Countdown to - American Nephrology Nurses …...Countdown to Save the Dates! April 30 – May 1,...

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Calling all Chapter President-Elects!

Yes! It’s time to begin your countdown to chapter elections. Many chapters look to their President to manage the elections, but our role descriptions actually give this responsibility to the Chapter President-Elect. If you’re just getting started, use these steps to set a timeline for your elections and weave them into activities and communications with your members.

Call for nominations Do you have current officers that would

like to continue serving in a new role or their term is coming to an end? Use ANNA Connected to contact your members announcing chapter elections and what offices are vacant. Present a positive attitude about the opportunity to serve and grow!

Encourage / recruit NEW volunteers Do you have

members that always attend your meetings? Get them involved. Review role descriptions of open offices and identify who best fits the role.

Hold elections… VOTE! Did you know that only a low

number of members actually vote? Let’s raise that number this year, starting with our chapter officers. Stress the importance of voting to your members, from their own chapter elections to our national elections…VOTE!!

Submit Chapter Profile before January 15 Election results are

needed to submit your Chapter Profile. This report is how the National Office knows who to invite to the 2016 VLW. Plan your elections and complete them BEFORE this deadline!

Ease the transition…Mentor new leaders!

VLW 2015 1

What’s NEW on the Web? 2

Chapter Elections 3 Journey to Chap President 4

Connect with Social Media 5

End of Year Opportunities 6 Educational Resources 7

Prepare to Recharter 8

Chapters Gone Green 9

ACST Member Contacts 10

National Office Contacts 10

October 2015

Countdown to




April 30 – May 1, 2016

Louisville, Kentucky

ACST Spotlight ~ October 2015 Page 1 of 10

By Nancy Smith ACST Chairperson Greater Minnesota #329


The ACST leaders have been busy with many projects to assist our chapter officers in their roles. Check out what is new on the ANNA website:

1. Go to 2. Log in! 3. Select About ANNA > Chapter Officers Only

See Chapter Education TAB:

Brochure samples and templates Chapter Collaborative Meeting Worksheet

See Recruitment and Retention TAB:

Help sheet for contacting new members: see Using Member Lists

See Chapter Reports TAB:

Submit your Chapter Work Plans online - online

submission is now available!

Work Plan Fast 15 o Updated for the 2015 Strategic Plan

initiatives MORE! See Chaper STAR Awards TAB:

How to Enter STAR Points

Get STAR Points for completing activities that promote

Evidenced Based Practice

STAR reference report for Congress Web letter

Your ACST leader is available to help you! Call or email if you have any questions or concerns. Please let us know if there any tools that you need to help you succeed as a volunteer ANNA leader.

What’s New ?

“Challenges are what make life

interesting and overcoming them

is what makes life meaningful.” – Joshua J. Marine

Have you talked with your ACST Leader lately? Whatever your current project or challenge is, your ACST Leader probably has some experience dealing with it and can lend a hand to help you. If you find yourself “stalled,” or worse, “stuck,” ask your ACST Leader to help you get things moving again. Chances are, we already have resources to help you, and if we don’t we can still jump in and help you take the next step. Is everything great? Even better - tell your ACST Leader and make their day! Sometimes it helps just to talk through some of your options, and your ACST Leader can help you do that, too. As a volunteer, we know your time is limited. ACST Leaders are volunteers, too. Here’s how you can help us to help you:

If you need help…ASK! If your ACST calls or emails…ANSWER!

CLICK HERE to find the ACST Leader assigned to YOUR chapter.

Don’t worry about failures,

worry about the chances you miss

when you don’t even try.” – Jack Canfield


ACST Spotlight ~ October 2015 Page 2 of 10


Here are just a few of the benefits and rewards you can experience as a volunteer chapter officer. The opportunity is yours and you can make of it whatever you wish. Feel free to add to the list and share your enthusiasm when talking with other members.

Network and engage with colleagues

Sense of professional pride

Promote excellence in nephrology nursing practice

Advocate professional growth

The opportunity to develop educational programs

Free registration at the Volunteer Leaders Workshop

Help to guide the future of ANNA

Fun! Fun! Fun!

The Benefits & Rewards of Volunteering

It is that time of year to start preparing for the election of new chapter officers. New people and new ideas can only benefit ANNA and our chapters. The election policy states “It is encouraged that an officer not hold a term for more than two years or two consecutive terms.” Now is the time to seek out chapter members and ask them to volunteer as chapter leaders. Many are just waiting to be asked and are flattered by being considered.

To identify chapter officer candidates:

Start with members who attend meetings and are helpful when asked.

Let potential candidates know what the benefits and rewards of being a chapter leader are.

Be willing to mentor the new officers and show them your support.

Share your chapters’ goals with potential candidates.

Annual elections for the chapter offices of President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer are to be held on the same schedule as ANNA’s national officer elections. The President-Elect will make a call of nominations to the membership via ANNA Connected, email, via a chapter newsletter, via the chapter website, or any combination of these at least 30 days before balloting. If only one candidate is identified for each office after the call for nominations, these candidates will be declared the winner and no ballots need be sent out. If more than one candidate for an office is identified, voting will take place either at a chapter meeting or by mail ballot. Only full ANNA members may vote; associate (non-RN) members are not eligible to vote. Chapter elections must be completed by the first Monday in January.

To all current chapter officers: Thank you for your leadership and your volunteerism. You make a difference for your chapters and for ANNA.

Preparing for Chapter Elections

By Marilyn Eilert ACST Group 08

Jersey North #126

ACST Spotlight ~ October 2015 Page 3 of 10

Tar River Chapter #268 (North Carolina) was inactive and the Chapter President sent out a call for help. The chapter would have to close since the Chapter President could not continue to carry the chapter alone. When I received the email, I responded, and agreed to help. That call started my exciting, and rewarding journey to Chapter President!

I became the chapter secretary, and shortly thereafter, I attended my first Volunteer Leaders Workshop (VLW). What an amazing experience! Along with all the beneficial resources, I found that I was in a position to network and learn from the most experienced and knowledgeable nephrology nurses in the country! I was exposed to the ANNA experience, and learned much on how to not only grow professionally, but to help other nurses in their professional road to growth.

Because of the limited chapter activities and participation, my next role was naturally the role of Chapter President, a role that I accepted with enthusiasm and anticipation. As President, I had the exciting opportunity to recruit chapter officers, and members. Sharing the excitement that I had with others helped me -- in a short period of time our chapter had all five officers. We collaborated in a call to action! We began by increasing chapter awareness, activity, and membership. The membership. The

office of Chapter President allowed me and my fellow officers the opportunity to help our chapter support ANNA’s mission in our chapter’s practice areas and send ripples throughout the CKD population.

The role of Chapter President helped me to expand my “nephrology wings”, and fly high in personal and professional growth, and help other nurses to do the same. I have the grand fulfillment of collaboration with nephrology nurses throughout the country at VLW, National Symposium, Fall Meetings, conference calls, and chapter meetings.

The experience of being a Chapter President is “a road worth traveling”!

My Journey to Chapter President

By Gracie Alston ACST Group 04 Tar River #268

ANNA Mission Statement The American Nephrology Nurses'

Association (ANNA) promotes excellence in and appreciation of nephrology nursing

so we can make a positive difference for people with kidney disease.


The Tar River Chapter is near Greenville, NC, a town of about 90,000 people located in the eastern part of the state. It’s a small chapter by ANNA standards, but not too small. In December 2010, Tar River had just 48 members. After Gracie Alston became the Chapter President in 2011, membership started to grow. In just four years, during a time when

membership was generally declining, the Tar River Chapter grew by 62.5% to 78 members. Amazing!

Chapter Awards: 2012 Rising STAR Award

2013 Recruitment & Retention Award 2015 Rising STAR Award - Leadership

ACST Spotlight ~ October 2015 Page 4 of 10

The Calendar Year End Financial Report will now be known as the Calendar Year End 1099 Report. Nothing else changes. Same report…new name! The change is being made so that it’s easier for you to tell the difference between the two required reports. One is a report on earnings for IRS 1099 reports, the other is an annual financial report.

Calendar Year End 1099 Report – due January 15 Fiscal Year End Financial Report – due April 15

Chapter Financial Report

Attention Chapter Treasurers!

If you use facebook or twitter, you know how fun it is to see posts and pictures about YOU and what's happening where you are. Many of you have asked us how to send in photos to post on social media, so we're especially happy to provide you with an easy way to do it. Pictures generate the most interest on ANNA's facebook page and we want more of them to share with all who have an interest in ANNA. We encourage you to submit pictures for ANY chapter activity OR for activities that YOU participate in at

work. As an ANNA member, the work you do is often very interesting to others, and we want to help you share it! Community walks, KEEP screenings, raffles and auctions at your meetings, business meetings, dinner out, VIP speakers and popular attractions where you live...they all make for great pictures to post on facebook. And don't forget Nephrology Nurses Week activities! We invite you to share your world in pictures with the members and friends of ANNA!

Send us your pics!

Click here to access our electronic submission form: (and remember to bookmark it on your

computer for fast access in the future!) The form lets you upload a pic or provide text only for tweets and facebook posts. It's so easy to snap a pic on your phone and then send it to ANNA for posting.

To access via ANNA's Website: 1. Go to 2. Select Resources 3. Select Special Projects and Tools 4. Select ANNA Social Media Post Request

Let's post and tweet... ready, set, GO!

Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter!

Make a Connection with Social Media!

ACST Spotlight ~ October 2015 Page 5 of 10

By Nancy Colobong Smith ACST Group 02 Greater Puget Sound #503

The leaves are turning into the beautiful shades of gold, orange, and red. The temperature is cooling and fall is in the air letting us know that the end of year is near. There are still many ANNA opportunities to take advantage of, and tasks to complete to make sure your chapter meets recharter criteria.

Awards! The application deadline for Awards and Scholarships is October 15, 2015. This is a wonderful chance to

recognize someone in your community. There are several scholarships available to support members in career mobility, research, and professional development. Make sure your members know about this great benefit of ANNA membership. CLICK HERE to view the information posted on the ANNA Website.

Education: CE on Wheels As you probably have heard, due to low participation there will be no Fall

Webinar. If your chapter needs one more education activity, CE on Wheels is

here to help! CE on Wheels are quality education presentations all put together with CE’s. It’s easy, and free! See page 7 for details on how to use this wonderful resource.

Chapter Awards

Our chapter awards begin with STAR! Highlight all the great work going on in your chapter and enter your STAR points. From now until

November 1 you will be able to see the points entered for every chapter on

our Website, but after that, we’ll keep those points secret until the STAR winners are announced. And

remember, the points you add on the Web are just part of your grand total – be sure to add in the automatic points you get (shown on the monthly Chapter Activity Report) to keep track of your total points. By entering STAR points, your chapter is in the running for one of the chapter awards: Outstanding Chapter (1 award), STAR (5 awards given) or Rising STAR (5 awards given). These awards bring recognition to your chapter and financial benefits, too. With finances being tight everywhere, the $500 to $1500 awards can really help your chapter. See ANNA P&P 9.02.111 Outstanding Chapter Recognition Award and P&P 9.02.114 Chapter STAR Awards for complete details.

And finally, If your chapter has been involved in a collaboration, consider nominating your groups for an award. See ANNA P&P 9.02.112 Chapter Strategic Collaboration Award for complete details.

Elections Chapter elections are quickly approaching. If you have not found candidates for your open positions, it’s not too late. Start talking to your volunteers and colleagues about the benefits of

being a volunteer leader with ANNA such as: free education at Volunteer Leadership Workshop (VLW) to learn your role, Fast 15 online education to refresh whenever you need it, financial assistance to attend the VLW, working with a supportive team, and professional development. The Chapter Profile, listing all the officers for the coming year is due to the National Office on January 15, 2016.

If you need any help making use of these end of the year opportunities, please feel free to

contact your ACST Leader. We are always happy to help. Wishing you and your membership a great end of the year! Nancy


ACST Spotlight ~ October 2015 Page 6 of 10

Due to low overall member participation, a decision was recently made to discontinue the ANNA Fall and Winter Webinars.

If your chapter needs to plan an educational program, many options are still available. For starters, consider our CE on Wheels programs. They are FREE for chapters!! We'll send you a DVD of the program you select. You have SIX program choices and all are popular sessions that were offered at a national meeting. Your members can obtain contact hours after the program for FREE by using an online code. Non-members can participate for free and pay just $5 for contact hours. These programs are being used regularly by our chapters and the feedback on them has been very positive.

These sessions that are currently available through CE on Wheels:

Session Title Contact hours Expires

Pulmonary Hypertension 1.25 contact hours, .5 pharmacology hours


Tuberculosis: Breathe In, Breathe Out for Today, Tomorrow, and the Future

2.0 contact hours, 1.0 pharmacology hours


Uremic Pruritis in Chronic Renal Disease: Cause and Impact on Quality of Life and Treatment

1.25 contact hours, .75 pharmacology hours


Watch for these NEW CE on Wheels sessions coming in October 2015:

Session Title Contact hours Expires

Hypercholesterolemia / Lipid Apheresis 1.5 contact hours, 1.5 pharmacology hours

Fall 2016

Multiple Myeloma: A Diagnosis That You Don’t Want to Miss

1.5 contact hours, 1.5 pharmacology hours

Fall 2016

Saving Limbs: Improving Outcomes for Peripheral Artery Disease

1.25 contact hours Spring 2017

Apheresis 1.25 contact hours Spring 2017

Women and Heart Disease: Past, Present and Future 1.25 contact hours, 1.25 pharmacology hours

Spring 2017

CLICK HERE for other options to help you with planning an education program.

If you need help or encouragement to plan an education meeting, or want to ask questions and discuss options, contact your ACST Leader! CLICK HERE to find the ACST Leader assigned to help your chapter.

**PLEASE NOTE** Your chapter must provide two educational meetings for the year (one meeting must provide contact hours) by December 31. If you haven't held a meeting yet and would like to participate in a conference call with the ACST to hear about your options, please send an email to Janet Betts in the National Office at to indicate your interest. Please take action as soon as possible to make sure you meet the minimum educational meeting requirements needed for your chapter to recharter this year.

Educational Resources for Chapters Only!

ACST Spotlight ~ October 2015 Page 7 of 10

The 3rd quarter in 2015 has ended. Wow…time passes quickly! For the final months of 2015, be sure to review your progress to complete all recharter criteria and Work Plan goals and finish strong! Your final (and updated) Work Plan is due November 15. Be sure and use our

easy online submission form. As you review and update your Work Plan,

make a final “to do” list for chapter activity this year.

ANNA Update article due by 12/1. Let members know what you’re planning

for the new year.

Have you set dates for chapter elections? Do you still need to recruit officers?

Do you need to plan a fundraiser so that ALL officers can attend VLW and

maximize their orientation and/or development as an officer?

Give your members plenty of notice for all scheduled meetings. Announce all

fall and winter meeting or community events dates - allow 6+ weeks’ notice for

all events, and plan a schedule of reminders to your members to maximize


Recharter Criteria Every chapter must complete this minimum level of activity between 1/1 – 12/31/15: Hold (at least) 1 business meeting

Hold 2 or more education meetings (at least 1 with CNE)

Submit Chapter Profile (due 1/15)

Submit Calendar YE 1099 Report (due 1/15)

Submit Fiscal YE Financial Report (due 4/15)

Extra STAR Points for early

completion of Recharter Criteria: Completed by 7/1: 10 STAR points

Completed by 9/1: 5 STAR points

Completed by 11/ 1: 3 STAR points

Completed by 12/31: 1 STAR points

Meeting all recharter requirements is your responsibility. Contact your ACST Leader for assistance at any time.

Click here to find your ACST Leader

“Going Green” in 2015!

Ready, Set

Preparing for Recharter



1st Quarter







Work Plan



ACST Spotlight ~ October 2015 Page 8 of 10

Click on the names below to contact your ACST Leader or Health Policy Advisor. These volunteers are your best source of support and are willing to help you succeed in your chapter role:

ACST Group Leaders Health Policy Advisors

ACST 01: Nancy Mutzl ACST 05: Angela Taylor-Smith HP 01: Donna Collins HP 04: Sheila Leander

ACST 02: Nancy Colobong-Smith ACST 06: Rhonda Duggan HP 02: Jodi Freidrichs HP 05: Angella McNeish

ACST 03: Trish Carter ACST 07: Renee Hill HP 03: Connie Obenrader HP 06: Nida Quirong-Jones

ACST 04: Gracie Alston ACST 08: Marilyn Eilert

State Chap # Chapter Name ACST Group HP Group State Chap # Chapter Name ACST Group HP Group

AL 235 R. Michael Huddle ACST 05 HP 05 ND 341 Red River Valley ACST 01 HP 02

AL 239 Hazel Taylor ACST 05 HP 05 NE 324 Platte River ACST 01 HP 02

AR 215 Arkansas ACST 03 HP 01 NJ 125 Garden State ACST 07 HP 06

AZ 501 Desert Vista ACST 02 HP 05 NJ 126 Jersey North ACST 07 HP 06

CA 504 N. California ACST 02 HP 01 NJ 133 South Jersey ACST 07 HP 06

CA 506 Nephros South ACST 02 HP 01 NM 520 Nuevo Mexico ACST 02 HP 01

CA 508 Los Angeles ACST 02 HP 01 NV 533 Silver State South ACST 02 HP 01

CA 509 Sacramento Valley ACST 02 HP 01 NY 102 Big Apple ACST 07 HP 06

CA 517 Surfside ACST 02 HP 01 NY 114 Central NY ACST 07 HP 06

CA 526 Inland Empire ACST 02 HP 01 NY 120 NE Tri-State ACST 07 HP 06

CA 528 Chumash ACST 02 HP 01 NY 122 Long Island ACST 07 HP 06

CA 532 San Joaquin Valley ACST 02 HP 01 NY 128 Great Lakes ACST 07 HP 06

CO 502 High Country ACST 01 HP 02 OH 314 Buckeye ACST 05 HP 02

CT 103 Colonial ACST 07 HP 06 OH 317 Tri State Ohio ACST 05 HP 02

DE 134 First State ACST 08 HP 06 OH 323 Black Swamp ACST 05 HP 02

FL 206 So. Florida Flamingo ACST 06 HP 05 OK 256 NE Oklahoma ACST 03 HP 05

FL 209 North Central ACST 06 HP 05 OK 273 Red River ACST 03 HP 05

FL 213 Suncoast ACST 06 HP 05 OR 518 Cascades ACST 01 HP 01

FL 266 Treasure Coast ACST 06 HP 05 PA 104 Three Rivers ACST 08 HP 06

FL 272 Sunshine Central ACST 06 HP 05 PA 130 Susquehanna Valley ACST 08 HP 06

FL 276 First Coast ACST 06 HP 05 PA 110 Keystone ACST 08 HP 06

GA 224 Dogwood ACST 06 HP 05 PR 210 Caribbean ACST 06 HP 05

GA 267 Peach ACST 06 HP 05 SC 203 Palmetto ACST 06 HP 05

ID 521 Sawtooth ACST 01 HP 02 SC 229 Western Carolina ACST 06 HP 05

IL 305 Windy City ACST 03 HP 05 TN 228 Music City ACST 05 HP 02

IL 319 Heart of Illinois ACST 03 HP 05 TN 240 Memphis Blues ACST 05 HP 02

KY 322 Bluegrass ACST 05 HP 01 TN 264 Tennessee Valley ACST 05 HP 02

KY 322 Kentuckianna ACST 05 HP 01 TN 269 Scenic City ACST 05 HP 02

LA 252 Acadiana ACST 04 HP 05 TX 204 Gulf Coast ACST 04 HP 05

LA 263 Fleur-de-Lis ACST 04 HP 05 TX 205 Alamo City ACST 04 HP 05

MA 119 Mass Bay ACST 07 HP 06 TX 208 Dallas ACST 04 HP 05

MD 101 Baltimore ACST 08 HP 06 TX 232 El Paso ACST 04 HP 05

MI 312 Michiganna ACST 05 HP 02 TX 255 East Texas ACST 04 HP 05

MN 316 SE Minnesota ACST 01 HP 02 TX 260 Sand Dollar ACST 04 HP 05

MN 329 Greater Minnesota ACST 01 HP 02 TX 271 Palm Valley ACST 04 HP 05

MO 307 St. Louis Metro ACST 03 HP 04 TX 274 Heart of Texas ACST 04 HP 05

MO 313 Heart of America ACST 03 HP 04 TX 277 Hub City ACST 04 HP 05

MO 318 Central Missouri ACST 03 HP 04 UT 516 Intermountain ACST 02 HP 02

MO 333 Ozarks Regional ACST 03 HP 04 VA 241 Tidewater ACST 08 HP 03

MS 249 Magnolia ACST 04 HP 05 VA 250 Commonwealth ACST 08 HP 03

MT 527 Big Sky ACST 01 HP 02 VA 258 Central Virginia ACST 08 HP 03

NC 201 Cardinal ACST 08 HP 05 VT 131 No. New England ACST 07 HP 06

NC 202 Greater Charlotte ACST 08 HP 05 WA 503 Gtr. Puget Sound ACST 01 HP 01

NC 262 Blue Ridge ACST 08 HP 05 WA 522 Inland Northwest ACST 01 HP 01

NC 268 Tar River ACST 08 HP 05 WI 304 Wisconsin ACST 03 HP 02

ND 320 Centennial ACST 01 HP 02 WI 326 Badger ACST 03 HP 02

Chapters “Gone Green”

ACST Spotlight ~ October 2015 Page 9 of 10

We take chapter business seriously!

2015-16 ACST Members

Nancy Smith, ACST Chairperson

Nancy Mutzl - ACST Group 01

Nancy Colobong Smith - ACST Group 02

Trish Carter - ACST Group 03

Gracie Alston - ACST Group 04

Angela Taylor-Smith - ACST Group 05

Rhonda Duggan - ACST Group 06

Renee Hill - ACST Group 07

Marilyn Eilert - ACST Group 08

Alice Hellebrand, ACST Board Liaison

ANNA National Office


Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 5:00 pm (Eastern Time)

Toll Free: 888-600-ANNA (2662) Phone: 856-256-2320 Fax: 856-589-7463 Email: ANNA @ Website:

Lou Ann Leary Director of Membership Services

Janet Betts Manager, Chapter Services

Kristen Kellenyi Education Services Coordinator

Lauren McKeown Member Services Coordinator

Not sure who to contact? The ACST Spotlight is compiled and distributed quarterly

by the ANNA Chapter Support Team (ACST)

Managing Editor: Janet Betts

The ANNA Chapter Support Team (ACST) is a committee appointed by ANNA’s Board of Directors’ to help

and support its’ local chapters. We are your first line of support for all chapter related questions. Call on your

assigned ACST Leader any time with questions, concerns and positive suggestions. We want to hear from you!

And if you receive an email of phone call from your ACST Leader, please respond as soon as possible. We are

all volunteers, and working together, we’ help make ANNA the best it can be!

CLICK HERE for a list of the ACST Leader and Health Policy Advisor assigned to work directly with your chapter.

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