Creating a Winning Email Marketing Program

Post on 18-May-2015

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This presentation takes a closer look at how Restaurant marketers can leverage email marketing as an effective marketing driver.


Creating a Winning Email Program

Presented by Chris Munz, Director of Sales

Communication and Rolf Gehrung Regional Vice President, Sales Fishbowl, Inc.

About Fishbowl

• The leading provider of on-demand marketing software and services to the restaurant industry

• Serving over 40,000 restaurant client locations

• Managing an opt-in member database of over 50 million guests

• Over 1.5 billion email messages distributed annually

• Technology and services designed specifically for the restaurants

• Key partnerships:

What Makes a good email Marketing Program

• Make it easy for members to sign up (in-store and online)

• Set expectations early and often

• Cross Channel promote. Create synergy between your online and offline strategy.

• Create consistent relevant messaging

• Use email as a two way communication channel.

• Always evaluate your program each time you send a message

• Make sure your messages can be read in different environments

Anatomy of an email Message

Why the “From” Name might matter more then ever?

– Attention spans are shrinking

– Restaurant goers, inboxes are flooded with messages commercial and personal

– Subject lines are sometimes truncated based on where the message is being viewed (mobile, online web mail etc.)

– The From Name is a representation of your company/brand. Keep it simple and easily identifiable. Localize it!

Just a reminder:

73% make the decision to click on the "report spam" or "junk" button using the from line. - Email Sender and Provider Coalition, 2007

How to get your Email Subject Line Right! •Read the Newspaper •50 - 60 Characters is what you have to work with •Support the From Line •List Key info First •Personalize (Studies show that Location Based subject lines outperform) •Urgency Drives Action

•Lead your Member base to take action

•Test, Test and Test more then measure performance

Rules for a Great Subject Line

Subject line Examples

From: Mimis Café – CA Dublin

Subject line:

Mimi’s Price Fixed Menus for the post Valentines Day pocketbook blues

Subject line Examples

From bd’s Mongolian Grill

Subject line: Introducing bd's iPhone App!

Subject line Examples

From: Quizno’s Toaster

Subject line: Win a trip to Colorado

Subject line Examples

From: Las Iguanas

Subject line: Cinco de Mayo! 2 for 1 Mexican Mayhem at Las Iguanas

Anatomy of an Email Message – Pre-Header


– Most brands use this for whitelisting (address book instructions) and online version clicks

– Since most restaurant brands send image heavy mailings this is a great place for:

• call to actions,

• mobile device support

• Forward to a Friend or Share with your Network

• coming soon advertisement.

Anatomy of an Email Message – Pre-Header


Anatomy of an Email Message – Pre-Header

Anatomy of an Email Message - Header


– Website or social Navigation with well placed logo at the top left side of the message

– Make the logo Pop!

– Code the links properly so they point to the right place

– Pay attention to above the imaginary fold and get the most bang for your buck with well placed logos and links.

Anatomy of an Email Message - Header

Anatomy of an Email Message - Header

Anatomy of an Email Message - Header

Anatomy of an Email Message – Call to Action

What is a call to action?

– Is a banner, button, or some type of graphic or text within a email message that is meant to prompt a user to click it and continue down a conversion funnel.

• Typical call to actions for restaurants

– New Menu Items

– Special offers (2 for 1 offer, lower price point)

– Limited Time offers

– Special Occasions (Birthday’s, Holiday’s, Anniversary)

– Sporting Events

– Any action that you think will drive your members to take action could be offer related or not.

Body Copy • Test Copy Length (consider where your guest open your messages (desktop vs. mobile)

•Keep in mind the length of the preview text

•Varies depending on the email client (i.e. Gmail: 100 characters; iPhone: 140 characters)

•Do not use all images for the message*

•Use descriptive ALT tags (for example: 20% off on Thursday instead of image2)

•Include, above the top part above the fold, some type of call to action and not just an image

Anatomy of an Email Message – Call to Action

Building A Great Email Message

Offers (Body Copy) Once again, test, test, test

•Bogo vs half off vs. 50% off (BOGOs performed best!) •Vary offers based on customer segment •Jump though vs. in the email

Offers that work: •Limited offers or one-of-a-kind products •New product launches •Limited time, discount offer

Mix offers with value-added content: •Advance notification of events, LTOs •Invite to taste panels, feedback on menu items, new items, radio/tv ads, etc. •Charity events/involvement •Helpful tips/recipes

Anatomy of an Email Message - Footer


– Unsubscribe Link

– Address Phone number

– Privacy policy

– Terms and Conditions of message offer

– Share with your Network, Forward to your Friend

• Make it clear to them on what actions they can take in your footer

Anatomy of an Email Message - Footer

Building A Great Email Message - Restrictions Restrictions Minimum Purchases: Best way to deter fraud is to ensure the offer contains a minimum purchase that makes it a standalone profitable transaction. By doing so, the restaurant is still making a profit even if the offer is re-used. Expiration Period:

- The standard is 14-30 days -- prevents ongoing abuse and encourages an immediate visit for redemption. - Shorter expiration periods with Limited Time Offers can also be employed (same day, 2 day) to drive large amounts in traffic during short periods of time, and are usually employed for more aggressive offers. - Be sure you are driving traffic at times you need traffic, i.e. Mon-Thurs or lunch time, 11AM-4PM). - “Cannibalization” By discounting on busy days like the weekends, you are not increasing sales, you are discounting the guests that are already visiting your restaurant.

Building A Great Email Message - Restrictions

Building A Great Email Message - Frequency

Frequency •In the search for greater ROI from email marketing campaigns, brands often default to simply increasing the frequency of their email sends. Although this approach increases monthly gross revenue, there are additional charges that can wipe out any gains. •Adhere to the expectations for frequency and content that were set at point of collection (Meet your subscriber expectations) •Have a preference center in your online marketing mix to give subscribers message frequency options.

Building A Great Email Message - Frequency

Why Frequency can hurt your email program

• Higher frequency’s unsubscribe rate is 140% greater than that of the lower frequency one

• The spam complaint rate per emailing increases by 600%, and over a full month, the increase is 1,300%

• High Frequency Email Sends Can Cost You More Than 1/3 of Your List Per Year

- The unsubscribes plus the spam complaints will cost you 3.05% of your list every month, or 36.6% a year. That’s more than a third of your subscribers gone, and with a bad taste in their mouths as well. In less than three years, there might not be a single original name left from your list today!

How the send Day affects viewership

The Changing Landscape of Email Marketing

Return Path data shows that the majority of email is still accessed on PCs. The leading platform for viewing email is webmail with 48% of the total. Desktop use is a little more than 36% of views with mobile access coming in around 16%.

The Changing Landscape of Email Marketing

Consistent with research around the industry, data shows an 81% growth in the accessing of email via a mobile device.

Why is this important for my Restaurant Marketing?

Spam Filter Triggers

Avoiding these items do not guarantee messages will be safe from spam filters, but excessive use of these words in subject lines or the body of the mail may result in your message getting blocked or sent to the spam folder.

50% off, ½ off $$$ All Natural As Seen On TV BOGO Buy Direct Cash Cash Bonus Click Here Collect Compare Discount Don't Delete Earn $ Free, FREE, F REE Give away Great offer Guarantee Hidden

Information you requested Join millions Juicy Lose Weight Million Dollars MLM Multi level Marketing Offer Order Now Promise You Removes Satisfaction Guaranteed Save up to Special Promotion Spice Stock Ad Apply now Earn $

Earn extra cash Explode your business Double your income Eliminate debt Extra income Free Fast cash Financial freedom Financially independent Free gift Free info Free membership Free offer Home based Home based business Income from home Increase sales Increase your sales Incredible deal

Info you requested Information you requested Internet market Limited time offer Make $ Opportunity Online marketing Save $ Stop or "Stops“ Subscribe Time limited Visit our web site Web traffic Weight loss While Supplies last

Spam Filter Triggers

Other Phrases and Design Triggers to avoid:

Avoid CAPS Use of the terms “Click here” or “This e-mail was sent to you because.” Excessive placement of the word “unsubscribe” and the links to do so. Use of “$$$” or the multiple use of “$” throughout. Excessive use of “!” Subject contains "advertisement" Body contains "money back" Body contains "cards accepted" Body contains "removal instructions" Body contains "extra income" Subject contains "!" AND Subject contains "$" Subject contains "!" AND Subject contains "free" Body contains ",000" AND Body contains "!!" AND Body contains "$" Body contains "Dear friend" Body contains "for free!" Body contains "Guarantee" AND "satisfaction" OR "absolute" Body contains "more info " AND Body contains “visit” AND "$" Body contains "SPECIAL PROMOTION" Body contains "one-time mail" Subject contains "$$"

Question you should ask before sending

• My subject line clearly conveys value of message

• My body copy answers Who, What, When, Where and Why and clearly conveys What’s in it for the Guest

• There have been no messages sent to my store (national or store level) within the last week

• This message will help build sales.

Question you should ask before sending

• Would you open the message if it was in your inbox?

• Did you create the right message for the right audience?

• Is it “share” worthy?

• What are the goals that you have put around it?

• Have you tested it?

Presented by: Chris Munz, Director of Sales Communication

Rolf Gehrung Regional Vice President, Sales Fishbowl, Inc.