Copy of greek art geometric to archaic to early classical

Post on 09-Apr-2017

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Statue of KourosArchaic period.

What do we notice about this statue?

Menkaure and his wife2548-2530 BCE

What similarities can we see between these two statues


The idea that humans were “the measure of all things” (protagoras)

Eternal Principle of Greek ArtThe perfect individual or defined by ideal scale and

proportions became the greek ideal.


GEOMETRICSTYLE:dominated by abstract motifs and animals conveyed through blackslip.

What period does this work belong to?

Is this work humanist?

What period is this from?What humanistic elements are present in this pot?

The warriors Amphorea 500 BCE

Geometric period greek sculpture

How are these sculptures

similar to the figures on the

funerary krater?

Mantiklos "Apollo"


Late Geometric or Early

Orientalizing Period

about 700–675 B.C.

Archaic Period (600–480 BCE)

Sarpedon Krater

580 BCE 530 BCE 480 BCE

Archaic Period (600–480 BCE)Calf bearer Kouros

Style hints: Long hair connected to neck, disproportionate, big eyes, rigid, frontal presentation.

Archaic Period (600–480 BCE)Phrasiklea Kore

Archaic Period (600–480 BCE)What are the stylistic clues that help you see that she belongs in the archaic period?

The main difference in appearance between Archaic Greek sculpture and the Classical styles lies in the poses. Typically, most types of Archaic statue were constructed of four strictly frontal or profile elevations and, though usually one leg was advanced and the other drawn back, the left and right halves of the body were rigidly symmetrical. Classical statues are still broadly four-square in design, but the balance of the standing figure is shifted so that the axis of the body becomes a long double curve, and to mitigate frontality the head (except in cult statues) is turned regularly towards the side.

Early Classical Period (480–450 BCE)

Marathon Boy

Style Hints: Downward turned smile or frown, exaggerated contrapposto, more refined musculature, more lifelike but still “Ideal” proportions

Early Classical Period (480–450 BCE)

Charioteer of Delphi

What stylistic differences mark this as early classical?

Doryphoros or Spear Bearer by Polykleitos

In what ways is this figure indicative of the classical style?


What material is this made of and how does that help us eliminate possibilities for which period it belongs to?

Reclining Dionysys from the Parthenon

Aphrodite Brachi by Praxiteles of Cnidus

-1st nude female figure-Most heavily copied statue of ancient times-exaggerated contraposto, head turn-Use of cloth texture as demonstration of artists skill

Hellenistic Period Art