Copyright 2000 eMation Web@aGlance Product Training Web 102 Links, Tables, Forms and Charts.

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Copyright 2000 eMation

Web@aGlance Product


Web 102Links, Tables, Forms and Charts

Copyright 2000 eMation


HTML (with a little help from some friendly Wizards)• Tables, Forms, and (client-side) Scripting

Charting• Chart Types. Charting features.• Chart layout & configurable properties.• Scripting the Chartlet.

Copyright 2000 eMation


Four Wizards available to generate Client-side HTML (scripting).

Integrated with FrontPage or can be used standalone.

Output from Wizards can be further edited and modified for ultimate flexibility

Copyright 2000 eMation

Web 102: What’s HTML?

Client-side Script is used to respond locally to Browser events; e.g., button press

Script has access to values from input controls (form.ctrlname)

Programs can do local validation before submitting to Web server backend, or set properties & invoke methods of client-side objects

Copyright 2000 eMation

HTML <Applet>

<applet code=“AAGHistGraph.class”• codebase="http:/aagweb/Classes/”

name=“Fred”• align="baseline” width="400" height="361" • archive="/aagweb/Classes/">• cabbase="/aagweb/Classes/"• <param name=”dsMethods"

value=”History">• <param name=“tags”

value=”lic04”,”tic04”> </applet>

Copyright 2000 eMation

HTML - JavaScript

• <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=“JavaScript”>• function dostuff() {

• arg = open.Window (“”, “New_Win”, “”); }

• </SCRIPT>• <form>• <input type = “Submit” Value = “New

Values” onclick = “dostuff();”>• </form>

Copyright 2000 eMation

Forms & Tables

<form name="F1"> <table BORDER="1"> <tr ALIGN="LEFT"> <td><font SIZE="5">Tags</font></td> <td><font SIZE="5">Attrs</font></td> <td><font SIZE="5">Start Time</font></td> <td><font SIZE="5">Interval</font></td> <td><font SIZE="5">Samples</font></td> </tr> </table>

NB: No Action or Method properties in the <form>. <table> is enclosed in <form></form>

Copyright 2000 eMation

Buttons & Forms

<table> <tr ALIGN="LEFT"> <td> <input TYPE="button"

ONCLICK="buttonClick1(document.C1,document.F1)" VALUE="Refresh">

</td> <td> <input TYPE="button"

ONCLICK="exportClick1(document.C1,document.F1)" VALUE="Display Data Table">

</td> </table> </form>

Copyright 2000 eMation

Hot Link Wizard

Creates hyperlinks Especially useful for

timeless content (what’s the level right now?)

Output not intended for user interaction at runtime.

Copyright 2000 eMation

Lab 1

Use standalone HotLink Wizard Build three hyperlinks that can be included

in a document, slide show, or email message.

Each link should do one of the three:• Produce a table w/bar chart of Reactor 4 current

levels• Produce a table w/chart of actual Reactor 4

temperatures for last 24 hours• Produce a chart of the daily yields (YIELD.PV) for

the last 30 days from Reactor 4

Copyright 2000 eMation

Form Wizard

Returns a table of values and optionally charts them

Provide default parameter values or provide total freedom with range of choices

Lets you give exactly the amount of flexibility a class of users require

Copyright 2000 eMation

Lab 2

Using the Form Wizard… Build an HTML page to allow a user to

compare the Levels of Reactor 4 against their Setpoints (Targets).

Limit the user to LIC04 and LIC05 But remain flexible on the amount of

data to display (start time, interval, samples)

If time allows, experiment with Actual vs. Interval data.

Copyright 2000 eMation

Charting - Basic Capabilities

Charts are time-based (Currently, not x-y plots or SPC)

Real time or historical data Built-in UI for operating within the

selection External, html form-based UI to change

selection or export it to Excel, clip board

Copyright 2000 eMation

Real Time Strip Chart

Sampled data, not continuous like chart recorder

“Time span” determines the chart width “Interval” advises the Data Source on

sampling interval Pre-fetch overcomes browser

limitations if points are historized

Copyright 2000 eMation

Real Time Bar Chart

Useful for comparing magnitudes of a range of variables in Real Time

Snap Shot and polled update modes Optional pseudo 3D effect Row major and column major views Extensive fine tuning of bar size, gaps,

margins, label locations

Copyright 2000 eMation

Plotting Historical Data

Actual History, as stored. Determine exact time of change, see gaps...

Interval history, as interpolated. Compare multiple tags during the same period

Multiple time periods for batch-batch, shift-shift, day-day comparisons

Statistics calculated by data source, part of server personality, or by Chartlet(MinMaxAverage)

Copyright 2000 eMation

Chartlet Features Eight Pens, potentially from 8 servers. Fixed scaling to detect unusual events Use autoscaling for maximum dynamic range,

multi-y for comparing shapes Multiple server for unit-unit compar-isons.

Multiple times for batch-batch. Pan & zoom with bounding box, buttons Mouse Tracker for value or delta at locations Primary and secondary y-axes available

Copyright 2000 eMation

Chartlet features (cont.)

Line chart with lines only or points only. Per pen data markers.

Bar, pen, grid, rubberband colors; chart, plot, axes, legend background colors and fonts characteristics are all selectable

Axes, bar labels, legend, and tracker font characteristics are all selectable

Properties documented online, and are viewable in FrontPage object browser

Copyright 2000 eMation

Chartlet Method Selection


tags, attrs,dsNames,dsUnits,dsServers

dsMethod time parameters Comments


Y GetHistEvent dsStartTimes,dsEndTimes,dsSampleCounts

Sample Count is amax: No values arereturned later than EndTime.


Y PollTable How set polling rate?Set once only?


Y GetHistory dsStartTimes,dsSampleCounts,dsIntervals

Use script for relativetime. Now-x, andeither count or interval.


Y Monitor dsChartWidth Can disable prefetch ifno history available


Y GetHistory As Interval History, plusminmax_GranInterval

Copyright 2000 eMation

Chartlet at RunTime

refresh(), after changing data selection, tells the chartlet to repaint its window

exporter(), tells the Web server to replace the current page with an HTML table, or Excel, or with tab-delimited data

stopstripchart() freezes the stripchart A limited number of chartlet properties

are scriptable in the current product release, or use undocumented set().

Copyright 2000 eMation

Chartlet Time

Web@aGlance absolute time syntax: Now -15m, today, yesterday, Friday, Thursday+8h

Converted to universal time by the chartlet (beware queries across time zones)

Translated according to server personalities

Copyright 2000 eMation

Charting Wizard

Only reports the data in graphical format

Has additional features to construct simple trend viewer

Chart is more immediate than Forms method.

Can export data to Excel or other Mime types.

Can edit Chart Applet and JavaScript functions for additional customization.

In FrontPage Applet can be easily resized and controls moved around

Copyright 2000 eMation

After the Wizard is finished...

The chartlet properties can be viewed in the FrontPage Object Browser (dblclick)

The chartlet size can be varied by dragging

The (form) table can be adjusted, and controls moved around (within reason)

If you change the default values of controls, you must also change that <param> tag, or add a <body onLoad=“event handler”>

Copyright 2000 eMation

Charting Lab

Use the ChartWiz to Create • A strip chart with fixed and hidden

parameters• A bar chart with multi select for tag choices• An Actual History with radio buttons and

Export to Excel capability• An Interval History that lets you compare

any two days of the week

Copyright 2000 eMation

Building a Web with FrontPage

FrontPage Explorer enables creation & management of Web layout, hyperlinks

FrontPage Editor enables manipulation of a single HTML page at a time, with little skill at HTML required.

Web@aGlance Wizards simplify the preparation of requests for process information from the Automation Server

Copyright 2000 eMation

Designing Your Web

Determine Content - Each Page is an App Structure for Navigation Ease

• Minimize number of clicks required

Page layout affects usability• Navigation aids• Common “look and feel”

• Too few options often better than too many Security regime

• User Authentication, Access Control, Data Protection (Encryption)

Copyright 2000 eMation

Building a Web with FP2K

FrontPage Explorer enables creation & mgmt of Web layout & whiteboarding

Manages navigation & hyperlinks FrontPage Editor enables manipulation

of a single HTML page at a time Web@aGlance Wizards prepare

requests for process info thru Automation Server

No programming. No HTML.

Copyright 2000 eMation


Development usually on Personal Web services from the NT 4.0 Option Pack, published to IIS

The Web server should be installed and running, then install FrontPage and the FrontPage Server extensions.

Finally, install Web@aGlance Designer Edition on your development system, and/or

Web@aGlance Server Edition on your WNT AS system with IIS

Copyright 2000 eMation

Security Administration

Administer your Web via Mgmt Console• Start.Programs.NT4.0 Option Pack.Personal Web

Services.Internet Services Manager

Not via Front Page Tools.Security.Permissions

Copyright 2000 eMation

Server Administration

Copyright 2000 eMation

After W@aG Installation

Copyright 2000 eMation

FrontPage Users

Copyright 2000 eMation

If the Web server is a Windows NT Server running IIS (Internet Information Services), users and groups are set up and maintained in Windows NT, and cannot be created in FrontPage. You select the users and groups for your webs from these Windows NT accounts. Access to webs is then determined by the user's logon account (user name and password). When the user performs an action that requires permission, the web server requests a user name and password, and then FrontPage sends the user name and password that the user is currently logged in with.

Copyright 2000 eMation

Note Because FrontPage security is based on ACLs (access control lists), in order to enforce security, your webs must be hosted on an NTFS partition rather than a FAT partition.

Copyright 2000 eMation

Kinks & Hints

Before you create a newWeb using FrontPage, ensurethat your root directory is not set for Execute access. Ifit is, IIS will not allow files to be written its subdirectories.

FrontPage, attempting to writeinto http://localhost/NewWeb,will fail.

In general, even script accessshould be restricted to a fewdirectories, like cgi-bin .