Cord Blood Banking Pros & Cons

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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The Pros & Cons of Cord Blood Banking

Decisions of Parenthood, start before the baby is even born

What kind of Delivery? Baby-Wearing?


And then there is the question of Umbilical Cord Blood Banking

Moms & Dads are bombarded with the “cure-all” ads of cord blood

Initial Fees plus…Most Companies Charge

…Annual Storage Fees for usually 20 years or more

Do you really need MORE BILLS?!

With that kind of expense, here is what you need to know:

Cord Blood is collected from the baby’s umbilical cord after it is cut.

The Cord Blood is used to treat more than 80 different blood diseasesIncludingLeukemia&SickleCellAnemia…

Stem Cells replace unhealthy cells with healthy cells which makes more healthy cells to help fight disease.

As of today, any use beyond treating blood diseases is still being researched

Here’s the low down: •Really Expensive

•Not Guaranteed •Hopefully you never need it

….if your baby needs it

BUT… storing in a private blood bank ensures you’ll have access to the best possible match

Learn More about CordBlood and MAZE