Creative Foundations, 40 Scrapbook and Mixed-Media Techniques to Build Your Artistic Toolbox

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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822019 Creative Foundations 40 Scrapbook and Mixed-Media Techniques to Build Your Artistic Toolbox

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tom`n db

GDktnktWfktrdeugtfdk9 o p`ogn td stort 2

ghoptnr dkn9 bdukeotfdks 8

Nvnry prdingt knnes o sd`fe bdukeotfdk Wd rd`` up ydur

s`nnvns oke prnporn td lnt ydur hokes efrty Vdurn ldfkl td

cosa rnsfst oke stocp td ydur hnorts ensfrn

mumm`n wrop

groydk rnsfst =

ln` cnefuc rnsfst 5

colozfkn gd``oln 2

cosane mogalrduke 8

cdkdprfkt =

knlotfvn cosa ==

rnvnrsn rnsfst =5

scddshfkl =2

wox popnr rnsfst =8

ghoptnr twd9 tnxturns 7

okt td coan ydur prdingts pdp wfth o `ftt`n tdughy-bnn`y

tnxturn4 Uhfs tfcn orduke wn`` mn wdrafkl wfth tfssun

popnr bomrfg l`fttnr lnssd oke cdrn

ncmdssne rnsfst 7=

nkgosne 75

bomrfg pofktfkl 72bomrfg popnr 78

boux `nttnrprnss 5

brdttoln 5=

lnssd 55

l`fttnr fk wnt pofkt 52

tfn-eyn coranrs 58

tfssun popnr engdupoln gt

ghoptnr thrnn9 supp`ncnkts gt=

Orn ydu worcne up ynt4 Fk thfs ghoptnr wn`` bdgus dk

rngyg`fkl rneugfkl oke rnusfkl fk woys ydu knvnr

thdulht pdssfm`n Wd hd`e dk td thot d`e goremdore mdx

thdsn usne erynr shnnts oke gokey wroppnrs―thnyrn iust o

bnw db thn ukfqun cotnrfo`s wn`` mn wdrafkl wfth

murkfshne cnto` gt5

gokey wroppnr engdupoln gt2

erynr shnnt ort gt8

bdoc stocps 2

l`fttnr topn 2=

cosafkl topn 25

popnr pfngfkl 22

popnr tdwn` ort 28stfganr cosafkl lt

whftn l`un stocp lt=

ghoptnr bdur9 ncmn``fshcnkts lt5

Fts tfcn bdr thn kfshfkl tdugh thn pfegravegn en

raeligsfstokgn thn ncmn``fshcnkts n wf``

bdgus dur ottnktfdk dk usfkl mnoes p`oyfkl wfth

pflcnkt pdwenrs oke coafkl `dts db dwnrs Obtnr

o`` fts thn entof`s thot gok toan o pfngn brdc ldde

td lrnot

mnoene rfmmdk rubn lt2

gorestdga dwnrs lt8gupgoan wroppnr dwnrs 8

ncmdssne cnto` ghfpmdore 8=

bomrfg dwnrs 85

bdf` troksbnr 82

hnot-ncmdssne ghfpmdore 88

popnr quf`tfkl 6

stocpne vn``uc 6=

tfssun popnr dwnrs 65

ghoptnr 1047311vn9 oynr ft dk 62

Uhn tnghkfquns hovn mnnk gotnldrfzne oke

stnppne dut oke kdw fts tfcn td pfga oke ghddsn

oke cnrln thnc tdlnthnr td coan prntty ort Fts o``

omdut thn `oynrs

ghoptnr sfx9 o ftt`n

hn`p brdc cy brfnkes 5

Ok ng`ngtfg cfx db grobtnrs―brdc sgropmddanrs td

stocpnrs td cfxne-cnefo ortfsts―hovn o`` oeoptne

thn tnghkfquns td grnotn sfklu`or wdras db ort thot

rnngt thnfr pnrsdko` sty`n F hdpn ydu`` mn fkspfrne

td ed thn socn

rnsdurgns 78

fkenx 5

omdut thn outhdr 5=

822019 Creative Foundations 40 Scrapbook and Mixed-Media Techniques to Build Your Artistic Toolbox

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Orn ydu rnoey td hovn sdcn buk oke lnt ydur hokes efrty4 Os ydupnrusn thn polns db thfs mdda F wokt ydu td mn nkvn`dpne fk gd`drtfga`ne wfth whfcsy oke cdst db o`` nxgftne td lnt stortne Uhnrnorn kd `fcfts hnrn Uhfs mdda fs ``ne wfth `dts db fenos oke whot F`fan td go`` grnotfvn iucp storts Uhn dk`y thfkl nxpngtne db ydu fsthot ydu lfvn ft o try

Ok nvnryeoy ort coanr―thot fs whot F strfvn td mn F try kdttd `omn` cy ‐sty`nndash dr mdx cysn`b fktd usfkl dk`y dkn cnefuc

Wgropmddafkl gore coafkl stocpfkl tnxtf`n ort oke cfxne cnefo F nxp`drn thnc o`` oke wnovn thnc tdlnthnr Cy fktnktfdk fs tdgrnotn bdr thn sfcp`n nkidycnkt db ft oke kdt td put `fcfts dk thotUoan thn fenos F hovn dut`fkne oke coan thnc ydur dwk Ensflksty`ns ghokln oke nvd`vn oke thn woy thot hoppnks fs thrdulh thnnxp`drotfdk db knw thfkls oke thn oeoptotfdk db d`e thfkls

Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks fs omdut mrnoafkl edwk thn entof`soke `ddafkl ot thnc os `oynrs Uhfs fs thn woy F opprdogh cdstthfkls Wtort wfth o ldde bdukeotfdk dr mogalrduke thnk oee o`ftt`n vfsuo` fktnrnst wfth tnxturn supp`ncnkt thot wfth o buk twfstoke ko``y ncmn``fsh dr oggnssdrfzn Ud mn hdknst F thfka thfs fsthn socn woy F toga`n engdrotfkl cy hdcn oke cysn`b F `fan tdstort ot thn mnlfkkfkl oke muf`e up brdc thnrn F hovn bduke thfsstrotnly td mn vnry hn`pbu` fk cy wdrashdps oke F thfka ft wf``prdvfen ydu wfth o strdkl p`ok db ogtfdk

Uhn prdingts fk thfs mdda rokln brdc sfcp`n td cu`tfbogntneEdkt mn obrofe td try okythfkl Fts daoy td coan cfstoans (drwhot F rnbnr td os hoppy oggfenkts) Uhfs fs hdw wn `nork lrdw okefcprdvn os grnotfvn mnfkls Vdu coy kdt lnt ft rflht thn rst tfcnmut edkt lfvn up Vdu efekt lnt dk o mfgyg`n oke rfen ft edwk thnrdoe thn rst tfcn O`` ldde thfkls gdcn wfth progtfgn Dk o hflhkdtn sdcn db cy bovdrftn pfngns hovn gdcn brdc whot wos rstthdulht td mn ok ‐ddpsndash

Wd thrdw dk ydur oprdk lothnr up ydur stubb oke lrom `dts dbsgrops td progtfgn dk Edkt mn tdd hore dk ydursn`b oke hovn bukF oc hnrn td lufen ydu thrdulh ft oke F akdw ydu orn ldfkl td`dvn thnsn tnghkfquns os cugh os F ed


O ZOGn tD WtO]t


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F wdu`e `fan td thoka cy afkenrlortnk tnoghnr bdr fktrdeugfkl cn td thn wdkenrs

db groydk rnsfst F dbtnk fkgdrpdrotn thfs tnghkfqun dk fts dwk wfth o `ftt`n brnnhoke

erowfkl oke sdcntfcns F usn ft td nkhokgn o stocpne pottnrk Uhfs tnghkfqun wdras

nspngfo``y wn`` dk `flhtnr gd`drne mosns Oke F ` ` mnt ydu hovn tdks db groydks `yfkl

orduke―iust coan surn ydu skol thn whftn dkns


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mroes (Edde`nmul Ensflk) bull gorestdga

(Cfghon`s) bull groydk (Groyd`o) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pottnrkne popnr (Wossobros) bull

rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull rfmmdk bull stocps (Hnrd Orts Ln`-ecirc-tfks)


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hnk F b`fp thrdulh colozfkns F `dvn td gd``ngt fcolns oke oes thot gotgh cy nyn

Uhfs tnghkfqun o``dws cn td usn up cy stosh Uhn gd`drbu` sgrops gok ogt os thn pnrbngt

gocdub`oln fb cy mosn fs `nss thok pnrbngt oke ft o`cdst ogts `fan o mokeoln F o`sd

`dvn hdw thn typn oke fcolns ‐pnnandash thrdulh thn pofkt


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull m`nkefkl tdd` (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull mdda popnr bull muttdks

bull ghfpmdore hnort (ltlypsfns) bull ghfpmdore nttnrs (Zfka Zofs`nn) bull ln` cnefuc (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull

lnssd (EngdOrt) bull pofkt (EngdOrt) bull popnr pukgh (NA Wuggnss) bull pnk (Woauro) bull rdsn trfc bull stfganrs

(Edde`nmul Ensflk) bull troy (Edk Cnghokfg Nktnrprfsns)


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Colozfkn poln sgrops

Bdoc mrushns

Ortfst-quo`fty ogry`fg ln`cnefuc (cottn)

Gorestdga dr ghfpmdore

Entof`s Entof`s bull dra fk sco`` sngtfdks td nksurn thot thn ln` cnefuc ednskt ery

tdd qufga`y

bull Ud oee enpth dr shoedws td efcnksfdko` pfngns rum dr mrush dk osco`` ocdukt db m`oga pofkt dr fka orduke nelns dr fk grnvfgns okemubb dbb wfth o eocp popnr tdwn` dr momy wfpn

bull Coan surn thot nogh tfcn ydu mubb ydu usn o g`nok popnr tdwn`―ydu edkt wokt td troksbnr pofkt brdc thn tdwn` td ydur pfngn




Unor colozfkn poln sgrops fktd sco`` pfngns okestrfps L`dssy polns wdra mnst

= Mrush ln` cnefuc dk thn mogalrduke pfngn oynrthn tdrk pfngns db colozfkn dk thn gores tdgadr ghfpmdore oke gdot wfth okdthnr `oynr db ort

cnefuc Gdktfkun uktf` thn nktfrn pfngn fs gdvnrneO``dw thn pfngn td ery gdcp`ntn`y

7 Mrush thn lnssd sporfkl`y dvnr thn gd``olnecolozfkn pfngns mut ed kdt gdvnr thn nktfrnsurbogn wfth thn lnssd cfxturn Fb thn lnssd fs tdd

thfga ydu gok cfx ft wfth wotnr td coan ft thfkknr

oke cdrn troks`ugnkt hy4 Wdcn lnssd fs vnrythfk dut db thn gdktofknr whf`n dthnrs orn thfgaO``dw thn pfngn td ery gdcp`ntn`y

5 Opp`y o `flht shoen db ogry`fg pofkt ef`utne wfthwotnr td thn nktfrn surbogn O``dw thn pofkt td erys`flht`y oke thnk mubb sdcn db thn gd`dr db b wfth oeocp popnr tdwn` dr momy wfpn

gt Opp`y o sngdke eoranr gd`dr o``dw ft td ery s`flht`yoke mubb os fk Wtnp 5 Gdktfkun td muf`e thn pofkt

`oynrs uktf` thn ensfrne nbbngt fs oghfnvne



Ogry`fg pofkts

Momy wfpns dr popnr tdwn`s

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Uhfs tnghkfqun fs o thrdwmoga td cy engdrotfvn pofktfkl eoys Cy b frst oportcnkt wos gdvnrne

fk ‐scddshnendash wo``s Kdw scddshfkl hos snnk o rnmfrth o`mnft dk o sco``nr sgo`n Uhfs fs dkn

db thn sfcp`nst mogalrduke tnghkfquns oke ft mrfkls dkn db thn mfllnst wdw bogtdrs


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull muttdks (Bddbo`o) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull ghfpmdore `nttnrs (Zfka

Zofs`nn) bull efn guts (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull pottnrkne popnr (Edde`nmul Ensflk Mn``o MRE n ] Cncdry

Annpnrs) bull pnk (Woauro) bull p`ostfg wrop bull rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull sproy fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns Uottnrne

Okln`s) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull thrnoe


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E n t o f ` s E n t o f ` s

bull Uhfs tnghkfqun gok o`sd mn rn-grno tne usfkl sp

ro y fkas

bull Ud fkgrnosn ydur dpnk tfcn tr y o pofk t n x tnkenr `f


G`ouefkn Hn`cu th W tuefd N x tro Ufcn m y ]oklnr Fkeus trfns


Ogry`fg pofkt dr sproy fka


Bdoc mrush

Hnovy-wnflht popnr

Z`ostfg wrop

W`flht`y ef`utn ogry`fg pofkt wfth wotnr oke mrush ft dvnr o pfngn db hnovy-wnflhtpopnr Obtnr ydu hovn opp`fne thn pofkt cfx thn popnr surbogn shdu`e mn vnrywnt sd thn pofkt dr fka wf`` mn ufe

= Fccnefotn`y gdvnr thn popnr wfth o pfngn db p`ostfg wrop grnotfkl bd`es okegrnosns O``dw thn pofkt dr fka td ery (Eryfkl tfcn wf`` enpnke dk o bnw bogtdrs`fan whnthnr pofkt dr fka fs usne thn ocdukt db wotnr usne fk ef`utfkl thn pofktdr fka oke thn typn db popnr usne)

7 hnk thn pofkt dr fka fs o`cdst gdcp`ntn`y ery rncdvn thn p`ostfg wrop

= 7

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983159983140 983139983151983147983158 983140983162983157983142983140983147983159

Uhn pdssfmf`ftfns bdr gustdcfzotfdk fk scddshfkl orn

nke`nss Bdr nxocp`n thn twd socp`ns dk thn `nbt orn

mogalrduke fkane wfth Efstrnss Fka oke thnk cfstne wfth

Znrbngt Znor`s Zflcnkt pdwenr cfxne wfth wotnr Uhn twd

dk thn rflht orn cfstne wfth L`fccnr Cfst o sproy fka thot

gdktofks cfgo pdwenr Bnn` brnn td nxpnrfcnkt1 whot knw

bovdrftn wf`` ydu efsgdvnr4

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NCMDWWNE ]NWFWU^sfkl stocps oke ncmdssfkl pdwenrs fs o trfne-oke-trun tnghkfqun fth o g`nor

ncmdssfkl pdwenr o ‐lhdstndash fcprnssfdk gok mn grnotne o``dwfkl whotnvnr fs dk thn

mosn td shfkn thrdulh Uhn tnxturn fs scddth oke sumt`n Uhfs rnsfst wdras nspngfo``y

wn`` wfth ]oklnr Efstrnss Fkas


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull efn gut (MosfgLrny) bull ncmdssfkl

pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Wossobros) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull popnr

pukgh (Corvy ^ghfeo) bull pottnrkne popnr (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull rfmmdk bull sproy

cfst (Coyo ]doe) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts Fkaoefkaoed) bull tol (MosfgLrny) bull twfkn

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nttnrprnss prfktfkl grnotns o grfsp fcoln wfth ennp fcprnssfdks Uhfs `dda gok mn

rn-grnotne kfgn`y wfth ncmdssfkl bd`enrs fka oke o efn-guttfkl coghfkn Uhnrn orn

coky ensflks ovof`om`n fk ncmdssfkl bd`enrs oke F b fke ft wdrthwhf`n td nxpnrfcnkt

wfth efbbnrnkt fkas Eyn fkas bdr nxocp`n lfvn cdrn nvnk oke troks`ugnkt gdvnroln thok

dthnr fkas Bdr mnst rnsu`ts usn o mroynr td opp`y thn fka td thn ncmdssfkl bd`enr


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull gore (Hnrd Orts) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull ghfpmdore (ftt`n

Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull efn-guttfkl coghfkn (Wfzzfx) bull ncmdssfkl p`otn (Wfzzfx) bull fka (Wtocpfk ^p) bull cnto` g`fp

(ltlypsfns) bull stfganrs (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n)

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Ncmdssfkl bd`enr


Eyn-mosne fka poe

Efn-guttfkl coghfkn

Gut o pfngn db gorestdga td t fk thnncmdssfkl bd`enr

= ]d`` o mroynr dvnr ok fka poe

7 Mroynr fka nvnk`y dvnr thn ncmdssfklbd`enr

E n t o f ` s E n t o f ` s

bull Vdu co y wok t td n xpnrfcnk t wf th ef b bnrnk t t ypns

d b s tocpfkl fkas td ke whfgh dkns oghfn vn thn

gd vnroln ydu ensfrn F vn bduke tho t bdr cn thn

e yn-mosne fkas brdc W tocpfk ^p wdra thn mns t





5 Gornbu``y sokewfgh thn gorestdga fksfen thnncmdssfkl bd`enr oke s`dw`y ruk thn bd`enrthrdulh o efn-guttfkl coghfkn

gt ]ncdvn thn fkane oke ncmdssne gorestdgabrdc thn bd`enr

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Lnssd fs usuo``y usne os o prfcnr1 fts mnnk fk cy supp`y gosn sfkgn cy ort sghdd` eoys

hf`n ft wdras lrnot dk gokvosns F o `sd dvn usfkl ft td grnotn tnxturn Fktnrnstfkl pottnrks

gok mn boshfdkne my voryfkl thn thfgaknss db thn lnssd oke stocpfkl fcolns fk ft Uhn

mnst rnsu`ts wf` ` mn oghfnvne my oeefkl oke rncdvfkl oynrs db gd`dr thus hflh`flhtfkl

thn fcprnssfdks


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull ghfpmdore (MosfgLrny Coyo ]doe1 Wossobros) bull lnssd

(EngdOrt) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pfks (Coyo ]doe) bull rhfknstdkns (Zrfco Corantfkl) bull stocps

(Hnrd Orts) bull stfganrs (Wossobros)

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Dkn db thn thfkls thot erows cn td o yuccy pfngn db gokey fs hdw fts pogaolne Fk thfs

gosn thn lddefns wnrn bdf`-wroppne ghdgd`otn hnorts Os F wos envdurfkl thn mol F stortne

td oggucu`otn o shfky pf`n db bdf` squorns Uhny wnrn tdd prntty td thrdw owoy sd F usne

thnc td gdvnr o ghfpmdore hnort Gdd` huh4


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mfkld gore (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull mdda gdvnr (ltlypsfns) bull ghfpmdore

hnort (Coyo ]doe) bull efn gut (AampGdcpoky) bull nyn`nt (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkt

(Hnrd Orts) bull ln` cnefuc (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull novns (ltlypsfns) bull any oke ghofk

(ltlypsfns) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull pofkt (EngdOrt) bull pflcnkt pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull twfkn

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Mnoes oke rubb `ns orn prntty dk thnfr dwk mut thny mngdcn nvnk `dvn`fnr pofrne tdlnthnr F

`dvn thn sdbtknss thot rfmmdks oee td popnr prdingts oke thn stftghne mnoes gdcp`ncnkt thn

lothnrne `dda hnk wdrafkl wfth thfs tnghkfqun p`ok td edum`n thn `nklth db thn rfmmdkydu rnqufrn bdr ydur bfkfshne pfngn fk drenr td oggdccdeotn thn lothnrs


oehnsfvns (Mnogdk Oehnsfvns Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mdrenr (Wossobros) bull mroes (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull

muttnry ncmn``fshcnkts (Cfghon`s) bull ncmrdfenry dss bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Coyo ]doe) bull l`oss mnoes bull

fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pottnrkne popnr (Wossobros) bull rfmmdk (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull stocps (Wtocpnrs Okdky-

cdus) bull stop`ns bull stfganrs (Mn``o MRE nmstnrs Zolns) bull tol (Uottnrne Okln`s)

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Engdrotfvn rfmmdk

L`oss mnoes



Gut o `nklth db rfmmdk gd``ngt ydur l`ossmnoes oke thrnoe o knne`n

= Coan o akdt fk thn thrnoe oke poss ft

thrdulh dkn nke db thn rfmmdk Coan o`ddsn bd`e fk thn rfmmdk knor thn nke okeposs thn thrnoene knne`n thrdulh ft

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983149983150983151983141983150983141 983165983142983149983149983140983147 983138983136983140983164983150983165

^sn o wfenr rfmmdk td grnotn o mnoene dwnr Bd``dw

thn fkstrugtfdks omdvn oke thnk gdf` thn rfmmdk fktd

o dwnr shopn L`un thn dwnr td o gorestdga mosn

usfkl Bomrf-Uog l`un whfgh fs spngfo``y bdrcu`otne

bdr usn wfth bomrfg


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull moum`n

(Cfghon`s) bull mnoes (M`un Cddk Mnoes) bull ghfpmdore tol

(Coyo ]doe) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull ogn (Coyo

]doe) bull pottnrkne popnr (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull rfmmdk

(Cfghon`s) bull stocp (Hnrd Orts)




7 Uhrnoe dkn dr twd mnoes dktd thn knne`n

5 Zu`` thn thrnoe thrdulh thn rfmmdk td grnotno p`not

gt Gdktfkun td stftgh p`nots oke mnoes fktd thnrfmmdk uktf` thn rfmmdk fs db ensfrne `nklth

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Rfgaf Mdutfk gdcns brdc o mogalrduke fk lrophfg ensflk

oke kn orts oke hos o`woys mnnk possfdkotn omdut grnotfkl

prntty thfkls Hnr `dvn db gd`dr tnxturn bukay pottnrks oke

phdtdlrophy `ne hnr td sgropmddafkl oke popnr grobtfkl

Whn hos kdt `ddane moga sfkgn

Fk =2 Rfgaf mngocn o Grnotfkl Annpsoans Ho`` db

Bocn wfkknr oke wnkt dk td mn port db Mnttnr Hdcns oke

Lorenks Wgropmddas Ntgs grnotfvn tnoc Hnr wdra fs

gurrnkt`y pum`fshne fk Wgropmddas Ntg oke Rfgaf wrftns o

quortnr`y ortfg`n bdr Wgropmddas amp Gores Udeoy colozfknWhn nkidys wdrafkl g`dsn`y wfth o kucmnr db thn fkeustrys

tdp cokubogturnrs fkg`uefkl Wossobros ltlypsfns Mosfg-

Lrny ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n oke Zfka Zofs`nn Rfgaf fs o`sd o

]oklnr gnrtfne fkstrugtdr

Rfgaf fs o`woys dk o cfssfdk td `nork sdcnthfkl knw oke

thnk ke o woy td shorn ft Uhot fs whnrn tnoghfkl gdcns

fk Whn hos toulht wdrashdps fk thn ^kftne Wtotns Gokoeo

oke Nurdpn oke `dvns td opprdogh ort fk o buk brnsh oke

oggnssfm`n woy Hnr cdttd fs ‐Vdu edkt akdw fb fts ydur

sty`n uktf` ydu try ft sd ld bdr ft Fts dk`y o pfngn db popnrndash

Hnr wdrashdps dbbnr ok dppdrtukfty td cnnt knw brfnkes try

knw thfkls oke cdst db o`` hovn buk

Uwd grozy afes oke o stroflht-`ogne husmoke annp thfkls

fktnrnstfkl fk Rfgafs hdcn fk sduthnrk Dktorfd Gokoeo

Bd``dw Rfgaf dk hnr m`dl http9vfgafmdutfktypnpoegdc

Omdut thn Outhdr

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Fktnrkotfdko``y rngdlkfzne ortfst oke tnoghnr Rfgaf Mdutfk toans thn o``

cystnry dut db thdsn sgropmdda oke cfxne-cnefo tnghkfquns ydu thdulht

ydu gdu`e knvnr ed Whn`` mn wfth ydu nvnry stnp db thn woy os ydu `nork

td pofkt stocp ncmdss oke murkfsh ydur woy td grnotfkl mnoutfbu` ukfqun

oke fkefvfeuo` ort

Fkspfrotfdk owofts ot


dda bull Cnnt bull Coan

Rfgaf Mdutfk opprdoghns ort fk o bukbrnsh oke oggnssfm`n woy Hnr ldo` fs td

mrfkl dut thn fkknr ortfst fk nvnrydkn

Uhfka ydu gdu`e knvnr ed thot4 n``

Rfgaf soys ‐Vns VD^ gok ed ftndash Fk

oeeftfdk td tnoghfkl sgropmddafkl oke

popnrgrobtfkl wdrashdps thrdulhdut

Gokoeo thn ^kftne Wtotns oke Nurdpn

Rfgafs wdra gok brnqunkt`y mn snnk fk

Mnttnr Hdcns oke Lorenks Wgropmddas

Ntg oke Wgropmddas oke Gores Udeoy

colozfkns Whn `fvns fk sduthnrk

Dktorfd Gokoeo wfth hnr husmoke oketwd ghf`ernk

Fk Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks ydu`` 1047311ke9

5 stnp-my-stnp encdkstrotfdks bdr nosy buk cnssy bukay fkkdvotfvn

oke gustdcfzom`n tnghkfquns bdr grnotfkl mogalrdukes tnxturns

supp`ncnkts oke ncmn``fshcnkts

5 1047311kfshne sfkl`n-tnghkfqun pfngns db ort oke ok oeeftfdko` 2

lo``nry pfngns grnotne my Rfgaf usfkl o ‐rngfpnndash db twd td 1047311vn

snporotn tnghkfquns `oynrne tdlnthnr

=5 cdrn nxgftfkl oke fkspfrfkl lo``nry pfngns grnotne my

pdwnrhdusn gdktrfmutdrs fkg`uefkl ]hdkko Borrnr nkey Rngghf

An``y Zurany oke dthnrs

Wd lothnr ydur orts oke grobts supp`fns ghddsn ydur fkspfrotfdk oke

lnt edwk td ft hnthnr ydurn coafkl sgropmdda polns gores wo``

ort eaeliggdr dr sdcnthfkl n`sn nktfrn`y wfth thnsn Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks

thn pdssfmf`ftfns orn nke`nss


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tom`n db

GDktnktWfktrdeugtfdk9 o p`ogn td stort 2

ghoptnr dkn9 bdukeotfdks 8

Nvnry prdingt knnes o sd`fe bdukeotfdk Wd rd`` up ydur

s`nnvns oke prnporn td lnt ydur hokes efrty Vdurn ldfkl td

cosa rnsfst oke stocp td ydur hnorts ensfrn

mumm`n wrop

groydk rnsfst =

ln` cnefuc rnsfst 5

colozfkn gd``oln 2

cosane mogalrduke 8

cdkdprfkt =

knlotfvn cosa ==

rnvnrsn rnsfst =5

scddshfkl =2

wox popnr rnsfst =8

ghoptnr twd9 tnxturns 7

okt td coan ydur prdingts pdp wfth o `ftt`n tdughy-bnn`y

tnxturn4 Uhfs tfcn orduke wn`` mn wdrafkl wfth tfssun

popnr bomrfg l`fttnr lnssd oke cdrn

ncmdssne rnsfst 7=

nkgosne 75

bomrfg pofktfkl 72bomrfg popnr 78

boux `nttnrprnss 5

brdttoln 5=

lnssd 55

l`fttnr fk wnt pofkt 52

tfn-eyn coranrs 58

tfssun popnr engdupoln gt

ghoptnr thrnn9 supp`ncnkts gt=

Orn ydu worcne up ynt4 Fk thfs ghoptnr wn`` bdgus dk

rngyg`fkl rneugfkl oke rnusfkl fk woys ydu knvnr

thdulht pdssfm`n Wd hd`e dk td thot d`e goremdore mdx

thdsn usne erynr shnnts oke gokey wroppnrs―thnyrn iust o

bnw db thn ukfqun cotnrfo`s wn`` mn wdrafkl wfth

murkfshne cnto` gt5

gokey wroppnr engdupoln gt2

erynr shnnt ort gt8

bdoc stocps 2

l`fttnr topn 2=

cosafkl topn 25

popnr pfngfkl 22

popnr tdwn` ort 28stfganr cosafkl lt

whftn l`un stocp lt=

ghoptnr bdur9 ncmn``fshcnkts lt5

Fts tfcn bdr thn kfshfkl tdugh thn pfegravegn en

raeligsfstokgn thn ncmn``fshcnkts n wf``

bdgus dur ottnktfdk dk usfkl mnoes p`oyfkl wfth

pflcnkt pdwenrs oke coafkl `dts db dwnrs Obtnr

o`` fts thn entof`s thot gok toan o pfngn brdc ldde

td lrnot

mnoene rfmmdk rubn lt2

gorestdga dwnrs lt8gupgoan wroppnr dwnrs 8

ncmdssne cnto` ghfpmdore 8=

bomrfg dwnrs 85

bdf` troksbnr 82

hnot-ncmdssne ghfpmdore 88

popnr quf`tfkl 6

stocpne vn``uc 6=

tfssun popnr dwnrs 65

ghoptnr 1047311vn9 oynr ft dk 62

Uhn tnghkfquns hovn mnnk gotnldrfzne oke

stnppne dut oke kdw fts tfcn td pfga oke ghddsn

oke cnrln thnc tdlnthnr td coan prntty ort Fts o``

omdut thn `oynrs

ghoptnr sfx9 o ftt`n

hn`p brdc cy brfnkes 5

Ok ng`ngtfg cfx db grobtnrs―brdc sgropmddanrs td

stocpnrs td cfxne-cnefo ortfsts―hovn o`` oeoptne

thn tnghkfquns td grnotn sfklu`or wdras db ort thot

rnngt thnfr pnrsdko` sty`n F hdpn ydu`` mn fkspfrne

td ed thn socn

rnsdurgns 78

fkenx 5

omdut thn outhdr 5=

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Orn ydu rnoey td hovn sdcn buk oke lnt ydur hokes efrty4 Os ydupnrusn thn polns db thfs mdda F wokt ydu td mn nkvn`dpne fk gd`drtfga`ne wfth whfcsy oke cdst db o`` nxgftne td lnt stortne Uhnrnorn kd `fcfts hnrn Uhfs mdda fs ``ne wfth `dts db fenos oke whot F`fan td go`` grnotfvn iucp storts Uhn dk`y thfkl nxpngtne db ydu fsthot ydu lfvn ft o try

Ok nvnryeoy ort coanr―thot fs whot F strfvn td mn F try kdttd `omn` cy ‐sty`nndash dr mdx cysn`b fktd usfkl dk`y dkn cnefuc

Wgropmddafkl gore coafkl stocpfkl tnxtf`n ort oke cfxne cnefo F nxp`drn thnc o`` oke wnovn thnc tdlnthnr Cy fktnktfdk fs tdgrnotn bdr thn sfcp`n nkidycnkt db ft oke kdt td put `fcfts dk thotUoan thn fenos F hovn dut`fkne oke coan thnc ydur dwk Ensflksty`ns ghokln oke nvd`vn oke thn woy thot hoppnks fs thrdulh thnnxp`drotfdk db knw thfkls oke thn oeoptotfdk db d`e thfkls

Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks fs omdut mrnoafkl edwk thn entof`soke `ddafkl ot thnc os `oynrs Uhfs fs thn woy F opprdogh cdstthfkls Wtort wfth o ldde bdukeotfdk dr mogalrduke thnk oee o`ftt`n vfsuo` fktnrnst wfth tnxturn supp`ncnkt thot wfth o buk twfstoke ko``y ncmn``fsh dr oggnssdrfzn Ud mn hdknst F thfka thfs fsthn socn woy F toga`n engdrotfkl cy hdcn oke cysn`b F `fan tdstort ot thn mnlfkkfkl oke muf`e up brdc thnrn F hovn bduke thfsstrotnly td mn vnry hn`pbu` fk cy wdrashdps oke F thfka ft wf``prdvfen ydu wfth o strdkl p`ok db ogtfdk

Uhn prdingts fk thfs mdda rokln brdc sfcp`n td cu`tfbogntneEdkt mn obrofe td try okythfkl Fts daoy td coan cfstoans (drwhot F rnbnr td os hoppy oggfenkts) Uhfs fs hdw wn `nork lrdw okefcprdvn os grnotfvn mnfkls Vdu coy kdt lnt ft rflht thn rst tfcnmut edkt lfvn up Vdu efekt lnt dk o mfgyg`n oke rfen ft edwk thnrdoe thn rst tfcn O`` ldde thfkls gdcn wfth progtfgn Dk o hflhkdtn sdcn db cy bovdrftn pfngns hovn gdcn brdc whot wos rstthdulht td mn ok ‐ddpsndash

Wd thrdw dk ydur oprdk lothnr up ydur stubb oke lrom `dts dbsgrops td progtfgn dk Edkt mn tdd hore dk ydursn`b oke hovn bukF oc hnrn td lufen ydu thrdulh ft oke F akdw ydu orn ldfkl td`dvn thnsn tnghkfquns os cugh os F ed


O ZOGn tD WtO]t


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F wdu`e `fan td thoka cy afkenrlortnk tnoghnr bdr fktrdeugfkl cn td thn wdkenrs

db groydk rnsfst F dbtnk fkgdrpdrotn thfs tnghkfqun dk fts dwk wfth o `ftt`n brnnhoke

erowfkl oke sdcntfcns F usn ft td nkhokgn o stocpne pottnrk Uhfs tnghkfqun wdras

nspngfo``y wn`` dk `flhtnr gd`drne mosns Oke F ` ` mnt ydu hovn tdks db groydks `yfkl

orduke―iust coan surn ydu skol thn whftn dkns


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mroes (Edde`nmul Ensflk) bull gorestdga

(Cfghon`s) bull groydk (Groyd`o) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pottnrkne popnr (Wossobros) bull

rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull rfmmdk bull stocps (Hnrd Orts Ln`-ecirc-tfks)


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hnk F b`fp thrdulh colozfkns F `dvn td gd``ngt fcolns oke oes thot gotgh cy nyn

Uhfs tnghkfqun o``dws cn td usn up cy stosh Uhn gd`drbu` sgrops gok ogt os thn pnrbngt

gocdub`oln fb cy mosn fs `nss thok pnrbngt oke ft o`cdst ogts `fan o mokeoln F o`sd

`dvn hdw thn typn oke fcolns ‐pnnandash thrdulh thn pofkt


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull m`nkefkl tdd` (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull mdda popnr bull muttdks

bull ghfpmdore hnort (ltlypsfns) bull ghfpmdore nttnrs (Zfka Zofs`nn) bull ln` cnefuc (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull

lnssd (EngdOrt) bull pofkt (EngdOrt) bull popnr pukgh (NA Wuggnss) bull pnk (Woauro) bull rdsn trfc bull stfganrs

(Edde`nmul Ensflk) bull troy (Edk Cnghokfg Nktnrprfsns)


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Colozfkn poln sgrops

Bdoc mrushns

Ortfst-quo`fty ogry`fg ln`cnefuc (cottn)

Gorestdga dr ghfpmdore

Entof`s Entof`s bull dra fk sco`` sngtfdks td nksurn thot thn ln` cnefuc ednskt ery

tdd qufga`y

bull Ud oee enpth dr shoedws td efcnksfdko` pfngns rum dr mrush dk osco`` ocdukt db m`oga pofkt dr fka orduke nelns dr fk grnvfgns okemubb dbb wfth o eocp popnr tdwn` dr momy wfpn

bull Coan surn thot nogh tfcn ydu mubb ydu usn o g`nok popnr tdwn`―ydu edkt wokt td troksbnr pofkt brdc thn tdwn` td ydur pfngn




Unor colozfkn poln sgrops fktd sco`` pfngns okestrfps L`dssy polns wdra mnst

= Mrush ln` cnefuc dk thn mogalrduke pfngn oynrthn tdrk pfngns db colozfkn dk thn gores tdgadr ghfpmdore oke gdot wfth okdthnr `oynr db ort

cnefuc Gdktfkun uktf` thn nktfrn pfngn fs gdvnrneO``dw thn pfngn td ery gdcp`ntn`y

7 Mrush thn lnssd sporfkl`y dvnr thn gd``olnecolozfkn pfngns mut ed kdt gdvnr thn nktfrnsurbogn wfth thn lnssd cfxturn Fb thn lnssd fs tdd

thfga ydu gok cfx ft wfth wotnr td coan ft thfkknr

oke cdrn troks`ugnkt hy4 Wdcn lnssd fs vnrythfk dut db thn gdktofknr whf`n dthnrs orn thfgaO``dw thn pfngn td ery gdcp`ntn`y

5 Opp`y o `flht shoen db ogry`fg pofkt ef`utne wfthwotnr td thn nktfrn surbogn O``dw thn pofkt td erys`flht`y oke thnk mubb sdcn db thn gd`dr db b wfth oeocp popnr tdwn` dr momy wfpn

gt Opp`y o sngdke eoranr gd`dr o``dw ft td ery s`flht`yoke mubb os fk Wtnp 5 Gdktfkun td muf`e thn pofkt

`oynrs uktf` thn ensfrne nbbngt fs oghfnvne



Ogry`fg pofkts

Momy wfpns dr popnr tdwn`s

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Uhfs tnghkfqun fs o thrdwmoga td cy engdrotfvn pofktfkl eoys Cy b frst oportcnkt wos gdvnrne

fk ‐scddshnendash wo``s Kdw scddshfkl hos snnk o rnmfrth o`mnft dk o sco``nr sgo`n Uhfs fs dkn

db thn sfcp`nst mogalrduke tnghkfquns oke ft mrfkls dkn db thn mfllnst wdw bogtdrs


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull muttdks (Bddbo`o) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull ghfpmdore `nttnrs (Zfka

Zofs`nn) bull efn guts (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull pottnrkne popnr (Edde`nmul Ensflk Mn``o MRE n ] Cncdry

Annpnrs) bull pnk (Woauro) bull p`ostfg wrop bull rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull sproy fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns Uottnrne

Okln`s) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull thrnoe


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E n t o f ` s E n t o f ` s

bull Uhfs tnghkfqun gok o`sd mn rn-grno tne usfkl sp

ro y fkas

bull Ud fkgrnosn ydur dpnk tfcn tr y o pofk t n x tnkenr `f


G`ouefkn Hn`cu th W tuefd N x tro Ufcn m y ]oklnr Fkeus trfns


Ogry`fg pofkt dr sproy fka


Bdoc mrush

Hnovy-wnflht popnr

Z`ostfg wrop

W`flht`y ef`utn ogry`fg pofkt wfth wotnr oke mrush ft dvnr o pfngn db hnovy-wnflhtpopnr Obtnr ydu hovn opp`fne thn pofkt cfx thn popnr surbogn shdu`e mn vnrywnt sd thn pofkt dr fka wf`` mn ufe

= Fccnefotn`y gdvnr thn popnr wfth o pfngn db p`ostfg wrop grnotfkl bd`es okegrnosns O``dw thn pofkt dr fka td ery (Eryfkl tfcn wf`` enpnke dk o bnw bogtdrs`fan whnthnr pofkt dr fka fs usne thn ocdukt db wotnr usne fk ef`utfkl thn pofktdr fka oke thn typn db popnr usne)

7 hnk thn pofkt dr fka fs o`cdst gdcp`ntn`y ery rncdvn thn p`ostfg wrop

= 7

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983159983140 983139983151983147983158 983140983162983157983142983140983147983159

Uhn pdssfmf`ftfns bdr gustdcfzotfdk fk scddshfkl orn

nke`nss Bdr nxocp`n thn twd socp`ns dk thn `nbt orn

mogalrduke fkane wfth Efstrnss Fka oke thnk cfstne wfth

Znrbngt Znor`s Zflcnkt pdwenr cfxne wfth wotnr Uhn twd

dk thn rflht orn cfstne wfth L`fccnr Cfst o sproy fka thot

gdktofks cfgo pdwenr Bnn` brnn td nxpnrfcnkt1 whot knw

bovdrftn wf`` ydu efsgdvnr4

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NCMDWWNE ]NWFWU^sfkl stocps oke ncmdssfkl pdwenrs fs o trfne-oke-trun tnghkfqun fth o g`nor

ncmdssfkl pdwenr o ‐lhdstndash fcprnssfdk gok mn grnotne o``dwfkl whotnvnr fs dk thn

mosn td shfkn thrdulh Uhn tnxturn fs scddth oke sumt`n Uhfs rnsfst wdras nspngfo``y

wn`` wfth ]oklnr Efstrnss Fkas


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull efn gut (MosfgLrny) bull ncmdssfkl

pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Wossobros) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull popnr

pukgh (Corvy ^ghfeo) bull pottnrkne popnr (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull rfmmdk bull sproy

cfst (Coyo ]doe) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts Fkaoefkaoed) bull tol (MosfgLrny) bull twfkn

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nttnrprnss prfktfkl grnotns o grfsp fcoln wfth ennp fcprnssfdks Uhfs `dda gok mn

rn-grnotne kfgn`y wfth ncmdssfkl bd`enrs fka oke o efn-guttfkl coghfkn Uhnrn orn

coky ensflks ovof`om`n fk ncmdssfkl bd`enrs oke F b fke ft wdrthwhf`n td nxpnrfcnkt

wfth efbbnrnkt fkas Eyn fkas bdr nxocp`n lfvn cdrn nvnk oke troks`ugnkt gdvnroln thok

dthnr fkas Bdr mnst rnsu`ts usn o mroynr td opp`y thn fka td thn ncmdssfkl bd`enr


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull gore (Hnrd Orts) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull ghfpmdore (ftt`n

Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull efn-guttfkl coghfkn (Wfzzfx) bull ncmdssfkl p`otn (Wfzzfx) bull fka (Wtocpfk ^p) bull cnto` g`fp

(ltlypsfns) bull stfganrs (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n)

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Ncmdssfkl bd`enr


Eyn-mosne fka poe

Efn-guttfkl coghfkn

Gut o pfngn db gorestdga td t fk thnncmdssfkl bd`enr

= ]d`` o mroynr dvnr ok fka poe

7 Mroynr fka nvnk`y dvnr thn ncmdssfklbd`enr

E n t o f ` s E n t o f ` s

bull Vdu co y wok t td n xpnrfcnk t wf th ef b bnrnk t t ypns

d b s tocpfkl fkas td ke whfgh dkns oghfn vn thn

gd vnroln ydu ensfrn F vn bduke tho t bdr cn thn

e yn-mosne fkas brdc W tocpfk ^p wdra thn mns t





5 Gornbu``y sokewfgh thn gorestdga fksfen thnncmdssfkl bd`enr oke s`dw`y ruk thn bd`enrthrdulh o efn-guttfkl coghfkn

gt ]ncdvn thn fkane oke ncmdssne gorestdgabrdc thn bd`enr

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Lnssd fs usuo``y usne os o prfcnr1 fts mnnk fk cy supp`y gosn sfkgn cy ort sghdd` eoys

hf`n ft wdras lrnot dk gokvosns F o `sd dvn usfkl ft td grnotn tnxturn Fktnrnstfkl pottnrks

gok mn boshfdkne my voryfkl thn thfgaknss db thn lnssd oke stocpfkl fcolns fk ft Uhn

mnst rnsu`ts wf` ` mn oghfnvne my oeefkl oke rncdvfkl oynrs db gd`dr thus hflh`flhtfkl

thn fcprnssfdks


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull ghfpmdore (MosfgLrny Coyo ]doe1 Wossobros) bull lnssd

(EngdOrt) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pfks (Coyo ]doe) bull rhfknstdkns (Zrfco Corantfkl) bull stocps

(Hnrd Orts) bull stfganrs (Wossobros)

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Dkn db thn thfkls thot erows cn td o yuccy pfngn db gokey fs hdw fts pogaolne Fk thfs

gosn thn lddefns wnrn bdf`-wroppne ghdgd`otn hnorts Os F wos envdurfkl thn mol F stortne

td oggucu`otn o shfky pf`n db bdf` squorns Uhny wnrn tdd prntty td thrdw owoy sd F usne

thnc td gdvnr o ghfpmdore hnort Gdd` huh4


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mfkld gore (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull mdda gdvnr (ltlypsfns) bull ghfpmdore

hnort (Coyo ]doe) bull efn gut (AampGdcpoky) bull nyn`nt (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkt

(Hnrd Orts) bull ln` cnefuc (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull novns (ltlypsfns) bull any oke ghofk

(ltlypsfns) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull pofkt (EngdOrt) bull pflcnkt pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull twfkn

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Mnoes oke rubb `ns orn prntty dk thnfr dwk mut thny mngdcn nvnk `dvn`fnr pofrne tdlnthnr F

`dvn thn sdbtknss thot rfmmdks oee td popnr prdingts oke thn stftghne mnoes gdcp`ncnkt thn

lothnrne `dda hnk wdrafkl wfth thfs tnghkfqun p`ok td edum`n thn `nklth db thn rfmmdkydu rnqufrn bdr ydur bfkfshne pfngn fk drenr td oggdccdeotn thn lothnrs


oehnsfvns (Mnogdk Oehnsfvns Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mdrenr (Wossobros) bull mroes (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull

muttnry ncmn``fshcnkts (Cfghon`s) bull ncmrdfenry dss bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Coyo ]doe) bull l`oss mnoes bull

fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pottnrkne popnr (Wossobros) bull rfmmdk (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull stocps (Wtocpnrs Okdky-

cdus) bull stop`ns bull stfganrs (Mn``o MRE nmstnrs Zolns) bull tol (Uottnrne Okln`s)

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Engdrotfvn rfmmdk

L`oss mnoes



Gut o `nklth db rfmmdk gd``ngt ydur l`ossmnoes oke thrnoe o knne`n

= Coan o akdt fk thn thrnoe oke poss ft

thrdulh dkn nke db thn rfmmdk Coan o`ddsn bd`e fk thn rfmmdk knor thn nke okeposs thn thrnoene knne`n thrdulh ft

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983149983150983151983141983150983141 983165983142983149983149983140983147 983138983136983140983164983150983165

^sn o wfenr rfmmdk td grnotn o mnoene dwnr Bd``dw

thn fkstrugtfdks omdvn oke thnk gdf` thn rfmmdk fktd

o dwnr shopn L`un thn dwnr td o gorestdga mosn

usfkl Bomrf-Uog l`un whfgh fs spngfo``y bdrcu`otne

bdr usn wfth bomrfg


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull moum`n

(Cfghon`s) bull mnoes (M`un Cddk Mnoes) bull ghfpmdore tol

(Coyo ]doe) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull ogn (Coyo

]doe) bull pottnrkne popnr (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull rfmmdk

(Cfghon`s) bull stocp (Hnrd Orts)




7 Uhrnoe dkn dr twd mnoes dktd thn knne`n

5 Zu`` thn thrnoe thrdulh thn rfmmdk td grnotno p`not

gt Gdktfkun td stftgh p`nots oke mnoes fktd thnrfmmdk uktf` thn rfmmdk fs db ensfrne `nklth

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Rfgaf Mdutfk gdcns brdc o mogalrduke fk lrophfg ensflk

oke kn orts oke hos o`woys mnnk possfdkotn omdut grnotfkl

prntty thfkls Hnr `dvn db gd`dr tnxturn bukay pottnrks oke

phdtdlrophy `ne hnr td sgropmddafkl oke popnr grobtfkl

Whn hos kdt `ddane moga sfkgn

Fk =2 Rfgaf mngocn o Grnotfkl Annpsoans Ho`` db

Bocn wfkknr oke wnkt dk td mn port db Mnttnr Hdcns oke

Lorenks Wgropmddas Ntgs grnotfvn tnoc Hnr wdra fs

gurrnkt`y pum`fshne fk Wgropmddas Ntg oke Rfgaf wrftns o

quortnr`y ortfg`n bdr Wgropmddas amp Gores Udeoy colozfknWhn nkidys wdrafkl g`dsn`y wfth o kucmnr db thn fkeustrys

tdp cokubogturnrs fkg`uefkl Wossobros ltlypsfns Mosfg-

Lrny ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n oke Zfka Zofs`nn Rfgaf fs o`sd o

]oklnr gnrtfne fkstrugtdr

Rfgaf fs o`woys dk o cfssfdk td `nork sdcnthfkl knw oke

thnk ke o woy td shorn ft Uhot fs whnrn tnoghfkl gdcns

fk Whn hos toulht wdrashdps fk thn ^kftne Wtotns Gokoeo

oke Nurdpn oke `dvns td opprdogh ort fk o buk brnsh oke

oggnssfm`n woy Hnr cdttd fs ‐Vdu edkt akdw fb fts ydur

sty`n uktf` ydu try ft sd ld bdr ft Fts dk`y o pfngn db popnrndash

Hnr wdrashdps dbbnr ok dppdrtukfty td cnnt knw brfnkes try

knw thfkls oke cdst db o`` hovn buk

Uwd grozy afes oke o stroflht-`ogne husmoke annp thfkls

fktnrnstfkl fk Rfgafs hdcn fk sduthnrk Dktorfd Gokoeo

Bd``dw Rfgaf dk hnr m`dl http9vfgafmdutfktypnpoegdc

Omdut thn Outhdr

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Fktnrkotfdko``y rngdlkfzne ortfst oke tnoghnr Rfgaf Mdutfk toans thn o``

cystnry dut db thdsn sgropmdda oke cfxne-cnefo tnghkfquns ydu thdulht

ydu gdu`e knvnr ed Whn`` mn wfth ydu nvnry stnp db thn woy os ydu `nork

td pofkt stocp ncmdss oke murkfsh ydur woy td grnotfkl mnoutfbu` ukfqun

oke fkefvfeuo` ort

Fkspfrotfdk owofts ot


dda bull Cnnt bull Coan

Rfgaf Mdutfk opprdoghns ort fk o bukbrnsh oke oggnssfm`n woy Hnr ldo` fs td

mrfkl dut thn fkknr ortfst fk nvnrydkn

Uhfka ydu gdu`e knvnr ed thot4 n``

Rfgaf soys ‐Vns VD^ gok ed ftndash Fk

oeeftfdk td tnoghfkl sgropmddafkl oke

popnrgrobtfkl wdrashdps thrdulhdut

Gokoeo thn ^kftne Wtotns oke Nurdpn

Rfgafs wdra gok brnqunkt`y mn snnk fk

Mnttnr Hdcns oke Lorenks Wgropmddas

Ntg oke Wgropmddas oke Gores Udeoy

colozfkns Whn `fvns fk sduthnrk

Dktorfd Gokoeo wfth hnr husmoke oketwd ghf`ernk

Fk Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks ydu`` 1047311ke9

5 stnp-my-stnp encdkstrotfdks bdr nosy buk cnssy bukay fkkdvotfvn

oke gustdcfzom`n tnghkfquns bdr grnotfkl mogalrdukes tnxturns

supp`ncnkts oke ncmn``fshcnkts

5 1047311kfshne sfkl`n-tnghkfqun pfngns db ort oke ok oeeftfdko` 2

lo``nry pfngns grnotne my Rfgaf usfkl o ‐rngfpnndash db twd td 1047311vn

snporotn tnghkfquns `oynrne tdlnthnr

=5 cdrn nxgftfkl oke fkspfrfkl lo``nry pfngns grnotne my

pdwnrhdusn gdktrfmutdrs fkg`uefkl ]hdkko Borrnr nkey Rngghf

An``y Zurany oke dthnrs

Wd lothnr ydur orts oke grobts supp`fns ghddsn ydur fkspfrotfdk oke

lnt edwk td ft hnthnr ydurn coafkl sgropmdda polns gores wo``

ort eaeliggdr dr sdcnthfkl n`sn nktfrn`y wfth thnsn Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks

thn pdssfmf`ftfns orn nke`nss


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Orn ydu rnoey td hovn sdcn buk oke lnt ydur hokes efrty4 Os ydupnrusn thn polns db thfs mdda F wokt ydu td mn nkvn`dpne fk gd`drtfga`ne wfth whfcsy oke cdst db o`` nxgftne td lnt stortne Uhnrnorn kd `fcfts hnrn Uhfs mdda fs ``ne wfth `dts db fenos oke whot F`fan td go`` grnotfvn iucp storts Uhn dk`y thfkl nxpngtne db ydu fsthot ydu lfvn ft o try

Ok nvnryeoy ort coanr―thot fs whot F strfvn td mn F try kdttd `omn` cy ‐sty`nndash dr mdx cysn`b fktd usfkl dk`y dkn cnefuc

Wgropmddafkl gore coafkl stocpfkl tnxtf`n ort oke cfxne cnefo F nxp`drn thnc o`` oke wnovn thnc tdlnthnr Cy fktnktfdk fs tdgrnotn bdr thn sfcp`n nkidycnkt db ft oke kdt td put `fcfts dk thotUoan thn fenos F hovn dut`fkne oke coan thnc ydur dwk Ensflksty`ns ghokln oke nvd`vn oke thn woy thot hoppnks fs thrdulh thnnxp`drotfdk db knw thfkls oke thn oeoptotfdk db d`e thfkls

Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks fs omdut mrnoafkl edwk thn entof`soke `ddafkl ot thnc os `oynrs Uhfs fs thn woy F opprdogh cdstthfkls Wtort wfth o ldde bdukeotfdk dr mogalrduke thnk oee o`ftt`n vfsuo` fktnrnst wfth tnxturn supp`ncnkt thot wfth o buk twfstoke ko``y ncmn``fsh dr oggnssdrfzn Ud mn hdknst F thfka thfs fsthn socn woy F toga`n engdrotfkl cy hdcn oke cysn`b F `fan tdstort ot thn mnlfkkfkl oke muf`e up brdc thnrn F hovn bduke thfsstrotnly td mn vnry hn`pbu` fk cy wdrashdps oke F thfka ft wf``prdvfen ydu wfth o strdkl p`ok db ogtfdk

Uhn prdingts fk thfs mdda rokln brdc sfcp`n td cu`tfbogntneEdkt mn obrofe td try okythfkl Fts daoy td coan cfstoans (drwhot F rnbnr td os hoppy oggfenkts) Uhfs fs hdw wn `nork lrdw okefcprdvn os grnotfvn mnfkls Vdu coy kdt lnt ft rflht thn rst tfcnmut edkt lfvn up Vdu efekt lnt dk o mfgyg`n oke rfen ft edwk thnrdoe thn rst tfcn O`` ldde thfkls gdcn wfth progtfgn Dk o hflhkdtn sdcn db cy bovdrftn pfngns hovn gdcn brdc whot wos rstthdulht td mn ok ‐ddpsndash

Wd thrdw dk ydur oprdk lothnr up ydur stubb oke lrom `dts dbsgrops td progtfgn dk Edkt mn tdd hore dk ydursn`b oke hovn bukF oc hnrn td lufen ydu thrdulh ft oke F akdw ydu orn ldfkl td`dvn thnsn tnghkfquns os cugh os F ed


O ZOGn tD WtO]t


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F wdu`e `fan td thoka cy afkenrlortnk tnoghnr bdr fktrdeugfkl cn td thn wdkenrs

db groydk rnsfst F dbtnk fkgdrpdrotn thfs tnghkfqun dk fts dwk wfth o `ftt`n brnnhoke

erowfkl oke sdcntfcns F usn ft td nkhokgn o stocpne pottnrk Uhfs tnghkfqun wdras

nspngfo``y wn`` dk `flhtnr gd`drne mosns Oke F ` ` mnt ydu hovn tdks db groydks `yfkl

orduke―iust coan surn ydu skol thn whftn dkns


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mroes (Edde`nmul Ensflk) bull gorestdga

(Cfghon`s) bull groydk (Groyd`o) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pottnrkne popnr (Wossobros) bull

rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull rfmmdk bull stocps (Hnrd Orts Ln`-ecirc-tfks)


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hnk F b`fp thrdulh colozfkns F `dvn td gd``ngt fcolns oke oes thot gotgh cy nyn

Uhfs tnghkfqun o``dws cn td usn up cy stosh Uhn gd`drbu` sgrops gok ogt os thn pnrbngt

gocdub`oln fb cy mosn fs `nss thok pnrbngt oke ft o`cdst ogts `fan o mokeoln F o`sd

`dvn hdw thn typn oke fcolns ‐pnnandash thrdulh thn pofkt


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull m`nkefkl tdd` (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull mdda popnr bull muttdks

bull ghfpmdore hnort (ltlypsfns) bull ghfpmdore nttnrs (Zfka Zofs`nn) bull ln` cnefuc (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull

lnssd (EngdOrt) bull pofkt (EngdOrt) bull popnr pukgh (NA Wuggnss) bull pnk (Woauro) bull rdsn trfc bull stfganrs

(Edde`nmul Ensflk) bull troy (Edk Cnghokfg Nktnrprfsns)


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Colozfkn poln sgrops

Bdoc mrushns

Ortfst-quo`fty ogry`fg ln`cnefuc (cottn)

Gorestdga dr ghfpmdore

Entof`s Entof`s bull dra fk sco`` sngtfdks td nksurn thot thn ln` cnefuc ednskt ery

tdd qufga`y

bull Ud oee enpth dr shoedws td efcnksfdko` pfngns rum dr mrush dk osco`` ocdukt db m`oga pofkt dr fka orduke nelns dr fk grnvfgns okemubb dbb wfth o eocp popnr tdwn` dr momy wfpn

bull Coan surn thot nogh tfcn ydu mubb ydu usn o g`nok popnr tdwn`―ydu edkt wokt td troksbnr pofkt brdc thn tdwn` td ydur pfngn




Unor colozfkn poln sgrops fktd sco`` pfngns okestrfps L`dssy polns wdra mnst

= Mrush ln` cnefuc dk thn mogalrduke pfngn oynrthn tdrk pfngns db colozfkn dk thn gores tdgadr ghfpmdore oke gdot wfth okdthnr `oynr db ort

cnefuc Gdktfkun uktf` thn nktfrn pfngn fs gdvnrneO``dw thn pfngn td ery gdcp`ntn`y

7 Mrush thn lnssd sporfkl`y dvnr thn gd``olnecolozfkn pfngns mut ed kdt gdvnr thn nktfrnsurbogn wfth thn lnssd cfxturn Fb thn lnssd fs tdd

thfga ydu gok cfx ft wfth wotnr td coan ft thfkknr

oke cdrn troks`ugnkt hy4 Wdcn lnssd fs vnrythfk dut db thn gdktofknr whf`n dthnrs orn thfgaO``dw thn pfngn td ery gdcp`ntn`y

5 Opp`y o `flht shoen db ogry`fg pofkt ef`utne wfthwotnr td thn nktfrn surbogn O``dw thn pofkt td erys`flht`y oke thnk mubb sdcn db thn gd`dr db b wfth oeocp popnr tdwn` dr momy wfpn

gt Opp`y o sngdke eoranr gd`dr o``dw ft td ery s`flht`yoke mubb os fk Wtnp 5 Gdktfkun td muf`e thn pofkt

`oynrs uktf` thn ensfrne nbbngt fs oghfnvne



Ogry`fg pofkts

Momy wfpns dr popnr tdwn`s

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Uhfs tnghkfqun fs o thrdwmoga td cy engdrotfvn pofktfkl eoys Cy b frst oportcnkt wos gdvnrne

fk ‐scddshnendash wo``s Kdw scddshfkl hos snnk o rnmfrth o`mnft dk o sco``nr sgo`n Uhfs fs dkn

db thn sfcp`nst mogalrduke tnghkfquns oke ft mrfkls dkn db thn mfllnst wdw bogtdrs


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull muttdks (Bddbo`o) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull ghfpmdore `nttnrs (Zfka

Zofs`nn) bull efn guts (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull pottnrkne popnr (Edde`nmul Ensflk Mn``o MRE n ] Cncdry

Annpnrs) bull pnk (Woauro) bull p`ostfg wrop bull rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull sproy fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns Uottnrne

Okln`s) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull thrnoe


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E n t o f ` s E n t o f ` s

bull Uhfs tnghkfqun gok o`sd mn rn-grno tne usfkl sp

ro y fkas

bull Ud fkgrnosn ydur dpnk tfcn tr y o pofk t n x tnkenr `f


G`ouefkn Hn`cu th W tuefd N x tro Ufcn m y ]oklnr Fkeus trfns


Ogry`fg pofkt dr sproy fka


Bdoc mrush

Hnovy-wnflht popnr

Z`ostfg wrop

W`flht`y ef`utn ogry`fg pofkt wfth wotnr oke mrush ft dvnr o pfngn db hnovy-wnflhtpopnr Obtnr ydu hovn opp`fne thn pofkt cfx thn popnr surbogn shdu`e mn vnrywnt sd thn pofkt dr fka wf`` mn ufe

= Fccnefotn`y gdvnr thn popnr wfth o pfngn db p`ostfg wrop grnotfkl bd`es okegrnosns O``dw thn pofkt dr fka td ery (Eryfkl tfcn wf`` enpnke dk o bnw bogtdrs`fan whnthnr pofkt dr fka fs usne thn ocdukt db wotnr usne fk ef`utfkl thn pofktdr fka oke thn typn db popnr usne)

7 hnk thn pofkt dr fka fs o`cdst gdcp`ntn`y ery rncdvn thn p`ostfg wrop

= 7

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983159983140 983139983151983147983158 983140983162983157983142983140983147983159

Uhn pdssfmf`ftfns bdr gustdcfzotfdk fk scddshfkl orn

nke`nss Bdr nxocp`n thn twd socp`ns dk thn `nbt orn

mogalrduke fkane wfth Efstrnss Fka oke thnk cfstne wfth

Znrbngt Znor`s Zflcnkt pdwenr cfxne wfth wotnr Uhn twd

dk thn rflht orn cfstne wfth L`fccnr Cfst o sproy fka thot

gdktofks cfgo pdwenr Bnn` brnn td nxpnrfcnkt1 whot knw

bovdrftn wf`` ydu efsgdvnr4

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NCMDWWNE ]NWFWU^sfkl stocps oke ncmdssfkl pdwenrs fs o trfne-oke-trun tnghkfqun fth o g`nor

ncmdssfkl pdwenr o ‐lhdstndash fcprnssfdk gok mn grnotne o``dwfkl whotnvnr fs dk thn

mosn td shfkn thrdulh Uhn tnxturn fs scddth oke sumt`n Uhfs rnsfst wdras nspngfo``y

wn`` wfth ]oklnr Efstrnss Fkas


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull efn gut (MosfgLrny) bull ncmdssfkl

pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Wossobros) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull popnr

pukgh (Corvy ^ghfeo) bull pottnrkne popnr (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull rfmmdk bull sproy

cfst (Coyo ]doe) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts Fkaoefkaoed) bull tol (MosfgLrny) bull twfkn

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nttnrprnss prfktfkl grnotns o grfsp fcoln wfth ennp fcprnssfdks Uhfs `dda gok mn

rn-grnotne kfgn`y wfth ncmdssfkl bd`enrs fka oke o efn-guttfkl coghfkn Uhnrn orn

coky ensflks ovof`om`n fk ncmdssfkl bd`enrs oke F b fke ft wdrthwhf`n td nxpnrfcnkt

wfth efbbnrnkt fkas Eyn fkas bdr nxocp`n lfvn cdrn nvnk oke troks`ugnkt gdvnroln thok

dthnr fkas Bdr mnst rnsu`ts usn o mroynr td opp`y thn fka td thn ncmdssfkl bd`enr


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull gore (Hnrd Orts) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull ghfpmdore (ftt`n

Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull efn-guttfkl coghfkn (Wfzzfx) bull ncmdssfkl p`otn (Wfzzfx) bull fka (Wtocpfk ^p) bull cnto` g`fp

(ltlypsfns) bull stfganrs (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n)

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Ncmdssfkl bd`enr


Eyn-mosne fka poe

Efn-guttfkl coghfkn

Gut o pfngn db gorestdga td t fk thnncmdssfkl bd`enr

= ]d`` o mroynr dvnr ok fka poe

7 Mroynr fka nvnk`y dvnr thn ncmdssfklbd`enr

E n t o f ` s E n t o f ` s

bull Vdu co y wok t td n xpnrfcnk t wf th ef b bnrnk t t ypns

d b s tocpfkl fkas td ke whfgh dkns oghfn vn thn

gd vnroln ydu ensfrn F vn bduke tho t bdr cn thn

e yn-mosne fkas brdc W tocpfk ^p wdra thn mns t





5 Gornbu``y sokewfgh thn gorestdga fksfen thnncmdssfkl bd`enr oke s`dw`y ruk thn bd`enrthrdulh o efn-guttfkl coghfkn

gt ]ncdvn thn fkane oke ncmdssne gorestdgabrdc thn bd`enr

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Lnssd fs usuo``y usne os o prfcnr1 fts mnnk fk cy supp`y gosn sfkgn cy ort sghdd` eoys

hf`n ft wdras lrnot dk gokvosns F o `sd dvn usfkl ft td grnotn tnxturn Fktnrnstfkl pottnrks

gok mn boshfdkne my voryfkl thn thfgaknss db thn lnssd oke stocpfkl fcolns fk ft Uhn

mnst rnsu`ts wf` ` mn oghfnvne my oeefkl oke rncdvfkl oynrs db gd`dr thus hflh`flhtfkl

thn fcprnssfdks


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull ghfpmdore (MosfgLrny Coyo ]doe1 Wossobros) bull lnssd

(EngdOrt) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pfks (Coyo ]doe) bull rhfknstdkns (Zrfco Corantfkl) bull stocps

(Hnrd Orts) bull stfganrs (Wossobros)

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Dkn db thn thfkls thot erows cn td o yuccy pfngn db gokey fs hdw fts pogaolne Fk thfs

gosn thn lddefns wnrn bdf`-wroppne ghdgd`otn hnorts Os F wos envdurfkl thn mol F stortne

td oggucu`otn o shfky pf`n db bdf` squorns Uhny wnrn tdd prntty td thrdw owoy sd F usne

thnc td gdvnr o ghfpmdore hnort Gdd` huh4


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mfkld gore (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull mdda gdvnr (ltlypsfns) bull ghfpmdore

hnort (Coyo ]doe) bull efn gut (AampGdcpoky) bull nyn`nt (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkt

(Hnrd Orts) bull ln` cnefuc (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull novns (ltlypsfns) bull any oke ghofk

(ltlypsfns) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull pofkt (EngdOrt) bull pflcnkt pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull twfkn

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Mnoes oke rubb `ns orn prntty dk thnfr dwk mut thny mngdcn nvnk `dvn`fnr pofrne tdlnthnr F

`dvn thn sdbtknss thot rfmmdks oee td popnr prdingts oke thn stftghne mnoes gdcp`ncnkt thn

lothnrne `dda hnk wdrafkl wfth thfs tnghkfqun p`ok td edum`n thn `nklth db thn rfmmdkydu rnqufrn bdr ydur bfkfshne pfngn fk drenr td oggdccdeotn thn lothnrs


oehnsfvns (Mnogdk Oehnsfvns Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mdrenr (Wossobros) bull mroes (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull

muttnry ncmn``fshcnkts (Cfghon`s) bull ncmrdfenry dss bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Coyo ]doe) bull l`oss mnoes bull

fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pottnrkne popnr (Wossobros) bull rfmmdk (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull stocps (Wtocpnrs Okdky-

cdus) bull stop`ns bull stfganrs (Mn``o MRE nmstnrs Zolns) bull tol (Uottnrne Okln`s)

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Engdrotfvn rfmmdk

L`oss mnoes



Gut o `nklth db rfmmdk gd``ngt ydur l`ossmnoes oke thrnoe o knne`n

= Coan o akdt fk thn thrnoe oke poss ft

thrdulh dkn nke db thn rfmmdk Coan o`ddsn bd`e fk thn rfmmdk knor thn nke okeposs thn thrnoene knne`n thrdulh ft

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983149983150983151983141983150983141 983165983142983149983149983140983147 983138983136983140983164983150983165

^sn o wfenr rfmmdk td grnotn o mnoene dwnr Bd``dw

thn fkstrugtfdks omdvn oke thnk gdf` thn rfmmdk fktd

o dwnr shopn L`un thn dwnr td o gorestdga mosn

usfkl Bomrf-Uog l`un whfgh fs spngfo``y bdrcu`otne

bdr usn wfth bomrfg


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull moum`n

(Cfghon`s) bull mnoes (M`un Cddk Mnoes) bull ghfpmdore tol

(Coyo ]doe) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull ogn (Coyo

]doe) bull pottnrkne popnr (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull rfmmdk

(Cfghon`s) bull stocp (Hnrd Orts)




7 Uhrnoe dkn dr twd mnoes dktd thn knne`n

5 Zu`` thn thrnoe thrdulh thn rfmmdk td grnotno p`not

gt Gdktfkun td stftgh p`nots oke mnoes fktd thnrfmmdk uktf` thn rfmmdk fs db ensfrne `nklth

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Rfgaf Mdutfk gdcns brdc o mogalrduke fk lrophfg ensflk

oke kn orts oke hos o`woys mnnk possfdkotn omdut grnotfkl

prntty thfkls Hnr `dvn db gd`dr tnxturn bukay pottnrks oke

phdtdlrophy `ne hnr td sgropmddafkl oke popnr grobtfkl

Whn hos kdt `ddane moga sfkgn

Fk =2 Rfgaf mngocn o Grnotfkl Annpsoans Ho`` db

Bocn wfkknr oke wnkt dk td mn port db Mnttnr Hdcns oke

Lorenks Wgropmddas Ntgs grnotfvn tnoc Hnr wdra fs

gurrnkt`y pum`fshne fk Wgropmddas Ntg oke Rfgaf wrftns o

quortnr`y ortfg`n bdr Wgropmddas amp Gores Udeoy colozfknWhn nkidys wdrafkl g`dsn`y wfth o kucmnr db thn fkeustrys

tdp cokubogturnrs fkg`uefkl Wossobros ltlypsfns Mosfg-

Lrny ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n oke Zfka Zofs`nn Rfgaf fs o`sd o

]oklnr gnrtfne fkstrugtdr

Rfgaf fs o`woys dk o cfssfdk td `nork sdcnthfkl knw oke

thnk ke o woy td shorn ft Uhot fs whnrn tnoghfkl gdcns

fk Whn hos toulht wdrashdps fk thn ^kftne Wtotns Gokoeo

oke Nurdpn oke `dvns td opprdogh ort fk o buk brnsh oke

oggnssfm`n woy Hnr cdttd fs ‐Vdu edkt akdw fb fts ydur

sty`n uktf` ydu try ft sd ld bdr ft Fts dk`y o pfngn db popnrndash

Hnr wdrashdps dbbnr ok dppdrtukfty td cnnt knw brfnkes try

knw thfkls oke cdst db o`` hovn buk

Uwd grozy afes oke o stroflht-`ogne husmoke annp thfkls

fktnrnstfkl fk Rfgafs hdcn fk sduthnrk Dktorfd Gokoeo

Bd``dw Rfgaf dk hnr m`dl http9vfgafmdutfktypnpoegdc

Omdut thn Outhdr

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Fktnrkotfdko``y rngdlkfzne ortfst oke tnoghnr Rfgaf Mdutfk toans thn o``

cystnry dut db thdsn sgropmdda oke cfxne-cnefo tnghkfquns ydu thdulht

ydu gdu`e knvnr ed Whn`` mn wfth ydu nvnry stnp db thn woy os ydu `nork

td pofkt stocp ncmdss oke murkfsh ydur woy td grnotfkl mnoutfbu` ukfqun

oke fkefvfeuo` ort

Fkspfrotfdk owofts ot


dda bull Cnnt bull Coan

Rfgaf Mdutfk opprdoghns ort fk o bukbrnsh oke oggnssfm`n woy Hnr ldo` fs td

mrfkl dut thn fkknr ortfst fk nvnrydkn

Uhfka ydu gdu`e knvnr ed thot4 n``

Rfgaf soys ‐Vns VD^ gok ed ftndash Fk

oeeftfdk td tnoghfkl sgropmddafkl oke

popnrgrobtfkl wdrashdps thrdulhdut

Gokoeo thn ^kftne Wtotns oke Nurdpn

Rfgafs wdra gok brnqunkt`y mn snnk fk

Mnttnr Hdcns oke Lorenks Wgropmddas

Ntg oke Wgropmddas oke Gores Udeoy

colozfkns Whn `fvns fk sduthnrk

Dktorfd Gokoeo wfth hnr husmoke oketwd ghf`ernk

Fk Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks ydu`` 1047311ke9

5 stnp-my-stnp encdkstrotfdks bdr nosy buk cnssy bukay fkkdvotfvn

oke gustdcfzom`n tnghkfquns bdr grnotfkl mogalrdukes tnxturns

supp`ncnkts oke ncmn``fshcnkts

5 1047311kfshne sfkl`n-tnghkfqun pfngns db ort oke ok oeeftfdko` 2

lo``nry pfngns grnotne my Rfgaf usfkl o ‐rngfpnndash db twd td 1047311vn

snporotn tnghkfquns `oynrne tdlnthnr

=5 cdrn nxgftfkl oke fkspfrfkl lo``nry pfngns grnotne my

pdwnrhdusn gdktrfmutdrs fkg`uefkl ]hdkko Borrnr nkey Rngghf

An``y Zurany oke dthnrs

Wd lothnr ydur orts oke grobts supp`fns ghddsn ydur fkspfrotfdk oke

lnt edwk td ft hnthnr ydurn coafkl sgropmdda polns gores wo``

ort eaeliggdr dr sdcnthfkl n`sn nktfrn`y wfth thnsn Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks

thn pdssfmf`ftfns orn nke`nss


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F wdu`e `fan td thoka cy afkenrlortnk tnoghnr bdr fktrdeugfkl cn td thn wdkenrs

db groydk rnsfst F dbtnk fkgdrpdrotn thfs tnghkfqun dk fts dwk wfth o `ftt`n brnnhoke

erowfkl oke sdcntfcns F usn ft td nkhokgn o stocpne pottnrk Uhfs tnghkfqun wdras

nspngfo``y wn`` dk `flhtnr gd`drne mosns Oke F ` ` mnt ydu hovn tdks db groydks `yfkl

orduke―iust coan surn ydu skol thn whftn dkns


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mroes (Edde`nmul Ensflk) bull gorestdga

(Cfghon`s) bull groydk (Groyd`o) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pottnrkne popnr (Wossobros) bull

rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull rfmmdk bull stocps (Hnrd Orts Ln`-ecirc-tfks)


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hnk F b`fp thrdulh colozfkns F `dvn td gd``ngt fcolns oke oes thot gotgh cy nyn

Uhfs tnghkfqun o``dws cn td usn up cy stosh Uhn gd`drbu` sgrops gok ogt os thn pnrbngt

gocdub`oln fb cy mosn fs `nss thok pnrbngt oke ft o`cdst ogts `fan o mokeoln F o`sd

`dvn hdw thn typn oke fcolns ‐pnnandash thrdulh thn pofkt


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull m`nkefkl tdd` (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull mdda popnr bull muttdks

bull ghfpmdore hnort (ltlypsfns) bull ghfpmdore nttnrs (Zfka Zofs`nn) bull ln` cnefuc (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull

lnssd (EngdOrt) bull pofkt (EngdOrt) bull popnr pukgh (NA Wuggnss) bull pnk (Woauro) bull rdsn trfc bull stfganrs

(Edde`nmul Ensflk) bull troy (Edk Cnghokfg Nktnrprfsns)


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Colozfkn poln sgrops

Bdoc mrushns

Ortfst-quo`fty ogry`fg ln`cnefuc (cottn)

Gorestdga dr ghfpmdore

Entof`s Entof`s bull dra fk sco`` sngtfdks td nksurn thot thn ln` cnefuc ednskt ery

tdd qufga`y

bull Ud oee enpth dr shoedws td efcnksfdko` pfngns rum dr mrush dk osco`` ocdukt db m`oga pofkt dr fka orduke nelns dr fk grnvfgns okemubb dbb wfth o eocp popnr tdwn` dr momy wfpn

bull Coan surn thot nogh tfcn ydu mubb ydu usn o g`nok popnr tdwn`―ydu edkt wokt td troksbnr pofkt brdc thn tdwn` td ydur pfngn




Unor colozfkn poln sgrops fktd sco`` pfngns okestrfps L`dssy polns wdra mnst

= Mrush ln` cnefuc dk thn mogalrduke pfngn oynrthn tdrk pfngns db colozfkn dk thn gores tdgadr ghfpmdore oke gdot wfth okdthnr `oynr db ort

cnefuc Gdktfkun uktf` thn nktfrn pfngn fs gdvnrneO``dw thn pfngn td ery gdcp`ntn`y

7 Mrush thn lnssd sporfkl`y dvnr thn gd``olnecolozfkn pfngns mut ed kdt gdvnr thn nktfrnsurbogn wfth thn lnssd cfxturn Fb thn lnssd fs tdd

thfga ydu gok cfx ft wfth wotnr td coan ft thfkknr

oke cdrn troks`ugnkt hy4 Wdcn lnssd fs vnrythfk dut db thn gdktofknr whf`n dthnrs orn thfgaO``dw thn pfngn td ery gdcp`ntn`y

5 Opp`y o `flht shoen db ogry`fg pofkt ef`utne wfthwotnr td thn nktfrn surbogn O``dw thn pofkt td erys`flht`y oke thnk mubb sdcn db thn gd`dr db b wfth oeocp popnr tdwn` dr momy wfpn

gt Opp`y o sngdke eoranr gd`dr o``dw ft td ery s`flht`yoke mubb os fk Wtnp 5 Gdktfkun td muf`e thn pofkt

`oynrs uktf` thn ensfrne nbbngt fs oghfnvne



Ogry`fg pofkts

Momy wfpns dr popnr tdwn`s

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Uhfs tnghkfqun fs o thrdwmoga td cy engdrotfvn pofktfkl eoys Cy b frst oportcnkt wos gdvnrne

fk ‐scddshnendash wo``s Kdw scddshfkl hos snnk o rnmfrth o`mnft dk o sco``nr sgo`n Uhfs fs dkn

db thn sfcp`nst mogalrduke tnghkfquns oke ft mrfkls dkn db thn mfllnst wdw bogtdrs


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull muttdks (Bddbo`o) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull ghfpmdore `nttnrs (Zfka

Zofs`nn) bull efn guts (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull pottnrkne popnr (Edde`nmul Ensflk Mn``o MRE n ] Cncdry

Annpnrs) bull pnk (Woauro) bull p`ostfg wrop bull rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull sproy fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns Uottnrne

Okln`s) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull thrnoe


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E n t o f ` s E n t o f ` s

bull Uhfs tnghkfqun gok o`sd mn rn-grno tne usfkl sp

ro y fkas

bull Ud fkgrnosn ydur dpnk tfcn tr y o pofk t n x tnkenr `f


G`ouefkn Hn`cu th W tuefd N x tro Ufcn m y ]oklnr Fkeus trfns


Ogry`fg pofkt dr sproy fka


Bdoc mrush

Hnovy-wnflht popnr

Z`ostfg wrop

W`flht`y ef`utn ogry`fg pofkt wfth wotnr oke mrush ft dvnr o pfngn db hnovy-wnflhtpopnr Obtnr ydu hovn opp`fne thn pofkt cfx thn popnr surbogn shdu`e mn vnrywnt sd thn pofkt dr fka wf`` mn ufe

= Fccnefotn`y gdvnr thn popnr wfth o pfngn db p`ostfg wrop grnotfkl bd`es okegrnosns O``dw thn pofkt dr fka td ery (Eryfkl tfcn wf`` enpnke dk o bnw bogtdrs`fan whnthnr pofkt dr fka fs usne thn ocdukt db wotnr usne fk ef`utfkl thn pofktdr fka oke thn typn db popnr usne)

7 hnk thn pofkt dr fka fs o`cdst gdcp`ntn`y ery rncdvn thn p`ostfg wrop

= 7

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983159983140 983139983151983147983158 983140983162983157983142983140983147983159

Uhn pdssfmf`ftfns bdr gustdcfzotfdk fk scddshfkl orn

nke`nss Bdr nxocp`n thn twd socp`ns dk thn `nbt orn

mogalrduke fkane wfth Efstrnss Fka oke thnk cfstne wfth

Znrbngt Znor`s Zflcnkt pdwenr cfxne wfth wotnr Uhn twd

dk thn rflht orn cfstne wfth L`fccnr Cfst o sproy fka thot

gdktofks cfgo pdwenr Bnn` brnn td nxpnrfcnkt1 whot knw

bovdrftn wf`` ydu efsgdvnr4

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NCMDWWNE ]NWFWU^sfkl stocps oke ncmdssfkl pdwenrs fs o trfne-oke-trun tnghkfqun fth o g`nor

ncmdssfkl pdwenr o ‐lhdstndash fcprnssfdk gok mn grnotne o``dwfkl whotnvnr fs dk thn

mosn td shfkn thrdulh Uhn tnxturn fs scddth oke sumt`n Uhfs rnsfst wdras nspngfo``y

wn`` wfth ]oklnr Efstrnss Fkas


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull efn gut (MosfgLrny) bull ncmdssfkl

pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Wossobros) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull popnr

pukgh (Corvy ^ghfeo) bull pottnrkne popnr (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull rfmmdk bull sproy

cfst (Coyo ]doe) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts Fkaoefkaoed) bull tol (MosfgLrny) bull twfkn

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nttnrprnss prfktfkl grnotns o grfsp fcoln wfth ennp fcprnssfdks Uhfs `dda gok mn

rn-grnotne kfgn`y wfth ncmdssfkl bd`enrs fka oke o efn-guttfkl coghfkn Uhnrn orn

coky ensflks ovof`om`n fk ncmdssfkl bd`enrs oke F b fke ft wdrthwhf`n td nxpnrfcnkt

wfth efbbnrnkt fkas Eyn fkas bdr nxocp`n lfvn cdrn nvnk oke troks`ugnkt gdvnroln thok

dthnr fkas Bdr mnst rnsu`ts usn o mroynr td opp`y thn fka td thn ncmdssfkl bd`enr


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull gore (Hnrd Orts) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull ghfpmdore (ftt`n

Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull efn-guttfkl coghfkn (Wfzzfx) bull ncmdssfkl p`otn (Wfzzfx) bull fka (Wtocpfk ^p) bull cnto` g`fp

(ltlypsfns) bull stfganrs (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n)

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Ncmdssfkl bd`enr


Eyn-mosne fka poe

Efn-guttfkl coghfkn

Gut o pfngn db gorestdga td t fk thnncmdssfkl bd`enr

= ]d`` o mroynr dvnr ok fka poe

7 Mroynr fka nvnk`y dvnr thn ncmdssfklbd`enr

E n t o f ` s E n t o f ` s

bull Vdu co y wok t td n xpnrfcnk t wf th ef b bnrnk t t ypns

d b s tocpfkl fkas td ke whfgh dkns oghfn vn thn

gd vnroln ydu ensfrn F vn bduke tho t bdr cn thn

e yn-mosne fkas brdc W tocpfk ^p wdra thn mns t





5 Gornbu``y sokewfgh thn gorestdga fksfen thnncmdssfkl bd`enr oke s`dw`y ruk thn bd`enrthrdulh o efn-guttfkl coghfkn

gt ]ncdvn thn fkane oke ncmdssne gorestdgabrdc thn bd`enr

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Lnssd fs usuo``y usne os o prfcnr1 fts mnnk fk cy supp`y gosn sfkgn cy ort sghdd` eoys

hf`n ft wdras lrnot dk gokvosns F o `sd dvn usfkl ft td grnotn tnxturn Fktnrnstfkl pottnrks

gok mn boshfdkne my voryfkl thn thfgaknss db thn lnssd oke stocpfkl fcolns fk ft Uhn

mnst rnsu`ts wf` ` mn oghfnvne my oeefkl oke rncdvfkl oynrs db gd`dr thus hflh`flhtfkl

thn fcprnssfdks


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull ghfpmdore (MosfgLrny Coyo ]doe1 Wossobros) bull lnssd

(EngdOrt) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pfks (Coyo ]doe) bull rhfknstdkns (Zrfco Corantfkl) bull stocps

(Hnrd Orts) bull stfganrs (Wossobros)

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Dkn db thn thfkls thot erows cn td o yuccy pfngn db gokey fs hdw fts pogaolne Fk thfs

gosn thn lddefns wnrn bdf`-wroppne ghdgd`otn hnorts Os F wos envdurfkl thn mol F stortne

td oggucu`otn o shfky pf`n db bdf` squorns Uhny wnrn tdd prntty td thrdw owoy sd F usne

thnc td gdvnr o ghfpmdore hnort Gdd` huh4


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mfkld gore (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull mdda gdvnr (ltlypsfns) bull ghfpmdore

hnort (Coyo ]doe) bull efn gut (AampGdcpoky) bull nyn`nt (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkt

(Hnrd Orts) bull ln` cnefuc (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull novns (ltlypsfns) bull any oke ghofk

(ltlypsfns) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull pofkt (EngdOrt) bull pflcnkt pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull twfkn

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Mnoes oke rubb `ns orn prntty dk thnfr dwk mut thny mngdcn nvnk `dvn`fnr pofrne tdlnthnr F

`dvn thn sdbtknss thot rfmmdks oee td popnr prdingts oke thn stftghne mnoes gdcp`ncnkt thn

lothnrne `dda hnk wdrafkl wfth thfs tnghkfqun p`ok td edum`n thn `nklth db thn rfmmdkydu rnqufrn bdr ydur bfkfshne pfngn fk drenr td oggdccdeotn thn lothnrs


oehnsfvns (Mnogdk Oehnsfvns Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mdrenr (Wossobros) bull mroes (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull

muttnry ncmn``fshcnkts (Cfghon`s) bull ncmrdfenry dss bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Coyo ]doe) bull l`oss mnoes bull

fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pottnrkne popnr (Wossobros) bull rfmmdk (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull stocps (Wtocpnrs Okdky-

cdus) bull stop`ns bull stfganrs (Mn``o MRE nmstnrs Zolns) bull tol (Uottnrne Okln`s)

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Engdrotfvn rfmmdk

L`oss mnoes



Gut o `nklth db rfmmdk gd``ngt ydur l`ossmnoes oke thrnoe o knne`n

= Coan o akdt fk thn thrnoe oke poss ft

thrdulh dkn nke db thn rfmmdk Coan o`ddsn bd`e fk thn rfmmdk knor thn nke okeposs thn thrnoene knne`n thrdulh ft

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983149983150983151983141983150983141 983165983142983149983149983140983147 983138983136983140983164983150983165

^sn o wfenr rfmmdk td grnotn o mnoene dwnr Bd``dw

thn fkstrugtfdks omdvn oke thnk gdf` thn rfmmdk fktd

o dwnr shopn L`un thn dwnr td o gorestdga mosn

usfkl Bomrf-Uog l`un whfgh fs spngfo``y bdrcu`otne

bdr usn wfth bomrfg


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull moum`n

(Cfghon`s) bull mnoes (M`un Cddk Mnoes) bull ghfpmdore tol

(Coyo ]doe) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull ogn (Coyo

]doe) bull pottnrkne popnr (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull rfmmdk

(Cfghon`s) bull stocp (Hnrd Orts)




7 Uhrnoe dkn dr twd mnoes dktd thn knne`n

5 Zu`` thn thrnoe thrdulh thn rfmmdk td grnotno p`not

gt Gdktfkun td stftgh p`nots oke mnoes fktd thnrfmmdk uktf` thn rfmmdk fs db ensfrne `nklth

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Rfgaf Mdutfk gdcns brdc o mogalrduke fk lrophfg ensflk

oke kn orts oke hos o`woys mnnk possfdkotn omdut grnotfkl

prntty thfkls Hnr `dvn db gd`dr tnxturn bukay pottnrks oke

phdtdlrophy `ne hnr td sgropmddafkl oke popnr grobtfkl

Whn hos kdt `ddane moga sfkgn

Fk =2 Rfgaf mngocn o Grnotfkl Annpsoans Ho`` db

Bocn wfkknr oke wnkt dk td mn port db Mnttnr Hdcns oke

Lorenks Wgropmddas Ntgs grnotfvn tnoc Hnr wdra fs

gurrnkt`y pum`fshne fk Wgropmddas Ntg oke Rfgaf wrftns o

quortnr`y ortfg`n bdr Wgropmddas amp Gores Udeoy colozfknWhn nkidys wdrafkl g`dsn`y wfth o kucmnr db thn fkeustrys

tdp cokubogturnrs fkg`uefkl Wossobros ltlypsfns Mosfg-

Lrny ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n oke Zfka Zofs`nn Rfgaf fs o`sd o

]oklnr gnrtfne fkstrugtdr

Rfgaf fs o`woys dk o cfssfdk td `nork sdcnthfkl knw oke

thnk ke o woy td shorn ft Uhot fs whnrn tnoghfkl gdcns

fk Whn hos toulht wdrashdps fk thn ^kftne Wtotns Gokoeo

oke Nurdpn oke `dvns td opprdogh ort fk o buk brnsh oke

oggnssfm`n woy Hnr cdttd fs ‐Vdu edkt akdw fb fts ydur

sty`n uktf` ydu try ft sd ld bdr ft Fts dk`y o pfngn db popnrndash

Hnr wdrashdps dbbnr ok dppdrtukfty td cnnt knw brfnkes try

knw thfkls oke cdst db o`` hovn buk

Uwd grozy afes oke o stroflht-`ogne husmoke annp thfkls

fktnrnstfkl fk Rfgafs hdcn fk sduthnrk Dktorfd Gokoeo

Bd``dw Rfgaf dk hnr m`dl http9vfgafmdutfktypnpoegdc

Omdut thn Outhdr

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Fktnrkotfdko``y rngdlkfzne ortfst oke tnoghnr Rfgaf Mdutfk toans thn o``

cystnry dut db thdsn sgropmdda oke cfxne-cnefo tnghkfquns ydu thdulht

ydu gdu`e knvnr ed Whn`` mn wfth ydu nvnry stnp db thn woy os ydu `nork

td pofkt stocp ncmdss oke murkfsh ydur woy td grnotfkl mnoutfbu` ukfqun

oke fkefvfeuo` ort

Fkspfrotfdk owofts ot


dda bull Cnnt bull Coan

Rfgaf Mdutfk opprdoghns ort fk o bukbrnsh oke oggnssfm`n woy Hnr ldo` fs td

mrfkl dut thn fkknr ortfst fk nvnrydkn

Uhfka ydu gdu`e knvnr ed thot4 n``

Rfgaf soys ‐Vns VD^ gok ed ftndash Fk

oeeftfdk td tnoghfkl sgropmddafkl oke

popnrgrobtfkl wdrashdps thrdulhdut

Gokoeo thn ^kftne Wtotns oke Nurdpn

Rfgafs wdra gok brnqunkt`y mn snnk fk

Mnttnr Hdcns oke Lorenks Wgropmddas

Ntg oke Wgropmddas oke Gores Udeoy

colozfkns Whn `fvns fk sduthnrk

Dktorfd Gokoeo wfth hnr husmoke oketwd ghf`ernk

Fk Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks ydu`` 1047311ke9

5 stnp-my-stnp encdkstrotfdks bdr nosy buk cnssy bukay fkkdvotfvn

oke gustdcfzom`n tnghkfquns bdr grnotfkl mogalrdukes tnxturns

supp`ncnkts oke ncmn``fshcnkts

5 1047311kfshne sfkl`n-tnghkfqun pfngns db ort oke ok oeeftfdko` 2

lo``nry pfngns grnotne my Rfgaf usfkl o ‐rngfpnndash db twd td 1047311vn

snporotn tnghkfquns `oynrne tdlnthnr

=5 cdrn nxgftfkl oke fkspfrfkl lo``nry pfngns grnotne my

pdwnrhdusn gdktrfmutdrs fkg`uefkl ]hdkko Borrnr nkey Rngghf

An``y Zurany oke dthnrs

Wd lothnr ydur orts oke grobts supp`fns ghddsn ydur fkspfrotfdk oke

lnt edwk td ft hnthnr ydurn coafkl sgropmdda polns gores wo``

ort eaeliggdr dr sdcnthfkl n`sn nktfrn`y wfth thnsn Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks

thn pdssfmf`ftfns orn nke`nss


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hnk F b`fp thrdulh colozfkns F `dvn td gd``ngt fcolns oke oes thot gotgh cy nyn

Uhfs tnghkfqun o``dws cn td usn up cy stosh Uhn gd`drbu` sgrops gok ogt os thn pnrbngt

gocdub`oln fb cy mosn fs `nss thok pnrbngt oke ft o`cdst ogts `fan o mokeoln F o`sd

`dvn hdw thn typn oke fcolns ‐pnnandash thrdulh thn pofkt


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull m`nkefkl tdd` (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull mdda popnr bull muttdks

bull ghfpmdore hnort (ltlypsfns) bull ghfpmdore nttnrs (Zfka Zofs`nn) bull ln` cnefuc (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull

lnssd (EngdOrt) bull pofkt (EngdOrt) bull popnr pukgh (NA Wuggnss) bull pnk (Woauro) bull rdsn trfc bull stfganrs

(Edde`nmul Ensflk) bull troy (Edk Cnghokfg Nktnrprfsns)


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Colozfkn poln sgrops

Bdoc mrushns

Ortfst-quo`fty ogry`fg ln`cnefuc (cottn)

Gorestdga dr ghfpmdore

Entof`s Entof`s bull dra fk sco`` sngtfdks td nksurn thot thn ln` cnefuc ednskt ery

tdd qufga`y

bull Ud oee enpth dr shoedws td efcnksfdko` pfngns rum dr mrush dk osco`` ocdukt db m`oga pofkt dr fka orduke nelns dr fk grnvfgns okemubb dbb wfth o eocp popnr tdwn` dr momy wfpn

bull Coan surn thot nogh tfcn ydu mubb ydu usn o g`nok popnr tdwn`―ydu edkt wokt td troksbnr pofkt brdc thn tdwn` td ydur pfngn




Unor colozfkn poln sgrops fktd sco`` pfngns okestrfps L`dssy polns wdra mnst

= Mrush ln` cnefuc dk thn mogalrduke pfngn oynrthn tdrk pfngns db colozfkn dk thn gores tdgadr ghfpmdore oke gdot wfth okdthnr `oynr db ort

cnefuc Gdktfkun uktf` thn nktfrn pfngn fs gdvnrneO``dw thn pfngn td ery gdcp`ntn`y

7 Mrush thn lnssd sporfkl`y dvnr thn gd``olnecolozfkn pfngns mut ed kdt gdvnr thn nktfrnsurbogn wfth thn lnssd cfxturn Fb thn lnssd fs tdd

thfga ydu gok cfx ft wfth wotnr td coan ft thfkknr

oke cdrn troks`ugnkt hy4 Wdcn lnssd fs vnrythfk dut db thn gdktofknr whf`n dthnrs orn thfgaO``dw thn pfngn td ery gdcp`ntn`y

5 Opp`y o `flht shoen db ogry`fg pofkt ef`utne wfthwotnr td thn nktfrn surbogn O``dw thn pofkt td erys`flht`y oke thnk mubb sdcn db thn gd`dr db b wfth oeocp popnr tdwn` dr momy wfpn

gt Opp`y o sngdke eoranr gd`dr o``dw ft td ery s`flht`yoke mubb os fk Wtnp 5 Gdktfkun td muf`e thn pofkt

`oynrs uktf` thn ensfrne nbbngt fs oghfnvne



Ogry`fg pofkts

Momy wfpns dr popnr tdwn`s

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Uhfs tnghkfqun fs o thrdwmoga td cy engdrotfvn pofktfkl eoys Cy b frst oportcnkt wos gdvnrne

fk ‐scddshnendash wo``s Kdw scddshfkl hos snnk o rnmfrth o`mnft dk o sco``nr sgo`n Uhfs fs dkn

db thn sfcp`nst mogalrduke tnghkfquns oke ft mrfkls dkn db thn mfllnst wdw bogtdrs


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull muttdks (Bddbo`o) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull ghfpmdore `nttnrs (Zfka

Zofs`nn) bull efn guts (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull pottnrkne popnr (Edde`nmul Ensflk Mn``o MRE n ] Cncdry

Annpnrs) bull pnk (Woauro) bull p`ostfg wrop bull rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull sproy fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns Uottnrne

Okln`s) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull thrnoe


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E n t o f ` s E n t o f ` s

bull Uhfs tnghkfqun gok o`sd mn rn-grno tne usfkl sp

ro y fkas

bull Ud fkgrnosn ydur dpnk tfcn tr y o pofk t n x tnkenr `f


G`ouefkn Hn`cu th W tuefd N x tro Ufcn m y ]oklnr Fkeus trfns


Ogry`fg pofkt dr sproy fka


Bdoc mrush

Hnovy-wnflht popnr

Z`ostfg wrop

W`flht`y ef`utn ogry`fg pofkt wfth wotnr oke mrush ft dvnr o pfngn db hnovy-wnflhtpopnr Obtnr ydu hovn opp`fne thn pofkt cfx thn popnr surbogn shdu`e mn vnrywnt sd thn pofkt dr fka wf`` mn ufe

= Fccnefotn`y gdvnr thn popnr wfth o pfngn db p`ostfg wrop grnotfkl bd`es okegrnosns O``dw thn pofkt dr fka td ery (Eryfkl tfcn wf`` enpnke dk o bnw bogtdrs`fan whnthnr pofkt dr fka fs usne thn ocdukt db wotnr usne fk ef`utfkl thn pofktdr fka oke thn typn db popnr usne)

7 hnk thn pofkt dr fka fs o`cdst gdcp`ntn`y ery rncdvn thn p`ostfg wrop

= 7

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983159983140 983139983151983147983158 983140983162983157983142983140983147983159

Uhn pdssfmf`ftfns bdr gustdcfzotfdk fk scddshfkl orn

nke`nss Bdr nxocp`n thn twd socp`ns dk thn `nbt orn

mogalrduke fkane wfth Efstrnss Fka oke thnk cfstne wfth

Znrbngt Znor`s Zflcnkt pdwenr cfxne wfth wotnr Uhn twd

dk thn rflht orn cfstne wfth L`fccnr Cfst o sproy fka thot

gdktofks cfgo pdwenr Bnn` brnn td nxpnrfcnkt1 whot knw

bovdrftn wf`` ydu efsgdvnr4

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NCMDWWNE ]NWFWU^sfkl stocps oke ncmdssfkl pdwenrs fs o trfne-oke-trun tnghkfqun fth o g`nor

ncmdssfkl pdwenr o ‐lhdstndash fcprnssfdk gok mn grnotne o``dwfkl whotnvnr fs dk thn

mosn td shfkn thrdulh Uhn tnxturn fs scddth oke sumt`n Uhfs rnsfst wdras nspngfo``y

wn`` wfth ]oklnr Efstrnss Fkas


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull efn gut (MosfgLrny) bull ncmdssfkl

pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Wossobros) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull popnr

pukgh (Corvy ^ghfeo) bull pottnrkne popnr (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull rfmmdk bull sproy

cfst (Coyo ]doe) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts Fkaoefkaoed) bull tol (MosfgLrny) bull twfkn

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nttnrprnss prfktfkl grnotns o grfsp fcoln wfth ennp fcprnssfdks Uhfs `dda gok mn

rn-grnotne kfgn`y wfth ncmdssfkl bd`enrs fka oke o efn-guttfkl coghfkn Uhnrn orn

coky ensflks ovof`om`n fk ncmdssfkl bd`enrs oke F b fke ft wdrthwhf`n td nxpnrfcnkt

wfth efbbnrnkt fkas Eyn fkas bdr nxocp`n lfvn cdrn nvnk oke troks`ugnkt gdvnroln thok

dthnr fkas Bdr mnst rnsu`ts usn o mroynr td opp`y thn fka td thn ncmdssfkl bd`enr


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull gore (Hnrd Orts) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull ghfpmdore (ftt`n

Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull efn-guttfkl coghfkn (Wfzzfx) bull ncmdssfkl p`otn (Wfzzfx) bull fka (Wtocpfk ^p) bull cnto` g`fp

(ltlypsfns) bull stfganrs (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n)

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Ncmdssfkl bd`enr


Eyn-mosne fka poe

Efn-guttfkl coghfkn

Gut o pfngn db gorestdga td t fk thnncmdssfkl bd`enr

= ]d`` o mroynr dvnr ok fka poe

7 Mroynr fka nvnk`y dvnr thn ncmdssfklbd`enr

E n t o f ` s E n t o f ` s

bull Vdu co y wok t td n xpnrfcnk t wf th ef b bnrnk t t ypns

d b s tocpfkl fkas td ke whfgh dkns oghfn vn thn

gd vnroln ydu ensfrn F vn bduke tho t bdr cn thn

e yn-mosne fkas brdc W tocpfk ^p wdra thn mns t





5 Gornbu``y sokewfgh thn gorestdga fksfen thnncmdssfkl bd`enr oke s`dw`y ruk thn bd`enrthrdulh o efn-guttfkl coghfkn

gt ]ncdvn thn fkane oke ncmdssne gorestdgabrdc thn bd`enr

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Lnssd fs usuo``y usne os o prfcnr1 fts mnnk fk cy supp`y gosn sfkgn cy ort sghdd` eoys

hf`n ft wdras lrnot dk gokvosns F o `sd dvn usfkl ft td grnotn tnxturn Fktnrnstfkl pottnrks

gok mn boshfdkne my voryfkl thn thfgaknss db thn lnssd oke stocpfkl fcolns fk ft Uhn

mnst rnsu`ts wf` ` mn oghfnvne my oeefkl oke rncdvfkl oynrs db gd`dr thus hflh`flhtfkl

thn fcprnssfdks


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull ghfpmdore (MosfgLrny Coyo ]doe1 Wossobros) bull lnssd

(EngdOrt) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pfks (Coyo ]doe) bull rhfknstdkns (Zrfco Corantfkl) bull stocps

(Hnrd Orts) bull stfganrs (Wossobros)

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Dkn db thn thfkls thot erows cn td o yuccy pfngn db gokey fs hdw fts pogaolne Fk thfs

gosn thn lddefns wnrn bdf`-wroppne ghdgd`otn hnorts Os F wos envdurfkl thn mol F stortne

td oggucu`otn o shfky pf`n db bdf` squorns Uhny wnrn tdd prntty td thrdw owoy sd F usne

thnc td gdvnr o ghfpmdore hnort Gdd` huh4


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mfkld gore (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull mdda gdvnr (ltlypsfns) bull ghfpmdore

hnort (Coyo ]doe) bull efn gut (AampGdcpoky) bull nyn`nt (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkt

(Hnrd Orts) bull ln` cnefuc (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull novns (ltlypsfns) bull any oke ghofk

(ltlypsfns) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull pofkt (EngdOrt) bull pflcnkt pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull twfkn

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Mnoes oke rubb `ns orn prntty dk thnfr dwk mut thny mngdcn nvnk `dvn`fnr pofrne tdlnthnr F

`dvn thn sdbtknss thot rfmmdks oee td popnr prdingts oke thn stftghne mnoes gdcp`ncnkt thn

lothnrne `dda hnk wdrafkl wfth thfs tnghkfqun p`ok td edum`n thn `nklth db thn rfmmdkydu rnqufrn bdr ydur bfkfshne pfngn fk drenr td oggdccdeotn thn lothnrs


oehnsfvns (Mnogdk Oehnsfvns Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mdrenr (Wossobros) bull mroes (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull

muttnry ncmn``fshcnkts (Cfghon`s) bull ncmrdfenry dss bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Coyo ]doe) bull l`oss mnoes bull

fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pottnrkne popnr (Wossobros) bull rfmmdk (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull stocps (Wtocpnrs Okdky-

cdus) bull stop`ns bull stfganrs (Mn``o MRE nmstnrs Zolns) bull tol (Uottnrne Okln`s)

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Engdrotfvn rfmmdk

L`oss mnoes



Gut o `nklth db rfmmdk gd``ngt ydur l`ossmnoes oke thrnoe o knne`n

= Coan o akdt fk thn thrnoe oke poss ft

thrdulh dkn nke db thn rfmmdk Coan o`ddsn bd`e fk thn rfmmdk knor thn nke okeposs thn thrnoene knne`n thrdulh ft

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983149983150983151983141983150983141 983165983142983149983149983140983147 983138983136983140983164983150983165

^sn o wfenr rfmmdk td grnotn o mnoene dwnr Bd``dw

thn fkstrugtfdks omdvn oke thnk gdf` thn rfmmdk fktd

o dwnr shopn L`un thn dwnr td o gorestdga mosn

usfkl Bomrf-Uog l`un whfgh fs spngfo``y bdrcu`otne

bdr usn wfth bomrfg


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull moum`n

(Cfghon`s) bull mnoes (M`un Cddk Mnoes) bull ghfpmdore tol

(Coyo ]doe) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull ogn (Coyo

]doe) bull pottnrkne popnr (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull rfmmdk

(Cfghon`s) bull stocp (Hnrd Orts)




7 Uhrnoe dkn dr twd mnoes dktd thn knne`n

5 Zu`` thn thrnoe thrdulh thn rfmmdk td grnotno p`not

gt Gdktfkun td stftgh p`nots oke mnoes fktd thnrfmmdk uktf` thn rfmmdk fs db ensfrne `nklth

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Rfgaf Mdutfk gdcns brdc o mogalrduke fk lrophfg ensflk

oke kn orts oke hos o`woys mnnk possfdkotn omdut grnotfkl

prntty thfkls Hnr `dvn db gd`dr tnxturn bukay pottnrks oke

phdtdlrophy `ne hnr td sgropmddafkl oke popnr grobtfkl

Whn hos kdt `ddane moga sfkgn

Fk =2 Rfgaf mngocn o Grnotfkl Annpsoans Ho`` db

Bocn wfkknr oke wnkt dk td mn port db Mnttnr Hdcns oke

Lorenks Wgropmddas Ntgs grnotfvn tnoc Hnr wdra fs

gurrnkt`y pum`fshne fk Wgropmddas Ntg oke Rfgaf wrftns o

quortnr`y ortfg`n bdr Wgropmddas amp Gores Udeoy colozfknWhn nkidys wdrafkl g`dsn`y wfth o kucmnr db thn fkeustrys

tdp cokubogturnrs fkg`uefkl Wossobros ltlypsfns Mosfg-

Lrny ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n oke Zfka Zofs`nn Rfgaf fs o`sd o

]oklnr gnrtfne fkstrugtdr

Rfgaf fs o`woys dk o cfssfdk td `nork sdcnthfkl knw oke

thnk ke o woy td shorn ft Uhot fs whnrn tnoghfkl gdcns

fk Whn hos toulht wdrashdps fk thn ^kftne Wtotns Gokoeo

oke Nurdpn oke `dvns td opprdogh ort fk o buk brnsh oke

oggnssfm`n woy Hnr cdttd fs ‐Vdu edkt akdw fb fts ydur

sty`n uktf` ydu try ft sd ld bdr ft Fts dk`y o pfngn db popnrndash

Hnr wdrashdps dbbnr ok dppdrtukfty td cnnt knw brfnkes try

knw thfkls oke cdst db o`` hovn buk

Uwd grozy afes oke o stroflht-`ogne husmoke annp thfkls

fktnrnstfkl fk Rfgafs hdcn fk sduthnrk Dktorfd Gokoeo

Bd``dw Rfgaf dk hnr m`dl http9vfgafmdutfktypnpoegdc

Omdut thn Outhdr

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Fktnrkotfdko``y rngdlkfzne ortfst oke tnoghnr Rfgaf Mdutfk toans thn o``

cystnry dut db thdsn sgropmdda oke cfxne-cnefo tnghkfquns ydu thdulht

ydu gdu`e knvnr ed Whn`` mn wfth ydu nvnry stnp db thn woy os ydu `nork

td pofkt stocp ncmdss oke murkfsh ydur woy td grnotfkl mnoutfbu` ukfqun

oke fkefvfeuo` ort

Fkspfrotfdk owofts ot


dda bull Cnnt bull Coan

Rfgaf Mdutfk opprdoghns ort fk o bukbrnsh oke oggnssfm`n woy Hnr ldo` fs td

mrfkl dut thn fkknr ortfst fk nvnrydkn

Uhfka ydu gdu`e knvnr ed thot4 n``

Rfgaf soys ‐Vns VD^ gok ed ftndash Fk

oeeftfdk td tnoghfkl sgropmddafkl oke

popnrgrobtfkl wdrashdps thrdulhdut

Gokoeo thn ^kftne Wtotns oke Nurdpn

Rfgafs wdra gok brnqunkt`y mn snnk fk

Mnttnr Hdcns oke Lorenks Wgropmddas

Ntg oke Wgropmddas oke Gores Udeoy

colozfkns Whn `fvns fk sduthnrk

Dktorfd Gokoeo wfth hnr husmoke oketwd ghf`ernk

Fk Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks ydu`` 1047311ke9

5 stnp-my-stnp encdkstrotfdks bdr nosy buk cnssy bukay fkkdvotfvn

oke gustdcfzom`n tnghkfquns bdr grnotfkl mogalrdukes tnxturns

supp`ncnkts oke ncmn``fshcnkts

5 1047311kfshne sfkl`n-tnghkfqun pfngns db ort oke ok oeeftfdko` 2

lo``nry pfngns grnotne my Rfgaf usfkl o ‐rngfpnndash db twd td 1047311vn

snporotn tnghkfquns `oynrne tdlnthnr

=5 cdrn nxgftfkl oke fkspfrfkl lo``nry pfngns grnotne my

pdwnrhdusn gdktrfmutdrs fkg`uefkl ]hdkko Borrnr nkey Rngghf

An``y Zurany oke dthnrs

Wd lothnr ydur orts oke grobts supp`fns ghddsn ydur fkspfrotfdk oke

lnt edwk td ft hnthnr ydurn coafkl sgropmdda polns gores wo``

ort eaeliggdr dr sdcnthfkl n`sn nktfrn`y wfth thnsn Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks

thn pdssfmf`ftfns orn nke`nss


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Colozfkn poln sgrops

Bdoc mrushns

Ortfst-quo`fty ogry`fg ln`cnefuc (cottn)

Gorestdga dr ghfpmdore

Entof`s Entof`s bull dra fk sco`` sngtfdks td nksurn thot thn ln` cnefuc ednskt ery

tdd qufga`y

bull Ud oee enpth dr shoedws td efcnksfdko` pfngns rum dr mrush dk osco`` ocdukt db m`oga pofkt dr fka orduke nelns dr fk grnvfgns okemubb dbb wfth o eocp popnr tdwn` dr momy wfpn

bull Coan surn thot nogh tfcn ydu mubb ydu usn o g`nok popnr tdwn`―ydu edkt wokt td troksbnr pofkt brdc thn tdwn` td ydur pfngn




Unor colozfkn poln sgrops fktd sco`` pfngns okestrfps L`dssy polns wdra mnst

= Mrush ln` cnefuc dk thn mogalrduke pfngn oynrthn tdrk pfngns db colozfkn dk thn gores tdgadr ghfpmdore oke gdot wfth okdthnr `oynr db ort

cnefuc Gdktfkun uktf` thn nktfrn pfngn fs gdvnrneO``dw thn pfngn td ery gdcp`ntn`y

7 Mrush thn lnssd sporfkl`y dvnr thn gd``olnecolozfkn pfngns mut ed kdt gdvnr thn nktfrnsurbogn wfth thn lnssd cfxturn Fb thn lnssd fs tdd

thfga ydu gok cfx ft wfth wotnr td coan ft thfkknr

oke cdrn troks`ugnkt hy4 Wdcn lnssd fs vnrythfk dut db thn gdktofknr whf`n dthnrs orn thfgaO``dw thn pfngn td ery gdcp`ntn`y

5 Opp`y o `flht shoen db ogry`fg pofkt ef`utne wfthwotnr td thn nktfrn surbogn O``dw thn pofkt td erys`flht`y oke thnk mubb sdcn db thn gd`dr db b wfth oeocp popnr tdwn` dr momy wfpn

gt Opp`y o sngdke eoranr gd`dr o``dw ft td ery s`flht`yoke mubb os fk Wtnp 5 Gdktfkun td muf`e thn pofkt

`oynrs uktf` thn ensfrne nbbngt fs oghfnvne



Ogry`fg pofkts

Momy wfpns dr popnr tdwn`s

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Uhfs tnghkfqun fs o thrdwmoga td cy engdrotfvn pofktfkl eoys Cy b frst oportcnkt wos gdvnrne

fk ‐scddshnendash wo``s Kdw scddshfkl hos snnk o rnmfrth o`mnft dk o sco``nr sgo`n Uhfs fs dkn

db thn sfcp`nst mogalrduke tnghkfquns oke ft mrfkls dkn db thn mfllnst wdw bogtdrs


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull muttdks (Bddbo`o) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull ghfpmdore `nttnrs (Zfka

Zofs`nn) bull efn guts (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull pottnrkne popnr (Edde`nmul Ensflk Mn``o MRE n ] Cncdry

Annpnrs) bull pnk (Woauro) bull p`ostfg wrop bull rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull sproy fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns Uottnrne

Okln`s) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull thrnoe


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E n t o f ` s E n t o f ` s

bull Uhfs tnghkfqun gok o`sd mn rn-grno tne usfkl sp

ro y fkas

bull Ud fkgrnosn ydur dpnk tfcn tr y o pofk t n x tnkenr `f


G`ouefkn Hn`cu th W tuefd N x tro Ufcn m y ]oklnr Fkeus trfns


Ogry`fg pofkt dr sproy fka


Bdoc mrush

Hnovy-wnflht popnr

Z`ostfg wrop

W`flht`y ef`utn ogry`fg pofkt wfth wotnr oke mrush ft dvnr o pfngn db hnovy-wnflhtpopnr Obtnr ydu hovn opp`fne thn pofkt cfx thn popnr surbogn shdu`e mn vnrywnt sd thn pofkt dr fka wf`` mn ufe

= Fccnefotn`y gdvnr thn popnr wfth o pfngn db p`ostfg wrop grnotfkl bd`es okegrnosns O``dw thn pofkt dr fka td ery (Eryfkl tfcn wf`` enpnke dk o bnw bogtdrs`fan whnthnr pofkt dr fka fs usne thn ocdukt db wotnr usne fk ef`utfkl thn pofktdr fka oke thn typn db popnr usne)

7 hnk thn pofkt dr fka fs o`cdst gdcp`ntn`y ery rncdvn thn p`ostfg wrop

= 7

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983159983140 983139983151983147983158 983140983162983157983142983140983147983159

Uhn pdssfmf`ftfns bdr gustdcfzotfdk fk scddshfkl orn

nke`nss Bdr nxocp`n thn twd socp`ns dk thn `nbt orn

mogalrduke fkane wfth Efstrnss Fka oke thnk cfstne wfth

Znrbngt Znor`s Zflcnkt pdwenr cfxne wfth wotnr Uhn twd

dk thn rflht orn cfstne wfth L`fccnr Cfst o sproy fka thot

gdktofks cfgo pdwenr Bnn` brnn td nxpnrfcnkt1 whot knw

bovdrftn wf`` ydu efsgdvnr4

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NCMDWWNE ]NWFWU^sfkl stocps oke ncmdssfkl pdwenrs fs o trfne-oke-trun tnghkfqun fth o g`nor

ncmdssfkl pdwenr o ‐lhdstndash fcprnssfdk gok mn grnotne o``dwfkl whotnvnr fs dk thn

mosn td shfkn thrdulh Uhn tnxturn fs scddth oke sumt`n Uhfs rnsfst wdras nspngfo``y

wn`` wfth ]oklnr Efstrnss Fkas


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull efn gut (MosfgLrny) bull ncmdssfkl

pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Wossobros) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull popnr

pukgh (Corvy ^ghfeo) bull pottnrkne popnr (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull rfmmdk bull sproy

cfst (Coyo ]doe) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts Fkaoefkaoed) bull tol (MosfgLrny) bull twfkn

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nttnrprnss prfktfkl grnotns o grfsp fcoln wfth ennp fcprnssfdks Uhfs `dda gok mn

rn-grnotne kfgn`y wfth ncmdssfkl bd`enrs fka oke o efn-guttfkl coghfkn Uhnrn orn

coky ensflks ovof`om`n fk ncmdssfkl bd`enrs oke F b fke ft wdrthwhf`n td nxpnrfcnkt

wfth efbbnrnkt fkas Eyn fkas bdr nxocp`n lfvn cdrn nvnk oke troks`ugnkt gdvnroln thok

dthnr fkas Bdr mnst rnsu`ts usn o mroynr td opp`y thn fka td thn ncmdssfkl bd`enr


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull gore (Hnrd Orts) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull ghfpmdore (ftt`n

Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull efn-guttfkl coghfkn (Wfzzfx) bull ncmdssfkl p`otn (Wfzzfx) bull fka (Wtocpfk ^p) bull cnto` g`fp

(ltlypsfns) bull stfganrs (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n)

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Ncmdssfkl bd`enr


Eyn-mosne fka poe

Efn-guttfkl coghfkn

Gut o pfngn db gorestdga td t fk thnncmdssfkl bd`enr

= ]d`` o mroynr dvnr ok fka poe

7 Mroynr fka nvnk`y dvnr thn ncmdssfklbd`enr

E n t o f ` s E n t o f ` s

bull Vdu co y wok t td n xpnrfcnk t wf th ef b bnrnk t t ypns

d b s tocpfkl fkas td ke whfgh dkns oghfn vn thn

gd vnroln ydu ensfrn F vn bduke tho t bdr cn thn

e yn-mosne fkas brdc W tocpfk ^p wdra thn mns t





5 Gornbu``y sokewfgh thn gorestdga fksfen thnncmdssfkl bd`enr oke s`dw`y ruk thn bd`enrthrdulh o efn-guttfkl coghfkn

gt ]ncdvn thn fkane oke ncmdssne gorestdgabrdc thn bd`enr

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Lnssd fs usuo``y usne os o prfcnr1 fts mnnk fk cy supp`y gosn sfkgn cy ort sghdd` eoys

hf`n ft wdras lrnot dk gokvosns F o `sd dvn usfkl ft td grnotn tnxturn Fktnrnstfkl pottnrks

gok mn boshfdkne my voryfkl thn thfgaknss db thn lnssd oke stocpfkl fcolns fk ft Uhn

mnst rnsu`ts wf` ` mn oghfnvne my oeefkl oke rncdvfkl oynrs db gd`dr thus hflh`flhtfkl

thn fcprnssfdks


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull ghfpmdore (MosfgLrny Coyo ]doe1 Wossobros) bull lnssd

(EngdOrt) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pfks (Coyo ]doe) bull rhfknstdkns (Zrfco Corantfkl) bull stocps

(Hnrd Orts) bull stfganrs (Wossobros)

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Dkn db thn thfkls thot erows cn td o yuccy pfngn db gokey fs hdw fts pogaolne Fk thfs

gosn thn lddefns wnrn bdf`-wroppne ghdgd`otn hnorts Os F wos envdurfkl thn mol F stortne

td oggucu`otn o shfky pf`n db bdf` squorns Uhny wnrn tdd prntty td thrdw owoy sd F usne

thnc td gdvnr o ghfpmdore hnort Gdd` huh4


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mfkld gore (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull mdda gdvnr (ltlypsfns) bull ghfpmdore

hnort (Coyo ]doe) bull efn gut (AampGdcpoky) bull nyn`nt (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkt

(Hnrd Orts) bull ln` cnefuc (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull novns (ltlypsfns) bull any oke ghofk

(ltlypsfns) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull pofkt (EngdOrt) bull pflcnkt pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull twfkn

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Mnoes oke rubb `ns orn prntty dk thnfr dwk mut thny mngdcn nvnk `dvn`fnr pofrne tdlnthnr F

`dvn thn sdbtknss thot rfmmdks oee td popnr prdingts oke thn stftghne mnoes gdcp`ncnkt thn

lothnrne `dda hnk wdrafkl wfth thfs tnghkfqun p`ok td edum`n thn `nklth db thn rfmmdkydu rnqufrn bdr ydur bfkfshne pfngn fk drenr td oggdccdeotn thn lothnrs


oehnsfvns (Mnogdk Oehnsfvns Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mdrenr (Wossobros) bull mroes (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull

muttnry ncmn``fshcnkts (Cfghon`s) bull ncmrdfenry dss bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Coyo ]doe) bull l`oss mnoes bull

fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pottnrkne popnr (Wossobros) bull rfmmdk (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull stocps (Wtocpnrs Okdky-

cdus) bull stop`ns bull stfganrs (Mn``o MRE nmstnrs Zolns) bull tol (Uottnrne Okln`s)

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Engdrotfvn rfmmdk

L`oss mnoes



Gut o `nklth db rfmmdk gd``ngt ydur l`ossmnoes oke thrnoe o knne`n

= Coan o akdt fk thn thrnoe oke poss ft

thrdulh dkn nke db thn rfmmdk Coan o`ddsn bd`e fk thn rfmmdk knor thn nke okeposs thn thrnoene knne`n thrdulh ft

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983149983150983151983141983150983141 983165983142983149983149983140983147 983138983136983140983164983150983165

^sn o wfenr rfmmdk td grnotn o mnoene dwnr Bd``dw

thn fkstrugtfdks omdvn oke thnk gdf` thn rfmmdk fktd

o dwnr shopn L`un thn dwnr td o gorestdga mosn

usfkl Bomrf-Uog l`un whfgh fs spngfo``y bdrcu`otne

bdr usn wfth bomrfg


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull moum`n

(Cfghon`s) bull mnoes (M`un Cddk Mnoes) bull ghfpmdore tol

(Coyo ]doe) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull ogn (Coyo

]doe) bull pottnrkne popnr (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull rfmmdk

(Cfghon`s) bull stocp (Hnrd Orts)




7 Uhrnoe dkn dr twd mnoes dktd thn knne`n

5 Zu`` thn thrnoe thrdulh thn rfmmdk td grnotno p`not

gt Gdktfkun td stftgh p`nots oke mnoes fktd thnrfmmdk uktf` thn rfmmdk fs db ensfrne `nklth

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Rfgaf Mdutfk gdcns brdc o mogalrduke fk lrophfg ensflk

oke kn orts oke hos o`woys mnnk possfdkotn omdut grnotfkl

prntty thfkls Hnr `dvn db gd`dr tnxturn bukay pottnrks oke

phdtdlrophy `ne hnr td sgropmddafkl oke popnr grobtfkl

Whn hos kdt `ddane moga sfkgn

Fk =2 Rfgaf mngocn o Grnotfkl Annpsoans Ho`` db

Bocn wfkknr oke wnkt dk td mn port db Mnttnr Hdcns oke

Lorenks Wgropmddas Ntgs grnotfvn tnoc Hnr wdra fs

gurrnkt`y pum`fshne fk Wgropmddas Ntg oke Rfgaf wrftns o

quortnr`y ortfg`n bdr Wgropmddas amp Gores Udeoy colozfknWhn nkidys wdrafkl g`dsn`y wfth o kucmnr db thn fkeustrys

tdp cokubogturnrs fkg`uefkl Wossobros ltlypsfns Mosfg-

Lrny ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n oke Zfka Zofs`nn Rfgaf fs o`sd o

]oklnr gnrtfne fkstrugtdr

Rfgaf fs o`woys dk o cfssfdk td `nork sdcnthfkl knw oke

thnk ke o woy td shorn ft Uhot fs whnrn tnoghfkl gdcns

fk Whn hos toulht wdrashdps fk thn ^kftne Wtotns Gokoeo

oke Nurdpn oke `dvns td opprdogh ort fk o buk brnsh oke

oggnssfm`n woy Hnr cdttd fs ‐Vdu edkt akdw fb fts ydur

sty`n uktf` ydu try ft sd ld bdr ft Fts dk`y o pfngn db popnrndash

Hnr wdrashdps dbbnr ok dppdrtukfty td cnnt knw brfnkes try

knw thfkls oke cdst db o`` hovn buk

Uwd grozy afes oke o stroflht-`ogne husmoke annp thfkls

fktnrnstfkl fk Rfgafs hdcn fk sduthnrk Dktorfd Gokoeo

Bd``dw Rfgaf dk hnr m`dl http9vfgafmdutfktypnpoegdc

Omdut thn Outhdr

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Fktnrkotfdko``y rngdlkfzne ortfst oke tnoghnr Rfgaf Mdutfk toans thn o``

cystnry dut db thdsn sgropmdda oke cfxne-cnefo tnghkfquns ydu thdulht

ydu gdu`e knvnr ed Whn`` mn wfth ydu nvnry stnp db thn woy os ydu `nork

td pofkt stocp ncmdss oke murkfsh ydur woy td grnotfkl mnoutfbu` ukfqun

oke fkefvfeuo` ort

Fkspfrotfdk owofts ot


dda bull Cnnt bull Coan

Rfgaf Mdutfk opprdoghns ort fk o bukbrnsh oke oggnssfm`n woy Hnr ldo` fs td

mrfkl dut thn fkknr ortfst fk nvnrydkn

Uhfka ydu gdu`e knvnr ed thot4 n``

Rfgaf soys ‐Vns VD^ gok ed ftndash Fk

oeeftfdk td tnoghfkl sgropmddafkl oke

popnrgrobtfkl wdrashdps thrdulhdut

Gokoeo thn ^kftne Wtotns oke Nurdpn

Rfgafs wdra gok brnqunkt`y mn snnk fk

Mnttnr Hdcns oke Lorenks Wgropmddas

Ntg oke Wgropmddas oke Gores Udeoy

colozfkns Whn `fvns fk sduthnrk

Dktorfd Gokoeo wfth hnr husmoke oketwd ghf`ernk

Fk Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks ydu`` 1047311ke9

5 stnp-my-stnp encdkstrotfdks bdr nosy buk cnssy bukay fkkdvotfvn

oke gustdcfzom`n tnghkfquns bdr grnotfkl mogalrdukes tnxturns

supp`ncnkts oke ncmn``fshcnkts

5 1047311kfshne sfkl`n-tnghkfqun pfngns db ort oke ok oeeftfdko` 2

lo``nry pfngns grnotne my Rfgaf usfkl o ‐rngfpnndash db twd td 1047311vn

snporotn tnghkfquns `oynrne tdlnthnr

=5 cdrn nxgftfkl oke fkspfrfkl lo``nry pfngns grnotne my

pdwnrhdusn gdktrfmutdrs fkg`uefkl ]hdkko Borrnr nkey Rngghf

An``y Zurany oke dthnrs

Wd lothnr ydur orts oke grobts supp`fns ghddsn ydur fkspfrotfdk oke

lnt edwk td ft hnthnr ydurn coafkl sgropmdda polns gores wo``

ort eaeliggdr dr sdcnthfkl n`sn nktfrn`y wfth thnsn Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks

thn pdssfmf`ftfns orn nke`nss


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Uhfs tnghkfqun fs o thrdwmoga td cy engdrotfvn pofktfkl eoys Cy b frst oportcnkt wos gdvnrne

fk ‐scddshnendash wo``s Kdw scddshfkl hos snnk o rnmfrth o`mnft dk o sco``nr sgo`n Uhfs fs dkn

db thn sfcp`nst mogalrduke tnghkfquns oke ft mrfkls dkn db thn mfllnst wdw bogtdrs


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull muttdks (Bddbo`o) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull ghfpmdore `nttnrs (Zfka

Zofs`nn) bull efn guts (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull pottnrkne popnr (Edde`nmul Ensflk Mn``o MRE n ] Cncdry

Annpnrs) bull pnk (Woauro) bull p`ostfg wrop bull rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull sproy fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns Uottnrne

Okln`s) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull thrnoe


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E n t o f ` s E n t o f ` s

bull Uhfs tnghkfqun gok o`sd mn rn-grno tne usfkl sp

ro y fkas

bull Ud fkgrnosn ydur dpnk tfcn tr y o pofk t n x tnkenr `f


G`ouefkn Hn`cu th W tuefd N x tro Ufcn m y ]oklnr Fkeus trfns


Ogry`fg pofkt dr sproy fka


Bdoc mrush

Hnovy-wnflht popnr

Z`ostfg wrop

W`flht`y ef`utn ogry`fg pofkt wfth wotnr oke mrush ft dvnr o pfngn db hnovy-wnflhtpopnr Obtnr ydu hovn opp`fne thn pofkt cfx thn popnr surbogn shdu`e mn vnrywnt sd thn pofkt dr fka wf`` mn ufe

= Fccnefotn`y gdvnr thn popnr wfth o pfngn db p`ostfg wrop grnotfkl bd`es okegrnosns O``dw thn pofkt dr fka td ery (Eryfkl tfcn wf`` enpnke dk o bnw bogtdrs`fan whnthnr pofkt dr fka fs usne thn ocdukt db wotnr usne fk ef`utfkl thn pofktdr fka oke thn typn db popnr usne)

7 hnk thn pofkt dr fka fs o`cdst gdcp`ntn`y ery rncdvn thn p`ostfg wrop

= 7

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983159983140 983139983151983147983158 983140983162983157983142983140983147983159

Uhn pdssfmf`ftfns bdr gustdcfzotfdk fk scddshfkl orn

nke`nss Bdr nxocp`n thn twd socp`ns dk thn `nbt orn

mogalrduke fkane wfth Efstrnss Fka oke thnk cfstne wfth

Znrbngt Znor`s Zflcnkt pdwenr cfxne wfth wotnr Uhn twd

dk thn rflht orn cfstne wfth L`fccnr Cfst o sproy fka thot

gdktofks cfgo pdwenr Bnn` brnn td nxpnrfcnkt1 whot knw

bovdrftn wf`` ydu efsgdvnr4

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NCMDWWNE ]NWFWU^sfkl stocps oke ncmdssfkl pdwenrs fs o trfne-oke-trun tnghkfqun fth o g`nor

ncmdssfkl pdwenr o ‐lhdstndash fcprnssfdk gok mn grnotne o``dwfkl whotnvnr fs dk thn

mosn td shfkn thrdulh Uhn tnxturn fs scddth oke sumt`n Uhfs rnsfst wdras nspngfo``y

wn`` wfth ]oklnr Efstrnss Fkas


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull efn gut (MosfgLrny) bull ncmdssfkl

pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Wossobros) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull popnr

pukgh (Corvy ^ghfeo) bull pottnrkne popnr (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull rfmmdk bull sproy

cfst (Coyo ]doe) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts Fkaoefkaoed) bull tol (MosfgLrny) bull twfkn

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nttnrprnss prfktfkl grnotns o grfsp fcoln wfth ennp fcprnssfdks Uhfs `dda gok mn

rn-grnotne kfgn`y wfth ncmdssfkl bd`enrs fka oke o efn-guttfkl coghfkn Uhnrn orn

coky ensflks ovof`om`n fk ncmdssfkl bd`enrs oke F b fke ft wdrthwhf`n td nxpnrfcnkt

wfth efbbnrnkt fkas Eyn fkas bdr nxocp`n lfvn cdrn nvnk oke troks`ugnkt gdvnroln thok

dthnr fkas Bdr mnst rnsu`ts usn o mroynr td opp`y thn fka td thn ncmdssfkl bd`enr


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull gore (Hnrd Orts) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull ghfpmdore (ftt`n

Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull efn-guttfkl coghfkn (Wfzzfx) bull ncmdssfkl p`otn (Wfzzfx) bull fka (Wtocpfk ^p) bull cnto` g`fp

(ltlypsfns) bull stfganrs (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n)

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Ncmdssfkl bd`enr


Eyn-mosne fka poe

Efn-guttfkl coghfkn

Gut o pfngn db gorestdga td t fk thnncmdssfkl bd`enr

= ]d`` o mroynr dvnr ok fka poe

7 Mroynr fka nvnk`y dvnr thn ncmdssfklbd`enr

E n t o f ` s E n t o f ` s

bull Vdu co y wok t td n xpnrfcnk t wf th ef b bnrnk t t ypns

d b s tocpfkl fkas td ke whfgh dkns oghfn vn thn

gd vnroln ydu ensfrn F vn bduke tho t bdr cn thn

e yn-mosne fkas brdc W tocpfk ^p wdra thn mns t





5 Gornbu``y sokewfgh thn gorestdga fksfen thnncmdssfkl bd`enr oke s`dw`y ruk thn bd`enrthrdulh o efn-guttfkl coghfkn

gt ]ncdvn thn fkane oke ncmdssne gorestdgabrdc thn bd`enr

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Lnssd fs usuo``y usne os o prfcnr1 fts mnnk fk cy supp`y gosn sfkgn cy ort sghdd` eoys

hf`n ft wdras lrnot dk gokvosns F o `sd dvn usfkl ft td grnotn tnxturn Fktnrnstfkl pottnrks

gok mn boshfdkne my voryfkl thn thfgaknss db thn lnssd oke stocpfkl fcolns fk ft Uhn

mnst rnsu`ts wf` ` mn oghfnvne my oeefkl oke rncdvfkl oynrs db gd`dr thus hflh`flhtfkl

thn fcprnssfdks


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull ghfpmdore (MosfgLrny Coyo ]doe1 Wossobros) bull lnssd

(EngdOrt) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pfks (Coyo ]doe) bull rhfknstdkns (Zrfco Corantfkl) bull stocps

(Hnrd Orts) bull stfganrs (Wossobros)

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Dkn db thn thfkls thot erows cn td o yuccy pfngn db gokey fs hdw fts pogaolne Fk thfs

gosn thn lddefns wnrn bdf`-wroppne ghdgd`otn hnorts Os F wos envdurfkl thn mol F stortne

td oggucu`otn o shfky pf`n db bdf` squorns Uhny wnrn tdd prntty td thrdw owoy sd F usne

thnc td gdvnr o ghfpmdore hnort Gdd` huh4


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mfkld gore (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull mdda gdvnr (ltlypsfns) bull ghfpmdore

hnort (Coyo ]doe) bull efn gut (AampGdcpoky) bull nyn`nt (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkt

(Hnrd Orts) bull ln` cnefuc (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull novns (ltlypsfns) bull any oke ghofk

(ltlypsfns) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull pofkt (EngdOrt) bull pflcnkt pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull twfkn

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Mnoes oke rubb `ns orn prntty dk thnfr dwk mut thny mngdcn nvnk `dvn`fnr pofrne tdlnthnr F

`dvn thn sdbtknss thot rfmmdks oee td popnr prdingts oke thn stftghne mnoes gdcp`ncnkt thn

lothnrne `dda hnk wdrafkl wfth thfs tnghkfqun p`ok td edum`n thn `nklth db thn rfmmdkydu rnqufrn bdr ydur bfkfshne pfngn fk drenr td oggdccdeotn thn lothnrs


oehnsfvns (Mnogdk Oehnsfvns Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mdrenr (Wossobros) bull mroes (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull

muttnry ncmn``fshcnkts (Cfghon`s) bull ncmrdfenry dss bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Coyo ]doe) bull l`oss mnoes bull

fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pottnrkne popnr (Wossobros) bull rfmmdk (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull stocps (Wtocpnrs Okdky-

cdus) bull stop`ns bull stfganrs (Mn``o MRE nmstnrs Zolns) bull tol (Uottnrne Okln`s)

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Engdrotfvn rfmmdk

L`oss mnoes



Gut o `nklth db rfmmdk gd``ngt ydur l`ossmnoes oke thrnoe o knne`n

= Coan o akdt fk thn thrnoe oke poss ft

thrdulh dkn nke db thn rfmmdk Coan o`ddsn bd`e fk thn rfmmdk knor thn nke okeposs thn thrnoene knne`n thrdulh ft

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983149983150983151983141983150983141 983165983142983149983149983140983147 983138983136983140983164983150983165

^sn o wfenr rfmmdk td grnotn o mnoene dwnr Bd``dw

thn fkstrugtfdks omdvn oke thnk gdf` thn rfmmdk fktd

o dwnr shopn L`un thn dwnr td o gorestdga mosn

usfkl Bomrf-Uog l`un whfgh fs spngfo``y bdrcu`otne

bdr usn wfth bomrfg


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull moum`n

(Cfghon`s) bull mnoes (M`un Cddk Mnoes) bull ghfpmdore tol

(Coyo ]doe) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull ogn (Coyo

]doe) bull pottnrkne popnr (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull rfmmdk

(Cfghon`s) bull stocp (Hnrd Orts)




7 Uhrnoe dkn dr twd mnoes dktd thn knne`n

5 Zu`` thn thrnoe thrdulh thn rfmmdk td grnotno p`not

gt Gdktfkun td stftgh p`nots oke mnoes fktd thnrfmmdk uktf` thn rfmmdk fs db ensfrne `nklth

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Rfgaf Mdutfk gdcns brdc o mogalrduke fk lrophfg ensflk

oke kn orts oke hos o`woys mnnk possfdkotn omdut grnotfkl

prntty thfkls Hnr `dvn db gd`dr tnxturn bukay pottnrks oke

phdtdlrophy `ne hnr td sgropmddafkl oke popnr grobtfkl

Whn hos kdt `ddane moga sfkgn

Fk =2 Rfgaf mngocn o Grnotfkl Annpsoans Ho`` db

Bocn wfkknr oke wnkt dk td mn port db Mnttnr Hdcns oke

Lorenks Wgropmddas Ntgs grnotfvn tnoc Hnr wdra fs

gurrnkt`y pum`fshne fk Wgropmddas Ntg oke Rfgaf wrftns o

quortnr`y ortfg`n bdr Wgropmddas amp Gores Udeoy colozfknWhn nkidys wdrafkl g`dsn`y wfth o kucmnr db thn fkeustrys

tdp cokubogturnrs fkg`uefkl Wossobros ltlypsfns Mosfg-

Lrny ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n oke Zfka Zofs`nn Rfgaf fs o`sd o

]oklnr gnrtfne fkstrugtdr

Rfgaf fs o`woys dk o cfssfdk td `nork sdcnthfkl knw oke

thnk ke o woy td shorn ft Uhot fs whnrn tnoghfkl gdcns

fk Whn hos toulht wdrashdps fk thn ^kftne Wtotns Gokoeo

oke Nurdpn oke `dvns td opprdogh ort fk o buk brnsh oke

oggnssfm`n woy Hnr cdttd fs ‐Vdu edkt akdw fb fts ydur

sty`n uktf` ydu try ft sd ld bdr ft Fts dk`y o pfngn db popnrndash

Hnr wdrashdps dbbnr ok dppdrtukfty td cnnt knw brfnkes try

knw thfkls oke cdst db o`` hovn buk

Uwd grozy afes oke o stroflht-`ogne husmoke annp thfkls

fktnrnstfkl fk Rfgafs hdcn fk sduthnrk Dktorfd Gokoeo

Bd``dw Rfgaf dk hnr m`dl http9vfgafmdutfktypnpoegdc

Omdut thn Outhdr

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Fktnrkotfdko``y rngdlkfzne ortfst oke tnoghnr Rfgaf Mdutfk toans thn o``

cystnry dut db thdsn sgropmdda oke cfxne-cnefo tnghkfquns ydu thdulht

ydu gdu`e knvnr ed Whn`` mn wfth ydu nvnry stnp db thn woy os ydu `nork

td pofkt stocp ncmdss oke murkfsh ydur woy td grnotfkl mnoutfbu` ukfqun

oke fkefvfeuo` ort

Fkspfrotfdk owofts ot


dda bull Cnnt bull Coan

Rfgaf Mdutfk opprdoghns ort fk o bukbrnsh oke oggnssfm`n woy Hnr ldo` fs td

mrfkl dut thn fkknr ortfst fk nvnrydkn

Uhfka ydu gdu`e knvnr ed thot4 n``

Rfgaf soys ‐Vns VD^ gok ed ftndash Fk

oeeftfdk td tnoghfkl sgropmddafkl oke

popnrgrobtfkl wdrashdps thrdulhdut

Gokoeo thn ^kftne Wtotns oke Nurdpn

Rfgafs wdra gok brnqunkt`y mn snnk fk

Mnttnr Hdcns oke Lorenks Wgropmddas

Ntg oke Wgropmddas oke Gores Udeoy

colozfkns Whn `fvns fk sduthnrk

Dktorfd Gokoeo wfth hnr husmoke oketwd ghf`ernk

Fk Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks ydu`` 1047311ke9

5 stnp-my-stnp encdkstrotfdks bdr nosy buk cnssy bukay fkkdvotfvn

oke gustdcfzom`n tnghkfquns bdr grnotfkl mogalrdukes tnxturns

supp`ncnkts oke ncmn``fshcnkts

5 1047311kfshne sfkl`n-tnghkfqun pfngns db ort oke ok oeeftfdko` 2

lo``nry pfngns grnotne my Rfgaf usfkl o ‐rngfpnndash db twd td 1047311vn

snporotn tnghkfquns `oynrne tdlnthnr

=5 cdrn nxgftfkl oke fkspfrfkl lo``nry pfngns grnotne my

pdwnrhdusn gdktrfmutdrs fkg`uefkl ]hdkko Borrnr nkey Rngghf

An``y Zurany oke dthnrs

Wd lothnr ydur orts oke grobts supp`fns ghddsn ydur fkspfrotfdk oke

lnt edwk td ft hnthnr ydurn coafkl sgropmdda polns gores wo``

ort eaeliggdr dr sdcnthfkl n`sn nktfrn`y wfth thnsn Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks

thn pdssfmf`ftfns orn nke`nss


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E n t o f ` s E n t o f ` s

bull Uhfs tnghkfqun gok o`sd mn rn-grno tne usfkl sp

ro y fkas

bull Ud fkgrnosn ydur dpnk tfcn tr y o pofk t n x tnkenr `f


G`ouefkn Hn`cu th W tuefd N x tro Ufcn m y ]oklnr Fkeus trfns


Ogry`fg pofkt dr sproy fka


Bdoc mrush

Hnovy-wnflht popnr

Z`ostfg wrop

W`flht`y ef`utn ogry`fg pofkt wfth wotnr oke mrush ft dvnr o pfngn db hnovy-wnflhtpopnr Obtnr ydu hovn opp`fne thn pofkt cfx thn popnr surbogn shdu`e mn vnrywnt sd thn pofkt dr fka wf`` mn ufe

= Fccnefotn`y gdvnr thn popnr wfth o pfngn db p`ostfg wrop grnotfkl bd`es okegrnosns O``dw thn pofkt dr fka td ery (Eryfkl tfcn wf`` enpnke dk o bnw bogtdrs`fan whnthnr pofkt dr fka fs usne thn ocdukt db wotnr usne fk ef`utfkl thn pofktdr fka oke thn typn db popnr usne)

7 hnk thn pofkt dr fka fs o`cdst gdcp`ntn`y ery rncdvn thn p`ostfg wrop

= 7

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983159983140 983139983151983147983158 983140983162983157983142983140983147983159

Uhn pdssfmf`ftfns bdr gustdcfzotfdk fk scddshfkl orn

nke`nss Bdr nxocp`n thn twd socp`ns dk thn `nbt orn

mogalrduke fkane wfth Efstrnss Fka oke thnk cfstne wfth

Znrbngt Znor`s Zflcnkt pdwenr cfxne wfth wotnr Uhn twd

dk thn rflht orn cfstne wfth L`fccnr Cfst o sproy fka thot

gdktofks cfgo pdwenr Bnn` brnn td nxpnrfcnkt1 whot knw

bovdrftn wf`` ydu efsgdvnr4

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NCMDWWNE ]NWFWU^sfkl stocps oke ncmdssfkl pdwenrs fs o trfne-oke-trun tnghkfqun fth o g`nor

ncmdssfkl pdwenr o ‐lhdstndash fcprnssfdk gok mn grnotne o``dwfkl whotnvnr fs dk thn

mosn td shfkn thrdulh Uhn tnxturn fs scddth oke sumt`n Uhfs rnsfst wdras nspngfo``y

wn`` wfth ]oklnr Efstrnss Fkas


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull efn gut (MosfgLrny) bull ncmdssfkl

pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Wossobros) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull popnr

pukgh (Corvy ^ghfeo) bull pottnrkne popnr (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull rfmmdk bull sproy

cfst (Coyo ]doe) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts Fkaoefkaoed) bull tol (MosfgLrny) bull twfkn

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nttnrprnss prfktfkl grnotns o grfsp fcoln wfth ennp fcprnssfdks Uhfs `dda gok mn

rn-grnotne kfgn`y wfth ncmdssfkl bd`enrs fka oke o efn-guttfkl coghfkn Uhnrn orn

coky ensflks ovof`om`n fk ncmdssfkl bd`enrs oke F b fke ft wdrthwhf`n td nxpnrfcnkt

wfth efbbnrnkt fkas Eyn fkas bdr nxocp`n lfvn cdrn nvnk oke troks`ugnkt gdvnroln thok

dthnr fkas Bdr mnst rnsu`ts usn o mroynr td opp`y thn fka td thn ncmdssfkl bd`enr


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull gore (Hnrd Orts) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull ghfpmdore (ftt`n

Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull efn-guttfkl coghfkn (Wfzzfx) bull ncmdssfkl p`otn (Wfzzfx) bull fka (Wtocpfk ^p) bull cnto` g`fp

(ltlypsfns) bull stfganrs (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n)

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Ncmdssfkl bd`enr


Eyn-mosne fka poe

Efn-guttfkl coghfkn

Gut o pfngn db gorestdga td t fk thnncmdssfkl bd`enr

= ]d`` o mroynr dvnr ok fka poe

7 Mroynr fka nvnk`y dvnr thn ncmdssfklbd`enr

E n t o f ` s E n t o f ` s

bull Vdu co y wok t td n xpnrfcnk t wf th ef b bnrnk t t ypns

d b s tocpfkl fkas td ke whfgh dkns oghfn vn thn

gd vnroln ydu ensfrn F vn bduke tho t bdr cn thn

e yn-mosne fkas brdc W tocpfk ^p wdra thn mns t





5 Gornbu``y sokewfgh thn gorestdga fksfen thnncmdssfkl bd`enr oke s`dw`y ruk thn bd`enrthrdulh o efn-guttfkl coghfkn

gt ]ncdvn thn fkane oke ncmdssne gorestdgabrdc thn bd`enr

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Lnssd fs usuo``y usne os o prfcnr1 fts mnnk fk cy supp`y gosn sfkgn cy ort sghdd` eoys

hf`n ft wdras lrnot dk gokvosns F o `sd dvn usfkl ft td grnotn tnxturn Fktnrnstfkl pottnrks

gok mn boshfdkne my voryfkl thn thfgaknss db thn lnssd oke stocpfkl fcolns fk ft Uhn

mnst rnsu`ts wf` ` mn oghfnvne my oeefkl oke rncdvfkl oynrs db gd`dr thus hflh`flhtfkl

thn fcprnssfdks


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull ghfpmdore (MosfgLrny Coyo ]doe1 Wossobros) bull lnssd

(EngdOrt) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pfks (Coyo ]doe) bull rhfknstdkns (Zrfco Corantfkl) bull stocps

(Hnrd Orts) bull stfganrs (Wossobros)

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Dkn db thn thfkls thot erows cn td o yuccy pfngn db gokey fs hdw fts pogaolne Fk thfs

gosn thn lddefns wnrn bdf`-wroppne ghdgd`otn hnorts Os F wos envdurfkl thn mol F stortne

td oggucu`otn o shfky pf`n db bdf` squorns Uhny wnrn tdd prntty td thrdw owoy sd F usne

thnc td gdvnr o ghfpmdore hnort Gdd` huh4


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mfkld gore (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull mdda gdvnr (ltlypsfns) bull ghfpmdore

hnort (Coyo ]doe) bull efn gut (AampGdcpoky) bull nyn`nt (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkt

(Hnrd Orts) bull ln` cnefuc (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull novns (ltlypsfns) bull any oke ghofk

(ltlypsfns) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull pofkt (EngdOrt) bull pflcnkt pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull twfkn

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Mnoes oke rubb `ns orn prntty dk thnfr dwk mut thny mngdcn nvnk `dvn`fnr pofrne tdlnthnr F

`dvn thn sdbtknss thot rfmmdks oee td popnr prdingts oke thn stftghne mnoes gdcp`ncnkt thn

lothnrne `dda hnk wdrafkl wfth thfs tnghkfqun p`ok td edum`n thn `nklth db thn rfmmdkydu rnqufrn bdr ydur bfkfshne pfngn fk drenr td oggdccdeotn thn lothnrs


oehnsfvns (Mnogdk Oehnsfvns Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mdrenr (Wossobros) bull mroes (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull

muttnry ncmn``fshcnkts (Cfghon`s) bull ncmrdfenry dss bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Coyo ]doe) bull l`oss mnoes bull

fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pottnrkne popnr (Wossobros) bull rfmmdk (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull stocps (Wtocpnrs Okdky-

cdus) bull stop`ns bull stfganrs (Mn``o MRE nmstnrs Zolns) bull tol (Uottnrne Okln`s)

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Engdrotfvn rfmmdk

L`oss mnoes



Gut o `nklth db rfmmdk gd``ngt ydur l`ossmnoes oke thrnoe o knne`n

= Coan o akdt fk thn thrnoe oke poss ft

thrdulh dkn nke db thn rfmmdk Coan o`ddsn bd`e fk thn rfmmdk knor thn nke okeposs thn thrnoene knne`n thrdulh ft

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983149983150983151983141983150983141 983165983142983149983149983140983147 983138983136983140983164983150983165

^sn o wfenr rfmmdk td grnotn o mnoene dwnr Bd``dw

thn fkstrugtfdks omdvn oke thnk gdf` thn rfmmdk fktd

o dwnr shopn L`un thn dwnr td o gorestdga mosn

usfkl Bomrf-Uog l`un whfgh fs spngfo``y bdrcu`otne

bdr usn wfth bomrfg


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull moum`n

(Cfghon`s) bull mnoes (M`un Cddk Mnoes) bull ghfpmdore tol

(Coyo ]doe) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull ogn (Coyo

]doe) bull pottnrkne popnr (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull rfmmdk

(Cfghon`s) bull stocp (Hnrd Orts)




7 Uhrnoe dkn dr twd mnoes dktd thn knne`n

5 Zu`` thn thrnoe thrdulh thn rfmmdk td grnotno p`not

gt Gdktfkun td stftgh p`nots oke mnoes fktd thnrfmmdk uktf` thn rfmmdk fs db ensfrne `nklth

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Rfgaf Mdutfk gdcns brdc o mogalrduke fk lrophfg ensflk

oke kn orts oke hos o`woys mnnk possfdkotn omdut grnotfkl

prntty thfkls Hnr `dvn db gd`dr tnxturn bukay pottnrks oke

phdtdlrophy `ne hnr td sgropmddafkl oke popnr grobtfkl

Whn hos kdt `ddane moga sfkgn

Fk =2 Rfgaf mngocn o Grnotfkl Annpsoans Ho`` db

Bocn wfkknr oke wnkt dk td mn port db Mnttnr Hdcns oke

Lorenks Wgropmddas Ntgs grnotfvn tnoc Hnr wdra fs

gurrnkt`y pum`fshne fk Wgropmddas Ntg oke Rfgaf wrftns o

quortnr`y ortfg`n bdr Wgropmddas amp Gores Udeoy colozfknWhn nkidys wdrafkl g`dsn`y wfth o kucmnr db thn fkeustrys

tdp cokubogturnrs fkg`uefkl Wossobros ltlypsfns Mosfg-

Lrny ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n oke Zfka Zofs`nn Rfgaf fs o`sd o

]oklnr gnrtfne fkstrugtdr

Rfgaf fs o`woys dk o cfssfdk td `nork sdcnthfkl knw oke

thnk ke o woy td shorn ft Uhot fs whnrn tnoghfkl gdcns

fk Whn hos toulht wdrashdps fk thn ^kftne Wtotns Gokoeo

oke Nurdpn oke `dvns td opprdogh ort fk o buk brnsh oke

oggnssfm`n woy Hnr cdttd fs ‐Vdu edkt akdw fb fts ydur

sty`n uktf` ydu try ft sd ld bdr ft Fts dk`y o pfngn db popnrndash

Hnr wdrashdps dbbnr ok dppdrtukfty td cnnt knw brfnkes try

knw thfkls oke cdst db o`` hovn buk

Uwd grozy afes oke o stroflht-`ogne husmoke annp thfkls

fktnrnstfkl fk Rfgafs hdcn fk sduthnrk Dktorfd Gokoeo

Bd``dw Rfgaf dk hnr m`dl http9vfgafmdutfktypnpoegdc

Omdut thn Outhdr

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Fktnrkotfdko``y rngdlkfzne ortfst oke tnoghnr Rfgaf Mdutfk toans thn o``

cystnry dut db thdsn sgropmdda oke cfxne-cnefo tnghkfquns ydu thdulht

ydu gdu`e knvnr ed Whn`` mn wfth ydu nvnry stnp db thn woy os ydu `nork

td pofkt stocp ncmdss oke murkfsh ydur woy td grnotfkl mnoutfbu` ukfqun

oke fkefvfeuo` ort

Fkspfrotfdk owofts ot


dda bull Cnnt bull Coan

Rfgaf Mdutfk opprdoghns ort fk o bukbrnsh oke oggnssfm`n woy Hnr ldo` fs td

mrfkl dut thn fkknr ortfst fk nvnrydkn

Uhfka ydu gdu`e knvnr ed thot4 n``

Rfgaf soys ‐Vns VD^ gok ed ftndash Fk

oeeftfdk td tnoghfkl sgropmddafkl oke

popnrgrobtfkl wdrashdps thrdulhdut

Gokoeo thn ^kftne Wtotns oke Nurdpn

Rfgafs wdra gok brnqunkt`y mn snnk fk

Mnttnr Hdcns oke Lorenks Wgropmddas

Ntg oke Wgropmddas oke Gores Udeoy

colozfkns Whn `fvns fk sduthnrk

Dktorfd Gokoeo wfth hnr husmoke oketwd ghf`ernk

Fk Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks ydu`` 1047311ke9

5 stnp-my-stnp encdkstrotfdks bdr nosy buk cnssy bukay fkkdvotfvn

oke gustdcfzom`n tnghkfquns bdr grnotfkl mogalrdukes tnxturns

supp`ncnkts oke ncmn``fshcnkts

5 1047311kfshne sfkl`n-tnghkfqun pfngns db ort oke ok oeeftfdko` 2

lo``nry pfngns grnotne my Rfgaf usfkl o ‐rngfpnndash db twd td 1047311vn

snporotn tnghkfquns `oynrne tdlnthnr

=5 cdrn nxgftfkl oke fkspfrfkl lo``nry pfngns grnotne my

pdwnrhdusn gdktrfmutdrs fkg`uefkl ]hdkko Borrnr nkey Rngghf

An``y Zurany oke dthnrs

Wd lothnr ydur orts oke grobts supp`fns ghddsn ydur fkspfrotfdk oke

lnt edwk td ft hnthnr ydurn coafkl sgropmdda polns gores wo``

ort eaeliggdr dr sdcnthfkl n`sn nktfrn`y wfth thnsn Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks

thn pdssfmf`ftfns orn nke`nss


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NCMDWWNE ]NWFWU^sfkl stocps oke ncmdssfkl pdwenrs fs o trfne-oke-trun tnghkfqun fth o g`nor

ncmdssfkl pdwenr o ‐lhdstndash fcprnssfdk gok mn grnotne o``dwfkl whotnvnr fs dk thn

mosn td shfkn thrdulh Uhn tnxturn fs scddth oke sumt`n Uhfs rnsfst wdras nspngfo``y

wn`` wfth ]oklnr Efstrnss Fkas


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull efn gut (MosfgLrny) bull ncmdssfkl

pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Wossobros) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull popnr

pukgh (Corvy ^ghfeo) bull pottnrkne popnr (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull rhfknstdkns (_unnk amp Gd) bull rfmmdk bull sproy

cfst (Coyo ]doe) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts Fkaoefkaoed) bull tol (MosfgLrny) bull twfkn

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nttnrprnss prfktfkl grnotns o grfsp fcoln wfth ennp fcprnssfdks Uhfs `dda gok mn

rn-grnotne kfgn`y wfth ncmdssfkl bd`enrs fka oke o efn-guttfkl coghfkn Uhnrn orn

coky ensflks ovof`om`n fk ncmdssfkl bd`enrs oke F b fke ft wdrthwhf`n td nxpnrfcnkt

wfth efbbnrnkt fkas Eyn fkas bdr nxocp`n lfvn cdrn nvnk oke troks`ugnkt gdvnroln thok

dthnr fkas Bdr mnst rnsu`ts usn o mroynr td opp`y thn fka td thn ncmdssfkl bd`enr


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull gore (Hnrd Orts) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull ghfpmdore (ftt`n

Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull efn-guttfkl coghfkn (Wfzzfx) bull ncmdssfkl p`otn (Wfzzfx) bull fka (Wtocpfk ^p) bull cnto` g`fp

(ltlypsfns) bull stfganrs (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n)

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Ncmdssfkl bd`enr


Eyn-mosne fka poe

Efn-guttfkl coghfkn

Gut o pfngn db gorestdga td t fk thnncmdssfkl bd`enr

= ]d`` o mroynr dvnr ok fka poe

7 Mroynr fka nvnk`y dvnr thn ncmdssfklbd`enr

E n t o f ` s E n t o f ` s

bull Vdu co y wok t td n xpnrfcnk t wf th ef b bnrnk t t ypns

d b s tocpfkl fkas td ke whfgh dkns oghfn vn thn

gd vnroln ydu ensfrn F vn bduke tho t bdr cn thn

e yn-mosne fkas brdc W tocpfk ^p wdra thn mns t





5 Gornbu``y sokewfgh thn gorestdga fksfen thnncmdssfkl bd`enr oke s`dw`y ruk thn bd`enrthrdulh o efn-guttfkl coghfkn

gt ]ncdvn thn fkane oke ncmdssne gorestdgabrdc thn bd`enr

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Lnssd fs usuo``y usne os o prfcnr1 fts mnnk fk cy supp`y gosn sfkgn cy ort sghdd` eoys

hf`n ft wdras lrnot dk gokvosns F o `sd dvn usfkl ft td grnotn tnxturn Fktnrnstfkl pottnrks

gok mn boshfdkne my voryfkl thn thfgaknss db thn lnssd oke stocpfkl fcolns fk ft Uhn

mnst rnsu`ts wf` ` mn oghfnvne my oeefkl oke rncdvfkl oynrs db gd`dr thus hflh`flhtfkl

thn fcprnssfdks


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull ghfpmdore (MosfgLrny Coyo ]doe1 Wossobros) bull lnssd

(EngdOrt) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pfks (Coyo ]doe) bull rhfknstdkns (Zrfco Corantfkl) bull stocps

(Hnrd Orts) bull stfganrs (Wossobros)

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Dkn db thn thfkls thot erows cn td o yuccy pfngn db gokey fs hdw fts pogaolne Fk thfs

gosn thn lddefns wnrn bdf`-wroppne ghdgd`otn hnorts Os F wos envdurfkl thn mol F stortne

td oggucu`otn o shfky pf`n db bdf` squorns Uhny wnrn tdd prntty td thrdw owoy sd F usne

thnc td gdvnr o ghfpmdore hnort Gdd` huh4


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mfkld gore (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull mdda gdvnr (ltlypsfns) bull ghfpmdore

hnort (Coyo ]doe) bull efn gut (AampGdcpoky) bull nyn`nt (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkt

(Hnrd Orts) bull ln` cnefuc (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull novns (ltlypsfns) bull any oke ghofk

(ltlypsfns) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull pofkt (EngdOrt) bull pflcnkt pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull twfkn

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Mnoes oke rubb `ns orn prntty dk thnfr dwk mut thny mngdcn nvnk `dvn`fnr pofrne tdlnthnr F

`dvn thn sdbtknss thot rfmmdks oee td popnr prdingts oke thn stftghne mnoes gdcp`ncnkt thn

lothnrne `dda hnk wdrafkl wfth thfs tnghkfqun p`ok td edum`n thn `nklth db thn rfmmdkydu rnqufrn bdr ydur bfkfshne pfngn fk drenr td oggdccdeotn thn lothnrs


oehnsfvns (Mnogdk Oehnsfvns Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mdrenr (Wossobros) bull mroes (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull

muttnry ncmn``fshcnkts (Cfghon`s) bull ncmrdfenry dss bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Coyo ]doe) bull l`oss mnoes bull

fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pottnrkne popnr (Wossobros) bull rfmmdk (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull stocps (Wtocpnrs Okdky-

cdus) bull stop`ns bull stfganrs (Mn``o MRE nmstnrs Zolns) bull tol (Uottnrne Okln`s)

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Engdrotfvn rfmmdk

L`oss mnoes



Gut o `nklth db rfmmdk gd``ngt ydur l`ossmnoes oke thrnoe o knne`n

= Coan o akdt fk thn thrnoe oke poss ft

thrdulh dkn nke db thn rfmmdk Coan o`ddsn bd`e fk thn rfmmdk knor thn nke okeposs thn thrnoene knne`n thrdulh ft

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983149983150983151983141983150983141 983165983142983149983149983140983147 983138983136983140983164983150983165

^sn o wfenr rfmmdk td grnotn o mnoene dwnr Bd``dw

thn fkstrugtfdks omdvn oke thnk gdf` thn rfmmdk fktd

o dwnr shopn L`un thn dwnr td o gorestdga mosn

usfkl Bomrf-Uog l`un whfgh fs spngfo``y bdrcu`otne

bdr usn wfth bomrfg


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull moum`n

(Cfghon`s) bull mnoes (M`un Cddk Mnoes) bull ghfpmdore tol

(Coyo ]doe) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull ogn (Coyo

]doe) bull pottnrkne popnr (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull rfmmdk

(Cfghon`s) bull stocp (Hnrd Orts)




7 Uhrnoe dkn dr twd mnoes dktd thn knne`n

5 Zu`` thn thrnoe thrdulh thn rfmmdk td grnotno p`not

gt Gdktfkun td stftgh p`nots oke mnoes fktd thnrfmmdk uktf` thn rfmmdk fs db ensfrne `nklth

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Rfgaf Mdutfk gdcns brdc o mogalrduke fk lrophfg ensflk

oke kn orts oke hos o`woys mnnk possfdkotn omdut grnotfkl

prntty thfkls Hnr `dvn db gd`dr tnxturn bukay pottnrks oke

phdtdlrophy `ne hnr td sgropmddafkl oke popnr grobtfkl

Whn hos kdt `ddane moga sfkgn

Fk =2 Rfgaf mngocn o Grnotfkl Annpsoans Ho`` db

Bocn wfkknr oke wnkt dk td mn port db Mnttnr Hdcns oke

Lorenks Wgropmddas Ntgs grnotfvn tnoc Hnr wdra fs

gurrnkt`y pum`fshne fk Wgropmddas Ntg oke Rfgaf wrftns o

quortnr`y ortfg`n bdr Wgropmddas amp Gores Udeoy colozfknWhn nkidys wdrafkl g`dsn`y wfth o kucmnr db thn fkeustrys

tdp cokubogturnrs fkg`uefkl Wossobros ltlypsfns Mosfg-

Lrny ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n oke Zfka Zofs`nn Rfgaf fs o`sd o

]oklnr gnrtfne fkstrugtdr

Rfgaf fs o`woys dk o cfssfdk td `nork sdcnthfkl knw oke

thnk ke o woy td shorn ft Uhot fs whnrn tnoghfkl gdcns

fk Whn hos toulht wdrashdps fk thn ^kftne Wtotns Gokoeo

oke Nurdpn oke `dvns td opprdogh ort fk o buk brnsh oke

oggnssfm`n woy Hnr cdttd fs ‐Vdu edkt akdw fb fts ydur

sty`n uktf` ydu try ft sd ld bdr ft Fts dk`y o pfngn db popnrndash

Hnr wdrashdps dbbnr ok dppdrtukfty td cnnt knw brfnkes try

knw thfkls oke cdst db o`` hovn buk

Uwd grozy afes oke o stroflht-`ogne husmoke annp thfkls

fktnrnstfkl fk Rfgafs hdcn fk sduthnrk Dktorfd Gokoeo

Bd``dw Rfgaf dk hnr m`dl http9vfgafmdutfktypnpoegdc

Omdut thn Outhdr

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Fktnrkotfdko``y rngdlkfzne ortfst oke tnoghnr Rfgaf Mdutfk toans thn o``

cystnry dut db thdsn sgropmdda oke cfxne-cnefo tnghkfquns ydu thdulht

ydu gdu`e knvnr ed Whn`` mn wfth ydu nvnry stnp db thn woy os ydu `nork

td pofkt stocp ncmdss oke murkfsh ydur woy td grnotfkl mnoutfbu` ukfqun

oke fkefvfeuo` ort

Fkspfrotfdk owofts ot


dda bull Cnnt bull Coan

Rfgaf Mdutfk opprdoghns ort fk o bukbrnsh oke oggnssfm`n woy Hnr ldo` fs td

mrfkl dut thn fkknr ortfst fk nvnrydkn

Uhfka ydu gdu`e knvnr ed thot4 n``

Rfgaf soys ‐Vns VD^ gok ed ftndash Fk

oeeftfdk td tnoghfkl sgropmddafkl oke

popnrgrobtfkl wdrashdps thrdulhdut

Gokoeo thn ^kftne Wtotns oke Nurdpn

Rfgafs wdra gok brnqunkt`y mn snnk fk

Mnttnr Hdcns oke Lorenks Wgropmddas

Ntg oke Wgropmddas oke Gores Udeoy

colozfkns Whn `fvns fk sduthnrk

Dktorfd Gokoeo wfth hnr husmoke oketwd ghf`ernk

Fk Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks ydu`` 1047311ke9

5 stnp-my-stnp encdkstrotfdks bdr nosy buk cnssy bukay fkkdvotfvn

oke gustdcfzom`n tnghkfquns bdr grnotfkl mogalrdukes tnxturns

supp`ncnkts oke ncmn``fshcnkts

5 1047311kfshne sfkl`n-tnghkfqun pfngns db ort oke ok oeeftfdko` 2

lo``nry pfngns grnotne my Rfgaf usfkl o ‐rngfpnndash db twd td 1047311vn

snporotn tnghkfquns `oynrne tdlnthnr

=5 cdrn nxgftfkl oke fkspfrfkl lo``nry pfngns grnotne my

pdwnrhdusn gdktrfmutdrs fkg`uefkl ]hdkko Borrnr nkey Rngghf

An``y Zurany oke dthnrs

Wd lothnr ydur orts oke grobts supp`fns ghddsn ydur fkspfrotfdk oke

lnt edwk td ft hnthnr ydurn coafkl sgropmdda polns gores wo``

ort eaeliggdr dr sdcnthfkl n`sn nktfrn`y wfth thnsn Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks

thn pdssfmf`ftfns orn nke`nss


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nttnrprnss prfktfkl grnotns o grfsp fcoln wfth ennp fcprnssfdks Uhfs `dda gok mn

rn-grnotne kfgn`y wfth ncmdssfkl bd`enrs fka oke o efn-guttfkl coghfkn Uhnrn orn

coky ensflks ovof`om`n fk ncmdssfkl bd`enrs oke F b fke ft wdrthwhf`n td nxpnrfcnkt

wfth efbbnrnkt fkas Eyn fkas bdr nxocp`n lfvn cdrn nvnk oke troks`ugnkt gdvnroln thok

dthnr fkas Bdr mnst rnsu`ts usn o mroynr td opp`y thn fka td thn ncmdssfkl bd`enr


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull gore (Hnrd Orts) bull gorestdga (Gdrnefkotfdks) bull ghfpmdore (ftt`n

Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull efn-guttfkl coghfkn (Wfzzfx) bull ncmdssfkl p`otn (Wfzzfx) bull fka (Wtocpfk ^p) bull cnto` g`fp

(ltlypsfns) bull stfganrs (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n)

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Ncmdssfkl bd`enr


Eyn-mosne fka poe

Efn-guttfkl coghfkn

Gut o pfngn db gorestdga td t fk thnncmdssfkl bd`enr

= ]d`` o mroynr dvnr ok fka poe

7 Mroynr fka nvnk`y dvnr thn ncmdssfklbd`enr

E n t o f ` s E n t o f ` s

bull Vdu co y wok t td n xpnrfcnk t wf th ef b bnrnk t t ypns

d b s tocpfkl fkas td ke whfgh dkns oghfn vn thn

gd vnroln ydu ensfrn F vn bduke tho t bdr cn thn

e yn-mosne fkas brdc W tocpfk ^p wdra thn mns t





5 Gornbu``y sokewfgh thn gorestdga fksfen thnncmdssfkl bd`enr oke s`dw`y ruk thn bd`enrthrdulh o efn-guttfkl coghfkn

gt ]ncdvn thn fkane oke ncmdssne gorestdgabrdc thn bd`enr

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Lnssd fs usuo``y usne os o prfcnr1 fts mnnk fk cy supp`y gosn sfkgn cy ort sghdd` eoys

hf`n ft wdras lrnot dk gokvosns F o `sd dvn usfkl ft td grnotn tnxturn Fktnrnstfkl pottnrks

gok mn boshfdkne my voryfkl thn thfgaknss db thn lnssd oke stocpfkl fcolns fk ft Uhn

mnst rnsu`ts wf` ` mn oghfnvne my oeefkl oke rncdvfkl oynrs db gd`dr thus hflh`flhtfkl

thn fcprnssfdks


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull ghfpmdore (MosfgLrny Coyo ]doe1 Wossobros) bull lnssd

(EngdOrt) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pfks (Coyo ]doe) bull rhfknstdkns (Zrfco Corantfkl) bull stocps

(Hnrd Orts) bull stfganrs (Wossobros)

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Dkn db thn thfkls thot erows cn td o yuccy pfngn db gokey fs hdw fts pogaolne Fk thfs

gosn thn lddefns wnrn bdf`-wroppne ghdgd`otn hnorts Os F wos envdurfkl thn mol F stortne

td oggucu`otn o shfky pf`n db bdf` squorns Uhny wnrn tdd prntty td thrdw owoy sd F usne

thnc td gdvnr o ghfpmdore hnort Gdd` huh4


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mfkld gore (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull mdda gdvnr (ltlypsfns) bull ghfpmdore

hnort (Coyo ]doe) bull efn gut (AampGdcpoky) bull nyn`nt (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkt

(Hnrd Orts) bull ln` cnefuc (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull novns (ltlypsfns) bull any oke ghofk

(ltlypsfns) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull pofkt (EngdOrt) bull pflcnkt pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull twfkn

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Mnoes oke rubb `ns orn prntty dk thnfr dwk mut thny mngdcn nvnk `dvn`fnr pofrne tdlnthnr F

`dvn thn sdbtknss thot rfmmdks oee td popnr prdingts oke thn stftghne mnoes gdcp`ncnkt thn

lothnrne `dda hnk wdrafkl wfth thfs tnghkfqun p`ok td edum`n thn `nklth db thn rfmmdkydu rnqufrn bdr ydur bfkfshne pfngn fk drenr td oggdccdeotn thn lothnrs


oehnsfvns (Mnogdk Oehnsfvns Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mdrenr (Wossobros) bull mroes (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull

muttnry ncmn``fshcnkts (Cfghon`s) bull ncmrdfenry dss bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Coyo ]doe) bull l`oss mnoes bull

fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pottnrkne popnr (Wossobros) bull rfmmdk (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull stocps (Wtocpnrs Okdky-

cdus) bull stop`ns bull stfganrs (Mn``o MRE nmstnrs Zolns) bull tol (Uottnrne Okln`s)

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Engdrotfvn rfmmdk

L`oss mnoes



Gut o `nklth db rfmmdk gd``ngt ydur l`ossmnoes oke thrnoe o knne`n

= Coan o akdt fk thn thrnoe oke poss ft

thrdulh dkn nke db thn rfmmdk Coan o`ddsn bd`e fk thn rfmmdk knor thn nke okeposs thn thrnoene knne`n thrdulh ft

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983149983150983151983141983150983141 983165983142983149983149983140983147 983138983136983140983164983150983165

^sn o wfenr rfmmdk td grnotn o mnoene dwnr Bd``dw

thn fkstrugtfdks omdvn oke thnk gdf` thn rfmmdk fktd

o dwnr shopn L`un thn dwnr td o gorestdga mosn

usfkl Bomrf-Uog l`un whfgh fs spngfo``y bdrcu`otne

bdr usn wfth bomrfg


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull moum`n

(Cfghon`s) bull mnoes (M`un Cddk Mnoes) bull ghfpmdore tol

(Coyo ]doe) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull ogn (Coyo

]doe) bull pottnrkne popnr (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull rfmmdk

(Cfghon`s) bull stocp (Hnrd Orts)




7 Uhrnoe dkn dr twd mnoes dktd thn knne`n

5 Zu`` thn thrnoe thrdulh thn rfmmdk td grnotno p`not

gt Gdktfkun td stftgh p`nots oke mnoes fktd thnrfmmdk uktf` thn rfmmdk fs db ensfrne `nklth

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Rfgaf Mdutfk gdcns brdc o mogalrduke fk lrophfg ensflk

oke kn orts oke hos o`woys mnnk possfdkotn omdut grnotfkl

prntty thfkls Hnr `dvn db gd`dr tnxturn bukay pottnrks oke

phdtdlrophy `ne hnr td sgropmddafkl oke popnr grobtfkl

Whn hos kdt `ddane moga sfkgn

Fk =2 Rfgaf mngocn o Grnotfkl Annpsoans Ho`` db

Bocn wfkknr oke wnkt dk td mn port db Mnttnr Hdcns oke

Lorenks Wgropmddas Ntgs grnotfvn tnoc Hnr wdra fs

gurrnkt`y pum`fshne fk Wgropmddas Ntg oke Rfgaf wrftns o

quortnr`y ortfg`n bdr Wgropmddas amp Gores Udeoy colozfknWhn nkidys wdrafkl g`dsn`y wfth o kucmnr db thn fkeustrys

tdp cokubogturnrs fkg`uefkl Wossobros ltlypsfns Mosfg-

Lrny ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n oke Zfka Zofs`nn Rfgaf fs o`sd o

]oklnr gnrtfne fkstrugtdr

Rfgaf fs o`woys dk o cfssfdk td `nork sdcnthfkl knw oke

thnk ke o woy td shorn ft Uhot fs whnrn tnoghfkl gdcns

fk Whn hos toulht wdrashdps fk thn ^kftne Wtotns Gokoeo

oke Nurdpn oke `dvns td opprdogh ort fk o buk brnsh oke

oggnssfm`n woy Hnr cdttd fs ‐Vdu edkt akdw fb fts ydur

sty`n uktf` ydu try ft sd ld bdr ft Fts dk`y o pfngn db popnrndash

Hnr wdrashdps dbbnr ok dppdrtukfty td cnnt knw brfnkes try

knw thfkls oke cdst db o`` hovn buk

Uwd grozy afes oke o stroflht-`ogne husmoke annp thfkls

fktnrnstfkl fk Rfgafs hdcn fk sduthnrk Dktorfd Gokoeo

Bd``dw Rfgaf dk hnr m`dl http9vfgafmdutfktypnpoegdc

Omdut thn Outhdr

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Fktnrkotfdko``y rngdlkfzne ortfst oke tnoghnr Rfgaf Mdutfk toans thn o``

cystnry dut db thdsn sgropmdda oke cfxne-cnefo tnghkfquns ydu thdulht

ydu gdu`e knvnr ed Whn`` mn wfth ydu nvnry stnp db thn woy os ydu `nork

td pofkt stocp ncmdss oke murkfsh ydur woy td grnotfkl mnoutfbu` ukfqun

oke fkefvfeuo` ort

Fkspfrotfdk owofts ot


dda bull Cnnt bull Coan

Rfgaf Mdutfk opprdoghns ort fk o bukbrnsh oke oggnssfm`n woy Hnr ldo` fs td

mrfkl dut thn fkknr ortfst fk nvnrydkn

Uhfka ydu gdu`e knvnr ed thot4 n``

Rfgaf soys ‐Vns VD^ gok ed ftndash Fk

oeeftfdk td tnoghfkl sgropmddafkl oke

popnrgrobtfkl wdrashdps thrdulhdut

Gokoeo thn ^kftne Wtotns oke Nurdpn

Rfgafs wdra gok brnqunkt`y mn snnk fk

Mnttnr Hdcns oke Lorenks Wgropmddas

Ntg oke Wgropmddas oke Gores Udeoy

colozfkns Whn `fvns fk sduthnrk

Dktorfd Gokoeo wfth hnr husmoke oketwd ghf`ernk

Fk Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks ydu`` 1047311ke9

5 stnp-my-stnp encdkstrotfdks bdr nosy buk cnssy bukay fkkdvotfvn

oke gustdcfzom`n tnghkfquns bdr grnotfkl mogalrdukes tnxturns

supp`ncnkts oke ncmn``fshcnkts

5 1047311kfshne sfkl`n-tnghkfqun pfngns db ort oke ok oeeftfdko` 2

lo``nry pfngns grnotne my Rfgaf usfkl o ‐rngfpnndash db twd td 1047311vn

snporotn tnghkfquns `oynrne tdlnthnr

=5 cdrn nxgftfkl oke fkspfrfkl lo``nry pfngns grnotne my

pdwnrhdusn gdktrfmutdrs fkg`uefkl ]hdkko Borrnr nkey Rngghf

An``y Zurany oke dthnrs

Wd lothnr ydur orts oke grobts supp`fns ghddsn ydur fkspfrotfdk oke

lnt edwk td ft hnthnr ydurn coafkl sgropmdda polns gores wo``

ort eaeliggdr dr sdcnthfkl n`sn nktfrn`y wfth thnsn Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks

thn pdssfmf`ftfns orn nke`nss


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Ncmdssfkl bd`enr


Eyn-mosne fka poe

Efn-guttfkl coghfkn

Gut o pfngn db gorestdga td t fk thnncmdssfkl bd`enr

= ]d`` o mroynr dvnr ok fka poe

7 Mroynr fka nvnk`y dvnr thn ncmdssfklbd`enr

E n t o f ` s E n t o f ` s

bull Vdu co y wok t td n xpnrfcnk t wf th ef b bnrnk t t ypns

d b s tocpfkl fkas td ke whfgh dkns oghfn vn thn

gd vnroln ydu ensfrn F vn bduke tho t bdr cn thn

e yn-mosne fkas brdc W tocpfk ^p wdra thn mns t





5 Gornbu``y sokewfgh thn gorestdga fksfen thnncmdssfkl bd`enr oke s`dw`y ruk thn bd`enrthrdulh o efn-guttfkl coghfkn

gt ]ncdvn thn fkane oke ncmdssne gorestdgabrdc thn bd`enr

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Lnssd fs usuo``y usne os o prfcnr1 fts mnnk fk cy supp`y gosn sfkgn cy ort sghdd` eoys

hf`n ft wdras lrnot dk gokvosns F o `sd dvn usfkl ft td grnotn tnxturn Fktnrnstfkl pottnrks

gok mn boshfdkne my voryfkl thn thfgaknss db thn lnssd oke stocpfkl fcolns fk ft Uhn

mnst rnsu`ts wf` ` mn oghfnvne my oeefkl oke rncdvfkl oynrs db gd`dr thus hflh`flhtfkl

thn fcprnssfdks


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull ghfpmdore (MosfgLrny Coyo ]doe1 Wossobros) bull lnssd

(EngdOrt) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pfks (Coyo ]doe) bull rhfknstdkns (Zrfco Corantfkl) bull stocps

(Hnrd Orts) bull stfganrs (Wossobros)

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Dkn db thn thfkls thot erows cn td o yuccy pfngn db gokey fs hdw fts pogaolne Fk thfs

gosn thn lddefns wnrn bdf`-wroppne ghdgd`otn hnorts Os F wos envdurfkl thn mol F stortne

td oggucu`otn o shfky pf`n db bdf` squorns Uhny wnrn tdd prntty td thrdw owoy sd F usne

thnc td gdvnr o ghfpmdore hnort Gdd` huh4


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mfkld gore (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull mdda gdvnr (ltlypsfns) bull ghfpmdore

hnort (Coyo ]doe) bull efn gut (AampGdcpoky) bull nyn`nt (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkt

(Hnrd Orts) bull ln` cnefuc (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull novns (ltlypsfns) bull any oke ghofk

(ltlypsfns) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull pofkt (EngdOrt) bull pflcnkt pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull twfkn

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Mnoes oke rubb `ns orn prntty dk thnfr dwk mut thny mngdcn nvnk `dvn`fnr pofrne tdlnthnr F

`dvn thn sdbtknss thot rfmmdks oee td popnr prdingts oke thn stftghne mnoes gdcp`ncnkt thn

lothnrne `dda hnk wdrafkl wfth thfs tnghkfqun p`ok td edum`n thn `nklth db thn rfmmdkydu rnqufrn bdr ydur bfkfshne pfngn fk drenr td oggdccdeotn thn lothnrs


oehnsfvns (Mnogdk Oehnsfvns Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mdrenr (Wossobros) bull mroes (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull

muttnry ncmn``fshcnkts (Cfghon`s) bull ncmrdfenry dss bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Coyo ]doe) bull l`oss mnoes bull

fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pottnrkne popnr (Wossobros) bull rfmmdk (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull stocps (Wtocpnrs Okdky-

cdus) bull stop`ns bull stfganrs (Mn``o MRE nmstnrs Zolns) bull tol (Uottnrne Okln`s)

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Engdrotfvn rfmmdk

L`oss mnoes



Gut o `nklth db rfmmdk gd``ngt ydur l`ossmnoes oke thrnoe o knne`n

= Coan o akdt fk thn thrnoe oke poss ft

thrdulh dkn nke db thn rfmmdk Coan o`ddsn bd`e fk thn rfmmdk knor thn nke okeposs thn thrnoene knne`n thrdulh ft

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983149983150983151983141983150983141 983165983142983149983149983140983147 983138983136983140983164983150983165

^sn o wfenr rfmmdk td grnotn o mnoene dwnr Bd``dw

thn fkstrugtfdks omdvn oke thnk gdf` thn rfmmdk fktd

o dwnr shopn L`un thn dwnr td o gorestdga mosn

usfkl Bomrf-Uog l`un whfgh fs spngfo``y bdrcu`otne

bdr usn wfth bomrfg


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull moum`n

(Cfghon`s) bull mnoes (M`un Cddk Mnoes) bull ghfpmdore tol

(Coyo ]doe) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull ogn (Coyo

]doe) bull pottnrkne popnr (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull rfmmdk

(Cfghon`s) bull stocp (Hnrd Orts)




7 Uhrnoe dkn dr twd mnoes dktd thn knne`n

5 Zu`` thn thrnoe thrdulh thn rfmmdk td grnotno p`not

gt Gdktfkun td stftgh p`nots oke mnoes fktd thnrfmmdk uktf` thn rfmmdk fs db ensfrne `nklth

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Rfgaf Mdutfk gdcns brdc o mogalrduke fk lrophfg ensflk

oke kn orts oke hos o`woys mnnk possfdkotn omdut grnotfkl

prntty thfkls Hnr `dvn db gd`dr tnxturn bukay pottnrks oke

phdtdlrophy `ne hnr td sgropmddafkl oke popnr grobtfkl

Whn hos kdt `ddane moga sfkgn

Fk =2 Rfgaf mngocn o Grnotfkl Annpsoans Ho`` db

Bocn wfkknr oke wnkt dk td mn port db Mnttnr Hdcns oke

Lorenks Wgropmddas Ntgs grnotfvn tnoc Hnr wdra fs

gurrnkt`y pum`fshne fk Wgropmddas Ntg oke Rfgaf wrftns o

quortnr`y ortfg`n bdr Wgropmddas amp Gores Udeoy colozfknWhn nkidys wdrafkl g`dsn`y wfth o kucmnr db thn fkeustrys

tdp cokubogturnrs fkg`uefkl Wossobros ltlypsfns Mosfg-

Lrny ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n oke Zfka Zofs`nn Rfgaf fs o`sd o

]oklnr gnrtfne fkstrugtdr

Rfgaf fs o`woys dk o cfssfdk td `nork sdcnthfkl knw oke

thnk ke o woy td shorn ft Uhot fs whnrn tnoghfkl gdcns

fk Whn hos toulht wdrashdps fk thn ^kftne Wtotns Gokoeo

oke Nurdpn oke `dvns td opprdogh ort fk o buk brnsh oke

oggnssfm`n woy Hnr cdttd fs ‐Vdu edkt akdw fb fts ydur

sty`n uktf` ydu try ft sd ld bdr ft Fts dk`y o pfngn db popnrndash

Hnr wdrashdps dbbnr ok dppdrtukfty td cnnt knw brfnkes try

knw thfkls oke cdst db o`` hovn buk

Uwd grozy afes oke o stroflht-`ogne husmoke annp thfkls

fktnrnstfkl fk Rfgafs hdcn fk sduthnrk Dktorfd Gokoeo

Bd``dw Rfgaf dk hnr m`dl http9vfgafmdutfktypnpoegdc

Omdut thn Outhdr

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Fktnrkotfdko``y rngdlkfzne ortfst oke tnoghnr Rfgaf Mdutfk toans thn o``

cystnry dut db thdsn sgropmdda oke cfxne-cnefo tnghkfquns ydu thdulht

ydu gdu`e knvnr ed Whn`` mn wfth ydu nvnry stnp db thn woy os ydu `nork

td pofkt stocp ncmdss oke murkfsh ydur woy td grnotfkl mnoutfbu` ukfqun

oke fkefvfeuo` ort

Fkspfrotfdk owofts ot


dda bull Cnnt bull Coan

Rfgaf Mdutfk opprdoghns ort fk o bukbrnsh oke oggnssfm`n woy Hnr ldo` fs td

mrfkl dut thn fkknr ortfst fk nvnrydkn

Uhfka ydu gdu`e knvnr ed thot4 n``

Rfgaf soys ‐Vns VD^ gok ed ftndash Fk

oeeftfdk td tnoghfkl sgropmddafkl oke

popnrgrobtfkl wdrashdps thrdulhdut

Gokoeo thn ^kftne Wtotns oke Nurdpn

Rfgafs wdra gok brnqunkt`y mn snnk fk

Mnttnr Hdcns oke Lorenks Wgropmddas

Ntg oke Wgropmddas oke Gores Udeoy

colozfkns Whn `fvns fk sduthnrk

Dktorfd Gokoeo wfth hnr husmoke oketwd ghf`ernk

Fk Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks ydu`` 1047311ke9

5 stnp-my-stnp encdkstrotfdks bdr nosy buk cnssy bukay fkkdvotfvn

oke gustdcfzom`n tnghkfquns bdr grnotfkl mogalrdukes tnxturns

supp`ncnkts oke ncmn``fshcnkts

5 1047311kfshne sfkl`n-tnghkfqun pfngns db ort oke ok oeeftfdko` 2

lo``nry pfngns grnotne my Rfgaf usfkl o ‐rngfpnndash db twd td 1047311vn

snporotn tnghkfquns `oynrne tdlnthnr

=5 cdrn nxgftfkl oke fkspfrfkl lo``nry pfngns grnotne my

pdwnrhdusn gdktrfmutdrs fkg`uefkl ]hdkko Borrnr nkey Rngghf

An``y Zurany oke dthnrs

Wd lothnr ydur orts oke grobts supp`fns ghddsn ydur fkspfrotfdk oke

lnt edwk td ft hnthnr ydurn coafkl sgropmdda polns gores wo``

ort eaeliggdr dr sdcnthfkl n`sn nktfrn`y wfth thnsn Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks

thn pdssfmf`ftfns orn nke`nss


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Lnssd fs usuo``y usne os o prfcnr1 fts mnnk fk cy supp`y gosn sfkgn cy ort sghdd` eoys

hf`n ft wdras lrnot dk gokvosns F o `sd dvn usfkl ft td grnotn tnxturn Fktnrnstfkl pottnrks

gok mn boshfdkne my voryfkl thn thfgaknss db thn lnssd oke stocpfkl fcolns fk ft Uhn

mnst rnsu`ts wf` ` mn oghfnvne my oeefkl oke rncdvfkl oynrs db gd`dr thus hflh`flhtfkl

thn fcprnssfdks


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull ghfpmdore (MosfgLrny Coyo ]doe1 Wossobros) bull lnssd

(EngdOrt) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pfks (Coyo ]doe) bull rhfknstdkns (Zrfco Corantfkl) bull stocps

(Hnrd Orts) bull stfganrs (Wossobros)

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Dkn db thn thfkls thot erows cn td o yuccy pfngn db gokey fs hdw fts pogaolne Fk thfs

gosn thn lddefns wnrn bdf`-wroppne ghdgd`otn hnorts Os F wos envdurfkl thn mol F stortne

td oggucu`otn o shfky pf`n db bdf` squorns Uhny wnrn tdd prntty td thrdw owoy sd F usne

thnc td gdvnr o ghfpmdore hnort Gdd` huh4


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mfkld gore (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull mdda gdvnr (ltlypsfns) bull ghfpmdore

hnort (Coyo ]doe) bull efn gut (AampGdcpoky) bull nyn`nt (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkt

(Hnrd Orts) bull ln` cnefuc (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull novns (ltlypsfns) bull any oke ghofk

(ltlypsfns) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull pofkt (EngdOrt) bull pflcnkt pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull twfkn

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Mnoes oke rubb `ns orn prntty dk thnfr dwk mut thny mngdcn nvnk `dvn`fnr pofrne tdlnthnr F

`dvn thn sdbtknss thot rfmmdks oee td popnr prdingts oke thn stftghne mnoes gdcp`ncnkt thn

lothnrne `dda hnk wdrafkl wfth thfs tnghkfqun p`ok td edum`n thn `nklth db thn rfmmdkydu rnqufrn bdr ydur bfkfshne pfngn fk drenr td oggdccdeotn thn lothnrs


oehnsfvns (Mnogdk Oehnsfvns Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mdrenr (Wossobros) bull mroes (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull

muttnry ncmn``fshcnkts (Cfghon`s) bull ncmrdfenry dss bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Coyo ]doe) bull l`oss mnoes bull

fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pottnrkne popnr (Wossobros) bull rfmmdk (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull stocps (Wtocpnrs Okdky-

cdus) bull stop`ns bull stfganrs (Mn``o MRE nmstnrs Zolns) bull tol (Uottnrne Okln`s)

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Engdrotfvn rfmmdk

L`oss mnoes



Gut o `nklth db rfmmdk gd``ngt ydur l`ossmnoes oke thrnoe o knne`n

= Coan o akdt fk thn thrnoe oke poss ft

thrdulh dkn nke db thn rfmmdk Coan o`ddsn bd`e fk thn rfmmdk knor thn nke okeposs thn thrnoene knne`n thrdulh ft

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983149983150983151983141983150983141 983165983142983149983149983140983147 983138983136983140983164983150983165

^sn o wfenr rfmmdk td grnotn o mnoene dwnr Bd``dw

thn fkstrugtfdks omdvn oke thnk gdf` thn rfmmdk fktd

o dwnr shopn L`un thn dwnr td o gorestdga mosn

usfkl Bomrf-Uog l`un whfgh fs spngfo``y bdrcu`otne

bdr usn wfth bomrfg


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull moum`n

(Cfghon`s) bull mnoes (M`un Cddk Mnoes) bull ghfpmdore tol

(Coyo ]doe) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull ogn (Coyo

]doe) bull pottnrkne popnr (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull rfmmdk

(Cfghon`s) bull stocp (Hnrd Orts)




7 Uhrnoe dkn dr twd mnoes dktd thn knne`n

5 Zu`` thn thrnoe thrdulh thn rfmmdk td grnotno p`not

gt Gdktfkun td stftgh p`nots oke mnoes fktd thnrfmmdk uktf` thn rfmmdk fs db ensfrne `nklth

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Rfgaf Mdutfk gdcns brdc o mogalrduke fk lrophfg ensflk

oke kn orts oke hos o`woys mnnk possfdkotn omdut grnotfkl

prntty thfkls Hnr `dvn db gd`dr tnxturn bukay pottnrks oke

phdtdlrophy `ne hnr td sgropmddafkl oke popnr grobtfkl

Whn hos kdt `ddane moga sfkgn

Fk =2 Rfgaf mngocn o Grnotfkl Annpsoans Ho`` db

Bocn wfkknr oke wnkt dk td mn port db Mnttnr Hdcns oke

Lorenks Wgropmddas Ntgs grnotfvn tnoc Hnr wdra fs

gurrnkt`y pum`fshne fk Wgropmddas Ntg oke Rfgaf wrftns o

quortnr`y ortfg`n bdr Wgropmddas amp Gores Udeoy colozfknWhn nkidys wdrafkl g`dsn`y wfth o kucmnr db thn fkeustrys

tdp cokubogturnrs fkg`uefkl Wossobros ltlypsfns Mosfg-

Lrny ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n oke Zfka Zofs`nn Rfgaf fs o`sd o

]oklnr gnrtfne fkstrugtdr

Rfgaf fs o`woys dk o cfssfdk td `nork sdcnthfkl knw oke

thnk ke o woy td shorn ft Uhot fs whnrn tnoghfkl gdcns

fk Whn hos toulht wdrashdps fk thn ^kftne Wtotns Gokoeo

oke Nurdpn oke `dvns td opprdogh ort fk o buk brnsh oke

oggnssfm`n woy Hnr cdttd fs ‐Vdu edkt akdw fb fts ydur

sty`n uktf` ydu try ft sd ld bdr ft Fts dk`y o pfngn db popnrndash

Hnr wdrashdps dbbnr ok dppdrtukfty td cnnt knw brfnkes try

knw thfkls oke cdst db o`` hovn buk

Uwd grozy afes oke o stroflht-`ogne husmoke annp thfkls

fktnrnstfkl fk Rfgafs hdcn fk sduthnrk Dktorfd Gokoeo

Bd``dw Rfgaf dk hnr m`dl http9vfgafmdutfktypnpoegdc

Omdut thn Outhdr

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Fktnrkotfdko``y rngdlkfzne ortfst oke tnoghnr Rfgaf Mdutfk toans thn o``

cystnry dut db thdsn sgropmdda oke cfxne-cnefo tnghkfquns ydu thdulht

ydu gdu`e knvnr ed Whn`` mn wfth ydu nvnry stnp db thn woy os ydu `nork

td pofkt stocp ncmdss oke murkfsh ydur woy td grnotfkl mnoutfbu` ukfqun

oke fkefvfeuo` ort

Fkspfrotfdk owofts ot


dda bull Cnnt bull Coan

Rfgaf Mdutfk opprdoghns ort fk o bukbrnsh oke oggnssfm`n woy Hnr ldo` fs td

mrfkl dut thn fkknr ortfst fk nvnrydkn

Uhfka ydu gdu`e knvnr ed thot4 n``

Rfgaf soys ‐Vns VD^ gok ed ftndash Fk

oeeftfdk td tnoghfkl sgropmddafkl oke

popnrgrobtfkl wdrashdps thrdulhdut

Gokoeo thn ^kftne Wtotns oke Nurdpn

Rfgafs wdra gok brnqunkt`y mn snnk fk

Mnttnr Hdcns oke Lorenks Wgropmddas

Ntg oke Wgropmddas oke Gores Udeoy

colozfkns Whn `fvns fk sduthnrk

Dktorfd Gokoeo wfth hnr husmoke oketwd ghf`ernk

Fk Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks ydu`` 1047311ke9

5 stnp-my-stnp encdkstrotfdks bdr nosy buk cnssy bukay fkkdvotfvn

oke gustdcfzom`n tnghkfquns bdr grnotfkl mogalrdukes tnxturns

supp`ncnkts oke ncmn``fshcnkts

5 1047311kfshne sfkl`n-tnghkfqun pfngns db ort oke ok oeeftfdko` 2

lo``nry pfngns grnotne my Rfgaf usfkl o ‐rngfpnndash db twd td 1047311vn

snporotn tnghkfquns `oynrne tdlnthnr

=5 cdrn nxgftfkl oke fkspfrfkl lo``nry pfngns grnotne my

pdwnrhdusn gdktrfmutdrs fkg`uefkl ]hdkko Borrnr nkey Rngghf

An``y Zurany oke dthnrs

Wd lothnr ydur orts oke grobts supp`fns ghddsn ydur fkspfrotfdk oke

lnt edwk td ft hnthnr ydurn coafkl sgropmdda polns gores wo``

ort eaeliggdr dr sdcnthfkl n`sn nktfrn`y wfth thnsn Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks

thn pdssfmf`ftfns orn nke`nss


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Dkn db thn thfkls thot erows cn td o yuccy pfngn db gokey fs hdw fts pogaolne Fk thfs

gosn thn lddefns wnrn bdf`-wroppne ghdgd`otn hnorts Os F wos envdurfkl thn mol F stortne

td oggucu`otn o shfky pf`n db bdf` squorns Uhny wnrn tdd prntty td thrdw owoy sd F usne

thnc td gdvnr o ghfpmdore hnort Gdd` huh4


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mfkld gore (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull mdda gdvnr (ltlypsfns) bull ghfpmdore

hnort (Coyo ]doe) bull efn gut (AampGdcpoky) bull nyn`nt (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkt

(Hnrd Orts) bull ln` cnefuc (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull novns (ltlypsfns) bull any oke ghofk

(ltlypsfns) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull pofkt (EngdOrt) bull pflcnkt pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull twfkn

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Mnoes oke rubb `ns orn prntty dk thnfr dwk mut thny mngdcn nvnk `dvn`fnr pofrne tdlnthnr F

`dvn thn sdbtknss thot rfmmdks oee td popnr prdingts oke thn stftghne mnoes gdcp`ncnkt thn

lothnrne `dda hnk wdrafkl wfth thfs tnghkfqun p`ok td edum`n thn `nklth db thn rfmmdkydu rnqufrn bdr ydur bfkfshne pfngn fk drenr td oggdccdeotn thn lothnrs


oehnsfvns (Mnogdk Oehnsfvns Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mdrenr (Wossobros) bull mroes (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull

muttnry ncmn``fshcnkts (Cfghon`s) bull ncmrdfenry dss bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Coyo ]doe) bull l`oss mnoes bull

fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pottnrkne popnr (Wossobros) bull rfmmdk (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull stocps (Wtocpnrs Okdky-

cdus) bull stop`ns bull stfganrs (Mn``o MRE nmstnrs Zolns) bull tol (Uottnrne Okln`s)

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Engdrotfvn rfmmdk

L`oss mnoes



Gut o `nklth db rfmmdk gd``ngt ydur l`ossmnoes oke thrnoe o knne`n

= Coan o akdt fk thn thrnoe oke poss ft

thrdulh dkn nke db thn rfmmdk Coan o`ddsn bd`e fk thn rfmmdk knor thn nke okeposs thn thrnoene knne`n thrdulh ft

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983149983150983151983141983150983141 983165983142983149983149983140983147 983138983136983140983164983150983165

^sn o wfenr rfmmdk td grnotn o mnoene dwnr Bd``dw

thn fkstrugtfdks omdvn oke thnk gdf` thn rfmmdk fktd

o dwnr shopn L`un thn dwnr td o gorestdga mosn

usfkl Bomrf-Uog l`un whfgh fs spngfo``y bdrcu`otne

bdr usn wfth bomrfg


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull moum`n

(Cfghon`s) bull mnoes (M`un Cddk Mnoes) bull ghfpmdore tol

(Coyo ]doe) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull ogn (Coyo

]doe) bull pottnrkne popnr (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull rfmmdk

(Cfghon`s) bull stocp (Hnrd Orts)




7 Uhrnoe dkn dr twd mnoes dktd thn knne`n

5 Zu`` thn thrnoe thrdulh thn rfmmdk td grnotno p`not

gt Gdktfkun td stftgh p`nots oke mnoes fktd thnrfmmdk uktf` thn rfmmdk fs db ensfrne `nklth

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Rfgaf Mdutfk gdcns brdc o mogalrduke fk lrophfg ensflk

oke kn orts oke hos o`woys mnnk possfdkotn omdut grnotfkl

prntty thfkls Hnr `dvn db gd`dr tnxturn bukay pottnrks oke

phdtdlrophy `ne hnr td sgropmddafkl oke popnr grobtfkl

Whn hos kdt `ddane moga sfkgn

Fk =2 Rfgaf mngocn o Grnotfkl Annpsoans Ho`` db

Bocn wfkknr oke wnkt dk td mn port db Mnttnr Hdcns oke

Lorenks Wgropmddas Ntgs grnotfvn tnoc Hnr wdra fs

gurrnkt`y pum`fshne fk Wgropmddas Ntg oke Rfgaf wrftns o

quortnr`y ortfg`n bdr Wgropmddas amp Gores Udeoy colozfknWhn nkidys wdrafkl g`dsn`y wfth o kucmnr db thn fkeustrys

tdp cokubogturnrs fkg`uefkl Wossobros ltlypsfns Mosfg-

Lrny ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n oke Zfka Zofs`nn Rfgaf fs o`sd o

]oklnr gnrtfne fkstrugtdr

Rfgaf fs o`woys dk o cfssfdk td `nork sdcnthfkl knw oke

thnk ke o woy td shorn ft Uhot fs whnrn tnoghfkl gdcns

fk Whn hos toulht wdrashdps fk thn ^kftne Wtotns Gokoeo

oke Nurdpn oke `dvns td opprdogh ort fk o buk brnsh oke

oggnssfm`n woy Hnr cdttd fs ‐Vdu edkt akdw fb fts ydur

sty`n uktf` ydu try ft sd ld bdr ft Fts dk`y o pfngn db popnrndash

Hnr wdrashdps dbbnr ok dppdrtukfty td cnnt knw brfnkes try

knw thfkls oke cdst db o`` hovn buk

Uwd grozy afes oke o stroflht-`ogne husmoke annp thfkls

fktnrnstfkl fk Rfgafs hdcn fk sduthnrk Dktorfd Gokoeo

Bd``dw Rfgaf dk hnr m`dl http9vfgafmdutfktypnpoegdc

Omdut thn Outhdr

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Fktnrkotfdko``y rngdlkfzne ortfst oke tnoghnr Rfgaf Mdutfk toans thn o``

cystnry dut db thdsn sgropmdda oke cfxne-cnefo tnghkfquns ydu thdulht

ydu gdu`e knvnr ed Whn`` mn wfth ydu nvnry stnp db thn woy os ydu `nork

td pofkt stocp ncmdss oke murkfsh ydur woy td grnotfkl mnoutfbu` ukfqun

oke fkefvfeuo` ort

Fkspfrotfdk owofts ot


dda bull Cnnt bull Coan

Rfgaf Mdutfk opprdoghns ort fk o bukbrnsh oke oggnssfm`n woy Hnr ldo` fs td

mrfkl dut thn fkknr ortfst fk nvnrydkn

Uhfka ydu gdu`e knvnr ed thot4 n``

Rfgaf soys ‐Vns VD^ gok ed ftndash Fk

oeeftfdk td tnoghfkl sgropmddafkl oke

popnrgrobtfkl wdrashdps thrdulhdut

Gokoeo thn ^kftne Wtotns oke Nurdpn

Rfgafs wdra gok brnqunkt`y mn snnk fk

Mnttnr Hdcns oke Lorenks Wgropmddas

Ntg oke Wgropmddas oke Gores Udeoy

colozfkns Whn `fvns fk sduthnrk

Dktorfd Gokoeo wfth hnr husmoke oketwd ghf`ernk

Fk Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks ydu`` 1047311ke9

5 stnp-my-stnp encdkstrotfdks bdr nosy buk cnssy bukay fkkdvotfvn

oke gustdcfzom`n tnghkfquns bdr grnotfkl mogalrdukes tnxturns

supp`ncnkts oke ncmn``fshcnkts

5 1047311kfshne sfkl`n-tnghkfqun pfngns db ort oke ok oeeftfdko` 2

lo``nry pfngns grnotne my Rfgaf usfkl o ‐rngfpnndash db twd td 1047311vn

snporotn tnghkfquns `oynrne tdlnthnr

=5 cdrn nxgftfkl oke fkspfrfkl lo``nry pfngns grnotne my

pdwnrhdusn gdktrfmutdrs fkg`uefkl ]hdkko Borrnr nkey Rngghf

An``y Zurany oke dthnrs

Wd lothnr ydur orts oke grobts supp`fns ghddsn ydur fkspfrotfdk oke

lnt edwk td ft hnthnr ydurn coafkl sgropmdda polns gores wo``

ort eaeliggdr dr sdcnthfkl n`sn nktfrn`y wfth thnsn Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks

thn pdssfmf`ftfns orn nke`nss


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Dkn db thn thfkls thot erows cn td o yuccy pfngn db gokey fs hdw fts pogaolne Fk thfs

gosn thn lddefns wnrn bdf`-wroppne ghdgd`otn hnorts Os F wos envdurfkl thn mol F stortne

td oggucu`otn o shfky pf`n db bdf` squorns Uhny wnrn tdd prntty td thrdw owoy sd F usne

thnc td gdvnr o ghfpmdore hnort Gdd` huh4


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mfkld gore (Cy Cfkes Nyn) bull mdda gdvnr (ltlypsfns) bull ghfpmdore

hnort (Coyo ]doe) bull efn gut (AampGdcpoky) bull nyn`nt (n ] Cncdry Annpnrs) bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkt

(Hnrd Orts) bull ln` cnefuc (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull fka (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull novns (ltlypsfns) bull any oke ghofk

(ltlypsfns) bull stocps (Hnrd Orts) bull pofkt (EngdOrt) bull pflcnkt pdwenr (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull twfkn

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Mnoes oke rubb `ns orn prntty dk thnfr dwk mut thny mngdcn nvnk `dvn`fnr pofrne tdlnthnr F

`dvn thn sdbtknss thot rfmmdks oee td popnr prdingts oke thn stftghne mnoes gdcp`ncnkt thn

lothnrne `dda hnk wdrafkl wfth thfs tnghkfqun p`ok td edum`n thn `nklth db thn rfmmdkydu rnqufrn bdr ydur bfkfshne pfngn fk drenr td oggdccdeotn thn lothnrs


oehnsfvns (Mnogdk Oehnsfvns Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mdrenr (Wossobros) bull mroes (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull

muttnry ncmn``fshcnkts (Cfghon`s) bull ncmrdfenry dss bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Coyo ]doe) bull l`oss mnoes bull

fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pottnrkne popnr (Wossobros) bull rfmmdk (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull stocps (Wtocpnrs Okdky-

cdus) bull stop`ns bull stfganrs (Mn``o MRE nmstnrs Zolns) bull tol (Uottnrne Okln`s)

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Engdrotfvn rfmmdk

L`oss mnoes



Gut o `nklth db rfmmdk gd``ngt ydur l`ossmnoes oke thrnoe o knne`n

= Coan o akdt fk thn thrnoe oke poss ft

thrdulh dkn nke db thn rfmmdk Coan o`ddsn bd`e fk thn rfmmdk knor thn nke okeposs thn thrnoene knne`n thrdulh ft

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983149983150983151983141983150983141 983165983142983149983149983140983147 983138983136983140983164983150983165

^sn o wfenr rfmmdk td grnotn o mnoene dwnr Bd``dw

thn fkstrugtfdks omdvn oke thnk gdf` thn rfmmdk fktd

o dwnr shopn L`un thn dwnr td o gorestdga mosn

usfkl Bomrf-Uog l`un whfgh fs spngfo``y bdrcu`otne

bdr usn wfth bomrfg


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull moum`n

(Cfghon`s) bull mnoes (M`un Cddk Mnoes) bull ghfpmdore tol

(Coyo ]doe) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull ogn (Coyo

]doe) bull pottnrkne popnr (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull rfmmdk

(Cfghon`s) bull stocp (Hnrd Orts)




7 Uhrnoe dkn dr twd mnoes dktd thn knne`n

5 Zu`` thn thrnoe thrdulh thn rfmmdk td grnotno p`not

gt Gdktfkun td stftgh p`nots oke mnoes fktd thnrfmmdk uktf` thn rfmmdk fs db ensfrne `nklth

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Rfgaf Mdutfk gdcns brdc o mogalrduke fk lrophfg ensflk

oke kn orts oke hos o`woys mnnk possfdkotn omdut grnotfkl

prntty thfkls Hnr `dvn db gd`dr tnxturn bukay pottnrks oke

phdtdlrophy `ne hnr td sgropmddafkl oke popnr grobtfkl

Whn hos kdt `ddane moga sfkgn

Fk =2 Rfgaf mngocn o Grnotfkl Annpsoans Ho`` db

Bocn wfkknr oke wnkt dk td mn port db Mnttnr Hdcns oke

Lorenks Wgropmddas Ntgs grnotfvn tnoc Hnr wdra fs

gurrnkt`y pum`fshne fk Wgropmddas Ntg oke Rfgaf wrftns o

quortnr`y ortfg`n bdr Wgropmddas amp Gores Udeoy colozfknWhn nkidys wdrafkl g`dsn`y wfth o kucmnr db thn fkeustrys

tdp cokubogturnrs fkg`uefkl Wossobros ltlypsfns Mosfg-

Lrny ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n oke Zfka Zofs`nn Rfgaf fs o`sd o

]oklnr gnrtfne fkstrugtdr

Rfgaf fs o`woys dk o cfssfdk td `nork sdcnthfkl knw oke

thnk ke o woy td shorn ft Uhot fs whnrn tnoghfkl gdcns

fk Whn hos toulht wdrashdps fk thn ^kftne Wtotns Gokoeo

oke Nurdpn oke `dvns td opprdogh ort fk o buk brnsh oke

oggnssfm`n woy Hnr cdttd fs ‐Vdu edkt akdw fb fts ydur

sty`n uktf` ydu try ft sd ld bdr ft Fts dk`y o pfngn db popnrndash

Hnr wdrashdps dbbnr ok dppdrtukfty td cnnt knw brfnkes try

knw thfkls oke cdst db o`` hovn buk

Uwd grozy afes oke o stroflht-`ogne husmoke annp thfkls

fktnrnstfkl fk Rfgafs hdcn fk sduthnrk Dktorfd Gokoeo

Bd``dw Rfgaf dk hnr m`dl http9vfgafmdutfktypnpoegdc

Omdut thn Outhdr

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Fktnrkotfdko``y rngdlkfzne ortfst oke tnoghnr Rfgaf Mdutfk toans thn o``

cystnry dut db thdsn sgropmdda oke cfxne-cnefo tnghkfquns ydu thdulht

ydu gdu`e knvnr ed Whn`` mn wfth ydu nvnry stnp db thn woy os ydu `nork

td pofkt stocp ncmdss oke murkfsh ydur woy td grnotfkl mnoutfbu` ukfqun

oke fkefvfeuo` ort

Fkspfrotfdk owofts ot


dda bull Cnnt bull Coan

Rfgaf Mdutfk opprdoghns ort fk o bukbrnsh oke oggnssfm`n woy Hnr ldo` fs td

mrfkl dut thn fkknr ortfst fk nvnrydkn

Uhfka ydu gdu`e knvnr ed thot4 n``

Rfgaf soys ‐Vns VD^ gok ed ftndash Fk

oeeftfdk td tnoghfkl sgropmddafkl oke

popnrgrobtfkl wdrashdps thrdulhdut

Gokoeo thn ^kftne Wtotns oke Nurdpn

Rfgafs wdra gok brnqunkt`y mn snnk fk

Mnttnr Hdcns oke Lorenks Wgropmddas

Ntg oke Wgropmddas oke Gores Udeoy

colozfkns Whn `fvns fk sduthnrk

Dktorfd Gokoeo wfth hnr husmoke oketwd ghf`ernk

Fk Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks ydu`` 1047311ke9

5 stnp-my-stnp encdkstrotfdks bdr nosy buk cnssy bukay fkkdvotfvn

oke gustdcfzom`n tnghkfquns bdr grnotfkl mogalrdukes tnxturns

supp`ncnkts oke ncmn``fshcnkts

5 1047311kfshne sfkl`n-tnghkfqun pfngns db ort oke ok oeeftfdko` 2

lo``nry pfngns grnotne my Rfgaf usfkl o ‐rngfpnndash db twd td 1047311vn

snporotn tnghkfquns `oynrne tdlnthnr

=5 cdrn nxgftfkl oke fkspfrfkl lo``nry pfngns grnotne my

pdwnrhdusn gdktrfmutdrs fkg`uefkl ]hdkko Borrnr nkey Rngghf

An``y Zurany oke dthnrs

Wd lothnr ydur orts oke grobts supp`fns ghddsn ydur fkspfrotfdk oke

lnt edwk td ft hnthnr ydurn coafkl sgropmdda polns gores wo``

ort eaeliggdr dr sdcnthfkl n`sn nktfrn`y wfth thnsn Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks

thn pdssfmf`ftfns orn nke`nss


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Mnoes oke rubb `ns orn prntty dk thnfr dwk mut thny mngdcn nvnk `dvn`fnr pofrne tdlnthnr F

`dvn thn sdbtknss thot rfmmdks oee td popnr prdingts oke thn stftghne mnoes gdcp`ncnkt thn

lothnrne `dda hnk wdrafkl wfth thfs tnghkfqun p`ok td edum`n thn `nklth db thn rfmmdkydu rnqufrn bdr ydur bfkfshne pfngn fk drenr td oggdccdeotn thn lothnrs


oehnsfvns (Mnogdk Oehnsfvns Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull mdrenr (Wossobros) bull mroes (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull

muttnry ncmn``fshcnkts (Cfghon`s) bull ncmrdfenry dss bull dwnr ncmn``fshcnkts (Coyo ]doe) bull l`oss mnoes bull

fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull pottnrkne popnr (Wossobros) bull rfmmdk (Ocnrfgok Grobts) bull stocps (Wtocpnrs Okdky-

cdus) bull stop`ns bull stfganrs (Mn``o MRE nmstnrs Zolns) bull tol (Uottnrne Okln`s)

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Engdrotfvn rfmmdk

L`oss mnoes



Gut o `nklth db rfmmdk gd``ngt ydur l`ossmnoes oke thrnoe o knne`n

= Coan o akdt fk thn thrnoe oke poss ft

thrdulh dkn nke db thn rfmmdk Coan o`ddsn bd`e fk thn rfmmdk knor thn nke okeposs thn thrnoene knne`n thrdulh ft

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983149983150983151983141983150983141 983165983142983149983149983140983147 983138983136983140983164983150983165

^sn o wfenr rfmmdk td grnotn o mnoene dwnr Bd``dw

thn fkstrugtfdks omdvn oke thnk gdf` thn rfmmdk fktd

o dwnr shopn L`un thn dwnr td o gorestdga mosn

usfkl Bomrf-Uog l`un whfgh fs spngfo``y bdrcu`otne

bdr usn wfth bomrfg


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull moum`n

(Cfghon`s) bull mnoes (M`un Cddk Mnoes) bull ghfpmdore tol

(Coyo ]doe) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull ogn (Coyo

]doe) bull pottnrkne popnr (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull rfmmdk

(Cfghon`s) bull stocp (Hnrd Orts)




7 Uhrnoe dkn dr twd mnoes dktd thn knne`n

5 Zu`` thn thrnoe thrdulh thn rfmmdk td grnotno p`not

gt Gdktfkun td stftgh p`nots oke mnoes fktd thnrfmmdk uktf` thn rfmmdk fs db ensfrne `nklth

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Rfgaf Mdutfk gdcns brdc o mogalrduke fk lrophfg ensflk

oke kn orts oke hos o`woys mnnk possfdkotn omdut grnotfkl

prntty thfkls Hnr `dvn db gd`dr tnxturn bukay pottnrks oke

phdtdlrophy `ne hnr td sgropmddafkl oke popnr grobtfkl

Whn hos kdt `ddane moga sfkgn

Fk =2 Rfgaf mngocn o Grnotfkl Annpsoans Ho`` db

Bocn wfkknr oke wnkt dk td mn port db Mnttnr Hdcns oke

Lorenks Wgropmddas Ntgs grnotfvn tnoc Hnr wdra fs

gurrnkt`y pum`fshne fk Wgropmddas Ntg oke Rfgaf wrftns o

quortnr`y ortfg`n bdr Wgropmddas amp Gores Udeoy colozfknWhn nkidys wdrafkl g`dsn`y wfth o kucmnr db thn fkeustrys

tdp cokubogturnrs fkg`uefkl Wossobros ltlypsfns Mosfg-

Lrny ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n oke Zfka Zofs`nn Rfgaf fs o`sd o

]oklnr gnrtfne fkstrugtdr

Rfgaf fs o`woys dk o cfssfdk td `nork sdcnthfkl knw oke

thnk ke o woy td shorn ft Uhot fs whnrn tnoghfkl gdcns

fk Whn hos toulht wdrashdps fk thn ^kftne Wtotns Gokoeo

oke Nurdpn oke `dvns td opprdogh ort fk o buk brnsh oke

oggnssfm`n woy Hnr cdttd fs ‐Vdu edkt akdw fb fts ydur

sty`n uktf` ydu try ft sd ld bdr ft Fts dk`y o pfngn db popnrndash

Hnr wdrashdps dbbnr ok dppdrtukfty td cnnt knw brfnkes try

knw thfkls oke cdst db o`` hovn buk

Uwd grozy afes oke o stroflht-`ogne husmoke annp thfkls

fktnrnstfkl fk Rfgafs hdcn fk sduthnrk Dktorfd Gokoeo

Bd``dw Rfgaf dk hnr m`dl http9vfgafmdutfktypnpoegdc

Omdut thn Outhdr

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Fktnrkotfdko``y rngdlkfzne ortfst oke tnoghnr Rfgaf Mdutfk toans thn o``

cystnry dut db thdsn sgropmdda oke cfxne-cnefo tnghkfquns ydu thdulht

ydu gdu`e knvnr ed Whn`` mn wfth ydu nvnry stnp db thn woy os ydu `nork

td pofkt stocp ncmdss oke murkfsh ydur woy td grnotfkl mnoutfbu` ukfqun

oke fkefvfeuo` ort

Fkspfrotfdk owofts ot


dda bull Cnnt bull Coan

Rfgaf Mdutfk opprdoghns ort fk o bukbrnsh oke oggnssfm`n woy Hnr ldo` fs td

mrfkl dut thn fkknr ortfst fk nvnrydkn

Uhfka ydu gdu`e knvnr ed thot4 n``

Rfgaf soys ‐Vns VD^ gok ed ftndash Fk

oeeftfdk td tnoghfkl sgropmddafkl oke

popnrgrobtfkl wdrashdps thrdulhdut

Gokoeo thn ^kftne Wtotns oke Nurdpn

Rfgafs wdra gok brnqunkt`y mn snnk fk

Mnttnr Hdcns oke Lorenks Wgropmddas

Ntg oke Wgropmddas oke Gores Udeoy

colozfkns Whn `fvns fk sduthnrk

Dktorfd Gokoeo wfth hnr husmoke oketwd ghf`ernk

Fk Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks ydu`` 1047311ke9

5 stnp-my-stnp encdkstrotfdks bdr nosy buk cnssy bukay fkkdvotfvn

oke gustdcfzom`n tnghkfquns bdr grnotfkl mogalrdukes tnxturns

supp`ncnkts oke ncmn``fshcnkts

5 1047311kfshne sfkl`n-tnghkfqun pfngns db ort oke ok oeeftfdko` 2

lo``nry pfngns grnotne my Rfgaf usfkl o ‐rngfpnndash db twd td 1047311vn

snporotn tnghkfquns `oynrne tdlnthnr

=5 cdrn nxgftfkl oke fkspfrfkl lo``nry pfngns grnotne my

pdwnrhdusn gdktrfmutdrs fkg`uefkl ]hdkko Borrnr nkey Rngghf

An``y Zurany oke dthnrs

Wd lothnr ydur orts oke grobts supp`fns ghddsn ydur fkspfrotfdk oke

lnt edwk td ft hnthnr ydurn coafkl sgropmdda polns gores wo``

ort eaeliggdr dr sdcnthfkl n`sn nktfrn`y wfth thnsn Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks

thn pdssfmf`ftfns orn nke`nss


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Engdrotfvn rfmmdk

L`oss mnoes



Gut o `nklth db rfmmdk gd``ngt ydur l`ossmnoes oke thrnoe o knne`n

= Coan o akdt fk thn thrnoe oke poss ft

thrdulh dkn nke db thn rfmmdk Coan o`ddsn bd`e fk thn rfmmdk knor thn nke okeposs thn thrnoene knne`n thrdulh ft

O ftt`n Wdcnthfkl Nxtro9983149983150983151983141983150983141 983165983142983149983149983140983147 983138983136983140983164983150983165

^sn o wfenr rfmmdk td grnotn o mnoene dwnr Bd``dw

thn fkstrugtfdks omdvn oke thnk gdf` thn rfmmdk fktd

o dwnr shopn L`un thn dwnr td o gorestdga mosn

usfkl Bomrf-Uog l`un whfgh fs spngfo``y bdrcu`otne

bdr usn wfth bomrfg


oehnsfvn (Wgropmdda Oehnsfvns my 7) bull moum`n

(Cfghon`s) bull mnoes (M`un Cddk Mnoes) bull ghfpmdore tol

(Coyo ]doe) bull fkas (]oklnr Fkeustrfns) bull ogn (Coyo

]doe) bull pottnrkne popnr (ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n) bull rfmmdk

(Cfghon`s) bull stocp (Hnrd Orts)




7 Uhrnoe dkn dr twd mnoes dktd thn knne`n

5 Zu`` thn thrnoe thrdulh thn rfmmdk td grnotno p`not

gt Gdktfkun td stftgh p`nots oke mnoes fktd thnrfmmdk uktf` thn rfmmdk fs db ensfrne `nklth

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Rfgaf Mdutfk gdcns brdc o mogalrduke fk lrophfg ensflk

oke kn orts oke hos o`woys mnnk possfdkotn omdut grnotfkl

prntty thfkls Hnr `dvn db gd`dr tnxturn bukay pottnrks oke

phdtdlrophy `ne hnr td sgropmddafkl oke popnr grobtfkl

Whn hos kdt `ddane moga sfkgn

Fk =2 Rfgaf mngocn o Grnotfkl Annpsoans Ho`` db

Bocn wfkknr oke wnkt dk td mn port db Mnttnr Hdcns oke

Lorenks Wgropmddas Ntgs grnotfvn tnoc Hnr wdra fs

gurrnkt`y pum`fshne fk Wgropmddas Ntg oke Rfgaf wrftns o

quortnr`y ortfg`n bdr Wgropmddas amp Gores Udeoy colozfknWhn nkidys wdrafkl g`dsn`y wfth o kucmnr db thn fkeustrys

tdp cokubogturnrs fkg`uefkl Wossobros ltlypsfns Mosfg-

Lrny ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n oke Zfka Zofs`nn Rfgaf fs o`sd o

]oklnr gnrtfne fkstrugtdr

Rfgaf fs o`woys dk o cfssfdk td `nork sdcnthfkl knw oke

thnk ke o woy td shorn ft Uhot fs whnrn tnoghfkl gdcns

fk Whn hos toulht wdrashdps fk thn ^kftne Wtotns Gokoeo

oke Nurdpn oke `dvns td opprdogh ort fk o buk brnsh oke

oggnssfm`n woy Hnr cdttd fs ‐Vdu edkt akdw fb fts ydur

sty`n uktf` ydu try ft sd ld bdr ft Fts dk`y o pfngn db popnrndash

Hnr wdrashdps dbbnr ok dppdrtukfty td cnnt knw brfnkes try

knw thfkls oke cdst db o`` hovn buk

Uwd grozy afes oke o stroflht-`ogne husmoke annp thfkls

fktnrnstfkl fk Rfgafs hdcn fk sduthnrk Dktorfd Gokoeo

Bd``dw Rfgaf dk hnr m`dl http9vfgafmdutfktypnpoegdc

Omdut thn Outhdr

822019 Creative Foundations 40 Scrapbook and Mixed-Media Techniques to Build Your Artistic Toolbox

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Fktnrkotfdko``y rngdlkfzne ortfst oke tnoghnr Rfgaf Mdutfk toans thn o``

cystnry dut db thdsn sgropmdda oke cfxne-cnefo tnghkfquns ydu thdulht

ydu gdu`e knvnr ed Whn`` mn wfth ydu nvnry stnp db thn woy os ydu `nork

td pofkt stocp ncmdss oke murkfsh ydur woy td grnotfkl mnoutfbu` ukfqun

oke fkefvfeuo` ort

Fkspfrotfdk owofts ot


dda bull Cnnt bull Coan

Rfgaf Mdutfk opprdoghns ort fk o bukbrnsh oke oggnssfm`n woy Hnr ldo` fs td

mrfkl dut thn fkknr ortfst fk nvnrydkn

Uhfka ydu gdu`e knvnr ed thot4 n``

Rfgaf soys ‐Vns VD^ gok ed ftndash Fk

oeeftfdk td tnoghfkl sgropmddafkl oke

popnrgrobtfkl wdrashdps thrdulhdut

Gokoeo thn ^kftne Wtotns oke Nurdpn

Rfgafs wdra gok brnqunkt`y mn snnk fk

Mnttnr Hdcns oke Lorenks Wgropmddas

Ntg oke Wgropmddas oke Gores Udeoy

colozfkns Whn `fvns fk sduthnrk

Dktorfd Gokoeo wfth hnr husmoke oketwd ghf`ernk

Fk Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks ydu`` 1047311ke9

5 stnp-my-stnp encdkstrotfdks bdr nosy buk cnssy bukay fkkdvotfvn

oke gustdcfzom`n tnghkfquns bdr grnotfkl mogalrdukes tnxturns

supp`ncnkts oke ncmn``fshcnkts

5 1047311kfshne sfkl`n-tnghkfqun pfngns db ort oke ok oeeftfdko` 2

lo``nry pfngns grnotne my Rfgaf usfkl o ‐rngfpnndash db twd td 1047311vn

snporotn tnghkfquns `oynrne tdlnthnr

=5 cdrn nxgftfkl oke fkspfrfkl lo``nry pfngns grnotne my

pdwnrhdusn gdktrfmutdrs fkg`uefkl ]hdkko Borrnr nkey Rngghf

An``y Zurany oke dthnrs

Wd lothnr ydur orts oke grobts supp`fns ghddsn ydur fkspfrotfdk oke

lnt edwk td ft hnthnr ydurn coafkl sgropmdda polns gores wo``

ort eaeliggdr dr sdcnthfkl n`sn nktfrn`y wfth thnsn Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks

thn pdssfmf`ftfns orn nke`nss


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Rfgaf Mdutfk gdcns brdc o mogalrduke fk lrophfg ensflk

oke kn orts oke hos o`woys mnnk possfdkotn omdut grnotfkl

prntty thfkls Hnr `dvn db gd`dr tnxturn bukay pottnrks oke

phdtdlrophy `ne hnr td sgropmddafkl oke popnr grobtfkl

Whn hos kdt `ddane moga sfkgn

Fk =2 Rfgaf mngocn o Grnotfkl Annpsoans Ho`` db

Bocn wfkknr oke wnkt dk td mn port db Mnttnr Hdcns oke

Lorenks Wgropmddas Ntgs grnotfvn tnoc Hnr wdra fs

gurrnkt`y pum`fshne fk Wgropmddas Ntg oke Rfgaf wrftns o

quortnr`y ortfg`n bdr Wgropmddas amp Gores Udeoy colozfknWhn nkidys wdrafkl g`dsn`y wfth o kucmnr db thn fkeustrys

tdp cokubogturnrs fkg`uefkl Wossobros ltlypsfns Mosfg-

Lrny ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n oke Zfka Zofs`nn Rfgaf fs o`sd o

]oklnr gnrtfne fkstrugtdr

Rfgaf fs o`woys dk o cfssfdk td `nork sdcnthfkl knw oke

thnk ke o woy td shorn ft Uhot fs whnrn tnoghfkl gdcns

fk Whn hos toulht wdrashdps fk thn ^kftne Wtotns Gokoeo

oke Nurdpn oke `dvns td opprdogh ort fk o buk brnsh oke

oggnssfm`n woy Hnr cdttd fs ‐Vdu edkt akdw fb fts ydur

sty`n uktf` ydu try ft sd ld bdr ft Fts dk`y o pfngn db popnrndash

Hnr wdrashdps dbbnr ok dppdrtukfty td cnnt knw brfnkes try

knw thfkls oke cdst db o`` hovn buk

Uwd grozy afes oke o stroflht-`ogne husmoke annp thfkls

fktnrnstfkl fk Rfgafs hdcn fk sduthnrk Dktorfd Gokoeo

Bd``dw Rfgaf dk hnr m`dl http9vfgafmdutfktypnpoegdc

Omdut thn Outhdr

822019 Creative Foundations 40 Scrapbook and Mixed-Media Techniques to Build Your Artistic Toolbox

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Fktnrkotfdko``y rngdlkfzne ortfst oke tnoghnr Rfgaf Mdutfk toans thn o``

cystnry dut db thdsn sgropmdda oke cfxne-cnefo tnghkfquns ydu thdulht

ydu gdu`e knvnr ed Whn`` mn wfth ydu nvnry stnp db thn woy os ydu `nork

td pofkt stocp ncmdss oke murkfsh ydur woy td grnotfkl mnoutfbu` ukfqun

oke fkefvfeuo` ort

Fkspfrotfdk owofts ot


dda bull Cnnt bull Coan

Rfgaf Mdutfk opprdoghns ort fk o bukbrnsh oke oggnssfm`n woy Hnr ldo` fs td

mrfkl dut thn fkknr ortfst fk nvnrydkn

Uhfka ydu gdu`e knvnr ed thot4 n``

Rfgaf soys ‐Vns VD^ gok ed ftndash Fk

oeeftfdk td tnoghfkl sgropmddafkl oke

popnrgrobtfkl wdrashdps thrdulhdut

Gokoeo thn ^kftne Wtotns oke Nurdpn

Rfgafs wdra gok brnqunkt`y mn snnk fk

Mnttnr Hdcns oke Lorenks Wgropmddas

Ntg oke Wgropmddas oke Gores Udeoy

colozfkns Whn `fvns fk sduthnrk

Dktorfd Gokoeo wfth hnr husmoke oketwd ghf`ernk

Fk Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks ydu`` 1047311ke9

5 stnp-my-stnp encdkstrotfdks bdr nosy buk cnssy bukay fkkdvotfvn

oke gustdcfzom`n tnghkfquns bdr grnotfkl mogalrdukes tnxturns

supp`ncnkts oke ncmn``fshcnkts

5 1047311kfshne sfkl`n-tnghkfqun pfngns db ort oke ok oeeftfdko` 2

lo``nry pfngns grnotne my Rfgaf usfkl o ‐rngfpnndash db twd td 1047311vn

snporotn tnghkfquns `oynrne tdlnthnr

=5 cdrn nxgftfkl oke fkspfrfkl lo``nry pfngns grnotne my

pdwnrhdusn gdktrfmutdrs fkg`uefkl ]hdkko Borrnr nkey Rngghf

An``y Zurany oke dthnrs

Wd lothnr ydur orts oke grobts supp`fns ghddsn ydur fkspfrotfdk oke

lnt edwk td ft hnthnr ydurn coafkl sgropmdda polns gores wo``

ort eaeliggdr dr sdcnthfkl n`sn nktfrn`y wfth thnsn Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks

thn pdssfmf`ftfns orn nke`nss


822019 Creative Foundations 40 Scrapbook and Mixed-Media Techniques to Build Your Artistic Toolbox

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Rfgaf Mdutfk gdcns brdc o mogalrduke fk lrophfg ensflk

oke kn orts oke hos o`woys mnnk possfdkotn omdut grnotfkl

prntty thfkls Hnr `dvn db gd`dr tnxturn bukay pottnrks oke

phdtdlrophy `ne hnr td sgropmddafkl oke popnr grobtfkl

Whn hos kdt `ddane moga sfkgn

Fk =2 Rfgaf mngocn o Grnotfkl Annpsoans Ho`` db

Bocn wfkknr oke wnkt dk td mn port db Mnttnr Hdcns oke

Lorenks Wgropmddas Ntgs grnotfvn tnoc Hnr wdra fs

gurrnkt`y pum`fshne fk Wgropmddas Ntg oke Rfgaf wrftns o

quortnr`y ortfg`n bdr Wgropmddas amp Gores Udeoy colozfknWhn nkidys wdrafkl g`dsn`y wfth o kucmnr db thn fkeustrys

tdp cokubogturnrs fkg`uefkl Wossobros ltlypsfns Mosfg-

Lrny ftt`n Vn``dw Mfgyg`n oke Zfka Zofs`nn Rfgaf fs o`sd o

]oklnr gnrtfne fkstrugtdr

Rfgaf fs o`woys dk o cfssfdk td `nork sdcnthfkl knw oke

thnk ke o woy td shorn ft Uhot fs whnrn tnoghfkl gdcns

fk Whn hos toulht wdrashdps fk thn ^kftne Wtotns Gokoeo

oke Nurdpn oke `dvns td opprdogh ort fk o buk brnsh oke

oggnssfm`n woy Hnr cdttd fs ‐Vdu edkt akdw fb fts ydur

sty`n uktf` ydu try ft sd ld bdr ft Fts dk`y o pfngn db popnrndash

Hnr wdrashdps dbbnr ok dppdrtukfty td cnnt knw brfnkes try

knw thfkls oke cdst db o`` hovn buk

Uwd grozy afes oke o stroflht-`ogne husmoke annp thfkls

fktnrnstfkl fk Rfgafs hdcn fk sduthnrk Dktorfd Gokoeo

Bd``dw Rfgaf dk hnr m`dl http9vfgafmdutfktypnpoegdc

Omdut thn Outhdr

822019 Creative Foundations 40 Scrapbook and Mixed-Media Techniques to Build Your Artistic Toolbox

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Fktnrkotfdko``y rngdlkfzne ortfst oke tnoghnr Rfgaf Mdutfk toans thn o``

cystnry dut db thdsn sgropmdda oke cfxne-cnefo tnghkfquns ydu thdulht

ydu gdu`e knvnr ed Whn`` mn wfth ydu nvnry stnp db thn woy os ydu `nork

td pofkt stocp ncmdss oke murkfsh ydur woy td grnotfkl mnoutfbu` ukfqun

oke fkefvfeuo` ort

Fkspfrotfdk owofts ot


dda bull Cnnt bull Coan

Rfgaf Mdutfk opprdoghns ort fk o bukbrnsh oke oggnssfm`n woy Hnr ldo` fs td

mrfkl dut thn fkknr ortfst fk nvnrydkn

Uhfka ydu gdu`e knvnr ed thot4 n``

Rfgaf soys ‐Vns VD^ gok ed ftndash Fk

oeeftfdk td tnoghfkl sgropmddafkl oke

popnrgrobtfkl wdrashdps thrdulhdut

Gokoeo thn ^kftne Wtotns oke Nurdpn

Rfgafs wdra gok brnqunkt`y mn snnk fk

Mnttnr Hdcns oke Lorenks Wgropmddas

Ntg oke Wgropmddas oke Gores Udeoy

colozfkns Whn `fvns fk sduthnrk

Dktorfd Gokoeo wfth hnr husmoke oketwd ghf`ernk

Fk Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks ydu`` 1047311ke9

5 stnp-my-stnp encdkstrotfdks bdr nosy buk cnssy bukay fkkdvotfvn

oke gustdcfzom`n tnghkfquns bdr grnotfkl mogalrdukes tnxturns

supp`ncnkts oke ncmn``fshcnkts

5 1047311kfshne sfkl`n-tnghkfqun pfngns db ort oke ok oeeftfdko` 2

lo``nry pfngns grnotne my Rfgaf usfkl o ‐rngfpnndash db twd td 1047311vn

snporotn tnghkfquns `oynrne tdlnthnr

=5 cdrn nxgftfkl oke fkspfrfkl lo``nry pfngns grnotne my

pdwnrhdusn gdktrfmutdrs fkg`uefkl ]hdkko Borrnr nkey Rngghf

An``y Zurany oke dthnrs

Wd lothnr ydur orts oke grobts supp`fns ghddsn ydur fkspfrotfdk oke

lnt edwk td ft hnthnr ydurn coafkl sgropmdda polns gores wo``

ort eaeliggdr dr sdcnthfkl n`sn nktfrn`y wfth thnsn Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks

thn pdssfmf`ftfns orn nke`nss


822019 Creative Foundations 40 Scrapbook and Mixed-Media Techniques to Build Your Artistic Toolbox

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullcreative-foundations-40-scrapbook-and-mixed-media-techniques-to-build-your 1919

Fktnrkotfdko``y rngdlkfzne ortfst oke tnoghnr Rfgaf Mdutfk toans thn o``

cystnry dut db thdsn sgropmdda oke cfxne-cnefo tnghkfquns ydu thdulht

ydu gdu`e knvnr ed Whn`` mn wfth ydu nvnry stnp db thn woy os ydu `nork

td pofkt stocp ncmdss oke murkfsh ydur woy td grnotfkl mnoutfbu` ukfqun

oke fkefvfeuo` ort

Fkspfrotfdk owofts ot


dda bull Cnnt bull Coan

Rfgaf Mdutfk opprdoghns ort fk o bukbrnsh oke oggnssfm`n woy Hnr ldo` fs td

mrfkl dut thn fkknr ortfst fk nvnrydkn

Uhfka ydu gdu`e knvnr ed thot4 n``

Rfgaf soys ‐Vns VD^ gok ed ftndash Fk

oeeftfdk td tnoghfkl sgropmddafkl oke

popnrgrobtfkl wdrashdps thrdulhdut

Gokoeo thn ^kftne Wtotns oke Nurdpn

Rfgafs wdra gok brnqunkt`y mn snnk fk

Mnttnr Hdcns oke Lorenks Wgropmddas

Ntg oke Wgropmddas oke Gores Udeoy

colozfkns Whn `fvns fk sduthnrk

Dktorfd Gokoeo wfth hnr husmoke oketwd ghf`ernk

Fk Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks ydu`` 1047311ke9

5 stnp-my-stnp encdkstrotfdks bdr nosy buk cnssy bukay fkkdvotfvn

oke gustdcfzom`n tnghkfquns bdr grnotfkl mogalrdukes tnxturns

supp`ncnkts oke ncmn``fshcnkts

5 1047311kfshne sfkl`n-tnghkfqun pfngns db ort oke ok oeeftfdko` 2

lo``nry pfngns grnotne my Rfgaf usfkl o ‐rngfpnndash db twd td 1047311vn

snporotn tnghkfquns `oynrne tdlnthnr

=5 cdrn nxgftfkl oke fkspfrfkl lo``nry pfngns grnotne my

pdwnrhdusn gdktrfmutdrs fkg`uefkl ]hdkko Borrnr nkey Rngghf

An``y Zurany oke dthnrs

Wd lothnr ydur orts oke grobts supp`fns ghddsn ydur fkspfrotfdk oke

lnt edwk td ft hnthnr ydurn coafkl sgropmdda polns gores wo``

ort eaeliggdr dr sdcnthfkl n`sn nktfrn`y wfth thnsn Grnotfvn Bdukeotfdks

thn pdssfmf`ftfns orn nke`nss