Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT

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  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Faculty Orientation

    Presented by: Human ResourcesAugust 2011

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006


    Services for UOIT employees

    HR Overview

    Terms and Conditions of Employment

    Highlights of policies and procedures and where to findthem

    HR Contacts

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Campus Athletic Centre:- staff memberships

    - Fitness centre and classes

    - Indoor running track, squash courts, tennis centre, skating rinks,summer camps, varsity athletics

    Campus Health Centre:- pharmacy, physicians, massage therapists, chiropractor, flu shots,

    - Health and nutrition counselling assessment and referrals

    Employee Assistance Program (EAP):- Face to face counselling

    - On-line lifestyle and health information

    Work Life Balance at UOIT
  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Fun Events

    Staff Summer BBQ



    Childrens Holiday Party



    Open House

    Mulligan s Golf League

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Reflect in all our work the Universitys values of: Integrity and respect

    Honesty and accountability

    Intellectual rigour

    Attract and retain best faculty and staff

    Provide counsel and advice to managers to allow themto manage their employees effectively and fairly

    Lead the Universitys relationships with unions andemployee associations

    Administer corporate obligations (examples include,pension and benefit plans, AODA, Employment Equity)

    Strong focus on open door policy for all faculty and staff

    Human Resources Overview

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Overall responsibility for employment relatedpolicies and programs:

    Recruit and attract faculty and staff

    Positive workplace culture valuing diversity and inclusiveness

    Competitive compensation salaries, benefits, pension Employee and labour relations

    Safe and supportive work environment health & safety, early & safereturn to work

    Employee engagement and recognition initiatives

    Opportunities for growth - professional development, learning,performance feedback

    Counsel and advice to managers

    Legislative compliance

    HR Reporting and Information Management

    HR at UOIT

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Collective Agreement with Faculty Association

    University-wide Policies and Procedures not set out inCollective Agreement Workplace Violence and Prevention Policy

    IT Acceptable Use and Electronic Mail Policy Emergency Preparedness Plan

    Accessibility Policy

    AODA Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act

    All faculty/staff are required to complete Customer Service Training E-learning module

    You will receive an e-mail providing you with a link to the training site (requiredinformation: Banner ID and Postal Code)

    Can also be accessed via the New Employee Online Orientation click on NewEmployee Checklist

    Print and send copy of certificate to HR

    Information about Terms and Conditions ofEmployment

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Performance Reviews

    Performance Review Program Set objectives and goals with Dean at beginning of academic year Assist faculty members in meeting professional and career goals and

    expectations Acknowledge and recognize individual faculty members success Target continuous improvement

    Align individual goals with overall University/Faculty objectives

    Suggestions Have regular one-on-one meetings with your Dean In these meeting, discuss your action plans and the Deans expectations

    for teaching, research, and service. Take advantage of meetings and workshops that are presented regularly

    through the Office of the Associate Provost, Teaching & Learning Make appointment with Office of Research Services as soon as possible

    to discuss granting opportunities in your area of expertise

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Contacts in HR


    Murray Lapp

    HR SpecialistBeth Partlow*FBIT, SSH, ED

    Associate DirectorJoanne Evans


    HR GeneralistJulie Day

    HR AdministratorPension & Benefits

    Ollie Pehlemann

    HR OfficerRecruitment

    Natasha McGlashan

    HR SpecialistLabour Relations

    Krista Secord*FEAS, FESNS, Hsci.

    OccupationalHealth & Safety Officer

    Dave Roger

    Administrative Assistant

    Linda Craig

    HR SpecialistPension & Benefits

    Mary Steele

    *provides HR support for these faculties

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    All emergencies on campus, dial 2400, (not 9.1.1.)

    Program your personal cell phone with the following

    number on a SPEED DIAL NUMBER : 905-721-3211

    Classroom Emergency Phones- immediate 2 way communication with Campus Security

    Campus Security service has CPR and first aid qualifiedguards on duty 24 hours a day. Durham Regional PoliceService also randomly patrol the campus

    Public Safety & Security

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Surveillance cameras are located in buildings, on thegrounds and along footpaths

    CAMPUSWALK available 24 hours a day, call ext.

    2400 Code Blue stations are located in campus parking lots for

    your security, for instant contact to security desk andactivation of cameras monitoring in your location.

    Fire Evacuation Procedures and 2 stage alarm

    Public Safety & Security (Contd)
  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Occupational Health & Safety

    The University Health and Safety Policy states:

    The University of Ontario Institute of Technology

    (UOIT) has a vital interest in the health and safety ofits employees, students, visitors and contractors.The prevention of occupational illness or injury is a

    major continuing objective and UOIT will make everyreasonable effort to provide and maintain a safe andhealthy work and learning environment.

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Chemical liquids- cleaning products, paints, acids and solvents vapours & fumes- welding fumes and solvent vapours gases- acetylene, propane, carbon monoxide and helium flammablematerials- gasoline, solvents and explosive


    Physical electricity, radiation (ionizing & non-ionizing) unguarded moving machinery parts - saw blades, pulleys with

    belts, robotics constant loud noise high exposure to sunlight/ultraviolet rays, heat or cold working at heights with ladders and scaffolds

    liquids/spills on the floor

    Hazards in Academia?

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Biological blood and body fluids fungi, bacteria and viruses plants insect bites

    animal and bird droppings

    Ergonomic poor lighting poor workstations and chairs constant lifting poor posture repetitive movements having to use too much force

    Hazards in Academia? (Contd)

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    U.O.I.T. Safety Committees

    Legislated Safety Committees

    Joint Health & Safety Committee(Occ. Health & Safety Act)

    Radiation Safety Committee(Can. Nuclear Safety Commission)

    Biosafety Committee(Health Canada Lab Safety Guidelines)

    Animal Care Committee(Animals for Research Act & Can. Council on AnimalCare)

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    The Occupational Health & Safety Act (OHSA) The Regulations (workplace specific )

    WHMIS regulation, covers most hazardous

    substances for industrial establishments, health care facilities,

    construction, diving operations

    for certain kinds of hazards like biological agentsand x-rays.

    Designated Substances regulations - cover elevenespecially dangerous materials

    Legislated Requirements

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Anyone who receives financial compensationfor services performed.

    Includes paid research assistants & students

    Who is not a worker?

    Unpaid workers & volunteers - not covered bythe OH&S Act but could pursue civil action.

    Whos a Worker?

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    The OHSA gives every worker three important rights.

    You have the Right To Know You have the right to know the hazards in your job. Your

    employer or supervisor must tell you about anything in your

    job that can hurt you and make sure you are provided withthe information you need to work safely.

    You have the Right to Participate You have the right to take part in keeping your workplace

    healthy and safe. Report hazards to your supervisor.

    You have the Right to Refuse Unsafe Work In most situations, you can refuse to do a job if you believe

    it is likely to endanger you.

    Worker H&S Rights

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Comply with the Act, any applicable Regulations andthe university health and safety rules;

    Use all machines and equipment the way you weretrained to use them;

    Use any required personal protective equipment(such as goggles, gloves and safety glasses) the wayyou were trained. Don't modify them in any way;

    Report any hazards you see to your supervisorand/or anything you think may contravene the Act, itsRegulations or university safety rules;

    Always work safely.

    Worker Responsibilities

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    OHSA definition:

    A person who:

    is in charge of the workplace and/or

    has authority over a worker or directs workeractivity

    Can you think of a situation where you mightbe considered a supervisor?

    Whos a Supervisor?

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Assure a worker works in a safe fashion usingrequired protective equipment and devices

    Be familiar with hazards of the workplace andadvise workers of them

    Provide written instruction (where soprescribed) to address the hazards

    Take all precautions reasonable under the

    circumstances for the protection of the worker Must be competent (as defined by OHSA)

    Must be duly diligent

    Supervisor Responsibilities

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    General workplace safety information and/ortraining

    University safety rules & emergency procedures

    fire exit & extinguisher use & locations

    first aid locations and procedures

    Specific safety training

    procedures - how to do the job and what PersonalProtective Equipment (PPE) is needed

    how to use protective guards and safety features

    lockout procedures

    Two Types of Training

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    In all cases of injury or illnessat the workplace.

    Get first aid treatment right away.

    Tell the supervisor about any injury or anyillness or condition (like skin rash, forinstance) that you believe happened because

    of work as soon as possible, no matter howsmall.

    Report it using the online resource at:

    In Case of Injury
  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Security staff

    First Aid stations and trained volunteers

    Automatic External Defibrillators (AED)

    Available throughout the college & universitybuildings

    Web site resources:

    Health & Safety Resources
  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Available in your faculty or department To access the librarys MSDS database:

    UOIT home page Faculty + Staff; Campus Services; Human

    Resources; Health + Safety: Haz. Matls or

    Faculty + Staff; Library; Direct Access; Indexesand Databases; CCOHS

    Enter your BANNER ID and password

    Need to find a MSDS?
  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Your supervisor is the first person you shouldsee. By law, your employer and yoursupervisor are responsible for making sure you

    know about the hazards your job. Joint Health and Safety Committee members

    are a great source of information.

    The Health and Safety Officer, a health andsafety professional. It's part of my job toanswer questions and provide advice.

    H&S questions or concerns?

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Within the next week: Complete WHMIS For Everyone CD-ROM

    interactive training and send one copy of

    Certificate of Completion to HR.(CD availablefrom library)

    Whats next?

  • 8/4/2019 Core Faculty Orientation - Final August-11 UOIT


    October 30, 2006

    Dave Roger, Health & Safety OfficerExt. 2140 or

    Thank you

    Need Additional Help?