CONTENTS - Caroline · PDF fileCONTENTS a letter from caroline snapshot of program components...

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a letter from carolinesnapshot of program componentsgetting started: how to navigate the program

chapter 1. an overview of your sacred contract

chapter 2. learning to see the symbolic domain

chapter 3. the four survival archetypes

chapter 4. the houses of the archetypal wheel

chapter 5. your personal eight archetypes

chapter 6. casting your chart of origin

chapter 7. interpreting your sacred contract



Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract

a letter from caroline

Dear Students,

Welcome to The Sacred Contracts Online Program!

I have designed this Program Guide to direct you on a step-by-step journey through the Class. I will be at your side as you venture into an exciting exploration of your Sacred Contract.

Understanding your Sacred Contract will help you to interpret your personal reality—how you’ve been shaped and defined by your Contract. Your Contract answers the seminal questions you’ve always struggled with: How do I perceive myself? How do I perceive the people in my life, and why do I relate to them in the ways that I do? How do I encounter the world in a more meaningful way? And, what is my higher purpose in having incarnated here?

Your Sacred Contract animates your life and determines how you acknowledge your own power, how you use your power or deny your power, and the areas of your life in which you currently feel powerless.

Think of this Program Guide as a travel itinerary into your soul. I’m taking you on a grand voyage of self-discovery. You’ll encounter the multidimensional aspects of how your inner and outer lives have brought you to this point of self-awareness.

Exploring your Sacred Contract presents you with an opportunity to step out of your past. This is the mystical grace of understanding your Sacred Contract.

So let’s get started …


Caroline Myss


Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract

snapshot of program components

MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATIONS DELIVER AN ENGAGING LEARNING EXPERIENCE: The curriculum is balanced by instructor-led lessons and self-paced learning exercises.

• Video presentations by Caroline and CMED Faculty provide comprehensive, step-by-step instruction throughout the Program.

• Audio presentations are designed to enhance your comprehension.• Text material facilitates an in-depth study of Program content at your

own pace.


• The Houses of the Archetypal Wheel Library is designed to ground you in the fields of expression in which your archetypes operate.

• The Gallery of Archetypes features selected audio presentations by Caroline and detailed descriptions of more than 90 unique archetypes.

• The Chakra Library offers comprehensive coverage of the chakra system.

• Quiz Central is a testing site to evaluate your knowledge and progress.


• Answer questions posed throughout the Class in Your Online Journal. If you prefer to work offline or away from your computer, Your Journal is also available as a Word Document.


• The FAQ’s Forum is a place to post your questions, which are answered by Archetypal Consultants at regular intervals.

• The Sacred Contracts Social Network is a social-learning site where you can make friends, exchange insights and experiences, and support each other.


• Archetypal Consultants are available to assist you throughout the Program. Personal sessions with Archetypal Consultants can be arranged for a fee through


Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract

You will be referring to The Program Guide throughout your coursework. It is your manual, a GPS system to keep you on track as you progress through each stage of the work.

Some of the Lessons will be delivered via video stream and others will take you to the resources of the interactive libraries that house audio and text material. And many of the Lessons involve answering questions in Your Online Journal.

10 tips for making the journey

getting started: how to navigate the program

1. READ SACRED CONTRACTS Sacred Contracts is an orientation for the Online Program and provides a foundation for the work you are undertaking. But please remember that you must refrain from casting your Chart of Origin until the appropriate stage in the Online Program!

2. MAKE A COMMITMENT TO THE PROGRAM Self-discovery is serious work and cannot be undertaken with a casual attitude. Make a sincere commitment to engage the process.

3. SET UP A STUDY SCHEDULE Try to allocate a specific time each week when you will be undisturbed. Maintaining a consistent study schedule will build a momentum to carry you throughout the Class.

4. DEDICATE YOURSELF TO JOURNALING Two types of journaling are required for the Class: A daily journal and Your Online Journal. Keeping a daily journal helps you stay in present time by tracking your thoughts and experiences on a regular basis. Your Online Journal includes a structured series of questions for specific Lessons.

5. FOLLOW THE CHAPTERS IN ORDER There is an inherent logic to the order of the Chapters. Following the Chapters in sequence will ensure that you accurately identify and interpret your Sacred Contract. You may be tempted to skip ahead because you think you’ve already learned the material in a particular Chapter. However, if you follow the order of the Chapters, you won’t become lost or confused on your journey.

6. NOT ALL LESSONS ARE CREATED EQUAL The time required for Lessons will vary, based both upon the complexity of the material and your comprehension of it. Some Chapters and Lessons are more intense, challenging, and time-consuming than others.

7. REPEAT LESSONS AS NECESSARY The Online Program is specifically designed to allow you to work at your own pace. If you feel that you haven’t adequately grasped a particular teaching, repeat the Lesson before moving on. Hit the pause button as often as necessary to reflect on a teaching, a realization about yourself, and to record answers to questions in Your Online Journal.

8. THE QUIZZES Help you to gauge your comprehension of the core constituents of your Contract: the meanings of archetypes, knowledge of the houses, and how archetypes express themselves in houses. Performance evaluations enable you to measure your own progress and identify knowledge gaps. For example, a low score on a quiz indicates where you need to redouble your efforts, while a high score gives you the confidence to advance to the next step.

9. REACH OUT TO FELLOW STUDENTS At times you may feel somewhat isolated on your journey, or perhaps you reach an impasse, feeling stuck and not knowing how to move forward. The FAQ’s Forum and Sacred Contracts Social Network provide a sense of community, a cyber-support group to motivate you. And you also have an opportunity to assist others on their journey.

10. BE PATIENT WITH YOURSELF! The journey of self-discovery cannot be rushed. Guard against racing to get to the finish line; it isn’t a competition … it’s a contemplative and slow journey.


Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract

the process of self-excavation The freedom and flexibility of the Sacred Contracts Online Program allows you to learn at your own pace. By dedicating yourself to personal inner work you will get to know your own archetypal patterns. Please allow yourself sufficient time to process the information and the many insights that will arise from working with this material. Each Lesson should be followed by time for contemplation and self-excavation. To enter this mode of living, which is part of the process of spiritual alchemy you need to cultivate, you must learn to slow down your life. Learn to find meditative moments, silent times when you can begin to perform spiritual alchemy.

Most of you have jobs, families, and social responsibilities that take up a good deal of your time, and it isn’t advisable that you avoid those responsibilities. But you also need to find time to be alone, and if you seem never to be alone, your challenge is to carve out periods of solitude in which to do this work. You may be doing ordinary chores or housework, cooking, driving, or just sitting in your room. Reduce as much background noise as you can by turning off the radio and television. If certain music helps you get into a meditative state, that’s fine. But the only voice you want to be aware of is your own inner voice, and perhaps that of the Divine in silent dialogue.

Most people who constantly have the radio and television on do so because they don’t want to hear those inner voices. They may say they feel lonely, and that may sometimes be the case, but loneliness can be an ally, so don’t fear solitude. Like cloistered orders of nuns and monks, you accept the call to be conscious on behalf of those who are not able or willing to live the symbolic life to which you have been called. Remember, these periods of silence are brief retreats from the active world, not a repudiation of it. Indeed, they help you to be more effective and aware in your daily interactions with other people.

the role of journalingKeeping a regular journal is a crucial part of the learning process, because it allows you to maintain a written record of your journey within that will help you review your progress from time to time. Both “journal” and “journey” derive from the French root, jour, meaning “day,” and, so, your journal is your account of your day-by-day journey of inner transformation. But the act of journaling is itself part of the learning and healing process.

Journaling also helps you become fluent in the language of archetypes, which is essential to learning to use the Archetypal Wheel to receive guidance for yourself and others. The most important point to remember is the value of writing in your journal on a regular basis.

Please note that your daily journal should not to be confused with Your Online Journal—which is designed for recording answers to the structured questions posed throughout the Program.

the value of questions I have always used questions to help people examine their inner motivations, energy blocks, strengths, fears, and challenges. One question usually isn’t enough; to get at the truth that is often obscured by layers of self-delusion requires honesty and perseverance. Like archaeologists of the soul, we have to excavate deep down to unearth the shards of the spirit, and then reassemble those fragments into a whole self.

Throughout this Class, I offer lines of questioning designed to break down resistance and reacquaint you with your hidden truths. It’s a process that is by turns arduous and enticing, invigorating and revelatory. That’s why I highly recommend that you record the answers to the numerous questions posed throughout the Class in Your Online Journal. Then you can return and examine your original answers, learn from them, and move on to uncover the next layer.

As we begin the journey, let’s review the Process of Self-Excavation, the Role of Journaling, and the Value of Answering Questions.


Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract

what is an archetype?To help you understand and fulfill the terms of your Sacred Contract, you have been encoded with a set of twelve archetypes. Four of these are universal archetypes essential to survival: the Child, Victim, Prostitute, and Saboteur. We all have these four because they are vital to our growth and functioning as adults. The other eight are drawn from the vast storehouse of archetypes dating back to the dawn of human history. They play valuable roles that relate to our work, our relationships with individuals and society, finances, values, spirituality, and our highest potential.

Awareness of archetypes dates back to at least the time of Plato, who believed that these eternal forms were reflected in material objects. The archetype of beauty, for example, is abstract and applies to all beautiful things. The great Swiss psychologist Carl Jung further developed our understanding of archetypes. Jung believed that archetypes comprised psychological patterns from historical roles in life, such as the Mother, Child, Trickster, King, as well as universal events or situations, including initiation or death and rebirth. Along with our individual personal unconscious, which is unique to each of us, Jung asserted, “there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature that is identical to all individuals.” The collective unconscious, he believed, was inherited rather than developed, and was composed mainly of archetypes.

Although archetypes are impersonal patterns of influence that are both ancient and universal, they become personalized when they are part of your individual psyche. Since your Sacred Contract is embodied in a support system of twelve archetypes, it is best to think of them as intimate companions. They provide the foundation for your personality, drives, feelings, beliefs, motivations, and actions. But archetypes are not passive entities floating around the psyche like old family portraits hanging in a dusty corridor of your ancestral castle. They take an active role as guardians and inner allies, alerting you when you are in danger of falling into destructive or “shadow” behavior. When you learn to recognize such a pattern, instead of ignoring it or denying its presence, it becomes your friend and can help you avoid selling yourself out.

An archetype is a universal pattern of power that you were actually born understanding. You speak archetypes fluently. When you look at a person and say, “that woman is a natural mother,” you are summing up her essence in a single magnetic word. And that single word is an archetype. An archetype will find a way to penetrate and influence your life because that is its purpose. As we explore the world of archetypes, all that we are really doing is bringing a language you were born knowing into your consciousness.

THE SHADOW: All archetypes have shadow manifestations as well as “light” or positive attributes. The shadow has power precisely because it remains in the dark; we tend to deny its presence in us because we consider it unacceptable. Only when we face and acknowledge the shadow’s presence can we neutralize its potential negative impact on us.

chapter 1: an overview of your sacred contract (cont’d)


Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract

what is a house?I remember an exercise that my dearest college professor and mentor had taught. To convey to a class on spirituality the great power of detachment in perceiving reality, she had us imagine that we were sitting in the center of a clock. Each of the twelve hours of the clock represented a totally different reality. One hour represented the spiritual teaching of Buddhism; another, the principles of the Hindu traditions; the others, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Confucianism, Shinto, Wicca, Zoroastrianism, shamanism, and atheism. This image shows that there is no such thing as one reality, that truth presents itself in many forms.

The clock also represents a complete cycle of life. Day and night both have twelve hours, and twelve months complete a year. Twelve signs of the zodiac surround our planet, twelve apostles were sent by Jesus on their missions, and twelve tribes of Israel made up the biblical Jewish nation, arguably the foundation of the entire Western Tradition. The mystical implications of the number twelve suggest that it too is an archetypal pattern. The clock, when divided into twelve sections, also resembles a wheel, one of the most ancient representations of spirit, fate, fortune, and the cycles of life.

There is a link between archetypes and the zodiac. The archetypal wheel is an intuitive method that makes symbolic information accessible to you. Your archetypes become even more significant when you see them at work in the houses that signify twelve different aspects of your life. The Wheel helps you decode the behind-the-scenes patterns of your life. It shows you your experiences and relationships as spiritual dramas, filled with opportunities for personal transformation.

Specifically, the Wheel is a medium through which your archetypal patterns can best communicate their role in unfolding your Sacred Contract. Each of the twelve houses represents a different focus of your life. The twelve houses of the Wheel provide a format through which you can evaluate how your archetypes operate in your daily life, both literally and symbolically.

All of your archetypal patterns are present in the concerns of your twelve houses, for they interact as one hologram-like system within the psyche. Nonetheless, one pattern takes the lead regarding the theme of each house.

chapter 1: an overview of your sacred contract (cont’d)


Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract

LESSON2.1 an overview of archetypal visionCaroline discusses the significance of looking at the world through an archetypal lens.WATCH VIDEO LESSON 1 (34 MINUTES)

2.2 your symbolic coordinates + the distribution of cosmic powerListen to Caroline give an overview of the archetypal domain.OVERVIEW OF THE ARCHETYPAL DOMAIN - AUDIO LESSON 1 (79 MINUTES)

2.3 the dna of archetypesCaroline establishes a working definition of an archetype. Then Jim Curtan profiles the behaviors and challenges of the Four Survival Archetypes.WATCH VIDEO LESSON 2 (38 MINUTES)

2.4 the art of journalingPeter Occhiogrosso lectures on the dynamics of journaling and the essential role that journaling plays in understanding your dreams and archetypes.WATCH VIDEO LESSON 3 (31 MINUTES)

2.5 the three levels of conciousnessCaroline defines the three levels of consciousness and how they relate to the chakras and our Sacred Contracts.WATCH VIDEO LESSON 4 (62 MINUTES)

chapter 2: learning to see the symbolic domain

You embark on your journey by learning to develop symbolic sight and to understand how your Four Survival Archetypes function in your life.

You’ll discover the value of journaling as a method of connecting with your archetypes, and how you operate on three distinct levels of consciousness that are correlated with your chakras.


Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract

You start the process of identifying your Sacred Contract by focusing on the four survival archetypes: the Child, Victim, Prostitute, and Saboteur. Think of the survival four as the legs of a table that supports your Contract.

The Child, Victim, Prostitute and Saboteur are common to each of us, because they symbolize our major life challenges and how we choose to survive and maintain our self-esteem. Everything in your life revolves around these four archetypes. Together they represent the issues, fears, and vulnerabilities that cause us to negotiate away the power of our spirits within the physical world. And yet, if we learn to recognize their subtle urgings, they can become our most treasured allies in preventing us from giving away our power.

All four archetypes influence how we relate to material power, how we respond to authority, how we make choices to support or undermine our self-esteem. People say that love makes the world go round, that it is the driving force of our lives. I disagree: Self-esteem is far more crucial to how we navigate our lives, and these four archetypes greatly influence our level of self-esteem in various ways.

The four survival archetypes work as a team. As long as you lack self-esteem in any of these areas, you will negotiate away your highest potential in favor of physical survival. If you are afraid to grow up and stand on your own, your Child will help you see how needy you can be, and how you need to become independent. If you are afraid to make your way in the world, the Prostitute will lead you to sell yourself to anybody who will support you. You’ll sell your mind, your opinions, your ethics, your body—it doesn’t matter what form the prostitution takes—but in the process you’ll learn the value of maintaining your integrity. Your Victim archetype provides you with situations in which you will be victimized until you learn to stand up to the bullies of the world and develop your boundaries. Being bullied can take any shape—physical illness, poverty, psychological harassment in business or a relationship. You have to learn to stand up to the bully, and to your own fear of empowerment. The Saboteur warns you when you are in a situation in which you tend to sabotage your own best interests.

chapter 3: the four survival archetypes

Keep in mind that, as with all archetypes, these four energies are neutral, despite the negative connotations that are often attached to their names. Because it can be difficult to see how the Child, Victim, Prostitute, and Saboteur can provide you with powerful and supportive imagery, you need to become aware of them in all aspects of your daily activities. Once you do, you’ll be amazed at how profoundly they can help you deal with physical, psychological, and spiritual issues.It is wise at the beginning of this journey to focus on these four survival archetypes as an exercise before you explore any other archetypes. Think about the archetypal patterns of each as a constant process toward empowerment. Consider that each one of the survival four is always working through lessons with you via the dynamics of your soul.

LESSON3.1 introduction to the survival family of archetypesListen to Caroline discuss the Four Survival Archetypes.THE FOUR SURVIVAL ARCHETYPES - AUDIO LESSON 2 (76 MINUTES)Please have Your Online Journal open for Video Lessons 3.2-3.5 to answer questions posed by Caroline related to the Four Survival Archetypes.

3.2 the child archetypeWATCH VIDEO LESSON 5 (25 MINUTES)Note: If you are still having trouble identifying your particular Child Archetype, review each of the Child Archetypes in the Gallery.GO TO CHILD SECTION IN GALLERY OF ARCHETYPES

3.3 the victim archetypeWATCH VIDEO LESSON 6 (23 MINUTES)

3.4 the saboteur archetypeWATCH VIDEO LESSON 7 (52 MINUTES)

3.5 the prostitute archetypeWATCH VIDEO LESSON 8 (28 MINUTES) Deepen your understanding of the Four Survival Archetypes by studying them in the Gallery.GO TO THE SURVIVAL FAMILY IN THE GALLERY OF ARCHETYPES


Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract

Interpreting your Sacred Contract requires an understanding of how archetypes operate in the various departments of your life. The first two Video Lessons describe the dynamics of each House. The third and fourth Lessons involve independent study and tests to evaluate your knowledge of each House.

During these Lessons, record your personal resonances to each house in Your Online Journal. Identify the specific aspects of each house that represent lifelong issues for you. Then when you cast your archetypes in their houses, you’ll immediately know how they’re speaking to you in each house.

LESSON4.1 the houses of the archetypal wheel: part 1Lynn Bell discusses Houses 1 through 6.WATCH VIDEO LESSON 9 (68 MINUTES)

4.2 the houses of the archetypal wheel: part 2Lynn Bell discusses Houses 7 through 12.WATCH VIDEO LESSON 10 (73 MINUTES)

4.3 independent study on the housesNow that you have viewed the Video Lessons, visit the Library to further ground your knowledge of the Houses.GO TO THE HOUSES OF THE ARCHETYPAL WHEEL LIBRARY

4.4 test your knowledge of the archetypal wheelGO TO QUIZ CENTRAL

Additional Suggested Reading: Chapter 7 of Sacred Contracts: Reinventing the Wheel. Books about the Houses from an astrological perspective include: The Twelve Houses by Howard Sasportas and Houses of the Horoscope by Bill Herbst.

chapter 4: the houses of the archetypal wheel


Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract

chapter 5: your personal eight archetypes

These Lessons are designed to ensure that you correctly identify your personal set of eight archetypes. The selection process is challenging and rigorous, and it demands your patience and commitment to honoring the requirements of these Lessons.

You must feel confident in your selections before you take the defining step of casting your Chart of Origin.

LESSON5.1 identifying your personal eight archetypesCaroline discusses how archetypes are related to issues of power, and differentiates among related archetypes.WATCH VIDEO LESSON 11 (85 MINUTES)

5.2 a prelude to selecting your archetypesBefore you commit to your personal eight archetypes, go to The Gallery of Archetypes for further study.GO TO GALLERY OF ARCHETYPES

5.3 test your knowledge of the archetypesTake a series of quizzes.GO TO QUIZ CENTRAL

5.4 defining your personal eight archetypesRead the “Ten Guidelines for Archetype Selection” on the next page.

5.5 interviewing your personal eight archetypesAnswer the series of questions for each archetype in Your Online Journal. This process of inquiry will ensure that you have accurately identified your archetypes. Then you will be ready to cast your Chart of Origin.


Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract

10 guidelines for archetype selection1. LOOK FOR THE CONSISTENT PATTERNS

THAT DEFINE YOU AND YOUR EXPERIENCES: Concentrate your attention on identifying archetypal patterns that are consistent forces rather than occasional forces in your life. In choosing your archetypes you are looking for the patterns of your soul that have consistently been with you since you can remember. Think back over the course of your entire life to isolate the core patterns that form you.

2. ASSESS YOURSELF HONESTLY: At the start of this process, people tend to select archetypes based on what they like or admire, rather than who they are. Don’t select an archetype because it represents a desirable identity or a quality that you aspire to have. You may find it attractive to think of yourself as a Mystic, Healer, or Queen, but liking the sound of an archetype is not the same as having a spiritual bond with it.

3. REMEMBER THAT ARCHETYPES ARE ESSENTIALLY “NEUTRAL” PATTERNS OF THE PSYCHE: Archetypes are neither positive nor negative. As you’ve learned, the Victim, Prostitute, and Saboteur have strengths that are psychologically beneficial and necessary for your development. Be aware that your conscious mind may completely overlook an archetype that is one of the most forceful in your life because you don’t want to admit its influence or you don’t recognize one of its variations. Guard against thinking, “What would another person think of me if I chose this archetype?”

4. EVALUATE ARCHETYPES ON BOTH LITERAL AND SYMBOLIC LEVELS: Think about archetypes from both their literal perspective and their symbolic, hidden, absurd, and even frightening potentials. Begin by working with your intellectual conception of an archetype and then stretch your associations with that archetype as far as you can imagine. Although selecting archetypes is a rational process, remain open to intuitive feelings and impressions.

5. DEVOTE YOURSELF TO EXPLORING THE GALLERY OF ARCHETYPES: Read about all of the archetypes in the Gallery, regardless of whether or not you feel a resonance to them. You may discover that you identify with a powerful aspect of an archetype that didn’t immediately register from its name alone. As you read about each archetype, ask yourself if you can relate to any aspect of its expression.

6. DON’T LIMIT YOURSELF TO EIGHT ARCHETYPES AT THE BEGINNING STAGE: It is natural to initially identify with more than eight archetypes. We can relate to almost every archetype because our psyches and spirits are connected to the great collective of all the archetypal patterns. Choose at least eight “primary” archetypes about which you feel strongly, but also include several “secondary” archetypes to which you feel a connection.

7. REFINE YOUR SELECTIONS OF “SIMILAR” ARCHETYPES: Avoid selecting two related archetypes: for example, Contracts rarely include both the Mystic and Hermit, or Vampire and Thief. Try to distinguish the nuances between similar archetypes by studying them in The Gallery of Archetypes.

8. DON’T SELECT A SECOND CHILD ARCHETYPE: One Child in your Contract is sufficient!

9. TAKE YOUR TIME: The selection of your eight personal archetypes is the most crucial undertaking in creating your Chart of Origin. This process should not be rushed simply because you are anxious to cast your Chart out of curiosity. Respect your Contract by allowing ample time for reflection and contemplation during the selection process. Before casting your chart, you should feel confident about your selections.

10. ASK FOR DIVINE GUIDANCE: Finalize your selections at a time when you are relatively free from distractions. Clear your mind through meditation, prayer, or deep breathing …and ask for guidance.


Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract

chapter 6: casting your chart of origin

Casting your Chart of Origin is a simple process once you have defined your 12 archetypes. You will need a blank wheel form (print next page) and your deck of archetype cards and house cards.

(Note: If you don’t have your cards handy, write the names of the archetypes and the 12 house numbers on 24 separate slips of paper.)

Keep the archetypes and houses in separate stacks, facedown.

LESSON6.1 casting your chart of originWatch a short video of Caroline giving instructions for casting your Chart, but do not cast your chart before carefully reading the following instructions in Lessons 6.2-6.5.WATCH VIDEO LESSON 12 (11 MINUTES)

6.2 centering yourselfNow prepare yourself to cast your Chart. Clear your mind of expectations and desires, and focus your intention to be open to whatever guidance you receive. Take several deep breaths to clear your mind. Your archetypes will be guided into their appropriate houses through the same magnetic process that guides any tool that communicates with your intuition.

It is important to clear your mind prior to casting your Chart so that guidance can come through unimpeded. You may use the following meditation as a centering device, or substitute one of your own: Close your eyes and breathe deeply into your abdomen, allowing your stomach to expand as you breathe in and contract as you exhale. See yourself as a hollow reed or membrane, expanding and contracting. Continue in slow, deep breaths repeating, “I have no desires. I have no thoughts. I am empty of all disturbances. I am empty of all my needs. I am open to receive.”

After you have centered yourself, proceed as follows:

6.3 intuitive focusNow shuffle each of the two stacks, being careful to keep them separate and facedown. As you shuffle the stack of archetypes, ask, “In which houses do these archetypes best serve me?” Your intention creates a magnetic circuit that will direct the archetypes to their appropriate houses.

6.4 intuitive choicePicture yourself as a “hollow reed” transmitting energy. Choose one archetype card and one house card. Write the name of that archetype into the numbered house on your Wheel. If you chose the Child and the number 5, then your Child archetype belongs in the 5th house. Continue this exercise in a methodical manner until all 12 houses are filled.

Congratulations on having cast your Chart of Origin! You are now ready to move on to the interpretive phase of your journey.


Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract













chart of origin


Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract

chapter 7: interpreting your chart of origin

Now that you’ve watched the video presentations on how to approach the interpretation of archetypes in houses, please go to your Online Journal and answer the series of questions related to your own Archetypes in their Houses.

As you’ve learned throughout this Class, an accurate interpretation of your Sacred Contract requires an in-depth understanding of archetypes and houses, summarized by this three-step approach:

1. The identification of the role that each archetype plays in your life.

2. Knowledge of the fields of activity and departments of life governed by each house.

3. A grounded understanding of how each archetype expresses itself in its house.

This process-oriented approach to interpretation is referred to as the art of synthesis. When you thoroughly comprehend each of the constituents of your Contract, you can then attempt to synthesize those parts to arrive at a holistic view of your Contract.

Your ultimate goal is to be able to see yourself in your Chart of Origin.

LESSON7.1 creating your timelineBefore interpreting your archetypes in their houses, Caroline discusses the need to create a timeline that includes your earliest recall of encountering each of your archetypes and the language of power each archetype speaks in your life.

You have, however, already answered extensive questions in Your Online Journal that relate to these issues. As a prelude to interpretation of your Contract, review your answers to these questions after this presentation.WATCH VIDEO LESSON 13 (32 MINUTES)

7.2 interpreting your sacred contract: part 1Caroline and the CMED Faculty give guidance for interpreting archetypes in houses.WATCH VIDEO LESSON 14 (46 MINUTES)

7.3 interpreting your sacred contract: part 2WATCH VIDEO LESSON 15 (87 MINUTES)

7.4 interpreting your sacred contract: part 3WATCH VIDEO LESSON 16 (69 MINUTES)

7.5 interpreting your sacred contract: part 4WATCH VIDEO LESSON 17 (39 MINUTES)

Always keep your Chart of Origin in sight. Don’t place it in a folder or store it away in a drawer. It is a living document. Make a habit of looking at your Chart every day, and reflecting on its wisdom in your life.

Let your Sacred Contract speak to you by developing an intimate relationship with your Chart.