· Web view2020/06/01  · CRIME SCENE This is the...

Post on 04-Feb-2021

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This is the reconstruction of the crime scene. Colonel Stone was shot in the heart.

(Voici la reconstitution de la scène de crime. Colonel Stone a reçu une balle dans le cœur.)

(L’image est plus grande sur le powerpoint en pièce jointe)

I- Answer the questions in English:

Colonel Stone was killed yesterday evening. He was having a party with his friends.

1. What time was Colonel Stone killed? Colonel Stone was killed at 10 pm.

2. Do you think Colonel Stone was rich? Why? He was rich because he had a luxurious house.

3. What is the name of the detective? Do you recognize his shadow (Est-ce que tu reconnais son ombre ?) The detective’s name is Sherlock Holmes.

4. Where (où) was Colonel Stone when the detective arrived? Colonel Stone was lying in front of the fireplace (chimney = cheminée sur le toit).

II- What were his friends doing when Colonel Stone was killed? Use the past in be+ing form.

(Que faisaient les amis du colonel Stone quand il a été tué ? Utilise le prétérit en be + ing pour expliquer ce qu’ils étaient en train de faire)

When Colonel Stone was killed,

The Brooks were chatting.

Mr. Travers was smoking a cigar.

Mr. Spencer was reading the newspaper.

Mrs. Travers was knitting.

Reverend Wilder was drinking a cup of coffee.

Mr. Harris was going downstairs.

Miss Green was writing a letter.

The Coles were playing chess.
