Cq university makerspace mobile kit

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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CQUniversity Makerspace mobile kit (not included: marble run design kit (physical forces and movement); craft design kit (fabrics, board and artefact design); basic woodwork kit (production of a wooden artefact, sawed, sanded, drilled, painted and mounted). Each kit comes complete with instructions and links for extending knowledge). Many of these kits are low cost or free, and can be assembled by students and teachers anywhere.

Recycled plastic jewellery design and production (working with tools, technology design process, risk assessment)

Lego WeDo (Physical computing) – I still need a computer

Basics of Bread-boards and circuits (leading to physical computing and Arduino)

Paper circuits (leading to physical computing) with links to art and design. Extension activities involve microcontrollers, can use the Arduino computers for this purpose.

Lego Movie (stop motion animation) – links to visual literacy and movie storyboarding and design.

Ozobot programming (physical computing) linking robotics with programming

Drone programming (physical computing) linking robotics with programming

Squishy Circuits (leading to physical computing) – an introduction to circuits for young children, play dough based.

Textile design and production – following the technology design process, linking to curriculum context.

Arduino Basic (physical computing) – I still need a computer for this.

Sphero programming (physical computing) linking robotics with programming.

Hopscotch (Game design and programming)

Raspberry pi (physical computing) – I still need two monitors

Arduino Inventors (physical computing) – I still need a computer

Edison robots (physical computing) linking robotics with programming for all ages

Lego mural (pictures and pixels) linking physical manipulatives with binary code, colour and digital information

Basic electronics (leading to physical computing)

Turtle Draw (logo programming and digital art) – I still need a computer

Scratch (Python programming and game design) – I still need a computer