Creating Sponsored Content Posts that Earn Engagement

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Tip 1:

Keep it light Share lightweight content that the audience can relate to or find interesting. ‘Did You Know’ type content provides fun interesting facts that can capture an audience’s attention.

Tip #2:

Keep it relevant Sharing the right content with the right audiences is important. It demonstrates your ability to create value and purpose with your content.

Tip #3:

Delight with dataData doesn’t have to be boring. Present interesting insights in visual ways to stand out in the feed and drive action.

Tip #4:

Keep it short & sharp

Share your video content in short bursts. Take a longer video and cut it down to 30, 60 or 90s formats. 90 second video is best to keep a time-starved audience engaged. Video content gets 75% higher comments.

Tip #5:

Humanize your storytelling

Leverage your brand or employee advocates to share their own personal story to inspire, motivate and create positive sentiment around your brand.

Tip 1:

Business valueRepurpose Influencer posts sharing wisdom and insights with prospects on driving value. This helps to amplify reach and build trust and an emotional connect with your audience

Tip 2:

Take them alongKeep your target audience updates on your organization’s progress and strategic bets in their market.

Tip 3:

Repurpose event contentA lot of content is generates pre event and during the event. This content can be repurposed for live video updates on industry/market trends, as shown in this example. Further, the event content can be repurposed post event in the form of a series of highlights from the event sessions

Tip 4:

Repurpose your flagship long form content Analyst reports, trends reports, whitepapers etc., can be used to carve out multiple insights for your target audience. These can be used to build multiple content updates for the LinkedIn platform and add to an always-on content engagement.

Tip 5:

Direct response contentGiving a direct call to action in the update and highlighting the value from signing up for the webinar/event in the event copy itself will lead to higher engagement on the platform.

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