Coworking Manifesto by Cowo - German

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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By  Massimo  Carraro  -­‐  -­‐  Content:  some  rights  reserved  -­‐  presenta<on  issued  under  the  Crea<ve  Commons  3.0  AAribu<on  Share  Alike  regula<ons  

Trademarks  and  logos:  Cowo®  and®  are  registered  trademarks  (visual  and  verbal)  -­‐  All  rights  reserved  ©Monkey  Business  Milano  2008-­‐2015  

Cowo  ManifestWas  ist  coworking  für  da  Cowo®-­‐Netzwerk?

martedì 13 ottobre 15

By  Massimo  Carraro  -­‐  -­‐  Presenta<on  issued  under  the  Crea<ve  Commons  3.0  AAribu<on  -­‐  Share  Alike  regula<onsPlease  note  that  the  Cowo  Logo  is  a  registered  trademark  ©  2008-­‐2012  Monkey  Business/adver<sing  in  the  jungle  srl  Italy  -­‐  All  rights  reserved

1."Coworking“  ist  ohne  Menschen  

nur  ein  leeres  Wort.

martedì 13 ottobre 15

By  Massimo  Carraro  -­‐  -­‐  Presenta<on  issued  under  the  Crea<ve  Commons  3.0  AAribu<on  -­‐  Share  Alike  regula<onsPlease  note  that  the  Cowo  Logo  is  a  registered  trademark  ©  2008-­‐2012  Monkey  Business/adver<sing  in  the  jungle  srl  Italy  -­‐  All  rights  reserved

2.Durch  das  Teilen  von  Räumen  und  Wissen  

wird  Arbeiten  zu  einer  angenehmeren  Erfahrung,  Tag  für  Tag.

martedì 13 ottobre 15

By  Massimo  Carraro  -­‐  -­‐  Presenta<on  issued  under  the  Crea<ve  Commons  3.0  AAribu<on  -­‐  Share  Alike  regula<onsPlease  note  that  the  Cowo  Logo  is  a  registered  trademark  ©  2008-­‐2012  Monkey  Business/adver<sing  in  the  jungle  srl  Italy  -­‐  All  rights  reserved

3.Coworker  sind  keine  Kunden,  sondern  arbeiten  zusammen.

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By  Massimo  Carraro  -­‐  -­‐  Presenta<on  issued  under  the  Crea<ve  Commons  3.0  AAribu<on  -­‐  Share  Alike  regula<onsPlease  note  that  the  Cowo  Logo  is  a  registered  trademark  ©  2008-­‐2012  Monkey  Business/adver<sing  in  the  jungle  srl  Italy  -­‐  All  rights  reserved

4.Wir  gehören  zu  einer  großen  Community  

und  stehen  im  Dialog  miteinander.

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By  Massimo  Carraro  -­‐  -­‐  Presenta<on  issued  under  the  Crea<ve  Commons  3.0  AAribu<on  -­‐  Share  Alike  regula<onsPlease  note  that  the  Cowo  Logo  is  a  registered  trademark  ©  2008-­‐2012  Monkey  Business/adver<sing  in  the  jungle  srl  Italy  -­‐  All  rights  reserved

5.Bei  uns  kommen  menschliche  Beziehungen  

vor  dem  Geschäclichen.

martedì 13 ottobre 15

By  Massimo  Carraro  -­‐  -­‐  Presenta<on  issued  under  the  Crea<ve  Commons  3.0  AAribu<on  -­‐  Share  Alike  regula<onsPlease  note  that  the  Cowo  Logo  is  a  registered  trademark  ©  2008-­‐2012  Monkey  Business/adver<sing  in  the  jungle  srl  Italy  -­‐  All  rights  reserved

6.Unser  berufliches  Knowhow  wird  durch  die  Community  

ständig  erweitert.

martedì 13 ottobre 15

By  Massimo  Carraro  -­‐  -­‐  Presenta<on  issued  under  the  Crea<ve  Commons  3.0  AAribu<on  -­‐  Share  Alike  regula<onsPlease  note  that  the  Cowo  Logo  is  a  registered  trademark  ©  2008-­‐2012  Monkey  Business/adver<sing  in  the  jungle  srl  Italy  -­‐  All  rights  reserved

7.Wir  glauben  nicht  an  den  WeAbewerb  

und  gerade  das  macht  uns  außerordentlich  weAbewerbsfähig.

martedì 13 ottobre 15

By  Massimo  Carraro  -­‐  -­‐  Presenta<on  issued  under  the  Crea<ve  Commons  3.0  AAribu<on  -­‐  Share  Alike  regula<onsPlease  note  that  the  Cowo  Logo  is  a  registered  trademark  ©  2008-­‐2012  Monkey  Business/adver<sing  in  the  jungle  srl  Italy  -­‐  All  rights  reserved

8.Coworking  erfreut  sich  der  weltbesten  

Marke<ngstrategie:  Glück.

martedì 13 ottobre 15

By  Massimo  Carraro  -­‐  -­‐  Presenta<on  issued  under  the  Crea<ve  Commons  3.0  AAribu<on  -­‐  Share  Alike  regula<onsPlease  note  that  the  Cowo  Logo  is  a  registered  trademark  ©  2008-­‐2012  Monkey  Business/adver<sing  in  the  jungle  srl  Italy  -­‐  All  rights  reserved

9.Coworking  ist  immer  der  Anfang  von  etwas.

martedì 13 ottobre 15

By  Massimo  Carraro  -­‐  -­‐  Presenta<on  issued  under  the  Crea<ve  Commons  3.0  AAribu<on  -­‐  Share  Alike  regula<onsPlease  note  that  the  Cowo  Logo  is  a  registered  trademark  ©  2008-­‐2012  Monkey  Business/adver<sing  in  the  jungle  srl  Italy  -­‐  All  rights  reserved

10."Coworking  is  a  labour  of  love"  

(Tara  Hunt)

martedì 13 ottobre 15

By  Massimo  Carraro  -­‐  -­‐  Presenta<on  issued  under  the  Crea<ve  Commons  3.0  AAribu<on  -­‐  Share  Alike  regula<onsPlease  note  that  the  Cowo  Logo  is  a  registered  trademark  ©  2008-­‐2012  Monkey  Business/adver<sing  in  the  jungle  srl  Italy  -­‐  All  rights  reserved

About  the  Cowo®  Network:

119  coworking  spaces69  ci<es2  countries7  years(updated  October  2015)

About  Massimo  Carraro:Founder  of  the  Cowo  Network  in  2008.

Author,  speaker,  consultant,  lives  and  work  in  Milano,  Italy,  where  he  runs  Cowo  Milano/Lambrate.

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By Massimo Carraro - - Presentation issued under the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution - Share Alike regulationsPlease note that the Cowo Logo is a registered trademark © 2008-2012 Monkey Business/advertising in the jungle srl Italy - All rights reserved

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