Creative Bedfordshire - Those Who Can, Teach - Creative Networking - October 2015

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Creative Bedfordshire

1st October 2015

The Rufus Centre

Flitwick, MK45 1AH

7 – 9 pm


Creative Bedfordshire October is all about enhancing your

creative business by offering workshops. Two Bedfordshire

artists will be joining us to explain why they run art

workshops and to give us practical tips on how to make

workshops work for the artist and the customer. Join us for

some free, peer-led business support.


Bedford Creative Arts


Business TimeBank


Culture Challenge




This evening includes a chance to shout-out about

your latest work, and to chat informally.

We encourage you to share your

experience via Twitter, Instagram

and Facebook.

#creativebeds #bedfordshire #centralbeds



We encourage you to connect with the people you

meet tonight on LinkedIn.

Create a profile, connect and create a network

of creative professionals at your fingertips


LinkedIn is the hub from which we share event

presentations via SlideShare.



Ricky Keech

Ricky offers beginners, paperweight and full day glass blowing experiences at his Creative Vibe studio in Ampthill.

@Twitter Handle

Vanessa Stone

Vanessa is a cut paper and collage artist, who runs workshops for all ages. You’ll find her at Byard Art Cambridge, Hoo’s Kids Book Fest and her studio in Arlesey.



Ricky Keech

I studied at Barnfield college, Luton, then a BA(honours) in Fine Art Ceramics and Glass at Buckinghamshire University College, High Wycombe. I had the chance to experience a number of different mediums.




Photography credit Zoe Lee Skelton

Ricky Keech

I became fascinated by the natural inherent organic textured qualities contained within clay. Half way through my second year I was introduced to the medium of glass, and glass blowing.




Photography credit Zoe Lee Skelton

The ethereal ghost like reflections cast by glass have influenced the work I have produced and produce today.




Ricky Keech

Have always had an interest in things of a spiritual nature and have learnt to tune into the work I am producing at any one time, all else fades away into the background.




Photography credit Zoe Lee Skelton

Ricky Keech

As an artist it is not just about the end result but also the journey of creating something and learning to be in the present moment.




Photography credit Zoe Lee Skelton

Ricky Keech

When one learns to be in the present moment, the finished result should carry a creative vibe that is able to lift the environment it is displayed in, through its vibrant colors and unusual vibrationalbespoke presence.




Ricky Keech

Vanessa Stone

Until 2006 I worked freelance, designing anything I could from surface pattern for stationery and fabrics, to being involved in making ecclesiastical textiles for The Sarum Group.




I did in-house designing for the handmade rug industry, made a large hanging for St. Botolph’s Church, Aldgate and exhibited banners and embroideries in mixed and solo shows, as well as running workshops for children.




Vanessa Stone

I had always been on the quest for a sharper line, a more clean composition a flatter surface.....a new way of working that was cutting away rather than adding layer by layer as textiles often is.




Vanessa Stone

In 2006, I cut some stencils to push paint though onto linen but found I loved the stencil more than the textiles! The penny dropped about paper cutting and so the journey started.

@Twitter Handle




Vanessa Stone

@Twitter Handle




Vanessa Stone

When I am working on pieces my head goes to another place. I don't need anything really......just time to be and cut away. Paper cutting is very Zen!

@Twitter Handle




Vanessa Stone

I feed everyone that comes onto a workshop of mine with pure enthusiasm and encouragement. I want them to feel unique, valued and that they can achieve something beautiful and meaningful.

@Twitter Handle




Vanessa Stone

Why I run workshops

“I run workshops to introduce the art of glassblowing into the Bedfordshire community and to give the opportunity to teach my passion for this ancient craft.”

@Twitter Handle

“One reason is is an income stream and all part of being a professional artist. Another big reason is the feeling of giving someone knowledge to help them blossom by teaching them a skill, expand their creativity and be able to plug into ‘the zone’. ”


@Twitter Handle



@scalpelinmyhand @keechcreations

Why people come to my workshops

“People come to my workshops because this craft wasn't readily available within the Bedfordshire area, also due to the chance of learning in small classes and in a peaceful countryside secluded environment.”

“People like my work and want to have a go! Paper based art has grown to be a big genre and it’s something that is more in the current cultural conscious. I love it because it can be tailored to all ages. It’s very accessible, relatively cheap to get going with and you can get really good results very quickly.”



@Twitter Handle@Twitter Handle@scalpelinmyhand @keechcreations


How I make workshops work

Planning and evaluation is crucial. Consider size. Small classes (only 2 students per class).VS

RKWorking out who your audience is takes time and it’s a moveable feast.

Encourage students to work together, to use newly gained skills in order to assist each other during the process, whilst making their unique creations.





Extending what you offer is important.


@Twitter Handle@Twitter Handle@scalpelinmyhand @keechcreations

How I make workshops work

Always give your best.




@Twitter Handle@Twitter Handle@scalpelinmyhand @keechcreations

Contracts and deposits.


Everything that leaves the room has your name on it.


Balance business development with consistent income.


Balance workshops with your own art and other motivations.


News from Bedford Creative Arts




The Future Libraries Festival is a three-day event taking place at Flitwick Library from Friday 16 to

Sunday 18 October 2015. It is part of an ambitious art project commissioned by Central Bedfordshire

Council’s libraries, in partnership with Bedford Creative Arts and funded by Arts Council England.

Involving eight artists, it invites us to imagine what the library of the future could look like. The Future

Library Festival is the second of three commissions making up the project and is a free festival like no

other. Hosted by artists Rosalie Schweiker, Ania Bas and David Littler, it will transform Flitwick Library

into a hub of comedy, debate, music, food and films.




Over to the room. Who wants to say something

about their creative business or creative need?

Flitwick Town Council in collaboration with Up-Stage Arts

Flitwick on Film 2015

Previous collaborative work with Up-Stage Arts

Love Flitwick 2014



Over to the room. Who wants to say something

about their creative business or creative need?

Artist Network Bedfordshire

About us / Membership

Autumn Art Shows




Over to the room. Who wants to say something

about their creative business or creative need?

Bedfordshire Chamber of Commerce

Your Future – opportunity to showcase your business to 14-24 year olds





Over to the room. Who wants to say something

about their creative business or creative need?

Circus of Illustration

Drink and Draw events

Katie Allen

Big Draw ‘Experiments in Watercolour’ workshop at The Higgins Bedford



Over to the room. Who wants to say something

about their creative business or creative need?

Bedpop Fun Palace

Everyone an artist. Everyone a scientist.

The BedPop Fun Palaces will take place in five town-centre Bedford locations:

The Higgins, Bedford The Quarry Theatre at St Luke’s Bedford Central Library

Animal Gallery Harpur Square.


Next up: Business Adventures


12th November 2015

The Clubhouse at Biggleswade United FC

Second Meadow, Fairfield Road

Biggleswade, SG18 0AA

7 – 9 pm



Join us creative networking in Biggleswade. The owners of two growing creative businesses will

be with us to share their stories, and to offer us valuable business tips.

Fashion designer Luke Archer will talk about how he’s built his brand. His story includes a

Young Designer of the Year Award, working with Digswell Arts Trust, and a YMCA Bedford

collaboration, which saw him share his skills with 3 young people for a week as part of the YM

Awards 2015.

Laura White, owner of Golden Hare Gallery, Ampthill, will be telling us her own inspiring

business story including her experience of the Princes Trust ‘Explore Enterprise’, her national

#smallbiz100 status in Small Biz Saturday 2015 and her passion to promote traditional craft

techniques and get recognition for talented artists working in the UK.

Save the date

Creative Bedfordshire

10th Dec 2015

7 – 9 pm

The Quarry Theatre at St Luke’sBedford




Thank you.

Creative Bedfordshire is a network of creative people and

businesses in Bedfordshire and offers regular networking events

and professional development opportunities. Sole traders,

freelancers and creative businesses of all kinds are welcome to

attend. It is funded by the economic development teams at Central

Bedfordshire Council and Bedford Borough Council and is run by

Bedford Creative Arts. For more information email

Follow us on Twitter @creativebeds or join our mailing list by

emailing with ‘Creative

Bedfordshire’ in the title.