Create a more meaningful customer experience

Post on 22-Jul-2015

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Using Behavioural Data to Build Deeper Relationships

“No insight is more valuable than what buyers tell you based on the actions

they take.” –Brian Brown, Director of Product Strategy at Silverpop

Behaviour is a form of communication that doesn’t lie.

• Didn’t open the email? Wasn’t interested.

• Clicked the link? Was interested.

It’s that simple.

Use behavioural data to supplement the demographic data you are already


Behaviour gives you better insight into the customer, but you need to track it

to get those insights.

Using Behavioural and Demographic Data

Behaviour-based triggers make messaging more personalised, timely and


They’re an automated, real-time reaction to what the customer is telling you

in that moment.

The Difference Between Implicit and Explicit Behaviour

Implicit: Based on the lead’s behaviour

Explicit: Based on the lead’s demographic data

Examples: Visits pages, downloads content, unsubscribes

Examples: BANT Criteria (Budget, Authority, Need, Timing), job title

Ignores email? Implicit

Marketing manager? Explicit

Use Implicit and Explicit Behaviour to…

• Segment your database

• Trigger campaigns (“actionable database”)

• Determine where the lead is in the buying cycle (lead stage)

• Customise content offers and marketing messaging

• Trigger real-time activity alerts

• Know your customer and be more relevant

Define Your Buyer Personas

• Buyer personas are a smart way to define a target market

based on individuals.

• Data helps you define your buyer personas.

• Each persona is defined with a combination of demographic

and behavioural criteria.

Buyer personas help you tailor your messaging and maximise relevance.

Understand Where Customers Make Buying Decisions

Every lead is at a different phase in the buying cycle.

The conversion goals for each phase are different. Sometimes a conversion is:

o A click

o A progression from one lead stage to the next

o The final purchase

Each phase of the buying cycle should have unique targeted campaigns.

Behaviour can tell you which phase a lead is in and, therefore, which campaign will be most relevant.

The Buying Cycle

The decision to purchase something is made in the “decision”

phase – further along the funnel or process.

Use Behavioural Data to Build Deeper Relationships

In the age of the customer, competitive advantage is

increasingly derived from customer knowledge. With

intelligent leveraging of customer behavioural data, and the

knowledge it drives, marketers can provide targeted content

and offers that serve to both improve buyer engagement and

increase conversion rates.

Source: Forrester in the study: Use Behavioural Marketing to up the Ante in the Age of the Customer

Benefits of integrating better data into your marketing


✔ Deeper relationships result in increased brand loyalty and higher spend.

✔ Determining where a lead is in the buying process is critical if you want

your marketing to matter to them.

✔ Buying stage should determine messaging and content offers.

✔ Smart database segmentation based on behaviour can be the difference

between relevance and annoyance.

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