CPL Workshop-Fall 14: Plain Language: So what? Principles of writing to show IMPACT( Chip Crane)

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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“So What?” Principles of Writing to Show

What is Impact?


S  Relevance

S  Why does it matter?

S  What’s at stake?

School Writing


(me) (stuff I have to write)

Workplace Writing



But beyond audience…

Workplace Writing




Qualities of a Message with Impact

S Clarity

S Humanity

S Authority

S Story

S Evidence

Don’t make readers CHASE your meaning.



S Who is your audience? Who are your readers?

S How does the situation look from their point of view?

S What assumptions and expectations do they bring with them?

S What kinds of things keep you from thinking about your audience?

2 Purpose

S What problem is your communication solving?

S What need is your message meeting?

S What outcome do you seek?

3 Context

S What factors outside your control affect what you say and how it’s received? S Timing, Location, Setting S Power and Direction

4 Document type

S Email? Face-to-face? Phone call?

S Letter, Web posting, Newsletter article?

S Formal policy, New SOP?

4 Document Type

How can the same information take different forms in these document types? S  Emails S  Policy S  Public Relations Articles S  Staff Updates S  Budget Request S  Performance Evaluations S  Letters of Recommendation S  Procedures / SOPs

5 Structure & Organization:

S Prioritize – What do they need to read (or hear) first, second, last? S Place the most important information first S Provide necessary background S Organize your main points strategically S Make your desired response clear

5 Structure & Organization

Bottom Line Up Front S  If you could only get one thought across, what

would it be?

S What does everything else point to?

6 Words

S  Set the right tone S  Formal or informal? S  Personal or impersonal?

S Choose the best style S  Clear S  Concise S  Concrete S  Active

7 Grammar & Mechanics

Does grammar matter?

“They know what I meant.”

7 Grammar & Mechanics

You can plan you’re document write four the indented inpact your desire on you’re reader’s, but then loose credibility by, failing to profread and, corectly punctuate.

7 Grammar & Mechanics

Let’s try that again…

You can plan your document right for the intended impact you desire on your readers, but then lose credibility by, failing to proofread and, correctly punctuate.

7 Grammar & Mechanics

One more revision for punctuation and word choice…

You can do everything else well to create the intended impact on your readers but then lose credibility by failing to proofread and punctuate correctly.

Obstacles to Impact

S Over-evidence

S Too much, too soon

S Precision over purpose

S The Curse of Knowledge*

* Chip and Dan Heath, Made to Stick

Following up?

Christopher “Chip” Crane, Ph.D.

President, CPoint Consulting

