· investors. Kazakhstan’s producers...

Post on 18-Jun-2020

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ProFESSioNAl orgANiSATioNS 20

ProduCTioN 24

diSTribuTioN 40


FESTivAlS & AwArdS 50

EduCATioN 56

buSiNESS PlATForM | EurASiA SPoTlighT 60

ForEigN CoMPANiES 76

FilM liNEuP | AvAilAblE oN CiNANdo vl 84


Eurasia IFF | 13th Edition | Bridging Cultures | Astana | July 22–28, 2017 |





Zailiiskii Alatau

6 7


The republic of Kazakhstan is the third largest film market in the CiS after the russian Federation and ukraine: 17.9 million people live in the country, and each of them goes to the movies 0.8 times per year. like other countries of the former uSSr, Kazakhstan has come a long way from the hardship of economic crisis during the early years of independence – also affecting the cinema –, to the restoration of the film market at a high technological level.

Nowadays, all commercial cinema venues in the country are equipped with digital projection facilities. There are representations of hollywood Majors in Kazakhstan, although mostly these are branches of their russian offices. The modern industrial base of the film studio Kazakhfilm, carefully maintained since Soviet times, continues to operate and develop. domestic films are shot with state support from the Ministry of Culture and with the support of private

investors. Kazakhstan’s producers participate in international co-production and filmmakers regularly draw attention at the world’s leading film festivals.

Although to date the republic has no special law on Cinema, drafts for a new legislation have been discussed in recent years both in the film industry and at the Ministry of Culture. Thus, in autumn 2014 the first industrial forum “Cinema of Kazakhstan” has taken place, where experts have discussed issues and prospects for the development of the industry. The plans of the initiative group include the acceptance of a law on Cinema that would allow Kazakhstani film companies – irrespective of forms of ownership – to obtain regular state support both in the form of direct grants and through fiscal incentives, which will also help involve foreign film crews.

At present, the state film studio Kazakhfilm receives the state funding, which it uses most commonly to produce films in cooperation with independent producers that supply the ideas and scripts. Annually some 10 to 30 domestic films reach the screens, including co-productions. Cooperation with foreign companies takes place within the framework of the “Agreements about Joint Film Production with CiS States” of 14 November 2008. Mostly, russia acts as the main producer of films, since it has a larger list of international agreements on joint film production, including the European Convention from 2 october 1992. Thanks to this, Kazakhstan has access to partners from European countries.

From Europe, russian films are the ones most in demand in Kazakhstan, which is linked to the general history and the mentality of the population in the two countries. Spectators are united also by a common language: russian has the status of a language of interethnic significance and is spoken by almost the entire population of Kazakhstan, irrespective of nationality. Foreign films are released in the republic most often in russian, since the market size currently does not allow for additional dubbing of films into the Kazakh language, although some films are dubbed all the same (especially children’s films). domestic films also are often shot and distributed in russian (also for reasons of expanding the distribution to other CiS countries, including russia), even though largely they are filmed in the Kazakh language.

in 2016 the Kazakh film market has shown the best results since independence: according to the Statistical Agency of the republic of Kazakhstan (rK), the box office has reached 14.1 billion Tenge (nearly 37.3 million Euro), and number of cinema admissions has reached 14.5 million.

The film market of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

Xenia leontyeva, senior analyst of nevafilm researCh

8 9No. Country Admissions (mill.) Currency box office (mill.)

1 France 213.1 Euro 1,387.7

2 russia 191.1 rouble 48,282.0

3 uK 168.3 Pound Sterling 1,222.0

4 germany 121.1 Euro 1,023.0

5 italy 112.5 Euro 689.0

6 Spain 103.3 Euro 618.0

7 Turkey 58.3 Turkish lira 692.0

8 Poland 52.1 Zloty 968.0

9 Netherlands 34.2 Euro 288.0

10 ukraine 24.0 hryvnia 1,640.8

11 Sweden 17.8 Swedish Krona 1,932.0

12 ireland 15.8 Euro 109.0

13 Czech republic 15.6 Czech Koruna 2,011.0

14 Austria 15.1 Euro 134.0

15 Portugal 14.9 Euro 77.0

16 hungary 14.6 Forint 19,840.0

17 Kazakhstan 14.5 Tenge 14,117.6

18 denmark 13.5 danish Krone 1,128.0

19 Switzerland 13.4 Swiss Franc 204.0

20 Norway 13.1 Norwegian Krone 1,375.0

Kazakhstan and European Countries: 2016

Source: European Audiovisual

observatory, CNC,russian Film business

Today, Statistical Agency of the rK

in the past year the number of the ticket sales in Kazakhstan has grown by 28 %; the market has recovered from the 12 % drop in 2015. The box office in the national currency (Tenge) has also increased (by 35 %); however, because of the drop in the Tenge exchange rate, the market share has actually decreased by 12 % when calculated in Euros (in total the figure for 2015 was 42.3 million Euro).

For three years running the share of national films in distribution has not fallen below 10 %. According to Nevafilm research, 30 Kazakh films were distributed in 2016. The most popular was the sequel to the 2014 comedy hit Daughter-In-Law Sabina, directed by Nurtas Adambay, which is titled Daughter-In-Law Sabina 2 and was released in 2016; it attracted over 330,000 spectators and occupied eighth rank in the overall Kazakh ratings, overtaking disney’s Doctor Strange and Captain America: Civil War.

No Film title release date distributorAdmissions (thousands)

box office (mill. Tenge)

1 Suicide Squad 04.08.16 SulPak Cinema 511.9 551.6

2 Zootopia 03.03.16 Meloman 504.7 494.1

3 Moana 01.12.16 Meloman 412.5 388.1

4 The Jungle book 07.04.16 Meloman 370.5 370.8

5 deadpool 11.02.1620th Century Fox Kazakhstan

356.7 403.3

6 warcraft 26.05.16 SulPak Cinema 352.1 376.2

7 Kung Fu Panda 3 28.01.1620th Century Fox Kazakhstan

346.5 329.7

8Daughter-In-Law Sabina 2

07.03.16 SulPak Cinema 331.4 348.6

9 doctor Strange 31.10.16 Meloman 329.1 350.1

10Captain America: Civil war

05.05.16 Meloman 312.1 349.2

Top 10 films in Kazakh distribution in 2016

Source: Nevafilm research

Admissions and box office in the Republic of Kazakhstan

14 117,6 14 474,9

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

10 031,2

13 410,0

11 588,013 201,0

10 426,9

11 300,5

8,3% 6,3% 11,5% 10,6%12,8%

box office (mln Tenge)

Admissions (thousands)

Admissions percentage for national films

Source: Statistical Agency

of the rK

The leading players in distribution in Kazakhstan are companies that represent the American Majors:

Meloman, which handles Columbia Sony, walt disney, etc.; SulPak Cinema, which handles warner bros., universal, etc.; 20th Century Fox Kazakhstan: official representation in Kazakhstan; ProfSolutiongroup (good Cinema), which has handled packages from

Paramount, Central Partnership, Focus Features, lionsgate etc. since 2016.

12 339,5 12 795,0

analytiCs analytiCs

10 11

Source: Nevafilm research

No owner Cinemas Screens 3d iMAX AtmosMarket share by

number of screens

1 Kinopark 8 54 25 2 1 19,0%

2 Arman 3d 6 27 19 9,5%

3 Chaplin Cinemas 3 26 20 4 9,2%

4 Kinoplexx 7 20 7 7,0%

5 CineMax 2 17 9 3 6,0%

6 Arsenal 6 15 13 1 5,3%

7 StarCinema 2 15 7 5,3%

8 Cinema Park 2 10 5 3,5%

9 illusion 2 9 5 3,2%

independent 42 91 70 1 32,0%

Cinema Networks in Kazakhstan as of 1 April 2017

The largest distributor of domestic films is the film studio Kazakhfilm; however, in recent years Kazakhstan’s producers have drawn attention also from representatives of the Majors, above all the company SulPak Cinema (in 2016 it released 11 domestic films, whereas Kazakhfilm released only 5), and also the company Meloman (2 releases in 2016).

independent foreign projects are mostly released by russian distributors directly or through small intermediary companies which, as a rule, deal with individual cinema networks in Kazakhstan (for example, with Kinopark or Chaplin Cinemas).

The company Meloman operates its own network of cinemas under the brand Arsenal (sixth in the cinema rating). The largest cinema network in Kazakhstan is the company Kinopark, which owns 19 % of all auditoria in the country; its cinemas have the only iMAX screens in the country.

in 2017, the Eurasia Film Festival for the first time opens the doors of the Eurasia Film Market. The country shows its openness to international producers, financiers, distributors and sales agents. This is a dynamically developing market with a sophisticated infrastructure of cinemas and distribution, with modern production facilities and highly skilled experts in the sphere of film production. we wish our colleagues success in their undertakings!

No distributorNumber of films

Number of releases

Admissions (thousands)

box office (mill. Tenge)

1 Meloman 127 116 6,127.7 6,282.4

2 SulPak Cinema 71 65 5,015.4 5,268.8

3 20th Century Fox Kazakhstan 23 19 1,882.7 1,879.3

4 ProfSolutiongroup (good Cinema) 12 10 338.7 361.0

5 Asia Kinoprokat 23 19 222.6 225.0

Top 5 Kazakh distributors in 2016

Source: Nevafilm research

on the whole, at the beginning of 2017 Kazakhstan had a total of 78 commercial cinemas with 272 screens, all of them digital and 62 % equipped with 3d capabilities. over the last year, the market in the republic has grown by 8 %, thus the deceleration after the 2015 crisis has been overcome (then the growth was only 1 %, which was especially noticeable against the background of the rapid growth in 2014, with an additional 16 % of screens). Meanwhile construction work in the republic will bring more shopping malls, which means the growth of the cinema network will continue in the coming years.





2012 2013 2014 2015 2016







41% 56% 62% 62%60%



Share of 3d-screens

Source: Nevafilm research

Commercial cinemas in the Republic of Kazakhstan

© 2017, Nevafilm ReseaRch

analytiCs analytiCs





big Almaty lake

14 15

10 031

14 118

11 58812 339

10 427

2012 20162013 2014 2015











15 000

12 000

9 000

6 000

3 000


box office, mln Tenge Annual growth, %





Box office | 2012–2016











0%2012 20162013 2014 2015

Foreign films, % russian films, % Kazakh films, %

81,7% 79,0% 78,9% 74,9% 79,1%

10,0% 14,6%8,3% 13,6% 10,3%

8,3% 6,3% 12,8% 11,5% 10,6%

Box office per country of film production | 2012–2016Admissions | 2012–2016

Number of admissions, in thousands Annual growth, %









16 000

14 000

12 000

10 000

8 000

6 000

4 000

2 000

02013 2014 2015 2016

14 47513 410


13 201


12 795


11 301



Ticket price | 2012–2016

1 000





Average ticket price, Tenge

2012 20162013 2014 2015







sourCe: agenCy of statistiCs of the republiC of KazaKhstan; www.Kino.Kz

16 17

Number of releases in distribution | 2012–2016


Releases in distribution | Country of production | 2016

Releases in distribution | Genre | 2016

Releases in distribution | Full-length films | 2016















































0,6% 0,4%























2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Foreign filmsrussian filmsKazakh films

Total releases in distribution 347345323339281



professional organisations

union of filmmaKers of KazaKhstan

Address: Kazybek bi St., 20, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel: +7 (727) 291 07 42, +7 (727) 291 23 12Fax: +7 (727) 291 87 70 E-mail: sk.kazakhstan@mail.ruChairman: Akhat ibraev Contact: Tamara Smailova

Public organisation for professionals in the film industry.

Activity:• Protectionofsocial,author’s,relatedandlabourrights,intellectual

property and professional interests of its members. • Initiationofandparticipationinthedevelopmentanddiscussion of legislation and other statutory acts concerning cinema. • Organizationofinformation-andcreativeexchangeswith

cinematographers of other countries.• Educational,scientific,researchandadvertising/publicitywork in the cinema sphere. • Organizationandconductof,aswellasparticipationinfestivals,

competitions, seminars, exhibitions, conferences. • Organizationandconductofcreativeworkshopsandcourses, master-classes. • Participationintheactivityoforganizationsthatpromote the development and propaganda of national cinema.

national aCaDemy of motion piCture arts anD sCienCes

Address: Shevchenko St., 13, Almaty, republic of KazakhstanTel.: +7 (727) 272 27 12E-mail: contact@filmacademy.kzwebsite: www.filmacademy.kzPresident: rachid Nougmanov

The National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (or National Film Academy) is a professional nonprofit organization with the goal of advancing the arts, business and sciences of motion pictures in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. The Academy runs the Eurasia international Film Festival, the Eurasia Film Market, and has established its own annual awards, called The Tulpars. The Academy is a co-founder of the graduate School of Producing in partnership with the Almaty Management University(MBA/MFA).

professional organisations

Corporate funD “bolashaK”

Adress:KunayevAve,12/1,off411/2,Astana,RepublicofKazakhstan,010000Tel.: + 7 7172 707 697E-mail: charityfoundation@bolashak.kzWebsite:

representative of the company: dinara Chaizhunussova, director

Field of concern: film dubbing.

Altyn Emel

24 25


567 Cinema

Address: Kasteev St., 41А, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 775 325 8989E-mail: rina_super@mail.ruContact: rinat Safarov

Activity: production of fiction and documentary films and serials, advertising spots and clips.

aiff irbis

Address: Tole bi St., 192, office 37, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 248 21 54, +7 707 317 7428 Fax: +7 727 248 21 54E-mail: ifolder2009@gmail.comContact: Saken belgibayev

Activity: equipment rental; manufacture and rental of costumes; promotion of film projects; organisation of film festival AiFF “irbiS”.

alma piCtures

Address:AralskayaSt.,7/1,Almaty,RepublicofKazakhstanTel.: +7 727 262 82 93, +7 701 724 9008E-mail: Almagul Tleukhanova

Activity: production of fiction and documentary films and serials, advertising spots and clips; events; equipment rental; manufacture and rental of costumes; construction and rental of scenery; location scouting; casting.


Address: Al Farabi Ave, 176, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Production & laboratories bldg., office 250Tel.: +7 727 302 12 80Fax: +7 727 302 16 80E-mail: ardfilm@mail.ruwebsite: www.ardfilm.comContact: Ardak Amirkulov

Activity: production of fiction films.

artDepartment.KzstuDio of movie artists

Address:KoktemDistrict1,45/35,Almaty,RepublicofKazakhstanTel.: +7 707 293 4739, +7 707 263 5505, +7 707 333 8309 E-mail: website: www.artdepartment.kzContact: yulia levitskaya, Eldar Shibanov, dias Shibanov

Activity: production of fiction films; artistic direction; development of set and costume design; construction of scenery; location scouting; make-up and practical effects; coaching; social projects.

anyKey stuDiofilm serviCe proDuCtion house

Address:BukharZhyrauSt.,27/5,Block2,21st floor, office 262,Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 337 59 01Fax: +7 727 337 59 02E-mail: info@anykey.kzwebsite: www.anykey.kzContact: Andrey rasputin, Kirill roschin, vladimir Petrov, Nadezhda Andrussenko

Activity: production of fiction films, advertising spots and clips; location scouting; equipment rental; stunts production; SFX & Fashion Make up; development of set and costumes; logistics; casting.

26 27

broaDwayprofessional film portal

Address: Abay St., 153, office 25, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 707 777 17 71E-mail: info@brod.kzwebsite: www.brod.kzContact: Anuar Kenzhibayev

Activity: news about Kazakh and world cinema; articles and reviews about cinema; online cinema; database on film personalities and films from Kazakhstan; casting; billboard; online shop; box office data from rentrak and Ticketon.

astana film funD

Address: Aksay district 1А, bldg. 12, office 59, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 269 19 65, +7 777 810 1111E-mail:; ernar.kcg@gmail.comContact: Ernar Kurmashev

Activity: production of fiction films; distribution.


Address: Kok Tobe district 2, Kyz Zhibek, 87, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 776 755 91 52, +7 701 755 91 52, +7 701 763 91 91E-mail: sdiada@mail.ruwebsite: www.aldongarmovie.comContact: Aliya uvalzhanova, diana Ablenova

Activity: production of fiction, documentary and animation films and serials; actors’ agency; staff recruitment; casting; organisation of concerts and television shows.

baytereK proDuCtion

Address: Al Farabi Ave., 176, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 302 16 51, +7 702 737 3583Fax: +7 727 3021651E-mail:, bayterekfilm@mail.ruContact: vitaly rimer

Activity: production of fiction and documentary films.

Cast.KzCasting agenCy

Address:MakataevSt.,127/3,Office300,Almaty,RepublicofKazakhstanTel.: +7 727 222 22 53, +7 705 501 50 51E-mail: hello@cast.kzwebsite: www.cast.kzContact: Taissiya Shaidarova

Activity: Casting of actors and models for advertising, serials and cinema; photo equipment rental; photo services.

ayu Cinema

Address: Panfilov St., 108, office 49, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 705 400 3006E-mail: ibragimov.d.m@gmail.comwebsite: www.ayucinema.kzContact: daniyar ibragimov

Activity: production of fiction films and serials; equipment rental.


28 29

emir baigazin proDuCtion

Address: Al-Farabi Ave., 176, Almaty, republic of KazakhstanTel.: +7 707 503 7003, +7 777 577 7200E-mail: emirbaigazinpro@gmail.comwebsite: www.emirbaigazin.comContact: Emir baigazin, Aigerim Satybaldiyeva

Activity: production of fiction and documentary films.

Colibri films

Address: Zenkov St., 59, Apt. 102, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 385 77 79; +7 701 760 55 16E-mail: info@colibrifilms.kzwebsite: www.colibrifilms.kzContact: Naryn igilik

Activity: Production of feature, documentary and animated films, television serials, music clips, advertising.

eurasia film proDuCtion

Address: Samal district 2, bekturov St., 70, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 701 111 63 73, +7 727 262 06 83E-mail: tatyana_svk@mail.ruwebsite: www.gulnarasarsenova.kzContact: gulnara Sarsenova, Tatyana grebennikova

Activity: production of fiction films and serials; organisation of film festivals.

Cinema tone proDuCtion

Address: Kyz Zhibek St., 15, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 777 282 71 05, +7 727 227 97 38E-mail:, info@cinematone.kzwebsite: www.cinematone.kzContact: ilya bisserov

Activity: sound services (recording on location, speech and noise recording), sound design, dubbing, re-recording; equipment rental.

Centaurusrustem abDrashev proDuCtion

Address:ToleBiSt.,298/1,Office4,Almaty,RepublicofKazakhstanTel.: +7 707 812 8344, +7 701 947 0797E-mail: a.i.r.car999@gmail.comContact: rustem Abdrashev

Activity: production of fiction and documentary films and serials, advertising spots and clips; development of set and costume design; casting; logistics.

Dar play

Address: Tajibaev St., 155, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 702 550 5515E-mail: ndzhumaliev@dar.kzwebsite: www.dar.kzContact: Nasir dzhumaliev

Activity: production of fiction films and serials, sketch comedies; video streaming.


30 31

green sCreen proDuCtion

Address: Enbekshiler St., 21, vP-6, Astana, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 701 233 05 00, +7 7172 68 01 76E-mail: hello@kinorent.comwebsite:, www.gspro.tvContact: Andrey vinogradov

Activity: post-production: color grading, vFX, editing; dubbing; equipment rental.


Address: Al Farabi Ave. 176, Production & laboratories bldg., office 236, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 302 16 49, +7 771 493 8855E-mail:, yerzhan808@mail.ruContact: yerzhan Akhmetov, Nariman Turebayev

Activity: production of fiction and documentary films; script development.

KanaiDar proDuCtion

Address:KlochkovSt.,158/1,Almaty,RepublicofKazakhstanTel.: +7 705 433 3333, +7 702 555 8036, E-mail: kana@mail.ruContact: Kanagat Mustafin, Aidarkhan Adilbayev

Activity: production of fiction and documentary films and serials.

KazaKhmultfilm stuDioanimation film assoCiation of KazaKh-stan

Address:KazakhfilmDistrict,46/103,Almaty,RepublicofKazakhstanTel.: +7 705 410 4237E-mail:, website: www.kazakhmultfilm.comContact: gali Myrzashev

Activity: production of animation.

JsC “KazaKhfilm” nameD after shaKen aimanov

Address: Al Farabi Ave., 176, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 313 11 21, +7 727 313 11 46Fax: +7 727 302 16 77E-mail:, website: www.kazakhfilmstudios.kzContact: olga Khlasheva

Activity: production of fiction, documentary and animation films; equipment rental; manufacture and rental of costumes; construction and rental of scenery and pavilions; dubbing; location scouting; casting; distribution.

KazaKhstan Cinema

Adress: 73A Timiryazev Str, 050057 Almaty, KazakhstanTel.: +7 727 2752545, +7 777 272 60 15Fax: +7 727 2752545E-mail: cinemakazakhstan@gmail.comwebsite

Field of concern: Festivals promotion, distribution and sales of the film content made in Kazakhstan and other Central Asian republics.


32 33

Kino Company

Address: Al Farabi Ave., 176, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 302 16 81, + 7 701 952 01 93E-mail: kinocompany@mail.ruContact: Sain gabdullin

Activity: production of fiction, documentary and animation films.

KCg KazaKhstan Computer graphiCs

Address: ibragimov St., 9, Alatau Technoparc, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 777 810 11 11E-mail: ernar.kcg@gmail.comContact: Ernar Kurmashev

Activity: Cgi and vFX production.

KorKem film

Address: Syrgabekov St., 17, baganashyl district, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 269 69 92, +7 701 518 50 00Fax: +7 727 269 64 42E-mail: sevennotes@mail.ruwebsite: www.korkemfilm.kzContact: ilkham Jalilov

Activity: production of fiction and documentary films and serials, advertising spots and clips.


Address: Zharokov St., 283, Apt. 54, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 701 220 90 65E-mail: renatkossay@mail.ruContact: renat Kossay

Activity: production of fiction, documentary and short films.


Address: Aksay district 2, 36, office 5, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 268 81 09, +7 701 347 22 40E-mail: stuntman_as@mail.ruwebsite: www.leaderstunt.comContact: Alexander Terekhov

Activity: stunt services, scenic movement, acrobatics, staging and performance of fight scenes with various weapons, stunts with fire, high-altitude falls, pyrotechnics, work in the air (parachute, helicopter, plane, glider), automobile and motorcycle tricks, tightrope work.

mg proDuCtion

Address: Maulenov St., 93, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 701 888 08 82, +7 701 741 68 88 Fax: +7 727 272 06 23E-mail: mg_p@mail.ruwebsite: www.mgcinema.netContact: Ernar Malikov, Marina Kunarova

Activity: production of fiction films, advertising spots; location scouting; equipment rental; casting; distribution; script development.



Address:AlFarabiAve.,51/26,Almaty,RepublicofKazakhstanTel.: +7 7172 55 32 56, +7 701 738 38 88E-mail: rusluxor@mail.ruContact: rustam yusupov

Activity: production of fiction films, serials and television programmes.

34 35

new worlD proDuCtion

Address: dostyk Ave., 341, Almaty republic of Kazakhstan, Tel.: +7 727 269 19 65, +7 777 810 1111E-mail: Svetlana Korotenko

Activity: production of fiction, documentary and animation films.

nurtas proDuCtion

Address: baitursynov St., 138, office 53, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 293 09 90E-mail:,, fedormast@mail.ruContact: Nurtas Adambay

Activity: production of fiction films.

satai film

Address: Khodjanov St., 55, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 708 350 57 87 E-mail:, website: www.sataifilm.kzContact: Akan Satayev, Muslim ixanov

Activity: production of fiction and documentary films and serials, advertising spots and clips; equipment rental; logistics; computer graphics (Cgi); dubbing; location scouting; casting.

Office – 111 T

Address: Zheltoksan St., 87, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 701 713 51 00, + 7 701 730 74 26 E-mail:, m-gulsina@yandex.ruContact: Alexander vovnyanko, gulsina Mustafina

Activity: production of fiction and documentary films and serials, advertising spots and clips; equipment rental; logistics; location scouting; casting.

nomaD stunts

Address: Alatau district, Alatau Alley, 11, Almaty, republic of KazakhstanTel.: +7 701 715 26 44, +7 701 125 08 09E-mail: nomadstunts@gmail.comwebsite: www.nomadstunts.comContact: Zhaidarbek Kunguzhinov, Nurlan Altayev

Activity: stunt services (staging and performance of horse-riding stunts), acrobatics, staging and performance of fight scenes with various weapons, tightrope work, rigging, stunts with fire, high-altitude falls, pyrotechnics.

sezar films

Address:AbayAve.,76/109,Almaty,RepublicofKazakhstanTel.: +7 727 248 69 49, +7 701 555 63 71E-mail: aidar@sezar.kzwebsite: www.sezar.kzContact: Aidar batalov

Activity: production of fiction films and television programmes; production of advertising spots and clips; equipment rental; location scouting; casting.


36 37

short brothers

Address: Al Farabi Ave., 176, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 707 837 5367E-mail: abishevser@gmail.comContact: Serik Abishev

Activity: production of fiction, documentary and short films.

sKinny man proDuCtion

Address:SolodovnikovSt.,28/170,Office.3,Almaty,republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 777 111 15 11E-mail: askenty1979@gmail.comContact: Askar bissembin, bayan bissembina

Activity: production of fiction films and serials, advertising spots, clips and television shows.

sunny proDuCtion

Address: Samal district 2, bldg. 24, office 4, Almaty,republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 701 536 00 00, +7 701 518 9382E-mail:, baha0510@mail.ruContact: bakhyt Zhantuarova, Madina Shinbekova

Activity: production of fiction films.

sun proDuCtion

Address:DostykAve.,109B/39,Almaty,RepublicofKazakhstanTel.: +7 777 228 69 95E-mail: issabayeva@mail.ruContact: Zhanna issabayeva

Activity: production of fiction films.

stuDio CubiC

Address: Aitiev St., 44, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 395 91 38Fax: +7 727 395 91 38E-mail: studio@cubic.kzwebsite: www.cubic.kzContact: damir Ainikeyev

Activity: post-production: vFX, supervising, digital laboratory, diT, dCP, editing, color grading.

uniar stuDio

Address: Klochkov St., 66, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 708 221 7570 E-mail:, website: www.uniarstudio.comContact: rakhmadzhan Nigmatov

Activity: dubbing, recording and selection of synchronous noise and atmosphere; composing services for film-projects; rewriting (data) of advertising clips, serials and feature films in stereo and 5.1 (surround); production of soundtracks, recording of vocals, instruments and data; recording of actors’ dubbing.


dzhabyr. Charyn Canyon

40 41


20th Century foX international | Cis

regional branch in the republic of KazakhstanAddress:FurmanovSt.,100G,BusinessCentrePrime,3/318,Almaty,republic of KazakhstanTel.: +7 727 344 91 36E-mail: adeliya.amrayeva@fox.comContact: Adeliya Amrayeva

regional branch in the russian FederationCities: Moscow, Novosibirsk, Saint PetersburgTel.: +7 495 780 01 04 (Moscow)website:

Clients: 20th Century Fox

Activity: distribution.

gooD Cinema

Address: business Centre Turan, office 401, Astana, republic of KazakhstanTel.: +7 7172 64 27 47, +7 775 400 04 47E-mail: niyarapsgllp@gmail.comContact: Niyara ussainova

Clients: Paramount Pictures, Central Partnership, yellow black & white, Focus Features, lionsgate etc.

Activity: distribution.


Adress: Al-Farabi avenue 5, business center “Nurly Tau”, building 1a, office 604, Almaty, republic of KazakhstanTel.: +727 338 36 96Fax: +727 338 36 96E-mail: vadim@meloman.kzwebsite

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana: vadim golenko, CEo

Field of concern: distribution of films from various film studios such as: wdSPr, bazelevs, Nashe Kino, Enjoy Movies etc; and distribution of local content. Adaptation of foreign films for the Kazakh market, governing cinemas, technical support to cinemas.

sulpaK Cinema

Address: Zharokov St., 274, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 232 45 73E-mail: yershova@sulpakcinema.kzwebsite: www.sulpakcinema.kzContact: Marina yershova

Clients: universal Pictures, warner bros., independent local studios and national films

Activity: distribution.


44 45

Cinema ChainsCinema Chains

aRmaN 3D

Address: dostyk Ave., 104, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 264 52 46, +7 727 264 52 45E-mail: kenoff@mail.ruwebsite: www.arman3d.kzContact: baurzhan Shukenov

Number of Cinemas: 6

Activity: screening.

aRseNal 3D

Address: Al Farabi Ave. 5, Nurly Tau 1A, office 604, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 277 70 24, +7 701 711 82 38, +7 7172 39 33 33, 8 701 520 59 78E-mail: audio@meloman.kzwebsite: www.arsenal.kzContact: Maxim Kolodkin

Number of Cinemas: 6

Activity: screening.

Chaplin Cinemas

Address: Makataev St. 127, MegaPark Mall, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 707 500 91 32 E-mail: assistant@chaplin.kzwebsite: www.chaplin.kzContact: bakhytzhan Mussatayev

Number of Cinemas: 3

Activity: screening.


Address: raimbek Ave., 239 g, Maxima Mall, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 227 33 22, +7 727 227 33 21, +7 701 765 6584E-mail: lind@illusion.kzwebsite: www.illusion.kzContact: Elena lind, Kseniya Sokolova

Number of Cinemas: 2

Activity: screening.


Address:Al-FarabiAve.,77/8,EsentaiMall,Almaty,republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 701 762 45 11 E-mail: info@kinopark.kzwebsite: www.kinopark.kzContact: Almaz Maldybayev

Number of Cinemas: 8

Activity: screening.


Address: Samal-2 district 111, dostyk Plaza, 3rd floor, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan; Al-FarabiSq.,3/1,ShymkentPlaza,3rd floor, Shymkent, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: Almaty: + 7 (727) 222 00 77, 225 39 01, +7 701 026 73 69; Shymkent: +7 (7252) 77 22 22, +7 778 477 22 22E-mail:, website: www.cdm.kzContact: Nurlan Zhunusov

Number of Cinemas, Screens, Cities: 2 cinemas, 17 screens, 2 cities

Activity: screening.





Address: Altynsarin St., 24, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 777 235 00 66, +7 701 714 38 65E-mail:,,saltanat@hq.kzwebsite: www.kinoplexx.kzContact: roman Korotayev, Saltanat Jekebayeva

Number of Cinemas: 7

Activity: screening.

star Cinema

Address: rozybakiev St. 247 А, Mega Alma-Ata Mall, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 701 711 82 38, +7 727 341 04 08, +7 701 783 82 41E-mail: audio@meloman.kzwebsite: Maxim Kolodkin

Number of Cinemas: 2

Activity: screening.

Cinema Chains

Eurasia Film Market | Digital Road | Astana | July 23–25, 2017 |

Kok Zhailau

50 51

festivals & awarDsfestivals & awarDs

48 hour film raCe Competition of short films

Address: Koshkarbayev St., 3, Astana, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 701 543 62 81, +7 7172 70 21 00E-mail: 48uskz@gmail.comWebsite:https://kz.usembassy.govinstagram: 48hfrContact: Andrey Manuilov

organiser: diplomatic Mission of the united States in KazakhstanPeriod: February–Marchlocation: Astana, AlmatyProgramme: fiction and documentary films.

baiKonur festival of short films

Address: Abai St., 153, office 25, Almaty, republic of KazakhstanTel.: +7 707 777 17 71E-mail: info@brod.kzwebsite: baikonur.brod.kzContact: Anuar Kenzhibayev

organiser: Professional Cinema Portal “broadway”Period: Augustlocation: AlmatyProgramme: fiction film; documentary film; animation; non-competitive screenings.

CritiCs’ ChoiCe awarDsassociation of film critics of Kazakhstan

Tel.: +7 708 672 0230E-mail: karim777-88@bk.ruwebsite: www.kinokritik.kzContact: Karim Kadyrbayev

Period: Marchlocation: AlmatyProgramme: fiction film.

13th eurasia international film festivalCompetitive speCializeD feature film festival, accredited by the fiaPf

Address: Shevchenko St., 13, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 (727) 272 27 12E-mail: contact@eurasiaiff.comwebsite: www.eurasiaiff.comContact: rachid Nougmanov

organiser: The National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and SciencesPeriod: July 22-28, 2017location: AstanaProgramme: feature and short film competition, non-competitive sections.

eurasia film marKet Division of the eurasia iff

Address: Shevchenko St., 13, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 (727) 272 27 12E-mail: market@eurasiaiff.comwebsite: market.eurasiaiff.comContact: rachid Nougmanov

organiser: The National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and SciencesPeriod: July 23-25, 2017location: AstanaProgramme: digital distribution, new technologies.

tulpar national aCaDemy awarDs

Address: Shevchenko St., 13, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 (727) 272 27 12E-mail: tulpars@filmacademy.kzwebsite: www.filmacademy.kzContact: Anar Kashaganova

organiser: The National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and SciencesPeriod: Septemberlocation: AlmatyProgramme: 10 nominations, including best Film and best Foreign Film.


festival of ChilDren’s Cinema “five Continents” section of iff eurasia

Address: Shevchenko St 13, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 (727) 727 72 17, +7 701 218 39 04E-mail: contact@eurasiaiff.comwebsite: www.eurasiaiff.comContact: Kaldygul Zhanybaeva

organisers: National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Fund of the First President of the republic of Kazakhstan Period: 23-27 July 2017Place: AstanaProgramme: competition films and non-competition screenings.

festivals & awarDs

silK roaDinternational poetry film festival

Address:Orbita-2,28b/apartment2,Almaty,RepublicofKazakhstanTel.: +7 701 7076213E-mail: silkroadfestival777@gmail.cominstagram: @silkroadfestivalFacebook:/silk.road.509994Contact: dinara Assanova

organizer: women of Kazakhstan Non-profit organizationlocation: AlmatyProgramme: poetry films


Colontitul Colontitul



56 57


KazaKh national university of arts

Address: Tauelsyzdyk Ave., 50, Astana, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 717 270 54 94, +7 717 270 55 12E-mail:, talgat-t@mail.ruwebsite: www.kaznui.kzContact: Talgat Taishanov

Activity:• 4faculties:music,traditionalmusic;theatre;cinemaandTV;

arts faculty• Specialism:culturalstudies,arthistory(filmhistory,theatrearts,

art history), painting, sculpture, directing (fiction, documentary, animation cinema), cinematography, scenography (costume design, facial make-up), instrumental performance (violin, alto, violoncello, piano, drum and wind instruments), traditional music (dombra, kobyz, accordion, traditional singing, etc.); variety performance, vocal art, conducting, composition, art management, musicology, music education, acting, decorative art

• Academicdegreeorqualification:preparationofexperts in 7 programs at school and college level, 18 programs for the b.A,

15 programs for Masters and 3 in doctoral studies.

turan university

Address: Satpaev St., 16-18-18а, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 260 40 00E-mail: reception@turan-edu.kzwebsite: www.turan-edu.kzContact: Anara Sekeeva

Activity:• Filmspecialism:directing,cinematography;• Academicdegreeorqualification:B.A.andMasters;• Specializedlaboratories:televisionstudiosandpavilions

for professional training in creative arts;• Equipment:moderntechnologiestocontemporaryrequirements:

film-making pavilions, video-editing, sound departments, educational cinema.

KazaKh national arts aCaDemy nameD after t. K. zurgenov(zhurgenov aCaDemy)

Address: Panfilov St., 127, Almaty, republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 261 26 70, +7 727 261 13 19E-mail: kaznai@art-oner.kzwebsite: www.kaznai.kzContact: gulnara Mursalimova

Activity:• Faculties:filmandTVstudies;painting,sculptureanddesign; choreography; art history; theatre arts; musical arts• Specialisation:directing(directingforfilm,televisionand

cinematography; directing for animation; sound direction).

almaty management university

Address: rozybakiyev St., 227, Almaty, KazakhstanTel.: +7 727 313 27 38, +7 727 313 30 78E-mail: office MarketingFaculty: graduate School of Producing

Specialization:MBA/MFAisadualdegreeprograminproducingandisdesigned for individuals seeking management or executive level position at a production company.The program gives students the opportunity to obtain two highly marketable professional degrees. The program is aimed at preparing a generation of national producers capable of managing film production from development to exploitation according to high international standards. The program is developed in partnership with the National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. duration: 2 years.


Colontitul Colontitul


bektau Ata

60 61

business platform | eurasia spotlight


Business platform to boost the film industry in Kazakhstan

Eurasia Spotlight was founded in 2011 with the main goal to help integrating Kazakhstan into

international film industry.

Eurasia Spotlight works closely with the annual Eurasia international Film Festival, the largest film

forum in Kazakhstan and Central Asia bringing together motion picture professionals from around

the world to connect and share their experience with local filmmakers.

Eurasia Spotlight presents:

• Publicpitchingoffeaturefilmprojectsindevelopmentinfrontofinternationaljury

• Annualshowcaseofrecentlycompletedfilmsreadytohitcinematheaters

Eurasia Spotlight plays an important role in supporting Kazakhstan’s young talents. we strive to give

young filmmakers a chance to promote their projects to the international level, gain additional skills

at marketing, and find partners and co-producers at home and abroad.

we also see ourselves as an annual showcase of films made in Kazakhstan, as well as a meeting

point for local and international gusts.

Each year, international film experts such as producers, directors, sales agents, journalists, distributors,

festival representatives and heads of financial institutions gather together in Kazakhstan. They share

their experience, discuss future cooperation, get acquainted with the culture and opportunities in

Kazakhstan, and discover new generation of local filmmakers. international co-production means

a lot to them: it represents new experiences, new opportunities, and new audiences for films from


we look forward to welcoming you in Astana!

yours faithfully,

director of Eurasia Spotlight

Anna KatchkoEurasia Spotlight | Kazakhstan’s Film Business Platform | Astana | July 23–26, 2017 |

62 63

Aziza yessilbayeva | С


international eXperts


Anna Katchko | head of

regina Toderenchuk | Project

ANNA gudKovACreative producer at Tv3 Channel, Script editor(russia)

birgiT bEuMErSFilm critic, Professor at the university of Aberystwyth (uK)

JohANNES KoECKhead of Cine Tirol Film Commission(Austria)

giovANNi bATTiSTA robbiANohead of FAMu international, Screenwriter, director and Film trainer(italy)

iNNA dENiSovAJournalistThe hollywood reporter(russia)

li Zhu Producer, Senior Partner at Juben Pictures(China)

business platform | eurasia spotlightbusiness platform | eurasia spotlight

64 65

NAdJA NidAM oloFSSoN deputy head of sectionCannes FF, Court Metrage(France)

SEbASTiAN SAAMFilmmaker, Tv journalist (Euronews, ArTE, 3sat, ZdF, deutsche welle) (germany)

MArCo MullErFilm critic, historian, ProducerFestival artistic director (rotterdam, locarno, venice etc)Professor at the Academy of Architecture, università della Svizzera italiana(italy)

MohAMMAd ATEbbAiCEo, Produceriranian independent(iran)

liliAN SChiFFErinternational salesPicture Tree international(germany)

XENiA lEoNTyEvAPhd. economics, researcher of russian and CiS cinema market, head of Nevafilm research(russia)

rAyMoNd PhAThANAvirANgooN Producer, head of Script lab, Selection for Festivals(Thailand)

business platform | eurasia spotlightbusiness platform | eurasia spotlight

MAriA druZhiNiNA Film critic, Journalisthead of statistics department, booker's bulletinMaster of Science in Applied Mathematics and Physics (Moscow institute of Physics and Technology)(russia)

66 67

in silenCe

director: Ardak Amirkulovgenre: drama Format:feature/fictionProducer: Ardak Amirkulov

ClouD on the roof

director: Ali Sher Suleymengenre: urban fantasyFormat:feature/fictionProducers: Assel Sarsenbekova


director: Akan Sataevgenre: thriller, dramaFormat:feature/fictionProducers: Akan Sataev, Ernar Kurmashev, Aliya Mendygozhina

City filth

director: Nariman Turebaevgenre: drama Format:feature/fictionProducers: olga Khlashcheva, Serik Abishev, Aibek Kudabaev


director: Nurtas Adambaygenre: dramaFormat:feature/fictionProducer: Nurtas Adambay

showCase of KazaKhstan proJeCts

business platform | eurasia spotlightbusiness platform | eurasia spotlight

68 69

three elements

directors: Nariman Turebaev, Samrat irzhasov, Myrza baisambekov, Maria isitova, Altair Kabdushevgenre: almanac, omnibus filmFormat:feature/fictionProducer: olzhas Tartaev

the KazaKh Khanate. the DiamonD sworD

director: rustem Abdrashevgenre: historical drama Format:feature/fictiongeneral Producer: Arman AsenovProducer of the film version: inkar Abdrash

business platform | eurasia spotlight


director: bolat Kalymbetovgenre: dramaFormat:feature/fictionProducers: Akhat ibraev, diana Ashimova


director: Assel Aushakimovagenre: dramaFormat:full-length/fiction

Some days from the life of Alin, a 35-year-old lonely city-dweller undergoing an existential crisis and, as a consequence, suffering from loneliness.


director: darkhan Tulegenovgenre: psychological dramaFormat:full-length/fiction

A married man considers leaving his wife for another woman with a child, but he cannot decide, because his minor son has severely beaten up one of his peers, and the father must go with him to the courts and the victim’s relatives.

pitChing of KazaKhstan proJeCts

business platform | eurasia spotlight

70 71

burDen of memory

director: Nazym Maratgenre: dramaFormat:full-length/fictionProducer: Adiya Mussina

The burden of memory is the story about an event which has tragically affected the life of a young family. but everyone holds a version of the truth, and each part has its story-teller.

business platform | eurasia spotlightbusiness platform | eurasia spotlight

former people

director: olga Korotkogenre: drama with elements of comedyFormat:full-length/fictionProducer: Aigul Nurbulatova

Almaty prepares to showcase for foreign visitors the successful Kazakhstan, and therefore the “discrediting elements”, i.e. the homeless are removed from the city. Among them is Sanniya, a homeless squatting in a basement, who has become attached to the unsuccessful lyosha…


director: Sharipa urazbayevagenre: dramaFormat:full-length/fiction

ulpan is released after 26 years at a penal colony. She goes to her native aul. how will meet modern Kazakh society meet the woman?


director: olzhas yermekbayevgenre: dramaFormat:full-length/fictionProducers: olzhas yermekbayev, Almas yermekbayev, diana Akimenko, ivan Afanasyev

The story of a simple guy who, as everyone in this city, dreams of a great future. but fate has different plans: the young man must pass a number of serious tests where he has to make a choice between the wished-for future and the dearest that remains in his life.


director: Ayan Naizabekovgenre: dramaFormat:full-length/fictionProducer: Akmaral Naizabekova

The hero falls asleep and finds himself in a world where he is a millionaire; having woken up, he is admitted to a psychiatric clinic. There are dangerous adventures in both worlds connected to his inheritance and to criminals.


director: Muhlisa AzizovaGenre:drama/thrillerFormat:full-length/fictionProducer: oybek Abdushukurov

A superspy learns that his younger brother, who died for unknown reasons, is actually alive and a member of the terrorist group SCorPioNS. Suspected by the special services of high treason, he stands before a most complicated choice.

72 73

business platform | eurasia spotlightbusiness platform | eurasia spotlight

13th eURasia iff 2017 BUsiNess PlaTfORm


23.07.2017 | Sunday

10:00 – 11:00 opening keynotes of the FilM MArKET and EurASiA SPoTlighT

11:00 – 13:00 Showcase: works-in-progress and recently completed films by established Kazakh filmmakers

15:00 – 17:00 Panel discussion: Marketing and Promotion of Kazakh films abroad

17.00 – 18.00 Presentation Q&A: Cannes Film Festival Shorts

15:00 – 18:00 b2b meetings

24.07.2017 | Monday

10:00 – 12:00 Pitching: young Kazakh Filmmakers pitch their projects in front of international jury

12:00 – 13:00 round Table: Establishing the first film commission in Kazakhstan

15:00 – 18:00 b2b Meetings

15:00 – 17:00 round Table: Copyright protection and online piracy

15:00 – 17:00 Master Class: Creative producing

17:00 – 18:00 Jury session to determine the Pitching winner

18:00 – 18:.30 Pitching Award Ceremony

25.07.2017 | Tuesday

10:00 – 12:00 Panel discussion: The future of film business in Kazakhstan and Central Asia

12.00 – 12.30 Presentation: The first Kazakh movie channel "El Arna"

12.30 – 13.30 Conference: Professional dubbing of foreign films into the Kazakh language

10:00 – 18:00 b2b meetings

Schedule is subject to change

Contacts at Eurasia Spotlight:

regina: + 7 705 454 85 25Aziza: + 7 776 131 00 82E-mail:


76 77

foreign Companiesforeign Companies

ablaze image limiteD

Address: 7F-2, No.2, Sec. 2, Shin-Sheng S. rd. Taipei 10650, TaiwanTel.: +886 2 3322 1220Fax: +886 2 3322 1270E-mail: info@ablazeimage.comWebsite:

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana: June wu, director of int’l Sales & Acquisitions

Field of concern: sales agent, distribution


Address: 33 rue de la Cassière, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, FrANCETel.: +33 76861 2211E-mail: info@agitprog.comwebsite:

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana: AurélieGomes,Founder/Managingdirector

Field of concern: alternative distribution

the Center for Development of Cinematography

Address: 100100, uzbekistan, Tashkent, Mukimiy st. 8Tel.: +998712309191Mob: +998909411186E-mail:

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana: oybek Abdushukurov, board chairman

Companyactivities:filmproduction,sales/distribution,film commission, festival

antipoDe sales & Distribution

Adress: russia, 127055, Moscow, Novolesnoy lane 5-38Tel.: +7 499 9787314Fax: +7 499 9787314E-mail elena@antipode-sales.bizwebsite

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana: Anton Mazurov, President

Field of concern: world sales

aurora meDia holDings

Address: 35b Mosque Street, Singapore 059513Tel.: +65 98511258Fax: +65 62200833E-mail: enquiries@aurora.mediawebsite:

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana: Terence Kong, Co-Founder and Managing Partner

Company activities: investment, incubation, content financing, development, acquisition, producing, iP management, distribution, deal structuring, production

arab Cinema Center

Address: 18 Salah El din st, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt – 3rd floor Tel.: +227363505E-mail: info@arabcinemacenter.comwebsite:

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana: Abdallah El Shami, director of Arab Cinema Center

Field of concern: Promotional hub for Arab Cinema regionally and internationally

78 79

Cine tirol film Commission

AddressMaria-Theresien-Strasse55,A-6020Innsbruck/Tirol/AustriaTel.: +43 512 5320 180E-mail: johannes.koeck@cine.tirolwebsite:

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana: Mr. Johannes Koeck, head of Cine Tirol Film Commission

Company activities: film production (features, documentaries or animation),sales/distribution,filmcommission,festival,consulting,etc.


Address: 19-23 ironmonger row, london, EC1v 3QN, uKTel.: +442072536244E-mail: global@dogwoof.comwebsite:

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana: Andy whittaker, Founder

Field of concern: sales, distribution and production of documentaries

fiapf – international feDeration of film proDuCers’ assoCiations

Address Zinggstrasse 16 – 3007 bern – SwitzerlandMail address : rue ducale 83 – 1000 brussels – belgiumTel.: +32 2 502 81 67E-mail: info@fiapf.orgwebsite:

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana: Florence girot, Festival Manager

Field of concern: trade organization – film production

iranian inDepenDents

Address: Po box 15875-4769, Tehran, iranTel.: (+98-912) 3198693E-mail: website:

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana: Mohammad Atebbai, Position: Managing director; Ms. Aida ramezani, deputy Managing director

Field of concern: international sales agent of iranian independent films

Juben piCtures

Address: room 102, Tower E, building No. 3, No.31 guangqu road, Chaoyang district, beijing, P.r.C. (100022)Tel.: +0086 10 8580 9044E-mail:

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana: luna wang, CEo & Founder; li Zhu, Producer & Senior Partner

Field of concern: production of feature films

China film arChive

Address: No.3 wenhuiyuan road, haidian district, beijing, P.r.China 100082Tel.: +86-10-82296186Fax: +86-10-62222679E-mail:

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana: liN Siwei, director of Acquisition and Catalogue division, China Film Archive

Field of concern: acquisition of films, film archive

foreign Companiesforeign Companies

80 81

piCture tree international gmbh

Address: husemann str. 7, 10435 berlin, germanyTel.: +49 (0) 30 4208 248 - 0Fax: +49 (0) 30 4208 248 - 12E-mail: yuan@picturetree-international.comwebsite:

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana: lilian Schiffer, Junior Sales Executive


planeta inform group of Companies

Adress: 2 Zvenigorodskaya str. 13-42, MoscowTel.: +7 (495) 783-76-57Fax: +7 (495) 783-76-57E-mail: info@planeta-inform.ruwebsite:,

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana: Alexandrina Zaitseva, Position: head of sales department

Field of concern: distribution of television content for broadcasting in russia, CiS and baltic countries, both for free and paid platforms;international distribution; distribution of content for new media platforms: pay-per-view, video on demand, internet, also mobile broadcasting

russian film group Corporation

Address8/13Pravdystreet,Moscow,Russia,125040Tel.: +7 (495) 308-00-21Fax: +7 (495) 308-00-21E-mail: info@russianfilmgroup.comwebsite:

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana: Alexey A. Petrukhin, Position producer, director



Address: 33 k. 2b, Korablestroiteley st., St. Petersburg, russiaTel.: +7(812)4497070E-mail: welcome@nevafilm.ruWebsite:

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana: Xenia leontyeva, Senior Analyst, Nevafilm research

Company activities: sound and dubbing studios, digital cinema laboratory, distributes, cinema design, film and digital cinema equipment, cinema research


maD solutions

Address: 18 Salah El din st., Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt – 3rd Floor Tel.: +227363505E-mail: info@mad-solutions.comwebsite:

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana:MaherDiab,ManagingPartner/ArtDirector

Field of concern: distribution, Pr and production

loCo films

Address: 42, rue Sedaine 75011 PAriSTel.: +33664209160E-mail: laurent.danielou@loco-films.comwebsite:

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana:DanielouLaurent,CEO/Sales&Acquisitions

Field of concern: Sales Company

foreign Companiesforeign Companies



Address: 9 rue bleue, 75009 PAriSTel.: 0033153950464E-mail: infos@widemanagement.comwebsite:

Field of concern: international sales

silver meDia group

Address: 141 hillcrest road Singapore 289011Tel.: +65-9826-7544E-mail: ginkai@silvermediagroup.comwebsite:

representative of the company who will be attending the Film market in Astana: Chan gin Kai, Executive Producer

Company activities: media investment, media investment advisory & consultancy, production (features, documentaries, Tv, animation)

foreign Companies

84 85

film lineup | available on CinanDo vlfilm lineup | available on CinanDo vl

a fool

Country of production: Chinayear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 95director: ChEN JianbinProducer: wu gengyinCast: ChEN Jianbin, wANg Xuebing, JiN Shijia, JiANg Qinqin

father to son

Country of production: Taiwanyear of production: 2017duration in minutes: TbAdirector: hSiAo ya-ChuanProducer: hou hsiao-hsienCast: Michael JQ huANg, ChuANg Kai-hsun

forêt Debussy

Country of production: Taiwanyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 94director: Cheng-Chui KuoProducers: Aileen li, Steven TuCast: gwEi lun-Mei, lu yi-Ching

le moulin

Country of production: Taiwanyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 162

white ant

Country of production: Taiwanyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 95director: Chu hsien-CheProducers: Mark ChEN, lAi Meng-hsiuCast: wu Kang-Jen, Aviis ZhoNg, yu Tai-yan

zinnia flower

Country of production: Taiwanyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 95director: Tom Shu-yu liNProducer: weijan liuCast: SToNE, Karena lam

director: huang ya-liProducers: huang ya-li, Chang wen-Pei, Chang Ming-hao, dan-Chi huangCast: liang Chun-wen, lee Ming-wei, ian Shen, Even Shen, deven ho

the last women stanDing

Country of production: Chinayear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 98 mindirector: luo luoProducer: hao weiCast: Eddie PENg yuyan, Shu Qi, hAo lei

the launDryman

Country of production: Taiwanyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 112director: lee ChuNgProducers: lee lieh, roger huangCast: ChANg hsiao-Chuan, Sui Tang, wAN Qian

the tag-along

Country of production: Taiwanyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 93director: ChENg wei-haoProducer: TSENg han-hsienCast: river huANg, wei-Ning hSu

the village of no return

Countries of production: Taiwan, Chinayear of production: 2017duration in minutes: 116director: ChEN yu-hsunProducers: lEE lieh, yEh JufengCast: wANg Qianyuan, ChANg hisao-Chuan, Shu Qi

10 BilliON

Country of production: AustriaProduction: Thurnfilm, Celluloid Fabrik Autlook Filmsaleslanguage: russianyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 100director: valentin Thurn

benDing the rules

Country of production: iranProduction: in partnership with Noori Pictureslanguage: russianyear of production: 2013duration in minutes: 94

director: behnam behzadiCast: Ashkan Khatibi, Amir Jafari, baharan bani Ahmadi


Country of production: PolandProduction: Memento Filmslanguage: russianyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 90director: Malgorzata SzumowskaCast: Justyna Suwala, Maja ostaszewska, Janusz gajos

burning love

Country of production: italyyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 86director: Alberto CavigliaCast: davide giordano, Anna Ferruzzo, omero Antonutti, bianca Nappi

fooD Coop

Country of production: France, uSAProduction: lardux Filmsyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 97director: Tom boothe


Country of production: FranceProduction: Mouvement in partnership with les Films du Tambour de Soieyear of production: 2013duration in minutes: 70director: Alain ughettoProducer: Alexandre CornuCast: Jean-Pierre darroussin, Fanzaneh ramzi

in partnership with

86 87

Killing time

Country of production: belgiumlanguage: russianyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 88director: lydie wisshaupt-Claudel

mr Kaplan

Country of production: uruguayProduction: Memento Filmslanguage: russianyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 98director: Alvaro brechnerCast: hector Noguera, Nestor guzzini, Nuria Flo, Nidia Telles


Сountries of production: Senegal, uSAProduction: galle Ceddo Projects, Flourishing Filmsyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 89director: Samba gadjigo & Jason SilvermanProducer: Samba gadjigo & Jason Silverman


Country of production: FinlandProduction: gernot Steinwegyear of production: 2012duration in minutes: 86director: Kimmo Koskela


Country of production: SwitzerlandProduction: Akka Films, Alegria Productionsyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 80

director: Nicolas wadimoffProducers: Serge gordey, Nicolas wadimoff

still life

Country of production: FranceProduction: MPM Filmsyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 82director: Maud AlpiCast: virgile hanrot, dimitri buchenet, boston

the amina profile

Country of production: CanadaProduction: NFbClanguage: russianyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 84director: Sophie deraspe

the barKley marathons

Country of production: uSAProduction: in partnership with the barkley movie llCyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 89director: Annika iltis & Timothy James Kane

the invisible ones

Country of production: FranceProduction: rhone-Alpes Cinema, Sylicone, doc & Filmyear of production: 2012duration in minutes: 115director: Sébastien lifshitz

the revolution won’t be televiseD

Country of production: SenegalProduction: boul Fallé images, Flourishing Filmsyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 110director: rama Thiaw

the whole gritty City

Country of production: uSAProduction: richard barber, band room Productionsyear of production: 2013duration in minutes: 89director: richard barber & Andre lambertson


Country of production: SpainProduction: Autlook Filmsalesyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 80director: Pablo irabaru & Migueltxo Molina

weDnesDay, may 9

Country of production: iranProduction: in partnership with Noori Picturesyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 102director: vahid JalilvandCast: Shahrokh Forootanian, Amir Aghaei, Niki Karimi

5 therapy

Country of production: ukraineProduction: TrueMan Productionlanguage: russian, English subtitlesyear of production: 2017duration in minutes: 74director: Alisa PavlovskayaProducers: valeriy Kalmykov, victor vilhelmCast: Stas dombrovskiy, victor brevis, Alina Putyshyna, Elena dashevskaya, Sonya Kulagina


Сountries of production: russia, EstoniaProduction: honey Films, look Film, Nafta Films, vita Aktivalanguage: russian-Estonian, English subtitlesyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 80director: Anton bilzhoProducers: Andrey bilzho, ilya Medovy, Esko rips, Julia MishkineneCast: vladimir Mishukov, Severija Janušauskaitė, Maksim vitorgan, Andrey bilzho

eastern business

Сountries of production: Moldova, romania, lithuaniaProduction: AliEN FilMlanguage: romanian-russian, English subtitlesyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 84

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director: igor CobileanskiProducers: iuliana Tarnovetchi, dagne vildžiunaiteCast: ion Sapdaru, Constantin Puscasu, daniel busuioc

eternal life

Country of production: russiaProduction: St. Petersburg documentary Film Studiolanguage: russian, English subtitlesyear of production: 2017duration in minutes: 58director: Alexey TelnovProducer: Alexey Telnov

hear me

Country of production: russialanguage: russian, English subtitlesyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 90directors: olga Arlauskas, Svetlana gorloProducer: Nikita Tikhonov-rau

hymn to the great City

Country of production: russiaProduction: "Two Captains Production Company" limited liability Company, St. Petersburg documentary Film Studiolanguage: russian, English subtitlesyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 50directors: Andrei yefimov, Sergey debizhevProducers: Alexey Telnov, Mikhail Skigin


Сountries of production: Sweden, denmarkProduction: Adomeit Film, Momento Filmlanguage: old Swedish-russian-ukrainian-german, English subtitles

year of production: 2017duration in minutes: 89director: Anna EbornProducers: Katja Adomeit, david herdies Cast: lucia, lilly, Monk Nile, vikali volodja Mikitovich, Maria

transparent worlD

Country of production: georgiaProduction: The Production Studio "Akrobat"language: georgian, English subtitlesyear of production: 2017duration in minutes: 82director: vakhtang Kuntsev-gabashviliProducer: vakhtang Kuntsev-gabashvili

weather foreCast

Country of production: russiaProduction: Production Center "KiNoFEST" ltdlanguage: russian, English subtitlesyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 63director: ivan TverdovskyProducer: Sergei bragin, Anton Malyshev

wilD roses

Country of production: PolandProduction: Alter Ego Pictureslanguage: Polish, English subtitlesyear of production: 2017duration in minutes: 89director: Anna JadowskaProducers: roman Jarosz, izabela igelCast: Marta Nieradkiewicz, Michał Żurawski, halina rasiakówna, Konrad Skolimowski


Country of production: uSAlanguage: russianyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 91director: Alexandre PhiliPPEProducers: robert Muratore, Kerry deignan royCast: Alan barnette, Justin benson, Peter bogdanovich

Citizen Jane: battle for the City

Country of production: uSAProduction: Altimeter Filmsyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 93director: Matt TyrnauerProducer: Matt Tyrnauer


Country of production: uSAProduction: Cinereach, El Peligroyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 101directors: Antonio Santini, daniel SicklesProducers: Antonio Santini, daniel SicklesCast: dina buno, Scott levin

liberation Day

Country of production: latviaProduction: vFS Filmsyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 100directors: ugis olte, Morten TraavikProducer: Morten TraavikCast: boris benko, Tomaz Cubej, Milan Fras


Сountries of production: uSA, Philippinesyear of production: 2017duration in minutes: 94director: ramona S. diazProducer: ramona S. diaz

the Confession

Country of production: uKProduction: rogan Productions, Shoebox Filmsyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 96director: Ashish ghadialiProducer: James roganCast: Moazzam begg

76 miNUTes aND 15 secONDs with abbas Kiarostami

Country of production: iranyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 76director: Seifollah SamadianProducer: Seifollah SamadianCast: Abbas Kiarostami, Juliette binoche, Jafar Panahi, Massoud Kimiai, hamideh razavi

a speCial Day

Country of production: iranyear of production: 2017duration in minutes: 96director: homayoun AsadianProducer: homayoun AsadianCast: Mostafa Zamani, Farhad Aslani, Parinaz izadyar, Mohsen Kiaie, Afsaneh Kamali

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being born

Country of production: iranyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 92director: Mohsen AbdolvahabProducer: Mohammad AhmadiCast: hedayat hashemi, Elham Korda, Sepahrad Farzami, reza Mortezavi, behnaz Jafari


Country of production: iranyear of production: 2017duration in minutes: 82director: Mohsen gharaieProducer: bahman KamyarCast: hamed behdad, baran Kosari, Mohsen Kiaie, Nader Fallah, giti ghasemi

boarDing pass

Country of production: iranyear of production: 2017duration in minutes: 88director: Mehdi rahaniProducers: Mehdi rahmani & bahman KamyarCast: Mansour Shahbazi, Neda Jebraili, Mohammad-Ali Najafi, Asghar rafie Jam, Shirin yazdanbakhsh


Country of production: iranyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 110director: Narges AbyarProducer: Mohammad-hossein ghasemiCast: Sareh Nouri Moosavi, Pantea Panahi ha, Mehran Ahmadi, Jamshid hashempour, Shabnam Moghadami


Country of production: iranyear of production: 2017duration in minutes: 83directors: Keivan Alimohammadi & omid bonakdarProducers: Keivan Alimohammadi & omid bonakdarCast: Mahnaz Afshar, hamed Komeili, Siavash Mofodi, hadi hejazifar, hamid-reza Pegah


Country of production: iranyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 145director: Mehdi Fard ghaderiProducer: Javad NorouzbeigiCast: Manouchehr Alipour, Ali ostadi, Soudabeh bayzai, Ana Nemati, Atabak Naderi, Faghiheh Soltani


Country of production: iranyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 90director: Ebrahim EbrahimianProducer: Shahram EkhlaspourCast: Mohammad-reza Foroutan, Sareh bayat, hadieh Tehrani, hamid reza Azarang, Pantea Panahi ha


Country of production: iranyear of production: 2017duration in minutes: 102director: Shahram MokriProducer: Sepehr SeifiCast: Abed Abest, babak Karimi, Elaheh bakhshi, behzad dorani, Pedram Sharifi


Country of production: iranyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 115director: reza dormishianProducer: reza dormishianCast: Navid Mohammadzadeh, Maryam Palizban, baran Kosari, Mehdi Kooshki, bahram Afshari


Country of production: iranyear of production: 2017duration in minutes: 94director: rambod JavanProducer: rambod JavanCast: Negar Javaherian, Mohamamd-reza Foroutan, Mani haghighi, Afsaneh baygan, Alireza Shoja Noori


Country of production: iranyear of production: 2017duration in minutes: 84director: Abed AbestProducer: Maryam ShafieCast: Abed Abest, vahid rad, Majid yousefi, danial Khojasteh, Shahrzad Seifi

taKe me home

Country of production: iranyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 16director: Abbas KiarostamiProducer: Abbas Kiarostami

the home

Country of production: iranyear of production: 2017

duration in minutes: 78director: Asghar yousefinejadProducer: Asghar yousefinejadCast: ramin riazi, Mohadeseh heyrat, gholamreza bagheri, Sedigheh daryani

white Chairs

Country of production: iranyear of production: 2017duration in minutes: 76director: reza dormishianProducer: reza dormishianCast: Mathew Joils, Emily hurley, Michael Adams, Stephen r. Caran

12 ciTizeNs

Country of production: ChinaProduction: Juben Picturesyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 108director: Ang XuProducer: luna wangCast: he bing, han Tongsheng, Qian bo, Mi Tiezeng, li guangfu

Crazy arts

Country of production: ChinaProduction: Juben Picturesyear of production: 2017duration in minutes: 108director: Cai yushuiProducer: luna wangCast: deshun wang, yan Zhang, yiheng Cai, Zhuang ying, Xudong du

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Country of production: ChinaProduction: Juben Picturesyear of production: 2018 (estimated)duration in minutes: 90director: Xi guanProducer: li Zhu


Country of production: ChinaProduction: Juben Picturesyear of production: 2017duration in minutes: 90director: Xi guanProducer: li ZhuCast: Zhu Zhu, geng deng Peng Cuo, duo bu Jie, luo Sang Qun Pei

my team vs. real maDriD

Сountries of production: China, SpainProduction: Juben Picturesyear of production: 2019duration in minutes: 90director: Xiaokun wangProducer: li Zhu

WOlf TOTem 2

Production: Juben Picturesyear of production: 2018duration in minutes: 120Producer: li Zhu

ali, the goat & ibrahim

Country of production: Egypt, France, united Arab Emirates, Qataryear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 90director: Sherif El bendaryProducers: Mohamed hefzy (Film Clinic), hossam Elouan (Transit Films (Eg)), guillaume de Seille (Arizona Productions)Cast: Ahmed Magdy, Ali Sobhy, Salwa Mohamed Ali, Nahed El Sebai


Сountries of production: Colombia, Franceyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 92director: Jacques ToulemondeProducers: Julien Naveau, diana ramosCast: Juana Acosta, bruno Clairefond, Kolia Abiteboul

battle for sevastopol

Сountries of production: russia, ukraineyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 120director: Sergey MokritskiyProducers: Nataliya Mokrytska Egor olesovCast: Julia Peresild, Joan blackham, Evgeniy Tsyganov, vitali linetski, Polina Pakhomova, Nikita Tarasov

Don’t Call me son

Country of production: brazilyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 82director: Anna MuylaertProducers: Sara Silveira, Maria ionescu, Anna MuylaertCast: Matheus Nachtergaele, dani Nefussi, Naomi Nero, daniel botelho, luciana Paes, helena Albergaria

eva nova

Сountries of production: Slovakia, Czech republicyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 106director: Marko SkopProducers: Marko Škop, Ján Meliš (Artileria, S.r.o.), Alice TaberyCast: Emilia vasaryova, Milan ondrik, Anikó vargová, Žofia Martišová


Сountries of production: dominican republic, Francedirector: yanillys PerezProducers: yanillys Perez, Thibaud billiardCast: Alexandra de la Cruz, Junior de la Cruz, Jeyson de la Cruz, Joselito de la Cruz, Ana Maria de la Cruz

la Casa

Country of production: Argentinayear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 624director: diego lermanProducer: Nicolas AvrujCast: Érica rivas, Mercedes Moran, Cristina banegas, Julieta diaz, horacio Marassi, diego velazquez

little harbour

Сountries of production: Slovakia, Czech republic, hungaryyear of production: 2017duration in minutes: 90director: iveta grofovaProducers: Katarína Krnáčová (hulapa Film), iveta grófová (hulapa Film), Jiří Konečny (Endorfilm), Péter reich (Katapult Film)Cast: vanessa Szamuhelová, Matúš bačišin, Katarína Kamencová, Johanna Tesařová

nalu on the borDer

Country of production: brazil year of production: 2016duration in minutes: 94director: Cristiane oliveiraProducer: Aletéia Selonk (okna Produções)Cast: Maria galant, verónica Perrotta, Amélia bittencourt, Marat descartes, Áurea baptista, Fabiana Amorim

our mother

Country of production: Franceyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 82director: Fejria delibaProducer: Thierry lenouvelCast: Tata Milouda, brigitte roüan, Claire wauthion


Country of production: germanyyear of production: 2017duration in minutes: 108director: Chris MieraProducers: Kordula hildebrandt, Chris MieraCast: Mike hoffman, Mathis reinhardt, Tom böttcher, Cai Cohrs

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director: raja Amari Producers: dora bouchoucha, dominique besnéhardCast: hiam Abbass, Sarah hannachi, Salim Kechiouche, Majd Mastoura

gaza surf Club

Country of production: germanyyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 87director: Philip gnadt, Mickey yamineProducers: benny Theisen, Stephanie yamine, Andreas Schaap, Mickey yamineCast: Sabah Abu ghanem, Mohammed Abu Jayab, ibrahim Arafat


Country of production: uAEyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 12director: boubaker boukhariProducer: Jon Shaw Cast: Paul w. Poteete, Alina Zygowska, Nuria Pellicer, Ahmed Elrasheed Jumaa “Mario”

KinDil el bahr

Сountries of production: Algeria, Kuwait, uSAyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 40director: damien ounouri Producers: El hadi bouabdallah & Talal Al-Muhanna Cast: Adila bendimerad, Nabil Asli, Souad Sebki, Aziz boukerouni, Jawad Ayachi, Jawhara Ayachi

my seConD eye

Сountries of production: germany, Jordan, Palestineyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 11director: Ahmad Saleh Producer: Stefan gieren

my unCle

Country of production: Moroccoyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 107director: Nassim Abassi Producer: Nassim AbassiCast: Alia Erkab, Abderrahim Tounsi, Manal Essaddiki, Souad Alaoui, ibtissam laaroussi, Majid lakroun, Mohammed Khiari

nanny Culture

Country of production: uAEyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 80director: Paul James driscoll Producers: Sheikha Alyazia bint Nahyan Al NahyanCast: Julie C. Mcilvenny, Annie Martin, Jana valabikova

noCturne in blaCK

Country of production: lebanondirector: Jimmy Keyrouz Producers: Marc Fadel, Ellie Foumbi, Felecia hunter, Jimmy Keyrouz Cast: Tarek yaacoub as Karim, Karim Zein as Ziad, rachid Salloum as Abou, Moussa Julian Farhat as the Jihadist leader

one minute

Country of production: Jordanyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 10director: dina Nasser Producer: dina Nasser Cast: Majd hijawi, ruba hannun, lama hamdan, dina Naser, baby Alia

egon sChiele – Death anD the maiDen

Сountries of production: Austria, luxembourgProduction: Novotny & Novotny Filmproduktion, Amour Fou luxembourg, ulrich Seidl Filmproduktionyear of production: 2016 duration in minutes: 110director: dieter bernerProducers: Alexander glehr, bady MinckCast: Noah Saavedra, Maresi riegner, valerie Pachner

four against the banK

Country of production: germanyProduction:Hellinger/DollFilmproduktion, warner bros.year of production: 2016 duration in minutes: 96director: wolfgang Petersen

pieCes of me

Country of production: Franceyear of production: 2012duration in minutes: 90director: Nolwenn lemesleProducer: Christophe bichotCast: Adele Exarchopoulos, Zabou breitman, Tchéky Karyo

WeDNesDay 04:45

Country of production: greeceyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 116director: Alexis AlexiouProducer: Thanassis KarathanosCast: Stelios dimitris, dimitris Tzoumakis, Adam bousdoukos, Mimi branescu

a mile in my shoes

Country of production: Moroccoyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 110director: Saïd Khallaf Producers: Saïd rihane & Saïd KhallafCast: Amine Ennaji, Noufissa benchehida, Abdel ilah Ajil, rawia, Zohra Noujoum

foreign boDy

Сountries of production: France, Tunisiayear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 92

the parrot

Сountries of production: Jordan, germanyyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 18directors: darin Sallam & Amjad Alrasheed Producers: deema Azar & roman roitman Cast: hend Sabri, Ashraf barhom, yassmine ben Amara

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96 97

Cast: Til Schweiger, Matthias Schweighöfer, Michael bully herbig, Jan Josef liefers

heart of stone

Country of production: germanyProduction: Schmidtz Katze Filmkollektiv, Studio babelsbergyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 119director: Johannes NaberProducers: Christoph Fisser, henning MolfenterCast: Frederick lau, henriette Confurius, david Schütter, Moritz bleibtreu, Milan Peschel, Sebastian blomberg


Сountries of production: Netherlands, belgiumProduction: viking Film, A Private viewyear of production: 2017duration in minutes: 74director: Ties SchenkProducer: Marleen SlotCast: Teun Stokkel, olivia lonsdale, Marina gatell, Sam louwyck

NighT Of a 1000 hOURs

Сountries of production: luxembourg, Austria, Netherlandslanguage: russianyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 92director: virgil widrichProducer: bady MinckCast: laurence rupp, Amira Casar, barbara Petritsch, Elisabeth rath, linde Prelog

the most beautiful Day

Country of production: germanyyear of production: Florian david Fitz

duration in minutes: 113director: Florian david FitzProducers: dan Maag, Matthias SchweighöferCast: Florian david Fitz, Matthias Schweighöfer, Alexandra Maria lara

tiger girl

Country of production: germanyProduction: FogMA gmbhlanguage: russianyear of production: 2017 duration in minutes: 90director: Jakob lassProducers: ines Schiller, golo SchultzCast: Ella rumpf, Maria-victoria dragus, Enno Trebs, Franz rogowski

we useD to be Cool

Country of production: AustriaProduction: Novotny & Novotny Filmproduktion gmbh, witcraft Szenarioyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 96director: Marie KreutzerProducers: Alexander glehr, Franz NovotnyCast: vicky Krieps, Marcel Mohab, Pia hierzegger, Pheline roggan

welCome to germany

Country of production: germanyProduction: wiedemann & berg Filmproduktion, Sentana Filmproduktion, Seven Picturesyear of production: 2016 duration in minutes: 116director: Simon verhoevenProducers: Simon verhoeven, Michael verhoeven, Max wiedemannCast: Senta berger, heiner lauterbach, Florian david Fitz, Palina rojinski, Elyas M‘barek

12 mONThs

Country of production: russiaProduction: vikinglanguages: russianyear of production: 2013duration in minutes: 100director: Aleksandr barshakProducers: Maxim boev, Anton Kalinkin, lev MogilevskyCast: Alesa Kacher, ivan dorn, Maksim yudin, Aleksandr golovin

30 DaTes

Country of production: russiaProduction: inspiration Fimslanguages: russianyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 88director: Tatyana KapitanProducers: dmitriy litvinov, dmitriy osmerkin, Anastasiya gavrishCast: Nataliya Medvedeva, Nikita Panfilov, dmitriy bogdan, Nikita dzhigurda

a haunteD house

Country of production: uSAProduction: iM global octane, wayans bros. Entertainment, Automatic Entertainmentlanguage: russianyear of production: 2012duration in minutes: 87director: Michael TiddesProducers: rick Alvarez, lisa blum, Marlon wayansCast: Marlon wayans, Essence Atkins, Nick Swardson, Cedric the Entertainer

a haUNTeD hOUse 2

Country of production: uSAProduction: iM global octane, wayans bros. Entertainment, Automatic Entertainmentlanguage: russianyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 87director: Michael TiddesProducers: rick Alvarez, Marlon wayans, Stuart FordCast: Marlon wayans, Jaime Pressly, Essence Atkins, gabriel iglesias

about him

Country of production: russiaProduction: Chancelanguage: russianyear of production: 2012duration in minutes: 80director: vyacheslav Krishtofovich,Producer: Sergey ZhigunovCast: Svetlana ivanova, Sergey Zhigunov, vitaliy Egorov, Eva barats

after the ball

Country of production: CanadaProduction: Pacific Northwest Pictures, Myriad Pictures

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98 99

language: russianyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 87director: Sean garrityProducers: don Carmody, robin Crumley, gabriella MartinelliCast: Portia doubleday, Marc-André grondin, Chris Noth, lauren holly, Natalie Krill

babylon a. D.

Country of production: FranceProduction: MNP Enterprise, legend Films, 20th Century Fox, Canal+language: russianyear of production: 2008duration in minutes: 100director: Mathieu KassovitzProducers: Mathieu Kassovitz, Selwyn roberts, Alain goldmanCast: vin diesel, Michelle yeoh, Mélanie Thierry, lambert wilson, Mark Strong

blaCK golD

Сountries of production: Franse, italyProduction: Carthago Films, doha Film institute, France 2 Cinema, Quinta Communications, Prima Tvlanguage: russianyear of production: 2011duration in minutes: 130director: Jean-Jacques AnnaudProducers: Tarak ben Ammar, Naofil ben youssef, Xavier CastanoCast: Tahar rahim, Antonio banderas


Country of production: russiaProduction: Telesto Filmlanguage: russianyear of production: 2015

duration in minutes: 107director: Eduard bordukovProducers: Elena glikman, Mikhail degtyar, yaroslav ZhivovCast: Sergey romanovich, Sergey Podolny, Kirill degtyar, Aleksandr Melnikov, Stasya Miloslavskaya

Complete transformation

Country of production: russia Production: KAro-Productionlanguage: russianyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 90director: Filipp KorshunovProducers: yuri obukhov, Aleksey ryazantsev, Pavel SanaevCast: oleg gaas, Arina Postnikova, Nail Abdrakhmanov, Pavel Abdalov

DanCe to Death

Country of production: russiaProduction: Kinodanzlanguage: russianyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 90director: Andrey volginProducers: Evgeniy Malentev, viktor denisyukCast: ivan Zhvakin, lukerya ilyashenko, Nikita volkov, denis Shvedov

Dumb anD Dumber to

Country of production: uSAProduction: Conundrum Entertainment, New line Cinema, universal Pictures, red granite Pictureslanguage: russianyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 108directors: bobby Farelly, Peter Farelly

Producers: riza Aziz, bobby Farelly, Peter FarellyCast: Jim Carrey, Jeff daniels, rob riggle


Country of production: russiaProduction: Kinodanzlanguages: russianyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 90director: Artyom AksenenkoProducers: Evgeniy Mekentev, viktor denisyukCast: Alexander Petrov, diana Pozharskaya, Ekaterina Kabak, Sergey burunov

enDer's game

Country of production: uSAProduction: Ender’s game holding, Sierra Affinity, Chartoff Productionslanguage: russianyear of production: 2013duration in minutes: 114director: gavin hoodProducers: orson Scott Card, lynn hendee, robert ChartoffCast: Asa butterfield, harrison Ford, ben Kingsley, viola davis


Country of production: uSAProduction: Company Films, Emmett/Furla/OasisFilms,FortitudeInternational,PalmStar Media, remark Filmslanguage: russianyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 102director: declan daleProducers: robin gurland, gee Malik linton, Keanu reevesCast: Keanu reeves, Ana de Armas, Mira Sorvino, big daddy Kane, Christopher Mcdonald

from 5 to 7

Сountries of production: russia, lithuaniaProduction: Amalgama Productionlanguage: russianyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 107director: vladimir ShchegolkovProducer: Andrey FeofanovCast: Aleksandr ilin jr., darya Melnikova

gallows hill

Country of production: uSAProduction: A bigger boat, bowery hills Entertainment, launchpad Productions, rCN Films & e-nnovvalanguage: russianyear of production: 2013duration in minutes: 87director: victor garciaProducers: Peter block, david higgins, Andrea ChungCast: Peter Facinelli, Sophia Myles, Sebastian Martinez, Carolina guerra


Country of production: uSAProduction: FilmNation international, Crime Scene Pictures, Michael lobell Productionslanguage: russianyear of production: 2012duration in minutes: 89director: Michael hoffmanProducers: Mike lobell, rob Paris, Adam rippCast: Colin Firth, Cameron diaz, Alan rickman, Tom Courtenay


Country of production: uSAProduction: lionsgate, lakeshore Entertainment

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100 101

language: russianyear of production: 2009duration in minutes: 95director: Mark Neveldine, brian TaylorProducers: gary lucchesi, richard wright, Tom rosenberg, Skip williamsonCast: gerard butler, Amber valletta, Michael C. hall, Kyra Sedgwick

gemma bovery

Country of production: FranceProduction: gaumont, France 2 Cinéma, Albertine Productionslanguage: russianyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 99director: Anne FontaineProducers: Philippe Carcassonne, Matthieu Tarot, Francis boespflugCast: Fabrice luchini, gemma Arterton,Jason Flemyng, isabelle Candelier, Niels Schneider

get the gringo

Country of production: uSAProduction: Airborne Productions, icon Productionslanguage: russianyear of production: 2012duration in minutes: 95director: Abrian grunbergProducers: Mel gibson, bruce davey, Stacy PerskieCast: Mel gibson, Kevin hernandez, dolores heredia, Jesús ochoa

ghost team

Country of production: uSAProduction: Tandem Pictures, Mott Street Pictures, East 2 west Entertainment, Preferred Content, host Team Movielanguage: russianyear of production: 2016

duration in minutes: 83director: oliver irvingProducers: Julie Christeas, oliver irving, Clem McintoshCast: Jon heder, david Krumholtz, Justin long, Melonie diaz, Amy Sedaris

gnomeo & Juliet

Сountries of production: uK, uSAProduction: rocket Pictures, Starz Animation, Touchstone Pictures, buena vista recordslanguage: russianyear of production: 2011duration in minutes: 84director: Kelly AsburyProducers: baker bloodworth, Elton John, david FurnishCast: James McAvoy, Emily blunt, Ashley Jensen, Michael Caine

happy new year, moms!

Country of production: russiaProduction: Enjoy Movieslanguage: russianyear of production: 2012duration in minutes: 90directors: Sarik Andreasyan, Artyom Aksenenko, dmitriy grachevProducers: georgiy Malkov, Sarik Andreasyan, gevond AndreasyanCast: Elizaveta boyarskaya, Maxim Matveev, Pavel volya, irina rozanova, Alain delon

heCtor ahD the searCh for happiness

Сountries of production: uK, germany, Canada, South AfricaProduction: Egoli Tossell Film, Film Afrika worldwide, backside Filmlanguage: russian

year of production: 2014duration in minutes: 114director: Peter ChelsomProducers: Klaus dohle, Trish dolman, Christine haeblerCast: Simon Pegg, Toni Collette, rosamund Pike, Stellen Skarsgard, Jean reno


Country of production: uSAProduction: Across Town Production, iFC Films, Ten Acre Films, Arts+ laborlanguage: russianyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 99director: Kat CandlerProducers: Jonathan duffy, Kelly williams, Janice beardCast: Aaron Paul, Juliette lewis, Josh wiggins, deke garner, dalton Sutton


Country of production: russiaProduction: Media Art Studio, Studio 25, languages: russianyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 86director: yuriy vasilevProducers: Elmira Aynulova, Nataliya doroshkevich, Mariya Zhuromskaya Cast: dima bilan, Svetlana ivanova, Aleksandr baluev, Tatyana lyutaeva, yuliya Peresild

hunting party

Сountries of production: uSA, Croatia, bosnia-herzegovinaProduction: intermedia, weinstein Company, Cherry road Filmslanguage: russianyear of production: 2007

duration in minutes: 104director: richard ShepardProducers: bill block, Paul hansonCast: richard gere, Terrence howard, Jesse Eisenberg, James brolin

i hate valentine's Day

Country of production: uSAProduction: blue Star Pictures, i hate vday Productions, My bench Productionslanguage: russianyear of production: 2009duration in minutes: 89director: Nia vardalosProducers: dominic ianno, Madeleine Sherak, william SherakCast: Nia vardalos, John Corbett


Countries of production: uSA, uKProduction: viP Medienfonds 4, rising Star, Silver reellanguage: russianyear of production: 2011duration in minutes: 121director: Jonathan EnglishProducers: rick benattar, Jonathan English, Andrew J. CurtisCast: James Purefoy, Paul giamatti, brian Cox, Kate Mara

iRONclaD 2

Country of production: uKProduction: Mythic international Entertainmentlanguage: russianyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 100director: Jonathan EnglishProducers: rick benattar, Andrew J. Curtis, Jonathan English

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Cast: Tom Austen, Tom rhys harries, roxanne McKee, danny webb

it follows

Country of production: uSAProduction: visit Films, Northern lights Filmslanguage: russianyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 100director: david robert MitchellProducers: rebecca green, david Kaplan, Erik rommesmoCast: Maika Monroe, Keir gilchrist, olivia luccardi, lili Sepe

Kill your frienDs

Country of production: uKProduction: unigram, Altitude Film Entertaintmentlanguage: russianyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 103director: owen harrisProducers: gregor Cameron, will Clarke, len blavatnikCast: Nicholas hoult, Thomas Conroy, James Corden, rosanna Arquette, Ed Skrein, Craig roberts

Knights of baDassDom

Country of production: russiaProduction: indievest Pictureslanguage: russianyear of production: 2013duration in minutes: 86director: Joe linchProducers: Mark burton, Kevin dreyfuss, Matt wallCast: ryan Kwanten, Steve Zahn, Peter dinklage, d.r. Anderson

la belle et la bête

Сountries of production: France, germanyProduction: Eskwad, Pathé, TF1 Films Productionlanguage: russianyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 112director: Christophe gansProducer: richard grandpierreCast: léa Seydoux, vincent Cassel, André dussolier, Eduardo Noriega


Country of production: uSAProduction: Filmnation international, Annapurna Pictures, benaroya Pictureslanguage: russianyear of production: 2012duration in minutes: 116director: John hillcoatProducers: Michael benaroya, douglas wick, Megan EllisonCast: Shia labeouf, guy Pearce, Tom hardy

love without rights

Country of production: russiaProduction: Kaskadlanguage: russianyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 90director: dmitriy AstrakhanProducers: dmitriy Astrakhan, viktoriya Shamlikashvili, Julian orlovCast: viktor vasilev, Anna gorshkova, oleg vasilkov, irina Pogodina, Anna Nazarova

man with a warranty

Country of production: russiaProduction: Enjoy Movieslanguage: russian

year of production: 2012duration in minutes: 90director: Artyom AksenenkoProducers: georgiy Malkov, Sarik Andreasyan, gevond AndreasyanCast: Aleksander oleshko, Nonna grishaeva, Pyotr Fyodorov, dmitriy Nagiev


Сountries of production: uSA, SpainProduction: Antena 3 Films, ombra Films, roxbury, Safran Company, StudioCanallanguage: russianyear of production: 2013duration in minutes: 99director: Jorge doradoProducers: Mercedes gamero, Peter Safran, Jaume Collet-SerraCast: Taissa Farmiga, Mark Strong brian Cox, Saskia reeves


Country of production: russia Production: Enjoy Movieslanguage: russianyear of production: 2012duration in minutes: 103directors: Evgeniy Abyzov, Sarik AndreasyanProducers: georgiy Malkov, Sarik Andreasyan, gevond AndreasyanCast: Sergey bezrukov, dmitriy dyuzhev, Mikhail Porechenkov, Egor beroev, gosha Kutsenko, igor vernik

mOms 3

Country of production: russiaProduction: Enjoy Movieslanguage: russianyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 91directors: georgiy Malkov, Emil Nikogosyan

Producers: georgiy Malkov, vladimir Polyakov, daniil MakhortCast: Anastasiya Zavorotnyuk, olga volkova, Mariya Syomkina, garik Kharlamov, Andrey urgant

new lanD

Country of production: russiaProduction: Andreevsky Flag Film Company, u-Film Maltalanguage: russianyear of production: 2008duration in minutes: 119director: Aleksandr MelnikProducer: Anton MelnikCast: Konstantin lavronenko, Marat basharov, ingeborga dapkunaite, Sergey Zhigunov

no Comment

Country of production: russiaProduction: Studio Third romelanguages: russianyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 107director: Artyom TemnikovProducers: Aleksandr Novin, Asya Temnikova, Elena brenkovaCast: Aleksandr Novin, leonard Proxauf, dmitriy Zhuravlyov, Evgeniy orekhov

oil painting

Сountries of production: russian, uSAProduction: Argo Filmlanguage: russianyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 90directors: oleg Taktarov, Aleksander MosinProducers: Andrey Sichev, Aleksander Mosin, Sergei litvinskiyCast: Nikolay Kudryashov, yuliya loginova, Tommy ‘Tiny’ lister, oleg Taktarov, Aleksander Mosin

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Country of production: russiaProduction: STN-Filmlanguage: russianyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 110director: Andrey ProshkinProducers: igor Mishin, Natalia gostyushina, Elena romanovaCast: Elena lyadova, viktor Sukhorukov, vitaliy Khaev, oleg yagodin, Timofey Tribuntsev

papa ou maman

Сountries of production: France, belgiumProduction: Chapter 2, Nexus Factory, M6 Films, Jouror Productions, Fargo Filmslanguage: russianyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 85director: Martin bourboulonProducer: Alexandre de la PatellièreCast: laurent laffite, Marina Fois, Alexandre desrousseaux, Anna lemarchand, Achille Potier

possession of miChael King

Country of production: uSAProduction: gold Circle Films, Quickfire Filmslanguage: russianyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 83director: david JungProducers: Paul brooks, Jaime burke, guy danellaCast: Shane Johnson, dale dickey, Ella Anderson

prinCe oleg

Country of production: russiayear of production: 2018duration in minutes: 100Producers: dmitriy litvinov, vladimir Kilburg

Cast: vladimir yaglych, ieva Andrejevaite, danila yakushev

revenge of the green Dragons

Country of production: uSAProduction: Artfire Films, iM global octane, initial Entertainment, 7th Floorlanguage: russianyear of production: 2013duration in minutes: 94directors: wai-Keung lau, Andrew looProducers: Allen bain, Ara Katz, Stuart FordCast: Justin Chon, Kevin wu, harry Sham Jr., Eugenia yuan

sammy 2: esCape from paraDise

Country of production: belgiumProduction: nwave Pictures, illuminata Pictures, Motion investment group, Studiocanallanguage: russianyear of production: 2012duration in minutes: 92director: ben StassenProducers: gina gallo, Mimi Maynard, domonic ParisCast: Alan Shearman Cinda Adams, Thomas lee, dino Andrade

solomon Kane

Country of production: uSAProduction: davis-Films, Czech Anglo Productions, wandering Star Pictureslanguage: russianyear of production: 2009duration in minutes: 104director: Michael J. bassettProducers: Michael berrow, Paul berrow, Samuel hadidaCast: James Purefoy, Jason Flemyng


Country of production: russiaProduction: Andreevsky Flag Film Companylanguage: russianyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 170director: Aleksandr MelnikProducer: Anton MelnikCast: grigory dobrygin, Konstantin lavronenko, Egor beroev, Evgeny Tsyganov

the age of aDaline

Сountries of production: uSA, CanadaProduction: lakeshore Entertainment, Sidney Kimmel Entertainmentlanguage: russianyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 113director: lee Toland KriegerProducers: Sidney Kimmel, gary lucchesi, Tom rosenbergCast: blake lively, Michiel huisman, Kathy baker, harrison Ford

the babaDooK

Сountries of production: Australia, CanadaProduction: intertainment one, Causeway Films, Smoking gunlanguage: russianyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 93director: Jennifer KentProducers: Kristina Ceyton, Kristian Moliere, Pete bestCast: Essie davis, Noah wiseman, hayley McElhinney, daniel henshall

the babymaKers

Country of production: uSAProduction: Alliance Films, Automatik Entertainment, duck Attack Films, iM globallanguage: russian

year of production: 2012duration in minutes: 96director: Jay ChandrasekharProducers: Jason blum, Jay ChandrasekharCast: Paul Schneider, olivia Munn, Kevin heffernan, Jay Chandrasekhar

the briDe

Country of production: russiaProduction: ForceMediayear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 90director: Svyatoslav PodgayevskiyProducers: dmitriy litvinov, vladislav Severtsev, Zaur bolotaev, Cast: victoria Agalakova, vyacheslav Chepurchenko, Aleksandra rebenok, igor Khripunov

the Coma

Country of production: russialanguages: russian, Englishyear of production: 2018duration in minutes: 100director: Nikita ArgunovProducers: Sarik Andreasyan, gevond Andreasyan, ruben dishdishyanCast: rinal Mukhametov, Aleksey Serebryakov, Anton Pampushnyy, lubov Aksenova, Milos bikovic

the Devil's Double

Countries of production: belgium, NetherlandsProduction: Corsan, Corrino Media Corporation, Staccato Filmslanguage: russianyear of production: 2011duration in minutes: 109director: li TamahoriProducers: Paul breuls, Catherine vandeleene, Michael John FedunCast: dominic Cooper, ludivine Sagnier, raad rawi, Philip Quast

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the leDge

Country of production: uSAProduction: Foresight unlimited, Film & Entertainment viP Medienfonds 4 gmbh & Co.language: russianyear of production: 2011duration in minutes: 101director: Matthew Chapman,Producers: Prince Faisal S. Al-Saud, Mark damon, Michael MailerCast: Patrick wilson, Charlie hunnam, liv Tyler

the runner

Country of production: uSAProduction: Paper Street Films, back lot Pictures, Kgb Medialanguages: russianyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 90director: Austin StarkProducers: bingo gubelmann, Erika hampson, benji KohnCast: Nicolas Cage, Sarah Paulson, Connie Nielsen, wendell Pierce

the sCythian

Country of production: russiaProduction: STv filmcompanylanguages: russian, Englishduration in minutes: 100director: rustam MusafirProducer: Sergey SelyanovCast: Aleksey Faddeev, yuriy Tsurilo, Aleksandr Kuznetsov, vitaly Kravchenko, Aleksandr Patsevich

the seCret of the four prinCesses

Country of production: russiaProduction: KAro-Production

language: russianyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 90director: oleg ShtromProducer: Jury obukhovCast: Kristina orbakaite, Sergey Zhigunov, Aleksandr Strizhenov

the taKing

Country of production: uSAProduction: bad hat harry Productions, Casadelic Pictures, Jeff rice Filmslanguage: russianyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 90director: Adam robitelProducers: Jeff rice, bryan Singer, Scott AdlerCast: Jill larson, Anne ramsay, Michelle Ang, ryan Cutrona, Anne bedian

the wolf of wall street

Country of production: uSAProduction: Appian way, EMJAg Productions, red granite Pictures, Sikelia Productionslanguage: russianyear of production: 2013duration in minutes: 180director: Martin ScorseseProducers: riza Aziz, leonardo diCaprio, Joey McFarlandCast: leonardo diCaprio, Jonah hill, Margot, robbie, Kyle Chandler

the younD anD proDigious t.s.spivet

Сountries of production: uSA, France, CanadaProduction: gaumont, Tapioca Films, Epithète Filmslanguage: russianyear of production: 2013duration in minutes: 105

director: Jean Pierre JeunetProducers: Frédéric brillion, gilles legrand, Francis boespflug Cast: Kyle Catlett, helena bonham Carter, Judy davis, Callum Keith rennie, Niamh wilson

the zombie Diaries

Country of production: uKProduction: off world Films, bleeding Edge Filmslanguage: russianyear of production: 2006duration in minutes: 85directors: Michael batlett, Kevin gatesProducers: Michael batlett, Kevin gatesCast: Scott Ainslie, Toby bowman, victoria Summer, Juliet Forester

unbelievable love

Country of production: russiaProduction: New Art Cinema Production, Collection kinolanguage: russianyear of production: 2013duration in minutes: 85director: Arman gevorgyanProducer: gleb ShprigovCast: Marina Aleksandrova, ravshana Kurkova, Egor beroev, gosha Kutsenko

vampire aCaDemy

Country of production: uSAProduction: Angry Films, Kintop Pictures, Preger Entertainment, reliance Entertainmentlanguage: russianyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 100director: Mark watersProducers: Susan Montford, don Murphy, deepak NayarCast: Zoey deutch, lucy Fry, danila Kozlovsky, dominic Sherwood


Сountries of production: russian, ukraine, germany, uK, Czech republicProduction: Marins group Entertainment, rFg, Step by Step Film Productionlanguages: russianyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 90director: oleg StepchenkoProducers: Alexander Kulikov, ruslan ustinov, Aleksey PetrukhinCast: Jason Flemyng, Andrey Smolyakov, Aleksey Chadov, Agnia ditkovskite

welCome to the punCh

Сountries of production: uK, uSAProduction: iM global, Automatik Entertainment, between The Eyes, Scott Free Productions, worldview Entertainmentlanguage: russianyear of production: 2013duration in minutes: 100director: Eran CreevyProducers: rory Aitken, brian Kavanaugh-Jones, ben PughCast: James McAvoy, Mark Strong, Andrea riseborough, Johnny harris


Country of production: ThailandProduction: Sahamongkol Film international, work Point Entertainmentlanguage: russianyear of production: 2012duration in minutes: 100director: Prapas CholsaranontProducer: Phanich SodseeCast: bawriboon Chanreuang, Santisuk Promsiri, udom Taephanit, Kerttisak udomnak

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108 109

ameriCan heist

Country of production: russiaProduction: glacier Films, NgN Productionsyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 91director: Sarik AndreasyanProducers: Tove Christensen, georgiy Malkov, Sarik AndreasyanCast: hayden Christensen, Adrien brody, Jordana brewster, Akon

blunt forCe trauma

Country of production: russiaProduction: ETA Filmsyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 97director: Ken SanzelProducers: dean blagg, Eric brennergary Preisler

Cast: ryan Kwanten, Freida Pinto, Mickey rourke, Jon Mack, Carolina gómez

Champions: faster. higher. stronger

Country of production: russiaProduction: Enjoy Moviesyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 15director: Artyom AksenenkoProducers: georgiy Malkov, vladimir PolyakovCast: Sergey bondarchuk, Kristina Asmus, Evgeniy Pronin, Egor Koreshkov


Country of production: russiaProduction: Enjoy movieslanguage: russianyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 100directors: Aleksey vakulov, Artyom Aksenenko, dmitriy dyuzhevProducers: vladimir Polyakov, georgiy MalkovCast: Mark bogatyrev, Taisiya vilkova, Konstantin Kryukov, Tatyana Arntgolts


Country of production: russiaProduction: Enjoy Moviesyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 86director: georgiy MalkovProducers: Aleksandr Markin, Emil NikogosyanCast: Aleksandr revva, Pavel derevyanko, Tatyna Kosmacheva, Artyom Suchkov


Сountries of production: uSA, russiaProduction: Spectrevision, glacier Films

year of production: 2014duration in minutes: 94director: Cary Murnion, Jonathan MillotProducers: Elijah wood, Tove Christensen, georgiy Malkov, daniel NoaCast: Elijah wood, rainn wilson, Alison Pill,Jack Mcbrayer

Corporate party

Country of production: russiaProduction: Enjoy Moviesyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 89director: oleg AsadulinProducers: vladimir Polyakov, georgiy Malkov, Sarik Andreasyan, gevond AndreasyanCast: Nikolay Naumov, vladimir Tolokonnikov, Miroslava Karpovich, Andrey Fedortsov, Aristarkh venes

DeCent people

Country of production: russiaProduction: Twentieth Century Fov C.i.Syear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 89director: Klim PoplavskiyProducers: vladimir Polyakov, georgiy MalkovCast: Sergei Shnurov, Evgeniy Smorigin, Nataliya Medvedeva, grigoriy Tsvetkov

elusive: the last hero

Country of production: russiaProduction: Enjoy Moviesyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 76director: Artyom AksenenkoProducers: vladimir Polyakov, gevond Andreasyan, ivan Kapitonov, vyacheslav MurugovCast: Alexandra bortich, ivan Shakhnazarov, ilya Malanin, Anvar Khalilulaev

elusive (neulovimye)

Country of production: russiaProduction: ultra Storyyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 86director: Artyom AksenenkoProducers: vladimir Polyakov, gevond Andreasyan, ivan Kapitonov, vyacheslav MurugovCast: Alexandra bortich, ivan Shakhnazarov, ilya Malanin, Anvar Khalilulaev

frienDs of frienDs

Country of production: russiaProduction: Enjoy Moviesyear of production: 2013duration in minutes: 80directors: Artyom Aksenenko, Ara oganesyanProducers: vladimir Polyakov, georgiy Malkov, Sarik Andreasyan, gevond AndreasyanCast: Anna Shurochkina (Nyusha), garik Kharlamov, yuriy Stoyanov, Nikolay Naumov

islanD of luCK

Country of production: russiaProduction: Enjoy Moviesyear of production: 2013duration in minutes: 82director: Kirill KozlovProducers: vladimir Polyakov, georgiy Malkov, Sarik Andreasyan, gevond AndreasyanCast: roman yunusov, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Agniya ditkovskite, Anna Khilkevich

laDy of CseJte

Country of production: russiaProduction: glacier Filmsyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 107director: Andrei Konst


Сountries of production: France, belgiumProduction:Chaocorp, France 3 Cinéma, Pathé, Prima linea Productions, Scope Pictureslanguage: russianyear of production: 2011duration in minutes: 88directors: rémi bezançon, Jean-Christophe lieProducers: valérie Schermann, Christophe JankovicCast: Max renaudin, Simon Abkarian, François-Xavier demaison, vernon dobtcheff

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110 111

Producers: vladimir Polyakov, georgiy Malkov, Sarik Andreasyan, gevond AndreasyanCast: Svetlana Khodchenkova, isabel Allen, lucas bond, lia Sinchevici

lightly at the merCy (lyogoK na pomine)

Country of production: russiaProduction: Enjoy Moviesyear of production: 2014duration in minutes: 82director: Evgeniy AbyzovProducers: vladimir Polyakov, georgiy Malkov, Sarik Andreasyan, gevond AndreasyanCast: garik Kharlamov, Kristina Asmus, yekaterina vasilyeva, Aleksandr revva, Tatyana Kosmacheva

mafia: the game of survival

Country of production: russiaProduction: big Cinema house, Enjoy Moviesyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 91director: Sarik AndreasyanProducers: vladimir Polyakov, Sarik Andreasyan, gevond AndreasyanCast: viktor verzhbitskiy , venyamin Smekhov, yuriy Chursin, vyacheslav razbegaev


Country of production: russiaProduction: Enjoy Moviesyear of production: 2012duration in minutes: 90director: Ashot KeshchyanProducers: vladimir Polyakov, georgy Malkov, Sarik Andreasyan, gevond AndreasyanCast: Nikolay Naiumov, Ararat Keshchyan, Aglaya Shilovskaya, lyudmila Artemeva


Country of production: russiaProduction: Enjoy Moviesyear of production: 2012duration in minutes: 83director: Evgeniy AbyzovProducers: vladimir Polyakov, georgy Malkov, Sarik Andreasyan, gevond AndreasyanCast: Aleksander revva, Kristina Asmus, dmitriy Khrustalev, lyudmila Artemyeva

the wannabe

Country of production: uSA, russiaProduction: Electric Entertainment, Traction Mediayear of production: 2013duration in minutes: 90director: Nick SandowProducers: Michael gasparro, lizzie Nastro, vincent PiazzaCast: Patricia Arquette, Michael imperioli, david Zayas, domenick lombardozzi

voiCes of a big Country

Country of production: russiaProduction: Enjoy Moviesyear of production: 2016duration in minutes: 101director: Tair MamedovProducers: vladimir Polyakov, viktoriya lihtina, Sarik Andreasyan, gevond Andreasyan, Edgar AkopyanCast: Alena Tojmintseva, Andrey grizli, Egor Sesarev, Tina Kuznetsova

what are men Doing! (Chto tvoryat muzhChiny!)

Country of production: russiaProduction: Enjoy Moviesyear of production: 2013

duration in minutes: 83director: Sarik AndreasyanProducers: vladimir Polyakov, Sarik Andreasyan, gevond AndreasyanCast: Tair Mamedov, roman yunusovKonstantin Kryukov, gavriil gordeev

WhaT aRe meN DOiNg! 2 (chTO TvORyaT mUzhchiNy! 2)

Country of production: russiaProduction: Enjoy Moviesyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 89director: Sarik AndreasyanProducer: vladimir Polyakov, Sarik Andreasyan, gevond AndreasyanCast: Tair Mamedov, roman yunusovdmitriy Kozhoma, Nikita dzhigurda

women vs men

Country of production: russiaProduction: Enjoy Moviesyear of production: 2015duration in minutes: 80director: Tair MamedovProducers: vladimir Polyakov, Sarik Andreasyan, gevond AndreasyanCast: roman yunusov, Aleksandr golovin, denis Kosyakov Maria Kravchenko

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Colontitul Colontitul




Shevchenko St., 127, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

Tel.: +7 727 272 27 12Fax: +7 727 272 25 02


Fifteenth Century A.D. Descendants of the great Genghis Khan – The Earth Shaker – have been creating their national and crushing foreign states on the vast expanses of Eurasia for hundreds of years. One of them – the legendary Abu’l-Khayr Shaybani – usurps power in the White Horde. Two sultans, Genghiz-ides, legitimate heirs to the throne – Kerey and Janybek – are making an urgent appeal to some nomadic tribes for leaving the cruel tyrant. In the hope of better life and freedom, the nomads decide to follow the sultans and soon face bloody battles, severe trials, bitterness of losses and joys of victory. In such painful labors, a new nation – the Kazakhs – is born in the Great Steppe and a new state – The Kazakh Khanate – appears on the map of the world. The history of the birth of a free nation is depicted in the epic drama – The Kazakh Khanate: The Diamond Sword – by film director Rustem Abdrashev.

Rustem Abdrashev

Born in 1970 in Alma-Ata (Kazakh SSR). The famous and success-ful director of Kazakhstan.

2004 island Of Revival2006 Patchwork Quilt2008 Gift To Stalin2011 The Leader’s Way. The Sky Of My Childhood2013 The Leader’s Way. Iron Mountain2013 The Leader’s Way. Fiery River2014 The Leader’s Way. Breaking The Vicious Circle2017 The Kazakh Khanate. The Diamond Sword2017 The Kazakh Khanate. 1 season, 10 episodes (a multi-part historical television film)


GRAND PRIX – Open Film Festival of CIS and Baltic countries «Kinoshok», Russia, Anapa (2004, Island of Revival)Audience Award at the Film Festival «Asian Cinema», Italy, Rome (2006, The Island of Revival)Prize of FIPRESCI – European Film Critics Prize at the IFF “Go East”, Germany, Wiesbaden (2005, Island of Revival)NETPAC – Asia Film Critics Prize, International Film Festival «Asian Cinema» Italy, Rome (2008, Gift to Stalin)GRAND PRIX «Sarmatian Lion» of the First International Film Festival «East-West», Orenburg, Russia (2008, Gift to Stalin)Special order of the «Gift to Stalin» curriculum at the International New York Film Festival of Jewish Cinema in Lincoln Center, New York, USA, 2008GRAND PRIX – IFF «Third Eye» India, Mumbai (2009, Gift to Stalin)GRAND PRIX «Golden Cyclo» of the XV International Film Festival «Cinemas d’Asie» in Vesoul, France (2009, Gift to Stalin)GRAND PRIX of the International Film Festival in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (2009, Gift to Stalin)GRAND PRIX – IFF «International Film Festival. Jewish Motives», Poland, Warsaw (2010, Gift to Stalin)Entered to the list of 100 best directors of Asia, South Korea, Busan, 2015 (Asia Cinema 100)

we are open for co-production in the next season!

Catalogue produced by ruAN Publishing Company

rustem TauyekelAnastassiya Taukelovabirgit beumersMeruert Abdrakhmanova

Photos courtesy of deonisy Mit, AurorA STudio


13 Shevchenko St.Almaty 050010 KazakhstanPhone: +7 (727) 272 27 12Fax: +7 (727) 272 25 02Email:
