Creating a Lead Machine Using Facebook...

Post on 20-May-2020

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Creating a Lead Machine Using Facebook Ads

Your strategy guide to Facebook Lead Generation

Yep! That may sound obvious, but how many people have a REAL target market?...and NO, that doesn’t mean anyone that wants to buy.

I prefer to have multiple mini-target markets which I call TARGET SEGMENTS.

When you’re paying to acquire new customers (in this case through Facebook Advertising) it’s important that the prospect relates to the advertisement.

For example, look at the ads below. One is targeting students and one is targeting stay at home mothers. TWO completely different target markets deserve different messaging Get my drift?

Understand Who You Are Targeting1

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At the end of the day, what are you trying to achieve? What action do you want your prospects to take?

At LBD Marketing, we categorise our clients campaigns into one of three strategies.

This is our favourite strategy, simply because it works! The idea around this strategy is “education to sell”. Put it this way, in a crowded market, giving away something tangible such as a whitepaper, ebook, etc gives you instant credibility plus the opportunity to communicate with your ideal prospects down the track (assuming you asked for their name and email address).

The Content Optin:

Looking to get people to your event? Whether it be a face to face seminar or online webinar, Facebook Ads can help. If it’s a physical seminar, think about your location. Remember, you can target people specifically within a 5km of a specific location.

The Event Registration:

This is our least favourite strategy, as it’s a little boring... However, if you run a fitness gym, the 7-14 day trial is a winner! For B2B services etc, don’t bother, take the time to create the content optin, as mentioned above.

The General Enquiry/Free Trial:

What’s your strategy?2

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If you are unaware what a landing page is, it’s essentially just a mini website targeted at your specific offer.

Still confused? Well put it this way, your normal website to show off everything you can do for your prospects and clients, where a landing page focuses on a single offer or objective (ie: to download an eBook or register for an event).

This means that your landing page should have no global navigation to tie it to your primary website. The main reason for this is to limit the options available to your visitors, helping to guide them toward your intended conversion goal.

In most cases (if not, you're doing it wrong) a landing page should have an offer that matches your Ad copy and a contact form/call to action so you can get their details.

If you’re sending traffic to your homepage you might give your credit card to a Nigerian prince.

On the next few pages, you will see some great examples of high converting landing pages.

Your Landing Page3

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Your Landing Page3

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Content Optin Landing Page

Sales Leverage Coach

Converting at


Your Landing Page3

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Event Registration Landing Page

Property Development HQ

Converting at


Your Landing Page3

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General Consultation Landing Page

F45 Loganholme

Converting at


After your receive the lead, what’s next? As much as we would like it if they just clicked on the link and make the purchase, prospects need some reminding/pushing to get them to take action.

As a default, there should an automatic follow up email series after they register their interest.

This all comes back to the goal.

The email series below came from a content optin campaign offering an eBook on how to go from 500 to 15,000 Linkedin connections in 12 months. However, the actual goal of the campaign was to gain interest for a business coaching program.

Here is the follow up:

You will see in the two emails they have been given the opportunity to re-download the content.

Why is this important? Well, the majority of prospects will be registering via a mobile device and they may not have the time to review the content straight away, so sending it to their inbox is sure fire way to get them to read it.

Also, be sure you repeat your call to action. In this case, the call to action is to book a complimentary coaching session.

It’s all in the follow up!4

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Every business is different. We all sell our products or services at different prices and work on different profit margins. However there are 2 formulas I would like to share with you that cover most business situations.

If you’re thinking, what the F@#$ is an allowable acquisition cost, you’re not alone. In basic English, it's the price you are willing to buy a customer at. And that's all marketing is, buying customers at a lower price than it costs us to supply.

So here is my question to you. If we were sitting in a room and I had an unlimited amount of people outside the door that wanted to buy your product, what would you pay to open the door each time? That’s your allowable acquisition cost!

When you run a Facebook Ad Campaign you are simply buying leads. The cost of those leads needs to comply with your allowable acquisition cost (see above) to ensure your marketing is profitable.

So how do we calculate your Cost Per Lead?

Here is my formula:

So let’s do a dummy calculation, based on a click costing you $1.50 (this may vary) and the conversion rate being 10%.

So it’s $1.50 (Per Click) x 10 (Amount of Clicks Required to get a Lead) = Cost Per Lead is $15

So let me ask you, what is your allowable acquisition cost? At what price do you need to generate leads for them to be profitable?

Cost Per Click × Conversion Rate = Cost Per Lead

Formula 1:Your Allowable Acquisition Cost

Formula 2:Calculating your CPL (Cost Per Lead)

Measuring Your Return on Investment5

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When you are creating a target audience for your Facebook Advertising, don’t forget about custom audiences.

Custom audiences allow you to target people that may already know of you, who just need a reminder to get them back into the conversation.

By this, I mine your email list, people that have visited your website, etc.

If you have a niche market and already have a email list, you can also create a “look-a-like audience”, where Facebook will look at characteristics of the people in your audience and find people with similar traits or interests.

Don’t forget about custom audiences6

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Numbers are nice, but proof is in the pudding.

Here are 5 case studies proving that our Facebook Advertising strategy works!

Case Studies — Proof It Works

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The Ad Copy The Result

The Ad Copy The Result

The Ad Copy The Result

The Ad Copy The Result

The Ad Copy The Result

If you want to ensure that your Facebook Advertising campaign is in the right hands, then let the team at LBD Marketing take over. Our Facebook Advertising package is an affordable way to ensure you get the best results, first time around.

We have managed over 800 campaigns, so we know what works and what doesn’t.

If you would like to get started, click the SIGN UP button on the right, or book in a FREE STRATEGY CALL to talk through your campaign goals first.


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Facebook AdvertisingPackage:

Only $499 per monthincluding GST (Excludes Ad Spend)

Full Facebook Ad Management

Landing Page Setup and Optimisation

Complete Campaign Setup

Ad Spend and Conversion tracking reports

Creation of a Whitepaper or eBook as a Content Bait

Creation & Setup of a Mailchimp Email Marketing Series (to follow up on leads automatically)

60 Day Minimum Commitment