CPPL -CORPORATE PROFILE Passion Point Limited...Ghana, German, India, United Arab Emirate, Tanzania...

Post on 17-Apr-2018

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...Creating value through consumer insight


is to be recognised as the best customer - centred, business support services company in Africa by 2025.

Being the best means providing quality services in the most cost efficient way. It also means enabling our clients grow shareholders value consistently.


is to operate Customer Passion Point as a dynamic African brand while focusing on excellent client rela�onships in every

country and culture we operate in.

We want to facilitate the development of leading African brands while crea�ng excep�onal value for all stakeholders



ustomer Passion Point is a value Ccreation consulting firm. We are committed to enabling businesses

build capacity through our core offerings:

· Business Marke�ng Consul�ng· Business Enhancement Training


We work with our clients to understand their specific needs, provide appropriate solu�ons, and follow through to ensure successful and excellent implementa�on and proper documenta�on.



ur goal is to provide prac�cal, cost effec�ve solu�ons tailored to our clients' needs and stay Owith them through implementa�on. Our sa�sfac�on comes from knowing that our clientsare making good progress and all stakeholders are happy with their return on investment.

Ul�mately we help our clients build capacity to excel in very compe��ve business environments. We want to:

· Ensure our clients understand their real business issues· Proffer cost effec�ve and prac�cal solu�ons through Strategy Development and Planning· Provide tools to execute plans and achieve set objec�ves· Develop competencies through our Human Capital Development Programs

Everything we do will reflect these and the values listed below, that make them possible. · Integrity & Honesty· Passion for our clients and their customers· Innova�on & excellent implementa�on· Accountability to all stakeholders· Commitment to excellence in quality of service· Building las�ng rela�onships






In a nutshell, working with CPPL ensures that clients:

• Create fresh innova�ve marke�ng strategies

• Monitor implementa�on of mar ee�ngtrategies and

• Acquire and grow customer base

• Connect with customers /clients at an experien�al level and drive up their life�me value

• Collate, evaluate and report on outcomes

• Drive the value-crea�on mind set across their businesses

• Focus on other aspects of their business while we take the development of insights and value

proposi�ons off them.

To achieve these outcomes, CPPL uses the following tools:

• Product and Brand Adver�sing

• Media Buying and Placement

• Experien�al marke�ng to drive affinity and product adop�on

• Research and Insight Development

• Customer Value Development Programs (Dormancy, Reten�on and Rela�onship Management)

• Marke�ng Planning

• Channel Development

• Brand Asset Development and Marke�ng

• Social (Cause) Marke�ng

• Specialized Marke�ng Training & Development

• Trade Marke�ng

• Reputa�on Management

• Management Strategy Sessions/Retreats


Our primary goal is to boost our clients' value

crea�on process by listening to them and their

customers. Based on gathered insight, we

develop irresis�ble proposi�ons to enhance their

ability to acquire, grow and retain patronage and

build a solid and sustainable brand.




. CPPL Monthly Training Program for Business People

· Excellent Customer Service, Your Business Lifeline

· Efffective Business Wri�ng & Communica�on Skills

· CPPL Retail Management Program

· Leadership & Management Skills for Challenging Times

· CPPL Project & Change Management Program

· Business Enhancement Program For Channel Partners

· Personal Effec�veness Program

· CPPL Managing Health in Stressful Work Environments

· Management Trainee Induc�on Pogram

· CPPL Rela�onship Management Program

· Enterprise Risk Management Program

· CPPL Marke�ng Academy

· CPPL Sales Academy

· CPPL Sales Management Program

· Risk Management Program

· Many more

BUSINESSENHANCEMENTTRAINING PROGRAMSOur primary aim is to develop and deliver open and customised solu�ons to fit the needs of the market place and our clients. We seek to ensure the programs impact revenue and business growth.

Online Courses at Chicago Ins�tute of Business.You enjoy 50% discount through CPPL.We have special packages for corporates and SMEs





kechukwu Kalu (BSc, MBA, MNIMN, MCIM) is a Public ISpeaker, Trainer, Business, and Marke�ng Communica�on

Professional, a Faculty Member at the School of Media &

Communica�on, Pan-Atlan�c University (Postgraduate),

Lagos and a Resource Person at Lagos Business School.

He is a visionary leader who inspires innova�on and

leadership to deliver sustainable value to stakeholders. He has

a rich mix of competences and diverse experience across

func�ons, culture and industries - Manufacturing (Beverages),

Telecommunica�ons and Banking in West and East African


He is a strong advocate of culture diversity and inclusion in

work environments. He has in 33 years of decent work

experience,worked with locals and interna�onal staff from

Ghana, German, India, United Arab Emirate, Tanzania and


He began his career with Guinness Nigeria Plc and worked in

different capaci�es spanning Produc�on, Human Resources,

Internal Audit as well as Marke�ng. He joined MTN Nigeria as

Trade Marke�ng Manager and grew very rapidly to hold senior

posi�ons including Head of Segments and Ag. General

Manager (Consumer Markets), before joining Zain Nigeria

(now known as Airtel) as Head of Churn and Reten�on, and

later as Head of Segments.

He therea�er joined Zanzibar Telecommunica�ons Limited -

Zantel (a part of E�salat) in Tanzania as Marke�ng Director,

with end to end responsibility for marke�ng and the value

crea�on process of acquiring, growing and retaining

customers. He had a short s�nt at managing Customer Passion

Point Limited in Tanzania before returning to Nigeria to join

First City Monument Bank as Vice President/Group Head,

Marke�ng & Communica�on with responsibility for brand

equity growth which is measured in terms of revenue, number

of customers and retail franchise value.

As Chief Execu�ve Officer and Lead Consultant at Customer

Passion Point Limited (CPPL) he has designed and

implemented a couple of very impac�ul business

enhancement programs for SMEs and large corporates who

do not have in-house capacity to develop and or implement

their marke�ng / brand strategies. His ability to think value

crea�on, manage people and maintain a good balance

between strategy and execu�on make him stand him out.





CPPL is a sure place to go for continuous improvement, development of employees and the organisational growth at large........ We actually conducted a feedback survey alongside observation on the job performance and other various criteria and we discovered that there was a tremendous improvement in our employees communication skills, business growth and improved customer satisfaction. In a nut shell, we would definitely recommend CPPL training ins�tute for every organisa�on' - Adaobi Egesi, HR Manager, Prime & Hills Energy Services Ltd.

‘I nominated a team member for this program and the post training results have been astounding. The

team member's wri�en and oral communica�on improved drama�cally and produc�vity was enhanced

significantly. The training has proven to be well worth the investment. I fully recommend this program

for people who want to enhance their skills or those of their team members’

- Rolayo Akhigbe, Vice President, FCMB Limited.

www.cppl.com.ng Cppl2012 | Cpplng |

+234 (01) 632 5430

10A Femi Okunu Estate, Phase 2, Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria.