
Post on 13-Mar-2016

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Written and Illustrated by Miladi



Cowarella Once upon a time a cow named Cowarella lived in a farm. She lived with her stepmother who was a pig and 2 stepsisters that were pigs too. They were mean to her and made her do a lot of work. One day when Cowarella was getting the mail a letter came from the Prince Bull and it was an invitation for a ball.

After they read the invitation, Cowarella asked her two sisters if she could go to the ball. They said, “you can go, but first you have to do all the chores. Then you can go to the ball.” The two mean sisters added, “Ha ha ha, you do not have a dress to wear to the ball.” Cowarella was crying.

Cowarella’s godmother came from nowhere just like magic. She was a chicken. Using her wand, she made a carriage, some horses and a beautiful dress for Cowarella.

Her fairy godmother told her that she had to come back at midnight or else she would have her old rags. Cowerella went to the ball and danced with the prince. At midnight, she went back home and there she noticed that she had lost one slipper.

The next day, the Prince Bull searched for the lady with the missing slipper. Cowarella’s sisters pretended that the slipper was theirs but it didn’t fit.

Now it was Cowerella’s turn . She tried it on and it fit her perfectly. The Prince was so happy that he and Cowarella got married.

By: Miladi