Craig Eckstrom

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Craig Eckstrom has been a businessleader for many years

Craig Eckstrom strives to be a fairand helpful leader.

Craig Eckstrom has been a business leader

for many years. As an executive at various

companies, Craig Eckstrom has learned

the importance of leading well to build the

brand and strengthen business. Craig

Eckstrom knows that employees respect

great leaders, and that respect builds

employee motivation. Craig Eckstrom

strives to be a fair and helpful leader. As a

leader, Craig Eckstrom's clients can count

on him to produce excellent results in a

timely, efficient manner.

Craig Eckstrom

12 Keeler Court, Ridgefield, CT, USA,


Craig Eckstrom's track record as a salesman speaks for itself. During his time as a sales consultant, Craig Eckstrom helped build market strategies for major retailers and brands. Craig Eckstrom's clients as a sales consultant include Ralph Lauren, Dicks, Zappos, and Apple. Craig Eckstrom has been recognized as a hard worker and a talented sales executive at each position he has held. For great results in sales, count on the experience and drive of Craig Eckstrom.

Craig Eckstrom specializes in marketing plans and business development strategies. Because of this, Craig Eckstrom is a vital resource for individuals trying to start their own businesses or branch out into new areas of an existing business. Because Craig Eckstrom understands the psychology of sales, Craig Eckstrom can help tell potential vendors whether their new production line will be successful when it goes to market. Craig Eckstrom has valuable insight and advice for start up companies.

Individuals who have worked with Craig Eckstrom in the past have given glowing reviews of his talent. Many who work or have worked with Craig Eckstrom have expounded on his constant work ethic and passion for developing sales strategies. Craig Eckstrom's coworkers know that he is an expert in talent assessment and training top-shelf salesmen. Corporations who choose to work with Craig Eckstrom know that he brings great expertise to the table and that he is ready to work hard for them.