Cox Regression Model - Upload

Post on 01-Jun-2018

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  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


    Cox Regression [2]


    Survival Rate:

    Chances that the su')ect will stay at time t

    Hazard Rate:

    %isk of failure


    #se Co$ %e ression to identify the chances of survival and failure

    Pro'a'ility of the event ha!!enin at time t iven that theindividual is at risk at time t

  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


    Cox Regression [2]


    ,ow can you use Co$ %e ression"

    Step 1: -ecide on what you want to know. -ecide on the event totime you want to analy/e.

    0$: ,ow lon does it take you to nd a )o'" What s the chance thatyou will nd a )o'" ,ow lon until a com!any ado!ts a new technolo y"

    ,ow lon until a student dro!s out from the #niversity"Step 2: *rack su')ects and wait for a the event to ha!!en

    Step 3: Com!ute for Survival %ate3 Cumulative Survival %ate3,a/ard %ate3 Cumulative ,a/ard %ate

    Survival Rate: ,ow lon the su')ect stays in the sam!le.Hazard Rate: %isk of failure. Chance of an event ha!!enin .

  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


    Censored Data

    *hese are sam!les that cannot 'e tracked anymore.0$. We do not know if they found a )o'.

    We do not know if they survived their 'attle a ainst cancer.

    Wh !

    *hey did not re!ly to the survey anymore. *hey could no lon er 'e contacted.

    Do ou still use this data!

    5es it is still data while they are still in the study.

  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


    Survival "nal sis [2]


    0$amines the len th of time toa critical event

    -ata may have censoreddata . Some entries are notyet conclusive.c

    0$. Customers who have notleft yet as of writin 3 do nothave a de nite futuresurvival

  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


    What is Survival "nal sis! #$ontinued% [2]


    Censored data arethose su')ects that areno lon er tracked

    n.d.82919 . Predictive ;odelin with I

  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


    Censored Data



    Censored Explanation

    0 1 Subject has not died yet (Censored)

    1 0 Subject has died

    0 1 Subject has not died yet (Censored)

    1 0 Subject has died

    &vent: -eath from Cancer

    Censored: Su')ects who survived until the end of the study 'ut we do not kwhat

    ha!!ened after the studycSu')ects who dro!!ed out from the study while the study was ooin

  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


    Time Censored if 0 Age

    59 1 72

    115 1 74156 1 66

    268 1 74

    329 1 43

    353 0 63

    365 0 64377 0 58

    421 0 53

    431 1 50

    448 0 56

    464 0 56475 0 59

    477 0 64

    563 0 55

    638 1 56

    Time Censored if 0 Age

    744 0 50

    769 0 59770 0 57

    803 0 39

    855 0 43

    1040 0 38

    1106 0 441129 0 53

    1206 0 44

    1227 0 59

    Data of Can$er 'atients(otal 'atients: 2)

  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


    Time Censored if 0 Age

    59 1 72

    115 1 74156 1 66

    268 1 74

    329 1 43

    353 0 63

    365 0 64377 0 58

    421 0 53

    431 1 50

    448 0 56

    464 0 56475 0 59

    477 0 64

    563 0 55

    638 1 56

    Time Censored if 0 Age

    744 0 50

    769 0 59770 0 57

    803 0 39

    855 0 43

    1040 0 38

    1106 0 441129 0 53

    1206 0 44

    1227 0 59

    At time ?3 how many have died #1

    At time 11 3 how many have died2

  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


    Time Censored if 0 Age

    59 1 72

    115 1 74156 1 66

    268 1 74

    329 1 43

    353 0 63

    365 0 64377 0 58

    421 0 53

    431 1 50

    448 0 56

    464 0 56475 0 59

    477 0 64

    563 0 55

    638 1 56

    Time Censored if 0 Age

    744 0 50

    769 0 59770 0 57

    803 0 39

    855 0 43

    1040 0 38

    1106 0 441129 0 53

    1206 0 44

    1227 0 59

    At time ?3 how many are at ris* "2)

    At time 11 3 how many are at ris* "2+,-e$ause 1 patient has alrea

  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


    Time Censored if 0 Age

    59 1 72

    115 1 74156 1 66

    268 1 74

    329 1 43

    353 0 63

    365 0 64377 0 58

    421 0 53

    431 1 50

    448 0 56

    464 0 56475 0 59

    477 0 64

    563 0 55

    638 1 56

    Time Censored if 0 Age

    744 0 50

    769 0 59770 0 57

    803 0 39

    855 0 43

    1040 0 38

    1106 0 441129 0 53

    1206 0 44

    1227 0 59

    At time 11 3 how many are at ris* "2+,ow many event "2,a/ard %ate"2.2+ / !

  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


    Time Censored if 0 Age

    59 1 72

    115 1 74156 1 66

    268 1 74

    329 1 43

    353 0 63

    365 0 64377 0 58

    421 0 53

    431 1 50

    448 0 56

    464 0 56475 0 59

    477 0 64

    563 0 55

    638 1 56

    Time Censored if 0 Age

    744 0 50

    769 0 59770 0 57

    803 0 39

    855 0 43

    1040 0 38

    1106 0 441129 0 53

    1206 0 44

    1227 0 59

    At time 11 3 how many are at ris* "2+,ow many event "2Survival %ate"#2+02%.2+ / !

  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload



    t j time

    n j num'er at risk

    d j num'er of events

    S j num'er of censored

    j ha/ard function

    (t j ) cumulative ha/ard function

    S(t j ) Survival function

    Hazard un$tion:

    Cu ulative Hazard un$tion:

    4aplan05eier Survival un$tion:

  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


    Hazard Rate of the Can$er 'atients

    Com!ute for the ha/ard rate.

    Re$all:n j num'er at risk

    d j num'er of events

    @um'er at risk at a iven time j @um'er of events at a iven time j

  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


    4aplan 5eier Survival Rate of the Can$er 'atients

    Com!ute for the survival rate.


  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


    'ara etri$ Survival un$tion

    ook at the sha!e of the ha/ard function

    Para etric !ode" #a$ard %unction Sur&i&a" %unction

    ' onentia"


    +o ert$


    0$!onential model assumes that the !ro'a'ility of the eventha!!enin does not chan e over time.

  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


    Cox Regression for Survival Data [2]


    What can you say a'out this ra!h"

    After 69 months3 9B of the customers left

  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


    What is Survival "nal sis! [2]


    0$amines the len th of time to a critical event

    n.d.82919 . Predictive ;odelin with I

  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


    Cox Regression or the Cox 'roportional Hazard 5odel[2]


    Inter!retin Coe cients

    If Coe cient is positive 3ower duration3 hi her ha/ard rates 8more likely toha!!enAs an independent varia-le in$reases 3 ti e0to0event de$reases 8the sooner the event will ha!!en

    If Coe cient is negative 3,i her duration3 lower ha/ard rate 8less likely toha!!enAs an independent varia-le in$reases, ti e0to0event in$reases

  • 8/9/2019 Cox Regression Model - Upload


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