Cook Your Own Indian Curry!

Post on 20-Jan-2015

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Cooking a delicious Indian Chicken / Vegetable Curry can never get easier than this!!! Presenting the quickest and easiest way to make Your Own Indian Curry


DIY: How to Make Indian Curry (Veg/Chicken) in 5 Simple Steps

Ingredients: 4 Onions (Chopped/Blended), 1 Tomato (Chopped/Blended), 2 Carrots, ½ Broccoli, 1 Capsicum, 2 Baby-corns, 4 Chillies (any other vegetable that you like), 450 gm Chicken (optional), 5 Tablespoon Oil, ¼ Tea Spoon Turmeric Powder, 1 Tea Spoon Garam Masala, 1.5 Tea Spoon Ginger-Garlic Paste, Salt to Taste, 1 Cup Water

Heat ½ tablespoon of oil and stir-fry the carrots, broccoli, capsicum and baby-corn on high heat for 4 – 5 minutes and keep it aside.


Now, heat the remaining oil, put the garam masala and fry it. Follow it up by adding the ginger-garlic paste. Fry it well, then add the onions, tomato and chopped chillies and still it till all the water is evaporated. Add salt and turmeric power and stir a little


Add the Stir-fried Vegetables and cover with lid and let it cook at low heat for 4 – 5 minutes.


Add the chicken (optional) and stir. Cover with lid and let it cook for 5 - 6 minutes



Add the water, bring it to boil and cook for another 5 minutes. Your curry is ready to eat