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Create and Use Spreadsheets (Excel 2013)

This workbook supports BSBITU202A Create and Use Spreadsheets in the BSB07 Business Services Training Package.

© Millbank Investments Ltd, NZ, June 2015

The Software Publications writing team

ISBN 978-1-922241-16-0


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, scanning, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Millbank Investments Ltd, NZ or Software Publications Pty Ltd. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Software Publications Pty Ltd (ABN 75 078 026 150) Head Office - Sydney Unit 3 25 Gibbes Street Chatswood NSW 2067

Published and printed in Australia

© Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013 Study Guide BSBITU202A i

BSBITU202A Create and use spreadsheets Unit descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and

knowledge required to correctly create and use spreadsheets and charts through the use of spreadsheet software.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of endorsement.

Application of unit This unit applies to individuals who perform a range of routine tasks in the workplace using a limited range of practical skills and fundamental knowledge of creating spreadsheets in a defined context under direct supervision or with limited individual responsibility.

Employability skills This unit contains employability skills.

Prerequisites There are no prerequisites for this unit.

Element Performance Criteria Page Reference

1 Select and prepare resources

1.1 Adjust workspace, furniture and equipment to suit user ergonomic, work organisation and occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements

Software Publications WHS (included in exercise file download)

1.2 Use energy and resource conservation techniques to minimise wastage in accordance with organisational and statutory requirements

Software Publications WHS (included in exercise file download)

1.3 Identify spreadsheet task requirements and clarify with relevant personnel as required

19–21, 105–106

2 Create simple spreadsheets

2.1 Ensure data is entered, checked and amended in accordance with organisational and task requirements, to maintain consistency of design and layout

21–30, 48–51, 64–70

2.2 Format spreadsheet using software functions, to adjust page and cell layout to meet information requirements, in accordance with organisational style and presentation requirements

25–27, 35–44, 52–54, 91, 95–98

2.3 Ensure formulae are used and tested to confirm output meets task requirements, in consultation with appropriate personnel as required

11, 28, 33–34, 59, 61–70

2.4 Use manuals, user documentation and online help to overcome problems with spreadsheet design and production


ii Study Guide BSBITU202A © Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013

Element Performance Criteria Page Reference

3 Produce simple charts

3.1 Select chart type and design that enables valid representation of numerical data and meets organisational and task requirements


3.2 Create chart using appropriate data range in the spreadsheet 78, 81, 84

3.3 Modify chart type and layout using formatting features 78–84

4 Finalise spreadsheets

4.1 Ensure spreadsheet and any accompanying charts are previewed, adjusted and printed in accordance with organisational and task requirements

31, 44–47, 51, 69, 83

4.2 Ensure data input meets designated time lines and organisational requirements for speed and accuracy

xi, Practice Assessments

4.3 Name and store spreadsheet in accordance with organisational requirements and exit the application without data loss/damage

vii–x, xii–xiii, xv, 35, 101–103

Required Skills and Knowledge This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit.

Required skills

• communication skills to clarify requirements of spreadsheet

• editing and proofreading skills to check own work for accuracy

• keyboarding skills to enter text and numerical data

• literacy skills to read and understand organisation's procedures, and to use basic models to produce a range of spreadsheets

• numeracy skills to create and use spreadsheet formulae.

Required knowledge

• formatting of workplace documents

• organisational requirements for ergonomic standards, work periods and breaks, and conservation techniques

• organisational guidelines on spreadsheet manipulation and processing

• purpose and range of use of spreadsheet functions.

© Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013 Study Guide BSBITU202A iii

Range Statement The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included.

Variable Scope Page References Ergonomic requirements may include:

avoiding radiation from computer screens

Software Publications WHS

(included in exercise file download)

chair height, seat and back adjustment document holder footrest keyboard and mouse position lighting noise minimisation posture screen position workstation height and layout

Work organisation requirements may include:

exercise breaks mix of repetitive and other activities rest periods

Conservation requirements may include:

double-sided paper use recycling used and shredded paper re-using paper for rough drafts (observing confidentiality requirements) utilising power-save options for equipment

Spreadsheet task requirements may include:

data entry

19–21 output presentation storage

Data may include: numbers Throughout workbook

text Checking may include:

accuracy of data 64–70 accuracy of formulae with calculator 64 ensuring instructions with regard to content and format have been followed Throughout workbook

proofreading 49 spelling, electronically and manually 48

Formatting may include:

alignment on page n/a efficiency of formulae n/a enhancements to format - borders, patterns and colours 38–40

enhancements to text 30, 35–37 headers/footers 95–97 use of absolute and relative cell addresses 91 use of cell addresses in formulae Throughout workbook

iv Study Guide BSBITU202A © Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013

Variable Scope Page References Software functions may include:

adding/deleting columns/rows 52–54 formatting cells 38–40 formatting text 35–37 headers/footers 95–97 sizing columns/rows 25–27

Formulae may include:

absolute cell referencing and/or mixed references 91

average 61 division 33, 93 maximum 62 minimum 62 multiplication 33 subtraction 33 sum 28, 61 combinations of above Throughout workbook

Chart types may include:

area 75 bar 74 column 74, 78 exploded pie 82 line 75 pie and 3-D pie 76, 81–82 scatter/bubble 76 stacked/multiple bar n/a stacked, 3-D column n/a

Features may include: axes 80 axis title 80 borders n/a chart title 80 colours 79, 84 data labels 82 data tables n/a fills 84 gridlines n/a legend 80 lines n/a patterns n/a

Printing may include: fit on one page 45 fit specific number of pages n/a with formulae 69 with values 31, 46, 83

Designated time lines may include:

organisational time line e.g. financial requirements

xi, Practice Assessments time line agreed with internal/external client

time line agreed with supervisor/person requiring spreadsheet

© Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013 Study Guide BSBITU202A v

Variable Scope Page References Storing data may include:

authorised access xiii filing locations viii–ix organisational policy for backing up files xii xiii organisational policy for filing hard copies of spreadsheets xv

security 101–103 storage in electronic folders/sub-folders Throughout workbook storage on CD-ROM, zip drives, USB memory 101

Evidence Guide The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria, required skills and knowledge, range statement and the Assessment Guidelines for the Training Package.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

Evidence of the following is essential:

• designing a minimum of two spreadsheets

• using cell-based formulae

• creating charts using relevant data

• knowledge of purpose and range of use of spreadsheet functions.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment must ensure:

• access to an actual workplace or simulated environment

• access to office equipment and resources

• access to examples of spreadsheets and simple formulae.

Method of assessment A range of assessment methods should be used to assess practical skills and knowledge. The following examples are appropriate for this unit:

• direct questioning combined with review of portfolios of evidence and third party workplace reports of on-the-job performance by the candidate

• review of final spreadsheets

• analysis of responses to case studies and scenarios

• demonstration of techniques

• oral or written questioning to assess knowledge of spreadsheet software functions.

Guidance information for assessment

Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector, workplace and job role is recommended, for example:

• general administration units

• other IT use units.

vi Study Guide BSBITU202A © Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013

Employability Skills Mapping Employability Skills for BSB20112: Certificate II in Business

Employability Skill Industry/enterprise requirements for this qualification include

How this Employability Skill is covered

Communication • communicating verbally with clients and colleagues

• drafting routine correspondence that meets the organisational standards of style, format and accuracy

Page 19 describes organisational requirements of documents A range of spreadsheets, with a variety of organisational uses, are created In the practice assessment pages 104–108 the learner is required to plan and create a spreadsheet using organisational standards

Teamwork • working in a team environment to promote team commitment and cooperation

The practice assessment requires a role play with team members on page 108.

Problem solving • choosing appropriate methods for communication and transferring information

• dealing with client enquiries and complaints

In several exercises throughout the book the learner is expected to select formatting appropriate for the spreadsheet (including Task 2 of the Practice Assessment on page 105).

Initiative and enterprise

• raising occupational health and safety issues with designated personnel

Software Publications WHS (included in exercise file download) Page 104 of the practice assessment contains an exercise about communicating WHS issues.

Planning and organising

• planning and organising own work schedule for the day

• planning the layout of simple documents using appropriate software

Page xi covers organising and prioritising work Page 20 covers planning spreadsheet layouts The practice assessment is given a time limit The final practice assessment, pages 104–108, contains time management as well as planning the layout of a spreadsheet

Self management • dealing sensitively with client needs and cultural, family and individual differences

• obtaining feedback on work performance and identifying opportunities for improvement

The final practice assessment on page 108 requires feedback to be gathered and any recommended changes implemented.

Learning • encouraging, acknowledging and acting on constructive feedback from team members

• using manuals, training booklets and online help to overcome difficulties

In the practice assessment, pages 104–108, the learner must perform online research or talk to colleagues to learn how to complete a task Also in the practice assessment, feedback is sought from both the supervisor and a team member

Technology • selecting, maintaining and using business technology appropriate to the task

The whole book requires the learner to operate a PC running a Windows operating system and the Microsoft Excel 2013 application

vi OFFICE PROCEDURES © Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013

File Management

File management refers to the organising of files stored on your computer. Files should be organised in a logical manner to ensure they can be located quickly and easily.

Folders, Files and Storage The drives, folders and files on your computer form a hierarchical structure. At the top layer are the drives including the hard drive, removable drives and any network drives you have access to. It may help to think about your computer as a filing cabinet, with each drawer in the cabinet corresponding to a physical drive.

Each computer drive contains folders. Computer folders are virtual storage locations. They can contain other folders (called subfolders) and files. Files are the actual documents you work on such as a word processed document.

This folder structure is sometimes referred to as a directory tree.

What is the Root? The root is the top level of a directory tree. For example, if you save a file directly onto the hard disk (rather than in a folder) that file is stored in the root. Similarly you can save a file to the root of a USB memory stick, rather than in a folder.

Personal Clients Accounts

Hard drive (the root)

Letters Databases

© Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013 OFFICE PROCEDURES vii

File Explorer File Explorer is a file management program included in Windows 8.1, designed to help you manage your files, folders and drives.

Starting File Explorer

The File Explorer button is usually pinned to the Taskbar. Click on this once to launch the program.

If this icon is not displayed on your Taskbar:

1 Display the Start screen.

2 Type: File Explorer.

3 Click on .

The File Explorer Screen Folders and drives are displayed on the left (in the Navigation pane) and folders and files on the right (in the Details pane).

Details pane Navigation pane

Ribbon tabs

viii OFFICE PROCEDURES © Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013

File Explorer Ribbon The File Explorer window has a Ribbon at the top.

By default, the main part of the Ribbon is hidden; it drops down when you click on a tab. For example, clicking on the Home tab displays the Home Ribbon.

Navigation Pane The Navigation Pane provides access to all the drives, folders and network places that make up your computer system. Click on a drive or folder in the Navigation Pane to display the content in the Details pane. Favourites Favourite drives are listed at the top of the Navigation Pane. These provide quick links to useful locations. An example is shown below; your Favourites might be different.

OneDrive The OneDrive is a virtual storage device, available if you have a Microsoft account. Homegroup If your computer is part of a Homegroup (a small network) the users will be listed under Homegroup in the Navigation Pane. This PC This PC lists the main folders and drives that form the basis of the storage space on the computer.

Note The letters and names applied to each drive may vary.

The CD/DVD/Blu-ray drive may not display in the Navigation Pane until a disc is inserted. Network Locations If you have access to a network drive, it will be listed under in the Navigation Pane.

Main storage folders

Hard drive/Local Disk

CD/DVD/Blu-Ray drive

USB memory stick

56 © Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013

Moving Data Data can be moved within a worksheet to alter the layout. When data is moved (cut), it is removed from the original location and placed into another area of the workbook or worksheet. Moving Data using the Clipboard

The tools used to copy and move data are found in the Clipboard Group on the Home Ribbon.

Exercise 73

1 In a new workbook create the following worksheet.

2 Select cells D5 to D13. Type: =B5-C5

3 Press Ctrl Enter. This method allows you to enter a formula and copy it into selected cells at one time.

4 Using the Number Group on the Home Ribbon, apply the Number format with a comma and 0 decimal places to the Retail Price, Cost Price and Margin columns.

5 In cell A15 apply bold and type: Total

6 Select cells B15 to D15 and click on . Apply a Top and Double Bottom Border to the Total row (A15 to D15).

7 Save as Trade Supplies

8 To move the data in row 5, click on row header 5 to select the entire row. Click on the Cut

button in the Clipboard Group.

9 Click on row heading 14 which is the row you are moving the data to.

10 Press Enter.

Ctrl X

© Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013 57

11 Click on cell A2. Click on .

12 Click on cell A17. Click on the Paste button .

13 Leave the workbook open for the next exercise.

Moving Data using Drag and Drop

Drag and drop allows you to cut and paste data using the mouse pointer. It also allows you to retain data on the Clipboard.

Note Columns cannot be moved if cells are merged.

Exercise 74

1 Make sure the spreadsheet called Trade Supplies is open.

2 Click on column header B to select that column.

3 Move the mouse pointer to the right of the column, as shown below.

4 Hold down the Shift key and click and drag column B so your mouse pointer is between columns C and D.

5 Release the left mouse button while still holding down the Shift key. Your selected column will be positioned between the Cost Price and Margin columns. Release the Shift key.

6 Save and close the workbook.

Note Using the Shift key enables columns/rows to be moved and inserted between existing columns/rows. By holding down Ctrl and Shift columns/rows can be copied and inserted.

Ctrl X

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Exercise 75

1 Open the workbook called Delphine’s Cooking School.

2 Using the Shift key move columns so they read: Classes Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Totals

3 Also using the Shift key, rearrange the data rows to display in the following order: Bread Making Desserts Entertaining General Cookery Thai Cooking As with adding and deleting, when rows and columns are moved, formulas may not be automatically updated. Some of the cells may display a green triangle in the top left corner

showing that there is a problem with the formula.

4 Check all the formulas in the worksheet and update as required.

5 Save and close the workbook.

Copying and Moving Data Summary Action Instruction

Copying (using Copy and Paste)

Select the cells to be copied. Click on the Copy button (Ctrl C). Click on the destination cell(s) and press Enter OR click on the Paste button (Ctrl V).

Copying (using Drag and Drop)

Select the cells to be copied. Move the mouse to the edge of the cells (the mouse will be displayed as a pointer), hold down the Ctrl key and drag to the destination cell(s).

Copying (using the fill handle)

Select the cells to be copied. Move the mouse pointer over the fill handle (as shown below). Hold down the left mouse button and drag across cells you are copying to.

Moving (using Cut and Paste)

Select the cells to be moved. Click on the Cut button (Ctrl X). Click on the destination cell(s) and press Enter OR click on the Paste button (Ctrl V).

Moving (using Drag and Drop)

Select the cells to be moved. Move the mouse to the edge of the cells (the mouse will be displayed as a pointer) and drag to the destination cell(s). Use the Shift key to move rows/columns between existing rows/columns.

Moving/Copying to another Worksheet (using Drag and Drop)

Select the cells to be moved/copied. Move the mouse to the edge of the cells (the mouse will be displayed as a pointer). Hold down the Alt key (if you want to copy, also hold down the Ctrl key). Click and drag down onto the sheet tab of the worksheet required. Position on the worksheet; release the mouse button.

Fill handle

© Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013 59

Calculating Percentages Exercise 76

1 Open Premier Books workbook.

2 Select cells B6 to F17. Click on the Number Group Dialog Box Launcher button .

3 Ensure Number is selected from the Category: box. Click in the Use 1000 Separator (,) check box to turn off this option.

4 Change the number of decimal places to 2. Click on OK.

5 Using the Percentage Formula Summary in the table below calculate percentages as follows.

a In cell B20 type: 5% of Total Sales then insert the appropriate formula in cell E20.

b In cell B21 type: Total Sales Increased by 5% then insert the formula in cell E21.

c In cell B22 type: Total Sales Decreased by 5% then insert the formula in cell E22.

6 Leave the workbook open for the next exercise.

Percentage Formula Summary Operation Description of Formula Excel Formula

To find the percentage of a value

Multiply the value by the percentage =F17*5%

e.g. 5% of cell F17

To calculate a percentage increase

Multiply the value by the increased percentage


e.g. cell F17 increased by 5%

To calculate a percentage decrease

Multiply the value by the decreased percentage


e.g. cell F17 decreased by 5%

Format Painter Format Painter allows you to copy formats from one cell to another. The Format Painter is located in the Clipboard Group on the Home Ribbon.

Exercise 77

1 Make sure that you still have the Premier Books workbook open.

2 Click on cell E20 and format to currency and two decimal places.

3 Click on the Format Painter button in the Clipboard Group.

4 Click on cell E21.

5 The cell will format to currency with two decimal places. By clicking once on the Format Painter button you can copy the formatting from the selected cell to another cell(s) with a single click. (By double clicking on the Format Painter button formats can be copied continuously, until you turn off Format Painter by clicking on it once again or pressing Esc.)

6 Click on cell E20 and double click on .

60 © Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013

7 Click on cell E22. Format Painter remains on.

8 Select cells B17 to F17. Click on OR press Esc.

9 Click on cell B4 and format the text to bold and aligned at the right.

10 Use Format Painter to apply this formatting to cells C4 to F4.

11 Select cells B17 to F17.

12 Apply a Top and Double Bottom Border style to selected cells.

13 Bold the text in cell A17 (Total).

14 Save and close the workbook.

© Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013 95

Headers and Footers Headers can be insert at the top and footers at the bottom of a worksheet. They generally contain information such as page numbers, dates, author’s name, file name. By default headers and footers are only inserted into the current worksheet. To insert them into multiple worksheets you need to select the sheets before creating the header/footer.

Predefined Headers and Footers The Page Setup dialog box allows you to select from a range of built-in headers and footers. To insert predefined headers and footers, click on the Dialog Box Launcher Button in the Page Setup Group. Click on the Header/Footer tab. Built-in headers and footers can be selected from drop-down lists.

Custom Headers and Footers To insert your own header or footer, display the Page Setup dialog box, Header/Footer tab. Click on either the Custom Header or Custom Footer button. You can enter text, page numbers, etc., as required into each section and format your entry.

Font Type and Style

Page Number Number of Actual Pages

Date Time

Workbook File name Worksheet name

Path and file

Insert a Picture

Edit Picture

96 © Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013

Exercise 110

1 Open the workbook called Palmer Textiles.

2 With the Page Layout Ribbon displayed, click on the Page Setup Group Dialog Box Launcher

button . Click on the Header/Footer tab.

3 Click on . Click in the Right section: box and type: Created on

4 Press the Spacebar and click on the Date button in the Header window. Press the Spacebar and type: at

5 Press the Spacebar. Click on the Time button in the Header window. Click on OK.

6 Click on . Click in the Center section: box and click on the Insert Page

Number button . Click on OK.

7 Click on . Click on to zoom in if required to view the header and footer.

A header and footer will only apply to the current worksheet, unless a group of worksheets is selected.

8 Save and close the workbook.

Page Layout View Headers and footers can be added and amended using Page Layout view. This view can be accessed from the Header and Footer button in the Text Group on the Insert Ribbon.

Exercise 111

1 Open the workbook called Spartacus - Income Statements. A header has already been added to all worksheets; in this exercise the header will be amended and a footer added to all worksheets.

2 Right click on the Brisbane sheet tab and choose .

3 With the Insert Ribbon displayed, click on the Header & Footer button in the Text Group.

The worksheet will display in Print Layout view. New header and footer tools will display on the Ribbon.

4 Click on the text Spartacus Services at the left of the header.

5 Press Ctrl B and then Ctrl I to apply bold and italic to the text.

© Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013 97

6 Click in the Right section of the header.

7 Click on the Sheet Name button on the Header and Footer Design Ribbon.

8 Click on the Go to Footer button in the Navigation Group.

9 Click in the centre section of the footer.

10 Click on the Footer button in the Header & Footer Group. A menu of predefined footer options will display.

11 Select .

12 Click on the worksheet above the footer to close the footer. Press Ctrl Home.

13 Right click on a sheet tab and select Ungroup Sheets.

14 View each worksheet in Page Layout view to look at the headers and footers.

15 Click on the Normal button from the Workbook Views Group on the View Ribbon.

16 Save and close the workbook.

Inserting Objects into a Worksheet

Inserting a Picture There are two methods of inserting a picture into Excel - inserting from the Online Picture Gallery and inserting a picture from file. Pictures are added to a worksheet using the Illustrations Group on the Insert Ribbon.

From File

a Click on the Picture button .

b Navigate to the folder containing the picture. Double click to insert the appropriate picture.

98 © Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013

c Click on the picture and using the handles resize appropriately.

You can reposition the picture by moving your mouse pointer onto the centre of the picture, then dragging the picture to the desired location.

From Online Pictures Gallery

a Click on the Online Pictures button .

b The Insert Pictures Pane will display. Click in the Search box and type in a keyword relating to the picture you wish to insert.

c Click on the Search button OR press Enter.

d Click on a picture then click on Insert to place it into the worksheet.


128 © Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013

Evidence Guide Elements and Performance Criteria The elements and performance criteria are covered during assessment in the following ways.

Element Performance Criteria Assessment Tasks

1 Select and prepare resources

1.1 Adjust workspace, furniture and equipment to suit user ergonomic, work organisation and occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements

Part 1

1.2 Use energy and resource conservation techniques to minimise wastage in accordance with organisational and statutory requirements

Part 1

1.3 Identify spreadsheet task requirements and clarify with relevant personnel as required

Part 2 - Task 1, Task 5

2 Create simple spreadsheets

2.1 Ensure data is entered, checked and amended in accordance with organisational and task requirements, to maintain consistency of design and layout

Part 2 – Task 3 Part 2 – Task 4 Part 2 – Task 7

2.2 Format spreadsheet using software functions, to adjust page and cell layout to meet information requirements, in accordance with organisational style and presentation requirements

Part 2 – Task 4 Part 2 – Task 7

2.3 Ensure formulae are used and tested to confirm output meets task requirements, in consultation with appropriate personnel as required

Part 2 – Task 3 Part 2 – Task 4 Part 2 – Task 7

2.4 Use manuals, user documentation and online help to overcome problems with spreadsheet design and production

Part 2 – Task 3

3 Produce simple charts

3.1 Select chart type and design that enables valid representation of numerical data and meets organisational and task requirements

Part 2 – Task 2 Part 2 – Task 6

3.2 Create chart using appropriate data range in the spreadsheet

Part 2 – Task 4 Part 2 – Task 7

3.3 Modify chart type and layout using formatting features

Part 2 – Task 4 Part 2 – Task 7

© Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013 129

Element Performance Criteria Assessment Tasks

4 Finalise spreadsheets

4.1 Ensure spreadsheet and any accompanying charts are previewed, adjusted and printed in accordance with organisational and task requirements

Part 2 – Task 3 Part 2 – Task 4 Part 2 – Task 7

4.2 Ensure data input meets designated time lines and organisational requirements for speed and accuracy

Timelines can be applied to any/all assessment tasks

4.3 Name and store spreadsheet in accordance with organisational requirements and exit the application without data loss/damage

Part 2 – Task 4 Part 2 – Task 7

130 © Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013

Required Skills and Knowledge The skills and knowledge are covered during assessment in the following ways. Required Skills How will Evidence be Gathered?

• communication skills to clarify requirements of spreadsheet

Can be assessed through communication between candidate and assessor.

• editing and proofreading skills to check own work for accuracy

Part 2 – Task 4

Part 2 – Task 7

• keyboarding skills to enter text and numerical data

Part 2 – Task 4

Part 2 – Task 7

• literacy skills to read and understand organisation's procedures, and to use basic models to produce a range of spreadsheets

All assessment tasks

• numeracy skills to create and use spreadsheet formulae

Part 2 – Task 4

Part 2 – Task 7

Required Knowledge How will Evidence be Gathered?

• formatting of workplace documents Part 2 – Task 4

Part 2 – Task 7

• organisational requirements for ergonomic standards, work periods and breaks, and conservation techniques

Part 1

• organisational guidelines on spreadsheet manipulation and processing

Part 2 – all tasks

• purpose and range of use of spreadsheet functions

Part 2 – Task 4

Part 2 – Task 7

© Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013 131

Employability Skills BSB10112 Certificate I in Business Employability skills for BSB10112 Certificate II in Business are assessed in the following assessment tasks. Employability Skill

Industry/Enterprise Requirements for this Qualification Include:


Communication • communicating verbally with clients and colleagues

• drafting routine correspondence that meets the organisational standards of style, format and accuracy

Part 2 – Task 4

Part 2 – Task 7

Teamwork • working in a team environment to promote team commitment and cooperation


Problem-solving • choosing appropriate methods for communication and transferring information

• dealing with client enquiries and complaints


Initiative and enterprise

• raising occupational health and safety issues with designated personnel


Planning and organising

• planning and organising own work schedule for the day

• planning the layout of simple documents using appropriate software

Part 2 – Task 1

Part 2 – Task 5

Self-management • dealing sensitively with client needs and cultural, family and individual differences

• obtaining feedback on work performance and identifying opportunities for improvement


Learning • encouraging, acknowledging and acting on constructive feedback from team members

• using manuals, training booklets and online help to overcome difficulties

Part 2 – Task 3

Technology • selecting, maintaining and using business technology appropriate to the task

Technology is used throughout assessment

© Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013 151

BSB Business Services Training Package


This workbook can be used by learners completing a qualification in the BSB Business Services Training Package.

152 © Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013

BSBITU202 Create and use spreadsheets Application This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to correctly create and use spreadsheets and charts using spreadsheet software.

It applies to individuals who perform a range of routine tasks in the workplace using a limited range of practical skills and fundamental knowledge of creating spreadsheets in a defined context under direct supervision or with limited individual responsibility.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication. Elements and Performance Criteria

Element Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance Criteria Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

Workbook page reference

Assessment tasks

1. Select and prepare resources

1.1 Adjust workspace, furniture and equipment to suit own ergonomic, work organisation and work health and safety (WHS) requirements

Software Publications WHS (included in exercise file download)

Part 1

1.2 Use energy and resource conservation techniques to minimise wastage in accordance with organisational and statutory requirements

Software Publications WHS

Part 1

1.3 Identify spreadsheet task requirements and clarify with relevant personnel as required

19–21, 105–106 Part 2 - Task 1 Part 2 - Task 5

2. Create simple spreadsheets

2.1 Ensure data is entered, checked and amended in accordance with organisational and task requirements, to maintain consistency of design and layout

21–30, 48–51, 64–70

Part 2 – Task 3 Part 2 – Task 4 Part 2 – Task 7

2.2 Format spreadsheet using software functions, to adjust page and cell layout to meet information requirements, in accordance with organisational style and presentation requirements

25–27, 35–44, 52–54, 91, 95–98

Part 2 – Task 4 Part 2 – Task 7

2.3 Ensure formulae are used and tested to confirm output meets task requirements, in consultation with appropriate personnel as required

11, 28, 33–34, 59, 61–70

Part 2 – Task 3 Part 2 – Task 4 Part 2 – Task 7

2.4 Use manuals, user documentation and online help to overcome problems with spreadsheet design and production

71–72 Part 2 – Task 3

© Millbank Investments Ltd, 2013 153

Element Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance Criteria Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

Workbook page reference

Assessment tasks

3. Produce simple charts

3.1 Select chart type and design that enables valid representation of numerical data and meets organisational and task requirements

74–76 Part 2 – Task 2 Part 2 – Task 6

3.2 Create chart using appropriate data range in spreadsheet

78, 81, 84 Part 2 – Task 4 Part 2 – Task 7

3.3 Modify chart type and layout using formatting features

78–84 Part 2 – Task 4 Part 2 – Task 7

4. Finalise spreadsheets

4.1 Ensure spreadsheet and any accompanying charts are previewed, adjusted and printed in accordance with organisational and task requirements

31, 44–47, 51, 69, 83

Part 2 – Task 3 Part 2 – Task 4 Part 2 – Task 7

4.2 Ensure data input meets designated timelines and organisational requirements for speed and accuracy

xi, Practice Assessments

Timelines can be applied to any/all assessment tasks

4.3 Name and store spreadsheet in accordance with organisational requirements and exit application without data loss/damage

vii–x, xii–xiii, xv, 35, 101–103

Part 2 – Task 4 Part 2 – Task 7

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Foundation Skills This section describes language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills incorporated in the performance criteria that are required for competent performance.

Skill Performance Criteria

Description Workbook page reference

Reading 2.1, 2.4, 4.1, 4.3 Recognises numerical and textual information within a range of resources to determine and complete work according to requirements

Throughout workbook

Writing 2.1, 2.3, 3.2, 4.1, 4.3

Enters and amends routine data into software using a format appropriate to requirements

Throughout workbook

Oral Communication

1.3, 2.3 Listens to short and specific instructions and uses questions to clarify understanding

Uses simple mathematical language to confirm and convey requirements

xviii, 20

Numeracy 2.1, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2 Uses basic mathematical skills to create and apply spreadsheet formulae

Throughout workbook

Navigate the world of work

1.1-1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.1-4.3

Recognises, understands and adheres to legislative and organisational requirements in undertaking own work

Throughout workbook and Software Publications WHS

Interact with others

1.3 Recognises purpose of various communications directly relevant to own role and clarifies as required

Requirements of workbook exercises can be clarified with trainer as required

Get the work done

1.3, 2.1-2.4, 3.1-3.3, 4.1-4.3

Uses key software features and functions in performing specific work tasks

Throughout workbook

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Assessment Requirements v1.0 Performance Evidence

Evidence of the ability to: Assessment task

produce documents following correct ergonomic, conservation, organisational and statutory requirements

Part 1, Part 2 – Task 4 and Task 7

consult with appropriate personnel as required Candidate can consult with assessor as appropriate

adhere to organisational style and presentation requirements

Part 2 – Task 1, Task 4, Task 5 and Task 7

refer to online help function and user documentation to rectify document problems

Part 2 – Task 3

create and modify simple charts Part 2 – Task 4 and Task 7

follow designated timelines and ensure high accuracy when preparing documents

Timelines can be applied to any/all assessment tasks

demonstrate ability to prevent data loss and damage.

Assessor can ask candidate to demonstrate an appropriate shutdown routine at the conclusion of the assessment

Knowledge Evidence

To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:

Assessment task

demonstrate knowledge of how to format workplace documents

Part 2 – Task 1, Task 4, Task 5 and Task 7

describe organisational requirements for ergonomic standards, work periods and breaks, and conservation techniques

Part 1

outline organisational guidelines on spreadsheet manipulation and processing

Part 2 – Task 1, Task 4, Task 5 and Task 7

explain purpose and range of use of spreadsheet functions.

Part 2 – Task 1, Task 4, Task 5 and Task 7