CPC Committee Agenda Meeting Date: 6/9/14 … and Minutes...2014/06/09  · 1.Academic Affairs...

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CPC Committee Agenda Meeting Date: 6/9/14 (Noticed: 6/5/2014)

Administration ASO Classified Faculty Ex-Officio

Luis Rosas Patsy Morales (Pres) Ivan Clarke (Unrep) Juan Baez (AFT 1521) Farley Herzek

Ann Tomlinson Jenna Anderson Claudette McClenney (SEIU 721)

(AFT 1521) Abbie Patterson (Co-Chair)

Stephanie Atkinson-Alston

Avery Bivinetto Jared Fowler (AFT

1521A) Brad Young (AFT 1521) Susan McMurray

(Co-Chair) Sandra Sanchez Mauro Gomez Lakshman De

Silva (AFT 1521A) Nabeel Barakat

(Academic Senate) Resources

Bobbi Villalobos Joseph Lopez Art Ruelas (Bldg &

Trades) Ellen Joiner

(Academic Senate) Kristi Blackburn

Mercy Yanez Malik Pruitt Carlos Diaz (SEIU 99) Jim Stanbery (Academic Senate)

Bill Englert

Mission Statement: Los Angeles Harbor College fosters learning through comprehensive programs that meet the educational needs of

the community as measured by student success, personal and institutional accountability, and integrity.

I. Approval of Agenda

II. Approval of Minutes (6/2/2014)

III. Public Comment

IV. Unfinished Business (Action Items/Noticed items from previous CPC meetings) A. Food Truck

V. New Business A. Program Review Schedule/Assessment (S. Atkinson-Alston)

VI. Reports

A. President 1. District Information/Updates


C. Special Committees/Task Forces

1. Web Standards 2. Student Success Umbrella/ATD 3. Accreditation

D. CPC Standing Committee Reports

1. Academic Affairs Cluster Committee 2. Student Services Cluster Committee 3. Administrative Services Cluster Committee 4. Budget Committee 5. Human Resources Committee 6. Work Environment Committee 7. Staff Development Committee 8. Technology Advisory Committee 9. Student Success Evidence Committee 10. Committees of Academic Senate

VII. Good of the Order

VIII. Adjourn




JUNE 9, 2014 1:30 PM SSA 219

Members Present:

Co-chairs: Abbie Patterson, Susan McMurray (Presiding) Administration: Ann Tomlinson, Stephanie Atkinson-Alston, Bobbi Villalobos, Mercy Yanez ASO: None Classified: Ivan Clarke, Claudette McClenney, Jared Fowler, Lakshman Desilva, Carlos Diaz Faculty: Juan Baez, Elizabeth Colocho (for Jim Stanbery), Nabeel Barakat, Gary Gonzales (for Brad

Young) Resources: Bill Englert Guests: Brian Henderson, Andy Labrune

Call to Order Meeting called to order at 1:39 PM.

I. Approval of Agenda

Motion by N. Barakat to approve agenda as written. Second by C. McClenney.

Approval of agenda by consensus. (Action Item 1)

II. Approval of Minutes (6/2/2014) Motion by M. Yanez to approve minutes as written. Second by G. Gonzales. Approval of minutes by consensus. (Action Item 2)

III. Public Comment None

IV. Unfinished Business A. Food Truck

1. No new discussion.

V. New Business A. Program Review Schedule/Assessment (S. Atkinson-Alston)

1. Presented suggestions from the Assessment Committee on simplifying the assessment process

at LAHC. The recommendations included scheduling the completion of Course SLOs, PLOs, and

ISLOs in a more strategic manner.

2. Proposed combining sections 4 and 5 of our Institutional Learning Outcomes. CPC Members

raised questions regarding the proposed language, which omitted questions about Teamwork

and Aesthetic Appreciation. A discussion took place regarding whether it was important to

include those two items. Dr. Atkinson-Alston was asked to bring CPC input back to the

Assessment Committee. The Assessment Committee will review the proposed language, and

bring any modifications for CPC approval on June 23, 2014.


VI. Reports A. President

1. As graduation approaches, President Herzek appreciates the hard work of campus employees to

get our students “to the finish line.” He is very proud of the CPC and all of our colleagues on

campus. There has been a lot of change during the past year, and the college community has

done great work.

2. President Herzek has held final interviews for several faculty positions, with several more to come in the weeks ahead. The hiring committees did a fantastic job in selecting very strong candidates.

B. ASO 1. G. Gonzales discussed recent ASO activities. ASO students and staff held a “Thank You Party”

where they wrote thank you cards to campus employees.

2. On the afternoon of the graduation ceremony, a party will be held in the quad area of the Science Building. Students and employees will have an opportunity to take photos with the campus mascots, Sammy the Seahawk and Reggie the Alligator.

C. Special Committees/Task Forces 1. Web Standards

a. I. Clarke discussed the campus web designer’s (Jerry McClellan) role in developing the

new website layout. The proposed website design will eventually be brought to campus

committees for feedback.

b. The web designer is not vetting content. It is the responsibility of the person requesting

changes to be careful about what is posted. It would be useful to have a conversation

about who has the authority to recommend changes to the website. (Example: Many

people request changes to the LAHC home page, but the IT Department should not be

responsible for making those decisions).

c. A. Tomlinson encouraged each area to review its own section of the website to ensure that information is relevant and up-to-date.

2. Student Success Umbrella/ATD 3. Accreditation

a. E. Joiner met with the IT Department and the Accreditation Steering Committee to discuss the campus website. An up-to-date website is an important priority for our upcoming accreditation visit. Everyone needs to review their sections of the website to ensure accuracy.

D. CPC Standing Committee Reports 1. Academic Affairs Cluster Committee 2. Student Services Cluster Committee

a. The committee did not meet this month, but meetings will resume in the summer. The

committee will evaluate Program Reviews to ensure that all information is current.

b. The division is creating a master handbook for managers. It will include information on

procedures within each office, as well how the departments work together. Sample

forms will be included. This will be helpful for new staff, faculty, and administrators.

c. Mica Murillo stepped down as Articulation Officer. Elizabeth Colocho will soon begin serving in that role.

3. Administrative Services Cluster Committee


a. The committee met on May 20th. They discussed the Human Resources hiring plan.

There is a suggestion that we move from a one-year plan to a multi-year plan instead.

b. A brief discussion took place regarding staffing levels for Maintenance and Operation. 4. Budget Committee

a. The campus is nearly finished with all purchasing and payroll for this fiscal year. It will be about one month until we know the final dollar amount of our expenditures. We are on target to meet our goal. The committee is beginning to prepare for next year’s budget and expenditures.

5. Human Resources Committee 6. Work Environment Committee 7. Staff Development Committee 8. Technology Advisory Committee

a. The committee met last month, and the meeting was well-attended. The committee has a goal of improving communication regarding the process of purchasing technology. Everyone who attended the Power Users group training has had very positive things to say. This training was designed to show instructors how to use all classroom technology without relying on the IT Department. It was suggested that this training be expanded to faculty and staff members in the new buildings.

9. Student Success Evidence Committee a. A meeting will take place tomorrow afternoon. The committee will review data

elements for the Student Equity Plan and the Student Success and Support Plan. Much of the data overlaps, so it will be possible to use some data in both reports. The committee will also perform a self-assessment.

10. Committees of Academic Senate a. There will be a new chair for the Faculty Hiring Priorities Committee (FHPC) beginning in

the fall. Everyone is encouraged to get involved with campus committee meetings, and

it is important to attend on a regular basis.

VII. Good of the Order A. The CPC Priority Ballot will be sent out to voting members. This topic will appear on the agenda of the

next CPC Meeting.

B. The graduation ceremony will be broadcast on cable television, and will also stream live on our website.

VIII. Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 2:25 PM.