Creating an App Storyboard to help sell your MicroStrategy ... · PDF fileMost MicroStrategy...

Post on 06-Feb-2018

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Most MicroStrategy customers are either deploying an iPad App, or considering deploying one. Many however struggle to identify appealing use cases and to demonstrate the value of an iPad App to skeptical users and executives.

We created this step by step guide as a resource for those who need some guidance on how to sell the value of a MicroStrategy iPad App to others within their company. Specifically, our guide will help you:

Identify a suitable business use case for an iPad App

Create an effective storyboard video of your chosen business case

Create a presentation to demonstrate the value of the iPad App

Convincingly present the use case to your business users

This guide and the templates/artifacts that we have made available on our web site

( will help you convince others at your company on the

value of a MicroStrategy iPad App. We hope you find these useful and look forward

to your feedback!

Creating an App Storyboard to help sell your MicroStrategy iPad AppBest Practices for gathering requirements, creating app storyboards and videos

This guide is intended to help

you "sell" your iPad App idea

to your business users. It is

not a guide for a working

iPad App. In fact, you don’t

even need an iPad.

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High ROI BI, Dual-Shore Delivery


The End Product-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Tools and Skills Required-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Choosing an Appealing Business Use Case--------------------------------------------------- 3

Thinking About your Storyboard----------------------------------------------------------------- 4

Creating the Storyboard and Video------------------------------------------------------------- 4

Creating your Winning Presentation------------------------------------------------------------- 7

How to Mimic iPad Swipe Gestures in a PowerPoint---------------------------------------- 8

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High ROI BI, Dual-Shore Delivery


The End Product After you complete the steps outlined in this Guide you will end up with:

A video of your Storyboard for your demonstration iPad App A PowerPoint presentation

The key component of your presentation and your entire pitch is the Storyboard video. A Storyboard is composed of screens, actions and the sequence of the screens in the App. It graphically demonstrates to end users, via an automated video, how their Mobile BI needs could be met for the selected business use. It shows them how their iPad App could look and work, in action, before any development work needs to be done.

Tools and Skills RequiredTo create the convincing storyboard, video and presentation you will need to sell your iPad App idea quickly and easily, we assume the following sets of accessible skills and tools:

Knowledge of your business and how existing reports are used by business users. This will help you identify your convincing business use case. Fair knowledge of Microsoft PowerPoint. This will help you create your presentation and storyboard for your App. Some proficiency with MicroStrategy Web. This will enable you to appropriately format the report grid or graph that you will include in your iPad App. Knowledge of screen capturing video tools like Microsoft SnagIt or Captivate. There are also professional tools such as Adobe Flash and Adobe Illustrator, which can create very attractive storyboard videos. However our recommended tools provide a straightforward, easy way to create videos without a specialized skill set. Knowledge of a screen capture utility like the snipping tool included with Windows 7 or Windows Vista. Used to capture an image of a portion of a Report, etc. Another option is Captura.

Choosing a Good Business CaseIdentifying an appropriate business use case is the first step towards success. You may already have some ideas, which you just need to validate with others. Brainstorming with others may be helpful as well. We’ve also found the following steps helpful in narrowing down and identifying candidate cases:

1. Identify a group of users who are frequently on the go, in need of up to date information to manage their business domains. Regional and district managers are typical candidates. These users are likely to benefit from a Mobile BI application and thus will be receptive to your pitch.

2. Short list those users who are the most receptive to new technologies.

3. For the targeted set of users, determine the information and subject areas (Sales, HR, Finance, etc...) which are most frequently used or requested.

4. Identify the MicroStrategy Reports and/or Dashboards that are used most frequently (daily, once or more frequently) by the target users.

5. Short list one Dashboard (with four data sets and simple functionality) or four inter-related reports that are most used by these users (you can use MicroStrategy Enterprise Manager to get historical usage). Sometimes it is very obvious from the nature of work these groups perform.

6. Determine which information (Metrics, attributes, filters, etc...) from these reports are the most critical to the short listed target group.

7. Identify the pain points your target users currently face in accessing their reports remotely. This will help sell your iPad App effectively.

You now have the background information and an appealing use case to move forward to create your iPad App Storyboard.

Targeting users who can

more easily get the budget to

implement your idea will

reward your efforts.

Try to use simple reports

from a single MicroStrategy

project instead of multiple

projects to simplify your


Ensure that this list is not too


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Thinking About your StoryboardBefore creating your storyboard, you need to think about how you can craft the information you have gathered in previous steps to create a good story line and storyboard. Some guidelines to help you along:

1. What are the key attributes, metrics and graphs that the users need to view first?

This information must be displayed to them first. This provides your storyboard with its central theme and focus. As an example we have a regional sales manager, who when at his office, begins his work day by studying sales and profits by product for his entire region. He will then drill down to sales and profit for the districts in his region. However, when he is on the road visiting district locations, he needs to see sales and profit by product for the specific districts. So, your mobile story line should be centered on sales and profit by district.

2. How are the Reports or Dashboard data sets linked with each other? (e.g. they might be linked via attribute drilling, via HTML links, via metric drilling, etc ... ).

To find out how the reports are logically linked together, just observe in what sequence users execute their reports. This will form the basis for how your App's screens will be linked together.

For example, when clicking on product category, the user navigates to products with the sales and profit metrics. This would be designed as either two separate screens or one screen with two sections.

This way, you can identify the number of screens needed for your storyline. Similarly, establish links between the focus of your App and other information that needs to be linked to it. This will help you establish the sequence of screens in your storyline.

Continuing the above example, Sales and Profit by a product for the district will be the first screen, on clicking on product category; the user will navigate to the second screen of sales and profit for the product. So, your sequence for the first two screens is ready.

Creating the Storyboard and VideoStep 1 – Whiteboard your Storyboard Whiteboard, or sketch out your iPad app using the following guidelines:

1. Sketch out your first screen showing the key reports, attributes, data sets etc that are the focus of the App2. Gestures to navigate between screens - Draw arrows from the spot on one screen where you want to associate a gesture (tap or click) that will navigate user to the next screen (or within the same screen).3. Determine the sequence of the screens4. Determine the contents of each screen and appropriate navigations

If you draw out your outline on a white board, it should look something like this:

2 hours

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Do not exceed four screens

or place too much

information on one screen.

Don't make the App overly

complex. Keep it simple.

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Step 2 - Design and build out your first screen

The first screen you will design is the first, most critical "Splash Screen" which will be the first screen your users see.

A. Per your story line, identify which key report to add to this screen. Choose where on the screen you want the report to be displayed. We have developed several iPad image templates to assist with the design process. One of our templates is available at:

B. Open MicroStrategy Web for the chosen project and run the desired reports one by one. Modify the fonts and/or colors of the reports to match the desired color palette. Then take a screenshot of each report by selecting the required area with a snipping tool.

C. On the template, paste the screenshots of the reports captured in step B above.

2 hours

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Since the default iPad

background is black, best to

format your report with a

black background

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D. Update the headers with appropriate content.The Splash Screen mock up for your iPad App is now ready.

Step 3 - Build out three additional screensFollow steps A to D from step 2 above to build out three additional screens.

Step 4 - Sequence the screens and add functionality in PowerPointA. Add all screens as slides to a PowerPoint presentation with all the slides arranged in the desired


B. Animate the slides wherever required to provide the desired functionality effect.

6 hours

4 hours

For your presentation, ensure

that all the functionalities

implemented in the slide

show run automatically after

starting, i.e. without any

manual mouse clicks.

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***Please refer to the section “How to mimic iPad swipe functionality in a PowerPoint” for some helpful details.

Step 5 – Create a video from the presentationRun the PowerPoint presentation and capture the screens using a screen capture tool such as Captivate.

A sample video is available at:

Creating your Winning PresentationNow that your video is ready, you need to put together the presentation you will use to demonstrate the value and functionality of your demonstration iPad App.

The major points you need to be prepared to address during your presentation include:

1. The importance of the business use case to its target users2. Generic information on how the iPad App will help them:

a. Access data remotelyb. Access needed information, quickly in a well designed mobile formatc. Access the data they need to address specific business pain points

3. Business and application specific details that speak to the three to four issues the developed storyboard addresses.

A presentation template is available at:

Some presentation tips to consider:

1. Be clear about why and how the business case was chosen. 2. Ask questions that cause the audience to consider the pain points the iPad app cures. 3. While providing specifics about the storyboard you built, mention why and how you choose specific metrics, attributes, etc. Why did you think they were important for a Mobile App?4. While running the video, pause at some key points to show key gestures and functionality. Talk about how these will help. Restrict to 3 or less pauses.5. Follow standard presentation guidelines such as limiting text on slides, adding relevant images and linking your story line from one slide to another.

1 hour

Run the presentation before

starting the screen capture

and test it ensure no manual

intervention is required.

Do not pause or move the

mouse cursor during the

screen capture process. This

will create a distraction in

your video.

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How to Mimic iPad Swipe Gestures in a PowerPointYou should use iPad's Swipe gestures in such scenarios where you want to re-use the same iPad screen section to show more and related data. For example, your users may want to see their favorite sales KPI for different time periods such as year to date, month to date, etc. Swipes allow the user to quickly go from one version of the metric (KPI) to another.

Here is how you can implement the Swipe gesture in storyboard presentation.

1. Add the first Report Grid image, which you want users to see first, to the appropriate section in the slide.2. Add exit “Peek Out” animation to the image. Let us call this animation “ExitGridAnim”3. Set “Effect Options” of animation to the below settings. This option will be available on right click of Animation in the Animation window.

a. Direction - To Leftb. Timings Tab – Start -- with Previousc. Delay – 5.2 Secd. Duration – 1 Second (Fast)

4. Add the image of the trend graph report to same section on the top of grid image5. Add Entry “Peek in” Animation to this image. Let us call this “EntryGraphAnim”6. Set “Effect Options” of animation for below settings. This option will be available on right click of Animation in the Animation window.

a. Direction - From Rightb. Timings Tab – Start -- with Previousc. Delay – 5.2 Secd. Duration – 1 Second (Fast)

7. For this step, you would need an image of swipe finger, which is available for download at

8. Add the swipe finger image to slide and place on top of trend graph image.9. Add Entry “Appear” animation to this image. Let us call this “EntryHandAnim”.10. Set “Effect Options” of animation for below settings. This option will be available on right click of Animation in the Animation window.

a. Timings Tab – Start - with Previousb. Delay – 5 Secc. Duration – 1 Second (Fast)

11. Add Horizontal Line “Path” Animation to this image. Let us call this “PathHandAnim”.12. Set “Effect Options” of animation for below settings. This option will be available on right click of Animation in the Animation window.

a. After Animation – Hide After Animationb. Timings Tab – Start -- with Previousc. Delay – 5 Sec

13. Now you will have four animations as follows:a. ExitGridAnimb. EntryGraphAnimc. EntryHandAnimd. PathHandAnim

Order them in the following order in the Animation window.1. EntryHandAnim2. PathHandAnim3. ExitGridAnim4. EntryGraphAnim

14. Run the Presentation to show the Swipe Gesture.

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High ROI BI, Dual-Shore Delivery


Our CredentialsFor seven years, InfoCepts (founded by two former MicroStrategists) has delivered on the promise of MicroStrategy’s software. Our tried and tested process oriented approach has delivered exceptional ROI via our dual shore delivery model. We lead with our solutions oriented approach and have MicroStrategy specific programs for Application Optimization, Big Data, Dashboard and Mobile design and development.

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High ROI BI, Dual-Shore Delivery

For more information please contact:

(301) 915-0446,,