Creative Placemaking in the Public Realm · Lessons from 28 years of Creative Placemaking ....

Post on 18-Feb-2020

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Artscape Lessons from 28 years of Creative

Placemaking Creative Placemaking in Canada

Creative City Summit 2014 Love Your City: Transforming Communities Through Culture

Pru Robey

Director, Creative Placemaking Lab Artscape

Artscape makes space for creativity and transforms


at the heart of Toronto’s most creative


Artscape Wychwood Barns

Artscape Wychwood Barns

Artscape Distillery Studios

Artscape Distillery Studios

Daniels Spectrum

Daniels Spectrum

1995 1998 2010 2013

catalyzing and anchoring creative neighbourhoods

Artscape Triangle Lofts

Artscape Triangle Lofts

Artscape Triangle Lofts

Artscape Youngplace

from Creative Spacemaking…

to Creative Placemaking…

• a diverse, dynamic cultural environment

• a stronger local economy

• a richer social fabric

• a cleaner greener environment

from the ground up

Projects about people

from the ground up

From the ground up

win, win, win partnerships

vision driven development doesn’t stop when

operations start

community stewardship

the artist and the changing city

Lessons: creating the conditions for artists to


Lessons: clustering

Lessons: collaboration

Lessons: leadership

conditions for success: expertise Lessons: expertise

Lessons: openness and creativity

Lessons: a strong shared vision

Artscape’s Creative Placemaking Lab Research & Development | Mentorship & Coaching | Workshops & Webinars | Publications & Resources For more information, contact: Barb Besner, Program Manager, Creative Placemaking Lab

Creative Placemaking in your community

Visit for free tools, resources, case studies, and much more

Visit UBC’s Centre for Cultural Planning and Development for information about Artscape’s online course in creative Placemaking