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32 The World Renewal, June 2014


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It is a matter of immensepleasure that the monthly

English magazine ‘The WorldRenewal’ has entered into 45thyear of its successfulpublication, rendering divineservice to mankind as a meansof spiritual and socialrejuvenation through itsspiritually enriched articles,

poems, and inspirational as well as life-transformingexperiences shared by Brahma Kumaris and BrahmaKumars, since 1970. The magazine has contributed alot to the mental and intellectual growth of aspirants,by disseminating true knowledge imparted byIncorporeal God Shiva through the human mediumof Prajapita Brahma.

We heartily congratulate our esteemed readers,contributors, B.K divine family and spiritual seekersworldwide, on this auspicious occasion. Let us furtherresolve to continue serving mankind with a renewedzeal, treading the divine path guided by God Shiva.Let each and every soul benefit by the divine versionsand receive God’s blessings. May The WorldRenewal spread the message of divine descent at afast pace and become instrumental in divinizing theworld!


On the Auspicious Occasion of44 Years of Successful Publication of


With Heartiest Greetings and Best WishesOn Godly Service


Divine Message of ReverendDadi Janki Ji ......................... 3

Winning the Goal of GenuinePeace & Happiness(Editorial) .............................. 4

The true Gopi of Babadada –Didi Manmohini ................... 7

It’s Time To Return Home!10

Journals and Journalism .... 13

Only God knows the Truth 14

Time for Receiving God’sPowers for GreatTransformation ................... 15

My Experiments with Truth ............................ 17

Why I chose Peace in my life? ........................... 20

The Divine Teaching that matches the Majesty of God ............ 22

Karma .................................. 25

Anger Management andPrevention ........................... 28

Ayurveda – The Science oflife ........................................ 31

All Glory goes to Him....... 33

4 The World Renewal, July 2014

Every human beingaspires for a happy,serene, beautiful and

successful life. Irrespective ofsocio-economic background orupbringing or value systems, westrive to attain that which isgood and productive forourselves and our loved ones.Over time and with experience,one learns that all that is reallyworthwhile requires effort,attention and investment of timeand energy. Nothing that istruly unique can be attainedby fluke, and thankfully so,since we tend to valueeverything that we ourselveshave worked towards.

For many today, ‘happiness’,‘peace’ and ‘security’ aredeceptive illusions but we fail tounderstand why has it becomeso. For generations andlifetimes, we have unconsciouslyassociated these gloriousachievements in life with

external factors – family ties,approval of others, conduciveworking/family situations,physical beauty and assets andso on. It’s astounding that webegan to believe that thesetemporary and limitedcharacteristics could possiblyprovide us secure and fulfillinglives! The number ofunthinkable sorrows in theworld is increasing daily, sohow long can we refuse toacknowledge that our ownperceptions, attitude andlack of responsibility haveled to our downfall…

Whether we leadprofessional, family or spirituallives, every human being facesso many challenges, ups anddowns, but by following spiritualguidance i.e. guidance from theDivine (God), things mostdefinitely can get resolvedamicably and life can truly betermed ‘beautiful’. Spiritual

lifestyle when adhered topositively and with an openmind, can help solve manyproblems of society. Theyearning of human souls forinner peace and happiness isuniversal and stems from deepmemories of having lived withdignity, love and peace in wholeonce upon a time… It is timeto reinvent our thinking andapproach to life so that we cantransform society. This can onlybe done through mutualunderstanding, respect and lovefor each other, and of course alittle bit of sacrifice of limitedself-interests.

At the present time ofSettlement of Karma, or in otherwords, the exchange of positiveand negative spiritual energybetween human souls, orhumans and the five elements,it is very important tostabilize our emotions,enhance our decision-making power, and channelonly positive energy throughour thoughts, words, attitudeand actions. The four mainsubjects of the path of RajyogaMeditation help us to achievethis accurately:

1) Wisdom or Gyan2) Meditation or Sahaj




The World Renewal, July 2014 5

Rajyoga3) Inculcation of DivineVirtues4) Sharing of Godlyblessings and wisdom orServiceWhen practised rightly,

sincerely and completely, theabove four pillars determinewonderful, carefree, peacefuland happy lives. This, in fact,is the inheritance we receivefrom the Supreme Parent, notjust for this birth but ensuinglifetimes. Rather than assumethat peace and happiness arethe final attainments of life, themore we live with spiritualawareness, the more weexperience these qualities aspart of our normal personalitytraits. Humans are notphysical beings withspiritual attributes, but weare spiritual beings thatexpress ourselves throughthe physical chariot.

The regular practice ofperforming actions in theconsciousness of beingdivine points of energy,‘souls’, atma empowers meto display only my eternalqualities of love, wisdom,peace, bliss, purity towards

the Self, the Divine, andothers. The reason fordisappointments/frustrations inrelationships and professionalaspirations is the lack of this‘karma yogi-consciousness’.

“While you are performingactions, it doesn’t remain inyour awareness in anemerged way that “I am asoul”. Everyone knows this,“but what type of soul amI?” I, the soul, amKaravanhar and thesephysical organs arekaranhar. While performingactions, be an embodiment ofthe awareness of the self-respect of karavanhar. Evenif you have to get somethingdone through your physicalorgans, remember “I amkaravanhar, I am a master”.If you are set on that seat,then all of your physicalorgans will remain in order.

“The soul is the king andthese physical organs arethe companions. So, thesoul, the king who isKaravanhar, should checkkaranhar, the physicalorgans. While performingactions, become the masterof the self and don’t let go

of the seat of self-sovereignty.” (Avyakt BD,January 2010)

“You are not those whojust have yoga, but you arethose who have a yogi life.A life is not just for two tofour hours; a life is for alltime. So, while walking andmoving around andperforming actions, you areconstant yogis who have ayogi life. The aim of yourlife is to be constant yogis.”(Avyakt BD, January 2010)

‘There are manyauthorities, but the greatestauthority is the authority ofexperience and God, theAlmighty Authority hasgiven you the experience ofself-respect. There is adifference between hearingand thinking about it, and inbeing an embodiment of theexperience: whatever youthink, whatever self-respectyou want to stabilise yourselfin, become stable in beingthe embodiment of thatexperience. No one canshake that experiencebecause it is self-respect(Swa-maan). When you arean embodiment of self-

6 The World Renewal, July 2014

respect and are stable in theexperience of self-respect,there cannot be any body-consciousness there. Forinstance, when there isdarkness, if you switch onthe light, the darknessautomatically disappears;you don’t have to make anyeffort to remove the darknessor to chase it away. Similarly,when seated on the seat ofself-respect, the switch ofexperience is on, so no typeof body-consciousness canexist there.’ (Avyakt BD,January 2010)

A truly blessed soul is onewho is able to create will-power and a beautiful innerstage, before them providing agood atmosphere for others toaccomplish the same too. Letus be kind to others andsupport them on their journeyof life with love and regard:

“Where there isknowledge and the stage ofyoga, the inculcation ofvirtues takes placeautomatically; spiritualservice will take place atevery momentautomatically. According tothe time you may serve

through your mind, throughwords, through actions,through love in yourrelationships. For instance, ifanother soul is a little sad, alittle dull in his or her effortand is under the influence ofa sanskar, if you give zealand enthusiasm, co-operation or love to the soul,that is the charity of service,you will accumulate in youraccount. It is an act ofcharity to uplift someonewho has fallen.

“Do not push those whohave fallen further down,uplift them! Give them yourco-operation. The sanskar ofanyone’s weakness shouldnot reduce the good wishesin your mind. That one’ssanskar is slack, but it ispowerful enough to reduceyour good wishes. It isnecessary to have such goodwishes among yourselves.God knows that there is aconflict of natures, but theconflict of natures should notfinish the love, it should notfinish the relationship ormake any task unsuccessful.This is God’s family. If thereis no love in the family, it is

not a family. Only when youbecome free from obstacles,you will become experiencedand make others experiencedwith your authority ofexperience.” (Avyakt BD,January 2010)

We as spiritual beings havea beautiful opportunity atpresent of living with peaceand happiness, and reviving thesame in others’ lives. May wededicate regular time to makingthis elevated vision a reality!

“At this time in the world,there is sorrow at everymoment, whereas you havehappiness at every moment.The greatest act of charity isto give unhappy soulshappiness. People of theworld spend so much timeand money for happinesswhereas you have easilyfound the treasure ofimperishable happiness.Now, simply continue toshare what you havereceived and therebyincrease it.” (Sakar Murli, 2July 2014).


The World Renewal, July 2014 7

Didi Manmohini and DadiPrakashmani took careof the administration of

this yagya excellently and withperfect coordination. Theysustained the divine family withgreat love and care. I came toMadhuban in 1971 and was veryfortunate to remain with DidiManmohini. After Brahma Bababecame Avyakt , either Didi orDadi used to reply each andevery letter received from thedevotees. This service wasperformed after Murli class, till10 a.m., as a daily routine. Assoon as I came to Madhuban, Ilearnt Hindi typing and readingSindhi as well. Thus, I got theopportunity to work with Didi as

I was deputed to write lettersbased on the Godly directionsgiven by Didi and Dadi. Didi hada great love for Baba’s Murli(Godly versions). When Dadi jiused to speak Murli in the class,Didi, even while listening to it,would make some goodquestions and call me and say,“Please type these questions and

send this treasure of Knowledgeto those spiritual aspirants alsowhose letters are being replied.”Thus, on one side of inland letter,there used to be the questionsand answers of Murli and on theother side, the response to theirletters.Personal attention towards

each and every oneDidi Manmohini gave us

powerful sustenance of divineaffection; she used to haveBrahma Bhojan with us, wouldhave chit-chat of GodlyKnowledge and Meditation withus and if we performed anyservice of the Yagya, she wouldalso give us special treat.Hailing from a small village, Iwas a young boy of about 16,and was not highly educated; butDidi showered the divineaffection of a spiritual mother.In case the surrendered brothersand sisters would get late to theclass or didn’t reach at all, then,after the class she would call usand say lovingly, “Today, I didn’tsee you in the morning Murliclass; where were you?” Thus,



– B.K. Raju, Pandav Bhawan, Mount Abu

A Tribute

[Didi Manmohini got surrendered to the Godly Yagya along withher mother and sisters. She became instrumental in openingcentres in Allahabad and Delhi and also served at Kamla Nagar,Delhi for many years. After Mateshwari Jagdamba Saraswatileft her mortal coil in 1965, Didi Manmohini and Dadi Prakashmanilooked after the administration of this spiritual organisation.Brahma Kumar Bro. Raju of Murli Dept., Madhuban, shares hiswonderful experiences with this Prime Jewel. – Editor]

Didi Manmohini

B.K. Raju

8 The World Renewal, July 2014

she would draw personalattention to our self progressand, strengthen the foundation ofthree most important subjects ofthis Godly Knowledge, viz.Knowledge-Medi ta t ion-Inculcation.

Attention on SmallerThings

Didi would draw our attentionto every small Godly code ofconduct. Those days, the Yagyawas going through the beggarypart; therefore, she wouldemphasize the importance ofprice of each and every item ofthe Yagya. She would teach ushow to mark our names on ourhandkerchief lest it should getlost. Besides, she would alsoteach us how to keep the roomsclean, how to set the clothes,how to stitch the old and tornclothes and wear them. Even infood not a single grain should bewasted. Thus, she would drawattention of one and all to eachand every small thing.

Oneness and EconomyDidi always remained a true

Gopika and belonged to oneShiv Baba. She always taughtus to belong to one Shiv Babaonly. She didn’t like our ordinaryway of talking, behaving andlaughing. If someone becameextrovert and would startlaughing or spoke loudly orwould do eavesdropping, Didiwould draw his/her attention to

it. She would always speakabout Godly code of conductand say, “Always see each otherwith pure vision of soul-brotheror brother-sister.” If she saweven a fraction of impurity insomeone or if someonecomplained against someoneelse, she would call the otherbrother or sister and drawspecial attention of the latter.Sometimes, she would call thecomplainant also and wouldsettle the matter and there then.Thus, she would never allow theatmosphere to be polluted in anegative and wasteful manner.Didi ji would say in simplewords, “When you havedetached yourself from the oldworld, renounced the bodilyrelations, then, why do you lookback? If you want to move back,you can do so, but it is Godlycode of conduct of the Yagya –‘Complete Purity’; one has toabide by the code of conduct inthought, word and deed andbelong to One (Shiv Baba) andfollow economy.”

Less Expenditure, GreatService

Didi was an incarnation ofeconomy. She would always say,“Each and every penny of theYagya is worth pound; therefore,do not fritter money on frivolousthings; you have to spend lessand do great service. Everythingmust be of good quality, but the

expenditure should be less.”During the days of winter, onceDidi called me and asked, “Doyou have warm clothes?” As Ihad come to Abu during summer,so, I didn’t have warm clothes.Didi said, “You are not awareof the cold of Abu; it is very coldhere”, and thus, gave me asweater of black colour. Seeingthe cloth of this colour, I wasfeeling little bit uncomfortable.Seeing this, she said, “Wear itinside the Kurta; you won’t feelcold. What if it is of black colour;it is very warm.” Similarly, ifsomeone brought somethingfrom his or her laukik house,Didi would say, “Deposit it in theYagya; otherwise, you would bedisturbed with the memories ofyour family members. You haveto wear only what you get andeat only what you get from theYagya; then, you would be ableto remember Shiv Baba only.”

Number One StudentDidi would give much

attention to yoga and studies.She would always say, “If youstudy well, you will become aNawab.” She used to be thefirst one to arrive at 4 a.m. inAmritvela and would conductthe yoga. She would meditatewith such a concentration thatshe wouldn’t even blink hereyes. Many would see the divinevisions of BapDada and GoldenAged world through her. In her

The World Renewal, July 2014 9

eyes, one could see the glimpseof the pearls of Baba’s love.While going to the class, shewould never forget to keep penand diary with her. She would tellone and all, “Student life is thebest life; we all are students, weshould never consider ourselvesas teachers. If you have tobecome the teacher, then, firstbecome teacher of the self;teach yourself. Learn to talk toyourself.” At night, she would bethe first to sit in the class andwould ask all to share Godlyservice news if any from Indiaand abroad. I got the goldenopportunity to note down SakarMurli (Gyan Murli, i.e. Godlyversions spoken by IncorporealGod Shiva through the mediumof Brahma Baba up to 18th Jan.1969), the blessing of AvyaktBapDada, based on AvyaktMurli (Godly versions spoken byIncorporeal God Shiva andComplete angelic Brahma Babaafter 18th Jan. 1969). Didi wouldask me to conduct the class andshe would listen to Baba’selevated versions, sitting in frontof me. ‘I’m senior,’ such an egocould never even touch her.

Humour along withFriendliness

Didi was very humorous; shewould play with all of us BKbrothers and sisters and makesome program for divineamusement. Being friendly,

sometimes she would play somegames of leisure andentertainment such as musicalchair, while sometimes shewould play badminton with us.She would also have BrahmaBhojan with everyone atHistory Hall and after themeals; she would give the plateof fruits to all. Then, she wouldshare and listen toknowledgeable poetry, jokes etc.While doing this, she would payspecial attention to know howfar there had been spirituality inone’s vision and attitude.Fearless and Unshakeable

Didi was truthful and cleanand thus, remained fearless. TheYagya had to face many apaper, i.e., adverse situations butDidi remained easy besidesbeing unshakeable. We nevernoticed Didi’s zeal andenthusiasm receding. Didialways said, “The boat of truthwill move and shake, but itcannot sink.” Even if any issue/obstacle came in the Yagya, Didiwould advise us, “RememberShiv Baba, do yoga continuously;

through yoga, all the obstacleswill be finished automatically, forthis is the only medicine for allthe diseases.

Detached Observer andDisinterested Stage

Before being Avyakt, Didibecame detached observer evenwhile taking care of the affairsof the Yagya. She stoppedlistening to the proposals of theextension of the affairs of theYagya. She would repeatedlyremind us: “Now we have to goback Home; give up thesematters, we have to becomeperfect and complete like FatherBrahma.”

Didi went to Mumbai for hermedical check-up where thedoctors performed a smallsurgery. In the same hospital,Didi remained in coma and lefther mortal coil on 28th July, 1983and ascended to perform furtherincognito Godly service assignedby BapDada. Our most sincereand grateful tribute to Didi’sloving sustenance would be ifwe follow her ideal footsteps inletter and spirit.

“Neither a wise man nor does abrave man lie down on the tracksof history to wait for the train of thefuture to run over him.”– Dwight D. Eisenhower,(34th President of the United States. )

10 The World Renewal, July 2014

The original name of DidiManmohini was Gopi andshe belonged to a well-

known family of Hyderabad,Sind. She was married into areputed family. Dada Lekh Raj,the founder of the BrahmaKumaris Organisation was avery famous jeweller of thosedays and Didi Manmohini’sparents had very good relationswith Dada. The newly-established spiritual organisationwas called Om Mandali, which,with the passage of time,developed into an internationalorganisation, presently known asPrajapita BrahmakumarisIshwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya.Didi was Dada’s relative and herfamily had great regard for


–B.K. Ranjit Fuliya, Associate Editor

A Tribute to Didi Manmohini

{Prajapita Brahma, the founder of the Brahma Kumaris organisation,was a great protagonist of Woman-Empowerment. He had greatregard for women and kept them at the forefront in all matters relatedto the administration of the organization. After Jagadamba Saraswatileft her mortal coil, Didi Manmohini successfully administered thisworld-wide organisation, along with Dadi Prakashmani and took itto new heights. Assocoate Editor B.K. Ranjit Fuliya shares withesteemed readers the specialties of Didi Manmohini, whoseRemembrance Day falls on 28th July. – Editor }

Dada for his virtues such asrighteousness, charity,compassion and generosity. Hewas also famous for his devotionand people in general admiredhim for his noble conduct.

Though Didi Manmohini wasrich and spend most of her timein Satsang and charity. She hadimmense faith in Hinduscriptures – Gita and Bhagwatwhich she read as her daily

routine. She felt that she herselfwas a ‘gopi’, as mentioned in thescriptures.

Didi Manmohini’s mother,who was later known as QueenMother in the yagya, attendedDada’s Satsang, for the firsttime after divine descent ofIncorporeal God Shiva into hisbody. Dada was sitting there ina very small room, conductingSatsang, holding Gita in hishand. Attracted by some strongdivine pull, she sat near Dada.As he gazed at her, she realiseda chakra of light on Dada’sforehead. She continued to lookat Dada like that. Lastly, asDada sounded the word ‘Om’,she completely felt herselfdetached from the body andexperienced super-sensuous joy.She had, in fact, seen ShriKrishna in Dada and had faiththat he was Shri Krishna.

The next day, when she wentto Dada’s Satsang , he drew thepictures of Subtle World,corporeal world and incorporealworld with pencil and explainedthe same to her. While listening

B.K. Ranjit Fuliya

Didi Manmohini

The World Renewal, July 2014 11

to the knowledge, Dadaappeared as Shri Krishna to her.In the meantime, IncorporealGod Shiva revealed that He hadentered Dada’s body and wasdisseminating the esotericknowledge to re-establishheaven or virtuous world on thisvery earth. Now Dada Lekhrajwas renamed Brahma Baba byIncorporeal God Shiva.Obstacles could not deter

herDidi Manmohini had been

married at a very young age.Her husband was abusinessman, and he wouldfrequently go abroad forbusiness purpose. Those days,it was a talk of the town inHyderabad that through ‘Omdhwani’ or the sound of Om, alldisciples attending the Satsangwould go in a state of trance.Hearing this news, many peoplebegan to attend satsang. Oneday, Didi’s mother also came toattend the satsang, got inspiredby it and sent a car to Didi sothat she could also attend thesatsang and meet Dada. WhenDidi came, Dada’s first teachingwas to live a life of purity, i.e.,celibacy. Didi immediatelydecided to lead a celibate life.Because of this decision, therestarted a quarrel between Didiand her husband. On one or twooccasions, her husband evenbeat her.

Woman – Harbinger of anew World Order

Om Mandali had establishedin 1937. Just imagine the statusof women those days, i.e., about77 years ago! Women wereconsidered weak and helpless bythe society; they faced all sortsof opposition. Didi Manmohinialso faced stiff opposition fromher relatives and had to strugglea lot while pursuing the Godlypath. She underwent a lot ofharassment because of herdetermination to lead a pure life.She was even confined in severalbondages, but because of her firmwill, strong determination andsincere spiritual efforts, sheovercame all the impediments.Didi didn’t retract from herresolve to lead a pure life.Brahma Baba then formed a trustconsisting of women and girls. Hebequeathed all his movable andimmovable property to the trustof which Didi Manmohini wasone of founding members. Shewas then appointed as a specialconsultant of yagya motherJagdamba Saraswati.

A True Lover of Baba’sMurli

Didi was extremely fond ofBaba’s murli. She would get lostin Godly love while listening toGodly versions. Whatever Babasaid to His children, she wouldinstantly inculcate in her life.Meeting Didi Manmohini in

Madhuban always used to be aspecial experience for thespiritual family. Since Didi tookkeen interest in the spiritualprogress of all the B.K. brothersand sisters, she would invariablymeet them while biddinggoodbye. She used to enquireabout their spiritual efforts atpersonal level and suggestedways and means to remove theimpediments and enhance theirstage of soul-consciousness.

A Good AdministratorDidi Manmohini had a number

of qualities like great power ofdiscrimination, tireless work,administrative capability etc.Her politeness, affectionatepersonality, and soul-consciousstate endeared her to one andall. When Prajapita BrahmaBaba ascended to subtle region,after attaining perfection in hisspiritual efforts, on 18th January,1969, Didi Manmohini and DadiPrakashmani were appointed tolook after the administration ofBrahmakumaris organisation,jointly. The administration of thehuge organisation required greatcoordination and cooperationwhich was visible to one and allin their administrative decisionsand actions. While DadiPrakashmani used to appear asymbol of love, Didi Manmohiniwas considered an embodimentof the rule of law. Theorganisation was growing at a

12 The World Renewal, July 2014

fast pace and there were manyticklish and complex issues of theyagya which were taken care ofby Didi Manmohini. But Didiwas a practical person; highlyexperienced in understandingpeople’s problems and providingthem sure and certain solutions.She would instantly create arapport with whomsoever shemet. Her personal touch reallyinspired many souls.

An Embodiment of Loveand Care

Didi sustained the divinefamily with great love and care.She would discuss the GodlyKnowledge and Meditation forthe benefit of all. Though sheshowered her motherly love onall, she was also particular thatGodly maryada or code ofconduct is followed by all, inletter and spirit. She would drawpersonal attention of divinebrothers and sisters towards selfprogress and inspired them tostrengthen the foundation ofGodly Knowledge and yoga. Shealso laid special emphasis oninculcation of values in practicallife.

Unity and PurityAs Didi had true love for One

God and was an impartial person,she taught all to be free from thebondages of attachments. Shewas royal and courteous whileinteracting or dealing with others.She immediately used to invite the

attention of the aspirants if shereceived some complaint. Shewould always remind them aboutGodly code of conduct. Shewould handle aspirants’grievances efficiently, call thecomplainant and dispose of theirgrievances amicably, then andthere. Thus, she would alwaystry to keep the atmosphere light,pure and positive. She alwayshighlighted the importance ofGodly code of conduct andinspired all to adhere to it, strictly.Her royalty and simplicityensured Unity and Purity in theorganization.Be Frugal; Make the Best

use of ResourcesThose days the Brahma

Kumaris organisation was notwell off, financially. Therefore,Didi would emphasize theimportance of being frugal andeconomical. She would ofteninspire all to make proper use ofmoney and never to waste it. Shewanted that the service that wasrendered should be royal but notvery costly. Not a single grainof food was allowed to bewasted and she would drawattention of one and all to veryminute aspects also.

Her Affection won ManyHearts

I visited Madhuban duringsummer season of the year 1981.While I was taking leave forreturning, Didi gave me a bag

having the picture of Shri Krishnaprinted on it. “Ranjit, you take thisbag as a divine gift with you anduse it for carrying lunch to office.You should also keep Baba’sMurli (divine versions) in it whichyou should read in the noon. Andof course the picture of ShriKrishna will always remind youof your aim and object, i.e., tobecome a virtuous deity like ShriKrishna”, said Didi whilepresenting godly gift to me. I wasreally overwhelmed by her heartywishes, and such a divine careand concern.It’s Time to Return HomeDidi Manmohini always used

to remind all: “It’s time to returnhome” and “Nothing is mine,everything is Baba’s.” ByHome, she meant the real andoriginal home of all souls, i.e.,Incorporeal World, ParamDham or Soul-World. She wentto Mumbai for her health check-up in July 1983 where she wasdiagnosed with a tumor whichwas not malignant but benign.Doctors advised her to beoperated upon. Even while goingto operation theatre, she wascheerful and happy. Even nursesof the hospital would admire herand said, “Your Didi is a verynice person”. Whenever theycame to her, she would greetthem with a smile. She alwaysshowered spiritual love received

(Contd. on page No. 34)

The World Renewal, July 2014 13

From the mighty pen of Sanjay


Let us take any morningNewspaper and have alook at its columns.

Most of the news is about theevents of perverse humandealings. There are reports ofdowry, suicides, crimes againstwomen, oppression ofminorities or backwards,accidents, floods and fires,scandals, political defections,corruption, dacoities, hostilitybetween religious communitiesand warfare between countries.This unusual trend has come tostay in the field of journalism somuch that it has become acommon saying that ‘bad newsis good news.’ Again,presentation of news in a tart,saucy and sensational fashion isanother common feature. Inreality, it is tantamount to makingpeople addicted to sensational,hot, nerve-rattling and blood-curdling news as one getsaddicted to over-spicy curriesand excessively hot tea or strongand lip-burning coffee. Theresult is that when there is nonews of a big scandal, a horriblemurder, a terrific railwayaccident or a major racket or a

calamity in a newspaper, itsreaders say: “there is nonews today; today’s paperis tasteless.” How such apolicy of purveyingexcitement and sensation onthe part of newspapersmight affect the minds of thereaders can very well beimagined.

In journalism today, it isdeclared with great pridethat the press is ‘the watch-dog of democracy’. Thus,strict and fearless criticismis considered to be one ofthe main duties of the Media.The idea behind it is that thepublic may be aware of themisdeeds of the leaders andthat anyone who is planningto indulge in crime or indisruptive activities, wouldbear in mind that he will beexposed as others havebeen and would be hauledup because of his illegalacts.

But what is the net visibleresult of such exposures andsuch kind of news? We findthat the readers getincreasingly aware of the

various forms of crime, cruelty andcorruption unconsciously and evenlet their deforming influence bestamped on their own mind.Reading such news day after day,the average reader gets discouragedto see that justice, goodwill andhonesty are conspicuous by theirabsence and feels persuaded toadopt the ways of the worldaround.

Let us all realise that the rootcause of all kinds of misery andcrime lies mainly in unethicalthoughts, words and acts of man.Incidents like robberies, dacoities,embezzlement, adulteration ormanufacture of new destructiveweapons by some countries – allthese spring from what may well becalled ‘impurity of thought’ or, inother words, from violence, hate,greed etc., in the minds of men.These evils can be reduced or evenuprooted by tackling the root-causeitself, i.e., pollution of thought, orin other words, by inculcating inpeople what goes today by thename of moral values, humanism.The news, articles and featuresshould be such that they help tosolve problems of the individualand the society through purity inthought, word and deed and thiscan be done if they somewhat focuson spirituality by bringing God andsoul also in the world of news andviews since the world has now

(Contd. on page No. 34.)

14 The World Renewal, July 2014

It is said, God is truth, whichmeans only God knows thetruth, nobody else. Poor

people do not know the truth. Dothey? That is why they say theworld continues to move on andon in this manner [through thevices). If the world were tomove only in this manner, thenshow how it works. Why is theworld so disquiet and unhappytoday? If the world has to moveon in this way, then why do youcry and shout that there isdisquiet, unhappiness,irreligiousness? And why do youcontinue to cry? Look, there isthe cry of distress. It is alsomentioned in the Gita what ourBharat is today.

God says: ‘I know the reasonwhy the world became sodisquiet and unhappy, and youdo not know.’ So, we arereceiving light through God asto how we humans can makeour world happy. No human hasthis knowledge. Only theBestower of Knowledge has thisknowledge. He is also calledknowledge-full, Janijananhar,the Ocean of Knowledge. Only


God has the accurate knowledgeof the complete state of humanbeings. Now we must have thisknowledge, to regain our paststate. This is known as knowingthe truth, through which wereally become the truth. Ourpractical life becomes elevatedin this way. Unless our lifebecomes elevated, we have notunderstood the truth at all. Tounderstand the reality of life, andto follow the true path, is truth.GODLY KNOWLEDGE IS

THE THIRD EYELike everyone else in the

world, even I used to believeeverything I heard as truth: thatthe world could not continue

without the vices, etc. In manyscriptures, such things arewritten even about the worship-worthy deities. This is why manypeople are confused. Forexample, it is written that duringRama’s period, there was abattle between Ram and Ravan.Same has been mentioned incase of Krishna. In the GoldenAge, they have shown battlesbetween deities and demons. Inall the periods, war has beenmentioned. So people think thatall these – lust, anger,quarrelling, fighting – exist fromthe early period of deities. Butit is not like that. This also mustbe understood.

They praise the Kingdom ofRam, saying that the king andthe subjects as well, werewealthy, everyone wasprosperous, and so it is sung‘Let the Lord live long, in favourof religion ... ’. But if there wasso much harmony andreligiousness, how could there bea battle between Ram andRavan? We now have tounderstand the meaning of theseaspects.

There was no battle betweenRam and Ravan in the SilverAge. We need to understandwhat Ram and Ravan are:Ravan is not a person with 10heads; in fact there wasn’t anyking like Ravan. The meaning of10 heads is the five vices of

From the Melodies of Mateshwari ji

Mateshwari ji

(Contd. on page No. 34)

The World Renewal, July 2014 15

Among all therelationships, theclosest one is between

Man and God. The innumerabletemples, churches, mosques andother prayer and worship placesamply prove this very fact. Godis the one personality who isbeing pursued, searched andresearched endlessly by thelargest mass of the people in theworld. He is believed to be theultimate source of solace andprotection for the poor and therich, the educated and theunlettered, the scholar and thegeneral folks, the so-calledmighty and the weak, nay, menand women from all walks oflife.

We all know that goodgovernance is the need of thehour. For good governance,there should be good peoplewho are peaceful, loving,truthful, non-violent, righteous,compassionate, mentally andintellectually strong. However,ironically, goodness is lacking inone and all these days. We allknow that before the

democracies emerged in almostall countries of the world, kingswere the rulers. That systemcollapsed on its own weightbecause of misuse and abuse ofpower. The world is now floodedwith ordinary folks. Humanityis at crossroads. Everybodywants a great transformation totake place in the world. But,human beings do not have thatstrength and acumen to providea powerful leadership role for agreat transformation.Therefore, everybody turns toGod who is the last resort. Heis remembered as the “Malik” -– the owner of the world. He isalso remembered as Father andMother of all. Divinedispensation is the need of thehour.

As revealed in ShrimadBhagavad Gita, ‘I amincorporeal self-effulgent light;I descend to the world in thebody of an ordinary person toteach the souls GodlyKnowledge and Rajyogameditation when there is utterirreligiousness and

unrighteousness’. As per Hispromise, He says “whatevertransformation needs to be donein the world takes place in anatural way. First of all, Itransform the life of the soul inwhose body I descend and thenthrough him I teach other soulsand empower them to transformtheir lives. I transform the worldthrough Prajapita Brahma”.

God descendsIf God has to explain all this,

it cannot be explained in a proxymanner or through an oracle orother unnatural way. It has tobe done in a natural way. If Hismessage is to be understood bythe common people, He shouldcome down to the level ofhuman beings. He uses themouth organ of PrajapitaBrahma to convey His divineknowledge. He reveals Himself,His role and acts. He descendsonly once in a kalpa in thisfashion. Until then nobodyknows about Him. Since nobodyknows about God, all peoplehave been worshipping Him intheir own chosen images, faithsand beliefs. They have beenworshipping everybody andeverything except God. Eventhen, when they earnestly prayto Him in distress and crises,they get little bit of solace andpeace for the time being. Heclarifies that if people go insearch of Him, He would not be



– B.K. Surendran, Bangalore.

16 The World Renewal, July 2014

found. He descends in thiscorporeal world and revealsHimself at the appropriate timei.e. in Sangamyug –Confluence Age, at the end ofKaliyug and beginning ofSatyuga, and for the specificpurpose of purging the souls ofthe sins, to transform the soulsand the world. In the history ofthe world, nobody, may he be aRishi, Muni, a prophet, a greatsoul, has ever asked people toremember him, except telling thateverybody should rememberGod. But, here Godauthoritatively asks each andeveryone to remember Him andHim alone in soul-consciousness. He also makesanother surprisingannouncement that He hascome to take the souls backhome -- Paramdham, as thepresent act of drama is going toconclude and a new world orderof peace and plenty is beingcreated. When He descends,He Himself teaches the humansouls as to how one can mentallyconnect with Him. One canconnect with God through love-full remembrance in soul-consciousness. The momentone becomes soul-conscious,one is automatically and naturallyconnected with God mentally,intellectually and heartily.

God’s powersWe all know that great

revolutions and establishment ofreligions have taken place withthe power of thoughts of humansouls. But, the Supreme Soul’sthoughts are great sermons.When that knowledge flowsthrough the minds of the humansouls, their thoughts are purified.God’s messages, their deliverystyles, their tenor, their beauty,their poetic presentation andtheir depth are outstandinglyunique which cannot becompared with any human being.Those souls who imbibe Hisknowledge are able to emergetheir greatness and inner beauty.This is happening right now. Weare now face to face with theSupreme, conversing with Him,experiencing His powers andreceiving His blessings. Thismay sound peculiar and unheardof. But this is a fact strangerthan fiction.

1. Power of Knowledge:God is ocean of knowledge. Hereveals the true knowledge ofHimself, the souls and the rolesin the drama of life. Therefore,the Godly knowledge is sourceof great infinite power. Theknowledge revealed by theSupreme empowers the souls todiscriminate between right andwrong and enable them to leada virtuous life. They are able toexercise wisdom and will power,create pleasant and happymoods and moorings. They are

empowered with the knowledgeas to how to control and managetheir thoughts, understand theself in the right perspective andrecognize God who is the realFather.

2.Power of Remembrance:God bestows spiritual powers onsouls – His children– through asimple technique. One candraw the power of peace,happiness, bliss, love, purity andthe ultimate spiritual powersfrom Him through His lovingremembrance in soul-consciousness. This is calledRajyoga meditation. The resultis that such souls receive powerto conquer vices. They becomementally stable, intellectuallysharp and their desires andattachments are sublimated.Their life is stable and balanced.Those who constantlyremember Him become selfsovereigns.

3. Power of blessing:People in general say that theyhave the blessings of God.Whatever they possess is theresult of God’s blessings.Blessings are the real spiritualpower which can be bestowedby God only. God’s blessingsuplift us to the highest level ofexistence. The knowledge thatis revealed by the Lord is agreat blessing. He shows theway to peace, happiness, better

(Contd. on page No. 34)

The World Renewal, July 2014 17

Have we ever consideredwhat experiments arefor? Evidently to arrive

at the truth in a jumble ofseveral possibilities. In fact, tillour last breath we spend time insearching for the truth or whatwe really want or expect fromlife. It is a story of opportunities,availed of and chances missed,of adjustments made andpositions compromised, and offailures faced and successescelebrated.

My story is not different as itran on the same pattern. I had anormal childhood, like that of amember of any middle classfamily. Being from a family ofilliterate farmers living in villages,my outlook on life from verychildhood was as vast as thefields I was brought up amongst.My father, who was made ofrather different mettle fromothers of his kin, went for higherstudies after passing hismatriculation and studied law atGovernment Law College,Lahore (at present in Pakistan).As he was a broad-mindedperson, I also grew up with

respect and regard for all sectsand religions.

I was a student of tenth classwhen the country waspartitioned and we were drivenout of our homes and hearthsliterally without any bag orbaggage. I passed mymatriculation in 1948; mytroubles started soon thereafter.My life took a turn for the worseafter I joined college and startedliving in the hostel, away fromhome. I was just 15 years of ageand quite a greenhorn and adreamy adolescent; I took toways which were certainly farfrom conducive to hard workand serious studies. The years Ispent in college thus were allgone waste with the result thatI could not make any markduring that period except that Iwas able to obtain a B.A. degreeand then a certificate inteaching.

I managed to get the job of ateacher in a higher secondaryschool in Delhi but soon realisedthat I was not at all cut out forthat work. As the parents nowlay great stress on giving good

education to their children,teaching has become arespectable and lucrative jobthese days. But in those days asit was given a low priority,teaching was a meagrely-paidjob; low in the graph of socialesteem. Besides, all my friendswho had landed themselves ingovernment jobs made mockeryof me by calling me “Master Ji”.Since I was a refugee fromPakistan, I enjoyed ageconcession, so I availed myselfof the last chance of appearingin government competitiveexaminations. I took twocompetitive examinations; one Ipassed but could not make it inthe interview, and the second Ipassed and was selectedbecause it had no interview part.

But misfortunes, like goodfriends, did not desert me.Though the feeling that I hadcleared two All IndiaCompetitive Tests one after theother within a span of two orthree months gave some boostto my confidence and self-esteem, I could not overcomethe remorse I felt over wastingthe formative years of my lifeachieving nothing as comparedto some of my friends. Thisremorse was all the time nibblingat my heart depriving me of anyhappiness which my inner-selfwas yearning for.

The young boys and girls ofthe pre-independence India did


– B.K. Anand Mohan Hans,Paschim Vihar, New Delhi

18 The World Renewal, July 2014

not know much about careerbuilding unlike the youth of today.As the life we lived then wasvery easy and plain, we neverthought of beyond gettingmarried one day and raising afamily like everybody else wasdoing. Competitiveexaminations, interviews,general knowledge books andmagazines, and studentcounselling were terms unheardof in those days. They becameknown only within a period often years or so afterindependence, and that was thetime I grew up from boyhood toadolescence and then toadulthood.

Such depressing thoughtsbothered me all the time andconsequently, it took me time topick up the work in my new job.The truth is that I did not at alllike the government work as itgave little or no opportunity forself-expression and creativeactivity. It was so boring andmechanical that at one point oftime I felt like leaving everythingbehind me to some remotecorner of the world far removedfrom any human civilisation.Sometimes I felt like crying myheart out till there were no tearsleft in my eyes.

But, thank God, they wereonly momentary feelings. I wasto continue with my new jobsince before joining it, I had got

married and, therefore, had toearn a livelihood for myself, mywife and our first child who wason the way. Willy-nilly, Icontinued with my job. But allthe factors, past and existing atthat time, had their toll which Ihad to pay in the form of chronicdepression and tension.

One fine morning instead ofreaching my office, I foundmyself in a park all by myself.Thereafter, I did not go to officefor one month applying for leaveon weekly basis. But how longcould this continue? One day, Ireceived a notice from my officeto join duty within a week orreport myself to the hospital forcheck-up by a medical board. Igot panicky and even thought ofgiving up my job or ending mylife. These alternatives being outof question, I turned seriouslyand earnestly towards God forsuccour. I believed in God butthat far He had done nothing toameliorate the mental agony Iwas silently going through. Iwould sit for hours together in agurdwara, holding one of the legsof the wooden stand on whichthey keep the Holy Granth andpleading: if you were at allthere, to come to my help orotherwise, I said to myself, Iwould consider all this bhakti asa farce.

In the meantime, I had startedconsulting a doctor in the

government hospital since I hadto keep pretence of being notwell to be able to get a medicalcertificate for reason of myabsence from work if not forany medical treatment. On mysecond visit to him, the doctorprescribed me some medicine tocalm my nerves and gave meanother medical certificateextending my leave for sevendays. It was on my fourth visitto him, a day after my soliloquyin the gurdwara that the doctorprescribed me sleeping pills,obviously to numb my senses.

I told him, “Doctor Sahib,perhaps you think my body is ill.No, it is not my body; it is mysoul which needs thetreatment.” As if the doctor waswaiting for this cue from me, heat once said, “So you needtreatment of your soul! O.K,then, be ready at six in theevening today. I will come andtake you to the hospital wherethey treat souls.” Perhaps Godhad listened to my monologue onthat day in the gurdwara. Thedoctor who offered to take meto the hospital for souls was aBrahma Kumar.

I still remember vividly theday, the time and the momentwhen accompanied with mywife, I entered a BrahmaKumaris Centre for the firsttime. It was a Thursday; the datewas September 11, 1981; the

The World Renewal, July 2014 19

time, in the evening at 6:30 p.m. It was therethat we came to know of the term “BrahmaBhojan” for the first time. The teacher-in-charge of the Centre asked us if we would careto join them in partaking Brahma Bhojan. Itwas more out of sheer curiosity to find out whatBrahma Bhojan was all about, rather than anydesire to eat, that prompted us to say “yes” tothe invitation.

The Brahma Bhojan turned out to be a simpleeveryday meal, not the multi-course meal as itis commonly known, but what a taste! Evennow, after 32-odd years, the very thought of ittitillates my taste buds making my mouth water.It was much later after listening to a few Murlisthat I came to know of the real significance ofBrahma Bhojan which had already worked itsmagic on me the very first day. I would saythat it was the Brahma Bhojan which wasinstrumental in cementing my spiritualrelationship with God and the Brahmin family.

Since then, I have not looked back at my past.I was a new person. My friends and colleagueswere surprised to see a sudden and drasticchange in me. Gone were the days of battlingwith my own self and with my work. I cannotforget till my death three happiest occasions ofmy life. The first was the moment when in theperiod immediately after partition our train fromPakistan steamed into Amritsar Railway stationbringing us alive from the jaws of death. Thesecond was when I retired from the governmentservice. And the third was the day when I firststepped into a Brahma Kumaris centre. Thememory of the first two occasions might havedimmed with the passage of time but that ofthe third has grown stronger each day.

I am no longer experimenting with Truth; Iam experiencing it, relishing it.


Whatever is new, must becomeold. Everything passes throughthis process.

I look back into time. In a second orless, my thoughts take me to a placefar away both in time and space; for amoment, I relive the scenes of thepast, and then I come back to thepresent, with a smile on my face. Thesmile quickly changes, and I sigh whenI realise how different the present is.“What has happened? Why couldn’tit be like that still?”

There is a simple law which states,“Whatever is new, must become old”.It is always good to know the laws. Imay not think that they make muchsense, I may even disagree with them;but some laws just cannot be changed,so I learn to live with them and followthem. There is no point in askingquestions as to why, how, when, whereand what.

It doesn’t matter. The point is that Ishould understand the laws of livingand take benefit from them. Here arethree such laws that won’t change andare worth remembering:1. Whatever I sow, I will reap.2. Whatever is new will become old.3. Whatever I don’t use, I lose.

– From the Book ‘Just A Moment’

20 The World Renewal, July 2014

I vividly remember that whenI was a six year old child, Iused to have a triggering

thought in my mind: Why dohuman beings exist on earth? Ihail from a religious family andalthough my parents wereneutral about spiritual matters,my grandparents used to tell menumerous mythical stories aboutGod, goddesses and deities etc.I had a deep faith in some divinepower and specially Shiva. OnceI felt that some power came onme and all my wishes used tobe fulfilled; I feel that later thepower vanished as ego enteredin me. It sounds funny but it wastrue. I was dedicated to mystudies at school under thesupervision of my mother whois head teacher of a governmentschool. My mother never let memix with friends and play on theground as far as I remember.Her first focus was always onmy school study and she focusedon the value of time.

When I was a sixth-gradestudent, I happened to visit theBrahma Kumaris. The first day

was an ‘Aha’ moment for me. Ifelt so much peace there. I wasreally influenced by the logicexplained in the picturesexhibited there. I analyzed whatI had heard through mygrandparents. What satisfied methe most was the concept that‘there is only one God and Hehas to be universally accepted,whereas deities are many’. Iunderstood how many incidentsmentioned in Hindu philosophywere symbolic of somethingwhich really happened once inthis universe; deities werenormal human beings like us onearth but they were full of divinevirtues and completely innocent,free from vices like lust, anger,greed, attachment and ego.

I learnt meditation which wasa wonderful experience. ThoughI could not spare much time forvisiting the centre frequently, yetthere was a deep faith that it isGod, the fountain of peace andlove whom I have found on thebasis of my experience andfeelings. By the time I passedmy 10+2 science (PCL level)

exam, there was such a deeplove and respect for spirituality.I decided to lead a pure life. Ihad firm faith that present timeis the most auspiciousConfluence Age; a time forupward shift of humanconsciousness, where a newdawn is coming and the Iron-Aged old world is on the vergeof collapse.

Quite a sense of disinterestwas developing in my mind formy further study. But myparents suggested that I shouldcontinue studies. On the basis ofmy marks and available seats inthe college, I got admitted to thearchitecture course. There, Istayed in a hostel for about fiveyears. Life brought me lots oftests besides the college exams.I had already adopted ontological(sattvic) food since mychildhood. I used to find myselfdifferent from my friends. Whatentertained me was Murli andsilence in meditation whereasmy friends got amused bywatching movies, doing shoppingetc. There was no doubt, a slight


– BK Binny, Pokhara, Gandaki, Nepal

The World Renewal, July 2014 21

influence on me, as five yearswas not a short period.Architecture was really a toughsubject. Life was completelyhectic–going to bed at 3 a.m.and waking up at 5 a.m. or 9 a.m.sometimes was a normal thing.But I never missed readingGodly versions or Murli anddeveloped a lot of love forspirituality and God during thosefive years.

Once I couldn’t getpermission to leave hostel on theoccasion of Baba Milan. Thewhole day I was so curious whatwould Baba tell me in the Murli.I saw a dream which wassymbolically exactly the samewhich came on the fresh AvyaktMurli from my inbox the nextmorning. I still wonder HowBaba took my hand and fulfilledall my wishes! This was clearto me that my life was beingguided by some divine power.Seeing my disinterest in worldlyaffairs, quite adverse to thenature of a young girl, myparents thought that I must begoing through depression.

I joined one job but soon Ideveloped disinterest in it. I alsojoined a college as a lecturer oncontract basis but there was onlyone feeling that I was losing theprecious moments of my life. Ican’t spend my whole day andmy valuable life in such mundaneway because this is the time of

Confluence and I have to play adifferent role for betterment ofthe world. I wanted to be a role-model for the youth and leadmany souls who were searchingfor the truth. In the meantime,there were many proposals formarriage but this was the timewhere Murli guided me. Myfather was counselling me on thistopic and in the very next-dayMurli, Baba mentioned “Child,come to me; you will have to facea lot of tests for this decision butI am with you, I will never leaveyour hand.” I used to feel as ifGod was telling it to me.

Thus, I finally decided tochoose the path of peace in mylife. Then, in November 2012,came the day of Baba Milan! Idetermined in my mind to workfor the Godly cause. Aftermaking this decision, I gave allthe responsibilities to my sweetGod.

The next day I went to themain Godly Centre with bag andbaggage. I knew no one thereexcept one senior sisterParineeta. She allowed me tostay in the Centre. In theevening, there was a welcomingceremony for me and my namewas changed to ‘Vijaya’. I wassmiling inside and talking toBaba. I felt that Baba had alsosaid, ‘Your name is victory; youwill certainly be victorious ineverything’.

Even in the world, asuccessful businessman doesn’twaste his manpower. Baba hasgiven me lots of opportunities forGodly service. I have providedmy professional services forconstruction of some buildingsand some are underconstruction. The best thing isthat I am learning a lot onmanaging relations, changing mysanskars, and also gettingpractical experience.

I am grateful to my parentsfor being always so supportive.I have learnt a lot from myfather. Though he is not muchinclined towards spirituality, heis a storehouse of many virtues.I feel so rich now internally whenI wake up and sit for morningmeditation every day. I havefound a Treasure-house whereI can take as much as I wish.Sweet Baba seems to be withme always. There is nothingwhich remains to obtain now;nothing seems lacking. Life isfull of so many surprises and somany opportunities. This joy issuper-sensuous where there areno fluctuations. I have learnt tobe happy in all situations andcircumstances. I have theFather of all souls, the supremepower in my life and it feels sogood to be a part of God’s plan. This is why I chose peace in

my life.

22 The World Renewal, July 2014

If a person cries out: “I donot have a tongue, I do nothave a tongue .....” the

listeners will definitely raise theireye-brows wondering what thisperson is saying–how can hespeak without a tongue? Youmay say nobody would cry outlike that.

Yet we have been hearingsimilar things throughout history:

Some say “life arose fromnothing and returns to nothing.”

Some say “life arose from anomnipresent divinity and returnsto it.”

Others say “humans camefrom God and will go to Heavenor Hell for permanent residing.”

These sayings too make oureyebrows rise, because weknow that there is some problemwith all of them. First one makespeople responsible to nobody.The second one may misleadpeople to think that the samedivine force activates people tobe good or sadistic. And the lastone projects God as an irrationalBeing who sends people (withno appeal being allowed) to

Heaven or Hell for eternallyresiding on the basis of lives theylived for a few years on thisearth.

These beliefs often makepeople presumptuous takingliberty whenever they like.Presumptuousness makes lust,anger and greed the real rulersof the world, which transformthe earth into a literal hell–something that are picturised inMahabharata Epic.

Mahabharata is actually aprophecy in Epic form. Becausethe number of soldiers, types ofweapons purportedly used inMahabharata War point to ourtime, the fag end of Iron Age.In the epic, the wealthy tried todisrobe a woman (Draupadi) inpublic–something that ishappening today in a globalproportion (The wealthyAdvertising and Entertainmentindustries use woman’snakedness as a marketingstrategy). The resultant lustfulenvironment causes over 50million abortions (according toWHO) and population explosion

which in turn cause many otherserious problems. No wonderthe world has now entered intothe peak of ‘irreligiousness andunrighteousness’ which call forGod’s intervention in history asforetold in Gita. (Gita 4:7)

Yet there is a positiveprophecy also in MahabharataEpic. Before the MahabharataWar, God of Heaven, repeatsthe Gita to white-clad Arjuna,the representative of white-cladPandavas who symbolize peopleof purity living as contem-poraries of the symbolicKauravas and Yadavas of thepresent Iron Age. BrahmaKumaris (who are known fortheir purity worldwide) havebeen receiving the Knowledgeof real Gita from God. Here isthe gist:

All souls (among whom oneis the Supreme Soul, Shiva) areeternal.

Matter (which is made ofenergy) only changes form andis, too, eternal.

All souls are with the Fatherfor some time in perfection; thenthey come number-wise to thephysical world taking birth ashumans. They pass throughDAY (of 2500 years Golden Ageand Silver Age) and NIGHT (of2500 years of Copper Age andIron Age), and all of them goback at the end of the Iron Age,and the cycle (of 5000 yearscalled a Kalpa) repeats like Day



–BK Joseph, Laggere, Bangalore

The World Renewal, July 2014 23

and Night forever. (CompareGita 13:19; 4:1-7; 9:7) Further,they are taught: “Never seeothers’ mistakes, never repeatthe same mistake, learn thelessons from them, be stabilizedin your original, divine nature,always reflect your HeavenlyFather’s qualities, and thus giveothers a vision of God throughyou.” (Murli 21.01.1969;17.04.1969; 28.11.1969;26.05.1969)

When we hear the above, weknow that this matches themajesty of God who teaches it,and is in harmony with ourexperience. For example:History repeats itself.Everything we know–micro tomacro–is known for itsrepetition. Electron in an atomrevolves. Earth revolvesresulting in cycle of day andnight. Seasons repeat in cycle.Trees come manifested fromtheir respective seeds and getconfined into their seeds only torepeat the cycle eternally. Wehave growing bodies in thebeginning, which are thentransformed into grown upbodies and finally collapsingbodies, then we take new bodiesand the cycle goes on. (Gita 2:22,28)

When God says Kalparepeats itself every 5000 years,we know it HAS TO BE so.

The knowledge about this simplybenefits those who reallyunderstand it. They know thatthere is no day without night, andthere is no lotus without mud;hence they do not say day isgood and night is bad and nor dothey say lotus is good and mudis bad. They simply view as onething leading to another in totaldispassion. They do not overlyrejoice over the favourable norgrieve over the unfavourable.They are even-minded towardsall pairs of opposites. They knowboth have their purposes.Interestingly, this attitude iscalled one’s “sanatana dharma(eternal duty)” (Gita 12:17-20)and “supreme devotion to God.”(Gita 18:54) Conversely, itsopposite is called “sin.” (Gita2:38)

They do not even complainabout living with difficult people,rather they simply view them asa blessing, for they view them“as contrast in front of them thathelp them to determine not to belike them.” (Murli 13.03.1971)They know that we are all souls,divine beings in these physicalcostumes called bodies; henceno one can make others feelreally honoured or insulted. Theytransform even supposed insultinto a blessing. If the employercalls me “an idiot,” I reason likethis: “I know what I am, and his

labelling would not make me anidiot. On the other hand, if myfoolish acts had cost himsomething, I will determine notto repeat it and to be morecareful in the future, which willnaturally make me his favouredperson!”

When they live in animperfect world, they actuallyappreciate the true meaning ofperfection, they seek the super-sensuous joy that comes frombeing with God, our HeavenlyFather, through the specialmeditation called Rajyoga. Theyknow that the cycle ofperfection and imperfection hastheir role. It is like drinking asweet fruit juice through manysips with gaps in between. In thismode, you enjoy the sweetnesstill the end. On the contrary, ifyou drink it in just one shot, youwill feel the sweetness comingdown steadily. This is true of ourlife and even world history–it isa cycle where perfection andimperfection alternate like dayand night.

We are not like ants that runover a big picture, seeing onlydots, not the whole picture. Butwe are like a person who looksfrom an ideal distance andenjoys the beauty of picture. Ouroverall view helps us to use evenadversities to our benefit andhelp us to better appreciate

24 The World Renewal, July 2014

perfection and work for it. We standbeautifully above the muddy water,not dirtied by the mud from which wegrow. We are white, fragrant andbeautiful. Our determination to growout of the muddy pond helps evenonlookers. They may also feel inspiredto be determined to grow out of themuddy surroundings of defilementsand sufferings of life.

Thus, we do not allow thecircumstances to rule over us; ratherwe continue to display our real naturein all circumstances – favourable orunfavourable. What is our nature?Everything has its nature. Nature offire is to give light and heat. Similarly,humans have a fundamental nature:we appreciate being loved and abhorits opposite. This is true of all otherbasic qualities such as power, purity,joy, peace, true knowledge and bliss.Manifesting those qualities in our livesis our nature. Those who practiseRajyoga meditation, these qualitiescome naturally, like laughter comeswhen we hear a joke. Stabilising inthis nature identifies one as the realchild of our Heavenly Father, Shiva,who is the real source of thesequalities.

“Always rememberthat you’re unique.Just like everyoneelse.”

– Anonymous


TOGETHER)?Is it possible to love each other and be free at the

same time? Yes. To reach this state in a relationship,great wisdom is required. Most people love oneanother and tie one another down. Thus, they losetheir freedom. When freedom is lost, happiness goesaway, and true wellbeing gives way to unhappiness.Often we look, above all, for love – a love we believewill change our life. We see it as the recognition ofour inner value by another person. However, we tripover ourselves in looking for this love. Necessity iswhat motivates us and we try to satisfy it with anobject or person who matches up to perfection. Wehave an immense emotional need for love, and thefear of remaining in a state of unsatisfied wanting.In our search to fill our need, we are prepared todeceive ourselves with unsuitable partners. Manypeople allow the love of another person to definetheir personality to such a point that, if they arerejected, they lose any sense of who they are andof the purpose they have in life. Often the relationshipis coloured, through one of the partners or both, byfear.

To free ourselves of the tendency to depend, weshould have a strong heart, without any selfishness;a heart that has nothing to hide and that, as a result,is free and without fear; a heart that does not holdon to closed beliefs, to old negative experiences; aheart that has good feelings and is free of bitterness;a heart filled with the true values of peace, love,freedom and solidarity – which as a result is strongerand fuller.

– Brahma Kumaris

The World Renewal, July 2014 25

God’s hand might beinvisible to everyoneon the planet but it can

be felt in your heart if your heartis pure enough and tuned intospirituality and you make theright kind of effort at the righttime. You need a very open, fulland broad heart if you wish Godto take your hand and go withyou for a walk, hand-in-hand.

We live in a poor worldwherein people wish tobecome richer on the

outside at the expense ofrichness inside

A lot of people make thewrong effort in life and seldomthe right effort, and so, of course,create a life of wrong-doing withlittle righteousness in it. It is withlittle wonder that with oneprominent negative force soevident in their lives and the oneforce and quality almost void,you can see why people walkaround in life confused andfeeling dejected. And yet, manyin life are too busy lookingaround searching for happiness,thinking that they will find itsomewhere somehow. Thissearch they subconsciously feel

will replace the comfort andimportance to be found only inGod and in taking His hand. Godlikes stable and caring hands thatare both gentle and giving.

Man is very much the headand in charge of all religions thathave become miserly in thoughtand action. More importance isnow placed on pomp, splendourand ceremony than on giving tothe poor and trying to forge alink with God and become abetter, richer person on theinside. Religion seems to havefallen into the worldly trap ofwanting to become a richerperson on the outside at theexpense of the quality, potentialand richness of the person on theinside.True Religion teaches us to

Grow and becomeGenerous

Religion and spirituality are allabout growing and becomingbetter, more generous, withexpanding, ever increasinghearts. Each day our religionshould give us the nourishmentand sustenance to grow greaterand greater hearts that can givepeace and happiness to anyone

and everyone that we meet anytime of day and on any day. Weare all guilty of being able to givelove to those that are near anddear to us, yet this is not truespirituality or the essence of allreligions which want us to giveequally to all those who areGod’s children and withoutexclusion. God has no favouritesas He sees everyone as Hischild. The differences that comeabout in life we create ourselvesin our recognition of Him and ourefforts to meet Him and inbecoming a better person to doHis work. God does not createfavourites in life though throughnature, we ‘can become’ afavourite in His eyes due to ourlove and efforts. In nature,some trees grow taller andhave more beauty due totheir innate power and desireto grow. Some flowers havemore fragrance than othersas this is their nature butunlike a flower, you can nowchange for the better andincrease your divine nature.

Most people have a ‘trafficlight’ heart that changes everyminute of the day: one minutethey are loving and happy whilsttalking with someone they like,and the next minute they aresulking, no longer giving andloving, warm and friendly assomeone they do not really likedictates they must talk andinteract with them. Their giving

– B.K. David, Paignton, England

KARMA(What goes up, must come down....including you)

26 The World Renewal, July 2014

open hands of the minute before,have now become clenched andfar removed from the giving andloving person of ‘just before’ amoment.

What does God expectfrom us?

God wants us to grow as tallas He is and this requires muchspiritual growth food and muchforgiving and maturity toeveryone. After all, is it not easyto be able to give to one’sfriends? It is to our enemies thatwe must give the most andwhich requires great effort.

God wants us to make greateffort each day and not mereeffort. Basic, moody effort andgiving is commonplace whichanyone can do. The quality ofgiving lies in giving to those youdo not want to give to or youknow they do not deserve it.There is no real quality in beingable to give to friends or towhom you want when you want.God would call that the effort ofthe ‘baby and the rattle’ wherehe can pick it up and put it downwhenever he feels tired andirritable. That is the effort basedon ease, comfort and mood.

God wishes us to be giantsthat walk round with gianthearts–constant and not likethe English weather that canchange each day, each houror each minute. To have aconstant heart requires one to

have the awareness that we allhave the same blood, the sameroots and Father and that nowsome of His children havebecome poor and that it is yourjob to enrich and make themwealthy and prosperous onceagain. A giant’s heart is alwayson the traffic light green of ‘Go’and should never change to thered of ‘Stop’. Many people thinkthey are very big and importantin life yet how can they be bigwhen they have such a small-heart that struggles to give?

Giving Heart is a Giant’sHeart

A giant’s heart is so big that itcan love everyone. A giant’sheart has such a powerfulheartbeat that cannot help butwant so to give. A giant’sheartbeat becomes so strongbecause he knows he must startby loving himself, his spiritualself, which gives him his power.A giant becomes so tall andloving because he loves truth,and to love truth is to loveGod. Giants love truth and theknowledge that surrounds andanswers the mysteries ofcreation. This knowledge andself-awareness are thefoundation of self-love and worldlove and which enable a giant tobecome even more of a gianteach day. There is no law sayinghow big you spiritually can growand how loving and peaceful you

can become.Shun Selfishness, Enhance

your ValueWithout real love in one’s life,

one cannot have anything ofvalue; the essence and meaningof life is lacking. To give love isto have value and to be worthyof receiving love, one must haveearned and deserved it; so again,you must have real value insideof you. Yet it appears manywalk about and develop the habitof having no value in their lives.Selfishness is the cause whichslowly decreases a person’svalue to themselves, to thosearound them and within theworld generally. Selfishness isthe root cause of many problemsin people’s lives. By sharing withothers, not only will theirsweetness increase, but theirhappiness, self-worth, inner andouter strength, popularity andunderstanding of life will also geta boost.

What’s the Price ofMaterialism?

Materialism may look invitingfrom the outside but it does comewith a very high price tag whicheveryone who gets seduced byit and takes it home will have topay dearly for. The shop priceis cheap compared to the mentalprice one has to pay later. Wehave to pay when we walk intothe cinema, when we leave thesupermarket and petrol station,

The World Renewal, July 2014 27

and there is a price to pay in thesame way when we chase aftermaterialism. You need not evenbuy anything as even the chasecomes with a hefty price. Andthe excuse that the sword ofdesire poked you in the back andmade you do, it does not holdwater.

There will be many sharkswaiting underneath this plank asmaterialism is one of theirfavourite meals. Many will falloff this plank as materialismmakes you very heavy and willsend you into an uncontrollablespin. If unlucky, this spin can lasta lifetime and where you get toat the end of all this, spinning willbe nowhere.Karma delivers Chocolates

and FlowersKarma can be the best thing

in the world or the worst thing;all according to what sort ofkarma is knocking at the doorof your life waiting to stepinside. Karma can bring youchocolates and flowers ordeliver you stomach-ache,backache or a heart attackseemingly without reason orjustice. One thing you can besure of, and that is karmaknocks at everyone’s door everyminute of the day and can walkin at any time, such is itsauthority. Karma can knock withlove or menace and that will have

been decided by yourself in yourpast. If you’ve thought goodthoughts and done good deedsand spoken with honesty in thepast, it would be reasonable toexpect karma to come andknock in love and be wearing theshoes of peace and have a verynice gift for you. The oppositealso works when our past canbe found to have been trodwithout wisdom, love, peace andwithout open and generoushearts to those we have met.

Our Lives are shaped byKarma’s Permission

Your good karma makes youcalmer, whilst your bad karmacan cripple or make you ill.Should you doubt this invisiblephilosophy and its automaticworkings of karma and its powerand intelligence, you just needlook about you at the endlesspeople leading imperfect or nearperfect lives. You are seeing notonly people and their situations,but the unseen mind and handsof karma that shaped andallowed them to create suchlives for themselves. It is bykarma’s permission thatanything good or bad steps footinto our lives. It is through theOffice of Karma that everyreward is officially stamped andapproved and sent out in the postrecorded delivery for you toopen. This is why at any given

time, life can make you smile orcry, break down or leap for joyas you open your delivered mailaddressed to you from karma.Yet this parcel may also containa bomb that takes your leg offor causes you a severeheadache or breakdown due toits toxic gas inside that you filledthe parcel with, in the past inignorance and that you hadforgotten about.

There are letters of love andparcels decorated with smiles ortied with a bow of barbed wire.There are never any mistakesin this office as it’s the office of‘cause and effect’ of the unseennature of thoughts and actions.This office deals exclusivelywith both the black and whitesides of your thoughts andactions and the goodness andbadness contained within themand the consciousness theywere performed in. Karma oftenwaits and holds on to your mailand does not send it outimmediately for reasons knownonly to it.Love Truth, be Happy andat Peace with Yourself and

Life This is the secret world and

workings of the law of karmawhich, if you can act upon it andturn it to your advantage eachday, will be able to turn anythingupside down in your life to the

(Contd. on page No. 30)

28 The World Renewal, July 2014

Human mind is just likean ocean, waves afterwaves of thoughts are

coming restlessly. As we divedeep inside an ocean, we seeand feel stillness and silence anddiscover valuable treasuresthere, likewise within deepinside the mind dwells the divinevirtues of the soul (viz. Purity,Peace, Power, Love, Wisdom,Bliss, Happiness,). Rajyoga isthat technique of self realizationwhich helps one to understandthe true self and helps in bringingto surface the hidden virtues ofthe soul at the time of crisis.

This, as a result, replaces thevicious emotion of anger with thepure feelings of ‘forgiveness andforget’ and generates the freshfeelings of building bridges andnot walls.

Anger Managementthrough spirituality

Step One – Never strugglewith your anger. Don't fight it,or resist it, in any way. That onlyeither strengthens it, orsuppresses it until another day.

(Contd. from June issue)

So face it and accept itspresence.

Step Two – As soon aspossible, simply observe it. In theact of observation, all emotionmust die. Why? Because youare standing back from it withinyour consciousness in order toobserve it. And as you standback within your consciousness,you are withdrawing your lifegiving energy from it.

Step Three – Through thepractice of meditation, return toyour centre, that means, thecentre of your consciousness,the centre of yourself. At thecentre you will find inner peace,and that peace is your power.At the centre of yourself, youwill find your love, and that love,when you give it to yourself andothers, is the healing balm offorgiveness.

Regarding Meditation whatthe scientists say.... Scientistsused to believe connectionsamong brain cells were fixedearly in life and did not changein adulthood, but studies using

brain imaging have shown thatmental training throughmeditation can change braincircuits. It can also improvehigher mental activity byincreasing coordination betweendifferent brain areas. Meditationcan be an active rather a merepassive process. Meditation canfree us from negativetendencies, letting us see bothour true inner nature and thereality of the world around us.

Practise the followingtechniques to help yourself

become free of anger:1. Eighty percent of the

content of your conversations isfocused on the past. The past islike a filing cabinet. When yougo to the office, do you spendthe day in the filing cabinet?When you are angry, stop for awhile; think and analyse thecause of your anger. Give sometime to reflect on the matter.Consciously shift your focus tothe future in everything you thinkand say, not a future filled withdesires and expectations, butone in which you simply seeeverything as going well. “Angeralways comes from frustratedexpectations.” Life is an ongoingprocess, why to stop atsometime holding grudges forsomeone?

2. Self Counselling – Stophurting yourself, for that is whatyou do when you get upset or

– B.K. Shankarananda



The World Renewal, July 2014 29

angry about anything. Talk toyourself and take yourself out ofthe habit of emotional self-harm.What would that conversationwith the self sound like?

At least twice in a day,withdraw yourself from yourdaily routine and visualize thefollowing positive thoughts: ----- I am a concentrated spark oflife energy, located between theeyebrows........ Gradually I flytowards my sweet silenthome........ Here I feel myselfbeing drawn towards theSupreme Soul, a star-like entitywith unlimited power....... Likea laser beam, powerful rays ofpeace from the Ocean of Peacefall on me, which make mecalm, cantered andcomposed........ As I release allnegative emotions of anger frommy system, I feel more andmore relaxed........ I acquire anattitude of acceptance towardseveryone and everything aroundme........ In the canopy (shelter)of the Ocean of Love, I forgivemyself and others completelyand release all resentments(negative emotions towardsothers) now.....I am overflowingwith peace and love and shallcreate harmony in all myrelationships....... I am receivingthe spiritual power from theWorld Almighty Authority toremain in charge of my

energies...... Nothing can disturbmy peace now.......

Spiritual knowledge ofRajyoga is the knowledge oftruth, through which we get toknow the secret of WorldDrama. This world is a big stageand we are the actors, playingour respective roles. Some playthe role of heroes whereas someact like villain. Every soul isuniquely playing his/her role andcannot be replaced. When wewatch a drama or a film, we seeactors playing villain roles. Butwe don’t hold any grudge forthem in our heart, as we knowthat he or she is just an actoracting for some time. Originally,each and every soul is theembodiment of divinity i.e.righteousness. This holds thesame with the world Drama.Scientific Study regarding angerhas proved that when we getangry, we waste several joulesof energy, which, if not wasted,can be utilized as great lifedriving force. “Anger is a greatforce. If you control it, it can betransmitted into a power whichcan move the whole world”—William Shenstone, ScottishWriter.

Here below, I would like toadd up a story about the impactof Anger:

"There once was a little boywho had a bad temper. His

father gave him a bag of nailsand told him that every time helost his temper, he must hammera nail into the back of the fence.The first day the boy had driven37 nails into the fence. Over thenext few weeks, as he learnt tocontrol his anger, the number ofnails hammered daily graduallydwindled down.

He discovered it was easierto hold his temper than to drivethose nails into the fence.Finally, the day came when theboy didn't lose his temper at all.He told his father about it andthe father suggested that the boynow pull out one nail for eachday that he was able to hold histemper.

The days passed and theyoung boy was finally able to tellhis father that all the nails weregone. The father took his son bythe hand and led him to thefence. He said, "You have donewell, my son, but look at theholes in the fence. The fence willnever be the same. When yousay things in anger, they leave ascar just like this one. You canput a knife in a man and draw itout. It won't matter how manytimes you say I'm sorry, thewound is still there." A verbalwound is as bad as a physicalone."

“When you are offended atany man’s fault, turn to yourself

30 The World Renewal, July 2014

and study your known failings. Then youwill forget your anger”– Epictetus, GreekPhilosopher.

Keeping ourselves cool in a moment ofcrisis can save our years of pain andanguish. A strategy to control our temperis what I call the “Three Gate Test.” Theancient sages would only speak if the wordsthey were about to utter passed three gates.At the first gate, they asked themselves:“Are these words truthful?” If so, thewords could then pass on to the secondgate. At the second gate, the sages asked:“Are these words necessary?” If so, theywould pass on to the third gate, where theywould ask, “are these words kind?” If so,then only would the words leave their lipsand be sent out into the world.

Before concluding, I would like to addthat each one of us needs to ask himself,“What will my life stand for after I havedied?” We need to think about the footprintswe will leave and how future generationswill know that we have lived. I’m notsaying we all have to be Mahatma Gandhisor Mother Teresas. Those were the pathsthat were mapped out for those people –and that they chose to live. Hence, we allneed to conduct our lives in a way that willallow us to transcend ourselves.


Today, I am going to experiment andmake a genuine effort to see at least onevirtue in every person with whom I comeinto contact. I know that no one is perfect,so why dwell on anyone’s defects? If Iactively search for goodness in others, itcan be found. There is not a single humanbeing in existence, who does not possessat least one virtue. I will at least see thatand look at each person with that particularvirtue in mind. This has a great effect.

If I am thinking about someone’sweakness or defect, I may becomeuneasy and irritated. I feel annoyed andwonder, “Why does this person have tobe this way?” and “Why does this persondo such-and-such a thing all the time?”On the other hand, if I am thinking aboutsomeone’s good qualities, I begin to feellightness and easiness within my mind.Then I am influenced by the sweetnessof that person. The world is a varietyshow, and the role of each one is different.


“A house divided against itselfcannot stand.”

– Abraham Lincoln

right way up and any darkness into lightand anything negative into positive andany sorrow into happiness. For all these,you need wisdom, maturity, realisation,constant effort and awareness and alove for truth and feeling happy and atone with yourself and life.

(Contd. from page No. 27)

The World Renewal, July 2014 31

Ayurveda is a systemof medicine which isbased on the

inherent principles of nature.It aims at maintaining thehealth of a human being bykeeping his body, mind andspirit in perfect harmony withnature.

The word ‘Ayurveda’ hasbeen derived from Sanskrit. Itcontains two words–‘Ayu’which means ‘life’ and ‘Veda’which means knowledge orscience. Therefore, Ayurvedameans knowledge of life orscience of life. It is the oldestrecognized system of health inthe world existing from Vedicera.The following are the aimsof Ayurveda:

Swasthasya Rakshanam(Protection of Health),

AaturasyaVikarpramshamanam cha(Elimination of disease from

the body).Ayurveda believes that every

human being should be fit in allrespects so that he can perform

his Purusharth-chatushtaya orfour main duties (Dharma,Arth, Kama and Moksha) inperfect manner. For this purposemuch has been said in the ancienttexts of Ayurveda: what shouldbe our daily routine in differentseasons, what should be our idealdiet according to the season etc.What should one do throughoutthe day from the time one wakesup until one goes to sleep–allhas been mentioned in theAyurveda texts in detail. Forexample, one should get up earlyin the morning at BrahmaMuhurt, i.e., around two hoursearlier than sunrise and thenfirst of all one should go fordefecation. Further detailedinformation regarding dailyroutine segments, i.e., bath,brush, massage, exercise andperfuming elements is availablein Ayurveda Texts.

The information regardingprinciples of social hygiene is soscientific and impressive that ifsomebody follows it strictly,there are little chances of fallingill. In Ayurveda, all the

information regarding principlesof social hygiene is mentionedin initial chapters. As we havementioned earlier, Ayurvedabelieves Swasthya Rakshanam(Protection and Conservation ofHealth) as its first object.Despite following theseprinciples, if somebody suffersfrom a disease, then Ayurvedahas further mentioned thetreatment procedures andprotocol accordingly in texts.

Mind, Body and SensesWe see many supernatural

phenomena in our body. One ofthese is the mind, which not onlycontrols our thought processesbut also helps us to assist incarrying out day-to-day activitiessuch as respiration, circulation,digestion and elimination. Themind and the body worktogether, to regulate ourphysiology. For the mind inorder to act appropriately toassist the physical body, wemust use our senses asinformation gatherers. Wecan consider mind as acomputer and the senses as thedata which gets entered into thecomputer. Smell and taste aretwo important senses that aid inthe digestive process. When themind registers that a particularfood is entering the gastro-intestinal tract, it directs thebody to act accordingly byreleasing various digestiveenzymes. However, if we over-


– Dr. Rakesh Sharma, Jodhpur

32 The World Renewal, July 2014

indulge the taste buds with toomuch of a certain taste, such assweet, we may find that theability of the mind to perceivethe sweet taste is impaired; andthereby the body becomeschallenged in its ability toprocess sweet foods.Maintaining the clarity of oursenses is an essential part inallowing the mind and body tointegrate their functions and helpin keeping us healthy and happyindividuals.

SOULAyurveda believes that

human beings are comprised ofa certain energetic essence thatprecludes the inhabitancy of ourphysical entity. It is named assoul. In fact, Ayurveda considersthat we may indeed occupymany physical bodies throughoutthe course of time but ourunderlying self or soul remainsunchanged.Ayurveda has its own beliefsand basic principles. Theseare the following:

Panch Mahabhuta (FiveElements) Theory

One of its most importantbasic principles is PanchMahabhutas (Five elements).These five elements are Air(Vayu), Fire (Agni), Water(Jala), Earth (Prithvi) andEther (Akash). Ayurvedaconsiders that each human beingis made up of these five

elements. But to be a live humanbeing, soul (Atma’s) attachmentas an escort is necessary. If soulis detached from these fiveelements, then the humanbecomes a mortal.

Tridosha Theory Another most important Basic

principle is Tridosha i.e. Vata,Pitta and Kapha. These are thethree doshas which control allthe physiological activities in thehuman beings. These are alsoformed by these five elements.These Doshas also are activeonly in living human beings.Rather we can say doshas arethe basic element of humanphysiology. As soon as a humanbecomes mortal, these doshasalso stop functioning.

Vata consists of Vayu andAkash Mahabhutas. All themovements viz. circulation ofblood, nerve impulses,respiration, elimination of wastematerial etc. in the humanbeings are due to thisMahabhuta.

Pitta consists of Agni andJala Mahabhutas. It controlsthe process of transformation offood into two parts as Sara(Nutrients) and Kitta Bhaga(faecal material) and theprocess of metabolism.

Kapha consists of Jala andPrithvi Mahabhutas. It isresponsible for the strength,mucous formation, lubrication of

movable joints (synovial fluid)and protection of differentorgans, i.e., Lungs (Pleuralfluid), Heart (Pericardial fluid),Central Nervous system(Cerebrospinal fluid) and manyother viscerae in the body.

Shaman TreamentEach individual is a unique

make of these three doshas andtherefore, different treatmentprotocols that specificallyaddress a person’s healthchallenges are explained inAyurveda. When any of thedoshas (Vata, Pitta or Kapha)becomes aggravated, Ayurvedasuggests specific lifestyle andnutritional guidelines to assistthe individual in reducing thataggravated dosha. Certainherbal supplements are alsoprescribed to hurry up thehealing process. This type oftreatment is named as Shamantreatment.

Shodhan treatment orPanchkarma Theory

If toxins in the body areabundant, then a purificationprocess known as Pancha-karma is recommended toeliminate these unwanteddoshas (waste material andtoxins). Shodhan Treatment(Purification therapy) is basedupon five different Karmas(procedures). These are asfollowing:

Vamana (Therapeutic

The World Renewal, July 2014 33

Vomiting or emesis)Virechana (Purgation)

Basti (Enema)Nasya (Therapeutic expulsion

of doshas through the nose)Rakta Mokshana

(Therapeutic Bloodletting).All these procedures are

performed upon the patientsaccording to the nature andvitiation level of the doshas.

Ksharsutra TheoryAyurveda considers Arsha

(Piles) and Bhagandar (Fistula)as diseases of great concern. Inthese diseases KsharsutraTheory has become very popular.The patients undergoing Ayurvedictreatment have receivedcharismatic results.

There is a lot more in Ayurvedabut whatever has been mentionedabove explains that Ayurveda is avery widely accepted system ofmedicine, which provides perfectand complication-free treatmentwith herbal therapeutics anddietary regimens.

“The successfulleader must be

willing to assumeresponsibility forthe mistakes and

the shortcomings ofhis followers.”

– Napoleon Hill


Eternal flame of God’s loveIn the inner self burns brightI surrender myself to Him

The Most Luminous, Kindly Light

Love for the Almighty is the oilWhich each moment inspires the soulTo shine and nurture His qualities in meNo other thought can bring such glee

I have no words to express What God has just granted me

Accelerated my spiritual progressDivinising my spiritual milieu

Transformed my inner mechanismEvaporated all mental fears

My eyes express this sometimeHappiness does rain as tears

Overwhelmed with joy, I ponder silentlyWhat have I done for this Grace?

Re-united with my spiritual brethrenAnd of negativity there’s no trace

Wow! An ordinarily soul made specialIntellect became knowledge-vesselNow I churn and joy fills to the brim

Forever grateful am I, all glory goes to Him!

14 The World Renewal, July 2014

become too much materialisticand man has moved far awayfrom his beloved Creator. Itwould, therefore, be better if

Edited and published by B.K. Atam Prakash for Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Mount Abuand printed at: Om Shanti Printing Press, Gyanamrit Bhawan, Shantivan - 307 510, Abu Road (Rajasthan).Chief Editor: B.K. Nirwair, Pandav Bhawan, Mount Abu.Associate Editors: B.K. R.S. Bhatnagar, Shantivan; B.K. Ranjit Fuliya, Delhi and B.K. Ved Guliani, Hisar.Phone: (0091) 02974-228125 E-mail:,

REQUIREMENT :Urgently require a female warden (Brahmakumari), for Girls Hostel, Global HospitalSchool of Nursing, near Shivmani Home, Talhati, Abu Road.Qualification: Post Graduate.(Home Science)/B.Sc.(Home Science) from recogniseduniversity.Age: 35 to 45 YearsExperience: up to 5 years teaching experience or experience at least one year as awarden. Contact: either by E-mail - ( or Phone: 02974-228970,Mob. No. 08432403244.

relationship, the right way of doing things and help us enrich with spiritual experiences leading tototal contentment in life.

The present time is the auspicious Confluence Age and God has descended now with a missionto transform the souls and this world. It is the right time to receive God’s powers for easy selftransformation and help in the great transformation of the world. It is now or never.

(Contd. from Page No. 16)

those who are for communalharmony, national integrationand non-violence, should justifyto the exploited sections their

ideas, concerns and elevateddeeds that know no superficialdifferences of caste, colour andcountry.

(Contd. from page No. 13)

female and the five vices of male. This is the symbol of the impure household.Look, all these things have symbolic meaning, which must be understood in right spirit. Ravan

is the symbol of an impure person. When both male and female become impure, the world becomesunhappy, and that is known as the kingdom of Ravan; it means the kingdom of the vices. Ravan isthe symbol of the vices and not a real life character. Can there be a human- being with ten heads?

(Contd. from page No. 14)

from Baba on all souls. While in the hospital, she remained in avyakt stage most of the time andleft her mortal coil on 28th July, 1983.

World Transformation through Self-TransformationAs a tribute to Didi Manmohini, let us resolve to cut all mental bondages and have ourselves

constantly united with the Lord, mentally, so that we may become completely pure and returnHome. Those who pass with good marks can claim God Fatherly Birthright of Purity, Peace andPlenty and become an instrument of God for rejuvenation of the world which can be possible onlythrough self-transformation.

(Contd. from page No. 12)