Copyright 2011 Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater Alice Workshop Implementation Algorithm Code...

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Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Alice Workshop

ImplementationAlgorithm first method

Control blocks

Statements (methods, data, more)

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Next Step

Problem Statement

Understand the


Implement the design

Test the code

Design a solution

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Load World

Why start with a standard world for active learning?

Load from: Presentations/Worlds 3-GoodVibrationsSetUp.a2w

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Do in order By default, statements in the code are performed in order, but you can also create a Do in order code block.

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Control Statements

Alice has two fundamental control statements Do in order

• perform the actions in sequence Do together

• perform the actions simultaneously

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

First action statement

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

1. Select object

Start by selecting an object in the object tree (or click on the object in the scene)

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

2. Select methods tab

In the details panelTabs

Properties values of object properties

Procedures methods that perform an action

Functions methods that return a value

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

3. Find method tile

Scroll down in methods tab

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

4. Drag-n-drop

Select data from drop-down menu… “turn to face” needs a target object

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Next Step

Problem Statement

Understand the


Implement the design

Test the code

Design a solution

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Play (Run)

Click the Play button

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater first method

When Play button is clicked, the world’s my first method is executed

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

ModifyAlice allows some optional information to

modify how an action is performed. By default a statement in Alice runs in 1 second. The

duration can be changed using more…

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Next action

Actually, several actions

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater


No “vibrate” tile? Method tiles built-in to Alice are

simple actions Some models have complex

actions defined, e.g., walk For other complex actions, we

may create our own

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater


How can we create our own “vibrate” method?

Decompose a complex action into simple actions


do together

play vibrating sound

do in order

garfield move up a short distance, quickly

garfield move down same distance, quickly

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Create a new method

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Name the method

Name should begin with a lowercase letter and have no spaces (use camelCase, if needed)

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater


New method tile and editor tab

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Number pad

Select “other” for number pad entry

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater


Hold Ctrl(Alt on Mac) and drag statement down to create a duplicate

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater


Click drop-down menu to select a different (argument) value

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater



Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Call the method

Alice must be given an instruction to perform the actions defined in the method.

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater


Does the action performed by garfield appear to be a vibration?

Why or why not?

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Revise Design

An object that vibrates is oscillating in a rhythmic repetition

We need to repeat the action several times


do together

play vibrating sound

repeat 5 times

do in order

garfield move up a short distance, quickly

garfield move down same distance, quickly

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater


Drag in Loop control tile and select “5 times”

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Loop control block

Drag code statements into the Loop control block

A block of program code that repeats a counted number of times.

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater


Does the action performed by garfield appear to be a vibration?

Why or why not?

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Revise #2

Play a sound at the same time….


do together

play vibration sound

loop 5 times

garfield moves up a short distance, quickly

garfield moves down same distance, quickly

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Import sound

World properties panel

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Imported file, timing

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Do together

Drag in do together code block

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Play sound

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater

Nested control blocks

Do in order inside do together

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater


Are sound and vibration in sync?

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater


Useful for synchronizing sound and action

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater


Be sure to save the world every half-hour, or so…

Copyright 2011Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don Slater


More information Coding

• Chapter 2, Section 2