Cosmo Online May 2014

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Servite - Order Servant of Mary international news


  • 5/25/2018 Cosmo Online May 2014




    May 2014, Volume 7 - N. 51233 - 2014ONNN Piazza San Marcello, 500187 Roma


    Electronic bulletin of quick information

    from the Center of Communications

    FROMPRIORGENERALDear brothers and sisters!At the end of the last year Pope Francis announced that the year 2015 will be dedicated as the Year of Consecrated Lifefor the entire Church. Remembering the recent past, embracing the future with hope and living the present with love(passion) are the three objectives of this year. This year (2014) is considered as a preparatory year for the great celebra-tion, thus the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life decided to publish three letters(every quarter) offering reflections on religious life. The first letter Alegraos (Rejoice) was published on 2 February 2014.1The theme of the 2013 General Chapter of Friar Servants of Mary was the icon of Annunciation along with the biblical textof Luke. The General Chapter willed that this theme should accompany and inspire our service and reflection in this six yearterm. To arrive at this end, the General Chapter offers a meditation on the key words of the Gospel on Annunciation to theentire Servite Family in the two introductory texts of the chapter documents.2I present you both the texts and exhort you to use them for your personal and communitarian studies, and also in the forma-

    tive moments of your conventual Chapter. As a first approach to the theme, I present here the four requests of the GeneralChapter accompanied with the four questions of Pope Francis on the same theme of the cited letter Alegraos (Rejoice). The Angel came to her. (Lk 1:28)The General Chapter solicits: God comes to you also. He never ceases to search for you, that you might live. As was truefor Mary, his presence fills our life with joy. The word of the Angel, Rejoice, continues to resound today like an invitation tolively hope, notwithstanding the difficulties you may encounter. We invite you therefore to open your heart and mind, banish-ing every form of prejudice and working for unity and justice in the society that is still fragmented and divided.3Pope Francis asks: I would like to say a word to you, and that word is joy. Wherever there are consecrated persons, semi-narians, women and men religious, young people, there is joy, there is always joy. Its the joy of freshness; its the joy of fol-lowing Jesus; the joy that the Holy Spirit gives us, not the worlds joy. There is joy. But where is joy born?4 How can this be? (Lk 1:34)The General Chapter requests: In listening and daily meditation on the Word, we exhort you to live the fraternal life with en-thusiasm, to see the other with the same trust and dignity with which God sees you, aware that every brother is called to be

    Gods dwelling place among men.5

    Pope Francis asks: This is a beautiful, a beautiful path to holiness! Not to speak badly of others. But, Father, there areproblems...: tell them to the superior, to the bishop, who can remedy it. But do not tell it to him who cant help. Fraternity:this is important! But tell me, would you speak badly of your mother, of your father, of your siblings? Never. And why do youdo so in consecrated life, in the seminary, in the presbyteral life? This alone: think of it, think of it... Fraternity! This fraternallove.6 Let it be done to me according to your word. (Lk 1:38)The General Chapter requests: You too, brother, have a dream to realize: to be, like Mary, the full expression of Fatherslove. We are certain that this will come about when the Word is at the center of your life and, in personal and communityprayer, you allow yourself to listen to others, which turns into hospitality, dialogue, welcome and creative collaboration.7Pope Francis questions: How are we with the anxiety of love? Do we believe in Gods love and love of others? Or are wejust nominalists of this? Not in the abstract, not only the words, but the concrete brother whom we meet, the brother wholives next to me! Do we allow ourselves to be disturbed by their necessity or remain closed to ourselves, in our communities,

    many times they are for us community-comfort?8

    1. CONGREGATIONFORINSTITUTESOFCONSECRATEDL IFEANDSOCIETIESOFAPOSTOLICLIFE, Rallegratevi: Parole dal magi-stero di papa Francesco, Lettera circolare ai consacrati e alle consacrate verso lanno dedicato alla Vita consacrata, Roma 2014.(So far English translation is not available).

    2. Cf. CG 2013, n. 2.3. CG 2013, n. 2a.4. CONGREGATION, op.cit., p. 34; POPEFRANCIS,Autentici e coerenti: papa Francesco parla della bellezza della consacra-

    zione, [Incontro con i Seminaristi, i Novizi e le Novizie , Roma, 6 luglio 2013], in LOsservatore Romano, luned - marted 8-9 luglio2013, CLIII (155), p. 6. English Translation is available in three parts:, part-2, part-3

    5. CG 2013, n. 2b.6. CONGREGATION, op.cit., p. 35-36; POPEFRANCIS,Autentici e coerenti, p. 6.

    7. CG 2013, n. 2c.8. ONGREGATION, op.cit., p. 35; POPEFRANCIS, Con linquietudine nel cuore: ai capitolari agostiniani il Papa chiede di essere

    sempre alla ricerca di Dio e degli altri, [Omelia per linizio del Capitolo Generale Ordine di S. Agostino, Roma, 28 agosto 2013], inLOsservatore Romano, venerd 30 agosto 2013, CLIII (197), p. 8.

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    She rose and went in haste (Lk 1:39)The General Chapter exhorts: Mary, after listening to this Word, set off on a journey. You too, brother, are invited to go outto others bringing your experience of God. In the light of our Charism, you are called to be a man of communion, creatingrelationships of peace, mercy, justice and constructive love (CG 2013, n. 2d).

    Pope Francis insists: Shall we question ourselves: am I troubled for God, to announce Him, to make Him known? Or do Iallow myself to be fascinated by the modern spirituality that pushes me to do everything for egoistic love? We consecratedpeople think of personal interests, the work of functionalism, careerism. But, we can think of so many other things I couldsay, accommodated in my Christian life, in my priestly life, in my religious life, also in my community life, or preserve mystrength for anxiety of God, for His Word, that brings me to go out towards the other? (ONGREGATION, Rallegratevi, p. 35;POPEFRANCIS, Con linquietudine nel cuore, p. 8.).

    Thank you very much! Best of luck!The curial document Alegraos (Rejoice) is available only in Spanish and Italian, those who desire to read it could click onlink:Spanish:

    fra Gottfried M. Wolff, O.S.M.Prior general

    FROMTHEGENERALCOUNCILCOMMUNICATIONS- 05The General Council gathered together for Council Meet-ings on 8 and 9 April 2014 in the General Curia, San Mar-cello, Rome. As usual, a synthesis of the Councils deci-sions is presented in this issue of COSMOONLINE.

    1. Convention between Aikiya Annai Province(IND) and the USAProvinceThe General Council studied the prepared Convention be-tween Aikiya Annai Province (IND) and the USA Provinceregarding the opening of a parish community by AikiyaAnnaiProvince (IND) in the Los Angeles archdiocese, USA.2. Monte Senario: Renewal of the Convention be-tween General Council and ANNProvinceThe process of the previous General Council regarding thetentative renewal of the 2002 convention between theGeneral Council and ANNProvince was carefully studied. Itwas discussed keeping in mind decree n. 7 of the CCXIIIGeneral Chapter (Maria Weissenstein / Pietralba, 13 Sep-

    tember 1 October 2013), and again it will be discussed inthe Prior, Vicar, Delegate Provincials meeting in London (8-16 September 2014).3. Request for the Scholarship to the OSMstudentsin RomeThe Prior General presented the General Council with therequest of the Venetian Prior Provincial (VEN) to help theprofessed students of Venetian Province (VEN) in Romewith scholarships.4. P.F.T. Marianum: Website of FacultyThe president of the Marianum presented the request ofrenovating the website of the faculty to the Prior General,the Chancellor of the faculty. The Prior General shared his

    reflections along with General Council on the argumentand identified some friars who could help to renew thewebsite of the faculty with uploading and updating.5. Elective Provincial Chapters (2016)The General Council has taken into study the request ofthe Tyrolese Prior Provincial (TIR), fra Martin M. Lintner,to celebrate the next Elective Provincial Chapter at Pietral-ba from 1 to 5 February 2016.It is found opportune to discuss this matter at the LondonMeeting (8-16 September 2014) with all the Provincials tocome to an agreement on the dates of all the Elective Pro-vincial Chapters.6. Elections of Prioress: Monastery of Arco and

    SantAngelo in VadoThe Prior General informed the General Council that theMonasteries of Arco and SantAngelo in Vado will electtheir respective Prioress in June 2014. The mandate ofPrioress of Arco ends on 9 June 2014 and that of Angelo

    in Vado on 17 June 2014. The Prior General, with the qual-ification of the Ordinary of the monasteries in Italian feder-ation, decided to delegate fra Rhett M. Sarabia, the VicarGeneral, to preside over the elections. In fact the PriorGeneral will be out of Italy during this time making his Ca-nonical Visit to the Mexican Province.

    7. ISSN International Servite Schools NetworkThe General Secretary for Formation and Studies, fraJorge Luis M. Jimnez Delgadillo , presented to the Gen-eral Council a report on his meeting with Mr. Rgis Bergo-nier, president of ISSN.In this year, at the end of September 2014, there will be aconference of the ISSNin Omaha (Nebraska), USA.It is thought to propose that the next conference of the ISSN(2017) take place in Rome, possibly in collaboration withthe P.F.T. Marianum (perhaps the New Conference Hallwill be ready).8. Approval of budget to print the O.S.MAddressBook. (Epistolarium O.S.M.)

    The General Council approved the budget to print the up-dated O.S.M. Address Book (Epistolarium O.S.M.).9. Updating the calendar of the General CouncilThe various activities of the General Councils calendarwere updated. The updated calendar is found in the mis-cellaneous section of this COSMOONLINE.10. Miscellaneousa) Resonances on the completed Canonical Visit to the

    ANN Province (1 March 3 April 2014) and the ANNProvincial Council.

    b) Servite Night Walk (Mestre Venezia, 10-11 May2014): The Prior General will preside over the Eucha-ristic Celebration at the Scalze Parish and also some

    other members of the General Council will participate.c) Canonical visit to the Mexican Province (MEX) (4 June

    14 July 2014): The proposed program for the Canoni-cal visit to the Mexican Province (MEX) was presentedto the General Council.

    d) Proposal of themes for the agenda of the LondonMeeting (8-16 September 2014): The various pro-posals coming from different provinces for the agendaof the Provincials meeting in London were taken intostudy.

    e) Revision of the Ratio Institutionis O.S.M. The GeneralSecretary for initial formation presented the GeneralCouncil with a plan for reviewing the Ratio InstitutionisO.S.M.During the discussion many proposals for revi-sion were surfaced and thus the need to study it furtherin order to come out with concrete proposals.

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    VOCATIONPROMOTION51stWorld Day of Prayer for Vocations,

    (11 May 2014, IV Sunday of Easter):

    Let our heart be free!Pope Francis in his reflection during the celebration ofEaster Vigil this year commented on the invitation of theangel to the disciples to return to Galilee, because the ris-

    en Christ had already gone there, and said: Galilee is theplace where they were first called, where everything be-gan! To return there, to return to the place where theywere originally called means rediscovering our baptismas a living fountainhead, drawing new energy from thesources of our faith and our Christian experience, meansabove all to return to that blazing light with which Godsgrace touched me at the start of the journey. From thatflame I can light a fire for today and every day, and bringheat and light to my brothers and sisters witnessing theRisen Christ with humble and gentle joy.Similarly, in the light of his reflection, we too can see ourreligious vocation and renew it, returning to the place of

    our first call in order to listen again the voice of God whohas called us by our proper name. To draw new energyfrom the root of our YES and of our vocational experi-ence. To return to that blazing light with which Godsgrace touched me at the start of the journey, and thus Ican light a fire for today and every day, and bring heat andlight to my brothers and sisters witnessing the Risen Christwith humble and gentle joy above all radiating the livinglight of Jesus to youngsters so that they may feel the pres-ence of Christ and find their proper vocation.In another reflection (Homily on 3 March 2014 at St. Mar-ta), Pope Francis exhorts us to pray for vocations: Weneed to pray that the hearts of these young people might

    be emptied: emptied of other interests, emptied of otherloves, that their hearts might become free, and little invita-tions to repeat these words: Lord, help these young peo-ple to be free and not to be slaves so that they mighthave a heart only for you.Witness and prayer: to renew the continuous YES to Godis to ask Him in prayer for a permanent liberty of heart.Pray so that one can return to Galilee to find Jesus, whois waiting for us there. Yes, it is true, it is not only enoughto pray, but to witness an authentic vocation we need torenew our proper vocation. There are vocations, we needto help them grow through our life witness and prayer, sothat the Lord may enter into the hearts of many and make

    them follow Christ more closely. So let us pray for voca-tions to our Order and to the Church.

    fra Jorge Luis M. Jimnez Delgadillo. O.S.M.General Coordinator for Vocation Promotion

    Venite post me, et faciam vosfieri piscatores hominum


    1. CANProvince: Annual Provincial ChapterFrom 21 to 24 April 2014, the Canadian Province (CAN)celebrated the Annual Provincial Chapter at the shrine ofNotre-Dame du Cap-de-la-Madeleine in Trois-Rivires,Qubec, Canada. 25 capitular friars were present. Alongwith the invitees Msgr. Gatan M. Proulx, and fra JosLuis M. Marin Ramirez, the newly arrived temporary pro-fessed friars from Indonesia were also present: Anisetus

    M. Dombo Fay Mere, Severinus M. Deoand WilibrodusM. Banu.During the Chapter, fra Camille M. Jacquespresented thedecrees of 213thGeneral Chapter OSM (Maria Weissen-stein / Pietralba, 13 September 1 October 2013) and theMarian document Avvenga per me secondo la tua pa-rola (Lk 1, 38); the Prior Provincial, fra Yvon M. Chali-foux, presented a report on the life of Province; fra PierreM. Houle, the treasurer of the province, presented the an-nual account of the province. Few decisions were made.The jubilarian friars, Roch M. Boulanger(Silver Jubilee),Rock-Andr M. Gris (Golden Jubilee) and Claude M.Prfontaine(Golden Jubilee) were honored for their anni-

    versaries of priestly ordination in one of the EucharisticCelebrations presided over by Msgr. Gatan M. Proulx..

    fra Camille M. Jacques, O.S.M.Secretary of the Order

    2. INDProvince:Midterm ChapterThe Province of Aikiya Annai (IND) celebrated its MidtermChapter from 22 to 23 April in the Community of JyothiMatha Alayam, Chennai, India. An input session was con-ducted by Rev. Fr. Maria Arul Raja SJ on the themeQuality of Religious Life. There was also a sharing fromthe side of the capitulars on the exposed theme.The Prior Provincial, fra Susaimani M. Arokiasamy, pre-sented his report on the life of Province (2012-2014) andthe assembly held an exchange of opinions and sharing onthe report. Then the Treasurer of the Province, fra Saha-yaraj M. Raju, presented the financial situation of theProvince.The reports of the Communities, Secretariats and Commis-sions were presented and the assembly had exchange ofopinions. The assembly also made a few decisions for thesmooth running of the Province.The chapter came to end with a thanksgiving prayer. TheLiturgical moments were animated by the Liturgical Com-mission of the Province. Soon after the Chapter the friarsleft to their respective places to vote in the national elec-

    tion (24 April 2014), and thus the Chapter came to an endone day before of its scheduled date.fra Francis Xavier M. Vincent, O.S.M.

    Secretary of the ProvinceIND

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    3. MEXProvince: Young Students friars meetingFrom 22 to 25 April 2014, a meeting for students who arein various stages of formation in the Mexican Province(MEX) was organized in the community of San Felipe delos Siervos, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico. There was agood number of participants along with all the masters ofthe different stages of formation and the Prior Provincial,fra Gerardo M. Torres. The number of students were: 10temporary professed, 9 novices, 1 pre-novice and 1 postu-lant. At the beginning of the meeting the students made an

    evaluation on the celebration of the Holy Week and theirpastoral ministry, it is customary in Mexico that during thisperiod all the students go for a missionary experience toimportant places like Guadalajara, Costa Chica, Montagnedi Guerrero (Acatepec-Tlapa) Hidalgo state, Oaxaca, etc.Several masters of the different stages of formation guidedsome sessions based on the themes fraternal life, service,Mary in the Servite Liturgy, etc. There was sufficient timefor prayer, meals, games, entertainment and rest.

    Contemporaneously, from 21 to 25 April 2014, under theguidance of fra Evangelista Segundo M. Plaza Prez, ameeting was organized for the young student friars in thecommunity of La Ceja in Colombia to study the followingthemes: The General Chapter, the means of communica-tions and their importance, etc.Unfortunately, the student friars in Indonesia (Malang and

    Ruteng) were unable to organize such a meeting due totheir academic commitments and studies, and hope toorganize one in the near future.

    fra Gerardo M. Torres Ornelas O.S.M.Prior Provincial MEX

    4. New Library MarianumFor the History: Dates and DetailsWhile the construction work on the new library is in fullswing, in this third appointment it is appropriate to remem-ber a few important dates regarding this new endeavor.Between 2004 to 2005, there were many proposals to ful-fill the need of extending the space of the library. Manyproposals were expensive and, at the same time, only

    temporary solutions. Even if there was a fantasy of reno-vating the existing library, the available space would bethe same.In June 2005, there was a proposal for the first time tostudy the possibility of building a library in the area of thesoccer field (to be honest the idea was not totally new, itexisted even in 1980s).Immediately a study was made to find out the status ofcivil regulations for constructing a new library in that area.It was discovered that this could be realized.On 29 November 2005, the president of the faculty, theadministrator and the librarian, in their first meeting, madea detailed study on the possibility of finding a radical solu-

    tion to the problem of space for the library. For these rea-sons, it wanted to get surveys from competent technicalauthorities.On 22 December 2005, there was a meeting between theofficials of the faculty (President, Administrator and Librari-

    an) and the Prior General and his vicar, where the entireproblem was discussed. After a long discussion, it was de-cided to do what was necessary to realize the new project.On 28 February 2006, The General Council authorizedthe General Treasurer to carry out the necessary processnotwithstanding the master plan and to build a buildingfor the library and other activities of Marianum [Acta OSM7, n. 10 (2006) 84-86].On 11 June 2007, the project plan for construction waspresented for the first time to the IX Department of Corpo-ration of Rome.On 31 May 2010, the Piano di ricupero was presented tothe competent authority.On 8 February 2012, the Giunta Capitolina, (competentauthority in Rome Corporation Council of Rome) adoptedthe Piano di ricupero with a resolution.On 15 May 2012, The General Council, after consultingthe Priors, Vicars and Delegate Provincials, approvedunanimously to realize the Piano di ricupero with a build-ing in Rome, Viale Trenta Aprile, 6 [Acta OSM14, n. 19(2013) 73].On 19 September 2012, the Giunta Capitolina approvedthe Piano di ricupero with a resolution.

    On 26-29 February 2013, the Roman Archeological de-partment made their excavation study on the area.On 21 March 2013, the Convention was signed betweenthe Corporation of Rome and the Order of Friar Servants ofMary to construct the new library.On 22 July 2013, the construction work was started by theZappieri building company, chosen by tender according tothe norms of law.Under these simple dates of eight or nine years are hiddenso many activities of constant and persistent relationshipwith various institutions, government or corporation agen-cies to obtain the necessary approval of the CorporationCouncil from time to time so that the project could be real-

    ized in time. It is our duty to thank Mr. Gaetano Cecchin i,the architect, for his constant official and technical help inovercoming the hurdles and inconveniences. In theseyears he went personally to all the offices to meet variousofficials (technicians and administrative officers) to get theconvention signed, always respecting the norms and lawsand doing so with administrative transparency.

    fra Silvano M. Danieli O.S.M.Librarian P.F.T. Marianum

    February 2013 Archeological excavation study

    February 2013 Archeological findings

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    Congratulations and prayerful wishes to our friars Davi M.Dagostim Minatto (BRA), Moiss M. De Oliveiro Coelho(BRA), (11 May 2014) and Ezequiel M. Zanelatto Minatto(BRA), (18 May 2014) for their diaconate ordination and fraAlexis de Jess M. Celis(MEX) for his priestly ordination(17 May 2014).SILVER JUBILEE: Prayerful best wishes to friars Al fred D.M. Biong (PHI), Jeganathan M. Arputham (IND), Ku-

    landaisamy M. Antony(IND), Rolly C.M. Daquigan(PHI),Rhett M. Sarabia R.(PHI/ORD), and Zacarias B. M. Tam-pus (PHI) on the 25thanniversary of their First Professionon 31 May (1989).

    FROMTHESERVITEFAMILY1. UNICISS AssemblyOn 26 April 2014 at 9.00 a.m. (vigil of canonization ofPope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II), the UNICISSAs-sembly gathered for its meeting in the Servite General Cu-rial community of St. Marcello, Rome. The meeting waspresided over by Mother Carmela Giordano (GAL), substi-tuting for Mother Nadia Pavan (SMR).After paying tribute to the Blessed Virgin Mother, the agen-

    da was discussed. At 1.00 p.m. the meeting came to anend, and a few sisters shared the fraternal meal with friars.It was a moment of fraternal joy and serenity.

    Sr. Maria Giuseppa Mosca (COM)Secretary UNICISS

    2. Sisters of the Mother of Sorrows Servants ofMary India (INS): New Mother General and Gen-eral CouncilorsOn 4 May 2014, the Sisters of the Mother of Sorrows,Servants of Mary India (INS) elected their New MotherGeneral and her councilors for the congregation during the27thElective General Chapter. Mother Josephine Prema

    Mary, is the newly elected Mother General; the GeneralCouncilors are: Sr. Rita Adaikala Mary - 1stCouncilor(Asst. Superior General), Sr. Florence Mary -2ndCouncilor, Sr. Savarine Mary- 3rdCouncilor, Sr. JessyPremy Mary- 4thCouncilor.

    Mother Corona Mary (INS)Outgoing Mother General INS

    3. Soeurs de N.D. de la Compassion Marseille(MAR): Blessing of Via MatrisOn 6 April 2014 at 4 p.m. the blessing of Via Matristookplace at the entrance of the Convent of Soeurs de N.D. dela Compassion Marseille in via Bravetta 587, Rome. Thecelebration was presided over by fra Camille M. Jacques,

    and assisted by Fr. Francesco, the Parish Priest, and hisassistant Fr. Angelo. There were present around 60 per-sons, sisters, friends and parishioners. Also present wasMiss Annamar ia, who had colored the seven stations ofthe Via Matris.

    Sr. Regina Gomez Ma Muya Kyaw (MAR)

    Station of the Via Matris

    4. Serve di Maria Riparatrici (SMR)Association of Beata Vergine AddolorataWith great joy, Mother Nadia Padovan, Mother General ofthe Congregation of the Sisters Servants of Mary Repara-trix (SMR) announced that on 3 March 2014, the Congrega-tion for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Ap-ostolic Life had recognized the association of Beata Ver-gine Addolorata as one of the Public Ecclesiastical Associ-ations.The statutes were approved by the Congregation ad exper-

    imentum for five years. It is a result of 20 years of hardwork (1994) of associates, experts for a renewed form oflife between lay people and sisters.It is defined as an association of Marian Spirituality, whosemembers are: all the lay baptized male and female whocommit themselves to live the Christian Catholic valueswitnessing the Gospel to the world, the Service of love andthe reparation of the world according to the Charism of theCongregation of the Sisters Servants of Mary Repara-trix (art.2). It draws the name and an inspiration from themiraculous image of Blessed Sorrowful Mother (Beata Ver-gine Addolorata), venerated in the Shrine of Beata Ver-gine Addolorata in Rovigo (Italy in via dei Cappuccini n.

    17). It is the principle house, with which other local groupscreate a particular communion according to the indicationgiven in the statutes (art. 3).Today one of the responsibilities of the Congregation is tomake known, support, and accompany the journey of thisassociation in the world. It is also the desire of the venera-ble mother Elisa Andreoli, our foundress, who lived withpassion the Servite Spirituality, and Sr. Maria Dolores In-glese, and all the sisters of the following generations.

    Sr. Maura Muraro (SMR)Asst. Superior General SMR

    5. Regnum Mariae (REM)On 3 May 2014, we celebrated at Monte Senario, in a

    mood of fraternal communion and with different representa-tives of the Servite Family and so many friends, the Profes-sion of Perpetual Vows in Regnum Mariae of our sisterEsther Buenfil Patrn. Her parents, who arrived fromMexico for the occasion, were also present.

    6. OSSMin Haiti (USA)

    18 Secular Servites made their promise in the Fraterni-ty of Notre Dame des Douleurs et de l'Esperance in

    Petit-Gove, Haiti on 21 March 2014

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    7. Suore dellAddolorata Serve di Maria- Pisa (PIS): New Mother General and General CouncilorsOn 10 May 2014, we, the Sisters of Servants of Mary of the Mother of Sorrows Pisa ( PIS) elected our Mother General andher councilors during the Elective General Chapter of our Congregation. Sr. Sherly Chullikal, is elected as Mother General;the General Councilors are: Srs Stefania Tognocchi, Lilly Adichilil, Marivic Rocha, Rose Seline Kaliparambil. Sr. Jessi-ca Garateis the General treasurer and Sr.Alma Magaso, the Secretary.

    Sr. Celine M. (PIS), Secretary of the General Chapter8. UNIFASI: Night Walk through VeniceThe 29thNight Walk of the Servite Family was held on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 May 2014 to commemorate the 700than-niversary of the arrival of Servites to the water city of Venice. There were about 800 participants - mainly many youths - whocame from all parts of Italy. On the way fra Gottfried M. Wolff, the Prior General of the Order participated and celebrated the

    Solemn Eucharistic Celebration in the Carmelites Church at Venice. The participants visited one of the ancient Servite prio-ries, today which is used as the University Hostel. They arrived at St. Marks Basilica around 3 a.m. in the morning, wherethey sang the ancient traditional Marian hymn ofAkasthistosin front of the icon of Nicopeia. After visiting the basilica of Sts.John and Paul and the basilica of castle St. Peter, they arrived at the Church of St. Helen at 7 a.m. in the morning, wherethey concluded the emotional manifestation of the night walk on the galleries of the football stadium due to the lack of spacein the parish Church.

    fra Lino M. Pacchin O.S.M., Prior Provincial VEN

    The 29thNight Walk of theServite Family

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    1. Calendar of the General Council

    Date Events Partic ipants

    05-06 May European Regional Conference Meeting in Milan fra Paolo

    06-16 May African Regional Conference Meeting in Matola fra Rhett

    10-11May 29thNight Walk of the Servite Family in Italy fra Gottfried, fra Camille & Souri

    19-22 May Canonical Visit to I.F.C. S. Alessio F., Rome fra Gottfried & fra Rhett20-21 May ANN: Priors Meeting fra Paolo

    29 May 14 July Visit to the OSSMfraternities and lay groups in the Province (MEX) fra Souri

    04 June 14 July Canonical Visit to the Mexican Province fra Gottfried & fra Jorge Luis

    09 June Election of Mother Superior in Monastery of Arco fra Rhett

    17 June Election of Mother Superior in Monastery of SantAngelo in Vado fra Rhett

    23-26 June ISL: Provincial Chapter in Benburb fra Rhett

    23-26 June ANN: Provincial Chapter in Nepi fra Paolo

    30 June 04 July Course for Permanent FormationOn the Constitutions OSM at Monte Senario fra Rhett

    06 July National day of UNI.FA.S.I. at Monte Senario fra Rhett

    2. Canonical Visit to the Mexican Province(fra Gottf ried & fra Jorge Luis)

    Dates Communities

    02 June Departure to Mexico

    04-05 June Mxico D.F.

    09-10 June

    Xochimilco D.F.

    13 June Acatepec, Gro.

    17-18 June Jamund, Colombia

    20-21 June La Ceja, Colombia

    25 June Celaya, Gto.

    28 June Temporary Profession

    30 June 01 July Aguascal ientes, Ags.

    03-04 July Zapopan, Jal.

    07-08 July El Paso, Texas (USA)

    14 July Arrival in Rome

    3. Visit to the OSSMfraternities and lay groups inthe Mexican Province (fra Souri)

    Dates Fraternities

    29 May Departure to Mexico

    31 May Pilgrimage to Guadalupe,Mxico D.F.

    03 June Mxico D.F.

    10 June Xochimilco D.F.

    18 June Jamund, Colombia

    22 June La Ceja, Colombia

    28 June Aguascal ientes, Ags.

    04 July Zapopan, Jal.

    08 July El Paso, Texas (USA)

    09 July Cd. Jurez, Chih.

    14 July Ar rival in Rome

    4. Publications

    The booklet of Decrees of the 2013 GeneralChapter is published in Italian, English, Spanish,French, Portuguese and German at General Cu-ria O.S.M., Rome. The copies will be posted to theoffices of Priors, Vicars and delegates provincial.

    The French Version of the Ratio Institutionis published in two volumes (second volume with ap-pendix) at the ditions Servites, Qubec. Those whoare interested to have a copy of them could contactthe Canadian Provincial Secretariat: Secrtaire provin-cial, 820, rue Beauregard, QUBEC, Qc. G1V 2Y2,Canada. courriel:

    Hereinafter the COSMOONLINEwill be published between 10 to 15 of every month with the news of previous month and infor-mation for the upcoming months. We kindly request you to communicate us promptly on or before 1stof every month the im-portant and notable events (past and future) of your fraternities, communities, jurisdictions, congregations, ect., thus the en-tire Servite Family may be informed of.