Creating a Step-change for Your Business

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  • 8/14/2019 Creating a Step-change for Your Business


    Creating a step-changefor your business

    Thursday 16th October, 2008

  • 8/14/2019 Creating a Step-change for Your Business


    The historical backdrop

    A constantly growing category

    Continuous market leadership

    A relatively loyal customer base

    A steady flow of new potential cruisers

    In the past, P&O Cruises has benefitted from arelatively benign commercial environment

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    However, we are now entering a Perfect Storm

    Source: A Perfect Storm (2000)

    A critical or potentially disastrous situation, created by a powerful concurrence of factors

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    Capacity is rising steeply

    Extremely tough targets in the short, mid and long term

    Source: POC




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    Underlying demand is falling

    Source: YouGov 2007


    There are 1.3m fewer people in the pipeline than 2 years ago

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    We are entering the worst downturn in living memory

    Sources: Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, The Sun, Daily Mail, Daily Express, Daily Mirror

    A particular problem for a large purchase, made far in advance of usage

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    e face unprecedented competition

    25 ships 5 ships 2 ships

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    ields are under pressure

    Source: Travel Trade Gazette

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    osts remain difficult to control

    ,n Q3 2008 total*et cruise costsrose+ . % . . .4 6 Y O Y

    Although fuel costs are now falling again,the business is inherently vulnerable to further increases

    lmost entirelyue to fuel costsrising+ % . . .7 Y O Y

    *Per available lower berth daySource: Carnival PLC

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    he key implication of all this

    The environmenthas changed


    We need a-step change in

    our approach


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    -steps to step change

    5. Strengthen the comms model

    4. Evolve your tone of voice

    3. Shift attitudes towards cruising

    1. Change your mindset to existing customers

    2. Re-define your competition

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    -steps to step change

    5. Strengthen the comms model

    4. Evolve your tone of voice

    3. Shift attitudes towards cruising

    1. Change your mindset to existing customers

    2. Re-define your competition

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    There is a targeting dilemma at the heart ofthis brief

    50s 60sABC1 empty nestersFinancially well off

    More suburban and rural

    30s - 40sABC1, with kids at home

    Value consciousMore suburban

    Part of a bigger balancing act betweenexisting customers and newcomers

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    There are many arguments for a strong focuson newcomers

    The business

    The brand

    The fleet

    These are all powerful arguments and we agree that theATL emphasis in particular should broadly lie here

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    to success

    Existing POC customers = 165,000

    We take them for granted at our peril

    To achieve 44/56 and 50/50 newcomer/past passenger split targets for 2009 and 2010 bookings respectively:Currently, 2009 bookings split 37/63 remaining bookings must be 61/39 (88k) mainly via Oceana/VenturaWe need to avoid this situation for 2010 bookings & achieve 50% from the start (131k) mainly via Ventura/Azura

    Total booking requirement for 2009 = 350,000

    New to brand = 185,000*

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    The truth about your customer base

    37% are first-timers

    (Yet to form a firm preference)

    38% have cruised with at least one

    other company(Will be considered customers byother cruise lines too)

    They are less your customers in the conventional sense,and more past passengers that we still need to win over

    Source: YouGov 2007, POC

    On average, only 38% ofpassengers rebook within 3 years

    (42% never rebook)

    We need to protect them from

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    We need to become smarter about who we target, when,and what about to ensure impact (not opt-out!)

    We need to protect them fromexcessive contact







    We need to target them more

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    Use data to reflect P&O Cruises relationship and stand out fromcompetitor (and other Carnival group) communications

    We need to target them moreeffectively


    Use keyanniversaries

    Identify lapsing

    Past Booking

    Recognise & tailorby next-trippropensity


    Ensure relevancefor family/non-

    family audiences


    Treat long-termloyals differently

    from triallists

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    e need to include them in themessaging

    Our idea must be big enough to encompass bothdestinations and the on board experience

    Non-cruisers Cruisers

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    This will require a fundamental shift in mindset


    Our customers

    Behaviourally loyal

    Dependable resource

    Easily maintained


    Other peoples customers

    Attitudinally open-minded

    Vulnerable asset

    Fight hard for

    Peripheral tooverall success

    The foundations ofoverall success

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    -steps to step change

    5. Strengthen the comms model

    4. Evolve your tone of voice

    3. Shift attitudes towards cruising

    1. Dont take your past passengers for granted

    2. Re-define your competition

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    -steps to step change

    5. Strengthen the comms model

    4. Evolve your tone of voice

    3. Shift attitudes towards cruising

    1. Dont take your past passengers for granted

    2. Re-define your competition

    It t t k i f th titi t

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    How to regain perceptual ground lost to RCI?

    Its easy to take a narrow view of the competitive set

    Base: All aware of brandsSource: YouGov 2007

    RCI lead over POC(Marks out of 10)

    Offers a high standard of service 0.4

    Offers freedom to do what you want 0.4

    Better for younger passengers 0.4

    Offers range of ships for different people 0.3

    Good for families 0.3Makes each passenger feel special 0.3

    Offers high quality food on board 0.3

    Offers high quality entertainment 0.3

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    his is certainly part of the task, Wherever possible we

    will make sure to. :differentiate vs RCI by

    Highlighting unique/product service points

    Exploiting ourunique tone of


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    , owever we can t be complacent aboutur other rivals

    There is actually greater overlap (currently) with some of the other cruise lines

    Source: YouGov 2007







    M th l titi t i h id

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    Moreover, the real competitive set is much wider

    Source: TGI 2008

    % of cruisers who have also been on a non-cruise in the last 12 months

    Canaries/Balearics 8

    Italy 7

    Portugal/Spain 5

    France 4

    Germany 4

    USA/Canada 4

    South/Central America 4

    North Africa 3

    Caribbean 3

    Asia 3

    Turkey/Greece 2

    Total 47

    There are very few people who onlycruise typically we compete with a host of other holiday options

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    Understanding this broader mindset is

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    Understanding this broader mindset iscrucial to success

    The precise format is asecondary issue for most

    Holidays play a disproportionaterole in their lives

    They believe they haveworked hard for their break

    For both pastpassengers and

    potential newcomers

    They want theirmoneys worth

    It is only by taking a step back that we can unify the twoaudiences and compete for a larger share of their holiday spend

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    -steps to step change

    5. Strengthen the comms model

    4. Evolve your tone of voice

    3. Shift attitudes towards cruising

    1. Dont take your past passengers for granted

    2. Position P&O Cruises in the wider holiday market

  • 8/14/2019 Creating a Step-change for Your Business


    -steps to step change

    5. Strengthen the comms model

    4. Evolve your tone of voice

    3. Shift attitudes towards cruising

    1. Dont take your past passengers for granted

    2. Position P&O Cruises in the wider holiday market

    t s easy to be negative about

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    Sources: YouGov 2007/MCBD qualitative research 2008

    39% of non-considerers are concerned it would beboring but even potential cruisers harbour doubts

    ,ndeed the industry likes to knock

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    Perpetuating the myth that cruising is passive,uninteresting and of little value

    &he fact is that a P O Cruises

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    oliday offers something thatrdinary holidays can t

    To wake up most mornings to find ourselves cominginto yet another new island was rather special

    Customer comment from 2009 brochure

    The unique ability to bring new experiences on a daily basis

    his appeals strongly to cruisers

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    Cruisers like to think of themselves asrelatively adventurous types


    67% try to gosomewhere different

    on holiday every time

    (Index = 175)

    Only 15% like to spend theirholiday just eating, drinking

    and lying in the sun

    (Index = 80)


    Base: All who have been on a cruise in the last yearSource: TGI 2008

    t is equally appealing to potential

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    cruisersThere is one very striking area of agreement and alignment

    between cruisers and nearly cruisers

    They are all strongly drawn to the idea of itinerary holidays

    -the travel itself is part of the enjoyment

    -brief encounters with different places is pleasurable

    -multiple visits on one holiday

    A finding which is confirmed by the YouGov data

    Source: Acacia Avenue, 2008

    For both groups, highlighting this aspect

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    exposes the weakness of other holidays

    When our audience think about it,they begin to question their routine decision-making

    Get up every day

    Do the same old thing

    In the same old place

    In the same old way

    This brings us to our key consumer insight

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    This brings us to our key consumer insight

    Both past passengers and potential newcomers

    If we can communicate the truth that a P&O Cruises holiday is theantithesis to a routine break, this will be motivating to both groups

    Feel guilty about

    their routine holidaychoices

    And drawn to the

    notion of a morevaried experience

    We have never exploited this truth before

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    We have never exploited this truth before

    In the past, we havecommunicated

    A world of extraordinaryexperiences

    But neither we nor thecompetition have evercommunicated

    We bring you a constantlychanging world of experiences

    all in one holiday


    Our original proposition to communicate this

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    Keep moving

    xciting as a spiritTrue

    Differentiating Flattering for consumers

    Inspirational for staff

    ,ut if taken literally couldsuggestPhysical motionForced participation

    Frantic pace

    Ultimately, exhaustion

    We therefore directed the creatives to convey thespirit without incurring the downsides

    -steps to step change

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    5. Strengthen the comms model

    4. Evolve your tone of voice

    3. Communicate change not just range

    1. Dont take your past passengers for granted

    2. Position P&O Cruises in the wider holiday market

    -steps to step change

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    5. Strengthen the comms model

    4. Evolve your tone of voice

    3. Communicate change not just range

    1. Dont take your past passengers for granted

    2. Position P&O Cruises in the wider holiday market

    &O Cruises clearly has a different tone

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    rom RCI







    However, this can lead to rather passive orintroverted communications

    e believe it s time to be more

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    Generally, be more charismatic in our communications

    Have a point of view on life

    Share it with the world

    Have the confidence to talk even when things arent fully in place

    In particular, we need to inject some immediacy...

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    oonacruise( %


    We need to overcome peoples natural tendency to procrastinateand encourage them to book a holiday with us NOW

    Base: Hopefuls (want to go on a cruise in next 1-4 years)Source: YouGov 2007

    . . . ithout explicitly telling people

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    hat to do

    Instructing people can have an incendiary effect on potential customers




    Grabthedaywith bothhands


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    -steps to step change

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    5. Strengthen the comms model

    4. Inject some immediacy

    3. Communicate change not just range

    1. Dont take your past passengers for granted

    2. Position P&O Cruises in the wider holiday market

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    e need more energy and advocacyonline

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    P&O Cruises has 415 content uploads (with 36,509 views)RCI has 2,200 content uploads (with 123,490 views)

    P&O Cruises has 3 bookmarksRCI has 298 bookmarks

    P&O Cruises has 8 photo sharing groups with 10,681 photosRCI has 25 photo sharing groups with 45,634 photos

    P&O Cruises has 16 mentionsRCI has 93 mentions


    P&O Cruises posts have an average of 327 words, with no commentsRCI posts have an average of 489 words, with an average of 4.87

    comments per post

    Source: Rocket XL Front Line reconnaissance

    ,verall we need a different kind ofhannel model
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    NotThe wholesale rejection of channels which we know

    can work well (e.g. TV, press, inserts, radio)

    ButMore actively engaging

    ways of using thesetried and tested channels

    AndThe introduction of newer

    channels whose inherent strengthis active engagement

    : -n summary 5 steps to step change

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    5. Active engagement acrossthe customer journey

    4. Inject some immediacy

    3. Communicate change not just range

    1. Dont take your past passengers for granted

    2. Position P&O Cruises in the wider holiday market

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