• Aug 26 Thermopolils, WY (First Baptist Church)• Aug 26 Rock Springs, WY (Evangelical Free


    NICHOLAS, CLAUDE • Aug 5-12 Summersville, WV

    PERDUE, KENNETH • Jun 24 South Solon, OH (Grace Community

    Church of Christ in Christian Unio)• Jul 1 South Solon, OH (Grace Community

    Church of Christ in Christian Unio)• Jul 8 Lima, OH (Trinity Wesleyan Church)• Jul 29 Lima, OH (Trinity Wesleyan Church)

  • PERKINS, HAL • Jun 3-6 Upland, CA (First)

    PETTIT, BENJAMIN  AND AMANDA• Jun 16-20 Butler, PA (First)• Aug 9-12 Shipshewana, IN (Waiting School

    Camp Meeting)• Aug 18-22 Kalamazoo, MI (South Side)

    PETTIT, ELAINE  (T)• Aug 9-12 Shipshewana, IN (Waiting School

    Camp Meeting)• Aug 18-22 Kalamazoo, MI (South Side)• Aug 31-Sep 3 Ariton, AL (Vineyard Christian

    Retreat Center)• Sep 15-19 Washington, IL (Sunnyland)

    PETTIT, JEREMY • Aug 9-12 Shipshewana, IN (Waiting School

    Camp Meeting)• Aug 18-22 Kalamazoo, MI (South Side)• Aug 31-Sep 3 Ariton, AL (Vineyard Christian

    Retreat Center)• Sep 15-19 Washington, IL (Sunnyland)

    PICKERING, DEAN • Jun 1 Daytona Beach, FL (Westside Baptist)• Jun 3 Mulberry, FL (Church of God)• Jun 14 Wimauma, FL (Church of God State

    Camp Meeting)• Jul 1 Leesburg, FL (Central Baptist Church)• Jul 15 Bridgeton, NJJul 17 Camp Hill, PA

    (Christian Life Assembly of God)• Jul 18 Pottstown, PA• Jul 19 Lewistown Valley, PA (Lewistown Valley

    Tabernacle)• Jul 21 Zionsville, PA (Milford Park)• Jul 22 Lavelle, PA

    RAEBURN, STEPHEN AND JANET • Jun 1-3 Morenci, MI • Jun 12-15 Clinton, MS • Jun 19-24 Des Moines, IA (Eastside)• Jun 25-28 Dexter, MI (Chelsea)• Jul 5-7 Vicksburg, MI (Indian Lake Nazarene

    Campgrounds)• Jul 9-12 Bradford, OH• Jul 15-19 Montello, WI (Wisconsin Free

    Methodist District)• Jul 22-26 Homer City, PA

    • Jul 29-Aug 5 Butler, PA• Aug 6-10 Farmingdale, ME • Aug 22-26 Virginia Beach, VA (Tidewater

    Central)• Sep 9 Ypsilanti, MI (Evangelical Friends


    SHANK, MARLA • Jun 3 Kansas City, MO (Water's Edge)• Jun 10-13 Minot, ND (First)• Jun 17 Kansas City, MO (Water's Edge)• Jun 24 Kansas City, MO (Water's Edge)• Jul 1 Kansas City, MO (Water's Edge)• Jul 8 Kansas City, MO (Water's Edge)• Jul 15-22 Wapakoneta, OH (Mt. Lookout

    Holiness Association Family Camp)• Jul 29 Kansas City, MO (Water's Edge)• Aug 5 Kansas City, MO (Water's Edge)• Aug 12 Kansas City, MO (Water's Edge)• Aug 19 Kansas City, MO (Water's Edge)• Aug 26 Kansas City, MO (Water's Edge)• Sep 2 Kansas City, MO (Water's Edge)

    SHARPE, VANCE AND JEANNIE • Jun 5-10 Bethany, OK• Jun 18-24 Saint Marys, OH • Jul 15-22 Calera, AL • Jul 29-Aug 5 Butler, PA

    SHAVER, CHIC • Jun 4 Leavenworth, KS (Federal Detention

    Center)• Jul 18-22 Logan, OH • Aug 3-12 Portsmouth, RI

    SHELLENBERGER, SUSIE • Jun 1-3 Salem, OR (South)• Jun 8-10 Mount Airy, MD (New Beginning)• Jun 15 Columbus, OH (Churches of Christ

    Christian Union)• Jun 17 Colorado Springs, CO (Flying W Ranch)• Jun 18-24 Saint Marys, OH• Jul 23-29 Goodrich, MI • Aug 5 Richardson, TX• Aug 8-12 Nevada, TX• Aug 17-19 Collinsville, OK • Aug 24-26 Arlington, OR

    TRAN, DAVID AND MARILYN • Jul 22-25 Stonington, ME • Jul 31-Aug 5 Moncton, NB

    • Aug 12 Lutes Mountain, NB • Aug 26 Vermontville, NY (Community)

    ULMET, PATRICIA • Jun 12-17 Clinton, MS • Jun 18-24 Many, LA• Jul 9-15 Heber Springs, AR • Jul 16-21 Carthage, MO • Jul 23-29 Marshfield, MO • Aug 6-12 Robeline, LA (Friendship)

    ULMET, BILL  (T)• Sep 6-8 Tullahoma, TN • Sep 9-12 Kankakee, IL (Limestone

    Community)• Sep 16-19 Goose Creek, SC (Charleston


    WHITWORTH, MARCUS • Jun 5-10 Crowley, LA (Ebenezer Camp

    Meeting)• Jun 17-24 West Columbia, SC • Jul 1-8 Charlotte, NC • Jul 9-15 Circleville, OH (Circleville Holiness

    Camp Meeting)• Jul 20 Salyer Lake, OK (Concert)• Jul 27-Aug 3 El Dorado, IL (Beulah Holiness

    Camp Meeting)

    WILKERSON, BOB • Jun 1-3 Du Quoin, IL • Jun 17 Memphis, TN (Friendship)• Jun 22-24 Memphis, TN (Eastside)• Jul 1 Monticello, IL • Jul 8 Belleville, IL (Emmanuel)• Jul 15 Casey, IL • Aug 12 Auburn, IL • Aug 31 Shipshewana, IN

    (T) Tenured Evangelist is recognized by the church as a lifetime assignment. See Manual 407.3

    Summer 2012 / EVANGELISTS' PERSPECTIVE / 19

  • AUG 31thru

    SEPT 32012




    Dr. Bob Broadbooks Rev. Mike Adams Scott Ferguson Rev. Bill Ulmet

    Rev. Ken Gates Rev. Mark Murphy Rev. Philip Phelps Rev. Duane Smith



    We have a limited number of motel quality rooms available on the camp grounds. Please send your room requests to either Rev. Carol Rittenhouse at or Rev. Gary Bond at These rooms are provided at a very low cost of $50.00 per night. After these rooms are filled, there will be an adequate number of motel rooms available in the surrounding area. RV sites are available with full hook-ups. All song evangelists planning to attend are encour-aged to contact Mark Murphy at

    Friday PM: Evangelists’ Banquet

    Saturday: Morning and Evening Services

    Sunday AM: Morning Worship in the Tabernacle for the entire Camp Ground

    Sunday PM: P.M. Song Evangelists Concert for the entire Camp Ground

    Monday: Breakfast


    2nd Annual

  • Dr. Bob Broadbooks Rev. Mike Adams Scott Ferguson Rev. Bill Ulmet

    Rev. Ken Gates Rev. Mark Murphy Rev. Philip Phelps Rev. Duane Smith

    Nazarene District Campmeeting Schedules

    Summer 2012 / EVANGELISTS' PERSPECTIVE / 21

    Rolling Hills Camp Alabama, Calera July 10 - 15 Evangelists: Dr. Bob Broadbooks, Dan Bohi, Music The Sharpes

    Diamond Arrow Camp California, Nevada City August 1 - 5 Evangelist: Jim Ramos, Ed Redfern

    Camp Sugar Pine California, Oakhurst July 3 - 8 Evangelist; Steve Scott, Steve Rodahaver

    Nazarene Acres Illinois, Mechanicsburg July 8 - 10 Evangelists: Rev. Jeremiah Bolich, District Musicians

    Camp Camby Indiana, Camby June 18 - 24 Evangelists: Dr. Blake, Music The Mark Dubbeld Family

    Shiloh Park Camp Indiana, Marion June 13 - 17 Evangelist: Rev. Billy Huddleston, Music Mark Murphy

    Higher Ground / SWO District Indiana, West Harrison June 18 - 24 Evangelist: John Donnerberg, Bible Troy Martin, Music District musicians

    Iowa District Camp Iowa, Des Moines July 10 - 15 Evangelist: To Be Arranged

    Mt Hope Camp E. KY District Kentucky, Flemingsburg July 23 - 29 Evangelists: Dr. James Diehl,Dr. David Busic

    Rocky Creek Camp / LA District Louisiana, Pineville June 12 - 17 Evangelists: Dr. Nelson Perdue, Rev. Mike Adams, Music Bob and Becky Gray

    Waters Edge Camp Michigan, Howell July 21 - 29 Evangelists: Rev. Susie Shellenberger, Rev. Lane Loman, Music Brian Arner

    Free Methodist Camp Grounds Michigan, Manton NMD Aug. 6 - 12 Evangelist: Billy Huddleston

    Indian Lake Camp Michigan, Vicksburg July 9 - 15 Evangelists: Dr. Gary Henecke, Dr. Carolyn Johnson, Bible Dr. Michael Kitsko

    Pinecrest Camp / MO District Missouri, Fredericktown June 18 - 24 Evangelists: Dr. James Diehl, Dr. Bob Broadbooks, Music Brian Arner

    Brooktondale / Upstate NY Dist New York, Brooktondale June 30 - July 8 Evangelists: Drs. Moody and Nina Gunter, Music Jason Day

    Logan Camp / Central OH Ohio, Logan July 13 - 22 Evangelists: Dr. Chic Shaver, Dan Bohi

    Canaan Acres / East OH Dist Ohio, Louisville June 19 - 24 Evangelist: Dr. Stephen Manley Music Ken & JoAnn Pitzer

    MVNU / NC Ohio District Ohio, Mt. Vernon July 9 - 15 Evangelist: Dr. Stephen Manley

    Lighthouse Camp / NWOH Dist Ohio, St. Marys June 17 - 24 District Pastors and Musicians

    Riverview Camp Canada Central Ontario, Pefferlaw July 28 - Aug. 6 Evangelists: Ken Dove, Trudy White, Music Nathan Low

    Mt.Chestnut Camp / Pittsburg Dist Pennsylvania, Butler July 29 - August 5 Evangelists: Dr. Harold Gravres Jr. Rev. Gene Wells, The Sharpes

    Mid-Atlantic Dist. / Roxbury Camp Pennsylvania, Orrstown June 25 - July Evangelist: Dr. Tim Green, Dr. Steve Green, Music Larry and Julie Taylor

    D Moody Gunter Camp / SC Dist. South Carolina, Batesburg June 17 - 24 Evangelists: David Gallimore, Norman Moore, Music Marcus Whitworth

    Camp Garner Creek / TN Dist. Tennesee, Dickson May 29 - June 3 Evangelists: Dr. Nina Gunter, Dr. Leonard Sweet

    Camp Arrowhead / W. Texas Dist. Texas, Cleburne June 3 - 8 Evangelists: Stephen Manley, Steve Seabright, Music David Tharp

    Scottsville Camp / Dallas District Texas, Scottsville August 8 - 12 Evangelist: Rev. Susie Shellenberger, District Musicians

    Virginia District Camp Virginia, Buckingham Auggust 7 - 12 Evangelists: Dr. James Diehl, Rev. David Gallimore, Music Marcus Whitworth

    WV District North & South Camp West Virginia, Summersville August 8 - 15 Evangelists:Rev, Claude Nicholas, David Canen, Music Gene Miller

  • 22 / EVANGELISTS' PERSPECTIVE / Summer 2012

    Independent Holiness Campmeeting SchedulesAL, Repton Beulah Holiness Camp Meeting June 14 - 24 Evangelists: Jim Harriman, Bert Jones, Bible Gary Campbell, Music Ken


    AL, Pell City Alabama Bible Methodist Camp July 2 - 8 Evangelists: Dr.Robert England, Rev. Tim Keep, Dr. McElwain, Music Larry & LaDonna Thomas

    FL, Avon Park Avon Park Holiness Camp Jan. 31 - Feb.10 Evangelists: Dr. Nelson Perdue, David Leeder, Dr. Norman Wilson, Music The Leckrones

    FL, Brooksville Brooksville Holiness Camp Jan. 8 - 13 Evangelist: George Holley

    FL, Lakeland Florida Holiness Assoc. Camp Feb. 14 - 24 Evangelists: Bill Ury, Dr. James Keaton, Bible Dan Burnett, Music Stephen and Nicole Cassidy

    FL, White Springs Suwannee Holiness Camp June 11 - 17 Evangelists: Drs. Moody and Nina Gunter, Musician Brian Arner

    GA, Butler Taylor County Holiness Camp July 5 - 13 Evangelists: Dr.Mark Smith, Bert Jones, Music Scott Mcpherson

    GA, Douglas Gaskin Springs Holiness Camp June 9 - 17 Evangelists: Lane Loman, Dr. Roy Lauter, Musicians The Cooleys

    GA, Flovilla Indian Springs Holiness Camp July 12 - 22 Evangelists: Dr.Al Coppedge, Roy Lauter, Dr. Ury, Bible Dr. Bounds, Music Dr. Grout

    IA, College Park Iowa Holiness Assoc. Camp June 10 -15 Evangelists: Hal Daigre, Esther Brown, Youth Del and Chris Rittgers, Music Larry Dodds

    IN, Oakland City Oakland City Holiness Camp Aug. 12 - 19 Evangelist: Dr. Marlin Hotle Music Jay and Amber Wisler

    KY, Mount Carmel Mount Carmel Holiness Camp July 20 - 29 Evangelists:Dr. Nelson Perdue, Rev. Mike Adams

    KY, Wilmore Wilmore Camp Meeting July 15 - 20 Evangelist: Dr. Ron Smith, Bible Dr. Joy Moore

    LA, Crowley Acadia Ebenezer Holiness Cmp June 5 - 10 Evangelist:Rev. David Runyon, Music Marcus Whitworth

    LA, Fort Jesup Ft. Jesup Holiness Camp July 17 - 22 Evangelist: TO BE CONFIRMED

    MA, Douglas Douglas Holiness Camp Meeting July 15 - 24 Evangelist: Rev. Gary Bond,

    MI, Boyne City Boyne City Holiness Camp June 10 - 17 Evangelist: Rev. Gary Bond,

    MI, Brown City Brown City Camp Meeting August 2 - 12 Evangelists: Dr. Stephen Manley, Dr. Marcus Warner, Jack French, Steve Jones

    MI, Eaton Rapids Eaton Rapids Holiness Camp July 20 - 29 Evangelists: Dr. Joe Dongell, Dr. Victor Hamilton, Dr. Jack French

    NC, Hendersonville Hendersonville Holiness Camp July 1 - 8 Evangelists: Dr. Jim Diehl, Rev. David Gallimore, Musician: Marcus Whit-worth

    NC, Kannapolis Camp Wesley June 14 - 24 Evangelists: Rev. Steve Wingfield, Dr. Ron Haithcock, Music Bob and Becky Gray

    NY, Mooers Mooers Holiness Camp August 1 - 12 Evangelists: Rev. Billy Huddleston, Lane Loman, Music Bob and Becky Gray

    OH, Circleville Mount of Praise Camp Meeting June 20 - 24 Evangelists: Dr. Nelson Perdue, Dr. Bill Ury, Music Tony and Abby McCrary

    OH, Mendon Beulah Grove Camp July 19 - 24 Evangelists: Jim Plank, Larry Smith, Musician Leland Lindahl

    OH, Mount Vernon Camp Sychar July 26 - August 5 Evangelists: Dr. Marlin Hotle, George Holley,

    OH, Portage Portage Holiness Camp Meeting August 2 - 12 Evangelists: Dr. Eldon Neihoff, Rev. Duane Smith, Music Larry and Tamla Leckrone

    OH, Sebring Sebring Holiness Camp Meeting July 12 - 22 Evangelists: Preaching and Music, Billy Huddleston, The Leckrones, Bible Dr. Cockerill

    OH, Toronto Hollow Rock Holiness, Camp July 19 - 29 Evangelists: Billy Huddleston, David Gallimore, Jim Harriman, Dr. Lake, Music, Capehart

    OH, Wadsworth Sharon Holiness Camp June 22 - July 1 Evangelist: Rev. Lane Loman

    PA, Bentleyville Bentleyville Holiness Camp July 6 - 15 Evangelists: Dr. Roy Lauter, Dr. Bruce Moyer, Music Don Quales Family

    PA, Birdsboro Seyfert Holiness Camp August 4 - 12 Evangelists: Gary Bond, Music Jerry Gilmore

    PA, Conneautsville Peniel Holiness Camp Meeting July 19 - 29 Evangelists: Dr. Stephen Manley, Rev. Tim Young, Musician Mark Murphy

    PA, Fishertown Bethel Park Holiness Camp July 11 - 22 Box 58, Fishertown, PA 15539 Evangelists: Dr. Howard Spann, Rev. Ellen Bullock, Music, Rev. James Manning

    VT, Ithiel Falls Ithiel Falls Holiness Camp August 1 - 12 Evangelists: TO BE CONFIRMED

  • Summer 2012 / EVANGELISTS' PERSPECTIVE / 23

    world, nor of ages, but rather of an antichrist spirit. It is the ultimate ex-pression of life with self as its center; it is humanity at variance with God. Worldliness is not a part of God’s generation, but it is the devil’s de-generation, and it is in total opposi-tion to Christ and His Kingdom.

    Worldliness derives its nature from its leader, and it manifests itself through “the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.” As Christianity derives its nature from Christ, worldliness derives its nature from “the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now wor-keth in the children of disobedience.” Worldliness is the entire unregener-ate spirit and system that is owned and operated by the most de-gener-ate of all of the unregenerate whose name is Satan.

    The world is to Satan what the church is to Christ. It is an exten-sion of his nature and the means by which he seeks to de-sanctify, de-moralize, and destroy the universe.”

    Each of us must make a choice as to “whose we are and whom we will serve.” By our individual choice we will either be allied with the fiends of darkness advancing worldliness, or with the angels of light advancing the Kingdom of God. “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or obedience unto righ-teousness.” (Romans 6:16 KJV)

    II. The Savior’s Preserving Will: “he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.”(I John 17b KJV)

    Jesus, while in this world, demon-strated for us the real purpose and pleasure of life when He said, “I do

    always those things that please the Father.” From the time as a child in the Temple when He said, “I must be about my Father’s business,” until He walked up Mount Calvary to die on the cross, His meat and drink was to fulfill the Father’s good pleasure and to finish the work He had given Him to do.

    In seeking the real meaning of life and the manner in which it ought to be lived, Jesus makes it clear that we must live in full conformity to the will of God. That includes both His salvation will and His service will. While living, loving and laboring in the will of God, we can rest with the assurance that when the enemy attacks, the place of His abiding is impregnable. “For greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.”

    His salvation will is the same for all. “He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” Repentance and faith are the conditions for justification. He also states to the believers in I Thessalonians 4 that “this is the will of God, even your sanctification….for God hath not called us to un-cleanness, but unto holiness.” It is His will that we walk faithfully in the light of His truth in order to maintain sweet fellowship with Him and a continuous cleansing from all sin.

    It is not only important to know the will of God, but it is imperative to DO the will of God. In Matthew 7:21, Je-sus warns us that “not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that DOETH the will of my Father which is in heaven.” In my text it says that only “he that DOETH the will of God abideth forever.”

    One’s attitude concerning the will of

    God is a reflection of his/her concept of God. To grasp the importance of His will for our lives, we must recog-nize Him as one who is holy to the exclusion of all un-holiness. When we acknowledge that He is the one from whom we get life and to whom one day we will give an account as to what we have done with that life, it then becomes the highest expres-sion of wisdom on our part that we be and do what He wills.

    When one is saved from the guilt and pollution of sin and “the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us,” whatever His will is should be our utmost pleasure and desire. It is then that we discover that discern-ing His service will is not difficult if our desire for His will is sincere and dominant. Like Jesus, our meat and drink (pleasure) will be to do the will of Him that sent us. Let us remember that when one struggles to do the will of God, the struggle is not with God but within ourselves. If one will totally acquiesce to His will, the struggle will cease. It is then that we find doing His will is not a stoical ac-ceptance or a resigned helplessness but rather our greatest joy.

    1. We have the example of the Lord to guide us.

    2. We have the inspiration of the Word to instruct us.

    3. We have the Holy Spirit to in-spire and empower us.

    Let us not love and labor for the world to advance the kingdom of Satan, but let us DO the will of God and be a vessel that is profitable for the Master’s use so that we not only advance the Kingdom of God on earth, but also so that we shall abide with Him forever. ★

    Perdue's Pen C O N T I N U E D

  • Evangelists' PerspectiveChurch of the Nazarene70031 S. LakeviewSturgis, MI 49091

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