Cost-effective Interventions and Strategies to Accelerate Child Survival & Development in the...

Post on 27-Mar-2015

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Cost-effective Interventions and Strategies to Accelerate Child Survival & Development in the context of Health Reform & Poverty Reduction Geneva September 2002 Slide 2 Slide 3 Proportion of U5MR addressed by priority intervention packages at different U5MR levels Slide 4 From conception to 5th birthday Antenatal intervention Early childhood intervention up to 5 years of age Prevention Care Slide 5 EPI PLUS IMMUNIZATION VIT A Supplementation Deworming Intermittent presumptive Treatement ( linked with EPI once cleared with WHO TDR/ research action) Slide 6 IMCI plus Anti Malarial drugs( early and adequate treatment at home WHO TDR research action) ITNS ARI Treatment, pneumonia (home or community based, WHO TDR research action) Oral Rehydration Exclusif breastfeeding Iodized salt Hygien Slide 7 Antenatal care Tetanos immunization Iron Supplement Intermittent treatment against malaria ITNS PMTCT / HIV AIDS Slide 8 Cost effectiveness of the intervention packages on U5MR Slide 9 Coverage Objectives Increase effective coverage of : EPI+ 80% (EPI+ 80% (Immunization, Vit A) IMCI + 50%IMCI + 50% (prevention and care of malaria, ARI, diarrhea and malnutrition) ANC 80%ANC 80% (malaria and anemia prevention HIV AIDS) Slide 10 Reduction of U5MR through high impact package Slide 11 Impact Objectives: WCAR Reduce under-five mortality by: 15% after 3 years of full implementation of high impact intervention packages & strategies; 25 % after 5 years of full implemen- tation of the interventions/strategies 35% after 7 years of full implemen- tation of the interventions/strategies (after 7 years a full cohort will have benefitted from -9 months-5 years) Slide 12 Monitoring effective coverage determinants Slide 13 Service Delivery Strategies for the proposed intervention packages. to 25-50% of population with access to HC(