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Copyright Ineke Mooijenkind 2016 all rights reserved

Copyright: Ineke Mooijenkind, 2016. All rights reserved. As a continuation of Mandala Madness, with kind permission from Helen at

Copyright Ineke Mooijenkind 2016 all rights reserved

US terms used throughout Abbreviations

Special Stitches

Long Stitch: Yarn over 5 times, insert hook into indicated stitch or space, yarn over and pull through 2 loops 6 times.

Extra Long Stitch: Yarn over 7 times, insert hook into indicated stitch or space, yarn over and pull through 2 loops 8


Extended dc: Yarn over, insert hook into indicated stitch or space, yarn over and pull up a loop, yarn over and pull

through 1 loop, yarn over and pull through 2 loops, twice

Tr Cluster: Yarn over twice, insert hook into indicated st/sp, yarn over and pull through 2 loops twice (2 loops on

hook), yarn over twice, insert hook into same st/sp, yarn over and pull through 2 loops twice (3 loops on hook), yarn

over twice,

insert hook into same st/sp, yarn over and pull through 2 loops twice (4 loops on hook), yarn over and pull through

all 4 loops.

V stitch: (dc, ch 1, dc) in same st/sp.

Before you can pick up your hook we are going to count.

You are working in the loops behind your work in the last row before the crab stitches.

Place a marker in any loop you like, I started in the loop above the 7th popcorn of the big shell.

Count 234 loops [do not count the loop with the marker] and mark the last loop. 2 times more.

In this part of the corner there are going to be a lot of tails left, I advise you to crochet over them.

You can do this as follows: at the right crochet over it 2 stitches before the standing stitch, pull it slightly to the right,

then to the left and continue to crochet over it.

At the left side you can do the same although starting at the last 2 stitches of the row before the loops. Works for

me and no ends to weave in later.

St, sts Stitch, stitches Sc Single crochet Dtr Double treble crochet

Ch Chain Hdc Half double crochet Cl Cluster

Sl-st Slip stitch Dc Double crochet Bp Back Post

Yo Yarn Over Tr Treble crochet Fp Front Post

Copyright Ineke Mooijenkind 2016 all rights reserved

Row 1:

Start with a standing sc in 5th loop before the marker. Sc in next 10 loops and fasten off.

Row 2:

Start with a standing sc in 5th loop before row1. Sc in next 2 loops, hdc in next 2 loops.

1 sc in standing sc of row 1, sc in next stitch.

Ch 1, skip 3 st, in next stitch: (trcl, ch3, trcl, ch3, trcl), ch1 skip 3 st sc in last 2 st.

In loops: hdc in next 2 and sc in next 3 loops. Fasten off.

Row 3:

Start with a standing sc in 5th loop before row2. Sc in next 2 loops, hdc in next 2, 1sc in standing sc, sc in next 3


Skip 3 st and work 5 exdc in ch1 space.

(fpsc around cluster, 5 exdc in ch3 space) twice

Fpsc around last cluster, 5 exdc in ch1 space, skip3 and sc in next 4 st, in next 5 loops 2 hdc’s, 3 sc. Fasten off.

Copyright Ineke Mooijenkind 2016 all rights reserved

Row 4.

Start with standing sc in 2nd loop before row3, hdc in next loop.

1sc in standing sc, sc in next 8 st. skip 5 exdc’s and work behind your work; (ch3, sl-st through the loop of the fp

stitch [p 4a])

3 times. Ch 3, skip 5 exdc’s and sc in next 9st. in loops: 1 hdc, 1sc and sl-st in next 2 loops, ch1 and turn!!

Wrong side facing; sc into the 2 sl-st, sc in next 8st, skip3, 5 tr in ch3 space.

(5 dtr in next ch3 space) 2 times, 5 tr in last ch3 space.

Skip 3 st, sc in next 8 st, hdc in first loop sc in next 2 and sl-st in next 2. ch1 and turn!

Right side facing; sc in the 2 sl-sts, sc in next 12 st (bpdc in 3rd exdc of first shell, skip next st, sc in next 4 st) 3 times.

Bpdc in 3th st off last shell, skip next st, sc in next 12 st. in 3 loops: 1hdc and 2 sc. Fasten off.

Row 5.

Start with standing sc in 3rd loop before row4. Sc in next loop, hdc in next loop. sc in standing sc. sc in next 4 st. hdc

in next 3 st, dc in next 3 st.

Ch1 and skip 6 sts, in next st (trcl, ch3, trcl, ch3, trcl).

Skip 5st, in next st (trcl, ch3, trcl, ch3, trcl).

Skip 4 st, in next st (trcl, ch3, trcl, ch3, trcl). Ch1 and skip 6 stitches.

Dc in next 3 st. Hdc in next 3 st and sc in next 5 st. Hdc in first loop and sc in next 2 loops. Fasten off.

Copyright Ineke Mooijenkind 2016 all rights reserved

Row 6.

Start with a standing sc in 2nd loop before row 5, hdc in next loop.

Sc in standing sc of row 5, sc in next 7 st, hdc in next 4st, dc in next 2 st, 1dc in ch1 space.

(skip next cluster, 4 hdc in ch3 space) twice, skip next cluster, dc between cluster groups.

(skip next cluster, 4 dc in ch3 space) twice. Dc between cluster groups.

(Skip next cluster, 4 hdc in ch3 space) twice. Dc in ch1 space.

Dc in next 2 st, hdc in next 4 st and sc in next 8 st. 1 hdc in first loop sc in next loop. Fasten off.

Row 7.

Start with standing sc in 2nd loop before row 6, hdc in next loop.

Sc in standing sc, sc in next 5 stitches, 6hdc, 4 dc, 1sc and ch 1.

Skip 4 st, 7 tr between 4hdc groups. Ch1, skip 4 st, sc in next st, ch1, skip 4 st.

9 tr between 4dc groups, ch 1 skip 4 st, sc in next st, ch 1, skip 4 st, 7 tr between 4hdc groups.

Ch 1 , skip 4st , sc in next st , 4 dc , 6 hdc , 6 sc , hdc in loop , sc in next loop. Fasten off.

Copyright Ineke Mooijenkind 2016 all rights reserved

Row 8.

Start with a standing sc in 3rd loop before row 7, sc in next loop, hdc in next, 1 sc in standing sc (place a marker in this

stitch!!) sc in next 13 stitches.

Working in front of other rounds, make a long st (yo 5 times) into 2nd skipped stitch of row 5.

1 extra-long st (yo 7 times) into first bpdc row 4. Ttr (yo 4 times) between cluster and 4hdc group row 5.

Working behind long st group sc in next 5st, skip ch1 space, bpsc in next 7 tr.

Tr between 4hdc group and cluster, make a long st (yo 5 times) into 2nd bpdc, tr between cluster and 4hdc group.

Skip ch1 space next st and ch1 space, bpsc in next 9 tr.

Tr between 4hdc group and cluster. Make a long st (yo 5 times) into 3rd bpsc, tr between cluster and 4hdc group.

Skip ch1 space next st and ch1 space, bpsc in next 7 tr. Skip ch1 space and sc in next 5 sts.

Ttr (yo 4 times) between 4hdc group and cluster.

Make an extra-long st (yo 7 times) into 4th bpdc.

Skip 2 st, make a long st (yo 5 times) into next skipped st.

Sc in next 14 st, hdc in first loop and sc in next 2 loops. Fasten off.

For the correct placement of the long stitches I advise you to refer to part 8 of Mandala Madness.

Row 9.

Start with standing sc in 2nd loop before row8, hdc in next st, sc in standing sc, sc in next 9 sts, 7 hdc.

Fpdc around next 3 long stitches together, hdc in next 12 sts.

Fpdc around next 3 long sts together, hdc in next 4sts, 3hdc in next st, hdc in next 4 sts.

Fpdc around next 3 long sts together, hdc in next 12 sts.

Fpdc around next 3 long sts together, 7 hdc, 10 sc, hdc in first loop, sc in next loop. Fasten off.

Copyright Ineke Mooijenkind 2016 all rights reserved

Row 10.

Start with a standing sc in 5th loop before row 9, sc in next, hdc in next 3 loops, sc in standing sc and into next 5 sts.

Work into row 8!

Fpdc around sc with marker

(ch 1, skip 1 st, fpdc around next stitch) 3 times

(ch 1, skip 1 st, fptr around next stitch) 3 times

Work into row 9. Ch1, skip 1 st and fpdc around fpdc made around the long sts.

(Ch 1, skip 1 st, fpdc around next stitch) 18 times. Ch1, skip 1 st, fpdc around fpdc made around the last long st.

Work into row 8.

(ch1, skip 1 st, fptr around next st) 3 times

(ch1, skip 1 st, fpdc around next stitch) 4 times.

In row 9. sc in next 6 sts, hdc in next 3 loops, sc in next 2 loops. Fasten off.

Row 11.

Start with a standing sc in 5th loop before row 10. sc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in standing sc, sc in next 6 sts

hdc in next 4 sts.

Note: the dc’s are made in the sts of row 9 and worked in front of ch1 spaces, so the first dc to make is in the stitch

above the first skipped st of row 8!

(Fphdc around next st, dc in skipped stitch) 4 times

(Fpdc around next st, tr in skipped stitch) 12 times

Fpdc around next st, in next ch1 space 1dc, ch 1, 1dc (point made) fpdc around next stitch.

(Tr in skipped stitch, fpdc around next st) 12 times

(Dc in next stitch, fphdc in next st) 4 times

Hdc in next 4 sts, sc in next 7 sts, hdc in next 2 loops, sc in next 3 loops. Fasten off.

Copyright Ineke Mooijenkind 2016 all rights reserved

Row 12.

Start with a standing sc in 15th loop before row 11. Sc in next 4sts, hdc in next 5 sts, dc in next 5 sts. 1 hdc in standing


In next stitches work: 4 hdc’s, 25 dc’s, 20 exdc’s. into ch1 space: 1exdc ch1 1exdc.

20 exdc’s, 25 dc’s, 5 hdc’s. In loops: 5 dc’s, 5 hdc’s and 5 sc. Fasten off.

Row 13.

Start with standing sc in 20th loop before row 12. Sc in next 9 loops, hdc in next 10 loops. Sc in standing sc.

In next stitches work: 4 sc, 5 hdc’s, 35 dc’s, 21 bpdc’s. Into ch1 space: 2dc ch1 2dc.

In next stitches work: 21 bpdc’s, 35 dc’s, 5 hdc’s and 5 sc. Into loops: 10 hdc’s and 10 sc. Fasten off.

Row 14.

Start with a standing sc in 20th loop before row 13. In next loops work: 9sc, 10 hdc’s.

1 sc in standing sc, sc in next 19 sts.

In next stitches: 20 bpsc, 15 bphdc, 10 bpdc ,23 bptr. Into ch1 space: 2dc ch1 2 dc.

In next stitches: 23 bptr, 10 bpdc, 15 bphdc, 20 bpsc. Sc in next 20 sts.

In loops 10 hdc and 10 sc. Fasten off.

First corner made! Make 3 more.

Copyright Ineke Mooijenkind 2016 all rights reserved

Row 15.

Start with a standing exdc in any corner space. 1 exdc ch1 2 exdc in same space.

* exdc in next 30 sts, dc in next 30 sts, hdc in next 30 sts, sc in next 20 sts.

Hdc in next 3 loops, sc in next 30 loops, hdc in next 2 loops.

1 sc in standing sc, sc in next 19 sts, hdc in next 30 sts, dc in next 30 sts, exdc in next 30 sts.

In ch1 space 2 exdc ch1 2 exdc *

Repeat from * to * 3 times. Omit last corner space stitches, slip stitch into standing exdc and fasten off.

(sorry no picture)

Row 16.

Start with a standing dc in any corner space, dc ch1 2dc in same space.

*Dc in next 50 sts, Hdc in next 50 sts, Sc in next 59 sts, Hdc in next 50, Dc in next 50.

Into corner space 2dc ch1 and 2 dc. *

Repeat 3 times. Omit last corner space sts, sl-st into standing dc and fasten off.

Row 17.

Start with a standing tr (or attach yarn and ch4) in any corner space, 1tr ch1 2tr in same space.

*Ch 1, skip the next (hidden) stitch, tr in next stitch.

Ch1, skip next st and tr in next st (24 times)

Ch1, skip next st and dc in next st (25 times)

Ch1, skip next st and hdc in next st (32 times)

Ch1, skip next st and dc in next st (25 times)

Ch1, skip next st and tr in next st (24 times)

Ch1, skip last st. Into corner space: 2tr ch1 2tr.*

Repeat 3 times. Omit last corner stitches. Ch1, skip last st and sl-st into standing tr. Fasten off.

There are now 135 st per side.

Copyright Ineke Mooijenkind 2016 all rights reserved

Row 18.

Start with a standing dc in any corner space, dc, ch 1 and 2 dc in same space.

*Fptr around next 2 sts.

Dc in ch1 space, bptr around next st (25 times)

Hdc in ch1 space, bpdc around next st (25 times)

Sc in ch1 space, bphdc around next st (32 times)

Hdc in ch1 space, bpdc around next st (25 times)

Dc in ch1 space, bptr around next st (24 times)

Dc in next ch1 space and Fptr around next 2 sts. In corner space 2dc ch 1 and 2 dc. *

Repeat 3 times. Omit last corner stitches. Sl-st into standing dc and fasten off.

Row 19.

Start with standing dc in any corner space 1dc ch1 2dc in same space.

* Dc in next 271 sts (do not forget the hidden stitch). In corner space 2dc ch1 2dc. *

Repeat 3 times. Omit last corner stitches. Sl-st into stdc and fasten off.

(275 dc per side)

Row 20.

Start with standing dc in any corner space. Ch 2 and 1dc in same space.

*Ch 1, skip next (hidden) st and dc in next stitch.

Ch1, skip next st and dc in next st. do this until you have 1 stitch left before the corner space.

Ch 1 skip last st and make 1dc ch2 1dc in corner. *

Repeat 3 times. omit last corner stitches. Ch 1 and sl-st into stdc. Fasten off.

Copyright Ineke Mooijenkind 2016 all rights reserved

Row 21.

Start with a standing hdc in any corner space. 2 Hdc in same space.

*Bpsc around next stitch. Work in front of the ch1 spaces and tr in skipped st of row 20.

Do this the whole row, bpsc around last st and make 3 hdc in corner. *

Repeat 3 times. Omit last corner stitches. Sl-st into standing hdc and fasten off.

Row 22.

Start with standing sc in 1st hdc made in corner space.

*sc between 1st and 2nd hdc, ch 3, sc between 2nd and 3rd hdc.

Skip last hdc, sc in next 21 stitches.

(skip 3 st, 7 tr in next st, skip 3 st, sc in next 39 st) 5 times.

Skip 3 st, 7tr in next st, skip 3 st and sc in next 20st.*

Repeat 3 more times. Omit last sc, sl-st in standing sc and fasten off.

Copyright Ineke Mooijenkind 2016 all rights reserved

Row 23.

*Start with standing hdc in any ch-3 corner space, hdc, ch 1, 2hdc in same space.

Skip next (hidden) st and hdc in next 19 sts.

(skip 2 sts and work 2 dc’s in each of next 7tr, skip 2 sts, hdc in next 35 sts) 5 times.

Skip 2 sts, 2 dc’s in each of next 7tr, skip 2sts and hdc in next 19 sts.

Into corner space 2 hdc, ch1 and 2 hdc. *

Repeat 3 more times. Omit last corner stitches, sl-st into sthdc and fasten off.

Row 24.

Start with a standing sc in any corner, ch1 and sc in same space.

*Sc in next 19 sts (don’t forget the hidden stitch!).

(skip 2 sts and bptr around each of next 14 dc’s. skip 2 sts and sc in next 31 sts) 5 times.

Skip 2 sts, bptr around next 14 dc’s, skip 2 sts and sc in next 19 sts.

In corner space 1 sc, ch1 and 1 sc.*

Repeat 3 more times, omit last corner stitches, sl-st into standing sc and fasten off.

Sorry no picture.

Row 25.

Start with standing hdc in any corner, ch 2 and hdc in same space.

*Hdc in next 19 sts (don’t forget the hidden st).

[Skip next st and work in next 14 bptr as follows: hdc in next 2 sts, 2 hdc’s in next st (4 times) and hdc in next 2 sts.

Skip next st and hdc in next 29 sts.] 5 times.

Skip next st and work hdc’s in bptr as before. Skip next st and hdc in next 19 sts.

In corner 1 hdc, ch2, 1hdc. *

Repeat 3 times. Omit last corner, sl-st into sthdc and fasten off.

Copyright Ineke Mooijenkind 2016 all rights reserved

Row 26.

Start with standing hdc in any corner, ch2 and hdc in same space.

*Ch1, skip the hidden stitch and hdc in next st.

Ch1, skip st, hdc in next st, 8 times.

[ Ch1, skip 2sts and bpdc in next 18 sts. Ch1, skip 2 st, hdc in next st. Ch 1, skip st, hdc in next st (12 times)]

repeat between []4 more times. Between the shells there are 13 hdc’s total.

Ch1, skip 2 st and bpdc in next 18 sts. Ch1, skip 2 sts and hdc in next st.

Ch1, skip 1 st and hdc in next st (8 times) ch1, into corner space 1hdc, ch2, 1 hdc. *

Repeat 3 more times. Omit last corner sts, Ch1 and sl-st into standing hdc. Fasten off.

Row 27.

Start with standing dc in any corner, dc, ch3, 2 dc in same space.

*Work 2 dc’s in each of next 9 ch 1 spaces.

[Skip last hdc and the ch1 space. V-st in next stitch, skip 1 st (4 times).

V-st in next st (twice). Skip 1 st and V-st in next st (4 times).

There are 10 V-sts. between the 5th and 6th st there is no skipped stitch.

Skip ch1 space and 1st hdc. Work 2 dc, s in next 12 ch1 spaces.] repeat 4 more times.

Skip hdc and ch1 space and work V-sts as before.

Skip ch1 space and 1st hdc and work 2 dc’s in next 9 ch1 spaces. In corner 2dc, ch3 and 2 dc. *

Repeat 3 more times. Omit last corner sts, sl-st into stdc and fasten off.

Sorry no picture.

Copyright Ineke Mooijenkind 2016 all rights reserved

Row 28.

Start with standing dc between the 5th and 6th dc after any corner space and dc in same space.

Work 2 dc’s between next 2 st (7 times).

*ch 2.

5 dc in V-st. ch 3 (4 times)

5 dc in next V-st, ch5, 5 dc in next V-st

Ch3, 5 dc in next V-st (4 times).

Ch2 and work 2 dc’s between next 2 st (12 times).

Repeat 4 times more.

Work dc’s in V-sts as you did before. Ch 2. Work 2 dc’s between next 2 st (9 times).

Ch2, skip last 2 sts and work in ch3 space: tr cluster ch4 tr cluster ch4 tr cluster and ch2.

Skip 2 sts. Work 2 dc’s between next 2 sts (9 times) *

Repeat 3 more times. After the last corner stitches work 2 dc’s between next 2 sts (twice).

Sl-st into standing dc and fasten off.

Copyright Ineke Mooijenkind 2016 all rights reserved

The final row! row 29.

Start with standing hdc after any corner between the last 2 st before the ch2 space of the first shell and hdc in same


*1 hdc in ch2 space. Fphdc around next 5 dc’s, 2 hdc’s in ch 3 space (4 times).

Fphdc around next 5 dc’s, 5 hdc in ch5 space, fphdc around next 5 dc’s.

2 hdc in ch space, fphdc around next 5 dc’s (4 times) 1 hdc in ch2 space. first shell made.

2 hdc between next 2 sts (12 times). Repeat 4 more times.

Make 1 more shell as before.

2 hdc between next 2 sts (9 times).

Corner: 2 hdc in ch2 space. Fphdc around cluster and work 4 hdc in ch space (twice). Fphdc around cluster, 2 hdc in

ch space.

2 hdc between next 2 sts (9 times). *

Repeat 3 more times. Omit last 2 hdc. Sl-st in standing hdc. Fasten off and we are done!!