Conversion Rate Opimisation (CRO) introduction and how to guide

Post on 18-Oct-2014

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A joint talk I gave with Barnie Mills, Crafted's Head of Design on conversion rate optimisation techniques and methods. Given at Chartered Institute of Marketing training course




verb [ with obj. ]

exercise skill in making (something):

he crafted the chair lovingly | (as adj. crafted) :

a beautifully crafted object.


Barnie MillsHead of Design

Ian MillerSearch Director

40 digital experts spanning design, search and development

You’ve got traffic, now what?

Who are they, and what are they here for?

Where are they from?

What traffic sources might a site have?

Where are they from?

What traffic sources might a site have?

Source Medium

Google organic/cpc/referral

Bing organic/cpc

Facebook referral

Google shopping cpc

Yahoo organic/referral

Outlook direct

How do they behave?

What attributes can you drill into?

How do they behave?

What attributes can you drill into?

Metrics - numbers Dimensions - things

Visits Landing page

Pageviews Keyword

Goal completion rate % Browser

Revenue Source

Bounce rate % Medium

Average time on site City

Don’t make assumptions

• What is “bounce rate”?

• Segment traffic

And now it’s over to you…

So what do you like?

• 2 sites you like• Why?

What don’t you like?

• 2 sites you don’t like• Why?

First impressions

First impressions count!

The averagetime spent ona webpage is

25 seconds

On average, visitors onlyread around

20% of content

One in fivevisitors leavea site within


The 5 second rule…

(not this one!)

Am I in the right place?

Do I trust you?

What do I do now?

Page load – we could have failed before we’ve started

Every second loading = 0.65 increase in bounce rate!

The 5 second test


• What activities does this site cater for?• What are 3 of the companies USPs?

What could be improved


• What service does the site offer?• Why might you choose it over competitors?

What could be improved


• What industry is the site concerned with?• Who is the site aimed at?• What is its primary purpose?

What could be improved


• What does the company do?• Who is the site aimed at?• How could you find out more?

What could be improved

Ok ok, I’m interested, what now?

Calls to action (CTAs)

Trust marks

Social proof

Linked in recommendation (Ian to find example)

There is no silver bullet…

The devil is in the detail!

The start of something beautiful

Who’s had a goodexperience online?

• Where?• Why?

Beyond 1st conversion

New vs Returning

Collecting data



Response Tap


User testing & feedback

User testing & feedback

Test and test again!

Don’t forget good old fashioned service!

Round up

Blind date

• Turn up on time• Make a good first impression• Build trust• Give clear signals• Remember once you’ve gained someone’s trust you can just as

easily lose it!

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Thank you