Costume research

Post on 10-Aug-2015

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Costume Research

Peggy CarterPeggy Carters job is working in British officer representing the ‘Strategic Scientific Reserve’  during WW2.

We chose to research into this specifc character due to the uniform used. Therefore, she has a uniform to demonstrate this. At the time, women didn't have much power- specifically in such high demand jobs that typically use males. This allows her character to show authority and earn respect. The uniform itself is clearly shown to be from the war times, due to the colour and fit. In comparison to another male within the same sector, her uniform is much more fitted, in the style of 'peplum' and she is wearing a long skirt. Which adds feminism to her character, complimenting her makeup look. We'll incorporate this into our character by adding uniform for the same conventions. 

From the Captain American FranchiseUniform

Makeup & Hair

Her makeup is very minimum ‘Fresh’ and ‘natural’ looking, apart from the red lipstick and strong brow. She demonstrates the typical 1920’s-30’s wartime woman through this look, due to the fashion at that time – when makeup started to develop. This goes against the stereotypical look for a woman in a thriller, as they are normally wearing less powerful looking makeup, but more of it. The red lipstick is used a lot in many thrillers, to portray power of the woman. This is a convention that we will use. 

Again, the hair is the typical pin-up ‘short’ style of that era. Normally, with women they are shown to have hair down, specifically if shown as the victim. We felt that by adding conventions from fashion at the time it helps to add verisimilitude. 

Performance The costume that the character was put into helped to add into her performance, which is a convention we will be aiming to use.

Despite her gender and the stereotypes attached to it in accordance to her job. She is very strong willed, which is displayed by the respect she is given and how effective her workforce is. For example, she doesn't hesitate to use violence against a male when he undermines her.

The use of weapons is also used greatly to build power for this character. The gun is held strongly and professionally, as she is trained through her workforce in training soldiers for war. This adds power and authority to her character, even though she isn’t the antagonist.  

Amy DunneFrom ‘Gone Girl’

We decided to research into this character due to her casual appearance and how she is used to build an antagonist nature. These consist of jeans, t-shirts, natural makeup and hair.

Everything about this character is casual and the typical portray of an everyday woman in western cultures. This compliments the theme of thrillers, as they try to be as real as possible in order to obtain a bigger message. This is done successfully through this character as she adds verisimilitude into the narrative, allowing the audience to relate to her and therefore, feel different emotions when she is revealed as the antagonist.

HannaFrom the film ‘Hanna’ – A Young Assassin

We chose to research into this character due to her age and how costume is used in different situations. For the young age of this character, she is portrayed as innocent. However, with the use of thriller conventions – she is strongly highlighted as a antagonist.

The costume is used to demonstrate this. There are many variations in the costume, such as the one shown at the side – her ‘survival’ costume, a casual teenager outfit and a more feminine outfit of a dress. When she is seen in her more casual, typical teenage girl outfit, she is portrayed as much more innocent. She does not wear any makeup, has natural hair and does not carry any weapons. However, this is always contrasted by her vicious actions. Of which portrays her antagonist role.