Creating 3D Worlds with WebGL and Babylon.js -

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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We'll see in this session how to create 3D HTML5 WebGL games for the desktop & mobile web. For that, I’ll show you our open-source Babylon.JS WebGL gaming engine available on GitHub. It has been recently used by Ubisoft for the Assassin’s Creed Pirates web experience. We’ll see how to cover the complete gaming pipeline from the 3D assets created & exported from Blender/3DS Max/Maya to BabylonJS, the various camera's types (touch, virtual joysticks, gamepad, etc.), the usage of the embedded physic engine. At last, of course, how to implement the game logic in JavaScript. We'll build a simple game to better understand how to use this free engine.



Why building a WebGL 3D engine ?

Using Babylon.js to create 3D apps and games Discovering the basics

Advanced features

Handling touch devices & Performance first

Content Pipeline

Demos, demos & some code

From Blender/3DS Max to the browser with no line of code

Loading a scene by code

Third-parties demos

Code session

Why building a WebGL 3D engine ?

The riseof GPUs

Hardware acceleratedrendering:

2D Canvas, CSS3 animations

Accelerated 3D with WebGL

H264 & JPG hardware decoding

Using WebGLdirectly

Requires a compatible browser or device:

A new context for the canvas:

canvas.getContext("webgl", { antialias: true}) || canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl", { antialias: true});

Using WebGLdirectly

WebGL is a low level API

Need to handle everythingexcept the rendering:

Shaders code (loading, compilation) Geometry creation, topology, transfer Shaders variables management Texture and resources management Render loop

Using Babylon.js to create 3D apps & games

How to use Babylon.js ?

Open source project (Available on Github)


How to use it? Include one file and you’re ready to go!

To start Babylon.js, you’ve just need to create an engine object:

<script src="babylon.js"></script>

var engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true);

Advanced features

Offline supportIndexedDB

Network optimizationsIncremental loading

Blender & 3DS Max exporters

Design & render

Complete collisions and physics engine

Advanced features

Smart shaders engine and postprocesses

Device Orientation API and Oculus Rift support

Advanced texture support (Bump, DDS)

Touch, Gamepad &virtual joysticks

Handling touchdevices

Creation Pipeline











Enough of your blah-blah!Give us some demos, demos & code!

Roadmap for v2

• Web Audio

• Scene Optimizer


• Unity Exporter

• Procedural Textures

• Asm.js & simd.js

Useful links

What we’re working on in Internet Explorer:• like Web Audio, Media Capture, ES6 features, etc.

Visit to find ways to test IE11 • works on Windows, Mac, iOS & Android!

Play with Babylon.js demos on• and try some tutorials via our playground:

Contact the IE Developer Relations team on twitter: @iedevchatand Babylon.js developers: @deltakosh & @davrous

@deltakosh / @davrous