Cover magazine

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Name of magazine in the corner, highlighted with the colour white and black. Main filling of the title is red, red connotes rock and roll which relates to the genre of the magazine

Two main artists of a boy band. The clothing they’re in is black, their hair is dark and wavy. Nothing else is in black besides the main image, it stands out to the audience. These artists relate to the genre of the magazine and the audience can clearly see what genre it is immediately

They have used a quote from the interview from one of the artists. This interests the audience into what the conversation may be about which makes them read on

Subtitles are on the opposite side of the main image. There isn't too much going on as they have made it simple. This doesn't’t give away too much information and helps the audience to find out for themselves

There are rhetorical questions used under the subheading of each article. Instead of giving away a brief of the article, the questions make the reader want to find out more about the article and its breaking the forth wall, talking to the audience directly

The typography of the subheadings are red and bold, in caps lock. Catching the readers attention. The “SXSW SPECIAL” has a bigger typography than the rest of the subheadings. Red goes well with the theme and the colour black

The artists in the image are facing back to back which could possibly show rivalry which indicates how tough the music industry is even though they are working together they still have competition

They’ve used a bright colour yellow on the puff to promote the album. It is used in order to catch the readers attention as yellow is bright and eye catching

The facial expressions are serious and the black features show that they’re serious about their music

The main image on this magazine is overlapping the masthead. This is for audiences who are familiar with the magazine company and read it regularly.

The masthead is in the colour yellow/orange as it’s a bright colour and stands out. It’s the fist thing that catches the audiences attention

The typography of the name of the artist “Leona Lewis” is bigger than the rest as she is the main focus on the magazine cover

Referring to another female artist, competition

Talking directly to the audience, not giving them a choice of whether they want the songs or not.

Main image is quite seductive, body posture and pose with the hand. Relates to the genre of the magazine

Her outfit is black, black connotes sexy and makes a person look more slimmer, her skin is showing. Also the heavy eye make up may suggest that the target audience are females who go out and look good

The glitter on her outfit may suggest that she is a out going person and likes to party. This could again relate to the music genre of the magazine it may be RnB

The orange writing matches her ‘gold’ skin tone which could relate to her wealth, also they relate to her as a “megastar”

Asking the audience rhetorical questions so that they can get involved and read on

Magazine website for people to get more information and month and year of the magazines release which helps as people will know the information in the magazine isn't updated

The layout of the magazine is quite simple, not too much information is given out. Makes the audience curious

The main image is a medium long shot and dynamic so it takes up most of the page which is why there is less information

Name of artists are related to the hip hop genre. The names are also placed on top of the masthead for the audience in case they want to read about other artists instead of the one on the main image

The typography of the masthead is a mixture of red/black/grey which connote serious colours. The colours link to his posture as he looks quite serious with his arms folded.

The colours may represent the gang culture which also relates to his tattoos which are symbolical

Jewellery relates to the stereotypical rap artists as they stand out also it is a status symbol of wealth and prestige

Name of drugs and a quote from the artists interview to entertain the audience and get them to read on

The use of alliteration in “vicodin”, “valium” to make it more interesting to read and it is also underneath the masthead which also begins with a V

The colour scheme is red, black and grey. It matches the masthead and some of the texts. The important texts are in red as red is a symbol of importance and shock. The background is grey but there are darker shades of grey used for text

His body posture is very serious and he looks like he has a high authority. The facial expressions are also serious as he has no emotion such as a smile. This again relates to the rap/hip hop genre as the stereotypical artists are quite serious as their music is serious and what they speak about in their music is serious

The layout of the magazine is laid out evenly, there isn't much information but just brief information of what the magazine may consist. This lets the audience find out for themselves and doesn’t give away too much information

A website on the magazine for more information about it. It is small and in the corner as it is irrelevant information but still there hidden just in case the audience want to know more or read the online magazines