conventions of a gangster film

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Marlon Brando

Black suit and bow tie, sophisticated look suggesting he's a rich businessman

Looks like it is set In an office.

Medium close up

Denzel Washington (who tends to play dramatic roles)

Looks like it is set in a deserted alleyway

Dark, foggy, eerie

The opening scene is Denzel Washington setting a man on fire, which creates the opening scene to be more compelling

Mid shot

Over the shoulder shot

Scene is set with a group of men in what looks to be a café.

The men in this scene seem to be wearing suits This my convince the audience that these are successful businessman

Cups of coffee to show that they are working class men

CCTV camera setting to show that it is a movie about crime

Blue lighting to show that it is a CCTV screening

Men with beards and hats

Close up

Red/black lighting

Mid shot

Three men dressed in suits – one of them holding what seems to be a shovel which denotes that they might be burying someone.