Corona Book

Post on 29-Mar-2016

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Photobook of my dear friend Corona


Me and Corona, 2008

This book is a collection of photos taken with point-and-shoot cameras and phone cameras. The photos were not taken with the intent of creating a book. They were taken for the same purpose most people take photos...simply to capture moments to enjoy in the future. At the time I began taking snapshots of Corona, I had no idea how much I would enjoy viewing them again. It’s not that the photos are particularly beautiful, technically skillful or artfully composed. It is because I love that dog.

I met Corona in December of 2007. His owner, Kelly, was traveling back to her home state of Florida for the Christmas holiday. She had already made arrangements for Corona to stay with another friend for the week she was to be away, however at the last moment, those plans fell through. Kelly asked if I would be willing to look after Corona as she had run out of time and was in a bind to find another dog sitter. With a little reluctance, I agreed.

For me, that turned out to be a serendipitous event. Corona is such an enthusiastic and friendly dog, with more personality than a great many of my human acquaintances. There is no ignoring him...his fun-loving spirit is too big to set aside. Corona gives no one a choice: the only thing one can do is love him. He is that amazing.

Our seven-day living arrangement turned us into great friends and I’ve been lucky enough to have spent much more time with him over the past few years since our meeting. I’m looking forward to much more.

June 2011

This book is dedicated to our favorite pup.