Contractor Safety and Health Standard

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December 31, 2007


December 31, 2007


September 1, 2015

SCOPE: This Standard is applicable to all Company personnel and contractors, where Company refers to Barrick Gold Corporation and all subsidiary companies, including joint ventures where the Company is the operator


1. PURPOSE .............................................................................................................................................. 2 2. APPLICATION ........................................................................................................................................ 2 3. ADMINISTRATION AND INTERPRETATION ........................................................................................ 2 4. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................... 2 5. COMPLIANCE AND EXCEPTIONS .....................................................................................................10 6. APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................................11

Appendix A: Summary of Document Responsibilities ............................................................................12

Appendix B: Glossary .............................................................................................................................13

Appendix C: Standard Process Flow ......................................................................................................15


Approved by:

Issued by: Craig Ross VP, Safety & Health

Administered by: Bob Dechant Directors of Corporate Safety

RELATED DOCUMENTS BGC-SH-018 Safety & Health – Safety & Health Contractor Controls Standard

BGC-SH-020 Safety & Health – Construction Safety & Health Standard

BGC-SH-006 Safety & Health – Incident Reporting and Investigation Standard

NA Risk – Management of Change (MOC) Procedure

BGC–RM–00–02 Risk – Formal Risk Assesment (FRA) Procedure

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The purpose of this document is to define the requirements of Contractor Safety & Health to Contractors, Barrick employees, and Agents of Barrick. These requirements support Barrick’s vision of “Every person going home safe and healthy every day.”


This Standard is applicable to all Contractors conducting work for Barrick Gold Corporation, or any of its subsidiary companies including joint ventures where Barrick is the operator. It is also applicable to all Contractors conducting work on any Barrick properties and shall be extended to non-Barrick Properties where Barrick is directly responsible for the management of Contractors.


All questions, comments and suggestions related to this Standard and supporting documents must be communicated to the Document Administrator. Responsibility for interpretation of this document rests with the Custodian.

This Global Standard and supporting documents may be supplemented by localized procedures at the Operating Unit, Country, or Site level. Procedures implemented at the Operating Unit, Country, or Site level may include requirements which are more detailed or rigorous than those presented in this document but must meet the minimum requirements of this document and any local laws and regulations.

Definitions applicable to the understanding and application of the requirements contained within this Standard are located in Appendix B.


4.1. Prequalification of Potential Contractors & Continued Qualification of Contractors – Each Barrick Operating Unit for each Country, has establish Safety & Health performance criteria that potential Contractors and Contractors shall meet specific to that Country. Potential Contractors and Contractors shall provide Barrick, or its third party administrator for prequalification/continued qualification process, all necessary information to complete the prequalification/qualification process.

4.1.1. Prequalification of Potential Contractors – Potential Contractors and Contractors shall meet the Safety & Health performance criteria prior to bidding any Scope Of Work (SOW). If the SOW is not sent out to bid, then prior to award of any SOW.

4.1.2. Continued Qualification of Contractors – As a condition of the contract, Contractor shall maintain compliance with the Safety & Health performance criteria throughout the duration of their contracted work. Barrick will, directly or through a third party administrator, conduct an assurance review of Contractor’s Safety & Health performance criteria at least annually.

4.1.3. Performance Criteria – At a minimum, the performance criteria for potential Contractors and Contractors will include:

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a. Established criteria for their company’s Safety & Health program (e.g. S&HPolicy, S&H Manual, business plan, policies, etc.)

b. Established criteria for their last three year’s loss performance (i.e. incidentsrates) for:

i. Total Recordable Injuries/Illnessesii. Restricted Day Injuries/Illnessesiii. Lost Time Injuries/Illnessesiv. Fatalities

c. Established criteria for their last three year’s Worker’s Compensation ExperienceModification Rate (EMR) (Where applicable).

d. Established minimum criteria for their last three year’s regulatory compliance

e. Established minimum criteria for their post contract reviews conducted byBarrick Representatives on previous contracts completed by PotentialContractor/Contractor

4.1.4. Review Frequency – At a minimum, potential Contractor’s and Contractor’s performance criteria will be reviewed:

a. Prior to being invited to bid each SOW. If the SOW is not sent out to bid, prior toaward of SOW.

b. Annually.

c. When there has been a reduction in safety or health performance, as determinedby the Barrick Representative and/or Site Safety & Health.

d. When there has been a significant safety or health incident.

e. Any other time stipulated in the contract documents.

4.2. Bidding

4.2.1. While bidding, bidders shall take into special consideration the requirements stipulated in section 4.3 (Execution of the Contract) of this standard.

4.2.2. 3SHMP: Bidders shall conduct a risk assessment on the SOW and submit a comprehensive Scope Specific Safety & Health Management Plan (3SHMP) as part of their bid submittal. This plan shall provide a thorough scope specific description of how the Contractor and their Subcontractors (if used) will manage their Safety & Health efforts. At a minimum the bidder’s 3SHMP shall include, but not be limited to, how they will address:

- Leadership and Personal Commitment- Training and Competence- Risk Management, Legal and Other Obligations

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- Operational Controls and Procedures- Occupational Health and Wellness- Contractor Controls- Incident Investigation- Emergency Preparedness- Performance Assessment and Records Management

a. Barrick will have completed and include as part of the bid documents an ExistingHazard Review Check Sheet. This check sheet lists the identified existingpotential hazards that are present where the Contractor will work. Bidders shallreference this check sheet while conducting their risk assessment and developingtheir 3SHMP to ensure that they address controls in their 3SHMP for the hazardsidentified on the check sheet.

b. Barrick will have include as part of the bid documents a copy of or directions to thebidder to the accessible location of all Barrick Corporate and Site Safety & HealthPolicies, Standards, and Procedures that are applicable to the SOW. Bidders shallreference this material to ensure that they are taken into consideration whilebidding and that the controls they are establishing in their 3SHMP meet or exceedthose requirements.

i. If the SOW involves Construction activities, bidders shall provide for a detailedunderstand of Barrick’s Construction S&H Standard.

ii. Bidders shall provide for detailed understanding of the Site’s fitness for workpolicies, standards and procedures and ensure that these requirements aretaken into consideration at time of bid:

- Substance Abuse (i.e. Drug and Alcohol Testing)- Fatigue Risk Management- High Altitude (above 3,000-meters)

c. Barrick shall have the right to review but not duty to approve Bidder’s 3SHMP andother Safety & Health documents.

4.2.3. Bidders shall ensure that adequate resources are included in their bid to account for compliance with the following ratio of Safety & Health Representatives/Professionals to workers:

a. At a minimum, Contractor and each Subcontractor shall designate an onsiteSafety & Health Representative within their company that will provide Safety &Health support during the execution of the SOW. In addition, if Contractor’s orSubcontractor’s workforce exceeds 40-workers on the property/site, theContractor or Subcontractor exceeding 40-workers shall provide one, full time, onsite, Safety & Health Professional for each 40-workers on the specificproperty/site. This number is in aggregate and not specific to a single SOW. Assuch, if the Contractor or Subcontractor has more than one SOW being conductedat the same time on the property/site and the workforce exceeds 40-workers inaggregate, a Safety & Health Professional is required per each 40-workers. TheProject/Operations Manager or the Barrick Representative may be more stringentwith this ratio due to a complex SOW, a high hazard SOW, or similar Safety &Health concerns.

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i. Qualifications for Contractor’s and Subcontractor’s onsite Safety & HealthRepresentative, and if applicable, their Safety & Health Professional(s), shallbe submitted to the Barrick Representative. Barrick shall have the right toreject any Safety & Health Representative or Professional submitted.

ii. Contractor’s designated onsite Safety & Health Representative and ifapplicable, their Safety & Health Professional(s) shall have authority withinContractor’s organization to stop, correct and/ or change work activitiesperformed by workers and any of Contractor’s Subcontractor workers.

4.3. Execution of the Contract

4.3.1. Leadership and Personal Commitment

a. Contractor shall establish clear roles, responsibilities and accountabilities forindividuals at all levels of their site team.

b. In no event shall Contractor’s management allow work to commence without asigned written Contract or notice to proceed from Barrick.

c. Contractors shall report to a Barrick Representative. The Barrick Representativehas the authority to suspend and/or terminate any work that is deemed unsafe toworkers or property, or which represents a significant risk to the environment.

d. Contractor is responsible for the Safety & Health of all activities under their controland the control of their Subcontractors.

e. Contractor’s site management shall develop a full understanding of Barrick’s cultureof Courageous Leadership and shall ensure that the leadership and managementmethods employed by the Contractor are consistent with Barrick’s culture.

f. Contractor shall develop processes and procedures to employ Visible FeltLeadership (VFL) through all levels of site management, supervision, and workers.

g. Contractor and its Subcontractors, not Barrick, retains the authority to hire, fire,discipline, supervise, control, direct the work, and modify the terms and conditions ofthe employment of their employees and workers pursuant to the requirements in thecontract documents.

h. Barrick retains the right to revoke site access for Contractor’s and Subcontractor’sworkers who violate any Barrick Policy, Standard, and/or Procedure.

i. Contractors shall ensure that their management team is sufficiently staffed and hasthe qualifications necessary to provide for adequate leadership, management andsupervision during the execution of the contract.

j. Contractor’s management team shall be actively involved in the implementation ofthe Contractor’s Safety & Health management program.

k. Contractor shall have a competent and qualified supervisor on site at all timeswhile work is being performed. If Contractor utilizes a Subcontractor, Contractor

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shall ensure that a supervisor of Contractor’s company is on site to monitor and control the Subcontractor’s work at all times the Subcontractor(s) is on site.

l. Contractor’s supervisors shall be able to proficiently communicate in the languageof the workers that the supervisor is supervising.

m. Contractor’s senior site management shall be able to proficiently communicatewith Barrick in the predominant language used by Barrick at the site or makealternate arrangements to provide for accurate and proficient translation.

n. Contractor shall have at least one field supervisor on site at all times theContractor and/or its subcontractor is working that can proficiently communicatewith Barrick in the predominant language used by Barrick at the site or makealternate arrangements to provide for accurate and proficient translation.

o. Each supervisor shall implement and enforce the S&H requirements.

p. Contractor shall involve their Safety & Health Representative and if applicable, theSafety & Health Professional, in all planning and coordination meetings.

4.3.2. Training and Competence

a. Contractor shall provide adequate training for their workers specific to the controls ofall potential hazards that their workers may be exposed to prior to their workerspotentially being exposed to such hazards.

b. Contractor shall provide adequate training for their workers pursuant to theregulatory requirements/legal obligations specific to the country and localgovernment where the work is taking place.

c. Contractor shall develop processes and procedures to validate the competence oftheir workers following training on Safety & Health related subjects.

d. Contractor shall ensure that their workers complete the Barrick site Safety & Healthinduction training prior to starting work. For long-term or ongoing contracts,refresher training may be required (e.g. annually, biannually, etc.).

e. Contractor is responsible for providing and shall provide all other training that maybe required for their workers.

f. Contractor shall provide training and training material to their workers in a languagethat their workers understand.

g. Barrick shall have the right to review but not duty to approve Contractor’s trainingmaterial, records, and other Safety & Health documents.

4.3.3. Risk Management, Legal and Other Obligations

a. Prior to commencing any on-site work activities, Contractor shall complete adetailed Formal Risk Assessment (FRA) and Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) specific tothe actual means and methods that Contractor will be using to execute the

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contracted work. Contractor shall address any changes from their initial 3SHMP that was submitted at time of bid in a revised 3SHMP. A copy of the revised 3SHMP shall be provided to the Barrick Representative

b. If, over the course of the execution of the contract, Contractor’s means and methodschange from what was planned, the Contractor shall revisit their FRA and JSA andaddress any changes in their controls in a revised 3SHMP. The new controls shallbe implemented and a copy of the revised 3SHMP shall be provided to the BarrickRepresentative.

c. In consultation with the Barrick Representative, Contractor shall evaluate allchanges (e.g. Contractor deviation from planned means and methods submitted toBarrick; Added or deleted scopes of work; Changes in design; etc.) during thecourse of the contract execution phase and reference the Barrick Management ofChange Procedure to determine if the change requires the Management of Change(MOC) process to be executed. If the change fits into the definition of “Change”, asdefined in the MOC Procedure, the Barrick MOC process will be executed by theBarrick Representative. Contractor shall participate in and support this process.

d. Contractor shall implement a process for an effective Field Level Risk Assessment(FLRA) that is conducted by each worker for the work they perform. The processshall address the need for continuous assessment of risk throughout their work day.

e. Contractor’s request to government entities for and/or the award of variances fromgovernmental safety and/or health regulations shall not override Contractor’sobligation to comply with Contractor’s contract documents which includes therequirements set forth in this standard.

f. Contractor shall immediately inform the Barrick Representative of all governmentaland/or other regulatory agency inspections, citations and/or notices of complaint.

4.3.4. Operational Controls and Procedures

a. Contractor shall meet or exceed the requirements of all applicable Barrick Corporateand Site Safety & Health Policies, Standards, and Procedures provided to theContractor.

b. Contractor shall maintain compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements.

c. Contractor shall establish Policies, Standards and Procedures to ensure the safety& health of their workers.

d. In certain situations where Contractor’s work requires seamless integration withBarrick’s operations, Contractor may be expected to adopt and follow Barrick’s SiteSafety & Health Policies, Standards, and Procedures precisely. In those situations,Barrick will provide the training to Contractor on those Policies, Standards, andProcedures.

e. If Contractor’s Policies, Standards, and/or Procedures are in conflict with anyapplicable law, rule, regulation or a Barrick Policy, Standard, or Procedure, the most

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stringent components of each shall apply while always maintaining compliance with legal obligations.

f. Contractor shall immediately abate all recognized and/or identified hazards in theirwork environment.

g. If Contractor believes that an action needed to abate a hazard is not theirresponsibility, Contractor shall either correct the hazard or remove any exposedworkers from exposure to the hazard and immediately notify the BarrickRepresentative of the hazard. Contractor shall not allow access to the area until thehazard has been abated.

h. Contractor shall have, on site, sufficient quantities of Personal Protective Equipment(PPE) and specialized clothing systems to provide for the sustained safe executionof their work.

i. Contractor shall support the Barrick Representative in establishing a process, or ifalready established by the site, follow that process, for a high level basic safetyinspection of Contractor’s Equipment by a qualified individual (this may be a Barrickemployee or an agent of Barrick) prior to it being allowed to operate.

j. Contractor shall make the appropriate management/supervisory personnel availableto participate in meetings as necessary to safely and efficiently execute thecontracted work.

k. As the general public does not have the knowledge and awareness of mining andconstruction-related hazards, all work accessible by the public shall be conductedwith added precaution. Contractor shall plan for added control measures anytimethe public might be exposed to mining or construction-related hazards. Barrickreserves the right to require Contractor to increase its public protection controlmeasures if Barrick determines that existing and/or planned control measures areinadequate. Such increased measures shall be at Contractor’s cost unlessotherwise agreed to by Barrick.

4.3.5. Occupational Health and Wellness

a. Contractor shall provide for all industrial hygiene monitoring necessary to evaluateworker exposure to hazardous agents and/or the effectiveness of controls. Barrickshall have the right to review but not duty to review Contractor’s monitoring plan andmonitoring data. Contractor may withhold information that is deemed “confidentialmedical information” pursuant to country or local laws but shall make every effort toprovide the necessary data while maintaining compliance with legal obligations.

b. Barrick, at its discretion, may conduct industrial hygiene monitoring of Contractor’sand/or other worker’s potential exposure to hazardous agents to provide Barrickwith assurance that Contractor is effectively controlling exposure to workers.Contractor shall cooperate and participate with Barrick as requested. Barrick’sexecution of any industrial hygiene monitoring shall not alleviate Contractor fromhaving the primary responsibility to conduct industrial hygiene monitoring.

c. Contractor shall ensure that a medical needs assessment has been conducted as itpertains to the planned execution of the contracted work and adequate accessibility

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to trained occupational health and/or medical staff and resources sufficient to address the Contractor’s needs is available.

d. Contractor shall establish a process to return injured workers to productive work.

e. Contractor shall conduct industrial hygiene workplace sampling and monitoringbased on health risks associated with the execution of the contracted work.

f. Contractor shall maintain all personal health data in a confidential manner asrequired by country and local laws.

4.3.6. Contractor Controls

a. Contractor shall comply with the same prequalification process for theirSubcontractors as established by Barrick for potential Contractors and Contractors.

b. Contractor shall incorporate the Safety & Health terms and conditions of Barrick’scontract with Contractor, including the requirements of this standard, intoContractor’s agreement with their Subcontractors.

c. Contractor shall ensure that a supervisor of Contractor’s company is on site tomonitor and control the Subcontractor’s work at all times the Subcontractor is onsite.

4.3.7. Incident Investigation

a. Contractor shall ensure that there is timely and effective reporting, investigation, andreview of all incidents pursuant to Barrick’s Incident Reporting and InvestigationStandard.

i. Contractor shall immediately report Contractor’s and their Subcontractor’sincidents, injuries, and property damage events along with associated costs tothe Barrick Representative and appropriate regulatory agencies.

ii. Barrick may elect to participate in any contractor investigation at Barrick’sdiscretion.

iii. Contractor shall provide to Barrick incident information, copies of incidentreports, and investigative support documentation. Contractor may withholdinformation that is deemed “confidential medical information” pursuant tocountry or local laws.

b. Contractors shall report monthly injury statistics and man-hours (exposure hours) tothe Barrick Representative for Contractor and each of their Subcontractors by thedate directed by the site.

4.3.8. Emergency Preparedness

a. Contractor shall fully understand the scope and delivery of emergency responseservices that Barrick will provide and that the Contractor will provide to theContractor’s and its Subcontractor’s workers for the duration of the contract.

i. Contractor shall be completely prepared to deliver their services in the event anemergency situation arises.

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b. Contractor and its Subcontractors shall have a written emergency plan andestablished procedures specific to the site and Contractor’s contracted work.

c. Contractor and its Subcontractors shall train their workers on site emergencyprocedures during induction training.

d. Contractor shall participate in site emergency drills as conducted by the site.

4.3.9. Performance Assessment and Records Management

a. Contractor shall establish daily Safety & Health monitoring processes andprocedures of Contractor’s and Subcontractor’s work area, activities, materials andequipment.

b. Contractor shall conduct scheduled periodic formal inspections, assessments andevaluations (e.g. Program General Inspections) of Contractor’s and theirSubcontractor’s Safety & Health performance throughout the duration of thecontract.

c. Contractor shall establish, implement, and maintain a procedure for theidentification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposal of all Safety &Health related records.

d. Contractor shall make Safety & Health related records available to Barrick uponrequest. Contractor may withhold records that are deemed “confidential medicalinformation” or “confidential personal information” pursuant to country or local laws.

e. Contractor shall maintain records in accordance with legal requirements and arereadily available (e.g. labeled, dated, and properly filed).

4.4. Close of Contract

4.4.1. At the close of each contract, the Barrick Representative will conduct a documented review of the Contractor’s S&H performance. Contractor shall support the Barrick Representative in this activity. This review will be utilized in consideration for the award of future SOWs.


Adherence to this Standard is mandatory.

All Contractors are subject to this Standard and are responsible for compliance with this Standard, reporting non-compliance to their supervisor and, where non-compliance violates Barrick’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, reporting such non-compliance in accordance with the procedures set out in Barrick’s Code of Conduct. Compliance with this Global Standard and supporting Procedures shall be monitored. Non-compliance with this Global Standard and supporting Procedures will be considered a violation of the contract and Contractor will be subject to the terms and conditions of the contract which may include termination of the contract.

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All requests for exceptions or variances to this Standard shall be requested by presenting justification to Barrick’s VP of Safety & Health, through Barrick’s Corporate Safety Directors.

The review of the implementation and application of this standard shall be incorporated into the Barrick CHESS audit process.

The Barrick Corporate Safety & Health group shall review this operating standard every three years to ensure consistency with the Barrick Safety & Health Management System and legal requirements. Any updates and changes shall be approved through the Custodian.


Appendix A: Summary of Document Responsibilities Appendix B: Glossary Appendix C: Standard Process Flow

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Appendix A: Summary of Document Responsibilities

Position Title Responsibility

Document Owner Review and approve this Standard

Resource the implementation of this Standard

Actively promote this Standard



Champion this Standard

Inform and train personnel in the use of this Standard

Monitor the application of this Standard

Evaluate compliance against this Standard



Accept feedback for improvement of this Standard

Conduct regular reviews of this Standard

Ensure Document Control is maintained for this Standard

Barrick Safety and

Health Directors

Ensure implementation of this Standard

Ensure that the implementation and application of this standard is incorporated into

the CHESS audit process

Provide visible support for implementation

Barrick Portfolio

General Managers,

General Managers,

and Contractors

Implement this standard on site

Communicate and promote this standard within their Site

Ensure appropriate resources are provided to implement this Standard

Participate in site risk assessments

Barrick Managers

and Contractors

Identify the scope of application and resources required for implementation and

maintenance of this standard

Develop procedures to meet the requirements of this standard

Train and ensure competency of personnel in carrying out tasks in adherence to

this standard

Implement the required actions of this standard by providing necessary equipment,

training and assessment.

Actively participate in the investigation process

Ensure the responsibility for implementation of this standard is included in personal

performance plans

Ensure consistent application of the standard and regulatory requirements for Employees and Contractors

Barrick Supervisors

& Contractors

Ensure employees are competent to apply this standard

Ensure compliance to this standard

Actively participate in the investigation process

Ensure the responsibility for implementation of this standard is included in personal

performance plans

Ensure consistent application of the standard and regulatory requirements for Employees and Contractors

All Employees –

Barrick and


Know and understand their responsibilities for compliance to this standard

Follow all SOP’s, rules and regulations to comply to this standard

Report any deviation to this standard

Participate in training and implementation of this standard

Refuse to perform work if it is not safe to do so

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Appendix B: Glossary

Term Definition/explanation.

3SHMP Scope Specific Safety & Health Management Plan



The Barrick Supply Chain resource responsible for the procurement of services for Barrick Gold to execute, in part or in whole, the SOW

Construction Work involving construction, alteration, and/or repair, including painting. Construction work is not limited to new construction, but can include the repair of existing facilities or the replacement of structures and their components.

Contract A Contract, a Purchase Order, or any other contractual vehicle used by Barrick to secure services or goods

Contractor A company or person contracted (via contract, purchase order, or similar) to provide, and receiving payment (monetary or in kind) for, services in any aspect of operations including but not limited to exploration, development, construction, operations and reclamation.

Suppliers, consultants, architects, engineers, and vendors are considered “Contractors” for the purpose of this standard. If a documented Formal Risk Assessment is conducted by the Project/Operations Manager or the Barrick Representative and the Commercial Representative on the Supplier’s, Architect’s, Engineer’s, and/or Vendor’s SOW and it is determined that the risk posed to them and by them are deemed Low Exposure, then Section 4.1 Prequalification of Contractors & Continued Qualification of Contractors does not apply. However, the remainder of this standard and the Contractor Safety Standard shall remain in effect.

FRA Barrick’s Formal Risk Assessment Process as defined by the Barrick Formal Risk Assessment Procedure or equivalent

Low Exposure Where an individual Risk Assessment has been conducted and it is determined that a supplier, consultant, architect, engineer, or vendor is not exposed to facility (operations) hazards, is not performing work in active mining or processing areas of the site or active areas of an exploration or reclamation site and works in a low risk environment. Examples include, but are not limited to: administrative staff, office janitorial work, catering, delivery vehicles to aboveground warehouses, Consultants, Architects & Engineers working only in an office setting.

MOC Management of Change

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transmitted, disclosed, copied, or reproduced by any means without the prior written consent of Barrick Gold Corporation.

Onsite Safety & Health

Representative A designated, onsite, fulltime, employee of the Contractor or Agent of the Contractor that among his/her other duties will provide Safety & Health support during the execution of the SOW and is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to workers and the public, and shall have authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.

Qualification for this individual shall be submitted to the Barrick Representative.

Safety & Health

Professional A designated, onsite, full time, employee of the Contractor or Agent of the Contractor, whose sole duty is to provide oversight and support of the Contractor’s Safety & Health program related to the SOW(s). This individual has been deemed to be qualified by the Contractor to be designated a Safety & Health Professional. Qualifications shall be determined by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated his/her ability to solve or resolve problems related to the implementation, leadership and management of Safety & Health programs. In addition, this individual shall be capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to workers and the public, and shall have authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.

Qualification for this individual shall be submitted to the Barrick Representative.

Significant Safety or

Health Incident A Lost Time Incident (LTI), High Potential Incident (HPI), Potential Fatal Incident (PFI), and/or a Fatality

SOW Scope of Work

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transmitted, disclosed, copied, or reproduced by any means without the prior written consent of Barrick Gold Corporation.

Appendix C: Standard Process Flow

4.1 Prequalification of Potential Contractors

4.4 Close of Contract

4.2 Bidding

4.3 Execution of the Contract

4.5 Review and Audit

Provide all necessary information for the prequalification process

While bidding, take into special consideration the requirements of 4.3 (Execution of the Contract) of the Contractor S&H Standard

Conduct a Risk Assessment on the SOW referencing the Existing Hazard Review Check Sheet and develop a comprehensive Scope Specific Safety &

Health Management Plan (3SHMP)

Submit the 3SHMP as part of the Bid Submittal

While bidding & developing the 3SHMP take into consideration the Barrick Corporate and Site S&H Policies, Standards, & Procedures

Leadership & Personal Commitment

Support the Barrick Rep. in the Review

of Contractor's S&H Performance & solicit feedback on improvement


Understand all the requirements of the Contractor S&H Standard

Training & Competence

Risk Management, Legal & Other Obligations

Operational Controls & Procedures

Occupational Health & Wellness

Contractor Controls

Incident Investigation

Emergency Preparedness

Performance Assessment & Records Management