Created By: Mahum Kudia, Elsie Lashchuk, & Sukhman Sodhi Symbol of Islam.

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Created By: Mahum Kudia, Elsie Lashchuk,

& Sukhman Sodhi

IslamSymbol of Islam

Important Information• It’s an Abrahamic Faith• It’s a Monotheistic Religion • Their God is called Allah• Their Holy Book is the

Qur’an• There are 1.2 billion

Muslims in the world.• “Islam, which is typically

translated as ‘submission to God’, is derived from the Arabic word “salam” meaning peace

• Islam was completed in the 7th century.“Muslims believe that Islam is a

faith that has always existed and that it was gradually revealed to humanity by a number of prophets, but the final and complete revelation of the faith was made through the Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century CE.” –BBC

• Abraham’s Family Tree:

Important Leaders• Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah (June 8,

570- June 8, 633 CE)• He received revelations of the Qur’an from

Allah through the angel Jibril (a) (Gabriel). “He was deeply bothered by the many social evils in Arabia, such as the ill treatment of women, widespread alcoholism, constant warfare and subjugation of the poor.” Muhammad (s) taught people to lead their life with good moral values, treat others better than themselves, be respectful, caring, truthful, generous, forgiving, modest, and humble, etc.

• In his lifetime, the Prophet established the 1st Islamic State in Arabia, with Madinah as its capital.

Important Leaders Continued• Abu Bakr was the 1st Caliph (leader) after the death of the

Prophet for just 2 years. He dealt with much instability and turmoil which occurred within the newly established state after the Prophet’s death.

• Umer ibn Khattab was the 2nd Caliph and ruled for 10 years. Under his rule, Islam spread over a vast area. His “generals conquered Iraq, Iran, Azerbaijan, Kirman, Seistan, Khurasan, Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Egypt, and incorporated them into the empire of the Muslims. All of these were permanent conquests.” ( 

• Uthman bin Affan-The 3rd caliphate (from 644-656) “collected the verses of Qur’an, and published it as the official version of God's last message to mankind.” (BBC)

• Ali ibn Abi Talib was the 4th Caliph. During his 5 year reign, “he moved from Madina to Kufa in Iraq and made it the capital” of the Muslim Empire. He had to deal with a lot of political unrest, and many radical and extremist groups.

• There are 5 pillars: (What’s Required)1. Shahadah- “I bear witness that there

is no God but Allah, and that Muhammad is his servant and messenger”

2. Salat (Prayer)- 5 prayers a day3. Sawm (Fasting)-During the month of

Ramadan, Muslims don’t eat from dawn to dusk.

4. Zakat (charity)- a yearly donation that’s 2.5% of your income.

5. Hajj- A holy pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a Muslim’s lifetime.

• Heaven and Hell1. If you believe, and obey Allah’s

commands, or are martyred then you go to Heaven.

2. If you disbelieve, and worship others beside Allah, and disobey, or commit suicide then you go to Hell.

• In Islam, things that can harm you are considered “haram” or prohibited.

• For example: Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling and Pork.

Main Ideas…



• Many people, due to biased information from the media, believe that Islam promotes violence and terrorism, but that is not the case.

• “If anyone killed an innocent it would be as if he had killed the whole of mankind. And one who saved a life would be as if he had saved the lives of all mankind.” (The Noble Qur’an 5:32)

• The Prophet Muhammad said, “The Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand the people are safe, and the believer is the one who is trusted with the lives and wealth of the people.”

• So, the terrorists that go around killing people saying their muslims, are just terrorists and extremists who have hijacked a religion, and follow it when it suits them.


Stereotypes/Prejudices Continued

• Many people believe that Jihad means “Holy War”, but that is not the case.

• Jihad literally means “to struggle”

• Most of the time, it doesn’t mean holy war and going out and killing people. That is only if Somebody invades your country and starts killing you, then you fight back or “struggle” out of self-defense.

• Holy war is the least emphasized type of Jihad.

• Most of the time, Jihad means a personal struggle, like becoming a better person

“And fight for the cause of God, Those who fight you, but do not be aggressive, surely God does not like the Aggressors. (Holy Qur’an 2:190)

• People think that Muslim women are oppressed in Islam, but that is not the case. People often confuse culture with religion.

• Islam actually liberates women. • The hijab (headscarf) and burqa are

very freeing, because they prevent women from being objectified by men. They are appreciated for their intellect, not for their looks.

• Islam gave women many rights which they had been deprived of because of culture, such as inheritance, the right to own property, education (some of the greatest Muslim scholars were women), etc.

• Women in the “West” got these rights in the 19th century, more than a thousand years later.

Stereotypes/Prejudices Continued

Spread of Islam

• “Islamic art was influenced by two religious restrictions. Mohammed warned artists not to imitate God, the creator of all life, by making images of living things. Most religious art therefore consisted of ornamental designs that did not represent people or animals. The second restriction discouraged the use of costly materials. Islamic artists, therefore, worked mainly with brass, clay, and wood. They learned to decorate objects made of these less expensive materials so skillfully that they looked as beautiful as silver or gold.”

• “Islam inspired the creation of arabesques which are very complicated designs. They can consist of twisting patterns of vines, leaves, and flowers. They can be made up of geometric shapes and patterns of straight lines or have curving lines that twist and turn over each other.”

Art Inspired by Islam

Timeline• “570 C.E. Muhammad is born in Mecca. He comes from a noble family and is well-known for his honesty and upright character.

• 610 C.E. At the age of 40, Muhammad is visited by the angel Gabriel while on retreat in a cave near Mecca. The angel recites to him the first revelations of the Quran and informs him that he is God's prophet. Later, Muhammad is told to call his people to the worship of the one God, but they react with hostility and begin to persecute him and his followers.

• 622 C.E. After enduring persecution in Mecca, Muhammad and his followers migrate to the nearby town of Yathrib (later to be known as Medina), where the people there accepted Islam. This marks the "hijrah" or "emigration," and the beginning of the Islamic calendar. In Medina, Muhammad establishes an Islamic state based on the laws revealed in the Quran and the inspired guidance coming to him from God. Eventually he begins to invite other tribes and nations to Islam.

• 630 C.E. Muhammad returns to Mecca with a large number of his followers. He enters the city peacefully, and eventually all its citizens accept Islam. The prophet clears the idols and images out of the Kaaba and rededicates it to the worship of God alone.

• 633 C.E. Muhammad dies after an illness. The Muslim community elects his father-in-law and close associate, Abu Bakr, as caliph, or successor.

• 638 C.E. Muslims enter the area north of Arabia, known as "Sham," including Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq.

• 641 C.E. Muslims enter Egypt and rout the Byzantine army. Muslims consider their conquest as the liberation of subjugated people, since in most instances they were under oppressive rule.

• 655 C.E. Islam begins to spread throughout North Africa.• 661 C.E. Imam Ali is killed, bringing to an end the rule of the four "righteous caliphs":

Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali. This also marks the beginning of the Umayyad rule.• 711 C.E. Muslims enter Spain in the west and India in the east. Eventually almost the

entire Iberian Peninsula is under Islamic control.” (• Source:

Timeline continued• “732 C.E. Muslims are defeated at Potiers in France by Charles Martel.• 750 C.E. The Abbasids take over rule from the Umayyads, shifting the seat of power to

Baghdad.• 1000 C.E. Islam continues to spread through the continent of Africa, including Nigeria,

which served as a trading base between the northern and central regions of Africa.• 1099 C.E. European Crusaders take Jerusalem from the Muslims. Eventually Muslims

defeat the Crusaders and regain control of the holy land.• 1120 C.E. Islam continues to spread throughout Asia. Malaysian traders interact with

Muslims who teach them about Islam.• 1299 C.E. The earliest Ottoman state is formed in Anatolia, Turkey.• 1453 C.E. Ottomans conquer the Byzantine seat of Constantinople and change its name

to Istanbul.• Circa 1800 C.E. Approximately 30 percent of Africans forced into slavery in the United

States are Muslim.• 1870-1924 C.E. Muslim immigrants from the Arab world voluntarily come to the United

States until the Asian Exclusion Act is passed in 1924. World War I ends with the defeat and dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, which was the last of the Islamic empires. Many regions populated by Muslims in Africa and Asia are colonized by Europeans. Traditional religious ways of life are threatened and, in some cases, destroyed.

• 1948 C.E. The state of Israel is created. Some Palestinian and Lebanese refugees flee to the United States, among them, Muslims and Christians.

• 1952 C.E. The McCarren-Walter Act relaxes the U.S. ban on Asian immigration. Muslim students come to the U.S. from many nations.

• 1965 C.E. Revisions of immigration law further open the doors for Muslim immigration.• 1975 C.E. Wallace D. Muhammad, the son of Elijah Muhammad, takes over leadership of

the Nation of Islam after his father's death and brings most of his followers into mainstream Islam. He later creates the Muslim American Society, which attracts many members, most of whom are African-American.

• 1979 C.E. The Iranian Revolution results in the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the first attempt at an Islamic state in the modern era.” (

• Source:


Works Cited"Ali Bin Abi Talib." Ali Bin Abi Talib. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2015.

<>. This source was important because it gave us some good information on what Ali ibn Abi Talib did as a leader of the Muslim Empire. Web. 8 Mar. 2015. <>.

• The purpose of this article is to discuss the caliph Uthman in depth. It goes over who he was, his place and date of birth, and how he became a caliph as well as a few other things. This source is useful for informational purposes. While it isn’t a media outlet, it could still be considered reliable because it’s information that comes from the Qur’an.

BBC News. BBC. Web. 8 Mar. 2015. <>.• The purpose of this article is to briefly introduce people to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. The

article mentions a few circumstances regarding his birth, what he did for Islam, and what he did during his life. It also says a little bit about how Muslims view Muhammad. This source is useful for research purposes and is reliable. There are no biases. The author presents the information from an objective standpoint.

Elias, Abu A. "Muslims Avoid Harming People with Their Words and Deeds." Faith in Allah. N.p., 20 Dec. 2014. Web. 08 Mar. 2015. <>. This source was very helpful because we got a direct quote from the Prophet Muhammad about how a Muslim does not harm others.

PBS. PBS. Web. 8 Mar. 2015. <>.• The purpose of this article is to provide some general information about Islam, including the

demographics of today’s Muslims and a few of their beliefs. It talks about the five pillars, the different types of Muslims, and the culture. This source is reliable because it’s PBS and it is written without any biases. It’s helpful because it gives the basics of Islam without going into too much detail about any particular subtopic. 

PBS. PBS. Web. 8 Mar. 2015. <>.• The purpose of this article is to provide a timeline of events, showing Islam’s history. It is a very

detailed timeline, with events ranging from births of significant religious figures to the oppression of many different Muslims. This source is unbiased. It is helpful to people who have at least a basic understanding of Islam.

The Holy Quran: This source was very helpful because we got several quotes from it. These quotes were helpful in providing solid evidence for our Stereotypes/Prejudices section

"Umar Bin Al-Khattab, the Second Khalifa of the Muslims." N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2015. <>. This source was very helpful because it gave us information on the 2nd caliph, Umer ibn Khattab.