Crate Training Tips

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Crate Training Tips

A crate should be only large enough for your dog to stand up and turn around.  Any larger and you may find your dog toileting in a corner where he does not sleep.

For puppies that will grow into larger dogs, partition the crate so his space feels snug yet you can enlarge it as he grows.

For your dog to regard it as a safe place, it should feel dark, comfy and secure.

For your dog to regard it as a safe place, it should feel dark, comfy and secure.

If you have a wire crate, cover it with a blanket to give it that cozy, safe feeling—just ensure that your pup doesn’t try to pull at and chew the cover.

A crate is your dog’s place of safety and comfort.  Like a den in the wild, dogs prefer to settle into a dark, quiet, warm space.

Do not use the crate as a punishment.  It is meant to be your dog’s safe and cozy retreat and he cannot understand the connection between his bad behaviour and being put into a ‘time out’.  

Begin to put him into his crate at various times while you are home so he doesn’t associate it only with you leaving the house.

Put your crate in a quiet corner of your house, like a spare room or office.

Initially, leave the crate door open until your dog starts to trust his new environment.   

Put a bed, toys, and food treats inside to make it more enticing and enjoyable.

Begin shutting the door while he’s enjoying some food or a toy and at night to sleep.  

For young puppies, ensure they are allowed out for toileting purposes as they have yet to develop the sphincter control they need to spend all night in their crate.  To approximate how long before your puppy may need to toilet, use an hour per month of age.

The crate should not be positioned in an area of high traffic or activity like an entry way or kitchen.  

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